THE WASHINGTON TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1012. JULIA MURDOCK'S THEATER GOSSIP s s ANDMAN TORIES WMMMWWMMW Mrs. Wickersham Hostess At a Luncheon Today Julia Murdock Tells of the Success of Mile. Genee From the Time She Made Her Debut As a Da.xer For The Times' Children Just Before It's Bedtime 10 SOCIETY HRONICLES jjjj I If tfAuuWAuuuuumuuuW nip 'Mmmmmmwt ?H& ; ' -CVprfKht Hurrla-Ewlnr. MISS ETHEL NOYES, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Noyes, of Chicago and Washington. Mls rthcl Nojo. duughtir of Mr. and Mrs. Krank B .So) is, will occom puny her sister. Miss I'runcii Nojcs, to New Haven, Conn, tomoirovv to Join a party at the Yu.i-llarvard game. Miss Noyes will not huve a cumins1 out pail this season as hud bien pUnntd on account of mourning In the family. The board of manugcrs of Neighbor hood House will t,lve an old-fasli.oned afternoon tea at ITU N strut southwest, on Saturdaj, from 2 to 0 o clock, when Mrs. Hcnncn Jinnliiss. Mrs John C. Fremont, Mrs Walur TULkcrmun, Miss Qlllctt, Miss blibirt. Mrs ChurleB J. Bell, Mrs Adoiph Khun, und others on the board will ncelvc, and a number of charming Klrls. huds of this season und last, will serve U.i. The latui group Includes Mies Lllzabcth Noes, Miss Iluth Lamer, and Huth Uliss. Unlike most In nations to Neighbor hood liouse, the Ua Is without money and without prlvc, and is given to In terest Washington pioale In general In the work of the classes who will place on sale for Christmas many tinoiitltttl ii.iiim. ,il VV II iililllllCi .11 1. Tcu will be servtd b the tooking ciuss. j Tneie are a numbir ot tar lines mar' Nelgiibornood House, and 'third street Xrom Pcnnslania uenuo unords tho best carr.age and automobile routo. V " Miss Margaret Southerland, daughter of Rear Aumlral U. II II Southerland, U. S. N., now stationed on the Pacific coast, will come to Washington to spend the Lenten season, at which time a number ot dinner parties, a form ot en tertainment not barred In Lent, will be given In her honor ! Rear Admiral Richardson Clover, U. B. N, and Mrs Cloer will gie a din ner dance for their daughter. Miss Eu dora Clover, during Christmas week, when a numbir of last season's debu tantes will be In the eomuan. - Mrs. Marshall Meld has arrived In Washington after spending tho summer abroad, and has tuken osscsslon of the residence In Sixteenth street which she leased and which has been enlarged during her ubsenee. MIbs Josephine .M.ion, one of the bridesmaids for MIs Alice Boutell, whose marriage to John Brook Ladd, of Boston, takes pluee on Thanksgiv ing Day, entertained the bride-elect and her attendants ut luncheon toduj. The table was charmingly decorated In yel low and as a soutunlr of the occasion, the place eiirds were tln lads (Ladds) thus furnishing a decoration, souen!r and a cunning play on the bridegroom's name, ull In one. Tho guests were Mrs. Roger Boutell. matron of honor, Miss Constunce An derson, of Cunadi, maid of honor; Miss Amelia Ladd, of Boston; Miss Mary Bourno, of Mulne; Mlsa Prances Web ster. Miss Margaret Worthlnglpn. Miss Catherine Ilolbrouk, Miss Eleanor Mur ray, who with the joung hostess form the wedding part), und Miss Julia Ma son Mr. and Mrs Uahson H Ladd, Miss Alice Ladd, and Miss Amelia Ladd, of Boston, parents and sisters of Mr. Ladd arrived In Washington last evening ac companied bj. Miss Mary Bourne, of Maine, u cousin of Miss Boutell. Miss Bourno and Mls Atnell i Ladd will ba among the brldesm UiIh at the wedding. Miss Kalherlne Holbrok, who will bo n bridesmaid, will entertain the mem bers of the bridal parts ut a card plfrty Saturday afternoon and un Monday aft ernoon Miss Margaret Worthlngton, an other of the bride's nttendunts will be hostess at Hn Informal tea. On Friday evening Colter Wells wl entertain at n theater patry at the Belasco In com pllmcnt to Miss Boutell and Mr. Ladd. and on Monduy eenlng tho bridal party will attend the dtneo which Miss Tran ces Efflnger Is giving at Rauschcr's. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge will en tertain at a ball this ienlinr In noston at tho Copley Plan Hotel to Introduco his granddaughter, Miss Constunce Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Au ?.Hat ?: Gardner Later In the season Mlsa Gardner will come to Washing ton. - -Miss Mary Lee 1'leming, who will bo among tho debutantes of the winter, will entertain luforinallj ut tea this af ternoon ut her residence In -)omlnff avenue, when her guests will be a number of the eh u who will muko their lnltlul bow this season, Mrs. Burton Harrison has taken an apartment at tho Hotel Powhatan for tho season. Mrs. Wickersham, who Is establish Ing a rare precedent for hospitality In the homo of tho Attorney General, and laying snares for tho woman who must follow her with the Incoming Adminis tration, entertained at the second of her series of early season luncheons today. Last week, Mrs. Dryco was her guest of honor und today the party whe en joyed her hospitality were Madame Loudon, wife of the Netherlands min ister; Mrs. Charles Nagcl, wife of tho Secretary of Commerce and Labor: Countess do Chambrun, wife of tho rronch yllltarv attache; Mm. Thomaa W, Symons, Mrs.' Raton Jenkins, Mrs. Hunt Slater, Mrs Ten Eyck Wen del, Mrs. William Collins Herron. Mrs. Walter H. Oherardl, Mrs. Spencer Cosby, Mrs. A. Garrison Mc Cllrvtonk, Mrs William Holland Wltmcr, Mrs. A. Gordon Cummlng. Miss Lee, and Miss Mawry. The President and Mrs. Taft occupied the Presidential box at tho Columbia Theater last evening With them were Mrs. Thomas Laughlln, Captain Little. U, S. A , and Lieutenant Rockwell, U. 8. A. This morning Mrs Taft spent several hours shopping In r street. She walked and waa unaccompanied. President Taft will attend the mar rlago of Miss Laura Mcrrlam and James P. Curtis, which will tako mace on No vember 2G On account of the recent death of the brldc-elcct's grandfather . many of tho brilliant features which would' otherwise havo attended this wedding have been omitted, and no ( formal Invitations have been sent out. j Howccr. with the President and the I a.rr.mrv of the Treasury and Mrs. MacVcagh, and a few other people from official life, in addition to tho family circle, tho event will be relieved of all sombernsss. Mrs. John Wheelwright, of Boston, sister of Miss Mcrrlam, will arrive here on Saturday. Lieut. Ouy Wilkinson Stuart Castle. U. S. N., whoso marriage to Miss Har riet Addison IJayne takes place Wed-,!-, afternoon, entertained at his 1 lafet .bachelor dinner last eenlng In the officers' mess at me. r.avai atokim. His gttsta Included his best man and ushers, members of his class and a number of the officers at the Academy. Ccvers were laid for fifty. Tomonow Miss Marguerite Williams, duughter of the Rev. Richard. 1'. Wil liams and Mrs. Williams, will entertain at a luncheon at her home In N street In complin ent to Mist Uayne and her attendants, and on Monday evening Dr. Krank Anderson, V. S N , and Mrs. .Anderson, fennerly of Annapolis, will be hosts at a dinner followed by danc Ing at tho Chevy Chase Club for Miss Pnno and Lieutenant Castle and their brklaj purt). On Tuesday evening Miss Valerie Padelford, who will be a bridesmaid for Mies Bane. will entertain at a dinner at Rauschcr's for the bridal party. Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of tho President-elect and Mrs Wilson, will bo umong the bride's attendants at the marrluge of Miss Marguerite Ashley Short and Thomas Garnett Tabb. which takes place today In St. James' Episcopal Church. Wilming ton. N. C. Again the house at 2000 G streot will be a rendezvous of Democratic statesmen, for It has been purchaaccd by Congressman Oscar W, Under wood, the majority leader of the House. It Is the famous old place on the southwest corner of G and Twen tieth streets, and Its lust occupant was Major Archbald Butt, who lost his life on the Ill-fated Titanic. It Is a splendid old-fashioned mansion In the neighborhood of the Nether lands legation and the old Fuller place, now the Washington residence of Mrs. Copley Thaw, and Is excel lentl planned for entertaining. Twenty jears ngo It was occupied by Albert A Wilson, who was United States marshal for tho District, under President Cleveland Congressman and Mrs Underwood, who have figured prominently In Washington society In the past, will be umong the official leaders with the change of the Administration, and they will entertain elaborately this winter. Ralf Bey. counselor and secretary of tho Turkish embassy here, has recelod Instructions to go to London, to take up permanent duties with the embassy there. He Is a clever young diplomat of many attainments, and, while the trou bled condition caused by the change of government In his own country has pre vented him taking an active part In social Washington, he will bo missed. Ralf Bey's transfer takes place at once, und he will leaVe Washington on Satur day. II. DJevd Boy, who will succeed Ralf Bev as counselor here, Is now counselor of the embassy In London. - - The German Ambassador and Coun tess on Bernstorff have Issued Invita tions for two dinner parties next week, the first on Tuesday and the last on Prlday night. Mrs. Mackay-Smlth and the Misses Mackay-Smlth have arrived In Wash ington for the season, and opened their house at 1320 Sixteenth street. . .;. Mrs Henry C. Jcwctt, wife of Cap tain Jewett, U. S. A., will be hostess at an Informal tea for young people this afternoon, at tho Washington Barracks, In compliment to Miss Kalherlne Till man, daughter of Col Samuel II. Till man, U. S. A., retired, and Mrs. Till man. Autumn foliage and clusters of vari colored chrjsanthemums will adorn the house for the occnslon u rs Burr, wife of Lieut. Col. Edward Hurr, V. S A , und Mrs Lynn F, Hor ner, of West Virginia, will preside at the teu table. n Mr. and Mrs. Edson Bradley returned from New York today, where they went on Monday la attend the ppcxm Comes to the Columbia in New Terpsichorean Repertoire. Tor thoso who do not care for the dance which interprets music, who see nothing particular In the Russian ballet, and' for whom tho danse clas slque has no special meaning, the forthcoming visit of Adeline Genco, tho famous Danish dancer, with Alex ander Vollnln und a company number ing forty people, together with a sjm phony orchestra of proportion, means nothing, but to those who worship the "poetry of motion," If I may bo pardon ed a trite phrase; who are weary of the Runny Hugs, tho Turkey Trots, tho Apaches, and nil tho rest of tho con tortions that mar the dance, It Is In teresting to note that his spritcllko creature Is to be seen tomorrow after noon in the Columbia Theater In a rep ertoire of dances. Adeline Gcnee has a repertotio that gles her ample opportunity to Im prove upon the excellent results she has attained heretofore. Sho has an absolutely new production written by herself, and Interpreted by the com pany with which sho wan surrounded herself. She has long had In mind the Idea which she Is now going to carry out, but In the past has been unablu for many reasons to present the novel ties she has arranged. Operas whlLh hac never been associated with the art of dancing hau been adapted b Mile, Genee to her own Interpretation, and with the assistance of her bjm phony orchestra, her own BCenory, her own costumes, and her own company, the production wilt bo one of the must stupendous et undertaken. History of Dance Written By Genee. According to Mile Gcnec's book, which she herself has written, tho nls tory ot the dance dates track to time Immemorial. She has traced Its his tory from the year 1710; has Btudled In every detail the dee!opment of that art, und has embodied In her reper toire that which she has found most artistic and historically aluable. Her new work Is on a scalo entirely differ ent from uny that she has presented In the pas'. anl1 promises to far cxeced her former representations. In dancing the operaB, for Instance, Mile. Gcnee will present them in their entirety. They are usually cut by dancers who aro unable to lllustrato tho most tllffi cult passages On her program tomorrow the beauti ful "Robert le Diablo" divertissement, adapted from the Meserbeer opera, will be given. Tho story told by the opera Pe-son I Motion the marriage ot Miss Mary Glenn Wells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward J. Wells, to Robert Anthony Jon scher took place last evening at 8-15 o'clock In St. Mark's Episcopal Church, the rector, the Rev. C. It. Stetson, offi ciating In the presence of a largo gath ering of relatives and friends. Autumn leaes, palms and quantities of white chrysanthemums, roses and lilies adorned the church and the wed ding music was plaved by Mr. Bal llnger. The bride, who was escorted and given In marriage by her father, wore a hand some gown of white charmeuse trimmed with thread lace. Her long tulle veil was arranged with orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet ot white orchids and lilies of the valley. A dia mond brooch, the bridegroom's gift, a8 the bride's only ornament. Miss Haxel Wells, who was her sin ter's maid of honor, wore a gown of yellow charmeuse veiled In embroidered marquisette and she carried a houquot of yellow chrjsanthemums Miss Marie McGraln and Miss Addle Jonscher, the latter a sister of the bride groom, were tho bridesmaids. Miss Mc Graln wore pale blue charmeuse and Miss Jonscher wore pink charmeuse. They carried clusters of pink chrjsan themumB and wore hats similar to the one worn by tho maid of honor, which were of white silk beaver faced with black velvet and trimmed with u white feather band and pink roses. C. W. Witts was best man for Mr. Jonscher and tho ushers were C. E Hall and Edward J. Wells. Jr., brother of tho bride. An Informal reception followed the wedding In the home of the bride's parents, at 133 C street southeast Later In the evening. Mr. and Mrs Jonscher left Wushlngton for a wed ding trip, und upon their return will be at home after January 1, at tho Gains boro Mrs. Jonscher truvcled In a suit of dark bluo cloth with u hat of the same shade. Among tho guests were Senator and Mrs. Clark, of Wjomlng, Mr. and Mrs Victor Butler, Mr. and Mrs Simons, and Miss Georgia and Miss Edna Si mons, and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Baltimore. Miss rrances Beardslcy Clark, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brayton Clark, of Chicago and Washington, was married to Frederick Leonard Devernux, last evening. The wedding ceremon), which was performed by tho Rev. Wal ter r. Drum, of Woodstock, Md , In the parlors of tho Hamilton Hotel, at 9 o'clock, wub attended by u largo gathering of relatives and friends Palms, autumn foliage and quantities of pink chrysanthemums and loses adorned the rooms tor the occasion and the wedding muslo was played liy u string orchestra. The bride, who was escorted and glv en In marriage by her father, norj a beautiful gown of white chnrmetiio made with a full court train and trimmed on the bodice with rose point In co. Her long tulle veil was arranged In a cap effect with orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Mlas Cornelia Mercer Smith, who waa It&Q maid ft honor, wpn pale blue. If J j " Si vi j. V Cv it MlBA i jp Jvk v wt7?' .m MISS ADELINE GENEE. Is of Rcrtram, an cll spirit, doomed to wander the eirth. It leads Robert, Duke of Normandy, his Illegitimate con, .who Is an exile, Into Mclly, where he Is affianced to Isabella, the King a daugh ter. The marriage Is prccnted, and Rob ert, persuaded by Bertram, wUhes to try black muglc to restore his brldo to him. Bertram leads him to a ruined cloister, where he resuscitates tho nuns They try to seduce him b wine, by play, and by loe. In thu last Helena, chirrncuse with shadow laeo on the bodice und sleeves und curried an mm ful of Bridesmaid roses The brldesmulds. Miss Florence .ve lyn Pomeroy. of Utlca, N. Y. und Mlm Elizabeth PennocK sniun, - .. nl.iL- nfinl mCLiPC Kun" ion, worn iiiir - ..i ,i trimmed with snadow laco and cairled white chrjsanthemuros. ....,.- ,-,.. -., win nf S'i'W' ork, l mmp jvkh ..... -was the ben man for Mr. Uier.ux and the ushers were John Fulifax Slaln und Frank B Dccreux. An Informal reception "-" cddlng ceremony. Mrs. Clark, motner of tho bride, who assisted In reccMng . a lmnilsnmc gown or ine gucsin, , gray brocaded crepe de chine trimmed with silver lace, leaver in "i - Mr. and Mrs. Dcvcrcux left Wabhlngton for a wedding trip, tho latter traveling In a suit of wisteria colored cloth with a small black velvet nat inmme-u in plumes of the wisteria shade. Mr. and Mrs Decreux will resldo ut W Cler ment uenue, New York city. .J The marriage of Miss Ethel Louise Ingram to William lloraco Snyder took place last evening In the Metro politan Presbjfrlan Church, the pus tor, the Rev. Paul Hlckok. officiating, In the presence of u large gathering of relatives und friends. Ti.. lfiriieu' niivtlt irv of Providence Hospital will entertuln ut u linen shower und tea this utternoon ut ..o noapiiui. from 4 to 6 o clock. Mrs Charles r. Murbury Is chairman of the committee on arrangements. - - .nlnn.l T) A rVTtrtPn Htlil Mril O'Brien announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Gertrude Kennedy O'Brien, to James J. Murrav. The wed ding took place Monda morning in hi. rctcr's Catholic Church, the Rev. Ste phen Morris officiating Mrs. C. Ernest Coililiower. jr. sister of the bride, was the mation of honor, and Huch Murruy was best man for his brother. A wedding breakfast at tno home or tho brldo s parents In B street nortseast, followed tho wedding ceremony, and later Mr. and Mrs Murray left Wash ington for Philadelphia und New York in.. ni mhr ir. ihpv will be at home at tho Marlon, Twentieth und II streets. ivtr ,,mt m T. llenrv Wunlman an nounce tho murrlagc of their duughter. Miss Edythe wuramun, 10 viuxuuuer Herbert Ruhl, of Baltimore. The wed ding took place Tuesday evening In tho home ot the brldo's parents, the Rov. Wallace Radcllffo officiating, und was followed by a reception. The bride's father gave her In mar riage and she was attended hv her two sisters, Mrs. Charles G. Koebrlch, and Mrs. Henry Bailey Wurdmun us ma trons of honor, and by Miss Ethel Trowbridge and Miss Gracu Stonu braker, of Baltimore, as maids of honor. Harry Ruhl was his brother's best mun. Mr and Mrs. Ruhl will rcsldo In Bal timore. LOCAL MENTION "Romeo and Juliet." 3 Reels Hand Col 01 ed, und "A Protego of Undo Sum," : reels. Virginia. Todaj. Try Our 3jc Regular Dinner t the Uaobattao. 8U Sib U 17 &. tho most bcuutlful of tin m, succeeds and t,les him the oprt'fs branch a tulls man by which he inn enter his brides Cuamhir unchallenged This entually happens, but oercome by Isibclla s tears and npiHUls to his honor, he breaks the talisman und Is nlznl by the now awakentd soldiers Mile. Genre will also dance "1a Ca margo," a eourt ballet, which Illustrates the story of little dincer from Brus sels who became the rage at tho court of Trance, and was made a court faor- Seen in the Shops In a certain Jeweler's establishment, which Is on the north side of I" streit, not ful from the corner of Elmenth tho Shopper saw several noe!tles In the way of gifts for women or children which were all under C man of them being Jl and under Afur clothing of all kinds, books, bedroom accessories and UBele's articles, the next thing to give women Is Jewclr) This need not necessarily bo expensive. In fuct the less cxpivnslvo t Is, tho more Indication that tho bujer be a person of excellent Judgment, for small pieces such as are used to pin neckwear, belts, etc., ure constantly disappearing Into the great unknown, no matter what precautions ure taken to anchor them to tho body. Tho Jewelry shop mentioned has somo Inexpensive and dalnt gold filled and sterling slher "friendship" pins to be worn ut the neck or at the back of the collar. Tho friendship circle. Is a thin flat band of either gold filled, or of sterling sllcr, plain or chased. Tho sllcr nnu in uJ. and up and thu gold tilled II und up Tho tvlng of a hugo and bulky Knot nt the buck of u joungstcrs neck Is 11 custom followed wherever napkins l5fEjW.V I 1W w fj 1 KOYAL 1 I (1 BakingPowder l I 111 AbsqiuteiyPure ill l I IB The only Baking Powder made IB I 11 fromRoyalGrapeCffamoJTarfar li KV 81 Madejrom Grapes 11 I $ - ' m 'Br'vTt. MWMw w 3iB4-9K JIVMBeXsV vsKJKpllflsF vmsmjEkiwm wL!k SKJHHf I ,lBr vu Presents Divertissement From Opera "Robert le Diable." lto. To her Is attributed the Introduc tion of "Kntrcchat," tho crossing of tho feet while springing In the air. In 1730. Sho was a great faorltc In France, where her great brilliance and her spon taneous gaycty were alike admired, but In her private llfo there was said to be a touch of melancholy about her. Sho lived to an old ugc, greatly admired and respected. Made Her Debut When Only Nine. Mile. Gcnev's career reads almost like a romance. She was Just sixteen when the Intendant of tho Rojal Opera House at Berlin engaged her as the premlero dunseuse, to succeed Ualbo, who was at that time one of the most celebrated danecrs In tho world. That took place not so many years ago, either, as Genee Is still In her twenties. This gifted girl wns born In Denmark, and made her debut when she was nlno years of age. In Clirlstlanla, Norway, and her success wus food for gossip throughout Scan dauaia. It soon afterwards becamo food for conversation all oer tho Euro pean continent. Offers from many opera houres wero received by the petlto dancer's parents, and she was finally tuken to Stettin, Germany, whee sho appeared under the management of her uncle. Then followed the exciting experience of being enguged for Emperor William's pet opera In the Prussian capital. In Germany opera Is presented with the ballet, as In Russia and seeral other European countries, and Mile Genee had a aricd and wonderful opportunity to dance many of tho masterpieces Sho participated In "William Tell," ' Oberon," "Carmen," "Robert le Dl able," and a scoro of others. Her grace, no llthesoino und Irresistible, her Im aglnttlon and magnetism were compell ing In their never-ending charm. Care was taken that nothing gross or mater ial should touch her life, hhe wus guarded like a princess, und much of the homage shown to rojaltj was ex leiidtd to her. At the conclusion of her llirlln engagement, Genee spent a year In Munich, then followed her appear ance In the Empire Theater, London, und her subsequent lslt to America. Mile. Genee traels In a manner be fitting roulty. hhc has her own prl ate car. In which she expects to make, 'or the llrM time, a lslt to the Pacific toast Her present tour includes nearly ecry large elt In tho United States. JULIA MURDOCK. nro worn. Besides tho knot ut the buck, the greater part of the napkin Is so gathered up under tho chin that It Is hird to even sec oer It, much less find tho mouth through tho many foldh. A bib clipper of silver, which Is to be had at tho sumo jewelry shop on 1" street, not far from the corner of Eleventh street Is only II, and solvis the problem of comfort In this matter Two e asps Just llko tlo clasps, arc fastened together bj n chain half tho length of the neckband Clasping each end of the napkin from the buck, theio Is no bulk) knot, und u smooth sur face under tho chin. Another attractive set of fasteners for tho collar, ut tho samo establish ment, are In the chape of small buckles, In round and ovul effects, for II the pair They are about one-half Inch In diameter und are made of sterling silver, and go.d-fllied. Even as cuff links they are very senslblo and ap propriate Larger buckles, for slippers, are made of white metal In squaro und round effects, set with brilliants Some are made In bow-knots, and some In octagonal shape, and are 1 75 tho pair und up Cheaper Plan. Daughter But, papa, ho sas ho will die If ho can't mnrrj me. Father lhats all right, we'll foot tho bill, a funeral Is a whole lot cheaper than a wedding. lkEv H THE HIDDEN ONCE upon a time thero was a Queen to whom tho stork brought a little daughter. Tho King, however, wanted a llttlo son, and when the Queen saw the llttlo girl sho was afraid to show it to the King. So sho took it to an old witch who lived In a cave a long way inside u mountain, and asked her to take care of i her baby girl and bring It up to be a1 good woman. The witch was a very good witch, and sho grew very fond of tho little girl. She named her Stella and she taught her to be a good girl as well as wise, so that when Stella grew up she could read tho fortunes of many people in the stars. Now, the Queen always visited the witch once a year, for she loved her baby and only gavo It up through fear of doing her harm. When she saw how beautiful Stella grew each year sho tried to think of some way she could hac her daughter near her and not ha o tho King know It w as his daughter. By and by the King grew old and he was afraid tho stork would not bring him a son, so he sent for a distant rela- tlve who had a son and gave him a bag of gold to let him adopt his Bon. Tho relative consented and tho King mado the son a Prince and his heir. When tho Prince becamo a man the King said to him one day: "I havo not long to live and I want to see you set tled In life before I die. Go out over the country and find a wlfo who Is suited to bo your Queen und ring her to mo. So the Prince started out, but before he left the castle the Queen said to him: "Go to the mountain on the opnoslto side of the woods from here and you win nnd a cave, in this cave lives a good witch and her daughter; tho daughter can read our fate In the stars; consult her; It may help you find a wife " The Queen thought If the Prince saw the beautiful girl ho might fall In love with her, so she hurried off to the cavo herself b a shorter route, and took with her a beautiful dress "Put on this " sho told Stella; "the Prince Is coming to ou to have his fortune read In tho sturs. It Is fitting that ou should be dressed properly to recele him, but do not tell him I hao bien here." Slellu promised she would not tell the Prince of the Queen's visit, and then she put on the dress. It was made of sllcr and trimmed with gold lace, and when Stella's hair fell over her shoul ders In golden curls she was more beau tiful than ever. "He will surely fall In loe with her." said the Queen, when she beheld her daughter, but Stella did not know how beautiful she was. because there was no mirror In the cave, and sho hud never been told of her beauty. Bv and bv the Prince nnd hta .v- ants came riding to the cave and called tor tho witch and her daughter. When ho beheld Stella he got off his horse, and, taking oft his hat, he bent low before her. "Can It be that you are j the daughter of a witch?'" he asked when they wero alone, "lou look more, like the daughter of a King " But Stella only blushed and hung her head, she rcallv did not know what ho meant, but to have a young and hand some man speak to her was something that had never happened before. She found she was disappointed when she began to read his fate, for the stars told he he would marry a Klng'o daughter and that he would not go far to find her. The Prince had fallen In love with Stella by this time, and when ho heard what the stars held for him he cried out: "Never will I marry the teeeettt:eteet:et:ttrf:ti Thanksgiving Table Cutlery Specials " UR stock of Cutlery is unequaled for the great variety of II Finest Quality Steel ..arvers, ana ruicnen v-utiery, including over ritty va rieties of Carvers, etc. Steel Fable Knives, with handles of sterling silver, ivory silver-plated, and celluloid. We offer the following SPECIALS for Thanksgiving all strictly guaranteed quality: fi Some Specials for the Occasion fj 'Celluloid Handle Medium Triple Silver-plated Medium Knives, set $1.25 Double Plus Silver-plated Medium Knives, set. .$1.00 1847 Rodgers Triple Silver-plated Medium Knives, set $1.75 Stag Handle Carver and Fork, pair ; . . . .$1.00 Stag Handle Carver and Fork with Steel, set. . .$1.60 Silver-mounted 3-piece Carving Set $2.50 Other style Carving Sets $3.25, $4.00, $5.00, $7.00 up to $22.50 set. Dulin & Martin Co., Potlery, Porcelain, China, Glass, Silver, &c. 1215 F St. and 1214-18 G St. $:9ad34 PRINCESS. JlE COLLED FOR. THEYYITCH AND HEB DAUGHTER; 2 j King's daughter; I will make lou my bride or no one. Come, we will go to the King, and If he will not consent I will go up my claim to the throne It jou will be my wife." "The stars never tell mo wrong," an swered Stella. "It Is written that you '" marry a princess, the daughter of a klnS- a anil "nl her." i uao lounu ner, repuea the Prince. "You are a princess, even though you aro the daughter ot a witch." Tho witch told her to go to the Klnr. and so. with Stella seated on the horso beside him. ho went back to the castle. The Queen was watching from tie hind her curtain, and when she aaw Stella her heart leaped for Joys Tho King was struck with Stella's beaut j, but when he heard that she was the daughter of a w'ltch he said ho would not give his consent, and, al- though the Prince pleaded that be would not wed unless he could have Stella for his wife, the old King was firm and said no, "Then ou can find some one else to be King," replied the Prince. "I would rather have Stella than all the throne! In tho world" And he put her on his horse and was about to ride away when the Queen camo into the room. "Wait," she said to the Prince, "I have something to say. This girl U the daughter of a King and Queen and In cery way worthy to be our wife." "Who Is she?" usked the King. "I should be only too glad to have her for a daughter If this be true." "If ou had said that jears ago," said the Queen, "all this trouble could hae been saed " "What do jou mean?" asked the King "Stella Is jour daughter and mine," said the Queen, going to the girl and putting her arms around her. "But jou were so angry when the stork brought a daughter 'nstead that I told jou sh died, for fear jou might harm her. Sh did not die, I took her to the witch and asked her to care for her, und she did This Is jour daughter." The King took Stella In his arms ' I havo been sorry many times since thai I was dissatisfied with what the stork brought to us," he sa d. "I am glad you did not die, and I will try to mak up In part for tho J ears jou have spent away from us " Tho King gave a big wedding for hli daughter, and told ull the people that he hud found her und a son us well The old King lived for many J ears, ani the Queen ulso, and the prnce and princess were happj' ever after. They did not forget tho princess' foster-mother, the witch. She was given a good home near tho castle, and th princess went to sco her every day at long as she lived. Tomorrow's story; "Jack." Dulin & Marti n Co. and Silver-plated Table Knives, Knives, set $1.25