OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, September 16, 1912, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1912-09-16/ed-1/seq-7/

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$ix Marksmen of Company
F Qualify as Experts With
Rifle and Pistol.
With "Tenderness" the Treasure Is "Stored" Away
HTATTSVILLE, Md., Sept. 16. Com
pany F First Maryland Infantry, the
local company of militia, lias returned
from the State rifle range, twelve mllos
out of Baltimore, bringing with It, one
pf the best records of any company in
the First "Regiment. Out of fifty men,
forty-five qualified as marksmen and
three as expert riflemen. The experts
were Capt. O. A. Qreager, Sergt.
George JB. Morse, and Private Tlllle
Stephenson. UesHes the rifle work three
,mcn qualified as experts and two as
marksmen with the pistol. The expert
pistol shooters were Capt. O. A. Qreag
er, First Lieut. Ernest Kennard, and
.First Sergt. Henry O'Nell. Those
hvho failed to qualify only lacked a
(email number of points. This company
?s next to the youngest In the regiment
and It waB Us first trip to the State
' TW1U Be , tVXP SMBCT " "a
Sfffrfffe"' I ,N THe DISCARD jg
famMyf Ul frm the dtr' lle ,eave" a
This town for several hours yester
day afternoon was without water. Early
jin me aiternoon the pipe that carries
line water rrom tho pumping station to
,the large tank above the town split a
tew feet In front of the station. In
lorder to repair It it was necessary to
leut off the water supply.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson H. Ralston
have returned to their home on
ptaryland avenue, after a throe
Jnonth's tour of Europe. After the
tfajl Election they will move into
(Washington for tho winter.
Thomas H. Latimer and family are
occupying the home of L. L. Dent,
RVlne aveilue, for the winter. Mr. and
Mrs. Dent are living at the Dobbs
The public school opened todav for
Its fall and winter term, and a la'rge
number of pupils answered to the
toll call. On account of the crowded
condition of the main building tho
frusteeb have rented a large dwelling
house from Francis Gasch for the use
pf those pupils residing on tb-i east
plde of the Baltimore and Ohio rail
road tracks. About 100 pupils are
expected to take ad,vantaeo of this
find several additional teachers will
.ce engaged.
A new school house will be erected
in East Hyattsvllle, but this work will
lot be commenced until next year. The
'urn of $.",000 has already been appro
priated for this work by the county
Back To Yon Camphor Until An
other Spring Shall Have
Sallow, sun-tnnned, yellowed, sickly
looking straw headgear graces tho
brows' of many male residents of the
city today despite the Unwritten
edict which became effective at mid-
night that tho "lids" of yesterday
should be relegated to places of
camphorated obscurity.
"A bas! straw bonnet at mldnlsht of
the fifteenth day of September," are
the words uttered' bv Dame Fanhlon.
according to the flctiontsts. "Shoot It,
shoot it, bang, "bang," is the cry that
rings In flje ears of atl who surmount
ineir Drain emporiums ana "bone
heads" with hats of straw- Still the
existence of the straw "lid" continues
to be "eked out'' and Its longevity
evidently depends a great denl on
what the mercury In the. termometer
docs. The head piece that lives
through days of criticism, despite tho
Byron Morse has returned to his home
ftfter a stay with friends In Anne Arun
dle county.
The executive committee recently ap
pointed by the county Democratic cen
tral committee for Hyattsvllle district
MM meet tonight In Magruder's Hall.
Mrs. Graco Pickford, of Washington,
Is spending a few weeks with relatives
n East Hyattsvllle.
Berwyn and Laurel played off a tie
baseball game from Labor Day last Sat
urday at the midway city, and Berwyn
came out on the long end of a l-to-0
Bcore. It was a pitchers' battle between
Souder, for Laurel, and Phil Buscher,
tor Berwyn. Buscher allowed two hits.
blriKThg out thirteen, and passing two
pien, while Souder fanned eight, passed
pone, hit one man, and allowed three
hits. Two errors and a hit bunched
In the first Inning let In Burton Ship
ley with the only run of tho game.
What's on the Program i..
Washington Today
The following National Union Councils
Central, No. 219.
The following Masonic organizations
will meet tonight: Lodges Potomac,
No. 5, M. M.: Benjamin B. French,
, No. 15, M. M.: Anacostla, No. 21,
E. A.: Pentalpha, No. 23. business:
Mt. Pleasant, No. 33, M. M. Knights
Temnlar Orlpnt ("Tnmmanrtorv isi k
Temple and Malta. Royal and Seiect i
Masterjfc Wnshlnc-trin fVuinnll Mrt 1 .
degrees, eastern atarr-uutn unapter,
No. 1.
,The following I. O. O. F. organizations
will meet tonight: Lodges Union,
No. U; Covenant, No. 13; Beacon, No.
15, and Langdon, No. 28 , business.
Rebekah Degree Naomi Lodge, No. 1,
Meeting of Osage Tribe. No. 5, I. O.
R. M., Fifth and G streets northwest.
The following K. O. T. M. Tents will
meet tonight: National, No. 1. old
Masonic Temple: Mt. Vernon, No. 4,
Northeast Temple; Anacostla. No. 7,
Masonic Hall. Anacostla.
Meeting of Grand Circle, P. H. C,
Third street and Pennsylvania avenue
southeast, tonight.
The following K. of P. Lodges will
meet tonight: Amaranth, No. 28; Cen-
tury, No. 30.
Columbia "The Yankee Prince," 8:15
p. m.
Poll's Poll Players In "The Thief," 8:15
P. m.
Chase's Polite vaudeville, 2:15 and 8:15
P. m.
Academy "Madame X." 8:15 p. m.
Casino Vaudeville, 1:30, 3:15, 6:45. and
8:30 p. m.
Lyceum Gay Widows Company, 2:15
and 8:15 p. m.
,Gayety "Merry Whirl," 2:15 and 8:15
p. m.
Concert Today
By United States Marine Band, at
Marine Barracks, at 4:30 p. m.
March "P. S. K." de Grain
Overture "William Tell" Roslnl
"Meditation," from "Thais"
. Massenet
Euphonium solo "Josephine". ..Kryl
Musician George Frey.
Scenes from "Lohengrin". ...Wagner
"Dance of the Hours," from "La
Gloconda" Ponchlelll
Characteristic fantasia "Way
Down Upon the Swanee River"
March "Flag of Victory".. von Bloa
"The Star-Spangled Banner."
By the IT. S. Soldiers' Home Band,
Bandstand at 4 o'Clock.
March "Fort Popham" Hall
Overture "1812" Tschaikawsky
(Depleting the French Revolution.)
Morceau "Cupid's Caress. . . . Roberts
Selection "The Army Chaplain"
Rag oddity "That Dramatic Rag"
Fantasia "Tone Pictures of the
North and South" Bendlx
Characteristic "Parade of the
Tin Soldiers" Jessel
Finale "Norembega" Hall
"The Star-Spangled Banner."
By United States Engineer Band, at
Washington Barracks, 8 p.m.
March, "Revelation" Chambers
Overture, "Don 'Cesar de Bazan"
Waltz, "Moonlight on the Hudson"
Grand selection, "Reminiscences of
Wagner Tobanl
Intermezzo, "La Danseuse"
Von Blon
Selection, "The Yankee Consul"
"The Star-Spangled Banner."
By the Fifteenth Cavalry Band, at
Montrose Park, at 7:30 P. M.
March. "National Emblem" (re
quest) Bagley
Overture. "Orphee aux Enfers."
A tone poem, "Apple Blossoms" (re
quest) Roberts
Concert waltz, "Sobre Las Olas."
Sextet from "Lucia dl Lammer-
moor Donizetti
Selection, "Gems of Stephen Foster,"
Skipping rope dance, "In the Shad
ows" (request) Flnck
March, "Sons of the Brave," Bldgood
"The Star-Spangled Banner."
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much your head ached;
how mUuiable and uncomfo-tablti you
are from constipation, IndlKebtlon, bili
ousness or.d sluggish lntestlnts yju al
ways get the desired results with Caa
carets. Clean your stomach, liver, and bow
els tonlKdt, end the headache, billlous
ness, dbz-'nuss, nervousness, sick, sour,
gassy etomach, backache, and all other
distress- relieve your torpla liver and
constipated bowels of all the sour bile,
gases Hi:U clpgged-up . wastfc winch is
producing the misery.
A 10-Cent bO of PlMrtll Iraar... ........
Vittnil nln f n . L. . a.
,.-uu uic-ui, oiuiimuii sweet, nvr ana
bowels regular and you feel cheerful
and bully for months. Don't forget tho
children their little lnsides need a good,
gentle, cleansing, too.
edict of fashion, will eventually die
with the chill of fall and winter and
then then alone ;wlli embarrass
"""it or chilled domes send It to the
oblivion of the. cuphoard nnd ward
robe. Violent death must not be thefato
or tho straw hat, unless the wearer
acquiesces this year. They are not
doing It that way this year, according
to Assistant United States Attorney
GIVen. who doclnreshe will Issue war
rants for arrests on charges, of as
sault to all persons complaining of
others breaking thlr hats, despite the
dale or season ih which they are
To Pass on Suburban
Sidewalk Plan Today
The board of supervisors of Alexan
dria county, Va., meets this aft-rnoon
to take final action .on thi request of
.1 number of suburban villages t put
down sidewalks. Clarendon wants a
sidewalk from that place -to Rosslyn.
while Cherrydale wants one to Halls
Englnippr Henry Crocker will furnish
the supervisors with estimates ns to
the cost of the work.
Slayer of Massachusetts School
Teacher Gives Up Hope
of Reprieve.
' 1
Heirs-at-Law Charge Mental
Incapacity and Undue In
fluence in Contest.
BOSTON, Sept. 18. Bertram G. Spen
cer will bo electrocuted In the Charles
town penitentiary -shortly after mid
night tonight. He will pay tho penalty
for tho murder of Miss Martha B.
Blackstone, a Springfield, Mass., school
.teacher. The woman Interrupted Spen
cer In a burglary and was shot down.
Spencer no longer hopes for life. Gov
ernor Foss and President Taft have
each refused the plea of his mother.
Mrs. Spencer, after a last visit to her
son, returned today to Connecticut and
will not visit htm again before the end.
ROQKVILLE, Md., Sept. 1C The or
phans' court at this place has decided
that It has no Jurisdiction to hear the
caveat to tho will of the lato Henry
Bradley, of thU placo, taking the posi
tion that the Instrument Is a contract.
Tho contestants will lake the case to
the court of appeals.
Mr. Bradloy died about eighteen
months ngo, leaving his entire estate
to his. wfdow,. Mrs. Jane B. Bradley,
Several helrs-at-law filed a" caveat,
charging mental Incapacity and undue
influence. The estate la valued at about
The contestants are represented by
D. W. Baker, of Washington, and W.
O. Spates, of Rockvllle, and Mrs. Brad
ley by Talbptt & Prettyman, Judge
James B. Henderson and Boujc &
Boulc, of Rockvllle.
Murray Baker Smith, of Frederick
county, and Mlti Ola Blanche Lawson,
of Browninsvllle, this county, were
married at Clarksburg, this county, by
the Rev. Thomas 8'. Davis, pastor of the
ClarkBburg M. E. Church.
Funeral services for Miss Julia A.
Marlowe, who died Friday night at the
home of her sister, Mrs, W. F. Newton,
at Kensington, were held at 11 o'clock
this morning In the Methodist Church at
Kensington. The Interment was in the
cemetery near Spencerville, this county.
Miss Marlowe was eighty-one yearn
old. Her death was due to senile de
bility. -
Presumably while asleep on the track,
John Dorsey, colored, aged about forty
years, was Instantly killed at an early
hour yesterday morning by a Washing
ton and Rockvllle elactrlc car at Mont
rose, three miles east of Rockvllle. Half
an hour before he had left tho car on
ThO BUDervlnnrn nt tnnlln.. r- 4r .
fn miS?u.1ty wl" mpet " their office
!Snri courthouso hero at 10 o'clock to
ftanIL mo?11n 'P ' to voters
Thn. h- 1 K cerlcaies or eranement.
',e, d,clrln transfers will have to
eVn'semJ? J??,"?"'. but. rUncate of
crasement will be Issued to anyone.
inAiEnnfJ!!if rent big real estate deals
?, rn,t0"VerXuC0Unty w.n" "10 Sale' of
......,, L vfiurieB j, jjyuunne. neir
StWi?!' foJl.30,000, The Swehuer
on r .""" V. " .VPer ec-
ed as one of. theftnest In the count? li
contains about M acres. counir.
District Head of Union
Machinists in Canada
W. H. Johnston, of Washington, pres
ident of tho International Association
S,Mchl!,!ft"' ,a ,n Toronto, Canada, to
day presiding nt the opening session of
a convention of metal trodes workers
Chiefly etnnlnvo. nf tu-r r.IjVK2.'
clflo railroad- .an -a-
wW,vie.i.ln ana.da President Johnston
?J.L,8.,it 8e,vernl ot the lodges of tho
International Association, which has a
large membership In the Dominion.
Continues Investigation Into Scale
Paid Employes In Civil Estab- 4
lishments There.
The wage Investigating board Of the
navy yard, appointed bv Rear Admiral
Frank E, Beatty, commandant of the
yard, went to Baltimore, this morning
to continue Investigations In that city
of wages paid employes in all klnda of
civil Industrial establishments. It U
expected about one day and a half will
be required to complete the Investiga
tions In Baltimore, which were started
some davs ago.
With hn n.lllMnM Ant .am... .
board probably will havo all tho figures
1. hctob, ouine nine, prouaiy BDOUl
three weeks, will be consumed 'In col
latlnr and tui1vlntr thM nirurs, hf
a report Is made to tho oommandant. .
The law require that wages In the-i
navy yard here be paid) on the same
basis an employes of clvli fhdustries in
this and nearby cities. -
1111111111111111 fcJlllllllllllllllfllljii,tMl,,,lhjiiiiiiiiiiuiL
Ma?H'sayil2Srl r vw fli milla-J!l Ulllllt H fllnflV 'mill I HIIIHIH (1 11 lilf H7'"J
OPEN 8 A. M.
Established in 1860
49c Stamped Shirt Waists,
New Designs
75c Stamped Nightgowns,
New Designs
Three Cases 4,500 Yards AD-W60I o i
Storm Serge; 60c Value, Yd. . . . O&C
A sensational bargain, because serge is the season's most wanted
tacne. Sensational, because mills are refusing spot delivery orders
and a sensational bargain because the price quoted is more than 5o
less than any store anywhere is selling these same fabrics for. Please
note the color assortment navy blue, brown, marine blue, king blue '
Dean. P-Olf nvf rarHiml .-r.dt ,4n t . i ... J P ..
1-T,oi, i?" i ""' &"'"" s", iwii, uin, caiawDa, leatner,
khaki brown topaz, cadet, alice, taupe, and black. Buy as many dress
Or SKlrt lenelhS aS Vnil nPJd- no rontrWinnc nA ,at,, n"'-
wool and first quality; worth 6oc. To go at the sensationally ocuTi
low price of, yard ; jtfC
"P-B"The Mark of Quality
There's a "P-B" Hat of Style
For Every Man
At Every Man's Price
OFF with the old sun-kissed Straw of summer. On with the
Hat of Fall.
"P-B, the Hat Shop of Washington," offers you not one-
n iwu aijrics, uui a score or more.
Every style different every style "right." Selection is a
pleasure at "P-B's."
Every popular price, and "P-B" high quality always, backed
by the "P-B" guarantee of absolute satisfaction.
"P-B" Derbies and Soft Hats
RamoHats .... $2 Omar Hats .... $3
Parget Hats. ... $4 Youman Hats ... $5
The Avenue at Ninth
The Rebuflding Sale Is Still Going On,
So Profit by Past Experiences and
Get Here Tomorrow
nuviPii m iiiikt
I'D ' MffivMiy
MfliliHirtaSMIlMijiiiT? m k 1 ft I I
THE largo capital and
surplus of this In
stitution, amount
ing to $2,300,000.00, tho
uhlformly conservative
policy characterizing its
management, , together
with the strict supervision
of the United States Gov
ernment, make It In every
way an ideal depository
for the safeguarding of
funds. 3 interest, com
pounded semi-annually, Is
paid on savings accounts,
both large and small.
m st.y.S..,x &i bJIH VV.
Wm'vmm nvn
t'i mm
JW-'flUBl nX?
Silk-Finish Poplin, a Regular 29c Quality 1 fk
Rebuilding Sale Price, Yi .... 10
200 pieces of the very best grade yarn Mercerized-Poplin, in pink,
light blue, alice, lavender, Copenhagen, green, wistaria, plum, purple,
golden brown, reseda, gray, old rose, navy, and 6lack and white.
having your decayed teeth treated.
It is dangerous. Often decayed
teeth cause serious diseases. Every
aay aeiayea increases the eventual
size or your dental bill.
" 4omHB SJJ
and can make your teeth sound and strong without caus
ing you any pain, bee me today and let me put an end
to your teeth troubles.
Examination Free
39c 40-inch
Striped Voiles, Yd.
Just received 25 nier: nf Rlarlr onH Whit ctn-., w!i. r.-i.
ion s one best style this season. Your opportunity to secure a 1ft,
handsome, pattern now at this prevailing low figure. 29c value. . I"C
36-inch $1.25 Changeable CH
Chiffon Taffeta Silks . . DfC
All pure silk, soft and durable, in IS color combinations.
24-inch 85c Striped
Messaline Silk . .
All pure silk and very lustrous. They come in dark grounds
with white and colored stripes.
will do well to consult dally the numer
ous and unusual bargains offered In The
Times' "For Sale Mlscellaneoun" rv,i.
umns on the Want Ad pages.
W1H Not Slip or Drop
$1 Combination Suits, gQc
Odds and ends in Combination Suits, Drawers, and Covers and
Gowns, neatly trimmed with lace embroidery, beading, and zt
ribbon; sizes 36 to 40. Regularly gl.oo. Rebuilding Sale price 09C
Women's Drawers madA nf nA
quality cambric; ruffle of hem
stitched hem and tucks; Blzes 23
to 27. Regularly 29c. Re- 09
building Sale price LUC
Gowns, made of fine quality nain
sook, several styles, low neck and
short sleeves, trimmed with lace,
embroidery and, ribbon; sizes
15 to 17. Regularly $1.25. QO
Special OOC
Odds and ends In Combination
Suits, Drawers and Covers, made
of fine quality nainsook, trimmed
with lace, embroidery, beading and
I!.bb.on: slze! 36 t0 - Regularly
v.wu uuu t.,uo. aveuuuu- qt a o
lng Sale price.
Women's Hand-embroidery Chem-
$1.25. "Special
ise; sizes 38 to 42. Regularly Qf rt
Fillings in Gold,
Silver, Platinum and
50c and $1.00
Gold Crowns and
$3, $4, $5
...T'nt?"i und- M,,"t Tliorou'uhljr Kqiilpprd rnrlorn In
nn.hlnBtin. ApuointuirntM Vny r Mnde by Tclrphone.
Hour. 8 to 0. timtm. nud Wed. until H pm. Sunday
Hour.. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.,
,I;'l.,.'.'lJS.I.Jilw,.,?..OFFirEl '',l w,?" LexInKton Street,
i J""i;KM,HIA HFPICEi S. E. Ct.r. Klfthth nnd ainr-
w ' w wtw t nn VHnYpllYIIHVfl
Cotton Petticoats
$2.00 Ilnlcyou Mesaallue
Light In weight, soft and dur
able. In black only. Tailored
flounce finished with rows of pin
tucks. Regular size only. QQrt
Lengths, 38 to 42. Special.. 7oC
1.00 Black Percallne Pet- KQn
tleoata OIC
Good quality Percallne In black
with Persian band and plain back;
several styles; lengths, 38 to CQrt
42. Special OUC
75c 27-inch Embroidered
27-inch Fine Batiste Flouncing, a large variety of different Q C
patterns to select from. Regular 75c values. Special 3 DC
A line of Fine. Narrow Cambrlr.
EdgeB, that sell regularly for (n
12c. Special, yard OC
18-lnch F!mhrntflAr am flnA .nM
Book and cambric; with or without
ribbon space; regular 49c OC
values. Special, yard AUC
Lace Curtains and Portieres
SI.Kt) Rrntnfi Tjipa Pitrtnlno Mn
cluborate borders; all-over point
d'esprlt center, 45 Inches wide, :
yards long, half dozen or more
other designs that are equally
pleasing. Great values for QQrt
Tuesday, the pair JC3C
$2.50 Call Net Curtains, wide
inserted border, wtth plain center,
effective edge; comes In both white
and arab. an excellent wearing
ctiHtaln that will launder; four
different patterns. For C-t An
Tuday, the pair 01.170
$3.00 Tapestry Portieres, wide
fringe at top, neat fringe at bot
tom; an attractive, well finished
hanging; colors are red. green,
olive, and brown, Special flj- nn
for Tuesday, the pair (Dl.aH
$5.00 Tapestry Portieres; the new
line of colors comprises tan, brown
green, olive, and red. finished with
Ya.n..Dj'ke 'nld; well woven, with
brilliant luster- 3 yards
long, 50 Inches wide. qq ntT
For Tuesday OO.D

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