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y IheTfamjjfott Wm Sunday Evening EDITION Fair Tonight and Monday. NUMBER 7489. Yesterday's Circulation, 60,842 WASHINGTON, SUNDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 1912. Twenty-two Pages PRICE ONE CENT. WILSON FOLLOWERS AT BALTIMORE LINE UP TO HELP BRYAN IN FIGHT AGAINST REACTIONARIES NEW PARTY IS f. .. . K KN AS AM llitS ikmrnMmmm firmi IBifea uuim ho irtii sTOli lmBm& & w VLJII M ilBB Id NUMINA I tu H- .A&mASmmM Comes as Mighty Protest Against Fraud and Theft. HAS PROSPECTS OF WINNING ELECTION States, Both North and South, Expected to Fall Into Line. By JUDSON C. WELLIVER. CHICAGO, 111., June 23. Almost In the hour in which William How ard Taft received the Presidential nomination that had been placed within his grasp by fraud and theft, a new political party was born. It was born in protest against plain thievery and dishonesty. But it represents more than that. It stands for the culmination of the mighty movement toward populari zation of this Government, that has been going on ever since Roosevelt became a dominating figure in the national life, the leader in its con science movement, the evangel of its new gospel of social Justice, equal rights, and the square deal. See History Made. The bigness and, Brimnesa of the trag edy were realized In the cool dawn of the quiet Sunday morning that broke over the convention city after a night filled with tensity and excitement. Hun dreds of tho delegates and thousands of spectators of the two conventions left town on the night trains last night; but hundreds of thousands of others re mained to talk over the Taft doings of a day that will take a place in the front of American history. Among these, the opinion was universal that the old Republican party,- tho party that accomplished a great work, but at last fell under the domination of bosses and selfish Interests, is doomed; doomed certainly so far as concerns this cam paign, and for all the future .unless it shall return to the control of the men, the purposes and the aspirations that guide the movers in the program of forming a new party. The "Regular" Republican conven tion, that is, the one called by the na tional committee, and In which enough delegates were stolen to turn an hon est Roosevelt into a dishonest Taft majority adjourned at 9:36 last eve ning, after nominating William Howard Taft for President and James S. Sher man for Vice President. A very short time afterward, at Orchestra Hall, the delegates who had been denied their rightful seats in the gathering, together with most of the other honestly elected Roosevelt delegates, assembled to launch the movement for a party of the people as against the bosses. Refrain From Voting. The great majority of these delegates had refused to vote In the first conven tion. They had accepted the view of Colonel Roosevelt, who declared that they ought not to recognize the right of the fraudulent convention to trans act the business of the party. After fighting through the five days of the preliminary organization, In the desper ate effort to compel a decent and Just decision of some, at least, of the con tests, they had found themselves beaten at every point. The steam roller was remorseless. Without heed or care for fairness, de cency or moral appeal, it passed straight on Its course of crushing out the claims of the Roosevelt delegates; it carried the Taft claimants trium phantly Into the seats to which they were not entitled; and it forced the program of the ancient regime through to the letter. The first convention was conducted to the music of a dead march Enthu siasm was utterly absent The pro ceedings were dull and listless They were recognized on both sides of the fighting lino as merely formal, the preliminary to the real business that must come later. The convention main tained wonderful good order, consid ering the intensity of the feeling that prevailed as between the opposing sides, hut it was the calm before the storm. On both sides, there was determined (Continued on Fourth Page ) WEATHER REPORT. rrtDrnicT rr'o tup niftTDTPT Fail tonight and Monday, not much change in temperature; light variable winds. TEMPERATURES. V S BVREAl' 8am 9am AFFLECKS. r,5 6 a. m S0 Oi 9 a. m S3 10 a m 1U m 12 noon 75 10 a m fo nam i V U non &S 1 p m . ... 90 3p. m S7 1 p m "9 1 P m , 7i t PRFSinFNT TAFT sagi HlSfeb9 nnnn 1 nrniimi ui.,, jskbsss&iM w psrjJSJiaOTGoviosBORNE, III A LI V A VLUMIIul nMkU'.w3v II ill Zt ISf. ill LsSt. nrunA h .rniuv inYHHMNMtai m r.'kj '! . 4- lltMllu n UL.HIIIUI1 llMHHHBPPT; I.Bill JUllPrtMH fit4X UN FRIENDLINESS HHl HWI ,1 1-twgg? J -fcVrtr -fiM -tft-C 1 1 tgvvr-wKSypM . Chief Executive Arises Late and Goes to Church Alone. Tresldcnt Taft rose later this morn ing than is usual for him on 8undas, halng been up to iv late hour getting returns from the Chlcuo convention, and being engaged In writing a state ment on tho convention rtsult. After breakfnstlng ann glanclns at newspa pers the President mt-torid to All Soul's Unitarian church. The President, who was unaccom panied save by secret service men since the death of Major Butt he has generally gone alone to church heard a sermon by the Rev. U. G. B. Pierce i on practical ethics, from th2 text, "B j Ye Rich In Good Works." "To help and Inspire others that Is the real Joy of living," said the clergyman, In con cluding his address. More than the uual number of per sons were at tho corner of Fourteenth and L stieets to catch a glimpse of the President when the service was con cluded and the Chief Execuelvj emerged. The President bowed to one cr two persons In the throng and was driven rapidly away In one of the White House automobiles. At the White House a large number of telegrams of congratulation awaited his reading. In the Executive offices a oluminou8 mall was handled today by tho clerks, but otherwise no busl nets was transacted. HAILSTORM SWEEPS OVER WASHINGTON Weather Bureau's Prediction Fair Causes Many Smiles. of t Today Is the open season for hall yarns, the first hall storm for many weeks having swept over the city long enough to keep close observers busy for a while describing Just how many and how large the hailstones came. The Weather Bureau missed fire again when It came to forecasting climatic conditions for the day. "Fair tonight and Monday, not much change In tem perature," the forecasters said. But at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon storm clouds ble wup, and nrettv soon the city was pelted with hailstones of varying sizes, depending upon the credi bility of the person to whom they were being described. But little damage was done bv the falling Ice, as the hailstorm was of but Drier duration. Mrs. Mack Visits Big Convention Hall BALTIMORE, June ISF-Mrs. Norman E. Mack, the wife of te rational com mlttee chairman, wltha party of wom en, visited the convention hall yester day and selected sets. Mrs. Mack took box No. 72, sectlph A, for herself and Mrs. Perry Belmont, The adjoining box was assigned to Mrs John A, Dlx, who will ha e with her severnlv leaders of Alban i-ociety In the tworboxea next tu these win k the family of Roger C. Sullivan and I that of .Thomas TarcarU liiBWK'::S---l!-- ';J5BI iHRiP to al miS" COK.R jM .tJOHNSTON Leaders and Wives of Leaders in Balti The Battle Inevitable By FRANK A. MTJNSEY. CHICAGO, June 23. The battle is over; the inevitable hap pened. Two forces so antagonistic in ideas and idols and so hostile to each other could not amalgamate in 'good feeling. It was impos sible. The bitterness of te recent campaign has never had a parallel in all political history. The fight is over, and the fight is on. The Roosevelt men, the progressives at heart, the men of courage and vision, the men who put individual thought and action above party regularity are as happy a lot of men as I have ever seen. They will have a chance now to take the case of fraudulently seated delegates to the jury of the honest, earnest citizens of the country, instead of to a packed con vention made up in part of delegates whose seats were under contest a monstrous perversion of common sense and common decency. This convention, however, was but the climax of the drama. The end of the old alliance had come. Nothing could have prevented it for long, if at all. When it was found that Mr. Roosevelt had won the votes to nominate him the Evening Post of New York advised that the Taft forces bolt, and went on to urge that no method was too extreme to prevent Roosevelt's nomination. The Taft convention seemed to see it the same way, and made good the advice of the Evening Post. A political party that is worth while cannot be launched from the top. It must come up from the deep convictions of the serious people themselves, as this new Progressive party has come. The Progressive party will be an all around party, complete in every respect with its candidates for President, governors, Congress- men, and all other offices. As it looks at this writing one may well doubt if the Taft party will succeed this fall in electing a single governor or a single Con gressman. NORMHH E.MaCHL more For the Democratic Convention. Is Over, the Happened unirmi nr i inrnii Bin i h ur LUL PARTY BENEFICIAL ! New Alignment Makes Clear Line of Cleavage, Says Whitlock. TOLEDO. Ohio, June 23. Brand Whitlock, the "Golden Rule" man of Toledo, Issued the following state ment this morning on the outcome of the Republican national convention at Chicago: "It was apparent at Chicago, after the first vote on Tuesday, that the managers of the President's campaign were in control of the convention. Of course, they used their power as old, skilled, and cynical politicians will. As to the outcome I take It no one would care to hazard a prediction until after the Baltimore convention. It will be settled so soon that It is easier to wait than to conjecture However, an effort will doubtless be made to force a nomination at Balti more equally as conservative as that at Chicago." "The very result at Chicago will en courage the conservathes at Baltimore. If they succeed we shnll probably see the birth in America of a new liberal party. And that should be welcomed by all, because under the present align ment neither party stands for anything definite In principle; there Is a difference betwen them on tho tariff question, but it is a difference of percentages and not of principle. There are, nowever. conservatives and liberals in both parties calling them by various names, and each other by numerous epithets, and It would make for simplicity If the conservatives were all In a party of their own and the liberals in a party of their own." Mr. and Mrs Whitlock left Toledo this afternoon for Baltimore with the Toledo delegation. Mrs. Leona V. Waltz Taken to Hospital Mrs. Ixjona V. Waltz, thirty-eight years old, of 648 Park toad northwest, was taken to Garfield Hospital shortly before noon today seriously 111 with a high fever. Mrs. Waltz was at home nlone when stricken, and nelghbcrs notified the po lice Policeman Carroll found her on the sidewalk in front of her home and sent her to the hospital In the police ambulance. Hospital physicians that Mis. Waltz's condition Is not dan gerous, though It will be some time be fore a complete diagnosis can be made. Prominent Florida Banker Is Dead JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Junp 33. The wife of W. D. Barnett. the millionaire president of Barnett National Bank, of Jacksonville, died today at Bprlngfleld, Mass. Mr. Barnett Is probably the most suc cessful banker In Florida, his bank be ing capitalized at a million and a half dollars. Central American Storm. MOBILE, Ala , June 23. Reports brought here by steamships tell of a heavy storm on the N'lcaraguau and Colombian coasts The I'ghthouse at Cape Gracls one of the largest In Hon duras, was blown down, and banana plantations near Bocae were damaged. TAFT'S VICTORY AT CHICAGO GREAT AID TO PROGRESSIVES Leaders Now Realize That Candidacy of Col. Roosevelt Will Be Chief Obstacle in Way of Their Success in November. ALL PERCEIVE MENACE OF MURPHY-SULLIVAN CONTROL By THEODORE TILLER. BALTIMORE, June 23. The renomination of William Howard Taft by the so-called Republican convention at Chicago, caused every Democrat in Baltimore today to wear his best Sunday smile. Further more, it gave a tremendous boost to the progressive wing of the Democratic party. But one prospect displeases the democracy today. That is the candidacy of Colonel Roosevelt on a popular platform. With Taft as the only opponent of the Democratic standard bearer, the politi cians of the party here figure that the race would be a walk-over in almost every State in the Union. If it is to be a three-cornered fight, the democracy knows that (o .win its candidate must be one upon whom the entire party can center, else Colonel Roosevelt will poll thousands of progressive Democratic votes. That is why the cause of progressiveism is looking up here today and that explains the overtures which will be made to William Jennings Bryan when he reaches the city this afternoon. To Offer Permanent Chairmanship. First, the conservatives, more deflnnltely known as the Murphy-Tap-Edt t-SJl'.ivan faction, will get word to Mr. Bryan that he may have the permanent chairmanship of the convention, If he will only withdraw his opposition to Judge PJker. Another bait which will be held out to the Nebraskan will be the chairmanship of the committee on resolutions, which Is really more important than the permanent chairmanship, the latter being more or less an ornamental place, designed to afford some Democrat the spotlight for a day or so. As Mr. Bryan has been In the spotlight for about a score of years, he probably will reject the Job of being mere gallery Idol. It became known here today that P. L. Hall, the national committee man from Nebraska, holds a letter from Mr. Bryan which says he does not seek the Democratic nomination. It is understood the letter says Bryan will not be a candidate "under any circumstances." Notwithstanding this, there Is a great deal of Bryan talk today. No man has yet refused a Presidential nomination when actually called by his party. The shadow of Bryan hangs over every political camp In this convention city. Every candidate, excepting Harmon and Underwood, who are at outs with Bryan, covets the support of the "Peerless Leader." In the same coveting heart rests the fear that the convention will become deadlocked and that In the end Bryan will stampede the convention again. "Boss" Murphy, of Tammy Hall, who Is rarely Interviewed, grew loqua cious to the extent of a couple of hundred words. Immediately thereafter one could hear this all over Baltimore: "Murphy's afraid of Bryan, too. He's trving to put up a bold front tot scare off the most powerful man In the Democratic party." Murphy said he expected the national committee to uphold the action of the subcommittee in naming Parker temporary chairman. "Is it a qtiestion of whether Bryan is the whole party or not?" Murphy was asked. v "Well, something like that," snapped the Tammany chief. Bryan followers, including Senator Gore, Joscphus Daniels, Congressman Henry, and Charles W. Bryan, brother of the three-thnos candidate, will go into conference with the Nebraska leader as soon as he reaches Baltimore. lleon men will flguto largely In the conference, for tho Wilson answer to the Bryan telegram aligns the New Jersey governor squarely with Bryan In his antl-Parkor fight. New York to "Hold Off" at First. Publlahod reports that New York will cast Its ninety votes for Speaker C'irK on the first ballot, In order to make a fortnldaole showing against the New Jerrfiy governor, luck confirmation here. It is generally understood that Murphy wants to deadlock the convention, and to this nd he will even tually have the support of the "practical politicians" of ihe ptrty. which means, of course, Taggart and Sullivan. Mi. Sullivan points out that no DwnocmM- candidate can have great hope of success unless he cnriles New Voik, Indian l, and Illinois, and the "Bnu'ieb ' from these respective States are not looking for a first ballot nomlna. tton, although rjulllvan heads a delegation Instruct-! for Speaker Clark It Is practically certain, in view of the political maneuvers hore today, that Ntw York will hold off for several ballots and cast ninety votes for Mayor Gaynor. Governor Dlx. or some other recent ly-groomjd "dark horse;" then adjournment will be taken and New York will 3wltch elthei to Har mon or Underwood, according to the present outlook, and the swapping of delegates will be on in earnest. The declination of Speaker Clark to offer decided opposition to New York's choice for temporary chairman hau undoubtedly given the Speaker a more favorable stand with the New York contingent, and it Is admitted New York will vote for the Speaker In preference to his closest competitor In the number of declgateB Woodrow Wilson. It Is not expected, however, that New York will wlng Into the Claik column at the outset, as ills managers hope. When Brjan reaches Baltimore this afternoon he will find the Wilson men with three candidates to suggest for the terrporary chairmanship In Ueu of Judge Parker. They will be Congress nan Henr, Senator Culberson, and , Continued on Second Pace.) i 1 -