Newspaper Page Text
12 THE WASHMGTGX TBfESSFNmYc: e4RlB '- 1013 -S A ; iJirllJ.L.,:. .i..'... , r m a. . a. - ,-r -" -ir rj - - i President's Wife Plans Informal Meetings With 'Women's Cabinet" Mrs. Marshall Is Also Slated . . to Receive Members of Her Set on Wednesdays. r-n .HE opening of Cong;rets tomor row will set tho entire new Administration,!)' tho ears, and Washington will have the most v interesting season it has known in years. , No plans have been announced from the White House, but it is probable mat Mrs. wiison win nave me wivrs of new Congressmen and others In official life to meet er and her i YafrtiterB through thevuinedium of j 'afternoon teas or garden-parties. Mrs. Marshall, has not, failed to re- i (main in Tierldrawing room" on "Ved- nesday to receive visitors, informally or otherwise, since March 4, and it is probable that Mrs. Bryan will .be at .; home on Wednesday, -while Mrs. -.Daniels and several other of the Cab ! 'ine-t women have announced -their 1 purpose of receiving on that day. fe Mrb, Joseph .RLamarwifevpf Jus-. .!.' rt ' tKft Siinrmft Court- Will be at home tomorrow to visitors, and her house guest, Mrs. Charles H. I Irhlulzy, of Augusta. Qa, will be with I her. -4 Mr. and Mra John Has Hammond will entertain at dinner tonight in nonor of the Italian ambassador and Mr. Justice and Mrs. Lamar, and airs. William Cummings Story, of isew York, will be members of the party of eighteen, f " .. fJOss'Elirabeth Hammond has. fully recovered from a recent illness and will go, to New York tomorrow to re main for a Week. "Final arrangements have, been made "for the bazaar which the. omen on the board of manager? of tho Episcopal Ere. Ear. and Throat Hospital are to give at the Raleigh Hotel Wcdnesday -anfl Thursday of this wecK. sirs, .buck. president of the board, expects that the success of this year's ercort wiu surpass all previous records Besides, the attractions of the booths, where fllowers, cake, lemonade. Ices, candles, aprons, fancy articles, and mystery packages may be purchased, there will be music and dancing and supper will be served each evening from 5 to S o'clock. One of the cake tables -will be pre sided over by Mrs. W. E. Fox and the following women from St. John's Church: Mrs. D. G. Adee7 Miss Adee, Miss Mary P. Brown. Mrs. John Paul 'Earnest. Mrs-Percy Myers. Miss B. C. Saxton, Mrs. Charles H. Stockton, Miss Jane Wilkes," Miss Mary C. Dove, Miss Frances Edmonston. and Miss Foster. Home' -.lade cakes from many favorite receipts are the special allurement through which this table gains Its well earned popularity each year.; The cake table, conducted by Mrs. E. J. Stcllwageii, assisted by Miss Gil lis, Mrs. J. C. Boyd, jfiss E. Bryan, Mrs. M. Griffith. Mrs. J. V. IIofT. Mrs. A. F. King, Mrs. F. Roberts. Mrs. P. J. Ryan, ard Mrs. William H. Wllmer. of the Chuich of the Ep!phan. will be as beautiful as in the past. The fancy cakes on this table will be exhibits of decorative skill and the electric light display of the booth Is alxvavs one of the features of the bazaar. The candy tables for the sale of home made candles, bonbons from well-known confectioners and sweets for the chil dren, arc receiving more than usual at tention from the women on the com mittee from St. Thomas, Trinity; AH Saints, Chevy Chase, Mao land, and the Church of the Incarnation. Mrs. J. R. Johnson, Mrs. A. C. Fenton. Mrs. J. B. Iee, Mrs. E. 5 Mix and Mi's. Faber Stevenson will conduct these booths with the aid of Mesdames Melville Church, X. F. Clark, John C. Davidson, Xorman Gait, X. M- Lewln, J. H. Mc Murray. C. A. Stedman, Grafton Shreve, W. T. Curtis. Le3ter A. Barr, B. F. Browne, Azyl Ford, Murray G. Motter, Clarence Xormcnt, Mary E. Smoot and the Misscs H. McGroth. H-B. Wjck erhham. Kate B. Burgess and Phllis Pnjder. The women from Georgetown from Christ Church, St. John's, and Grace Churches are expecting large returns from their time and energy expended upon the display of fancy articles and shell jewelry from Florida which they will offer for sale. Mrs. W. T. Glover. Mr. E. M. Talcott. Mus Semple Pettis and Mrs. J. B. McDonald will conduct this booth, it which Mrs. Robert S. Bealle. Mrs. James BlaXe, Mrs. E. S. Kennedy. Mrs. Louis Mackall. Mrs. Henry Matthews. Mrs. Percy Thompson, Mrs. William Ballentvne, Mrs. J. Ber rall. Mrs. A. F. Hassen, Mrs. Fred B. Hon den, Mrs. F. McRejnolds, Mrs. Johnson Morgan, Mrs. H. W. Offult, Mrs. Robeit J. Peck, Mrs. C. C. Hall, Mm. II. SchcfTB and the Misses Lucia M DorselL Glonlna B. Gordon. Han nah Matthews, Lucia Hollerith. Fiances JJlakie. Mary Madford, Ann Blackwood and Mao Mcich will also assist. The wares of the apron table hae been selected to meet the demands of both the practical and fastidious re quirements of its patrons. All kinds of aprons will be for sale at the table presided over by Mrs. AV. m. Stewart, Miss Acher, Mrs. W. B. Meru, Mrs. II TValbridge and "Mrs. G W. Van To.'sen of Trinitj church. Those who wish tu jirj into the se ciPts of th future maj hac their curiosity satisfied by Mr?. K. II Cal vert, who will be the fortune teller for the occasion. Mrs. X. M. Dove and ilra. H. Hawxhtirst ar" busily manag ing the many details of the bazaar. The French Ambassador and .Madame Jurserand hae returned to Washing-, ton from a short lit in Xcw York. On the afternoon of April 9, at 4;So p. m., at the P13jioum. 1SH X strct northwest, the do Guerin School of Music faculty, Jllm Eugenia de Guerin, -violinist; Miss Mabel Linton, pianist, and Miss Mabel Latirmer, soprano, will b heard In a recital for the benefit of AH Souls' Mission. This recital will be of Interest, not only to the members of- All Soul's Mission 'and their friend, CORRECT SCALP TUEATMBXT. FUUE lulr. nijy hair, dandruff, tight pal?, tic. correctly treated by eiperu at ire offices of HATTli: 31. MIACKLKTTH 1002-4 V M. .V W. Phone .11. 3174. Only Women and Children Treated. xV70attaaalaar ilrkrta for trratmraWa will AOT kc valid after June IS, ltlS. BJaWaaaaaas fVBBBBBBBBBBBBa9aBBBWVaL aaaaaaaaHa$ laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataSa; rl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi li aaaaaaaaaaaaBaaavVaaaaaal H (' i! BBBBBaaa WaaBaaal B aaHaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaSjaaaaaR J KaaaaaaWaaaaaaPC;:''-;' BafljaBBBBBBaHaBBBBBBBBBBal vm " tHHHHHHHHHHHHl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal T Daughter of Former Secretary of' Navy Will' Wed Naval Officer This Month. CbpyrlKht by G. V. Buck. MRS. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. but to the many friends and pupils of these .young women, as the program Is the same as the one recently gicn In Lcesburg, Va. S The .President and 'Mrs. Wilson ex pect to occupy-Tonc of the boxes to morrow evening at the George Wash ington University Hospital benefit to be given at the Columbia Theator. when -Miss May Robsbn will appear in her successful play, "A Xlght Out." Others w;ho have taken boxes for that evening are Rear Admiral Charles II. Stockton, president of the George Washington University, and Mrs. Stockton, with Mr. and Mrs. Parker, of, Baltimore, and Command er and Mrs. Reginald Belknap as their guests: Dr. W .C. Borden, dean of the medical department of the uni-" vVrslty, and Mrs. Borden, with Mrs. Eugene Byrnes, president of ihe board of lady managers of the George Washington Hospital. Mr. Byrnes, Dr. Ruffln, and Mrs- E. H. Llsctim as their "guests; Judge and Mrs",Ma,rtln Knapp, with 'Judge and Mrs. Hunt: Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Dr. and, Mrs. E. G. Selbert, with Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam J. Mallory and Dr. and.Mrs.Lor cn Thompson: and Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Richardson and guests. Benefit tickets may' be procured from Mrs. -Ev G. Selbert, 1817 Xtne tecnth'" street or any . member of the board of lady managers. Jb--- The spring dance of the Chi Psi So rority was given last nlghfin the red room ofUhe'Xew Willard. The colors of the sorority .were used in'thedecora tlon of the ball and reception rooms. Supper was served "later in "the evening. ... The Italian ambassador returned to Washington, today after spcnding'a few days in Xcw York. -, , . -X- CoL and ,,Mrs. Thomas W. - Symons entertalnedatdlnnerjlastinight Miss Glaiijs ".Hinckley. Miss -Eleanor Rey burn.'MIss Caroline Ogden-J ones. Miss McCluskey. Miss Symons. Commander Burstyn, Austrian (naval" attache; Com-mander;Bov-Ed, German naval attache; W. Bowie f Clarke, and Thomas W. Symons, r. Saturdaj. April 16, will bring to Wash ington society almoEt the last refrain from tho Administration just past, w hen at high noon on that day. Miss Alys Applcton Mecr. daughter of the former Secretary of the Xavy and Mrs. Meyer, will be married to Lieut. C. Ray mond P. Rodgers, U. 8. X. Miss Helen Taft will come on from Xew Haven to be one of the 'brides maids, and will join In' the extensive festivities preceding the wedding. Miss Julia Meyer will be maid of honor for her sister, and the other' maids will be Miss Buth Applcton," of Xew York, cousin of the bride; Miss Martha Mc Cook, of Xew York, daughter of Mrs John J. McCook; Miss Cristlne Hunne well, of Boston; and Miss Kathcrtne Jennings and Miss Dorothy Williams, of Washington. Lieutenant Rodgers will depart from j the rule' of having his entire party made up irom inc ranns ol oruiiicr um- ccrs. and Donald Rodgers, brother of the bridegroom, will be best man. An other brother, Alexander Rodgers, will be an usher, and others of the party are George von L. Meyer, Jr., brother of the brldc-elcct; .Clarence Hay, and Sloane Dancnhower. Lieut. David W. Bagley U. S. X., and Major James A. Logan, U. S. A., will complete the party. The Rev. Roland Cotton Smith, rector of St, John's Church, on Lafayette square, will perform the ceremony at high noon, and several members of tho Cabinet of President Taft will be guests. including Mr. and Mrs. MacVeagh, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, and the former Secretary of Agriculture and Miss Wilson. -4 The Secretary of War will leave Washington In the morning for a short visit in Xew York. Mr. and Mrs. George Lcary and their son, James Lcary. of Xew York, who are stop ping at the Shoreham, are practically the guests of the Secretary and Mrs. Garrison, and Mr. Leary will accom pany Mr. Garrison to Xcw York. Mrs. Wilson will occupv a box at the -comic opera. "The Brigands," by Offenbach, which will be presented at the Belasco tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock for the benefit of the Xatlonal Homeopathic Hospital. Others who have taken boxes arc Mrs. Belmont, Mrs. Edson Bradley, Mrs. E. B. Grandlh, Mis. Elklns, Mrs. Martin Knapp. Mrs. Arthur Lee, Dr. T. L- MacDonald, Mrs. Henry Clei eland Perkins. Mrs. Ray mond Patcrson, Mrs. Downey and Mrs. T. De Witt Talmage. i Good weather took a number of luncheon parties out to the Chevy Chase Club today, among the hosts there being Mr. and Mrs." Walter Tuck erman. Captain Evans, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Curtis, H. R. Robinson and Mrs. Horace Westcott. vJ The Misses Wilson will be the guests of Jtrs. Robert Fitch Shepard at a dinner at the Chew Chase Club on April 13. -An lmpoitant social event for the end of the week will be the banquet which is to be given at the Xew Willard Hotel Trlday evening by the Xavy League of the Vnlted States. The an nual convention of the league will have liecn In session for two days and the city will be fuU of official and society people who are particularly Interested in the naval branch of the service. Invitations have been extended for the first time to a score7 or more of women, the wives of speakers - and special guests .of the ,leagiie. Among those who have accepted Invitation; are: Mrs. Thomas It. Marshall, Mrs. Jo cephus Daniels, Mrs. LlndWy"M. Gar rison, Airs Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mr3. J. S. McKean. Mrs. George Dew., IMrs. William C. Rt-Jfic'd, Mrs. John Hood, Mrs. Charles H. "Stock'ton:, Mrs. W W Klmb"H, Mrs. John' G'bbond. Mrs. A. V. Wadhams Mrs. 'Perry Bel mont, Mra. John W. Kern, Mrs. "Phl'lp, Andrews. ..Mrs. Richard Wa'nwrjght, Mrs. Xathan Twining.' Mrs. W. F. Fill lam. Mrs. "Charles' "F. Johnson, 'Mrs. Hugo Osterhaua, Mrs. John J. 'Flfs gcrald. Mrs. 'William -P. Riddle. Mrs. B. A. , Fiske. Mrs.1- Leigh C.' Palmer, Mrs Henry f II. .Ward, and" Mrs. Joshua Alexander. - ' " Charles Anthoncy. the pianist, who will be the soloist at Outlast of 'trie Washington Symphony concerts "on Tuesday. April 15, will, - through! "tHc courtesy1 of Mrs."' Arthur ,J.V Parsons, give a recital In her 'ball, roomj'on 'Thursday, Aprll,'l7, at 4 -o'clock. t'Mr." Anthony is a'pupll ofsome of the, best Known teacners abroad, and scorea -a' great success, both private and' public, in 'London.' Mr. von Billow, of the German em bassy,, who has been transferred. to the foreign office In Berlin, was host at a tea at thc-Rochambeau yesterday, after noon, when German Ambassador and i;ountes ;von Bernstorft,' the 'Nether lands Minister and Madame - Loudon and others from the Diplomatic Porpa, with a number from resident and of ficial society, 'were his guests. ' -4 Lieutenant Commander 'and"?Mrs. Gherardl .(entertained the 'German Sec ond Secretary -and Madame'Klenlin'abd a'-number "of others at dlnner-last'nlght. " --- ' The Misses Tiralow," of Scott Circle, will bo at JhQtnfl'tfpr, the .last' tjme this season on Monday afternoon from 4 to 6. , - ! ' HOME WORKERS' MARKET PUCE Tiie purpose of. tbis section 1b to mike It possible for women In occu? pations which tley,'cprry on at homo to offer, first hand and at a low ad vertising cost to tKein, various articles of handicraft', needlework, home made delicacies, 'Confections, personal service, etc., to Times .readers. The offers here .made to' you, the readers of Tho Times, may include Just th very thtng-you have'wante'd and looked for in vain. Samples of all goods advertised in-this section may be seen and bought at Room 425 Munsey Building, wbre'the JPoUyTrimm exhibition is nor being'beld. CROCHETING,' LACE of all llnda; Met' work a.vsrfctally. mats cr lunch aeta etc.: tamplea exhibit! Room.-3. Murt Hldfr ' ' ' CROCHETED COLtABSfniS-apeelaii): ala tattlnc Addrcn 13C Rhoda IsUcd ac N. K n. :. " MAPXIFICENT' CROCHET' HED SPREAD: 4 yeara-to make; -cant be aeen at 1322 V. ave X. TV. - EMBROIDRRY; and crocnetlnc; ercnlnr caa In cold corchet er aalln: cemerclKaa. ate: reasonable Tl ' K. M. U 8 -at. X. TV. CROCHETING haadbaja cr worsted work. Sea epertior apply V. V. A.. 411 itli N. W. SAI.n tablo coier 4t In. linen punch wori; alo cover in red popple Ions aiuJ abort atitih EXHIBIT ROOtl. IS Munaw bide. ASK TO SEE my tH Munity Bldr. rocbet work at ROOM r. 'D. LACE CURTAINS. ARRIAX braid hand made lace curtain. omt S j arts Ions, -on exhibit. Room 4.5. Price. 4S . XMBROIOERINO. Hand embroidered artlclta. Includlnt ahlrt walata. bureau aiarfs. towela, aprona. and ladler underwear. reawnabU prlcea 1411 D at N. E MILLINERY. MILLINER -nlth xprlenc lll make (our old hat oer, new liata trimmed, moumine hate v order ;J7 K ttSVT. - MH.UNKR Stllh. artlatlr. home or rut; moderate, also millinery laona. 1641 Uth. BATIN AMERICAN nEAUTIES. violet bout- tonnlerer. hand made, on exhibition: any satin flowera mada to order. SO Mb S. E. DRESSMAKING. SHIRT WAWTS. I-plece houae drenaea. dernear, maa at rearonaui- ork. MISfi SAL'l- if Hth prlcei. Apt, i. un-nn KVBMNC uOWNS peclalt. pcl!l at tention given to caster oraera; m, ; ed. Mlaa A R TRAZZARE. 411 K. . ave. teed. COACHING. EXPERT COACHING on graded and .t.Mi iiht-tBT tchr of piano. JORIE HARKE3. 143 Uth at. n Ph. X a?. H3. ROSE bEADS. nn TTKADB mad irom roas Bride rosea mad In bcada a aouen Decatur at- talc Pr! HAND-PAINTED CHINA. ORDERS for hand-painted hlna and flrlnc 'Mcited: ladler miy aerure ehlna by na- Incll month. MRS. RENSIIAW. lttl Irvfnr .atukai.istic WORfy mv upeelalty: can b a-en at exhibit: claa Wedneadva and V..ti!r.l,.i; PrietM reasonable. MRS. SPRUCE BANK. roi Ind at. 8 E. HAXp-PAINTED CHINA: work guarantied: Cuba fenced: classes afternoon and svsn- '" SaW ew Hampanlrs ava. X. w. Cot. CSii P.?Tlfi.? na flrIn- " Im ported hite china, decorated stock, au 6f2?:l,rS klIn- P- M.. 73S. Addtwltll 10 LESSONS. nv. no orkstieii. and 1 to 4 lncludlnr im nt mIm. Monday and Thurrday. 9 la lj alsn ordra taken. I0C4 E ' X. ADDRESSING ENVELOPES. ADDRESSING envelope, a .aeclaltv; no con tract tao large: prlcea reasonable: work guaranteed Call MS Maaa ay. X. S. " PRESERVXS. ALL LI. KINDS jama and jellies .t reasonable PflPM. Xhfhlt Jit fZ VTi.n-- ttl M3 Fla. ave. X. W. J ""'""' HOME-MADE preserve, and jellies n hi !?," "J "'rli "' d.1!pUy rn,m A""" 1" 4th H li Phen Line ss M RUGS. HA'.'DI-OME KIIR RUGS and lapr,bea. ri" .,,8v?bfe m,!e M oti"- Addreia 4 l?Th at. N TV CONFECTIONS. CAX2x K1.1!?. "READ and lea cream vlw -'Le. 101 Uth af. N. w. . Orders Delivered Phone M. 145. HOME MADE BREAD, pies, doughnuts, hot roll- cakes and salads: to order and de ll ij4i5MT8t. N. TV. MRS. W. A. "GREER'S celebrate-1 home made cakes, neddlng cakes k specialty. sampler at exhibit. Address 11 l?ih at. .V B MT SPECIALTY In all kinds of rakes, cook ies and candles Apply 13) i:th st S. E CARPETS CARPET . -WEAVING-Rugs made to order from silk or rags law, 9th st. X. W. EANCY WORKT HANDSOME POINT LACES mad t crdsr latest designa and descrlpllcoa. Apply BOX limes office 113 i jtlZK crocheting and needle work skillfully executed. On exhibit MS H st. Xi. TV. I The advertising in th's section Is not free space but a rate Is charged which wiH permit home workers to find a wider market for their products and service and n comfortable profit for their time and effort. Writo com plete uetails of what jou can make or do and what you wish to advertise. 1 will prepare an adand send it trxou with price quotations. Address Polly Frlmm, Room iZ5 Munsey Building. : ,-Personal Mentien. f -dia Mr. and 'Mrs. XJ Jonas, 'of Nashville, Term., announce the entr;emenfof their aaurnter. miss tvim jonas. iohjoscdu irwVT.-.:...n -.".. in -Tr.. onrf lfrieTT - iauiiiA"i ovti w. T' " - "i"." " Kauiman, or vvasninsron. Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Weyl..flfve re turned- to' their h6rne,-fin.TBrlgitwood, aftcrvspepfdlrig 'the past ''feWeeks 'In Atlantic City. r Mr. and Mra. Charles Goldsmith, of, Calvert stree't, Ueftw TVMhlnjjrtori" 'today, for rtlchmondl.'tolbe thefiiests of their daurhter, Mr.-VlHiam-.ThlnlreeK They wlll'-attend 'the wedding of Miss Irm niLHtfclAlY-i-:tr.' . -t. t-Mt. which taWes place at'the Jefferson Hotel l " rt 41 .'- Mrs. Sydney- "Relxenateln, who has btcn"visltlnj:-hers8tex,JMrs. I. Saks, of Now Torfc, '.haa returned .'to her "' home) Irt the.Dupont. ,ir-,iJ'"J '','' ' .i rV f? - ' .1 .Mr.-and Mrs. SalvadprBlcis,rdshive hAye.rturp'fd.hVmelaifterspendIi)f;the past, wee kr In BiiAinords with relatives.' "''. ' T7i . , . Mr. and Mra. , Ferdinand 'l!vl, ha.v re- tuped tO'Sumtef, B- C. aftfr spend! qs two w-eeka herewith th'elr'parentsjlri and Mrs. Max CohenT" of' 'Blltmore street. . . , . , Wednesday; Mrs. '-Warren Yenawlne,l,whoyha been vlsIUrigTelatlves ln5Watnxton,.has fei turned 'to'lier 'home, -In iPhlladelDhra.7 r 'home, -In 'Phlladelpbra. -.- 'Miss Wojf. of Auristafi Of .. 'is 'the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frank, of the Stafford. lVZ' -rr;' xMlss1 Eleanoro Sellnir;vof Columbia road,1-Is visiting;, revives in New -Tone. MrJ.' L. LaldlaT;.'ofNew Torlc. ar rived t, today to bci'the' "riiest of Mrs. Helen Gardener, -orUW'Lamont street. - - '. ".! i-.l She IIl'be.a speaker atthe suffragette n eetlngj ' at . the .Columbia' Theater to- nrorrow morning. - K 4 Miss Lucille Lowenberc has returned j to the. Bristol Scljool after.'snendlnt; tho nouaars wit a ner narents. Mr. ana Mrs. Harry (Lee IiowcnbersV of Norfolk, Va. .'Mr.'and'Mfsr'Oeori" Barton "French have -returned to-New-Yorlc 'Tntfwere t-1. .I.V. 2: .. ..U'- ..4IMll !' iiv&v,-iaqL vjcvk -ivrBviiv 'uuuinsiiiivcii 1' Mr., and 2&rs. Edson radley. ' ' i , " 4. Mrs. Martha Gle'ow will sneak Ma Grace Kniscoial Caurch, Silver Sprlnrs. M.," Monday' ovenlnir, on1 the work of aUv sS&XnL V Jaaaai mk 9 1?i1iAn ata4f at soclatldri aniens thmountaineers. Robert ITownlntr, the'aetor, is to ap pear ataJn In'- a'- dramatic production. after a number -of years, duttna; whlcn he-.hasA been' enaaaeo exclusively in evanac"t'e work. Mr. Downing will bo well rehiernbered bylWshlnKtonlans aa one! who 'hf d 'a welldesew-ed'reputatlo'n isa 'star In -the 'finest type of drama. is 'Qth'ello, nrgtnlus, and SpatUcus the" CHi4tytor. 'will 'be pirtlcularly re-'msmbered.- ySeverar years ago, Mr. Do-rnlhr turned, hlf'tale'qts to'evapfel Um.J which' hap brouyhthlm Into: tactwlfhtcoriltIoris as they "exist'ln the country'dlstrlcts ot theSeuthcast. Thla experlenee'and'hls dramatic talent have assisted him In writing" a play culed "The Couhtrv'Psu'soriMn ti hiehi tries I conditions are set" (Tth Irfia'atpryot ! srtat charm arid Tf ith - characters of rVi"ln'eit: ' l ' ' "r- v';Vt? Law Studants WBI' . " Have First Dinntr - The "first annual dinner of the law school of Georjre, a3hInaton.UnIver slt v.will be held Saturday' 'nlaht. Aoril lflat"Raucaers,' with Vice President -sii aftni3 aua- w& .ivtivt. wu speakers will be Chief Justice- IJeele. of the' United -SUtfs Court of Claims. Rear Admiral 'Stockton, and John -B., Larner, of the-unlverslty board -of trus- 'Charles Noble Gregory, dean of the law departmenV has been selected to bli mo &usaiiiiotri, iwiu-Jiriiiui isn.- Kbert .wilt lcaditho collesjejyella. . .uesiues tne siseaxers ampna; men prominent Injoffldar'ahd. biismess Ijfe in 'Washington' who ha-e fgn(fler'thelr intention to attend,. are. Jasraes Stwarf. Assistant Poslntasttr.Genaral; 'Sfnatqr Pranda C. Newlanda,. JrtepTeaentat'jB B,enjamln G.;ilumpiri..PT"rcPjtlve Irwin 8. Pepper: Jjjstice W. PSlaifon. of "the Supreme Court) of .'the District of Columbia: Former District Commission er -H." B. F. Macfa'rland;, AWU Browne. k A. , S." "'6rtrilnton. Alexander Brltton. Walter a'Tenfield. MelvfHo Church, Arthur Pete "and Walter C Clephane,' ' - Tit "Interest. y 4 Jh. play is-to be preduced'this'com ir.ff u eek'on four nlthta, bKln'nlruj Tuw da".. April ?, n the parish 'hall or St. Andrew's' 'church, FjSurtJnth 'and Cor- cqrafr. , streets , northwest. Dosynlnc's presentation of :hlr part may be. counted upon to not only true to 'life, but nrttirwiicaitycTOvincins;.- - is to ne assisted by a very capable cast of char acters. ' i Blind to Hear Muirc v r c Awl Lecture This Wttk J: Announcement haaicen made of the entertalnmenta'fqr the. hHrtd at:the-Na- Aftr TIlwdM- eA k I21tm latU """T "'t ... -t-y. w-f :i-;i- street noruiweat, rortnis. weecrxnT) are: Thursday nfglit at8 oxlbck.. piano and sonar' i-eettal' 'Ttiimell' 'Hill, nlanlat and Miss Ruth Em'erc6h soprano. Sat Ust Lectyrt to B ; On Milkt,;TuwWy The last Itcturc of .the season in the course of. master painters. Vader, the auspices of the Washington Society of Fine Arts, will be given April I. at In. m.. In the auditorium i of t,hc new, Na-UbnaKMu'seum- The j subject will be Jeaii.Franeols Millt,'"aJid the tectar cr."MIss Ansa. Seaton-Schaaidt. Toe lecture wjll.'bc profuaetyilhistrated and . Evefithogh th'e'lectures in the Wash ington Society of-Flne Arts course have been 'transferred from the- Public t brary flail to a larger "audltortum. the Public. Library contlnuea'to,'arranaW. an In 'the .past, co-ontlnate ezhrbttlena of pictures. There haKO'Wt'becn put ub In-the- eihllSltlnn csutea nn Hie iH-nnt floor of. fhc' Public XJbrarrlfty prints covering:tnc most important pictures Bt- ,. ,-- " . ' J-j ' i Millet r5C Wadwe; Face:Pwder I (IsGrWa atvntw flr .asBS'BBv' aSS aSBBBBBBBBBBBS ?BBa TSBBBBSBBBBktef .kV BBf "VBBBBWBBsflf- laf ' VSSbW CiSaBBBBBBBBBBBW' ' . . abbbBBBBBBBFa. ViLSfLwi rr rtmk HAXMUSM. Maas7 tl ttnlrrteaiMl The-soft vei ivetir appear ance, reniflas tEiuu2atl.r ' PurWed by1- newr?prqeest. PrtveaU sna- rcfuro-rof dlscoleaittlensaCTha. Incressins: popularity Is' eaaaifni. WHlfB. FXJBSH. KIC.' KrfKTTfc. burn, a tpi uraayafternbbnatT2iS0,; by By toilet counUrs.'or asalfPrJce. lie. Mrs. ErnestUi. RobertVtifi Boston. I WA,TJOIAtJKJCrAir, - r '' r m J f V -4Hfc-T):;?j OPEN 8, A. M. W. B .MOSES & SONS r?l v -"''. ' Sj, - . - ..;,! t r I " tfiiimmi-ii ii in i it'HiHf Mi-.M h i i i ; i i ii in i-K-n i tjiii 1 1 mm Hi'i i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ill HI li'l-HllHri ! ' ' ''i.'-it ,! ty 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i i in . i h-M'H'H -i ! i -I-1-S- innnnrui i h Hn I li Vi t in 1 1 a 1 1 Ki 344. 1 1 11 II UUl ii'i I H 1 i i U 1144 TT ' " Jw' "" . J ' t TT vv f'V - . -TT ''if T? rr 1 1 .. Brass Maple White Enamel X -i- TTKTHY NOT'DISGARD the old, squeaky; or unsanitary bed W stead; aiid treat yourself tp bn thenewest advantages which the science of bed-building has Yfot2wK2teqki Ytx show you these elegant lines; . of bedsteads. , , ., ' ' K.f . ?i 1 1 1 ; i : i Ti'Mi ; !; t'H-i-M'i'i PHi-i-i i l l!i'Hil lit l-i ;:- -i-;;; in ;-h; m m-i i 1 1 ' f I -. " ' . i Exclusive New Line Never Before Shown, in Washington White Enamel Bedsteads These are the metal kind; and some -dftherh: are .plain pothers with brass trim. ''The stock is so large arid Varied and "represents such-a.wide rangeof prices-that nearly any'need'rnay be;supplied. One 4 ft.jnS'quare-post'Bed. Reduced ffpm'S23.00 to. .12.50 une 4-n. square-post oea. Keauceu rrom sio 10 f i.oo O'thefs'reduced asfollows : Were '; ! Were , . S20.00 $12.50 ' 34.50 $3.00 $15.00 $12.00 SI 3:50 $9.00 W ere , 515.50 '$ 16.00 $12-50 $13.00 Bird's-eye Maplfe and Fine Mahogany Bedsteads One pair Solid Mahogany Napoleon Bedsteads; superb design. Reduced from $80.00 tp, .each . . .' $90.00 One Single Bird's-eye Maple Bed. Reduced from $36.00 -to. $23.00 One pair Louis XV Twin'Beds, in tine mahogany. Reduced from $50 lo ..'. .". . . .. .' $42.50 One pair of same period; also maliogany, SO to One Single Louis XV Bedstead, in bird's-eye maple, from $50.00 to ' Reduced from $27.30 Reduced $27.50 . Our patrons should see;the newest thing in ' Library and Porch Suites, whiclrwe now. have on sale for the first time in Washington.- We have the exclusive handling of .these , superb goods and' have priced them as low, as they can be sold anywhere. V With light ash frames in the purest Eliz abethan designs, the seats and backs-of chairs and settees are of finely woven cane and" uphol stered. The pieces we are showing are in two styles of finish, a French gray with blue leather upholstering and .white enamel covered in French cretonne. It is one of the most refined creations on the market. We invite .you to inspect these goods while the complete line is on exhibition. $61 Brass Bed for $38.80 This is the best Brass Bed Bargain we have offered this year. Almost identical with the bed we illustrate, it has 14 l4-inch fillers, instead of ten. The round posts arc 3 inches in diameter with top trim 5J4 inches. The top rail is 2J4 inches square, and the husks in fillers 2 inches. The Bedstead measures 6 feet 6 inches bv 4 feet 6 inches inside. In offering this elegant Bed at so small a price wc -give you such a bargain as you may never see again. JtoP-rfSZi $25 Brass Bed for $15.00 This is one of the best Brass Bedsteads we have ever been able to offer at so low a price. Though not exactly like the cut below, it closely resembles it is a full size bed, in polish finish, and will give entire satisfaction. Other Beds Reduced Xon. $32.50 Were 55.00 $60.00 $36.00 $30.00 $20.00 $60.00 $35.00 $31.00 This Bed $25 Reduced to $15 $30.00 $29.5G $23.00 $12.75 $45.00 $25.00 $19.75 v F W. B. MOSES & SONS, F and Eleventh Sts. f ' ;- --&&' ; --'UW.s aJ? V& TAi .5 . j Jf'. . "t.KS-'lt,! j-Vm -' !--, t' - ' . tfAtu '. . . -4 . fc r-ti y ..vo ' jTj-4 .ljt'ij-.J& ,", '-' j.aPi2V t. J