THE WASHINGTON TIMS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1912. MILITARY OUTY SENATE IS $EEKIWJ . AGREEMENT IN VETO First Photographs of District National Guardsmen Taken in Camp at Bolivar Heights K2PsMEii AaWWif Neither Wool Nor' Steel Bill Can Muster. Two.tnirds - Vote. 10 START TODAY mmmimun OARSMEN mam First Dress Parade Wilf Be Held At 5 o'Clock This Evening. (Continued from First Page.) about U and af tr the drill this af tei noon every man here who wears a uniform will be minutely Inspected by the regular army officers to see that nothing resembling: a steel nosed bullet Is about. The blank ammuni tion haB not been distributed Yet, but will be shortly. The officers are tak ing this precautionary measure In ad vance. The old familiar rumor which strikes each encampment about this time every year that n militiaman whose nanie Is. being kept a secret has been found with quantities of ball cartridges In his gun hasn't arrived yet, but is hourly expected. Because of Tuesday's rain and tln storm of last night the Signal Corrs has found It Impossible to get In communication with the outside world yet. It Is expected that the wireless tower will liavo been erected before, nightfall and messages tl'jn may bs fcent direct to "VaBhlnj5t0n. Telephones are being Installed In the camp today. The reputation of the guardsmen for orderly conduct was maintained In Harpers Ferry laet night. Although there were but few of them with en ergy enough to visit the town, those that did enturo forth. In the rain re mained but a short time, attended an Ice cream festival, at which cream wado by a well-known Washington li' nrm, and extensively advertised as- such, was served, and then returned to camp. Wet Weather Not Feared. It Is beginning to look as If the guardsmen will spend another two weeks In camp similar to those of six years ago when they maneuvered at Mt. Gretna, Pa., when It rained the greater portion of the time. They will not suffer the hardships of that campaign, how ever, as this camping ground is so un like that of the Pennsylvania Held. If It should rain every day, the natural slope of the ground where the tents arc pitched and the quality of the soil would make It Impossible for the men to be flooded. Barely had the guardsmen reached the camping ground and had pitched their tents when the first storm cloud ap peared. There was a hurrying and scurrying for utensils with which to "ditch" their tents. It wasn't an hour before each of the hundreds of circular tents In which tho men will sleep were Inclosed In miniature open culverts, over which nothing less than a cloud burst could wash. It didn't rain, however, until long after the last mess of tho day had been finished, and the concert of the Second Infantry Band had concluded. It didn't bother the guaidsmcn the least bit, as they had no desire to see the sights of Harpers Ferry. The hike from their armories to the freight sUtlon In Wash ington wliere they entrained, the two and a half hours on board the trains, and then the long hike up the hill load ing from Harpers Ferry to Camp Ofd way, all of which was followed by the work necessarj to the erection of u tented city, sipped the energy of tho men. But few of tho 1,600 or more men now in camp heard the headquarters bugler sound taps, as most of them had been in slumberland before that time. . . . This promises to be an Ideal encamp ment for the men. While Colonel Gar rard and the regular army officers, as well as the brigade staff of the militia expect to give the guardsmen some pointers about this little game of war and preparing for war, which have been i?r 'A! vprtvi -s -s; - - r - -vs. L fc-Ni. V'' t.1.l -X-VJ s I l ;".. v .' . $t m &? Xa. vr? & '; vm '0 ii'ih &&, vti'tm ? W : nh w vifcl $&M,t m c. ' MOA && nw Wf"$m$ iS'r,t?y 4 A? vmA r-mss 'J1.r cm warrji nfuJjtjuv m win m& &V& n Erafl msm Photos by S. Macdonald, Times 8taIT Photographer at th Encampment. At Top On the Left, Colonel Harvey and Lieut. Col. A. Stephens. On the Right, Band Leading the First Infantry Into Camp. At Bottom Early Arrivals Laying Out the Camp. unknown to them heretofore, yet at, the xtine nine tncy are going 10 ao every thing possible to s.S8isi.'tho men Ip hav-' Ing an outing after "working hours." Unless the privileges accorded them are abused they will be given the free dom of the town at all reasonable hours. Once It is abused, however, the army men are determined to make them "buckle down" to actual military life. No passes will be Issued to any of the men which will permit them to leave the State of West Virginia. If any guardsman Is caught crossing tho line Into Maryland or Virginia, it means many weary days in the guardhouse This part of West Virginia Is "dry." and colonel Garrard said todfcy that (thls certainly will remain a "dry" camp, ii in mcunuuu Duvtrugea Dcins brought In J concerned. Camp Ordway Notes Or. alternating evenings concerts wi' be given by the bands of tho First and Second Infantries. The Second Infan try band will furnish the program a 7 o'clocl- tonight on h special stand near brigade headquarters. Tho mascot of the Second Infantry, who, by tho way. Is the first one that ar ', m f.1211 " ",', lTnl &tt dber Jr irot J. 8 If J&a 1 Is: .rfPnMfe, VCA EHM 2&82L X V u A Vacation or With an Easy Mind No matter where you go to seashore, mountain, lake woods; or merely slip away for recreation, to the nearby Country Club you may always be in touch with your business affairs, for everywhere will be found the Bell telephone and the familiar blue sign. Travel, worry, suspense, delays are all precluded by that word of authority or assurance which flashes along the cop per spans, setting the mind free. For small sums up to half a dollar or so, you can reach this City from Colonial Beach, Blue Ridge Summit, Berkley or Capon Springs and scores of other resorts. No place is be yond the reach of the Bell System. Use the Bell" ', fj i 0 u 0 'j 7 1 EffiSI mmamet r?,1 wv!Xkl"M rsKca ftv"Kl';A wm organisation has had In years. Is ten-year-old Ford Harvey, son. of Col. Wll nanm K. Harvey, commanding officer of the First. Ford, who occupies a cot in his fathers tent, has a complete out fit, although In miniature, of B militia man He keeps tho rules of the camp to the letter. He spent his first day here visiting the men who constitute his father's regiment. For the first time In ears, tho Dis trict National auard will spend two Sundays In camp, which means that the largest number of visitors the militia men ever has entertained, will see them at the Harpers Ferry encampment this year. Ahead? provisions for entertain ing hundreds of Washlngtonlans have been put under way, and a series of jipcclal trains from Washington wilt bu operated to Harpers Ferry, both the coming Sunday and the following one. Capt. George Dudley, chaplain of the Second Tnfantry, has with him In camp this ypar a mosquito netting which he has used every year since the District olnntecrs went to Cuba during the war with Spain, and one which has as sociations which make it Invaluable to him it was presented to him by Clara Barton, founder of the Amerlca'n Hed Cross Society. To his fellow officers he told this story today: ".Miss Barton asked me to come over to a small Cu ban town and officiate at the funera! of one of her nurses. When the serv ices were concluded she asked me if there was anything she could give me. As the baggage of the soldiers had mis carried, and we had been without equipments of any kind for a month. 1 asked for the netting, which I have with me. That It was of exceptionally good quality Is shown by the good con dition In which it Is today." An Interesting as well as Important event from the standpoint of the men, took place at tho close of tho day'B ex ercises yesterday, when representatives of the United States Government, in the person of the regular army Inspec tors, mustered In the officers and men which constitute the District mllltla. Every person who will receive pay for services during the encampment, was required to present himself to one of the four Inspectors and answer to his name, a Blmllar exercise will be given at the conclusion of the encampment. Assigned to the Second Infantry as inspector, is Lieut. F. B. Eastman, formerly of the Tenth Infantry, United States army, but now detached. Lieu tenant Eastman Is a Murylander by birth, and Is rapidly making many friends In all the organizations of the mllltla. Despite the fact that the -day pre ceding the one on which the guardsmen were due In camp was a rainy one, and that nearly all the tents which had been erected, weie torn from their moorings by the heavy storm, but little Inconvenience has been caused. By Thursday night all the shower baths will be In working order, and the water from the many artesian wells which dot the large farm which Is being used as a maneuvering camp, will again be clear, and can be used for drinking purposes. The water on the Cavalier farm, by the way, has been analyzed nnd pronounced perfectly pure by the Government chemists. The guardsmen will be in no danger at contracting dis eases from this supply. i. During the absence of General Har ries Col. Charles H. Ourand, command ing the First Infantry, who Is the senior officer of the brigade, Is In com mand of the guardsmen. It Is not known when Goneral Harries will reach camp. An agreement will b worked out In the Senate today, It Is expected, for' a vote on tho wool and steel bills to morrow. They will come before 'the Senate on the question of passing them over the veto of the President. Canvasses of tho Senate Indicate; that neither bill can be passed over the veto. Senator Simmons tried to get an agree ment this morning to vote on both bills tomorrow afternoon. After discussion, this fell through. Senator Bmott raised the question of pairs and favored pair ing on a ont-to-two system. Senatbr Simmons wa not In favor of this. The upshot was no agreement, but it was said one would be reached later In the day. Fight to Free Brandt Is Renewed at Albany ALBANY. N. Y. Aug. 1C The fight to securo liberty for Foulk A. Brandt, former valet of Mortimer L. Schlff, was resumed today. Announcement wan made at tile State prison depart ment here that a wrlcof habeas cor pus hud been served on the warden of Clinton prison at Dannemora, direct ing him to produce Brandt in court tomorrow nt 2 o'clock before Justice Kellogg at Plattsburg. Baseball Player Dies Of Unusual Injury STEUBENVILLE. Ohio. Aug. IB William Craig, aged twenty-four, pitch er for the Steubenvllle baseball team, died today from Injuries received while demonstrating how to pitch a curved ball. The swing of his body snapped his leg and caused Internal ruptures. Resinol cured itch ing tores on face Awfol to Look At, Sleep Broke ST. LOUIS. MO. "At about eleven years of age my face was covered with a mass of scabby tores, awful to look nt, and my sleep wis broken up by the intense itching, and then after scratching, the sores would pain me juit something awful. 'My mother got salves and soaps to use, bnt all to no purpose. A friend of mine who was Physical Director at the T. M. C. A. at that time, told me it was a bad ess, acd would spread all over the body if something were not done. He gave me some Reslnol Soap and Eeilnol Ointment, and in lew than two weeks I was cured, without leaving any marks or scars what ever." (Signed) Ernest Le Pique, Jr., 8021 Dickson St., June 1012. Try Resinol free Tour drcurjrW sells ReatDot Eosp (2Se) sod Itetlnol Ointment (tOc) ul recom mends them for alt sorts of tkln and scalp trouble, pimples, eantram, sores, belli. ad Jtchlnc pile. Tber (top UcUpc In. iUntly. Tor cample of eech. writ to Dept. M. ftcelnolOo., Baltimore. UL LIVING COST CLIMB! Heady Advance in All Nc Prices Excepting Pork. VEGETABLES UHUSTTALLY HIOHl cTMERE IS MO HIGH COST OF LIVIMG IF YOU DEAL AT THE LEAGUE OF CONSUMERS' FRIENDS otatoes and Other Table Reeeiamee Keep Pace in Increase All Along the) Line Fruits Are Coming In Fine Con- d'tloa and at Reasonable Rates Grapes Hera is Abundance. The advance In the price ef meats pre-l lairing throughout the country has reach Washington, ana everything In thj t line la. higher the, a week neJsWVMsrmnveMlaUiQSAJUsBWeirne u UR patrons find it comparatively easy to keep down the cost of living and we do not esk them to sacrifice anything in the way of good service either. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fancy Sugar Cured Harms, per pound, 17c. You will pay more for an In ferior srade elsewhere. 1 No. 1 Potatoes, per peck, 25c. 1 Hecker's Superlative Flour, GVs-lb sack, 23c. 12lAAb sack, 45c. Better flour Is not obtainable at any price. A trial will .con vince tho most skeptical. Naboth Grape Juice, per bottle, 17c. A saving of moie than SO per cent from the regular price. Good Brooms, 25c each. 1 Picnic Shoulders, per pound, 12 Vac. Gambrill's Patapsco Flour, 6-lb sack, 20c. 124b sack, 40c. A desirable article attractively priced. Fresh Roasted Coffee, per pound, 25c. Real economy may be prac ticed through the use of this article without sacrificing quality Banquet Brand Coffee, per pound, 30c Users of high-grade coffee will appreciate the saving that may be pocketed through the use of this brand. Best Granulated Sugar, per pound, 5V2C Fancy Queen Olives, large bottle, 15c. Would not be dear at 25 cents. Pride of England Im ported Sauce, per bottle, 10c. Will compare favorably with other brands of sauce sold at a much higher price. Fresh Creamery Butter, 1 1-lb. prints, 30c. High-grade Baking Powder, 1-lb can, 15c. ThlB article Is packed espec ially for us and we guarantee Jt to be entirely satisfactory. Hang-up Boxes Double Tip Matches, per box, 5c. A desirable box and a desir able match at a price which should appeal. . Large Tumblers Pre pared Mustard 5c. This article Is packed espec ially for us under our brand and will please. Blue Hen Matches, 2 dozen boxes, 25c. League of Consumers' Friends PATRONIZE THE STORE NEAREST YOU lfORTIIEAST Lotlier F. Hnll, Twelfth and H streets. Frank Mace, Serenth nnd F streets. Colombia Tea & Coffee Co., 1503 N. Cap. St It. E. Boberson, Fifth and A streets. George Claggett, Sixteenth and H streets, J. F. Allnlne & Son, 500 Twelfth street J. M. Asnandale, 1200 II street J. Krans & Son, 910 13th street a J. Brnyshaw, Jr., Sixth nnd A streets. D. T. Batson, G21 Seyenth street J. E. DIggle, Sereath and H street;. Thomas linden, 640 G street SODTOTTEST M. J. TThelan, ThJnt and C streets. J. H. Goodrich, Eighth and F streets. r II. T. GoTer, Setenth nnd C streets. William H. Lelmbnch, Sixth and G streets. R. E. IT. Schmidt Eighth nnd D streets.. 1. G. Schmidt, Four-aud-a-hnlf and F its. llsHv k I SDBUItBAIT E. JI. Tabb, HyattstUle, Md. W. J. Cook, Twelfth and Irving sts, Brookland, D. C. KORTHTTEST 3. R. Stone, 2444 Eighteenth street Thos. Dean, First & Randolph sts. W. S. Brown & Co., 1113 Fourteenth street W. T. Davis, Fifteenth and 1 streets. C. Bammllng, 312 Pcnnu. aTenne. F. A. Dodge, Seventh and T streets. H. E. G. Besler, 3322 M street 1L Oppenhelmer & Son, 008 Ninth street 0. A. Pendleton, 1330 Ninth street A, H. Flitt, Sixth and Q streets. C. V. Sparrow, 806 North Capitol street . TT. S. Brown & Co., 1614 Fourteenth street SOUTHEAST G. E. Bohaunon, 535 Fourth street Brlnkley Bros., 1101 Third street Brlnkler Bros., 023 Fourth, street F. F. Zuschnltt, Second and N streets. James B. Tane, 230 11th st ' Ruland & Howes, 14th and A streets. Brlnkler Brosw 103 M street. L. F. LusbY, Eighth and East Capitol sts. R. A. Rollins, Eloventh and M streets. II. C. Roberson, Ninth st & S. Carolina ave. R. E. Smith, Sixth nnd D streets. 'Free Delivery to Every Section of the City"