Newspaper Page Text
" -t V w "" v-v Ute Ifeeftinatan WEATHER FORECAST: Fair tonight and Tuesday. Full Report Page 2. rvus mrAJiciAi. FinalEdition Kw Trfc Kukt TTM35ER 7777. Yesterday's Circulation, 47,087. WASHINGTON, MONDAY E VEXING, APRIL. 7, 1913. Fourteen Pages BICE ONE CENT flroetf DEM A AS EXTRA NEW CONGRESS MEETS Champ Clark Made Speaker of House Mann and Murdock Recognized by Republicans and Progressives Galleries Are Crowded to See Routine of Opening Day. MANY VETERANS ARE SUPPLANTED BY COMPARATIVELY YOUNG MEMBERS Democracy went on trial again today when the gavel fell at noon calling to order the first session of the Sixty third Congress. The Congress is convened at the instance of the Democratic President, the first the nation'has had in six teen years; the Senate is Democratic by a majority of six; the followers of Jefferson are so numerous in the House that the party majority is top heavy. With all branches of the Government in control of the Democrats, that party tomorrow will begin the actual work of tariff revision and will be started when the Presi dent of the United States reads a tariff message in the .House chamber. Packed galleries watched loday the opening scenes in the House and Senate. Thewatchers were representa tive of -nearly lOO.'ooDOOfeewlnosTs will be' turned for the next four months upon the acta of Democrats called In ex tra BCSBlon. Introduces Bill. Following the routine of organization, of the House Congressman Underwood introduced the tariff bill which is to make or mar the party. It has not yet been determined whether legislation other than the tariff will be considered. at the extra session. Party leaders are gravely aware to day of the trial which faces the Dem ocracy, and intermingled with the ex- uoerance, or the rank and file of the national legislators there was a feeling on tne part or the leaders of deep re. EDonslblllty. Of the four hundred and thirty-five members or tne new House, 408 answer ed to their names today when the roll of the States was called. There are three vacancies. Once more tne House listened to the nominating speeches in behalf of the rival candidates for the speakership, although it was a foregone conclusion that Champ Clark would be re-elected by an overwhelming Demo cratic vote. Palmer Names Clark. Congressman Palmer of Pennsylvania nominated Mr. Clark, who was subse quently elected; Congressman Greene of Massachusetts nominated Congressman James R. Mann of Illinois as the Re publican candidate, and Congressman Chandler, Bull Moose member Irom New York, put In nomination Victor Murdock. the Progressive candidate. Admission to the Senate and House galleries today nas limited, and hun dreds failed to obtain entrance at both ends of the Capitol. The expectant throngs began to arrive long before noon and disappointment nas written on many a face as the applicants were turned away from the galleries. It has been a long time, as parties go, since the Democrats have had unity at both ends of the Capitol and the White House, but the elation over the return of the party to complete power was sobered today by the realization of the giant task which Democracy faces. , The opening scenes were typical of those which have gone before except for the increased House membership. the almost unprecedented influx of new members and the changed appearance of the chamber. House veterans missed the old revolving chairs and the desks and sat rather uncomfortably. It seem ed. In the new benches. The Senate Is a rontlnuous body and was In session immediately following the Inauguration of the new President, hence chief interest today centered in the House where more than four hun dred members awaited to take the oath of office. .Of tills number nearly a third were lecrult legislators, new members who rome to Washington with roseate dreams of a great career, of long public service, of the praise of the multitude. Man of them, no doubt, will realize (Continued on Second Page.) IN CONGRESS TODAY. SENATE. Senate met at noon for special session of Sixty-third Congress. After brief routine session, takes re cess until 2 o'clock. Senator Hitchcock presents currency bill. HOUSE. Houfce met at noon. An organization nas perfected and Speaker Clark was re-elected. A committee was appointed to notify the President of the convening of Congress. The Underwood tariff bill was introduced. S N AD SESSION OF MADERO'S IMTIirn HZS- HARRIET LAIDLAW, ' I Z ! 1 Hints That Wilson Suppressed Appeal to Taft Message Reached Him, However. Following closely on the heels of startling charges made by Luis Man uel Hojas against Henry Lane Wil son, United States ambassador to Mexico, Mrs. Madero, the late Mexican President's mother, hints strongly that the ambassador suppressed an urgent appeal to President Taft for Madero's life. The appeal of the heartbrokpn moth. er, however, reached President Taft and now It rests in the archives of the State Department. This The Times f,TneV ?od auth"-ity this after noon. Whether or not a letter of Madero's wife, calling attention to tbe lh.S..tele?.ram: eve.r ca"ie to the i..,: .1. . .."., lon is "t known. ui me luimmnou oi secretary of State Bryan this afternoon Is that both letters are now on flle with the State Department. The mother's telegram was a fervid Sr UWh I;78'dent Taft to .avthe life of both Madero and Vice President deUntreZ,hPThe7 " reached the Presi dent, the Mexican government had al- t,l!ad,y -,been ntlfIel that ahv violence lo Madero and Suarez would be regard wd1iOUr8,v b' "e I'nlted States. This h f?, ar, as the psldent could go! The wife-s letter was written from Hal thi?.MaFh.2' and tne "Sumption Is that it reached Washington too late to be presented to Mr. Taft as President. Madero's Mother Makes Charges. Mrs. Madero. the mother. In a long statement on the Mexican situation, charges that Ambassador Wilson plain ly let her understand that Madero's unpleasant captivity resulted from his avoidance of the American embassy and Its advice. Secretary of State Bryan practically admitted that he had seen both of the messages but refused to give any de tails of their contents or confirm mes- MadeeirosUrPOrtlntr " be tho8e ot " He does admit hownvsr .-. ... rpplv tho , ""'."" "u SF CTr?F S b.aandUoC bS?.1?'"" are "ot new to Mr ni3n,n; "S te&vL eoml mendations of Wilson's work in Mex?c2" The P.ojas statement, while probacy not conHldTfl nfflQi j f'uuauiy slUon Kojas occupieV a- second v deputies, will not In Itself be the means of eliminating the ambassador from his present berth. m n,s Secretary's Mind Still Open. Mr. Bryan admits that his mind is still open on charges and commenda tions In the Wilson case. How the Rojas letter reached the oiaic urimi uiieiii is mm unexplained Mr. Bryan found It on his desk In goln over some papers. It was not In an envelope, and he has ben unable to find out w hat mysterious messenger left it for him In a concealed mass of paper. i ACCUSES (J Suffrage Parade Scenes, and Two Photo by Buck. Copyrlsht. UlX by the Taylor Studio. iRfl 7i 4 iBIBti " Xil ggggBdiMglBLggggB-'XMHttglggH lHf .'B' H gLLH t -JtgggJUtSS't ggggLLLH mMi-Btjam- gggggflgg??&gggggK KMhmkIH I'BEHSHw' T&'&'-&9mwm ggBggBMifligggg WrlH'iT'HJSI ' -ggr-flggBflggBMrW t&'aV ggB .gggM jgLf .H ' ntggSgHV-'gigLr iffiBBBBBBBwBrBBBSf BBBBEHwRfSslBBBBSSF4BBBB3fSBIS'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBVf I Ic&nBBBBBBBF BflfcBBBv l9iliHfMw!mJSmPtKSMimMSgmama -gM jgfciMgggiiWgggggMf i BBBBBBBBBBBFJBVA''-?'aBBBBW JBBBBBBBBBF 4 v iNBBBBBBb - Ik-?SBB9AbBBBBHEBBBB9BB BBVBVBVBVBVXTf B'y'' BBBBvy JiBBBBBBBBBVS" -VBBBBBr KkKXBsSKSBKEKStXKMSIMMKm i BBBKiBflABBJBjNJH vHBWBlSiiaSBXBBVVJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBHvvBBfs,tBIx fBBBBSF Ki?KU0SwESSSSS)dKKKmll BBBBBBBBBiT''BVt wlf'O'flK' llBBBBBBBBJBHKVHHk BBBVy .WMLmTj'Hti. ik- ylSWi?fci'&agKMgggggggggggggggggggggggggaggBggl f BBBBBBB W?y JBJBBa5PPfBJBJ.W-' FBlBp!rlHOEiSPlSwlS5BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBB'''JbbY ! Hi Jfcjf ffcwalBBMWiB KVJkyvjff ' MjPafeMBfcPPlBBBW BbTbBBBBBBt'bBbI 7BBBlkSS9rBBf IJMPSISilBBBBBSj "'ZvSc. ' s w-$' MAlzKKBZ'in 'gisigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigfe W &i vsV '-'rf" K' i.X'3'Z' ?&? &Z&?Max'V&-' w- '7t&n 1 1 - r-- r ,- ' rm - x --". -e VT.ortfV r- -IkAATinw.riv -cowriwxTtoW ravior 3tnUo. THE HEAD 0F THE PARADE ON ELEVElfTH STJStKr. , ------- ENVOY MARSHALL yNDECIOED coifFER ON RULES TO SENATE DELAYED VOTES PRESENTED N H 1 HK' UAH rK Vice President Awaiting Advice Before Taking Action in Case Against Senator. Vice President Marshall said today he had not yet decided what action he would take In regard to the charges filed with him Saturday against a mem ber of the Senate. These are the charges filed with the secretary of the Senate by Jim R. Jacobs, former Democratic national committeeman from Okla homa. 'I have read the statement and locked It In my safe." said the Vice President. It was delivered to me Saturday by the bergeant-at-urms Just as I was leal Int; the building. I am taking coun- bel now as to what I should do in the matter. In any event, no action w-lll be taken today. It Is my first Impression that it Is not my duty to lay the mat ter before the Senate. However, if on full conhideration it appears that it is my duty to do so, I will do that duty and hand the statement down to the Senate " Vice President Marshall Indicated that he was placed In a difficult position under the rlrcumstances, and that, in asmuch as he was new to the prac tices of the Senate, he would have to rely for adlcc on some of the older Senators. Hitchcock Introduces New Currency Measure Sen? tor Hitchcock, of Nebraska, to day Introduced a comprehensive cur rency bill In the Senate. The bill Is one of a number of currency reform measure!, t-xpected to flood Congress. Senator Hitchcock proposes to or ganize twenty national reserve as sociations of bankers' banks In the twenty leading clearing house renti-rs of the country. The capital of each asbOdatUn is to bi equal to 10 per cent of the capital and surplus of the banks which hecome us memoi-r.-i. each bank becoming a stockholder to that extent. State banks and trust companies which co'mnly with the re quirements may become members, as well as national banks. Judge Mullowny Will Settle Traffic Cases Judge James L. Pugh. who has been sitting on the District Branch of the Police Court for the p-ist year, has ex changed with Judge Alexander R, Mul lowny, who has been sitting In the United States branch of the court. As a result of the change. Judge Mullowny will be called on to ettle all questlonh involved In the new traf fic regulations jnd other District legislation. SUFFRAGISTS MARCH UP CAPITOL STEPS. Election of Chairmen and Rule of Majority in Committee to Be Sharply Opposed. A meeting of tho Senate Democratic caucus Is being held this afternoon to consider revision of the rules as recom mended some days ago by the Demo cratic steering committee. The proposed rules would make the committee chairmen elective and would make the chairman 'of a committee completely subordinate to the majority of the committee. That is, they would empower the majority of the Demo crats on a committee to call a meeting of the committee anil n namo sub committees and conference committees. ' - ......... in.i, in mi. ci Willi Senator Kern recently urged adoption of thefe rules It Is expected that sharp opposition will dc-elop. The steering committee will soon meet to assign Senator Lowls to committed places. The caucus does not expect to discuss tariff mattr-rs this afternoon. Appeal s Court Sustains Damage Suit Verdict Associate Justice Charles H. Itnbb, of I the District Court of Appeals handed lerlcs and attempted to address the Sen down an opinion today affirming the I n,f- An old colored man about town i1.m., , ,,, ,.., , , ., .. I got up and attempted to deliver a "m"s- judgment of the lower court In directing , S!U. from Go,r ' one tlme a8 h verdict for the defendants In the suit of Dethlef C. Hansen, a New Yntk 'attorney, against Do Lancy Xlcoll, George Gordon Battle, nnd Turner II. 1 Wlcktisham for J200.01M damages for all- i Ieged conspiracy In the original action Tnomas F I vvuisn, millionaire copper klnj, was named as a defendant, but he died sub sequent to the Institution of th suit. The sjit was the outgrowth of an ac tion broucht In the Xew York courts by Vloletto Watson against Mr. Walsh, in which Mr Hansen appeared as attorney for the young woman. Dr. Mary Walker Is Refused Admittance To Senate Press Gallery Admittance to the Senate press gallery was today denied Dr. Mary Walker, the aged dress reformist, who nearly fifty years ago was granted, by special act of Congress, the right to wear trousers. She appeared today in her accus tomed attire black suit, white shirt, black string tie, and silk hat with a long black overcoat of the Women Who Police Prevent "Herald of Peace" From Delivering His Talk From Gallery. "Mr. Chairman," "Mr. Chairman," shouted George B. Clemmer, of Monroe, N. C, from the men's gallery in the Senate today. Just as the routine open ing pession was taking a recess until l! o'clock. All ees were cast In the direction whence issued the cries. They beheld a young man of about twenty-five. smooth-faced, being forcibly led out of the gallery by Doorkeeper Dougherty. As he was led away Clemmer said he Was the herald of the Prince of Peace." He had cards giving himself this designation. Up wus taken to the office of th captain of police, where he was intar rogated. He Is looked on as a harm less crank. Clemmer said to newspaper men: "I hae a message from Jesus to de liver. 1 have to deliver it. If 1 die." Asked what It was, he refused to say. Clemmer told Captain McGrcw that ho was an eangcl!st of thu Methodist Church, South. He seemed Inoffensive tnough, but was tinned over to the Sixth striet police station. The incident today Is by no means U Ittwill, nruiMlont fin n mtmlui. .t .. caslons. persons have arisen In the cal- promptlj thrown out. D I 1 I UU leSSIVeS LOSC IH C:4. U.,. CU.lnt. I II Ol llUlldC Oftll lllldll The Progressives of the House lost their first skirmish late today when they failed to prevent Congressman II Olln Young of Michigan from taking the oath of office. Congiessman Hlne- li.tugh of Illinois challenged the right of Mr Young to his seat, alleging that he had not been elected, and was not cntltltd to be sworn In Mr. Young's Bull Moose opponent has already tiled notice of contest which will be ncted upon on Its merits. On motion of Mr. Fitzgerald the House voted today 266 to 26 that Mr Young was entitled to take the oath, ami hold his set until the Elections Committee Investigates the charges that ljis Progressive opponent has brought. Preston Gibson Wears Bandage Over Eye Preston Gibson Is confined to his residence at 1712 Rhode Island av enue with a bandage over his left ye. the result of having ruptured a blood vessel. The attending oculist says there Is no danger. Spoke At Capitol MRS. BEATRICE HALE. Thousand Suffragettes Storm Capitol to Present Their Petitions for Ballot. Bringing a' message from every Con gressional district in the Union to their Representatives and Senators and declaring that the women of America would keep up the fight for political enfranchisement until they have achieved it. representatives of equal suffrage stormed Congress at noon today. Resplendent In their spring gowns, 531 enthusiastic women, young and old. with two bands playing stirring music, marcned down Pennsylvania avenue to the Capitol. Miss Allco Paul, chairman of the congressional committee; Mrs. Har riet Burtcn Laldlaw, and Mrs. Forbes Robertson Hale, of New York; Mrs. Mary Were Dennett, secretarj of tho National American "Woman Suffrage Association, and Miss Janet Richards, all prominent advocates of woman's suffrage. led the procession. There was plenty of police protec tion. Warned by the demonstration of March 3, the authorities were on their giiard and everything about the demonstration passed off quietly and in accordance with previous arrange ments. No Attack By "Antis." Once or twice during tho mass meeting in the Columbia, the playing of one of the bands outside or the endeavor of the crowd outside to move a little farther Into the audi torium started a rumor of an attack by "antls," but these rumors were false. The parade started propmtly at 11-15 and marched down eleventh street to Pennsylvania avenue ami directly to the Capitol grounds. Leav ing the bands and banners at the en trance, the women, their numbers now Increased to nearly a thonvxtiii nr. ceeded in two divisions around the Capltcl to the east entrance and were met In the jotunda by a reception committee of Congres.s:i -n r.nd Sen ators from tha States which have equal suffrage. Ami ng these were Senators Suther land. Borah. Brady. Ashurst, Works. Clanp. Dixon. Chamberlain. lones. Polndcxttr. La Follette. Warren, and '"lark, and Congressmen Taylor, Hob son. Stephens, l.tnthicum. Roberts, Ha'vley, Howell. Humphrey, ia Fol lette and Nelson, of Wisconsin. Petitions Are Presented. Only the briefest welcome was ex tended to the women by the Senators and Congressmen, the petitions were presented, and n partj of 150 leaders of the suffrage movement were Invited to occupy seats In the gallery of the House to view the opening of the Sixty-third Congress. Tho Columbia Theater was Jammed to the doors at 10 o'clock, when Miss Alice (Continued on Pag Twelve.) DEMOCRATIC TARIFF BILL BEARING BIG FREE LIST INTRODUCED IN HOUSE Chairman Underwood Offers Measure Which Takes Duties Off Necessaries of Life and Puts Bur den on Luxuries Tax on Incomes of More Than $4,000 Annually Is Feature. PASSAGE iN LOWER BODY ASSURED, BUT FIGHT MAY DEVELOP IN SENATE By THEODORE TILLES.' : The Democratic tariff bill, taxing vigorously the lux uries and putting on the free list or the. near free list the necessaries of life, was introduced in the House today by Congressman bscar W. Underwood, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. It is an Administration measure, and its passage .through the House is assured. Sporadic opposition may develop in the Senate, but it is believed that the bill in its essentials will stand the acid test of the upper house. The bill goes to the Democratic caucus tomorrow, and within a week the House will have settled down to debate one of the most drastic tariff revisions in the history of the' country. The bilK in alLDrdbabilitv. will h'e. the savior nr rI - sogofBernocritic iwjuwvujji Htuupjr is uui U4UUCU, ii pruspcniy. i uie cnances ror a uemocratic materially enhanced. If the bill fails to brinjfgjef, if wrecks industry, the party will be shorn of f: jjjrju 1 as were the Republicans when the Payne bill failed to make good to the consumer. FREE LIST AND INCOME TAX MAIN FEATURES. - Taken as a whole, the free list and the Income tax are the hnnan interest features of the new bill. The former is designed to relieve Mr. Ultimate Consumer and Mr. Common People. The latter is drawn to tax wealth, to wring tribute from every person who receives an Income of more than $4,000 per annum. The tax ranges from 1 to 4 per cent. The bill reveals the dominating Democratic idea that the market basket and the purse may each be made heavier by the free listing ot the necessaries of life the things that the poor man must buy each day. The consumer is given free lumber, boots and shoes, raw wool, agri cultural implements, cotton hagging and ties, meats, fish, breadstuffs. flour and lard, hogs, dairy products, copperas, borax, potatoes, and nu merous other articles of household and farm use. which are listed in a separate column. There are sweeping reductions on vegetables, citrus fruits, poultry, grains, hay, cattle and fruits. The duty on. sugar, about which a terrific fight has waged, is cut 26 per cent with the proviso that sugar shall be free at the expiration of three years. This concession is offered in order that the cane and beet sugar growers of Louisiana, Colorado, and Michigan the States most vitally Interested in the schodule may have an opportunity to adjust themselves to changed conditious. GIVES HOUSE SHARE IN RECIPROCITY TREATIES. The bill carries an important legislative rider that hereafter reciproc ity treaties and trade agreements with foreign countries shall be ap proved by both the House and Senate, instead of by the Senate alone. A majority vote of the two houses will be sufficient in lieu of the time honored two-thirds vote of the Senate. Absolute free trade with the Philippines is provided. The existing tariff treaty v. Mi Cuba is continued and the 1902 agree ment is repeated. One of the most significant passages in the committee's analysis which accompanies the bill reads: "The future growth of our great industries lies beyond the seas " and there is added the virtual warning that the American manufacturer must meet "honest competition and develop his business along the best and most economical lines, where, when he fights at home to control hla market, he is forging the way in the economic development of his busi ness to extend his trade in the markets of the world." Then the bill proceeds to put on the free list scores ot articles which have heretofore enjoyed the advantages of a high protective walL SCHEDULE K SUFFERS MOST SWEEPING CUTS. Schedule K, upon which the Republican party went to pieces, suffers most radical cuts. Raw wool Is made free, wiping out at one s(roke 514.000,000 in revenue, and the duties on manufactured woolens are re duced more than 50 per cent. In its entirety the free list lops off more than 525,000,000 In revenue, and drastic cuts all along the line probably will shoulder upon the In come tax law the task of raising something In excess of one hmdred millions. The Income tax levies 1 per cent on net Incomes above $4,000 and up to -?20,000; 2 per cent on incomes between $20,000 and J60.000; (Continued on Second Page.) J i fatly. If the cost atmttfa BBF?1. lease on continue wmttiti ' t. i M V i &$ T 4TH &&-. r J k.r. - .s i F - .V X -Vl.TM', &ivx?i -j" J ,jxOfciias$Iv ? . ..- .rjsc?i?.. , -v. , Jol'.inf ju iic. ; s I A -