Newspaper Page Text
'W ;-y.v YijrT- ;' oprPVi SK$tf JSpWssgw; -" on Wt m& U Last Edition Fair and Warmer To night. Saturday Cloudy. frTTMBER 7417. Yesterday's Circulation, 51,314 WASHrBTGTpa, FRIDAY EVENING, APBIL 12, 1913 Eighteen Pages PBIOE ONE CENT. "ir" Chelfahftwt t WAS MISTAKEN SAYS IS. CAGE T Widow Admits Accusations Against Banker Were Without Basis. BEARS NO ILL WILL NOW, SHE DECLARES Government Men Trying to Find Mr Archibald Grade. Admitting that she was nlstaken about a prominent banker Interfering with her aoolal rise and religions worship In Washington and dis claiming any Intentions of killing or horsewhipping him, Mrs. Mary E. Gage today took tho witness stand in her own defense. As foretold by other witnesses, in cluding .her daughter, MIbb Margaret 0. Oage, the witness told tho Jury that her Ideas about the banker blocking her social progress dated from December 16, 1911, when Mrs. Archibald Oracle told her, she said, that the man in question was respon sible. Mrs. Gage was on tho witness stand until court adjourned. She was remanded to the Government Hospital pending the resumption of the inquiry Wednesday. Tells of Her Trouble. Three years ago, Mrs. Gage testified, ahe called on Judge C. 8. Bundy. of the Municipal Court, with reference to her trouble In scaling tho social ladder In Washington, and that the Jatter advised her to confer with the banker, .Who on March Jl charged her with threats. It was tho first time she had ever seen him. she saJdVand ,sho waa Introduced bv Dr. J. C. Boyd. V. B. N. "We hadn't had mch success In making acquaintance's and advancing in our work, and the only thing that we could attribute It to was the deal when we bought our house In Dupont circle," she stated "It was about this trans action that we talked." Mrs. Gage's testimony about her genealogy was practically a repetition of statements made by her daughter. A book containing her genealogy was presented to the jury. A denial that sho had threatened. to kill the banker was made by Mrs. Gago, although ahe admitted that she naa ao clarcd that she would horsewhip him If he did not stop interfering with her affairs. Sho said her Ideas were not delusions but rather mistakes. At the present time she boars no HI will, sho testified, toward anyone, and realizes that she "put too much credence In the statements of others." "Gentlemen, I simply had the concern for my daughter that you would have," she said to the Jury. Dr. Emmons, one of the alienists for Mrs. Gage, was the only other wit ness today. Strenuous efforts are being made by the Government today to locate Mrs.1 Archibald Grade, New York and Washington society leader, who Is wanted to refute statements made by Miss Margaret C. Gage, daughter of the accused woman, to the effect that it was Mrs. Oracle who informed her mother that the banker was the bar rier to their social aspirations. A subpoena was Issued for Mrs. Grade, but she failed to respond yesterday afternoon and threats of an attach ment were made. Among the witnesses for Mrs. Gage who teatlfled that In their opinion she Is sane were Mra. Alice Wright, wife of Justice Dan Thew Wright, of the District Supreme Court; Mrs. Robert N. Harper, wife of the presi dent of the District National Bank, and Mrs. A. L. Barber, widow of the head of tho Barber Asphalt trust. Pastor In Tilt. Dr. W. I. McKenney, pastor of the Wesley M. E. Church, another wit ness for Mrs. Gage, engaged In a heated tilt with Assistant Corporation Counsel Gus A. Hchuldt to the amuse ment of the spectators. The pastor said be was not an alienist, but had common sense, which he said was sufficient. "I have not talked with a woman In years who showed such a brilliant In tellect or who Impressed me so much with the fact that if she was Insane I was," declared Dr. McKenney. It developed during the testimony of Miss Gage that her mother was a grad- (Contlnued on Ninth Page.) WEATHER REPORT. 3 FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICT. Fair and slightly warmer tonight. Saturday increasing cloudiness, probably followed by showers in afternoon or night. TEMPERATURES. U. a BUREAU. I AFFLECK'S. 8 a. m ra 8 a. m B8 9 a. m C3 9 a. m '. 62 10 a. m 68 11 a. m 70 12 noon 74 1 p. m 76 2 p. m 77 10 a. m 68 11 a. m fw72 12 noon SO 1 p. m 5 2 p. m .. iS TIDE TABLE. Today High tide. 4:ifl a. in. and -J 31 ji. ni.; low tidi-, 10:48 a. m. and 11,12 p. m. ' Tomorrow Hlijli tide, 4:59 a. in. and G:?3 p. m.i low tide, il:2t$ u. m. and 11;S p. in. SUN TABLE. RUM 5:33 Sets 8:30 ON STAND Y APPEAL BY INDIAN BEFORE COMMITTEE Giant Redskin Says Money-Mad Agents Would 'Grab Lands In Dakota. Edwin Swann, a giant Indian, who headed a delegation of Sioujf from the Cheyenne and Standing Rock reservations in South Dakota, made a vigorous speech before tho EtouBO In dian Affaire Committee today In protest against a bill to open up for settlement Government landB ad- Joining tho reservation which aro now being used by tho tribesmen for grazing purposes. Swann declared that agitation for the bill did not come from prospec tive settlers, but from "money-mad land agonts" who saw an 'opportun ity to fill their own pockets. ALLEGED DEFAULTER MAY NEVER BE TRIED Frank T. Arnold, Named In $250,- 000 Shortage, Near Death. NEW BERLIN, N. Y., April 12. That Frank T. Arnold, former cashier of the First National Bonk of this village, al leged to bo a defaulter to tho extent of $260,000, may never live to stand trial, was the declaration today of physicians attending him. He has been In a state of total col lapse ever since tho discovery that the bank's affairs wore Involved, and the doctors say the chances of his recov ery are not good. National Bank Examiner Roreback took char go of the bank's books today, and la Investigating. Arnold started with the bonk as a messenger forty years ago. He Is flfty flvo years old and, a widower. Today tho bank directors were given title to his residence and other property hero valued at, $50,000. Tho loss will be ap portioned among the stockholders, but wnother tne bank win continue nas not been determined. SDED FOR BREACH ON DAY AFTER MARRIAGE Alger Hopland, Newark Million- aire, Defendant Following Elaborate Wedding. NEW YORK, April 12. Married last night In one of the most elaborate functions given at the St. Regis Hotel this winter, Alger Mulr Hopland, a Newark, N. J., millionaire, was today sued for $10,000 for breach of promise by Mary I. Peer, who alleges in her papers filed in the supreme court that Hopland Ignored a promise to make her his wife. Mies Peer's residence was kept a se cret by her attorneys, Merrill, Doran, and Reltlngcr. P0ST0FFICE THIEVES GET $1,000 IN OHIO Safe In Building At Seville Blown Open Theft One of Series. SEVILLE, Ohio, April 12. Safe blow ers robbed the postofflce here early to day and escaped with more than $1,000 'n money and postage stamps. Tho robbers stole a horse and buggy one mile east of Seville, but soon aband oned tho animal and stole a team of horses from tho farm of' Charles Say ler, with which they could make bet ter time in tho direction of Cleveland. In the last ten weks postofflce rob bers havo gathered about $56,000 in Orangevllle. Canneld. Wlckllffe, Novelty, Hudson, Berea, Newark, and other northern Ohio places. BROOKS' HEIRS WILL NOT BE REWARDED No Precedent to Remunerate Dis coverers of Territory, Says Department. Miss Alice Brooks, of New York, will not receive any reward from Congress because Capt. N. C Brooks discovered tho Midway Island in 1E58. Congressman Nejdlium, who took tho mutter up with tho Navy )rnrt nient, lecelvrd a letter from Secretary Meyer today stating that thcio was no precedent for remunerating the discov erer of territory. ARKANSANS APPEAL TO PRESIDENT FOR AID Steamer Goes With 100,000 Sand ' bags to Check Flood. MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 12. Cltlrens of Luxorn, Ark., made a personal ap peal for help tc President Taft for aid In holding the levee. In jfespohse to the appeal a Government steamer left here today, carrying 100,000 sand bags to help at that point WAR OFFICIALS PLAN HIT T If Widow Consents, Impres sive Funeral Will Be Held Here. GENERAL WILL BE BURIED AT ARLINGTON Great Cortege to March Down Pennsylvania Avenue If Ar rangements Carry. War Department officials aro con sidering arrangements for a mili tary funeral and burial at Arlington of Gen. Frederick Dent Grant, who died In Now York at 12:80 o'clock this morning. If MrB. Grant ap proves, ono of the most Impresslvo military funeral services Washington has known in years, will be held in this city. Secretary of War StlmBon tele graphed to Mrs. Grant early this morning to learn her wishes in the matter, and pending her answer no orders will be issued. Army Would Do Honor. It has been a long time since the reg ular army has burled with solemn pomp on nf itn Croat leaders. The Navy I Department has taken care, with lm-l nrewlvo ceremony, of Its revered and I famous dead In comparatively recent Ume. the funerals of Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans and Wtnfleld Scott Schley, and of the victims of the Malno being all within recent months. It 1 the desire of all the officers at the Ww Department that the army jbe given an opportunity the respect itr t eeltrtor tb memory, of Gen- .SYedt crick Grant, End- If Ma widow and son do not object a magnificent funeral cortege will march up Pennsylvania avenue to the Aqueduct bridge ana theno to Arlington. Plans were discussed In the office of tho Secretary of War this morning, as well as In tho office of Gen, Leonard Wood, chief of staff, and many details ... mn that nniera to various de tachments and divisions can be sent out at a few minutes' nouce ai y nuur. Taf t To Name Successor. The matter of appointing a successor to General Grant rests with President Taft. Th nfflrnr next In rank to General Grant, although holding the same mili tary title, Is Maj. Gen. Franklin Bell, of tho Phlllpplno division, stationed at Manila. Brig. Gen. Frederick Funston, also. Is eligible, and his only handicap Is that he is a little young for such an Im portant position. Officials Shocked By News of Death; Expressions of Sorrow News of the death of General Grant came as a great shock to offlclals of tho Government, and on every hand there are heard expressions of the greatest reorret and Borrow. Famous son of a famous father, Gen eral Grant held the admiration of a wide circle of friends, both In official and private life, He l&ng had been looked upon as one of the foremost of ficers In the army and a leader In diplo matic and official matters. The brilliant career of General Grant In the army only heightened the promi nence given him on account of the deeds of his Illustrious father. Born In St. Louis, May 30, 1850, Fred erick Dent Grant spent his early life on a farm during his early boyhood, his father having removed there after re signing from the army on account of the fact that the pay was too small upon which to support his family. Later the Grant family removed to Galena, 111., and then to Kentucky, where General Grant went to scnool. At thn outbreak of the civil war Presi dent Grant returned to the army, his son accompanying him much of thu time. Ho had vivid recollections of a number of tho bitter engagements of ia wnr nnnnral Grant was annolntcd to the Military Academy at TVcst Point by President Johnson, being graduated (Continued on Sixth Page.) RY T R Last Minute News Told in Brief WEALTHY MAN KILLED. i ber of bystanders. The concussion from LYNN, Mass., April 12. With one ear , the explosion shattered all of the win out off and five bullet holes in his body, dows in buildings In the neighborhood George E. Marsh, one of the wealthiest while the shock was felt more than a soap manufacturers in the country, was found lying opposite the plant of the General Electric Company here by a party of automoblllsts. The police have no clue. BOMB EXPLODES IN CAB. PARIS, April 12. The strike of tho taxlcab chauffeurs advanced Into the dynamite stage when a bomb, careful ly planted In a taxlcab In the Rue de Lion wrecked the car, Injuring the strike-breaking chauffeur, and a num- Answers the Final Summons U 1 rM''BIsisisisisisisBHi1isisSisBsKx'r faHBH ?yiigll&LsisisisisisiBaLP"ltV 'iMIPmBMiiir-S'MvlR i:wmx-m;imBsaaiBKmk:3MiimfsmKmtX3a klllHRX9KHsWMwH IH fM " 1 illri'lllllll I III CLARA BARTON, Founder of the American Red Cross, Who Died Today. BRAY SENTENCED W5-" TO THREE YEARS IN PENITENTIARY Young Contractor's Marriage to Girl In the Case Does -Not Save .Him, Refusing to place the prisoner on pro bation and expressing a hint that he wished he could be more severe. Justice Thomas H. Anderson, In Crlnlmal Court No. 1 today sentenced Martin II. Bray, a youn bontractor, convicted on charges preferred by Alberta W, Sadler, slxten years old, to three years In tho penitentiary. A motion for a new trial was over ruled and an appeal was noted, bond being fixed at 12,500, but Bray was re mandod to JalJ in default of ball. How ever, it Is expected that ho will be re leased pending an appeal. Bray married tho young girl ho Is' al leged to have wronged, at Annapolis last Monday, but District Attornoy Clarence R. Wilson argued to the court that the marriage was resorted to by the de fendant In the hopo of dodging the penl tentlary, and preventing his prosecu tion an two other Indictment pending against him. "I realize that I wronged her It was for her sake that I married her," plead ed Bray when asked If he-had anything to say why sentence should not be I'uased. "I want her," he added In a quaking voice. The prisoner was blanched, and was visibly affected by his plight, aitnougn he did not break down when he was given tho maximum penalty. "Marriage does not satisfy the law," said Justice Anderson. "If I placed youi on probation or suspended sentence It would simply serve to encourage such crimes as yours. The maximum pen alty Is not too much, but It Is one of the inconsistencies of the code that the penalties In certain serious offenses are not as severe as they should be." Beveral sensational features, The trial OI uruy wp auuuueu uj me Bin , victim breaking down on the witness ' stand. nine irom uie oicic WAR VETERAN MURDERED, MIDDLETOWN, N. Y April U.-The body of Asa Hall, a dvll war veteran, was found near the Ellensvllle station of the Ontario and Western railway, ills skull had been crushed with a big stone that was found beside the body1. The police are certain that Hall was murdered, but they are In the dark re garding the motive. His watch and money wire Intaot . CLARA BARTON DIES V AT ILL Founder of American Red Cross Passes Away At Age of 91 Years. Clara Barton, founder of the Amer ican Red Cross, and one of the nation's most plcturesquo figures, died at her home at Qlen Echo, Md., this morning shortly after 9 o'clock. News of the death did not become publicly -known until shortly before 2 o'clock this afternoon. Death followed an Illness of several months, during which all hope of Miss Barton's ultimate recovery, was aban doned. She was conscious almost to the end. At her bedside when death t came woro her nephew, Stephen Barton, who, It Is understood, will bo her sole heir; her physician, Dr. Hubbell, who has attended her during her stay In Glen Echo, and a coterie of friends who have remained with Her from the very beginning of her fatal Jllness. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. News of the death of Miss Barton was sent to the White House soon after the end came. The President, who has been Interested In the condition of the pioneer nurse, expressed great regret at the newB. Clara Barton, the Florence Nightin gale of America. That Is the name and the nickname by which Clarissa Harlowe Barton was (Continued on Sixth Page.) CARPENTERS WIN. CHICAGO. April 12.-Nlne thousand carpenters who have been on strike since April 1 returned to work wlth their strike for a wage increase from 60 to 65 cents an hour won. 1 immiii riTnv rnnmmt TIENTSIN, China, April 12. city of Tung Chow has been looted by mutinous soldiers, according to news Just received here. Following on the troubles at Nankin and' elsewhere this latost outbreak, has alarmed the for eign interests who had hoped that at last tho government was obtaining a I Arm hold w tat situation. jj-itw E 0 MAY MONTHS MISSOURI DECLARES FOR ROOSEVELT BY A LARGE MAJORITY Former President Will Get at Least Thirty of the Thirty-Six Delegates, Probably Thirty-Four. . INTEREST NOW CENTERS ON PENNSYLVANIA PRIMARIES By JUDSON C. WELLIVER. Tho morning alter election, 1904, McCutchcn printed In the Chicago, Tribune ono of his most famous cartoons, "The Mysterious Stranger." It showed the long line of Republican States lining up with their, Roosevelt returns; and up at the top of the column a slouch-batted, gawky, and' sadly embarrassed outsider had arrayed himself. Everybody else was looking at him. He was HI at ease, but very determined. The mysterious stranger was Missouri, appearing In tho Electoral College for the first time with a Republican commission. This morning the same mysterious party wandered Into Roosevelt headquarters and passed In credentials. He has lined up with the Roose-, velt folks. He always liked their society, and Is traveling with them1 again this year. ' Altogether, It's rather a curious affair. For weeks Missouri has been, as mysterious as barkest Africa. Every time there was a convention there was a bolt, a spilt, and a positive announcement from the Taft forces that they had controlled. Missouri became the mystery of the campaign. Partly because of tha fake contests which the Taft managers instituted at the beginning of the fight In order to befog the situation, and partly because of the distor tion and suppression of news about the State, nobody knew much of what was really going on. So recently as yesterday, a dispatch came out of St Louis, declaring that the Taft forces had captured St LoulSj county by a huge majority, and that it insured their conrol of the State' convention. Missouri for Roosevelt. CHARLES P. TAET PREDICTS THAT HIS BROTHER WILL WIN "I Am An Optimist," Con cludes Cincinnati Man, a Caller At White House. "I am an optimist." Charles P. Taft, the brother of tho President, thought It neccssaiy to con clude with the above os an expression of tho belief that the President would r.urely be victorious in 'his contest against Col. Theodore Roosevelt. Asked he thought about the pos sibility of a compromise candidate, the Prosldenfu brother wrinkled his fore head and shrugged his shoulders depre catlngly. "1 don't know about any compromise candidate," he said grimly. "I don't believe there will be any. President Taft will be nominated and re-elected." With the exception of Mr. Taffs "op timistic" declaration, thero seemed to be nothing encouraging at the White House today. There was no Cabinet meeting. AVhen the time for that bi weekly conference of state drew near' It was learned that neither Postmaster General Hitchcock, Secretary of the Tr..inrv MarVeneh Secretary of the Treasury Aiacveagn, aecremry oi ino Navy Meyer, nor Secretary of Lorn- mM.A on, I hni MntrAi wArn In vt. dence. Secretary of Agriculture Wil son, Attorney General Wickersham, and Secretary of War Stlmson learned af jer ' f" their arrival that the four others wereH an out ui luwu. Postmaster General Hitchcock was particularly sought after by the news naner men. who wanted to ask him about the report that he is to resign from the uauinel on Juiy i 10 mice a J26.000 job in New York city. His fail ure to make his appearance caused dis appointment. Attorney General Wickersham, who had occasion recently to deny a sim ilar rumor as regarding his own res ignation, suggested in Mr. Hitchcock's behalf that lie was not to resign. He eald it was simply another periodical report In which various members of the Cabinet were named from time to Ono of the additional Interesting Inci dents, also, was a visit, late yesterday afternoon, of Senator Penrose of Penn sylvania. Mr. Penrose Just came around in nhnw two friends the arrangement of the rooms at the Executive offices. There was a decidedly uneasy feeling at tho White House today about the convention In Pennsylvania tomorrow. The certainty that Mr. Taft would prac tically walk off with all of the seventy six delegates is all gone. No one Is pre dicting anything definite. ' JaUieS W. COTCOTan BuHed At Oak Hill . J Funerai ceremonies for James Wilson I n n 1IaIv.. wAatAnf rt Wh. . uorcoruu. u ,c,ut.v i ,,-.. ington, were held at his home, 1403 Thir ,Tne ! tleth street northwest, this afternoon. Mr. Corcoran, who was sixty-seven years old, was born In Washington, his parents having been the late Thomas and Emily Corcoran. He was a nephew of William Corcoran, the founder of the Corcoran Art Gallery. Mr, Corcoran divided his time between Washlntgon and Arkansas, where he had a large cotton plantation. His wife died several years ago. Interment waj private in Oak Hill Cemetery. Today came the real, telling', con vincing facts. Missouri has sotio-foT--RooseveH' "with a huge majority. Tb former President will get at least thirty of Its thirty-six delegates; he will prob ably get thlrtK-four of them. Only ono district, the Ninth, Is conceded to Taft; only two are so far doubtful that thero Is danger that the Taft contests will be taken seriously at the national con vention. Ordinarily, the Mlssourlans require to be shown. This year they neither asked to be shown nor consented to show anybody else. The Roosevelt crowd out there took matters into their own hands. They asked no advlco from national headquarters, vouchsafed It no Information. They attended strictly to their own knitting, and they are some knitters. Not till today did they come through with the announcement of what they had done. Then It came in the form of a report, which even tho reactionary press was compelled to carry, of how St. Louis county had gone overwhelm ingly for Roosevelt, assuring him the State convention and at least thirty of the thirty-six votes of the State at Chicago. As Emphatic As Illinois. There will bo 1,141 delegates in the Missouri State convention. Of those considerably over 700 are for Roosevelt and uncontested. The contests are all by the Taft people, and when they ar settled it will be found that Roosevelt has about S50 of the 1,141 votes. The outcome is really just as sweeping and emphatic as that In Illinois. It places the great doubtful State of Missouri In the Roosevelt column. Roosevelt was the first Republican who ever carried It for President. It wants him again. Mlasnurl'ii accession to thp Roosevelt fcico will be followed tomorrow by tho big lift In Pennsylvania. Already wash- Iniftun Is full of storlei that Penrose. r smnnt nnrt nthpr hossea h&va decld(;rt to Aioa Taft if ne fans t0 (Continued on Sixth Page.) IN CONGnZGS TODAY ) SENATE. Senate met at 2 o'clock., District Committee falls to get quorum, tho excise bill goes over, and Its pros pects are Imperiled by tho delay. Finance Committee continues sug.v hearings. Senator Cummins will bring up the ques tion of an appeal In the tobacco case before Senate this afternoon. Senate standing firmly against reduc tion In cavalry regiments of army. Interstate Commerce Committee further considers corporation legislation. HOUSE. House met at noon. Sharp debate marked the passage of the resolution appropriating addi tional furfds for the committee. In vestigating the Interior Depart ment. The District Committee reported sev eral District bills. Congressman Norrla re-lntrpduced his Presidential primary bill. Debate was resumed on the Post office appropriation bill in the House. The Stanley Steel commlttoe was con tinued. The Foreign Affairs Committee con sidered tne Suliier bill to purchase.' embassies abroad. White House Callers. SENATORS. Chamberlain, Ore. Sanders, Tenn. CONGRESSMEN. Nye. Minn. Smith, Mich. Dwlght, N. Y. Calder, N. Y. French, Idaho. OTHER CALLERS. x Charles P, Taft ?- I a I