OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 21, 1914, LAST AND HOME EDITION, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1914-01-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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Home Edition
Fair and Colder Tonight.
Full Report on Pago Two.
TXMBER 8066.
SzTtt --rr-' "' 'QprFJ
)fficials of Washington' Gas
Light Company Seek Amal
gamation With the George
town Company.
'romise of 85-Cent Gas Made
to Patrons of Georgetown.
Public Utilities Commission
Said to Oppose Plan.
'einddent -with tUe acws that Con-
C s 'will bo asked to pass & law which
l give the "Washington Gas Light
C mpany authority to merge with the
Georgetown Gas Light Company, It be-c-
m known that the Dimict Public
I titles Commission trill oppose the
enactment of. such a measure.
" he commission has been asked to
e ruction a bill granting' authority for
t b merger, but It has declined to ex-
p ess its views.
Nevertheless, on high authority it is
ea,l there is no question cf the posi
tion tho commission tvill take. It
v -uld favor a single gas company for
t (O District rather than two. At the
eatne time favoring as it dees rnunici
1 . ownership of the gas utility it is
a,'prehensive that to ermlt a merger
now, under private inierasis, woma ae-Hj-
Indefinitely the date of municipal
The question will soon come to an Is
sue beforo Congress.
Mrthority to merge the Washington
t -as" Light Company and the Georgetown
t.as Light Company willlJerproposed in
measure shortly to "be Introduced in
l e Senate.
nee president Howard S-Heeslde, of
e Washington Gas Light Company,
d Benjamin S. Minor, counsel for the
npany, have recently conferred witn
.airman John Walter Smith of the
enate District Committee In reference
legislation. Senator Smith has ad-
kd ti a bill be introduced and he
1 then have It considered by the DIs-
. t Committee. He will arrange hcar-
gs to ascertain the views of the Pub-
Ctilities Commission, of the officials
the Georgetown company and other
terested parties.
t is urged that the merger, If permlt-
would give the people now served
the Georgetown company SS-cent
u, the rate patrons 01 the Washlng
i company now pay.
The merger plan has been mooted for
me time. About two months ago. It
ame before the Public Utilities Corn
lesion, who decided it had no author-
y to permit the merger. Officers of
e Washington Gas LlgntCompany. ac-
tllngly,turned their attention to bring
g about a change in tho law to allow
i combination.
it Is said the Georgetown Company
friendly to the proposed legislation
blch would gtve tho Public Utilities
otnmiesion power to supervise the pro-
osed merger.
Daughter Will Receive
Jefferson Davis Relics
The pistols, spurs, shawl and raq'an
-hich were taken from Jefferson Davis
hen ho was captured and have been
eld by the War Department, will be
turned to his daughter. Mrs. Joseph
iayes. Application for thefw n-Iics was
ixde some time ago by Davis' son-ln-
and the matter was referred to the
'torney General, wno aeciaca today
iat Davis never legally lost possession
' the property, and the general am--sr
declaration ar the close of the
ar rhould restore all his possessions
1 him.
Employes Are Promoted
. In Office of the Auditor
'he following promotions in the of-
of the Auditor of the District wore
isde by the Commissioners today on
eoommendatlon of Auditor Alonzo
weed ale.
K. P. Wright, clerk at $300 to clerk
$336- W C nathbone. clerk $720 to
lerk at $W, Charles B. Hahliis, nics-
nger at $50j to clerk at $7-'0. Maurice
Wrenn was appointed messenger at'
Met at noon.
fcenator Thomas Introduces resolution
or Colorado strike investigation,
Bill to be Introduced for merger of tho
two local gas companies.
Senator Jackson Introduces bill relative
to payment of tuition by non-resident
Senator Sutherland makes minority re
port on Blair Lee case
Met at noon.
Debate on Alaska railroad bill resumed.
District subcommittee began hearings on
Kcnyon red light bill
A separate District subcommittee Inves
tigated lobby charges against Attor
ney Shields.
TUvers and Harborjj Committee con
tinued hearings.
Millionaire To
Build 20 Cancer
Cure Hospitals
J. M. Flannery, Presiden t of the Standard Chemical
Company, Tells Con gressmen a Philanthropist
WiirSpend $15,000,0 00 to Provide Free Radium
Treatment for All S ufferers.
Announcement that an aged millionaire has a plan to
erect twenty hospitals at a cost of $15,000,000 for free
radium treatment of cancer was made today by J. M. Flan
nery, president of the Standard Chemical Company, before
the House Mines Committee. Each institution would have
five grams of radium.
Government Ownership Would
Increase Radium Cost, He Says
The life-saving clement in the battle
against the "red plague" will mount
to a half million dollars a gram If tho
Federal Government withdraws radium
oro lands from entry. Mine Commis
sioner homas R. Henahen. of Colorado,
told the House Mines Committee today.
Frankly admitting that he is a State
ngnis man. ienanen sam an v.o.urauu Ms ajj the resuU of a ,jfetlme of earnet
wants is to be let alone to mine its j efrort.
mine Its carnolite without Federal es- carnolite. the mineral from which ra
pionage or control. dum ls extracted, is practically ln-
Bltter opposition developed today
against tho Federal withdrawal plan. (Continued on Second Page.)
Ashurst Speech Puts Issue
,;Aside4When It Comes Up on'j
the Calendar.
The woman suffrage amendment
came within an inch of being voted on
in the Senate this afternoon. This
was after Senator Ashurst had made j
an unsuccessful effort to get an agree
ment for a day to vote on it.
Without notice, the matter came up
on the calendar. It looked for a little
while as If It would be voted on. Sen
ators generally were ready, but Sen
ator Ashurst had a speech prepared
which he desired to deliver. He began
to address the Senate, and the oppor
tunity for an immediate vote passed.
Prior to this. Senator Ashurst nvads
an effort without success to get unan
imous consent to vote on the woman
suffrage resolution February 6. Sena
tor Bryan of Florida objected.
Senator Ashurst offered a motion to
proceed to tho consideration of the
amendment after the Alaska railroad
bill was out of tho way. This was
discussed and Anally withdrawn by Sen
ator Ashurst, who said that when the
Alaska bill and the Smith-Lever bill
werp out of the wav he would move to
take up the woman suffrage measure.
Senator John Sharp Williams opposed
any exceptional action on the biiffrage
measure. Senator Thomas and S-nator
Jonos spoke for prompt consideration
of it
Eight Indictments Are
Returned by Grand Jury
Eight Indictments, four charging as- j
sault with a dangerous weapon, werei
returned by the grand jurj to Criminal I
, . . j -!. T....ti.. i.. !
I""" '?- "' "" ' ?,t " Z
uaui" '" "w -" '""; umr of tho adjournm. nt : the Man
convicted of assault, as he declarer that land Legislature.
this crime is Increasing at "an alarm
ing rate in the District
Those indicted todax were. Assault
with a dangerous weapon. William M--Neal.
John K. Williams. Francis John
ton, and Krnest Colbert, housebreaking,
John McDonald. Michael Fitzgerald,
and John Major; robbery. James I'orti.
Joseph Washington, and Clarence Mall.
lnnpjiv Arthur rinvls anil .fnnfnli X.
i Baleman; ai-ault. Charles Itailej
Would Give Outsiders
District Schools' Use
An amendment to the ' 1:1 specifying
the condltluiis under i-i-h non-rcsi-dents
mat attend &chools in the Dis
trict, was offered in 'lie Senate by
Senator' Jackson of Marjland today.
The amendment extends uie advan
tages of the public rchoclH to those
whose parents are ilther engaged In
business or professional circuits In tin
nistrlct, and who pa a.i annua' rental
for their places of business 111 excess
ot tite tuition charges. The eractment
I of the amendment would benefit hun
dreds of children of Virginia jnd Mary
land, near the District line.
Magistrate Applauds as
Mother Beats a Masher
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. il - 'Well
don. madam. I am sorry ou did not
havf a o'.ub," said Magistrate Yalcs.
as he leaned back !n his chair In the
poyec station h"ro today and . itched
Airs, Jieien ttiarncy aminisier a irouu
ciii? to John Sheridan. Mrs. StarKcy
claimed Sheridan had Insulted her tidr-teffi-year-old
daughter, tnd as lir lists
belt a tattoo on tho man's face tho
misletrate applauded her.
Henahen today told the committco the
nation can best answer the wall of
75,(00 cancer victims by giving pros
pectors a free rein in Colorado. J. M.
Flannery, president of the Standard
Chemical Company, of Pittsburg, pio
neer In America's radium business, told
the romantic story of his struggle to
upbuild it, how he had secured claims,
and the valuable secret extraction proc-
Former Senator From Illinois
is Anxious Only" to Finish
Memorial to Lincoln.
Little hope is entertained f-r the re
covery of former .Senator Shelby M.
Cullom, of Illinois, who has been criti-
call' '" at his home, J4I3 Massachu-
setts avenue northwest, for several
lays. After an unrestful night, two
or threo times during which It was
feared that the veteran statesman was
dying. Senator rullom fell Iiito a deep
sleep shortly after C o'clock this morn
ing. His respiration and heart beat
took on a better tone following this,
and at noon membrrs of tho family
said his conditioii was mjch better.
It is feared, hontver, that he can
live but a few no irs
Minority Report Says Jackson
Is Entitled to Place Until
April 7.
Senator Sutherland lolai submitted
to the Senate from t.io Privileges and
Ulctioi's Cummitee -1 e n nontv rrnnrt
in thr lcc-Jackson ase.
Senator Sutherland ,ioMs tiia Ri:,ir
Lei' is nut entitled o Ms scat, ami
that ciiMtnr lrlrsnti m i.ntitt.i ..
heat In the Senate j,,UI A'r 1 7 t!,o
Senator Wulsli put . c ihe majority
report against the sealintr of Frank I'
Experts Begin Work on
History of Revolution
Dr .1. Franklin Jameson anil Frni.
crlcN Ifancroft, of the Aiicrican His
torical Society, conferred with Secre
taries Garrison am Daniels yesterday
on tlifir plans for compiling an au
thentic history and reenrd of tho Ameri
can It' volution.
Congress recentlv appropriated $32,00
for this work, which will be urcom
pllshed on the same principle as tho
record nf tho ci ll war. which rvl
$3,000,000 and required tliirli-aoven years
of work. The lievolutionary records
will be photographed.
Millions of Eggs From Eel
One col will lay from iO,ro.(XM to M -OUO.OOO
e-ggx. according to I'nlted States
Fish Commissioner tlugh 311 Smith In
an article written for the National Geo
graphic Society Eels -uvays tpuwn In
dceo water and the piicnt eels die
aftei spawning once, ilr. Smith writes.
Ty Cobb's Article on the Sporting Page Tony Biddle's Article on the Editorial Page
Former Senator from Illinois, who is
not expected to recover from attack
of la grippe snd heart trouble.
Serves Notice on President
After Conferences on Names
for District Bench.
Senator Vardaman of Mississippi to
day served notice on President Wilson
that he would oppose the confirmation
of Judge Kobert H. Terrell, colored, as
judge of the Municipal Court if the
President reappoints him.
"The President and I discussed his re
ported intention of reappointing Ter
rell," eald Senator Vardaman. "I do
not know that Je ban tuadcrJinhh vmyid,
to do so, buVif he rlocs, 3 eholLuJHjues-
tlonably oppose the confirmation, Just
as I shall refuse to vole for any col
ored man for public office."
The Senator from Mississippi laid cm
phasls on this. He also discussed with
the President the Mississippi patronage,
and declared that he and Senator "Wil
liams had reached an agreement with
tho President on the positions to be
"I consider It as Important to select
able men for the Municipal Court as
for the Supreme Court," said Attorney
General Mclloynolds today In explain'
inir the delay in making the appoint
ment to nil tho four vacancies on tho
Dihtrict Municipal bench He declared
that the courts of the minor Jurisdic
tion dealt. In the main, with peopl;
who needed all the protection the law
could give them, and for that reason,
he would use the utmost caution in
making his selections, even If the de
lay is necessarj.
The Attorney General would make no
comment on U10 opposition of Senator
Vardaman to Judge Terrell, declaring
that ho would not discuss any Individ
ual appointment on matters concerning
Mover Will Be Retained
Warden of Penitentiary
Warden W. H Moycr. of tho Atlanta
ponltentiarv. will not bo oustrd from his
Position as the result of charges mado
bv Julian Havthornp and others, alleg
ing prif-on mismanagement. Attorney
General MrKeynolds said tho report or
Dr. Mt-Rlwav. who Investigated the
mif-on. 1 eiKjrted the management to be
halisfactory. lip said that a change in
thf. present ivtrols system had beon sug-
ccs-teu and In might ask Congress to
amend the parole law. The chief ob
jection to the pretent sjstem is that tho
v arden. tin- superintendent and the
prison doctoi, all of whom are brought
Irlo close enntaot with the prisoner,
comprlso tin board and the prisoners
want outside members named.
Norris Tries in Vain to
Rush Telephone Inquiry
An attempt tb hasten tho Senate
Commute. iii PoUifflces and l'ostioads
in its consideration of hi request to
have the Pot-loftier Department give the
Senate all tho Information i'i its po-sen-yion
legardlng Government ownership
and control of telegraph ind telephone,
lines w.is made thi.s afternoon by Sena
tor Xorrib
He lntmdiired a resolution a: king that
the committee be discharged from fur
ther consideration of ilia resolution No
net Inn, however, wja taken by the Sen
ate Would Apply $200,000
To Home for Colored
Senatoi Kenon todav introdured an
amendment to tho District appropria
tion bill, which provides for using the
h.ilam e of the funds in the bund of
tlif I'rcedman's Bureau, amounting to
IZM,''"J. lor erection or a home ror ngea
uiid infirm colored people.
pouce ffii:
Chairman Crosser, of Probe
Committee, Figures Attor
ney Stood to Make $4,000.
Testimony Reveals Johnson Was
in Favor of Bill to Advance
Traffic Squad Salaries.
On the heels of the fistic battle be
twen Congressman eJBn Johnson and
Attorney John It. Shields, which was
staged yesterday, the Crosser subcom
mittee of the House District Committee
today probed the contract which Shields
made with the crossing policemen a year
Ago, and which caused Congressman
Johnson to call the lawyer a "lobbyist."
The Shields contract was today intro
duced in evidence and testimony given
was that in consideration of Shields' ef
forts in behalf of the bill to incrcas
the pay of crossing policemen, which
passed last session, the lawyer was to
receive $1!Q from twenty-four policemen
Wind 900 from .Seventeen policemen.
When some of the officers failed to
pay In full, the testimony was. Attorney
Shields complained to- Major Sylvester,
on April 3, 1913- The major referred
the letter to Inspector Gessford and the
inspector testified today that he merely
asked the recalcitrant policemen about
the Shields bill rendered "for profes
sional services."
Gessford Makes Statement.
"I asked threo or four ot the men
what they had to say about Shields'
complaint. I noted their answers on
the bottom of the bill and that was all
that was done."
Policeman J. F. Patchell, president of
the Crossing Policemen's Association,
said he knew of the contract, but had
not actually prepared it. He said it
was circulated among the men, follow
ing verbal negotiations with Shields,
and that it had been signed by twenty
four of the higher-paid men who would
benefit most by tho passage of the bill.
Officer Patchell said he understood
thoro was a contract with the lower
paid men. who were to pay only $00.
but no ono was present to produce this
contract today Tho payments were to
bo made to Mr. Shields In monthly in
stallments after tho passage of the .de
sired bill
Inspector Ges-sford said it was a
matter of rumor In police circles that
Attorney Shields was representing
the crosoing policemen in behalf of
a bill before Congress, but ho had no
official Knowieoge until uie receipt
of the Sylvester memorandum, which
came to him after Mr. Shields had
complained regarding the slow-paying
pcllcemen. Mr. Shields wrote the
major that ten policemen were behind
in their payments.
"Shields savs he submitted tho con
tract to Mr. Thomas, who thinks it Is
legitimate and should bo paid." read
a clause in the headquarters memor
andum sent Inspector Gessford. "He
will appreciate nnything the depart
ment may do to liquidate tho in
debtedness." O'Leary Asks Question.
"Whoso memorandum Is It,"
gressman OLeary.
"I presumo yie superintendent
It tr-at If. the substanco of it
the Inspector "There Is a rule in the
department that poIiL-emen must pay
their honest debts, and when complaint
was made to headquarters the major
naturally sent the bills to me to ask
the men wh.it about It."
Who Is the Mi Thomas referred to
in the Shields memorandum?"
"Tho then corporation counsel. E1
waid II Thoma.-.- said the Inspector.
The committee today caused the po
I'cem.in who paid Attorney Shields on
the contract to produce tin ir receipts.
Tluse receipts, signed by tho attorney,
were marked 'first pajment," "fourth
paimrnt" etc Polk emeu Palmer. r.;l
llot. Kldwell. Holl's. McNninara. Pear
son. Tronic and Dunawln filed their re
ceipts unl Policemen Lamb. Davi and
Patchell .agreed to look up their receipts
late r
lnhPetor Gessford said K had ri
Knowledge of the nature of tlie work
pel formed l Shields, etcept that ho
understood that he vas to help get a
(Continued on Second Page )
The amount of your insurance premium will be determined by
the Federal Government if an amendment to the Constitu
tion proposed by Senator Weecs of Massachusetts is adopted.
The amendment, which Weeks introduced at the request of
Boston lawyers, would give the Federal Government entire
control of "interstate insurance'
Life, health, accident, casualty and every other kind of insurance
company was included.
President Wants Congressmen
to Have Time to Prepare for
Fall Campaign.
Steps were taken by president Wilson
this morning to bring about an ad
journment of Congress about June L
He conferred at length with Chairman
Oscar Underwood of the House Ways
and Means Committee, and with Sena
tor Ollie James of Kentucky .on this
subject. Both declared to the newspa
per men, after seeing the President,
that'-they'couldee no obstacle In the
Vt(V-fc..J .... .v -. - -I.
... ,.. .. . .. stuUwr iwo' niue Doys. ue agreat as-
Tay prjidJouromratjTivtbAt-ame''-"?n,0Tner seemed to impress commit-
ixcat legislation win do auvautcu
with alf rcasonablo speed" in the
im ' i! l..lu .Lrv l A - - - -
House, while the Senate is disposing of
the rural credits legislation. Both
members declared that Congress would
act on the questions promptly, at the
same time disposing as rapidly as pos
sible of the various appropriation meas
ures. The President Is in sympathy with the
desirability of allowing members of
Congress to prepare for tho fall cam
paign. To carry out his program of
legislation as pledged by the Democratic
platform, he realizes that it is essential
to have tho next Congress Democratic.
The entire House will face re-election,
and. for the first time in the history of
the country, one-third of the Senators
will face the direct vote of the people.
The President, it is believed, will take
the stump, although, according to his
friends, he will do so In a thoroughly
dignified manner. He probably will
make three or four speeches at Impor
tant centers.
Death of Child by Motor
Is Accidental, Says Jury
A coroner's jury today gave a verdict
of accidental death In the case of Jo
seph J. Mlnson, Jr., seven years old.
of 2025 I street northwest, who was
killed b yan automobile .oal truck at
Twenty-fifth and M streets yesterday
afternoon. The verdict exonerated
Edward Smith, colored driver of the
Testimony of witnesses was that the
boy was riding a velocloede west In
M street behind another automobile
truck Tt Twenty-fifth sucet ho turn
SFottt from the back of the truck and
ran under tho rear wheels -f the coal
t?uck. which was going west in M
District Will Pension
.... 4 c tt:- rin'.r
WldOW Of Fire Captain
The Commissioners today approved
the recommendation of the pension board
of the Fire Department that Mrs. Julia
II Warren, widow of Capt. T. T. War--'n
he eiven a pension of $50 a month.
and that a child twelve years of age be
given a pension of o a month.
Cautain Warren wan appointed a
member of the Fire Department July
k 1896 wa-j promoted to lieutenant
inlv 1 ' 1900. anil was made captain
July 16. 1905. He died January 1. tyji.
Unavoidable Accident
Is Lankford Verdict
NEW YORK. Jan. 2L "Unavoidable
aceldcnt" was the erdict of the cor
encr'b jury In the death of Richard
Dixie Lankford. Wco president and -secretary
of the 'Southern railway, whose
nude body was found In the bath room
of his apartment In Brpokln ast I-ri-elay
with the gas turned on full force.
"Red Light" Bill's Passage Is
Eloquently Urged by Mrs.
Donald R. Hooker.
"Is it fair to my boys? Js it fair to
the other little boys who are growing
up to have their Uvea Indelibly im
pressed by this legalized Immorality as
was the last generation?" y
Mrs. Donald R. Hooker of Baltimore
thus closed an eloquent appeal today
beforo a subcommittee of the House
District Committee considering the Ken
j On bill ta wipe out the "red light" dis
trict of the National Capital..
j .Mrs Hookexsald she wanted-to bring
Thome to tho committee, the- picture or
. ... . - .
1 uk nnKita mMM - -
tee embers more than any Viier- utter
ance at taditv's hearing- w--'h was at-
tended by ministers, antl-s-loon work
ers and believe in the uplift
LTore than two score imen and women
weer there to lend their influence to
the Kenyon bill
Mrs. Hooker, who' is president of the
just government League ot -Maryland
spoke briefly but her motherly appeal
caa its anecu sne said
"I have two small boys and I want
your co-operation in bringing them up
welL I teach them what Is right and.
wrong, and I do not want them to go
out from my home to learn things I
do not teach them
"As long as you mean who have this
great power of legislation permit im
morality to exist as It does, how can I
and other mothers teach our boys what
is right. They will say the law allows
this, and what reply have we?"
"Picture o fa Doorstep."'
"I would put tills picture in your
mind the picture of a doorstep with the
print of many feet upon it. And then
I want you to picture the return home
of the boys who enter these places of
prostitution; where every roan who en
ters ono has to return somewhere to
some home. Is it fair to my boys and
to other boys?"
A number of speakers were heard
today by the District subcommittee, of
which Congressman Caraway of Ar
kansas ls chairman. The witnesses
were presented by the Kev. Dr. TV. R.
Wedderspoon. pastor of the Foundry 2L
E. Church, of this city. Dr. Wedder
spoon first furnished the committee with
a copy of the resolution recently adopt
ed nt a meeting of Methodist ministers
of Washington.
Andrew Wilson, presldent-of the Anti
Saloon League, furnished figures to
show the connection between the "red
light district and the lllegallred liquor
traffic The Kev. Wilbur Crafts spoke
on the legal phases of the Kenyon bill
which has passed the Senate, and as
serted that similar measures had proven
effective In other communities because
landlord and tenant are subject to it.
The Kenyon bill would abate as a
nuisance the district through the pro
cess of injunction.
'Insult To Women."
The Rev. Dr. Henry Murray, of Bal
timore, spoke on wnuc slavery in m
J,a0 cities and referring x.o Washing
timore, spoke on white slavery in the
ton said:
"We do not w ant another inaugura
tion to pass over us with such an im
moral situation as has been presented
hero before."
Mrs. Nina L Allender. president of
the Women's Suffrage Club of the Dis
trict, challenged the claim that a city
must have segregated vice to protect Its
good women.
"This Is an insule to women." she
said. '"If our Government cannot pro
tect Its women without this human sac
rice, wo had better get another kind of
Mrs. Barclay Hazard, of the New
York Florence Crittenden Mission, told
the committee of instances where
women from the vice disine-ls had re
formed, adding:
"At present they are trundled from
place to place as if they were pests,
like potato bus, but 'hoy are not. and
they should be treated and helped like
human beings."
Others who urged the House Com
tnitiex to rcDort the eKnion bill In
cluded Congressman Towner, off Iowa.
J. H Patton. of the Purity Federation;
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oearheart, of Co
lumbus. Ohio: and the others present
oiced approval of every scntlmont ex
pressed by the principal speakers.
Capital's Civic Bodies
Indorse Greek Pageant
Official Indorsement of tho Greek pag
eant. "The Fire Regained," an out-door
festival planned for Washington during
the coming spring, was given by tho
Chamber of Commerce, the Board of
Trade, and tho Retail Merchants' sso
ciatlon this afternoon. The pageant
probably will bo given In June.
Deputy Chief Engineer of
Fire Department Hay Intro
duce Testimony. -
Commissioners Announce That
Session Will Not Be a Con
tinuation of the First.
Andrew- J. Sullivan, deputy chief of
the Fire Department, -who is threatened
with Involuntary retirement "followlnfj
an Investigation by the District Com
missioners of the fire which wrecked
the American Five and Ten Cent Store
December M. Is to be given an oppor
tunity by the" Commissioners to Intro
duce -whatever testimony la his behalf
he may sea fit at tomorrow's public
hearing. '
On the eve of the hearing, granted the
veteran, fire fightsr at the argent re
quest of hundreds of "Washington busi
ness and professional men. as well s
ter. jftrtth'"S!re; Department
Usel""the Commissioners today an
nounced that tomorrow's hearing. wQl
not be a continuation of the original
session, held behind closed doors.
It will be independent of the first one.
they explained, and is granted with a
view of giving Sullivan an opportunity
to place his side of the case squarely
before the Commissioners.
A transcript of the testimony taken
bv the Commissioners In executive ses
sion which preceded- the suggestino of
Commissioner Slddons'that Deputy Chief
Sullivan ask for retirement which he.
the Commissioner, said would be grant
ed, today was sent by the city fathers
to Charles W. Darr, a Washington at
torney, who. as the next best friend of
the fire-fighter, is assisting- him In pre
paring his case.
The Commissioners explained, that the
testimony was given Mr. Darr so that
Chief Sullivan may be given an op
portunity to refute any of it. if he feels
so disposed.
Mr. Darr, through whom Mr. Sulli
van's request for a hearing: "was sub
mitted, said today that his course of
procedure will be determined after
reading the testimony in the Investi
gation. Until he has read this, he
said, he can not decide whether he
will ask for the summoning; of wit
nesses. "My understanding has been, said
Mr. Darr today, "that the hearing la
In no sense a trial of the deputy chief.
No charges have been preferred against
Mr. Sullivan, and the request for his
retirement was conveyed to him by
word of mouth.
In Nature of TriaL
"If. however, witnesses are to be sum
coneo, and subjected to cross-eacamlna-tion.
the proceedings will take on the
natur of a trial. My Impression of the
hearing was that It was to afford the
friends of Deputy Chief Sullivan an op
portunity to say a word in his behalf,
and to protest against the method by
which it was proposed that he sever his
active connection wltn the irire Depart
ment. "I have prepared a ions list of citi
zens who have offered to appear tomor
row to speak for the deputy chief, and
to bespeak for him consideration ot his
record before final action Is taken."
If it Is decided to summon witnesses,
the proceedings may continue several
days. Among those, who will probably
be present are Fire Chief Frank J.
Wagner, Fire Marshal P. W. Nicholson
and the five Injured firemen. Corpora
tion Counsel Syme will attend, and It
was said will take part In the proceed
Wss. , .
If after hearing the Commissioners
believe that their request for retirement
of Deputy Fire Chief Sullivan was jus
tified, they may take steps to force his
retirement without action by a trial
board. Members of the Police Deport
ment, in similar circumstances, are
granted the privilege of a trial befoie
a. board appointed by the Superintend
ent of Police, but no such privilege is
accorded members ot the Fire Depart
ment. Gompers Urges Probe
Of Strike Conditions
e-imular letters were received toda
by all House members from President
Gompers. of the American Federation ot
Labor, urging a Congressional Investi
gation ot the Colorado coal and Michi
gan copper strikes.
"It is known that irreat fundamental
rights arc being ruthlessly trampled
under foot." Gompers said. "The great
cause of Justice, liberty, and humanltj
will be served by a thorough lnvcsttga-
Prominent House Democrats predicteej
today that some sort of an Investigation
would bo authorized at the Democrats
striko caucus tomorrow night.
Only 46 Hours to Havana.
Atlantic Coast Unc. "New York & Flor
ida Special" leaves 6 :20 p.mf dally. All
"east coast" points reached.- Klectric
lightcd Pullmans. 1-106 2f. Y. ave. a. w.

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