Newspaper Page Text
a '&&&;'' tv' TtTE WASHINGTON TIMES, SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1913. COMER Nil ' HI HISCHANCE . j Mrs., Ultimate Are Ask ed to Step Up to Counter of Tariff Benefits.' (Continued Xrom" First Page.) fluich written abqut in' 1909, is now to t.Hll fmn atir cl-nol hAott unci sIlOCS. raiv wool, lumber.-cementv saddles, pew fng machines,-' farm implements and what not. ' Tlje things wnich,go into '-the market basket liave been materially reduced or 'placed on the non-dutiable list. The lhoiscwife Is expected to reap the bene fit Time will tell whether both the nfarkct basket and the purse will be heavier after a shopping expedition. ,! May Educate Housewife. The housewife, or Mrs. Ultimate Con sumer, knows little about the intricacies ,nf tariff revision, Tjut she'll "begin to ilcarn if free meat means cheaper 3eel- (st$ak and mutton rijgp v" ? A V TCU W1CUI& itic-rtrz,1"--'-! "WY .llsl in the Dtmocrat'h?bfJl. PaVne law fresh beef; -oorlfc' dn. and other meats carry- a duty of l's 'iujits per pound. Bacon and ham strug gle along under a 4-ccnt pir pound itl&y. v. 'i tt would appear that free .meat should Iman romething to the housewife, yet a import from a commercial acent of the "ipartment of Commerce and I-abor, 'njLde last year, says. j j -"Argentina has been looked upon as a .competitor of the United States in the bepf industry and has even been con Jblpered as a possible source of cheaper trneat for this country. The present out ilook there lends no color to the suppo 'ylUon. Slilpme'nts of beef from the river Plata to the United States way come shortly; but they probably will be di Jrefcted by the same Interests which now tfeujjply the market here, not in opposi tion to them." v Packers In Control. ljjrhc report then explains that Ameri jCh packers already have a foothold in 'jXtsentlna. Perhaps the packers will be "Ivif. as active In Canada and elsewhere, "once a free meat rate is assured, and $tg;aks will cost -the Ultimate Consumer aopui inc same. 7-Rteel rails are going on the free list, nit no country can compete with the Ujiltcd States in the manufacture' of steel . Home Industries have tbc natural 'ores, and the steel plants, and can un dersell Germany every Jav In the year, It Is claimed, if ncvessity arises. Critics of 'the Democratic bill sav- there will bel mall importations of s.tcel, and that (the consumer will pay. about the sitme 'as heretofore. Skipping from beef and steel to ljro uris, the consumer's hopes need not be fro sour. Lemons now bear a rate of ; Icents per pound. The rate has been popped two-thirds, which ought to make ta difference of about S.cenrsa dozen on Ube retail price of lemons, k' In 1912. this country imported ap inroximatelv 145.O0O.OCO .pounds of lew- Jons and the leman growers, of Califor-. Inla. and Florida loudly protested be fore the ways and .Means committee jthat a drastic cut in -eiutr .would, wipe "6ut the domestic industry, while 'bring ing no relief to the consumer. The housewife will know which contention -s"-correct within a few weeks after the Underwood law becomes enectivc. t, Small Cut on Luxuries. Oranges and grapefruits were classed a semi-luxuries and are not slated for i'bo sweeping a reduction. The 1 cent a (pound duty is said to have been cut '.V per cent, which ought to help a hitile. Jr. On the other hand, free sugar 'nd near-free lemons probablv will cause 'no decrease in the price of a lemonade, rrhe soda fountain habitue will remain 4n 'expensive ignorance 0f a lower tariff. t There's imported beer, in which Mr. I'ftimate Consumer is more interested than his wife. Foreign beer has been paying a tax of 3 cents per gallon: indications are that the Underwood rate will be 10 to UO per cent less; but the Ycam on the glass and the price over the bar iwill remain the same, no vloubt. ..... A HmiteoT-niiiJlbSC are' Interested In Ue Schcduleofnufc' .and liquors. The Democratic $ta-I,yBja tthese are lux uries and ihiWakfcjllJs.J.'ghest rev enue pnKlupihifrvia5CcnoBJble. Reports from the-committte-ooinHre that there have been practically nof-reductions in tno rates onwfovcBi'andPtrits. with a ioost UpwardiKcnmrwJTe. The poor man doosn' janfik charmyi);pe. reason the Dem'ocrallrVaiJLrhT-UilXea, so why pot maintalni'presej:liighjdulies? TobittopittjK&y 3fad. The user pf. ttmac'co.Vwilt not buy his importcej bnrep"i3scheaper. Tobacco." also, is fclghft&tfaVd inftlic new "fill and there' Kaivtbeen" an occasional raise in incjnircvii. -iiuuks.. joiriiiKii cigarette" tobajcoyiti8jnnde.rat,ood, will take a duvritlalJbpVolnbi- to portations are negligible. Shoe faeturcrs before the committee doflaTc 1 thai the removal of dutv would cripple the American industr- ont- "would not cheapen the price of shoes here. Considering his experience with fiee hWpsthe Ultimate Consiuncr is waiting to ibe shown that Tree shoes means cheaper shoes. The consumer, however, does set sto'e by the- free listing of raw wool, and rthe 50 per cent cut in the duties of knit goods, ready-made clothing, and wom en's wear. A Miit or clothes, in the natural ordei -of tHncs. should se sev eral dolalrs cheaper when the Under wood bill becomes effective, and Demo cratic dreams or a reduced cost ot" liv ing may come true with respect to this schedule. There should alo be an appreciable decrease in the price of sugai. In put ting svgar en the free list the Demo crats lose ?32.000.K In revenue. A sta tistician has estimated that free sugar should mean a. difference of at leas JS.a yesr to he jyvcrasn American fam ily. The housewife and the gioccr are .1 ooked to get together on about a cent and a half a pound reduction. Rice Reduction Slated. Table rice has also undergone a ma terial reduction In the Democratic bill, tl.e reported rate being ai of a cent a pound in lieu of the xisti..g mity of 1 cents per pound. Louisiana, Texas, and Soutli Carolina will send up distress signals n the receipt of this news, but the revenues on imported rice have been so small that theidea of a "free mar ket basket" obtained "firm hold and the rlrrd is rinnp. Til 191? .tlip levpnllo d."- rj-edi'fromcleane.d and ujiclcaned Kce WidcP." tlfih'w-a sless?tyan JCOO.OW. ..lamb.-Jniuf-. Reduction's bt from 5i-"t w NGLANDERS E FEAR TARIFF CUTS They Want Duties Kept on Manufactured Goods. But Ask Free Food Supplies. WIN UNAFRAID F too. which w4tff'bcfcMrahews to 50 per cent have been made in the cotton schedul-;. which corner home to every family. Cotton stocKins, gloves, shirts, pants, vests, and union suit:,, towels, quilts, and blankets have been slashed suf ficiently to justify Mr. Ultimate Con sumer's demand for bargain dny pricts all the rear round. The poor man's' table is also to be the beneficiary of free butter, cheese, eggs. lard and lard compounds, vegetables and flour. The rates on grains have been re duced to a minimum and It is under stood that onions will bear a very slight duty. The commoner drugs and chemicals are free. The duty has been removed New Kngland manufacturers aic 'Jp in r.rms over the prospect ho reductions in th tariff bill and are -nlistlng Dem- cratlc and Rcpublhan support alike in their efforts to prevent the reductions in schedules which they now tear- aie Kt-ing to be brought about. Not only hae the dultcs been cut heavily on mai.y articles of rranuta ture pioduccd in New Kugland but It now develops tnat fish are to be on the free list. Dispatches from Gloucester tify Congressman Gaidner has advisetl his constituents to that effect. The re sult is that hundreds of fishermen in the Gloucv-ter region are threatening to quit the coiintrj In A body and remove to Noa Scotia. 1 he little dealers especially are alarmed and say they will ti.A be able to compete with the big dealers. ' Mayor Fitzgirald of Roston, though a Democrat, Is active in his efforts to prevent such i eductions in schedules as lie believes will daisagc New England. He Is laboring with President Wilson and Chairman Underwood, of the Ways and Jleans Committee, In efforts to pre vent immediate enforcement of a low tariff schedule. Telegraphs Wilson. Telegrams to President Wilson. Chair man Underwood and Senators Johnson of Maine and Hollls of New Hampshire, were sent by Mayor Fitzgerald this morning in his efforts to prevent the TERRORS OF PARAD E Police Have Promised Adequate Protection to Those Who Will March on Capitol. from borax, chalk, talcum, anti-toxins. fixing of a new tariff schedule. The mayor believes that the immedi ate enforcement of the proposed new tariff schedule will operate to cripple a number of Massachusetts industries. He believes that the manufactures have goods in stock rated on a basis of the old v duties and .to immediately enforce a new 'schedule might entail serious losses. Against Free Shoes. Mayor Fitzgerald has protested especially against free boots and shoes. New Kngland will be affected by numerous features of the new bill. Hcavj cuts in- the duties on woolen goods and cotton goods are to be made. Against these reductions the textile mills of New England arc loudly complaining. On the free list are boots and shoes, lumber, print pa per, pulp wood, cotton bagging and j ties, and printing presses, all of which have "put one over on tne came copperas, and similar articles of every day use. Coal rust Is Hit. Swatting the Coal trust and carrying out the Democratic slogan. that "trust controlled products shall be on the duty free list," the Democrats are seeking to relieve the furnace owner by granting free coal. The farmer, about whose welfaxe all campaign oratory revolves, has licen given, free fence, wire,- hoop and band" iron,-' wagons', agricultural 'implements, bagging and ties, shingles, laths, har ness, and belting. He also gets free salt. Printing presses, typewriters, type setting machines, and print raper hae been ranked from the dutiable list. Olives, macaroni, and prunes will take greatly reduced duties, and the boarding house keeper should not worry. While meats are free, a revenue duty has been left on cattle, swine, sheep. and horses. The "near protcctlonlf-t members of the committee arc sain io manufactured to a large extent In" c.ViM4tl1f The wearers of diamonds and silk may crpect no reduction in duties. They belong to the category of those who use such luxuries as wines and to bacco, and they will be taxed to the limit. The Payne rates looked fairly good to the Democrats when they reached the schedule, on precious stones. Shad Prices Soar Owing to' Scarcity Shad are scarce, according to deal ers here. That's the reason they're so expensKc. There was -a drop the past woek of roe shad to 73 cents from Jl, and of buck shad from H0to3 cents, but It is not expected this will be permanent, it is declared, because the supply being taken from the river is so small. Few shad have been taken from above Mary land oint. It is explained. Operations at Windmill Point, on the upper side of Potomac Creek, were suspended about a week ago, it is said. The starting of work at Fairy land ing. Chapman's Point, and other places depends, it is said, on how soon the mud-saturated water settles. It is ex pected that the haul of the big seines at Chapman's Point will be started dur ing the coming week. ftewlands to Push Bill For River Regulation Senator Newlands of Nevada in tends to push his river regulation anJ flood prevention bill, which has been made of special' intcrcSt.tiy .the floods in the Ohio 'valley, to an early vote. It creates .a, board y -river regulation, provides a fund of "lJO.000,000 annually for ten yearB for the regulation and cp"trol of .thj flow of navigable rivers and flood prevention and looks to the beneficial- use of flood waters rathei than their waste. "Secretarv Lane wilt rp$;ommcnd .o president Wilson, fend 'through hfm.-io Congress, that river,. and flood control The "Tbbcw5ti:?r;V$:becji:'liit.byllU' has beerf conferring -with Dr. Aaron n increase t7?n-'(r&v:6rCriatttlce3A7iTor;sohn,-jmgascd .-reclamation work, in I'aiesi'ne. Tir -tAaronsohn recommended that bir William Wiicocks. who built the As KnTiti'llam fbr' the British government. jie consulted about control of- floods in paste, used xl'rf rtifeOJiam3facturcv..of nine. "j - 4Vte -' Despite'' the.-4proestvof r Congrcssma n Augustus P. Ga,rdDerfand;tK? .Gloucester free list .fishvfrS.' Smn.kedC pickled,' lie Mississippi and, Ohio valleys. salted, or otheirw&ey TavrEmoval'ol the duty ofiUirfourtttMSrJper. 'Snil,.lA I pouna may-qneapenTtue-rTioayjoinner and again It:inaVJiopi.v;, & i nere is wiwiaom1 Krsai u-iii.erence.oi opinion regkriUngfYtlu' effect the" free listing of bodts' and shoes will have. When the tPaync irevUloulsts removed. the duty frofaftludfcs ahfL-yealherj .tlje Ultimate Cojrntpr, taklngftls cue. tjieered threes pquyk He tbrcjv,5away a fairl good pair ql shocsVifcd Hustled to tho vlllaJje'staJv expecting to reap the benefit f frpe hides. Ho -was "soak ed" in the'symifr olU way. Manufacturers Protest. Now the Democrats will remoc the du: on theffinlshinl prpduct. wMch has borne a dutv of l?Jand' 13 per cent ad valorem. Tfie United .States expo'ts lb Great Uritain. Fiance, and other Euro pean countries fionv4lfi.OCK3.3iOo to-ls,0.'-0 worth or slices "annually. The inl" Woman'sDeath Was Due To Natural Causes Mrs. J 15. Ttobeisoi.. who whs found dead in bed at her home. 712 Ulevcnta street northwest, yesterday, died of natural causes, according to the certif icates issued br i oroner Nevltt touav fol'owing an autopsy and Investigation Mrs. Itobcrson's death was due to Urlght's disease, t'ir autopsy showed. Npw Encland. On the other hand, NeAv Kngland wants the free market basket. With free foodstuffs, it Is hoped the cost of living can be reduced perceptibly in the New Kngland mill and manufac turing towns where the hardships due to enhanced living costs have been great. - . " , NEW STURM PENED ON SEVENTH STREET Star Furnishing Company Has New Attractive White Brick Front, Wide Windows. The rapid development of Seventh streets as a business center is empha sized iu the establishment of a large new firm in one of the focal points .in that thoroughfare the Star Furnishing Company which just' opened in a new fl'e-stdrv block at No. POT,. The store has an attractive white pressed brick front, with laige display windows on each floor,, electric el.-vator service, and ladies' retiring looms on every' floor. It has been equipped with a stock of new furniture, and the president of the company. M. Goldstein, nas spaie(i no expense to make it a model establish ment. John Heiplingcr. who has f"i man vears been identified with the furniture i-.usiners in tlis titx. is manager. It . exported Unit his long experience will contribute much to the entei prise. The new structure Is an excellent ev rmplc of what the modern furliituie (tore1 should be. and the details of Us planning have been worked out with the incorporation of all the latest ideas. New Army Aviator Qualifies for Flight Lieutenant Urercton has qualified as an army aviator, according to advices received yesterday Uy Jlajor tus.'ell of tho Signal Servie. Brcrcton has been taking the course at the Signal Service School in San Diego, and has taken a number of (lights. Lieutenant Goodier, whose skull was crushed and whose limbs were para lyzed in a fall at San Diego a month ago. lb recuperating rapidly and will ic sume his 11 lug. soon The Signal Service Is preparing to recognize its qualified aviators 1 awarding them a handsome certificate Htid an appiopriate badge Designs for both will be maili mhiii by the War Department (Continued from I'll -it Page.) niaircd the suffragette pageant of March :s. 'Inc women have no fear. The ate swooping down upon Sena tors and Congressmen In a cause that has had theli closest attention, their heaiticst work for months. It Is a nation-wide appeal that the National Government iccognlze the grow :ng try that uonien have a nart In making the laws that govcin all alike. Countess At Head. Countess Joseph Glzycka inav head t'lis band of anient women, although she will not be strictly a inaishal. since the women do not regard this unique procession as a parade. Arrived at the Capitol, the women will be met by a delegation of Mem bers of Congress, who will cseoit them to the Senate galleiy, reserved especial ly for them. . Each member of the army will bear a petition from "back home." To Sena te rs and Congressmen the women will hand these petitions, but woe unto the. i ation's laws the laws that these seir Ikscs to accept It. The petition will bo left o:i a table and transferred to the lecalcitrant member, but that is not i.ll. The inessengei3 fioni home will sc to It well that -the n-ws ot this re gets back to his constituents TI.ey will see to it, likewise, that these, constituents remember the slight to the suffrage came when it e-omes time to vote again for Congressional berths. Scramble for Places. Tickets have been given to the mareh ers. There is a scramble to get in. Hundreds of .ndcnt advocates of suf- fiage want the. little slips that give tlicin admission, but the Senate cannot admit more than the marchers. The enly bars placed on this demonstration are that the women shall leave their music at tne Peace Monument, and drop their banners before they enter the dig nified chambers wherein are madu the nation's laws the laws that these sell same women tyopc some day to have a l.aiid in forming. r Miss Alice Paul, chairman of the Con gicssional suffragette committee, scion of a quiet Quaker family. Is organizer of this "mesenger-from-honie" demon stration. Her plans have been Irfld'wltli the consummate skill of a real general, just as were her plans for the pageant, packing her In this icmarkable propa gtlda are wornen in all stations of life trom those of highest social standing to women, wlote Incomes are made In the work of their hands and brains. Speakers at ilic jnass meeting In tho Columbia Theater will Include: Mrs. Be-atrice Forbes Robertson Hale, a niece of Foibcs Robertson, the actor: -Mrs. -James Leeds Laidlaw. auditor of the National American v owan Suffrage Acsc-ciatlon and wife of the president of the National Men's As-soeiation . for .Woman Suffrage, and Miss Janet Ric.i aids, of WaFhlr.gton. Miss Alice Paul Wlil p: reside. Mrs- ltn.v Ware Dennett, secretary: of the National Aiptrican Woman .Suf irase Association, will bo the principal speaker .t an outdoor meeting to bs held after the petitions have been de livered. Other speakers v-ill be Mrs. Owen Kiidare, Mrs. Marv Beard, of New York: Mis Lucy limns, of Brook lyn, and Mrs. Nina K. Allcnder cloud, which regarded them as a pub lic, advertised show, and which, in part, at le-ast. was known to resent their presence at that time and in that way" These statements form a portion of the ciiticism by Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, president o flhe ussoclaton opposed to U uman Suffrage, of the recent suffrage paiade here. The criticism forms part of an editorial written by Mrs. Dodge. In a recent issue of "The Woman's Pro test." Mrs. Dodse condemns in emphatic terms the "tactics" employed In the parade of March 3. Mrs. Dodge de plores tile "advertising" given to the pageant through "announcements that women In classic draperies, with bare feet, would dance on the steps of the Treasury building." "Young girls of fourteen vears distributed literature on the streets and accosteel men with re quests to wear their colors." Congress Reserves 150 Seats in Gallery for Women of Big Pageant First official lecognltlon of what is hoped to Le "the h'storic" advance on the National Capitol tomoriow was taken with the Invitation exle-ndcd by members of Congress to loaders of tl-e marchers to occupy places n the gallery of -the lloue at the opening of the se-sion. It had been Intended to iiurvh on M'e Capitol, to enter 'the rotunda, present the petition, "Jo turn rlaht mound and walk right out- again," but this is not to be. Suffiagc leaders heie contrast the tttltudc ot the American gentlemen with that of the Englishmen in this ic gard. ' One hundred and lift..- choice seats have been provided, for tltvj fair ladlec; it' Is said, at least invitations have been received for that number, .:o IV) of the women will be drawn away from the demonstration before Its return. "It'a all too lovely for anything. " they say. I'nfot tnuately the Invitation does n'A specify who are- to I.e the 1J0, and it maj "be there will be some rivalry as to who arc entitled to scats. GUARDS DOUBLED IN ' FERLITNTS London Trembles in Constant Expectation of Outbreak and Lull Is Ominous. REPORTS DIFFER IN SMUGGLING CASES Countess Gizycka to Be in Suffrage March Against Capitol Monday Massachusetts Women Will Join March of Suffragists to Capitol Ml. Ellen Wethcrell. writer and lec turer, and Mrs. Susana W. Berry, trustee of the Massachusetts State Asylumn for Feeble Minded Children, both of Lynn, Mass., will represent the Seventh Congressional district of Massachusetts In the march on the Capitol, to be carried out Monday. Messages from suffragist organization in their district and petitions from the women there will be presented by these delegate to the Massachuetts Con gressmen. Mrs. Beir was one of the original suffragists of the old Bay State and was a prominent figure In the suffrage pageant here March 3. Countess Gizvcka. daughter of Mrs. Rol.ert Patteison. will be one of the marchers in the "Advance on t'le Cap itol," tomoriow. The countess Is the niece of Mrs. Robert McCormlck, of CUIca;o, and will carry a petition from Illinois women to present to Illinois Concressnicii. Other" piommeiit women who will maw-h with the procession include Miss Tdargarct Fisner, daughter of former Secretary of the Interior Fisher: Miwj Helen Hughes, a professor at Wellcsly Collie- in. J. A. rircckons, superin tendent of public schools, at Cneyenne. AVy.': Mrs. Robert La Foilette. Mrs John Nelson. Mis Henrietta Lvman. a prominent clcrgman of WvomliiRi Mrs. Lucian Smith, of Huntington. vY. Va.. and Mrs. Pauline; pres ident o the Norfolk Suffrage Spcioty. who was one ot the Pilgrims- making the "nlkc" from New York to Wash ington last winter. LONDON. April 6.-A1I Kngland fair ly trembled today over the activities of the militant suffragettes. Sunday is believed to be the omlnus lull before the real storm. Cathcring breath, the suffragists committed lio fresh out rages during the daytime hours, but reasons existcj for believing that under cover of darkness tonight or to morrow night, additional acts of vio lence greater in extent of damage and larger In number will be committed. That the number of guards everywhere was doubled today gives no sense or security, but actually increases the alarm. t'p and down the right ot wav of the railroads are paring armed guards. All around ; thousands ot buildings, march guards.witli lanterns. No owner of an isolated countrv home. -parilCqlarly an untenanted one. but wuat iears tils building will be .the nc.!t object of 'attention Yrom the nut Tht hunger-strike; policy of the. 'im prisoned suffrage leaders has not been met by Minister McKenna's plan of re mitting sentence. It Is felt. To let" a woman nearly starved to death outor prison to reCupjrate a little and 'the?n Jo put her back where sh wllFinstantly go on hunger-srike again. Is. felt fp be "bur a -prolonging of the farcical break down of 6rdinary methods in the case of thes? women. ObviousI,- the govern ment cannot afford to make martrs or them or to let them make martyrs ot themselves. Forcible feeding has failed to rolvc the problem. Washington Officers Deny Knowing More About Affair Than Port Collectors. Treasury officials todav were startled at "reports, coming to them from Ros ton as to the extent and duration of the sleeper-trunk swindling frauds per petrated tigalrist the customs In Boslo and-New Yoik. The -thorough organi zation of the swindlers are what made effective tho frauds. It is stated, the volume of which is deeiarcd to reach a big figure. Ar.other repoit not at all authenti cated stirred Treasurv officials even more. This was an intimation from Boston that officials of the Treasury Department here had been rnoie or le-ss cognizant of the frauds dutlng .he Tafi Administration. Intimation that of ficials of the Government are involvctl met with white-hot. elenials .from Treas urv men totlay. Although Treasury officials not sta tioned iij.' Washington have been ,an: ore being -summoned before the special grand jury In Boston, no vVashington man "h likely to be called, it is statctt. Not even liquidations of duties take place here, and' original payments or tilings of bond are done in larger porta of entry than this In most cases, anc In all the cases where the sleeper trunks were worked and the Govern ment cheated of all duty. The summoning of a large number o women before the grand lury from var ious parts of the East will be a feature of the proceedings this week. What their connection with the frauds Is none is willing to state, although many can and, do gucs3 easily. ANOTHER lIKl GOT PERMIT TOM Confusion of Names Scare's Man in Baltimore Almost Out of His Right:M.ndr . BALTIMORE. April ft Another .'Sam my" has been discovered, and tlie other "Sammy." who -was very muah agitated when he learned that a mar riage license had been issued. In the names of himself and his sweetheart, was delighted todav to Icarrtrthat ite is not to lose his best girl. "- . But there Is the greatest confusion in names since Shakespeare delighted In tangling the Identities of the char acters In his comedies. ' Samuel a. Landsman, of Baltimore, ha-, a sweetheart in Washington. a Mls. Mary Coplln. ( . Samuel A. Landsman, of Washlnjaon. has a sweetheart In Baltimore, a yisa Marv Coplin. and thev arc to be mar ried In Baltimore this afternoon. ." When the license appeared in tho papers ytstcrday. Samuel, of Baltlniore. was besieged lj relatives and friend who congratulated him upon his foort luck in -getting a fine wife. As no an nouncements had been sent out. the well wishers gi the young man sup pesd ft had been a case of elopement. Samuel, of Baltimore, was wholly innocent of having" obtained a llcenw; or of Intending to wed at this particu lar time. If anybody is to be marri!n It must be another 'Sammy." he ex plained to the license clerk. He didn't know whether a joke vtas being perpetrated on him or wheti$r somebody- using his name, had run off and married his best girl. He spent manv restless, uneasy hours trying to solve the problem, and he went to bed last night with the puzzle still agitating his perplexed brain. Business women of the District who favor woman suffrage have been formed into a separate organlzatiop, to be knowti as the Business Woman-'s Suffrage" Association' of Wusliington. Announcement of the 'completion of the organization was made today". Officers for the new organization are as follows: Mrs. J. B. .Newman, president: -Miss G. It. McAllister, vice president. Mrs. M. L. Brooke, secrc tarv. and Miss Catherine M. Lewis, treasurer. Mrs. M. K. Brooke. Mrs. D. Mellen and Mrs. G. It. McAllister were appointed a committee to pre sent -a constitution and by-laws for consideration at the next meeting, which will be held April 17. Miss Lucy Burns, vice chairman of the congressional committee of the National American Woman Suffrage Association here was the principal speaker. Woman Editor Scores Suffragettes Who Took . Part in March Parade Day after day tne sarnVhird routine. 'So chance for rt. Fa rteta.- DR. GREENE'S KERVURA It trengthens the nerves and builds S Wut 14U SI..I.T. person or by mail. m mSm IE Your Eyes Need Proper At tention Don't Strain Them IF von suffer eye-strain headache, nervousness, brain fa tigue sleeplessness, dizziness, spots floating before the eves leters run together when nailing, etc.. come to me. My method of correctlnr the eyes without the use of drops has proven a wonderful success, and Is Indoised by hundreds of proml nent Washlngtonisins who have been permanently relieved fioni thcli eye suffering: ionsuUatlon free, chaiges reasonable ;iani-M l'urnlbrd. Sl.nn nml up. . ' KALPH MAKUN bAMULL i:.'C-lcht perlali. 1-0T1 ti Mrerl Nnrlhvirx! "The publu streets are not a pioper place foi women and .voting girls to make themselves conspicuous. "Fvery possible means of advertising the suffrage ciiuse thremgh the ex ploitation of yeiung women was used to attract the attention of the public. "Many women needlessly put them selves In a position where they incited the comment and criticism of a street Mary T. Goldman's Gray Hair Restorer v will bring back the orlKlnal color to gray -.nil faded hair and will leave the hair c-Ieiin, fluffy and V natural. On hand at all '- dcnlcrx: or di nes 1" S Pat ofilee rcct from labora tory, express prepaid, on receipt of $1.00. Kree trial bottle and ceimb sent for five 2c stamps to cover post age and packing. Be sure and tell in original color of your hair ( IS) KUryT.Goldman.Goidman Bldg ,St.PuMinn. Ms-ciVs1 MKL .zAta sZAUsl REff Vs.1TX Mbhb AaX : The. World's finest HEALTH WINES Arc Christian Xander's Virginia Ports Only at 909 Seventh Street SUP COVERS Made FREE! SPECIAL for THIS WEEK ONLY We will make SUP COVERS g for Five Piece Parlor Suites I T Absolutely FREE of Charge providing you buy the goods of us, at PER YARD Till al o Includes iiitinir 'lewinc. .mil l.ipe with no ihaige .u all foi s-unic Our Itrnmni foi o loin i- to keep eiur entile force "constantly ernploje-d I'osltivelj mi connection with anv other linn in this city We hive just reeelved a large sliip miii ir Belgium IMiuasK, affording vim a belter selection. I'lvr-plrer pnrlor hultr. ItciipliiilMtrr ril anil He- I'ovrrril in Tnirtlr. or clour, cslng silk ion! and gimp, new npilngs vvhcie nccessaiv; flames lepollshcd like new. ri:i:i: ii:i.ivi:k. ONLY Tins work oidiiiiirlly costs 11H. It vmi h.iw anv furniliii-i to he reup I'tilstcicil you better olace join order now "and s.ive half. I Ml sec US voiir ordei tirtoi plat Hip l IM'VV'K II I'ositlve Cuaraiilrc on all i hi k $8.98 Our Knowledge, Experience and Care Insure Satisfaction 'nil. Write or I'lmne nml n HrprrHrntad r Will llring Mimplo. U. S. Upholstery & Slip Cover Gompany 812 F Street N. W. !in5 1!1!!? BIG GLOVE SELLING .'Or Mtk Mile IJIovch. Black, white, tan and gray Mercer ized Silk. J-clasP gloves, silk em broidered back3. 24c 1.00 Un: Silk Glove. Black and ,whlte long 1 - button Mouxquetalre Silk Gloves: dou"ble finger tips. All sizes. 59c Brat 91.00 Kid. Glovr. All $1.00 Import cd French Clloves, with SiPOint em-. broidery backs and sussetsd tlnsr ers. Tan. white. black, and gray. 69c The Suit Opportunity of your, life time is here t iin linings ana ;:S8.87 AH $15.00 Suits :. Plain shades of all-wool storm serge and stylish two-loned Bedforel Cord Suits, made In the popular short, semifltted S-buttoned, man-tailored styles. With warranted satin linings and uress suicided. All colors. CIos,ns price. Suits Worth to $20 Handsomest of Spring Suits In rich shades or tan.. Kniy. light. aifrTiiflafk blue and black. Magnificent garments, wltiv-irttrantelrs,' plaboratelv tritnm'eil lap els, heavily silk- lined and finished In a maimer to compare with JC?.i cor- ments. Clearance prleck $10.95 $15.00 Cream Serge Suits Fourteen suits of all-wool line French Serse. Strictly man-tailored garments with man-tailored coat with heavy cream satin lining. ISicast and hip pockets and. mannish re- vcrs. Closing price Wonderful Silk Dresses $9.98 $s..0 value of fancy figured silk foulard In handsome light blue and dark blue, green, tan. brown, and black colorings. I-ace and , silk braid trimmed. Robespierre anil" high neck models $4.95 $2.50 Linene Dresses Iivcniler. light and dark blue and tan linene and ehambrav Presses. Stylish Dutch neck fctyle, 'wl'h Robespierre collar and vest o: malclicu ratine and pearl button trim-mcil f 97c Timely Sale of Muslin Underwear v' 'JSK SkEvt $1.50 and $2.00 Combinations K n t I're comfclnatlou- .madeof expensive eye- j let '-embroidery, with ! QVf ribbon belt at walif.flOv Sample pieces worth to j . . 1100 J ; $1.50 Colored and White Princess Sfipa I'ink. blue. Iavender.- yellow, and white slips wnn yoscs ana ssin f trimmed with linen lace; handsome styles.. J 98c -tttt?'- i . 50c 7-inch Embroidery'Ruffle Drawers 24c Kntire rir files of blind, "fine Swiss em broidery headed with five tucks; body of good -quality -muslin 35c Corset Covers Of good quality naln seH)k. w Ith wide yoke of lace and crrbroid- er run through vvlih ribbon 19c $1.25 Pettisoats With lS-lnch ruffle of all over embroidery, headed with b a n d of matched cmbroid-l cry Inserting. 69c 15c Child's Muslin Drawers " Made of Knglish Cambric. oft and free from starch, with French bands, worked button I holes, and line tucked legs. All 7k $1.50 Colored Mercer ized Silk Petticoats llreen. Xcll Koc. Copen hagen. Navy nine. Gray. Tan. Garnet, and Black; lustrous , ilk - finished ln- dcrtkirts 98c $5.00 Taffeta Silk Underskirts Choice of our best heavi est quality Chiffon Silk Petticoats: deep corded and shcereel ruffle finished, with "' dust ruffle. : cuiucu auu $2.98 Best Selected Line, Biggest Variety, and Greatest of Waist Values SOi- nml T.-ic Walntx. t Idle embioid erv trim m e il lawns ami 10I orcd madras and gingham Waists; small lots of dis continued lines or slightly mussed. Clear- ance OQ7, ' I -l W I JJt IlivT V t Itoliesplcrrc WnltN. W bit c Silk Cordcd C heck Madras of fine sheer q 11 a 1 i t y, made in tlie new It o b e s p I e r re models. w ith breast pocket and pearl button trim med; also silk cmbrdlderi .VQ waists. .. , Fl.iT. l.nce and lOmlirnlilrr Wnliln. Hands ei 111 c Waists of sheer India linen, in high or low neck styles, entire front licautlfully" silk-, embroidered and lace Inser .tloiied. it u-t t o n front or 7Q back VKt J.IIO ullcn and t.ln-crie HaluK K U i s i t e Waists of linen French voile and silk lingerie in over 3) wondcr fullv handsome models to select from, including extra vagantly lace, ribbon, ami embroidery tlrm med models, or the popular tail ored style with rio w I n g QCf neck Jabot VO, SXJTM Ml-uvcr I. ace Wnlxtn. Dainty stylish Waists of soft, cleg ant quality lace, made- over silk foundation. 1'obesplerre mod els, with collars a n d cuffs of mescaline sntin. : si.79 95.00 ChlfTon nml MIL. Walsti. Vqrv latest Z toueil Ch 1 f f o n Waists. Made over silk, with vest anil collar of fine all-over lace. Inserted within Persian bands, and large round pearl but ton trimmed. Our besC J3.0O Mcssa 'Hne - Satins in cluded In tJO QQ this lot. J0 Buy Your Boy's Suit New at These Special 'Prices 75cBby Suits .' I-'et color." plain shades, a. n -l s'rltipd gingham and L'-iiloit-Linen Suits for loy r to 'S v-ears 1 ni ton on tile side, high-. ctjtrft 1-st vte" m vullol' collar A model 1-it $1.25 Pure Linen Suits I' r e. natural limn and vvnite. blue.- and - tan ll.vde Grtule Lin en in sailor and milltarv stj le. with contracting '10I01 iiaiideii.i-ol--lar. cuffs -and' belt, everv oloi- and '7Qr, size I 'V. $2 and $2.50 Suits W'ai ranted fust olor. 'Ilvde Grmle" ( Suits, in dozens of hand some t itrlpcs nil plain i-olni-s; braid en iilk emblem trimmed s.ii m 01 button Ide sivlc model vlur (o I V -N " 3 A .-ste f'' 99c Take Advantage of This Kimono and House Dress Sale $ $1.50 House Dresses v,u'nc I'tileh. oi high neck nli- of coulcl. strip-i-d and i lieo oil. and lain i oloi g.nli.uns and inad .. Trimiiied in tef srap- , ping... u. c-iiiire'iiicieii. or plain t.ul'iird moilels. Z I to IK size .. 98c tt lr i i s M . it $1.00 Kimonos Ki.'bi-iiider.v or laic trim med '"lenih Hatlstc Shoit Kimonos, with xquaie m V s t.lleil neck- . Iirlf'd ihlrred waist luriis . .. 49c ft "V mm 50c Kimonos I'M-ltv floral d ood iiii.iIMv Kiinoniis. Iliads siiuare IhiIuIi rtiul In Ited waist band 1..1VV ! vili neck 25c 25c Lawn Kimonos Neatly made l-awn Kimonos in pretty flow ered patterns; Nightingale stvle. with nibiuidercd 1 1 i scalloped edges LJ.C 75c Play Suits r;i i ' iu.ii.-n ''mts of washable Miki. has feathered headpiece iiingt ttlnievings. t to AGg I" vcars TtvIV - 1 .-.?:. tt'- 4SemiAc&:&iHi' ! S n&L'- - 3C