TgE WASHINGTON TIMES, SATURDAY, jtjne 22, 1912. W5 WITH THE REPUBLICANS AT CHICAGO I "MY HAT IS STILL IN THE RING-ONLY IT'S A BIGGER RING," SAYS ROOSEVELT OF Washington Delegates Seat ed on Viva Voce Vote. - Will' ' Not, 'Allow His Name to Be Pre sented. Votes on Coast Stolen From Colonel and Taft Wins. Declares He Will Stick to Those Sticking to Him. BITTER PROTEST AT METHODS EMPLOYED NIGHT CONFERENCE OUTLINES PROGRAM SCANT MAJORITY OF THREE DECIDES DETAILS OF PLANS NOT MADE PUBLIC 2 CONVENTION IS RUSHING WORK I1 TO END TONIGHT THEVERY ROSS USE EL CALIFORNIA '-. T i Routine Hastened, With Police In All Parts of Hall to Keep Order. (Continued from First Page.) continuing on the temporary roll the delegates seated by the national committee In the Fourth North Caro lina, Third Oklahoma, and Second Tennessee districts, and this action wbb approved by a viva voce vote. Lfsten In Silence. There was silence, however, when the Washington State report was read seating the Taft delegates. ThlB was, with the exception of the Fourth Carolina, the most bitterly fought contest before the convention. Be fore, the report was read Chairman Root asked that consideration be given to the reading clerk. Dele gate P. N. Howard, of Jackson, liss., arose and shouted "I rise to a point of order. I claim that the steam roller is exceeding the speed limit." A wild cheer went up from the Roosevelt men, but it was only a mild zephyr to the roar that spread over the hall when Root ruled: "The point of order is well taken. In Justification, I would say that the reason is that some of us have some hope of getting home for Sunday." For Filling Vacancies. "Vacancies created by death or resig nation shall be filled by nomination of the State Republican central committee In und for the State In which the va cancy occurs. The National Republican committee shall, however, have power to declaro vacant the seat of any mem ber who refuses to concur with nom inees of the convention which elected such national Republican committee and to till such vacancies." This latter provision is directed squarely at the members of the com mlUee who have been decalrlng that they would not support President Taft If he were nominated, notably the mem bers from "West Virginia and Pennsyl vania. The remainder of the changes In the rules are purely technical. The minority members sixteen in all dissented only on three important questions reduction of the number of delegates from Southern Democratic States, granting "State's rights" to elect national committeemen, with re strictions upon the temporary conven tion roll, and prevention of unanimous nominations. W. H. Coleman, of Pennsylvania, was the minority leader. Others who signed the iff,Gii ware John L-. Hamilton, Pennsylvania; 3. H. Kagle Illinois- C. X. Doteon, Sotitn DaKota; H. P. Gard ner, Maine; J. a. Be.uivelt, New Jersey: Chatles i:. KniHllen. Missouri; W. s O Robinson, Noith Carollni; O. J. Lar son, Minnesota. J. s. George, Kansas; C A. Luce. Nebraska; v. s EdwardB. Mest Virginia; I fi Sk?lton, Okltlio Jrta; G. I.. T.vlt, Maryland; Kmll Snow, North Dakota, and D. W Davis, Iowa. Southern Delegates. The rulo of ths minority restricting Fouth-rn reprsivntatton follows: "Resolved, That hereafter lepresonta tlon In tha ltepulll-aii national eon venllou shall be as follows: One dale gate for each Congressional district within tho various States, and one ad ditional delegate from each of said Con cessional district for everv 10,000 Re publican voles or majority fraction thereof, cast nt tho last preceding Presidential election for Republican clectcts, and receiving the highest voto in such district, ind iwo delegates each fiom the DHtrlct of Columbia, Alaska. J law Ml, Potto Rico, and the Philip pines." Chairman Root did not arrive until several minutes after 10, the hour set for convening. At that time at least one-fourth of the delegate seats were vacant. The delay was said to be due in a great part to the failure of the resolu tions committee to clean up the plat form. The leaders wanted to whip into shape the program so that it could bo pui tnrough on a definite schedule, avoiding delays. To Restrict Power. The rule restricting choice and power of the national committeemen was as follows "Resolved, That a national committee nhall be appointed to consist of one member from each State and the Dis trict of Columbia. The convention roll hhall bo called and delegations from each State shall name, through Its chairman, a person who shall act ns i the member of the national committee. Such committee shall Issue at least sixty days before the meeting of the national convention's call for said con- ventlon and the delegates to the na- . tlonal convention shall be chosen in such a manner nnd place as the com- ' mlttee may elect. "Tho majority shall be elected by State conventions, except that in any State which has by law provided for the elec tion of delegates to the national con vention, all of tho delegates to such convention shall bo chosen In accord ance with such laws. "Twenty days before the day set for the meeting of tho national committee credentials shall bo sent to the commit tee for use In taking up the temporary roll, which roll shall be advisory and not the official roll of the convention. Any delegate or nlternate whose seat has been contested in good faith shall stand aside, nnd not be permitted to vote on hiH case, or other contests, until his credentials shall have been passed." Hugh T Hulbert, of Minnesota, ar gued In favor of the minority report. He declared that thioughout the Roovu. vclt men had decided only on the merits Would Not Accept Gift from Stolen Delegates "of National Convention. By UNITED PRESS. CHICAGO, June 23. The last day presumably of the coliseum convention opened with the following situation in the Roosevelt camp. At the 'final before-dawn conferences Colonel Roosevelt gave orders to his friends that his name must not be pre sented to this convention. A program was arranged whose carrying out would In the opinion of the colonel's supporters make clear to the country four main facts: 1 That a Roosevelt majority cre ated by popular primaries had been turned Into a Taft majority by fraud. 2 That no man recognising this fraud could afford to accept a nomi nation at the hands of a convention thus controlled. 3 That Colonel Roosevelt before any vote on candidates ts taken and Immediately at the close of the votes confirming the roll as prepared by the National Committee and per fected by the credentials Commit tee will serve notice on the conven tion that he will not accept a nomi nation In which the so-called tainted roll has any part. 4 That Colonel Roosevelt is still a candidate before the people for the Presidency and will continue his campaign from today to November. From Chief Strategist. This outline of the situation was given to the public by the colonel's chler strategist, at the close of the night's secret meeting of the chiefs lieutenants of the Roo?evelt forces. "The details of the program," he said, "must be left for development. It would not be wise to make them public In ad vance." Addressing a crowd In front of the Congress Hotel, Roosevelt at 11 o'clock last night said: "My hat Is still In the ring. Only It it a bigger ring." An Independent Candidate. This utterance was understood to re- f,er to his independent candidacy. The one thing In the minds of the Roosevelt following Is the new party. For two of the case In every Instance. He criti cised the rules of the committee on cre dentials and insisted that in the present case the people of Washington would be "robbed of their rights" If the Roose velt delegates were not seated. Halbert appealed directly to the New York delegates to vote to seat the Roosevelt delegates. This ts a question of moral Justice, he said, and there is no question that the majority of the delegates from Washington were in structed for Roosevelt." Delegate Dovell, of Washington, took Issue with Halbert. He had hardly started to talk when former Governor Fort challenged his right to speak, as his seal was one of those under con sideration. Root held that he had no right to vote, but had the right to pre sent his case and reply to the charges of tho minority. Dovell repeated his arguments of last Tuesday, when he explained the Washington case and characterized the Roosevelt convention as a "bolting rump outfit.". Road Roller Supreme. . There was no demand for a record roll and by a viva voce vote the Taft delegates from Washington wem seated. This was the greatest surprise of tho session, but it developed the progres sive had decided that they had no hope of overturning the majority, and thty decided not to waste time. They agreed the had reached the "high water" mark in the vote in Fourth California IaBt night, and they saw no reason to force the Issue further. v While the reports were being read a number of delegates armed with trolley car conductors' whistles kept up an "in most "continuous toot, toot," which seemed to amuse the Roosevelt men and the galleries. A Pennsylvania ma,n with a maga phone got a general laugh by phoutlng: "I nominate Jim "Watson, of Indiana, for corner!" Watson grinned broadly at the Il lusion. Victor P.osewater, chairman of ths national committee, came down tho aisle, and the Texas and Pennsylvanli delegates patted him on the back, saluted him as the "best engineer we ever had," and generally had fun witl him. One big Texan picked a diminutive- Nebraska politician up (n his arms and started to carry him about the hall In triumph. There was another lonir wait for th committee on credentials to finish Its work, and the Roosevelt delegates started a demonstration for Roosevelt. "We Want Teddy." Shouting in unison, "We want Teddy; we want Teddy," they soon had the chanting chorus swinging through the hall. The galleries were kept under control, however. Over 100 police were on the Job, and as they refused to let the spectators aid the demonstration, which IaBt only a short time. The State delegation's began cheering for themselves and for each other, and a delegate in the Pennsylvania delega tion got a laugh for himself by showing a miniature steam-roller. "Ed Perry" and his Oklahoma "bear cats ' gav.3 a serlja of wild whoop-e-e-s. which allowed that thv had plenty of unexpended lung power. After delegated sung popular songs jmu a lui'iimiui iTiuij.'iiv in me Wiscon sin crowJ hummed "Nearer, My God o Thee." nnd others sann- nlra. While tho Jeleicit-ss weic enioylng uirjiineiv fl, nuimian kooe cnatteM vfth a number of the leaders on the sngti j ne oanil was piayinir a lively tune when a m:in In the itar gallery suddenly dropped a big oilcloth sign on which was pi Intel in big black an 1 red letteis: "What Senator Root said about Pdu iosi! and 'lis followers- 'Thiv am .m nggiegatlon of orlinlnils masquerading mum, mi- ndiu ui itepuDiii-anism, There was a wild rov. The chief of police wave a harp ordor nnd a dozen hltiecoats rushe.d up into the gallery The sln was i njle d away iipd th' man who had dtspluyed It was summarily eje ted from the gallery. titi i uajj. ZMTdLtoLS && ' Senator Root, temporary chairman of the Republican convention, adjourning Wednesday's session to break up the great demonstration for Colonel Roosevelt which was started by Mrs. W. A. Davis, a Chicago woman, when she waved a "T. R." banner in the balcony. days Roosevelt has In reality not been before the coliseum convention as n candidate. He has been the announced candidate of the progressive voters to be organized in the neir future Into the National Progressive party. This morning a big sign was hung In the Roosevelt headquarters In the Con gress Hotel announcing Roosevelt as the candidate of the "National Progres sive Party." Two other features of the Roosevelt BRYAN IS READY TO CONSOLE WITH LOSER IN CONVENTION WITHOUT PRAISE OR BLAME Delay of Credentials Com mittee Brings Criticism. HEAT AND ANGER OF MOMENT SOON PASS CHICAGO, June 22. This convention seems likely to mtke up In quantity what It'lacks as a producer of harmony. Hero It 1b Saturday and the committee on cre dentials Is still at work trying to deter mine who are rightfully entitled to sit In a convention that assembled Inst Tne. day. Thosu who y,ere honored by a place on the temporary roll call arc still there, and thofe who failed to c oure recognition at tho hands of the natiennl committee aro still In outer darkness, but the machine moves on. The Taft forces lack little more than fifty of tha nurabjr of the light brigade. oui inev Becm as little, dismayed as the heroic band of which we read in uur school days "cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon In feint nf tliniri .nllA'A.l nnH thundered, stormed at with shot and shell, boldly they rodo and well, .into tho Juws'of death, into the mouth of hull." Not Facing Death. Rut I shall stop hero, as I do net care to express an opinion as to the charac ter of the combatants. It looks, how ever, at this, time as tfllio 550 were golpg to lpoke tljpir escapo'from th"e Jaws of dtnth, so far ns the convention- Is con ccrpeU,' but we shall not ftnow ' until the election what fate' awaits Mr. Taft's brigade. If we ca'n'Judge by what happened to day, there has been an ' Inexcusable waste of time. The deliberations of the committee on credentials have not re sulted In throwing any new light on the subject. The reports have been stereotyped and the convention haB dealt with them without much refer ence to the merits of the case. I spoko of a waste of time, but the time was not really wasted. The audience had a chance to enjoy Itself, several now m,en appeared" in the moving, picture that crossed the stage and the convention entered upon an era of good feeling. Man has been described as the animal that laughs, and but few of the dele gates, If any, have failed to manifest this trait. Men who glared at each other a f,ew days ago now chat together and Joke over the situation. Man 1b a queer creature. And nowhere more queer than In a convention. He is like powder, more dangerous when confined than when free. When the credentials committee at tempted to rush the contests through, giving but a few minutes to each, there were angry protests and threats of a bolt. " Finally the committee conceded time, as much time as the minority wanted, and as a result an explosion wu averted. Men had a chance to program for nominating day were first that no Roosovijlt progressive will bo i cnndldate or accept a nomination for Vice Prcsld-jiit on ths Taft Th'ket, and econd, thai no Roosovelt progressiva will vote or take part in the conven tion. Hy this 1 liter action every Roose velt piotfPMSlvs was xpcrtid to maka It cl'-ar that ho did so Itcfturc of his In lief that th-' convention as orgunlzed did not represent the n'al imjorlty of delegates as chojen by the pople. By WM. J. BRYAN. This article is fully protect ed by copyright and reproduc tion is legally forbidden. .testify to an "outrage" that had been perpetrated on them Speakers had an opportunity to shout the,lr anathemas at tho committee and to warn those re sponsible of the wrath to come. Some had a chance to demand a roll call, and a few availed themselves .of the privi lege of saying, "Mr Chairman, Mr. Chairman, I demand to poll the delega tion," and then the engine gave two toots, the conductor waved his lantern, ami the, well-oiled machine lunged for ward. There Is nothing like debate to smooth out the troubles of a convention. The man who invented tho gag law did not understand the pacifying Influence of sound as It passes out of the throat. Some scientist has announced the start .llng theory that anger Is a poison that Is relieved by awearjng. I am not will ing to accept the theory without more proof than has yet been presented, but I am firmly convinced by long attend- APPEAL FOR PLANK BY REFORM BUREAU Favors Non-Shipment of Intoxi cants to Unlicensed Sellers. An. appeal hRs been made by the in ternational Reform Bureau, with head-qnart-ini in thlti city, to the Republican and pemiicrRUc nui'or.ul conventions that -therj bo Inaei ted In tho platforms of each partv a plank favoiing the non bhlpmept jf Intoxicating liquoru to un-ll'-eiibcd selleM The leglhlutlve committee of the bu-it-au has drawn up tha following plank. If intrusted to control of the Presi dency and Congiei we will withdiaw Federal shield of Interstate commerce from Int'it mediate shipments of liquors to iinlicined liquor sellers." It is the contention of the Interna tional Reform UuriMu that the lssuu is a national oni. The plank when ylov od rnrough ban a wide scope. It does not only pinlilhlt the tale of Intoxlea tlnr whiskies into States that have pio hiliitlon, nut restricts the shipment of wnlskv to "apeak eaaies" and "blind llgeis" for twelve tai a efforts have been made to ?rt a bill ihroi'gh Congresi ti protect "dry teulv.ry," The artfV inent has bfvn advanced, "vvhv de clare for prohibition when whlskv la shipped l"to a place from othei States." This condition In some Southern States, etpeclally, is a rource of annoy (Mieo to prohibitionists nnd church pco pit, for after woiklng hard foi a local victory, of gallons of In toxlcantx ure perpilttei to b-j t hipped in from cuUide fctaic. Th- final mysterious number In the Roosevt-li pi o,t!iim was "rrady to act n oijti i of leaders and rtudv to g't togethsi.-' will Follow Friends. Adrir'Mitna; a se'P't rueetlng of Roose velt ilil.'giti'H last night, Hooosevelt "irdi- this utterance: "Where you go, I go. l; you go out T-go out with yovi I aii always wlll'ng to ta!w put luck with my friend." An lti-ld-n In the breaking un of Next Article Will Deal With Party's Plat form. ALSO PERSONALITY OF CANDIDATE NAMED a nee at conventions that there are few sorrows of a political nature that free discussion cannot heal. Even where satisfaction Is not guaranteed, a Icne contest like a spirited campaign makes the contestants willing to accept almost anything if they can only get through. It looks now as If the Taft forces were In a position to dictate the terms of surrender, and there seems little likelihood of the President withdrawing In f favor of a compromise candidate I am prepared to offer a certain amount of consolation to whichever candidate Is defeated, but my cautious and con servative nature makes me hesitate to pronounce a eulogy until the corpse Is Identified. Looking upon the strugglo from the standpoint of an outsider, I have been able to watch the contest with Impar tiality. Having felt the force of tho united lntluence of the two principals I have been able to bear with gi eater fortitude the falling out that has con verted two bosom friends Into bitter enemies. Not being attached to them as closely as they have been to eacli other, I do not feel as keenly as they do what each calls Ingratitude In the other. I have weighed their public acts, or tried to, with fairness, and am ready to give each one credit for any good that he has accomplished And I havo tried to be charitable to their faults, recognizing that we all 4javo short comings and need to havo charity ex tended to us. Praise For Roosevelt. "Nothing succeeds like success." Tho change of a vote may convert u defeat Into a victory nnd then those fawn and flatter who would have turned away in the hour of darkness, if Mr. Taft wins In this convention there will be plenty to bring him bouquets, and he will not notice It If nono of them bear my card. Mr. Roosevelt will In that case be tho one who will be in need of kind words, and I shall take pleasure In calling attention to Borne of tho substantial benefits he has con ferred upon the country. He has yet the possibility of leadership In a new imny, ii me uemocrauc parly should disappoint the hopes of the progressives of tho country and surrender itself to the service of Wall Street. If, on tho other hand, the boiler blows up, or the machine breaks down and Mr. Taft Is defeated, thero are comnll- tiients which 1 can pay him, and pay him with pleasure. In that case. It would be much easier for me to get to mm tana ne wouia appreciate it more) than It would be to get within speak ing distance of the former President, surrounded by a "we want Teddy" rrowd. My last article on thU conven tion will deal therefore with the plat form adopUd, and with, the virtues of tne aeceaaea. "National Progressive Party" Ban ner Swings From Front of Chicago Headquarters. the regular party organisation Is tlva announced ri-Hli;nailon of the member of the national committee who are fa vorable to Roosevelt. Senator Rorah announced that lie would no longer fcrvc. Fi-anK R. Kellogg, of Mlnne xota, reslnc.l todav following the resig nation of Fllnn, of Pennsylvania. apj cuinmittecnien ffoni sevcial other fitnlfH. Reports worn persistent that Roosevelt would appeir at the Collseiim trday to lead out ills bolting followni. This repot t wns not coiiflmn'd and tli only things definitely knewn about plans wen; those stated above. Hard To Persuade Friends. On the "bolt" It was predicted Roose velt would have a following approxi mating his vote In the California case. Up to the last Roosevelt found it hard to persuade his more ardent fol lowers that his name must not go be fore the coliseum convention. "Following this fight for something more than a nomination," Colonel Roosevelt said to Alexander Revell, one of the original Roosevelt boomers who still builded hopes on the coliseum, con vention. "I have charged triat the coliseum convention Is controlled by a packed roll. I have said that no man with a vestige of honor could acjopt a nomination at the hands of a conven tion so controlled. I shall stand abso lutely on that statement and would re fuse a nomination In which membeis of the fraudulent roll had any partici pation." The Roosevelt following had today re covered from the uncertalnt.v in whlcn they were thrown yesterday by reports that the Taft people weru senousn considering the dropping of raft and the nomination of Hadley or some pro gressive satisfactory to the Taft forces. "But that darger has passed," eaid James R. Garfield today "The Presi dent heard what was doing, and crack ed the whip over the heads of his post masters, and they got back into thj toad. The anti-Roosevelt strength was delivered Bolldly tor Taft." THE OLD GUARD BATTLE Mr. Munsey Says Its Organ ization Is Most Notable Thing of Convention. (Continued from First Page.) culture and education like these, wealthy, influential, occupying com manding positions, to make them selves mere cogwheels In a great machine, Is both pitiable and as tounding. And the Taft delegations from other States stand as solidly, as thoughtlessly, and as unyielding as does the great Barnes organization of New York. Considered apart from fairness and justice, apart from any desire for harmony, and the salva tion of tho Republican party, it is a magnificent and thrilling spectacle, the like of which I have never seen before, and expect never to see it again a body of men so well drilled, so absolutely under the control of their leaders, that they ride straight down into the valley of death with out flinch or fear or heed of im pending doom. Out of this defiant and unyielding attitude of the old guard has been born a new partyl a party of tho people, a party In sympathy with the peoplo, and a party which is to this period what tho Republican party wns to the period of 1860. This now party is not tho sudden caprice of the moment, not the result of disappointment and bitterness. It is merely the amalgamation and fusing of great, deep, underlying forces that have for years been struggling to the surface against tre mendous odds and tremendous oppo sition. Nothing could longer post pone tho inevitable. The hour had come, and fight as peoplo will fight against the soverence of old tieB and associations, the commanding ap peal of the new has compelled the repudiation of tho old. Now that the decision is reached, now that the die has been cast, the disappointment and sorrow of the progressive has given place to hope, to good cheer, and to the determina tion to get busy and do things. The Progressive party will be a young man's party, a party of the present and the future, not the past. It will be progressive in the upbuild ing of industry and commerce, it will be constructive, not dostrfuctlve, It will be progressive in all that is sane and sound, and substantial, and right and Just. SB WEAKENED DURNG Taking of Western State Limit in Matter of Steam Roller Methods. CHICAGO, June 22. The high-tide of honesty and popular government, as it 1b reflected in the Chicago con vention, was reached late Friday up on the roll call to indorse the actjon of the credentials committee on the contested seats or tho Fourth Cali fornia district. But it lacked three voteB of being high enough to wash out the stains of corruption and theft that have made this convention a stench In the nostrils of the people and caused ltB actions to be repudiated in advance by Republican States whose elec toral votes are necessary to the election of the nominee of this con vention. Early Fights. Other reports of the credentials com mittee had been fought out prior to this fight, with the road roller of the Taft-Speclal Privilege easily crushing out all opposition. But In this contest was crowded the fight of the day, the climax of the whole convention. It was attended by all the stirring scenes that have marked the progress of each day's sessions. But far greater. It served to bring to a focus the crisis which the Republican party is facing. So desperately were the forces of spe cial privilege pushed that the big bosses left their accustomed places on the piatiorm and patroied the aisles along side their delegations of henchmen dur ing the roll call, to threaten and cajole their forces to remain firm. By a vote of 612, three more than needed, to 529, with even cravens not voting, the forces of special pmilege won and decided that the Republicans of California, speaking through a State wide primary, have no recognition in a convention eontrolled by those repre senting President Taft. Stiefel Saves Taft. To Otto Mieiel, the St; Louis brewer, wiiom the road toller seated, President Taft and big business owes an everlast ing debt of gratitude for this result. The loll call was going against the road toller on this contest, a sense of de cency and a revulsion against such a bald theft had "-elzed delegations count ed as solid for an thing the road roller wanted. When Missouri was reached Its delegation was In a wrangle. It asked to ba passed. Hitherto Mxteeu of Its tint tj-six had stood for anything the bosses wanted Now they wcie wavering. Governor Hadley, of their own State, had just finished a masterly presenta tion of the California contest. Many or his constituents were persuaded to fol low him for tne flist time Stiefel, see ing the imlnent danger, rushed from hH sent on the platform and threw himself into the midst of his St. Louis hench men, driving, pleading, promising, threatening. Hadley, by virtue of his position In the debate was bound to re main on the platform. Throughout the roll call the Missouri delegation was in a turmoil. Flnall.v, when It was called, It was seen that It would cast the decisive vote Stiefel won. The sixteen henchmen of big business entrusted to his keeping came through. Missouri cast sixteen votes against admitting the regularly elected California delegates and saved the day to the Taft forces. Taft Repudiates Promises. This action of the convention was taken In the face f the proof submit ted, and not contradicted by anyone, that President Taft had, in accordance with the provisions of the California primary law, filed with the secretary of State of California an uffidavit which bound him to recognise and submit to the decision of the people of the whole State. It was an Illuminating rollcall. It dlclosed the fact that upon the South ern States and the stolen roll the sole lellance of Tafvjs placed. At the beginning of the session Frl da afternoon, which devoted Itself to Basslng upon the reports of the ere dentials committee, Chairman Root had ruled that all of the fraudulent dele gates might vote upon each other s contests, but not upon their own. By the simple expedient of having the cre dentials committee make Its reports, by districts this lost tne Taft force3 only two votes on each rollcall, vvhllo maintaining the specious pretense of fairness. In the case of Arizona, where the six delegates-nt-large wore In contest, there still remained slxty-slx of the stolen roll to aid the Taft cause. Under the leadership of Governor Hadley the pro prcsslve8 made a valiant fight to purge the roll, but the steam-roller worked without a hitch. They showed that the Taft leadeis have taken every unfair advantage of them. The majority report of the creden tials committee in the Alabama case was shown to the minority members only a few minutes before the con vention met. The minority members, asked for time to make a minority report, but vvero refused They had to be content with preparing a strong protest. Taft-packed galleries broke into wild cheering when Idaho, which had been voting with the progressives, cast her eight votes in favor of seat ing the Taft Alabama delegates. This was at once taken to mean that Sena tor Borah had deserted Roosevelt It developed later that, as a matter of fact, the Idaho member of the cre dentials committee had voted to sus tain the Taft sldo of the Alabama caso on the ground that there was not sufficient evidence to justify the seat ing of the Roosevelt delegates, nnd the delegation followed its commit teeman. Wisconsin also cast twentv-flve of her twenty-six votes for the Taft delegates on the same ground, hut both these delegations voted solidly against the California Taft delegates, and enough delegates who have here tofore voted for the stolen roll joined them to run dow n the Taft vote to a dangerously narrow margin "Jim Watson, of Indiana, continued to bo the floor leader of the Taft side today, while Chairman Root, in thorough accord with the Taft program, gave hla parliamentary aid to smooth the way for the steam roller.