Newspaper Page Text
FJf uV? - . i - -vl THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SUNDAY; AMlL 6; 5913. 10 " I , (-, U xc Washington times 1 iiiii,isHED Every Evening (Including Sundays) ey the Washington Times Company, THE MUNSEY BUILDING. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Frank A. Munsej, Pre. B. H. Titherington, Sec. Fred A. Walker, Treasurer and Gemeral Mamiger. ONE TEAR (INC. SUNDAY) J3.S0 MO., CTE I 3 MO.. Me. Entered at the Pottoldc at -Washington. D. C. as second class mall matter. Washington, D. C, Sunday, April 6, 1913. THEY'LL GET PROTECTION! The suffragist women will hold a mass meeting tomorrow morning, and then march to the Capitol to present their petition to Congress, asking nation wide suffrage. They expect they will receive ample police protection. We do, too. The head of the Police Department or this town has learned a few things since the last suffragist parade. THE CLOVEN HOOF ON VIEW. This town that is, public men, legislators, news papers and their correspondents is being flooded just now with sugar tariff literature. Nobody will read it all, or would know much more about the sugar tariff if he did. There is rule with regard to sugar litera ture. If you find an article or a pamphlet or an adver tisement that defends the Dutch standard of color, .it will be safe to assume that you are being buncoed. The Dutch standard, will go and people with en gagements to sustain the sacred cause of costly sugar . will make small progress by attampting to defend it. There may be some legitimate arguments in favor of a duty on sugar. But there is no honest argu ment in- favor of the antiquated, repudiated, grafting device of the Dutch standard. NEW JERSEY BACKSLIDING. Personal leadership does count for a great deal, even when there is a good cause and it is supported by public opinion. While he was Governor of New Jersey there was a fair prospect that Mr. Wilson could lead or drive the legislature of his .State to keep all the important pledges in the Democratic platform. Mr. Wilson was transferred to the White House in Washington. One might suppose that all the power of that great office would continue his influence in New Jersey undiminished. But when he left Trenton for Washington the Democratic legislature of his State promptly left some of the most important of his New Jersey policies. It repudiated the jury re form and constitutional convention pledged by the platform and urged by Mr. Wilson as governor. In stead of making a record for economy, it squandered public furids, and in other ways showed that with Mr. Wilson off the job the New Jersey legislature couldn't stay good. no longer feeble and impotent buffers, against the German advance. j The balance of power in Europe tends to waver away from the Austro-German partnership. Italy J cannot give adhesion to an arrangement that men-j aces her primacy in the Adriatic by giving Austria a greater importance there. France stands with Rus sia and Britain; the new Baikania, whatever may be its political form, must stand with these powers; and there is presented the serious possibility of a five power group opposed to Austro-German designs in that part of the world. That is the consideration at bottom of the Mon tenegrin vigor in opposition to Austria. Montenegro has a right to suspect that Germany would hesitate to support Austria in the use of coercive force, and Austria alone would not dare make the move. BRYAN GAZES UPON HENRY LAN E WIL SO THE PRESIDENTS PROGRAM. THE APPEAL FROM CARRANZA. Vcnustiano Carranza, governor of Coahuila, is become the chief figure in the new Mexican revolt, as was predicted immediately after the Huerta-Diaz treachery and the murder of the constitutional rulers. Me is the dangerous man, for the moment at least; and how dangerous he is, may be judged from the tentative proposal from Huerta to abdicate. The truth is that the Mexican ferment has reached the stage where Huerta cannot but see that the safest plan, with regard to his own skin, is to get out as soon and as decently as possible. Carranza has published a straightforward, manly appeal to the people of the United States. He wants them to inform themselves, confident that if they will do so they will sympathize with his efforts. Perhaps the American people are better informed than he realizes; we suspect they are. Perhaps, too, he is entitled to rely on a greater force of sentiment in his support, north of the Rio Grande, than he is now able to appreciate. That, too, may easily be believed. THE MONTENEGRIN BLUFF. Montenegro is playing its diplomatic cards clear up to the limit. Its statesmen may be rather primi tive and their methods of diplomacy a bit elemental; but they succeed admirably in making their inten tions clear. They are unable to understand why Greece should hold Janina and Saloniki, why Bulgaria and Servia should retain their territorial gains, while Montenegro should give up its great prize. In that regard they are just natural and human enough to understand that the sympathies of the world will run to them. With a blockading fleet at their doors, they go lipht ahead with the business of closing in the siege of Scutari, confident that when it comes to the scratch the powers will not use force to wrest Scutari from them. Thcv may be in error; but it is not at ail sure they are. Austria alone really wants Scutari to go with Albania, and Austria holds a half-willing Germany in line. The other powers haye no con cern with the matter, save Italy, which wants to dominate Albania and has little to hope for in that quarter under Austrian control. Meanwhile, Russia is frankly with Montenegro, and Britain and France give only nominal adhesion to the co-operation of the powers. None of these three would unite in any serious effort to coerce Montenegro, and the Montenegrins know it to a moral certainty.- The Balkan allies understand, too, how tenuous is the bond among the powers. They know that Germany had long noped for access to the Mediter rigfcan through a pan-Germanic central Europe al- nth Turkey and at length controlling Turkey. "ream has been shattered by the rise ofa new Baikania, which interposes the allied states, President Wilson, a scholar and a student, knows the story of Sir Robert Peel, of 1846 and the corn laws, as 'well as any man in our public life. That much is perfectly plain to anybody who is observing his course in tariff legislation. He has come to en tertain a set of tariff views which, even for his party, would, have' been rated a few years ago as danger ously radical. He has not told anybody how radical he himself considers them.' He has talked right along in terms of moderation and "conservatism ; he wants to get the result with the least possible scare to business interests. He believes, if judgment may be based on his actions, Jhat a radical change of tariff policy, adopted with the least measure of ex citement, will for psychological reasons do less harm to business than a more moderate change accom panied by demonstrations calculated to arouse the worst fears of the business world. Without doubt there is something in this view; the question is whether he will be able to do what he wants with out exciting the industrial community. In short, the question is whether he can do the radical thing with a soft-voiced, velvet-handed manner that will disguise the truth and cushion the shock. Peel conceded to British agriculture the scheme oi a snaing scaie oi reductions in aunes, onnging them down by degrees. The President is represent ed as willing to do this in the case of sugar, which plainly is become once more the pivot of thet tariff situation. What Peel did by his revision produced, or got credit for producing, the result he had predicted. Perhaps a resumption of potato crops in Ireland con tributed more to the generally good results than did the removal of the corn duties. At any rate, Peel was fortunate inhat his new policy got credit for both its own results and the effects of an agricultural im provement in the kingdom. To parallel that condition with our own of today, it is necessary that President Wilson's revision shall ease off the cost-of-living situation, or that other cir cumstances shall do it, and the tariff get some of the credit. Only time and a trial can demonstrate what may .be, expected in this regard. The fact stands, that Mr. Wilson and his party occupy a sit uation very different from that of Peel. There is no famine in this country. There has been no series of crop failures. There is no ground for hoping that adventitious support will come to the new policy, comparable to that which re-enforced Peel after the corn laws had been repealed. President Wilson is evidently convinced that the country is ready for a sharp change of tariff policy. If he has confided to anybody that he would go so far as to veto a bill that did not meet his views, that confidence has not been violated to the exent of letting the statement have publicity. The impres sion, base on the President's career in New Jersey, is that he would use the veto. That would mean an appeal to the country in 1914, and the result of such an appeal is generally regarded as pretty certain. Barring the possibility of a serious industrial and financial crisis meantime, it would probably be that the President would be sustained, and a Congress sent back here with instructions to accept the pro gram dictated to it from the White House. Herein lies the strength of Mr. Wilson's position in dealing with members of his own party. They will not dare to send him a bill that he will dare to veto; and they don't know at what point he might decide that a veto was safe. They are likely to get, in these days of dickering and compromise, just as much concession as he will make; but they are not likely to extort more than that, by dint of joining with Re publicans to amend the Administration measure. HIMSELF IN MOVIES He Sees Inauguration Day Films and Says They Are Fine for Common People. JAMES R. MANN, LEADER. Congressman Mann of Chicago, re-elected Re publican leader in the House, has had a career that may well be commended to the study of new mem bers, and to many old ones. Mr. Mann is leader because he has worked himself into the job. He is not a 'public man with whom this newspaper is always able to agree; wherefore it is the more sat isfaction to say for him that if there were fifty men in the House who worked as hard and as conscien tiously as he does, Congress would stand vactly bet ter with the country. "Jim" Mann is the sort of publicist the country needs. For years before he became leader, it was matter of universal wonderment among his asso ciates that he was able always to know so much about legislation. He could put his finger on the weak spot of a bill, could point out-the joker in a piece of legis lation, with unerring accuracy. He was honest about things, too. He was made chairman of the paper and pulp investigation, with all his predilections op posed to the very conclusions that he finally reached and supported. He was big enough to change his mind when the facts were before him. He voted against the Payne-Aldrich bill because the conclus ions of his committee on this question were repudi ated by the makers of that measure. Mr. Mann, as leader, when compared to the lead ership that went before him, is a living testimony that the Republican party, what there is left of it, is doing better. Secretsrj of State Brjan has the "movies"' craze In earnest. After he had completed his view of the Panama canal moving pictures he was not en tiiely sated He wanted more, and told Hal Reed, rewspaper correspondent antt moving picture manager, that he was anxious to have another reel shown him. "What would ou like?' queried Mr. Reed, thinking to please the great com moner with any subject In his cata logue. "For instance, how would you like to see the inauguration ceremonies and parade as depicted In the movies?' The Commoner smiled. He wouid like (hat, come to think about it. Of course, he had seen some of the paiade from the Presidential reviewing stand, and knew all aboflt how the oath was administered to Mr. Wilson and had the inaugural address down by heirt. But then the pictures would be good, even at that. The Secretary, as a matter of ract, had been a very busy man in the Pres idential stand, and. of course, he couldn't see how the whole show looked when everybody wanted to extend con gratulations to the new Secretary he pewer behind the throne. He Just happened to remember that about one half of his time the afternoon of In auguration had been passed In receiv ing the hearty word of esteem from many notables gathered near the Pres dential bov. So, of course, many of the best features of the inauguration escaped him. "It's a great show," commented the Secretary after It was over. "A man doesn't need any more to spend all of his time and money traveling around the country to get the sights. He can have them in his home or office, get a liberal educaUon or amusement Just as he likes, and all for a sum within the reach of the great common people." Thereupon the movie man picked up his outfit and went away pondering over the suggestion of the Secretary. Was It a Play for Democratic votes in the next campaign or just a boost for the movie game? ACCUSED BY RDJAS i nil i in Japanese Cherry Tree in Bloom Ambassador to Mexico Charged With Moral Responsiblty for Death of Madero. DAUGHTER'S DEATH KEPT PROM MOTHER Burned Parents Are Not Told of Death Which Overtook Girl Who Rescued Them. Although her condition is improv ing, Mrs. Mary Murphy, aged sixty eight, of 91S S street northwest, ha not been told of the death of her daughter. Miss Gertrude Murphy, who died from the effects of burns receiv ed in trying to save her mother from being burned to death. Mrs. Murphy is lying In the Freedman's Hospital, where she was rushed after the acci dent. It is feared that if the news of her daughter's death were told her it might seriously affect her condition. She is continually calling for "Ger trude." Mr. Murphy, who was also injured In trying to save his wife, is at the Emergency Hospital. On account of his age. seventy-eight, his condition is more serious, but this afternoon It was reported that he will recover. The accident happened on Friday when Miss Murphy found her mother unconscious In a room filled with ga bhp lit a match, and the explosion which followed fired Mrs. Murphy's clothes and the draperies In the room. Mr. Murphy and his daughter received their injuries In rescuing the uncon scious woman. The funeral of Miss Murphy will be held tomorrow morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8:30 o clock, when mass will be said. The burial will ba private. Tim Murphy, her brother, arrived in Washington to day from Boston, where he was con nected with a theatrical troupe. Year Book Shows Good Roads Advance That 10.0u0 miles of good roads, more than the total road mileage of France, were built In the t'nlted StateR last j ear, and that there are at present over 1400,000,000 of good loads bonds is sued and outstanding I shown by the "Good Roads Year Book of the United States." which has just been issued. The book shows that whatever may be the faults of the roads being built the total amount of really good road which has been built in 1912 is remarkable. The statements In the er book are based on repoit". fiom 73 per cent of the eountlo In the I'nlted States, which show most gra'lfjlng results in regard to the toad qiicHon The realization of the necessitv of having good roads has gone all over the United States, and fcountles. towns, and States are going at the matter seriously. The American Highway Association, which Issues the year book, has for its president Logan Waller Page, director of the United States office of public roads, and for the chairman of its ex ecutive fo-nmltteo Piesldent Flnlav. or the Southern Railway Companv Wants Treaties Made to Protect Migratory Birds John II Wallace, same warden of Ala bama, wants the United States Govern ment to Immediately make treaties with the other countries of the western hem isphere for the protection of migratory birds Such treaties would praclleullv he an sxtenslon or 1he McLean bill, nasrod at the last .session of Congress, which pro vides for Federal protection of migra tor." birds He aid not see President Wilson ycstciday to urge his request but will have an opportunity later. J Henry Lane .Wilson. American am bassador to Mexico, stands charged with moral responsibility for the assas sination of President Madero and Vice Piesldent Saurez of Mexico. This startling accusation Is made In a lengthy official document filed with tin State Department here by Luis Maniu Rojas. secret messenger of the Mader Ista. second vice president of the Mexi can house of deputies, and grand mastci of the Grand Masonic Lodge of the Valley of Mexico. Rojas himself did not tarry thex sen sational document branding Ambassa dor Wilson. Instead he sent an eavo whose name the State Department with holds. Ambassado; Wllsop himself brand the accusations of Rojas as .entirclj false, and asserts that neither Madero nor Saurez sought his protection, and furthermore that they were considerec safe. He labels as false the accusatior that Huerta and General Diaz made th American .embassy a place of mcctln; for their conferences on the war situa tion. Strangely enough, at aimost the tlm when the Rojas charges were being en tered. a delegation of American lesl dents of Mexico" City were seeking ti influence President Wilson to retair. Ambassador Wilson their persona friend. Liit of Charges. The charges against Ambassador Wli son, as made by Rojas, are In par fellows: 1. That he wss responsible moral!, for the political assassinations of Ma dero and Saurez. 2. That he threw his influence as rep resentative of the United States In fa vor of an evident coup d'etat at the time Mexico's destiny hung in the bal ance. r fZ. That the ambassador had oppor tune knowledge of Hueita's plans with General Diaz, and had time to deal with the Maderlsta before the Huerta attack was made. 4. That Mr. Wilson was manifestly im partial In favor of a military reaction, and that he had favored the rebels ever since Felix Diaz's first uprising, as evi denced by interviews with the Ameri can press a proceeding that showed un fitness for the post. 5. That Mr. Wilson, through personal hatred of Madero. would not use his in fluence, with the men of .the new gov ernment In Madero's bemvlf. Rojas sjs the Huerta regime would not have ig nored .determined appeal from the Ambassador, but that Wilson declined to act even in the face of orders from Washington, despite appeals of Mrs. Madero and Mrs. guares, in spite of the appeal of Rojas as grand Masonic mas ter, and in spite of general Mexican appeals for clemency. Khsw of Plaa. (. That Wilson knew Madero and Buares were to be sacrificed on the pre text of imperious political necessity, al though the Huerta government had promised the prisoners an opportunity to leave the country If they would sign their resignations. "I. That Wilson, "like Pilatus." washed his hands of the affair In mockery ot the waiting Mrs. Madero and Mrs. Suarez, when he learned the govern ment was not to respect, the promise of an opportunity to leave Mexico. S. That Wilson showed double con duct in his relations toward the new born government and toward the wives of Madero and Suarez. 9. That Wilson did not g'lve the United 8tates government accurate informa tion of Mexican affairs, but. itistead, always justified the victors. 10. That Wilson mixed into Mexican politics to the extent of giving offense to the majority of Mexicans. 11. That Wilson used means among the American colony to affect hid re tention as Ambassador, although this would be "repulsive" after his part In the latest political tragedy. Kbox's Letter. With the charges Rojas filed a letter from former Secretarj" of State Knox to him, saying that the State Depart ment had Informed the Mexico City au thoritlti several days prior to the death of Madero and Suaiez that any unjust or improper treatment of the president find vice president would produce an unfortunate effect in this country. Ambassador Wilson, at Mexico City. brands the charts as born in malice with no foundation, and without the possibility of any supporting proof. He says that his relations with Madero remawrci rnenaiy to tne last; that his only relations with Huerta and Din had the preservation of peace as their object; that no request was ever made to place Maacro jnu suarez under the protection of the American flag; that he believed the lives of Madero and Suarez were safe. He Indicates that he did all In Ids power to prevent the tragedy. iVie Mexico City Americans, who call ed upon President Wilson, urged the re tention of Ambassador Wilson because of his experience and because of his ability to maintain good feeling between the United States and Mexico. They de clared that he will piomote American Internet well. Secretary of State Bryan I'fuseri to see the men as a delegation, but only as individuals. Bryan's Mind Is Open To Charges Preferred Against Ambassador i il ySiSS3SffSSSjreMj'TMM5s iVtJMwHi(HESOTMs9wKiHI 1 a.4?.--?0'.y -'ff-;'-. 4t'r',i ww?SraBW? yaf3r3KSflK9BBBlHBBW Tv?' --sv,.'s;;yi i a ; ; -,lK i i'KA.-: -v Fl'iBn&3BBBBBBBBliBBBl HbbbbpH? v "?i, V? vjkx ?? t ZS&i'&iS . ;'.. i3j$&SK3gyiE BBBBBBBBBBBh. ' -v v . ;fc .. v, t iy -iHK7, t i laZTW ssBlt y Zj-ix i ( j,. vaEiBErrarBnTMiKUhBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBl MbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIM S?2?VI'sl? bbbbbbbbbbbbf' V JLS A XVst? tsv X ,&?&?i3w(BsBwilfiBi8ES ajBBBBv, rfSJSt i. " , w'SrJ T?x Ht4 T $ & 9T xLS!niij?? 3fl . -BTBBSSSSSSSBT' BT Js,1J ?" "-$ BBbBF4S1BHL5 r9BaSS9BffcxH r '"BBBBk Srf'Sl ' SJZ'4iJKSX fliBBBCflBPr!TOHK9tt27'T?6ttfl ii . y .BBBBBBBBBBB. ' nKf' ?v V -j" ,A4t !tPBBBBHSB'j p . && fBPSx? ffinvBI ArvUBtKETSr V'J?. v N v5HyBaa(sBBJBBJBBBBRff SSiSBt Jt. M.Mx 9i&r nvw- wiv 'l-flBBBK-''&KC'BBlSK&ayljBBl bbERv JBbbbbbbbk yP '-'ih L xVbjLsMJbbbbbbbesbbbI BfcSSJtur X HJ BBBBSBBBE? k Sr'.'VjSSr .,, v9JBBBaBBSa&BBBBl BBBV1BBM& yv?v4r ' ?9aBBSBSai -; .. wd.T.4r4V' ' KBB.-T? V.'-.Tv'BBBBTSBBBBl BBBBBBK.-i&'f'BBBBrw ?i'lKi J-VW- JiCSPbpB SSBBBBBBBBBkSBBaMwBBapBE JS... ty a 1 i "jS w &!. jiM v. tjZJi,, 5ss9 B&sBB E9bbbbbb1bbbbbbbrsbK " sfA7ei"ilSKf JrffiJF?M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVlJBBBBBBBiisBSBBKSViBSsXKVPBBBPI !BBlBKBBBBBBTv BBBlaaL''3BBBBBBBfeL' BkUaHBKiS' ' 1 -.'jKiit JJlJajL i'p'm' bbbVbbbbst M&mWizEF' Ai'f&ii'iliM I 'BBSBBBBBBBr?'ji' 'V' MbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbT alr "&Pii&'fKm VJbBBB 'BBBBBBBBIB &TsBBBBBBBBBBBBk BBBL j. . f 3BBBBBBBBBBV?B, Tjff J,-T BBS ?-Blt VV jL " "" J .. J Y5f M -S?V VVBBTvKLiBBBBBBBBBBBBr '''-aBBBaBTBFlBBBBBBBBBPVBBMBBBBBK X jct-jii.. -v 4r tj4. 'Bt.( bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUUpVsfI-jbVRi jT'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ,7 ?:''. ; 7) Il, j3, MMaaBBaBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBfWBBWtBBB JSMbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI PBlBBBBBBSS.aaBSaisSlTTBiSiBSBiBBSBSBBBS MiL -T 1 1 ." i . , MHEK1 MOM Mikatfo's Gift to Unite SUtftf Form Avinut of iiaiity ft BrOfttmfof Time. S Photo by G. V. Bu-k. NON-CONTRIBUTORY PENSION PLAN WINS National Association of Civil Service Employes; in -Convention Here, Decides to Strive for This Form of-Annuities Off i-' ceri Will Try to Arouse Aid of Congress. At the Slate Department todaj of ficials would make no comment on the charges against Ambassadoi Wilson. That the department will not take r cial cognlwnce of the romplainta un less thcv are submitted later through the Mexican embassy, howevei, seems probable. The department has had this subject brfoie It previously through newspaper channel1, and !t Is believed bv men In touch with Slate Department affairs that Secretan Krvan will not fall to take recognition of the claims of th Maderlft agent- and s nipathisori sooner or later. His carl.v "cltan bih of health" for Ambas-adoi Wilson, it is thought, ha been snnifwhai altrii In rcnt weeks, and their ! a po.ssi b!lit thnt speedj aitiiu will v taken In hie (.asc. That th ?ecielirr iefued to ie cognlz' the Amenca-i utleni of Alexin, as a delegation in mhas-ador ilun I'f-half is ronslde-ed ilcnl(l-int It Ik lo a m.UtM of 1oni mmnieiu that li declined to view picture tikrn affr the killli.g oT Mpcle.n hlcli arr alrt to be picjudiclal to th cause -f the antl-Mader!t. Mi. l! mind !s app imulv open on the subject of Ambaadi ilfon ictentlon 01 removal, hut thife signs point to tlf rmol'ilon lhnt l.e ban the matter updi voiHiIriation. nri-1 ,-. r-j,t ti in? Ti h,-.f ft- i.lit.Mr 111 fineness at work to mar his pudgment on the case. I Straight out, non-contributory pen sions are what the National. Associa tion of Civil Service Employes will work for. This plan was decided upon and an organization -Ctected under the name given before the convention, rep resenting all civil service associations idjourned Its sessions. Today the as sociation has temporary officers, who will serve until the" next convention is held, nearly a year hence. The non-contributory kind of pen sions won the of the conven tion by a large majority following the debate and discussion which took place during the first sessions. When the victory had been obtained a motion was made to make it unanimous and this carried with a hurrah, although some of the contribution advocates said they stlll felt that they were more likely to get aid from Congress for this sort of pensions than for the kind voted or by the majority. All Feel Confident. The officers elected for the national association represent different parts of the country and members feel confident that they will arouse civil service em ployes In many parts of the countty besides Washington and thereby arouse more Congressional interest and sm p.ithy than has heretofore been mani fested. Many men with votes will be enrolled in the membership of the Na tional Association of Civil Service Em ployes. The advocates of straight out pen sions won by a vote of 9,22 to 503 for ths so-called "half and half plan." The vote was by proportional member ship strength, each delegate being allowed to cast as many votes as there are members of the organization he represents. Sixteen votes were cast lor the "memorial plan." This pro posed to memorialize Congress In the matter of pensions without suggesting the form of the pension grant. The half and half men proposed that the employes contribute one-half the retire ment benefits to accrue. Men Who Will Direct. The National Association will be un der the conduct of Andrew W. Mclee of New York as president, with Charles W. Lahr of Newport. Pa., as first vice president. Other officers Include George S. Boehm of Cincinnati. O.. second vice president: William II. Tripp of West Point. N. Y.. third vice president; John J. pivlnnv of this city, secretary; L U. Schwartz of Chicago, treasurer. The executive board Is composed of George T. Morgan of Philadelphia, George T. Kleffner of Omaha; Ross Keenan of Brooklyn. Charles W. Wright of Baltimore: .LoulsMarcks of St. Lutils, D. D. Caldwell 'of this city, and J- D. Holland. One more vice president, the fourtn; is yet to be elected. The constitution stipulates that he must be an employe of the customs service. The executive board will fill the vacancy. M. F. r O'Donoghue and Jacob W. Starr, of ttiia. city, conducted,. the Hew president to the chair. "- Where the first- regular converttiin ot the. new association is to he r-eld Is un certain s.s yet Th$ 'executH e board will be allowed to name the place and' the date. A majority of the board seems to favpr Washington. The convention adjourned with many of its members feeling happy over re sults accomplished, in the fusing ot all the societies and organisations repre sented, and the agreement on one plan. it is recognized, however, that a great deal of work remains to be done. As cording to President McKee, the most Immediate essential "is the rousinc or every civil service employe in the coun try to the Idea of the necessity" of united action." Pastor Tells McAdoo Statesmen Are Godless Some Washington clergj man the name IS withheld at the Treasury Be lieves that the statesmen are a more or less godless set who do not go to church regularly or at all. Writing Sec retary mcaqoo. this divine asks for a list of the members of the Senate and House, saying that he Intends to write each of them a letter pointing out that they might legislate more wisely even If not more expeditiously If they at tended service at nis cnurcn eacn Bun day morning. A letter referrlnr the inquirer to the Congressional Directory will be sent tomorrow. Geological Survey Sends Maps to Ohio A big demand is being made on the United States Geological Survey for topographic maps of the flooded dis trict in Ohio, a Complete set of the maps was mailed today to John H. Patterson, chairman of the Dajton re lief committee, in response to request from him. The f Committee expects to find the tnai- C much use In Its work. Evening Services in tbe Gburcbes "AN OUTLOOK UPON THE TIME" "he Rev. Donald C. McLeod, Firit Presbyterian Church, 7:45 p. m. "SELF SEEKING AND SELF FINDING" The Rev. Charles Wood, Church of the Covenant, 8 p. m. "MASTERY OF ENVIRONMENT" The Rev. H. E. Brundsge, Eckinj. ton Presbyterian Church, 7:30 p. m. "USELESS WEALTH" The Rev. C. Everest Granger, Gunton-Temple Memorial Church, 8 p. m. "THE TREMBLING SINNER" The Rev. F. W. Johnson, Grace Baptist Church, 7:45 P- m- "A COUNTRYMAN CRITICISING CITY FOLKS" The Rev. E. Hez Swem .Centennial Baptist Church, 8 p. m. "UNITING TWO WORLDS" The Rev. A. H. Thompson, Waugh Metho dist Episcopal Church, 7:30 p. m. "FROM PRISON TO THRONiS" The Rev. W. R. Wedderspoon, Foundry M. E. Church, 8 p. m. "AN EVENING OF POEMS" The Rev. James Shera Montgomery, Me tropolitan Memorial Church, 8 p. m. "CHOOSING A HUSBAND" The Rev. Samuel H. Woodrow, First Con grcsational Church, S p. m. "YOUR JOY NO MAN TAKETH FROM YOU" Madame Curtin and Mr. Ripley, Holy Spiritual Church, 7:30 p. m. "RISEN WITH CHRIST"" The Rev. E. W. Brcnneisen, Washington Temple Congregation, .-, p. m. "A GOSPEL SERMON" The Rev. Earlc Wiincy, Vermont Avenue Chris tian Church, 8 p. m. In all the riot of blossoms which hav ' burseohevl forth In Potomac Park wttM In the last week, to make that tract the, most gorgeous anywhere la th jietrict, therr ia none which show morn delicate beauty than the Moons oa tM Japenese cherry trees which were ate rented to the U.iUed States by the gov -.'rnment of Japan a year ago. TMat fragrant, beautiful trees are blooratnjjf Jers for the first time. The river Urle Yom the Virginia bride up to Twealy slxtr street la fragrant with them. anA." thousands have stopped their carriages to admire the delicacy and beauty Of the blooms. j. " Unlike the-domestic cherry tha Ja 3rtrc variety Jeans more to bloom taA It dos to fruit. The chief strength of the trees seems-to be spent In pttittrii foith tha. wonderful clusters of .blos soms which cover the'llmbs. The tries . have been plinttd for just a little mora Uvan a year and of course have hot obtained any beauty in regard to c3 roimation. The pruning kalfe hast pkk opportunity to work toward symetry and the branches spread awkwariiy aioe the main stem. BtosMSAs Are BeaitifuL The blossoms, however, are as bau ilful now as they wll be in yeaji'ta rome and make theobserver fcrget UW shape of the tree. In appearance & 0:00ms are a delicate pink shading tTmost to white In some instaaeasV .'avh cluster is made up of dozens of ir dividual blossoms which are forsS-l -omewhat like the wild rose. A little over a year ago the Depart ment of .Agriculture received a conslt raent of several hundred cherry trsei from Japan- One of the shipaseata trees was found to be infected HS4 scale disease, and. far t ear U&t sB8 new tree plague might spreadfrom th District, the heada of the, deffrtssent considered destroying the wholf lot Jf several hundred trees. Ctete txiwto- tlon disclosed that the. trees slTectad were in the minority, and. tepwed; lng out 'the affected ones, the remainder were planted. A) The original Intention JP the cherry .trees all over the District of Columbia., but after the scale : waa MM covered the plan was changed and trees planted along the river bank Id Pdtomac Park. In this location && are practically segregated, and. if .th scale develops further. It will be a cess paratlvely simple matter to keep .th disease in a restricted area until It Is stamped out.. - Park Gay With Blooali. Although the Japanese cherry bl; , soms are the most delicately beautiful in the park., thai tract is now filled witA ' blossoms or every description. Troni the ragged Scotch broom to the appli trees almost evcrji color and shape tad be seen. "The mild winter. combine with almost ideal weather conditions fr the development of blossoms' has madi the; .blooms, more beautiful and larger,, t than Tor severaf years. "" ' . Particularly beautiful are two grpups ot apple trijes alonp the western edge ?f the basin. Each group is of three rces, and every tree Is well nigh per? feet. Th blooms cover every limb with an almost solid mass of delicate white. Other groups of plum and native cherry trees follow" close upon tht apples la c point of beautv. and the whole comblh to make Po;omac Tark fragrantly beau tlful and riotous witn spring. Secretary of Interior r Adopts Office Schedule Secretary.Lane is going to run by clock work for a while because of tha pres sure of business at the Interior Depart ment. Mr. Lane has mapped up a dally schedule which will be rigorously ap plied on Cabinet days. The new.plsn fon. the disposition of callers is as fol low s: D:13 a. m. to 11:3) a. m. will be devoted exclusively to appointments with Sena tors and Congressmen. . 11:30 a. m. to 1 p. m. will be devoted to appointments made with the public generally. 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. will be devoted en tirely to formal hearings on depart-, mental matters and conferences, with, departmental officials. On Cabinet days from 9:1 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. the Secretary's time will be devoted to appointments made in aa v ance. Bryan and Judge Wade Swap High Silk Hats Secretary of State Bryan and Judge Martin D. Wade, of Iowa, national com mitteeman from that Stat, "swapped hats by mistake comln gout or we White House yesterday. The top piece are 01 similar siyie ra iu.. --- tlcal size but there is a siigni unw ence, a difference which caused Mr. Brian to make a hurried trip kack from ... c.... arul Mr. Wade lO return from the Avenue in front of th Judge Wade discovered, his mlstaka " .ttund the inituur - -- pasted wiisuu nit .- -" ...ri rested somewliat strangely and discern tentediy on his cranium. Knights of St. Godfrey Elect King for New Year lne year. Henry Fisher Ifrthe erowa Brince s dney Leech la archbishop. ad DavU Gate" the bishop. .The anju! banquet of th order, which la com posed of boys of the T. M. C. A., waa followed by the election lastj nJ Mrs. Albert X. Chesley waa with a jeweled necklace and pendant and red-letter testaments in honor e regular attendance were nr,foatflLiJ Jerome Sutherlln. Frank Ellis. Albert Hersey and Skelton Higgle. Y. M. C. A. Denies It Has Nervous "Cure"; Ti- Young Men's Christian AssoU tior disclaims all retentions of hainr found a "cure for nervous diseases for 1 hlldren"; In the new physical exercise foiir-ulalcd by Director JLaw. of ths i.o dT.mmcnt. It simply alma to de- '1 Uk nervous centers ot the splAal ..l..t-i. n.,l n, te Hi- th TtA aval AM . UI'I'IMI 0'i .v w j .... ...... ,. -... nd is making no "profession claim" of . ji..i m m . A.tA curing atactic wi eu? wu- . "fr,. k5S3l& fiV? -IMbI Nfo& Wtj: ,4tAS?lSlUt. AAVWtf f& .s-ir'Wi! .-- vt Jk&mtrl!iVv-i . uif-Ui. rf3t 'N--&-SL r