Newspaper Page Text
16 THE WASHINGTON TIMES. THURSDAY; JANUARY 22; 1914. DEMOCRATS 1IT E VICTORIOUS IN FOX HUNT I T 0 PRAISE WILSON Despite Absence of Clark, Love Feast At Old Calvert Man sion Is a Success. Despite the absence ' or Speaker Champ Clark, the Democratic love feast last night at the old Calvert man Bion of Lord Baltimore, near River dale, where Thomas H. Pirkford had assembled the leading lights of the party to greet Senator Henry L. Myers, of Montana, was a success. A nited Democracy applauded Senator James K. Vardaman '.Ocn he said: "I"ie Wilson Administration has been a. success because the Gcvernment has been placed In the nands of the peo ple." Secretary of state Ban pledged renewed fealty to his chief. Congress man R. I- Henry oroclalmed Wood row Wilson and William Jennings Bry an two of the four greatest Democrats In history, and Senator James A. Reed aserted that President Wilson had measured up to one of the greatest tests of a great man the ..blllty to sur round himself with great men. As a parting toast, fcenator Varda man proposed the health cf "The most potential influence Beneath the stars, upon whose power the funire- of the world depends woman." Police Escort Party. The party numbered more than sev enty guests. They assembled at tho University Club, where they were greet ed by Major J. J. Dickinson and Barry Bulkley. on behalf of Mr. Flckford. Motor cars, escorted by bicycle police., made a quick run to the Calvert Man- The house was beautifully decorated, resp-endent with flowers and brilliant illumination, and throughout the even ing entertainment was provided in abundance by an old-time negro quartet. All attendants were dressed in colonial garni. George IL O'Connor sang hu morous songs. Following tho serving of coffee. Sena tor Reed, acting as toastmaster, pre sented the guest of honor. Senator Henry L. Myers, who said: "I feel we have at the head of our Government to day a man who, for zeal, for ability, and uprightness of character. Is equal to any who ever filled the Presidential chair." Bryan Lauds Wilson. Mr. Bryan declared tho country is en tering upon a new age of ideas. Com mercial ideas did prevail, he said, but they are being swept away before the advance of idealism. Lauding the President- Mr. Bryan said: "Behind him he finds a united Democ racy, and that Democracy it. facing for the first time a divided Republicanism, "here has been a great growth of pub lic sentiment that has made this Gov ernment no longer the tool of Uio wealthy, but the servant of the people." Robert L. Henry, chairman of the Rules Committee of the House, said sectionalism has been burled every where. He gloried in the fact that Sec retary Bryan is here to witness the trl nmnh of reforms he has been advocat ing for years. Civil Service Assailed. Senator Reed announced his lack of tympathy with civil service methods and recited the story of a constituent who was being examined for a position as ,-untf mail carrier. In response to a cueetion as to how far it was from the earth to Mars, he replied, "I'm lamned If I know, but if its on my 1 oute. 1 don't want the Job." Senator Vardaman paid a tribute to the dreamer and said that he, rather than the man of affairs, is ruling the world tody. The dreamer. :n all ages. he declared, has been the idealist who ; as blazed the way, cleared the nf-w ground and been the salvation of the world. imWrtamT "' rift "rsSTik 5w BH .a aLBLjaBlTSBafc. M$M'jff r.iijS 'BB pynnEannBBBW OTt&A , .Ay Tlsnnv S: aaaase- ffm? i 'I it "t ? :tfMini if aaawSiaiJ' aV JaM A i - maw! 4aBaHa&v i U - s- - BK'h ? 3 aalw vHa&anffsffsBEk ft W'lllMM3aKlBVSMBaBBlBBBJraBlBBBBBMBBXj5aBBBM (WaW bbbbIbVBBbbbbvvSbTbbbbHS BvBBMi&BBBBW 'SV BBbT'BBB' r V ' ' " bwbwbwb) MRS. W. SINCLAIR BOWEN, One of the most enthusiastic of society horsewomen -who was "in at death" of Reynard, which climaxed the exciting chase of the Riding and Hunt Club over the hills and dales of Maryland yesterday. The brush went to Mrs. Bowen, while Miss Agra Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bennett, of West Virginia, was awarded the mask. Others who rode in the chase were Miss Jeannette Allen, Miss Mildred Greble, F. A. Chapin, J. A. Tiernan, A. Burkard, R. M. Watkin3, Hunts man James Murphy, H. Russell and H. Hinton, whips. E. H. Fellows, M. F. H. of the club, led the party. C. H HMHLTON IS CALLED BY DEATH Pioneer Aviator Stricken With Hemorrhage Died Early To day in New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 2C Charles K. Hamilton, one of the leading aviators of the country, died suddenly at hu homo at 223 West 109th street, early today. Hamilton attracted wide attention by flying from Governor's Island to Phila delphia and return in less than a day In 1910. His death today was due to a liemor linge. Mrs. Hamilton was awakened by groans. Her husband was then uncon scious. Slip called police licadquaitcrs and asked for aid, and an ambulanco wai rushed from the Knickerbocker Hospital. Hamilton was dead, however, when tho hospital physician arrived. Hamilton was thirty-four years old. He had not been In good health for two or thrco years, and as far back as 1911 suffered from a nervous breakdown. NOTED FLYER DEAD Will Address Y. M. C. A. The Rev. Earlo Wilfley. pastor of the Vermont Avenue Christian Church, will be the principal speaker at the T. M. C A. meeting nest Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. JBb JbbHBbbbbvII i -i. JZZC TG.P.0. 1 E DURING WEEK Appointments, Resignations and Transfers At Big Govern ment Plant. CHARLES K. HAMILTON. A number of changes have taken placo at the Government Printing Of fice during the week Just ended. Among them were: Appointments Harlan Frey (by rein statement). William A. Holllsey, H. Glenn Wolstenhohne. Horace J. Taylor, and Norman C. Stowe, messenger boys. Separations Joseph Maddren, book binder: Mrs. Carolyn J. Bryan, skilled laborer; Thomas W. McEachern, pro bationary messenger boy. Transfers Edwin B. Austin and Dan- ilel P. Noone, proofreaders. Job to proof ; section: Henry A. Roehn, linotype ma chinist, linotype section day to night; Miss Amy A. Keleher, press feeder, Li brary of Congress branch printing sec tion to press division; Frank C. Cole, prcsman. same; Miss Martha E. Porter, skilled laborer, pamphlet binding sec tion night to ruling and sewing section; Mrs, Rosena X,. E. Smith, machino operator, pamphlet binding section day to night: Clarence D. R. Hawkins, skilled laborer. 25 cents per hour, hand section, to messenger. CO cents per hour, delivery section, Eugene F. Rosen, skilled laborer, 23 cents per hour, to helper, 40 cents per hour, hand section; John B. Dent, counter, pamphlet bind ing section, to ruling and sewing sec tion; Frank A. KIdd. copy editor, proof section, day to night: Benjamin A. Line back, reviser. 65 cents per hour. Job section, to reader, 60 cents per hour, proof section: William R, Bolton, proof reader, 60 cents per hour, to rererec. 63 cents per hour. Library of Congress branch printing section; Frank J. Ma loy, compositor. Library of Congress branch printing section, to monotype section. Pastor Swain's Texts. CJARENDON. Va.. Jan. 22,-The Rev. H. L. Swain, pastor of tho First Baptist Church here, will preach next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on "What Shall I Do With Jesus?" His evening text will bo on "How "We Become God's Children." i-r-!! i-i-i-i-i-: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 2-i;-i-:-i- M'M-1IIHI1 MI I'M" ThTtiTmThT.T..TmT..T T7T 1 Begin Work to Raise Money For Gymnasium Members of the nine clubs forming 'he council of Friendship House. 502 Vlr nrIa avenue southeast, today opened a campaign to raise Jl.fXJO to be used In iuipping a gymnasium. fa iprort to the movement was pledged at a mass meeting last night by Henry I B'air, head of the Friendship House oard. and others interested in the vcjk. COURTESY DAYS At the Hecht Stores Tomorrow and Saturday arc the last two furniture "Courtesy Days," qr, as miners would call it, "Prospecting Days," to look around and see what you like best and "stake out your claims" prior to the formal opening of our February 25 Discount Furniture Sale Which starts Monday, January 26. It is to help you get acquainted with our magnificent stocks, to give you time for consulta tion with your family and for comparison which we welcome that these days of inspection preced ing the regular opening are afforded you. Selections can be made now and held until convenient for you to receive them. Remember, there's no money to pay down even during this sale. HECHT & CO. Seventh Street "" ill I I -r- XX XX r ?! TT XX TT Til TT "X H a1 tJ, 4-L :ct ?v II Daniels Will Address North Carolina Society Secretary of 'tho Navy Daniels will speak at the annual dinner of tho North Carolina Society at Kauschcr'3. Satur day evening. Dr. Joseph A. Holmes, of the Bureau of Mines, is president, and Dr. R. O. E. Davis, of the Bureau of Soils, is secretary of tho society. Other speakers will be President W. I. Potteat, of Wake Forest College, North Carolina, and Prof. C. Alphonso Smith, of tho University of Virginia. CAUCUS HI ORDER IHiY IN CALUME T Democrats Said to Favor In vestigation of Mine Strike" Conditions. Canvass of House Democrats, by nro. ponents of the plan for a Comrresslona investigation or Wo calumet, lllch.and Colorado strikes, predicted today that the House majority caucus tonight would order the Inquiries. 'The Rules Committee will give fai o ratio reports on both Congressman Heating's and Congressman ItacDon- aias resolutions. If the caucus so d: rects." said Chairman Henry, of the committee. Tho rules body has voted once against tho proposed investigations. Parlor Car To Atlantic City Through over Pennsylvania Railroad. leaves Tin. ion Station. Washington, 12:40 P. 3t. weekdays. Returning, leaves Atlantic City, 10:00 A. M. weekdays. AUvt. $2.19 I It H " I 9 fj tt U ft & W Xv At All Our 3 Stores Friday for Women's Regular $3 and $3.50 Winter Boots. r Again Tomorrow simply because we have too many of 'em we offer all sizes of nine splendid wearing kinds of Women's $3 and $3.50 Boots at $2.19 a pair: Tan Russia Calf Button Boots. Patent Colt Button and Blucher Boots with narrow toe and Cuban heel. Black Genuine Calfskin Blucher Laced Boots, -with narow toe and me-1 'Hum heel. Genuine Vici Kid, Button Blucher and Laced Boots with Goodyear Welt or Hand Turn Soles medium or narrow toe kid or patent tip. Also, several tablefuls of $3 to S4 Boots in broken lizes some of them "drum mers' samples." Leathers in clude suede, velvet, and white Nubuck, besides Tan, Black, and Patent Leathers. But sizes mostly 3 to 4y2. H MEN'S BARGAINS For Friday at Our 7th Street Store Men's $2.50, $3, and $3.50 Grade Winter Shoes. . . . $1.50 A Bargain Table Clean up of broken sizes in 8 dif ferent stjlcs of Gun Metal Calf and Patent Colt Shoes. Just 67 pairs in theso sizes: 6 6',s 6 6i 7 7 8 & 9 3 B .22452 3 C 3 1 u o o i 4 5 D ...4 3 3 2 12 2 Triday at $1.50. "TRI-WEAR" And Other $3.00 rt nj to $4.00 Shoes. . . HA. i J All broken lots and to-be-discontinued styles of our famous -TIU-Wi:ait S4 Winter Shoes also other $3 and J3.50 shoes. Embracing CO different styles all sizes but not all sizes In each kind. A wide choice of different shapes from extreme to con servative In the very best tan, black. and patent leathers. "Step Llielj!' -k-i-i-m-h-i-x-m-k-i-i-i-i-i-i-:-; : : : ;;! H4"" JriJCjOt iJ (1 viB j7 Who Will Get the $25.00 in Gold Offered by the Tolman Laundry ? f . The $25 goes to the person who suggests the best slogan or advertising phrase to he used in connection with the copyrighted Tolman shield shown above. Now get busy at once put on your "thinking cap" you may hit upon just the phrase we want. Read the Tolman Ads Send for the Tolman Booklet Try the Tolman Laundry Work. These Will Give You "Inspiration The Tolman laundering method for Gentlemen's Shirts is incomparably supe rior in every respect. The Tolman laundering method makes Table Linen look as if it had just come from the store. Conditions of the Contest The rluase should be c.itch easy to remem ber ami very brief not more than six or eight words. Tho contest is open to everybody, juid rach contestant may hubmlt as many suggestions us desired. All Bus-jestlons must be in by February 1". Tne contest will be judged by a committee of advertising: experts from tho staffs of the Washington newspapers. VY will pay J5 in gold for the slogan they adopt. Win-REVEIt YOC AIIE WE CAN' SEUVB YOl IN WASHINGTON BY AUTOMOBILES Oil WAGONi ANYWHERE IN' TIJE I S. BY PARCEL POST. DROP POSTAL OU PHONE M. 23'jr'. The Tolman Laundry F. W. MacKenzie, Manager. Cor. 6th & C Sts. N W. "The Laundry That uses Ivory Soap" OTHER "STEP-LIVELY" SALE BARGAINS 1 Girls' and Boys' $1.50 & $1.75 Shoes $1.39 Several &00J wearing styles of Girb' School Shoes all tl" S Ut In J Small Unj s' V,d k or Tan torm r.ilf Hlm-hur and Button Slio'-y. Mil a 10 to K'. Misses' & Boys' M ZA $2 & $2.50 Values. 4 I . O " 8 popular tles of Boys' extra well made and service able 'I'.'ii nr IJIatk Storm Calf ISItu'h' r ami Hut. mi 1J,io'S. Solid tolis ami In i'lf :-i7e 1 to ".'.. Milken' noil liilil'H Handfimlv Stvlcd unj ti.i Coud Wearim? High-cut lliillim xiinii Miiii"!. Afa li ot Tat. m Cult or SluutGun -Mttal ("alf. wit'i dull calf toi Mis '1 to "Step I,lcl" I'rlre an I'-i'- $1.69 Women's $2.50 Grade Evening (J -f T Slippers 41.!0 Black, white, pink, and blue satin Pumps with Cuban heel and Chiffon Bow or Rhine stone Buckles. Black VeHet Pumps; io pretty kinds. $2.79 Women's $3.00 to $4 Boots at... Over 50 popular styles of our famous "VENUS" and other highest grade $..00 to $4. JO Boots. Including suih desirable tilings as rcieilr toe and Ktylii-b flat last iffecti intdh'.Ti an-1 full lilgh-toi' models ciotli tojis ? pool and high Cuban lid l and Low Heel Hoots. Tuns. Droit nx, )lnck, loeii(. Slop I.I el?" (Ug rjf Price oZ.ll WM. HAHN & CO.'S!i9i4!i,h9,rPa.ANNWw. 3 Reliable Shoe Houses 233 Pa. Ave. S. E. I n I 5 00 Use a Remington Typewriter THREE MONTHS $ FOR JE WILL rent you an undcrstroko model " 6, 7 or 8 Remington Typewriter for One-Quarter of a Year THREE MONTHS for $5.00 tho most advantageous rental terms ever offered by the manufacturers. A"Vrp if you wish to buy a machine at the endof this rental "tJ- period, the rental money already paid will be credited upon your purchase. Remington Typewriter Company fcix5f (Incorporated) AVaahlncton Katttt ott0 Sc (En "THE BUSY CORNER" 8TH ST. AND PENNA. AVE. Mothers, Grasp this Opportunity toOUTFITtheLITTLEFOLKS at ONE-HALF Price and LESS All Odd Lots-All Broken Lines All Slightly Soiled Gar ments Must Be Closed From the Stock Before We Invoice. Special Tables Filled With These se5 White Dresses, Drawers, Undervests, Petticoats, Rompers, Lawn Caps, Waists, Drawer Leggins, Outing Flannel Gowns All At One-Half the Original Prices Girls' Dresses of fine white lawn, batiste, and organdie, trimmed with laces or embroideries. In. sizes C to 14 years, to close: 93.00 Dressea, l-&0 S4.00 Dresses, 93.00. 95.00 Dreaaea, fSJSO. 17.50 Dresses, 93.75. 38JOO Dresses to clorfe at 9-J-OO. Girls' Middy Suits; 6 to 12 year sizes, made of lavy blue serge. Reduced from, CJjr AA fio.oo to . viOAJv Girls' Challie Dresses, new Ions waist styles. tvnn messaiine giraie; rcaucea irom S7.50 to S3.75 Girls Middy Blouses in the popular Paul Jones lad Mendel makes. Reduced from ?L5Q and iTQa 52.00 to ..'. iVC Little Folks' Store Second Floor. Are You Looking For a Bit of Trimming To Brighten JSome Garment ? Then, you will find just the thing: on our Street Floor Bar gain Tablo where Gulmpes and trimming Braids, in a variety of colors and styles aro waiting for you to put them to use. Values to 12c I Special a Yard 2k Because Broken Sizes and Styles WALOHtf CUSTOM-MADE CORSETS Regularly $3.50, So, S7.50 To Close, $2.50 If your size is hero, and no doubt it is In one of the eight styles represented In this lot. you get one of tho best values of the clearance sale. These are In plain and striped Coutil; medium bust style trimmed with lace and rib bon, finished with 2 and 3 sets garters. Corset Store Second Floor. Noteworthy Lots LINING SATINS AND SATEEN REMNANTS Lot 1 Lot 2 lOcEach 20cEach In all the Istest shades, also black; short lengths for fancy work or trimmings. REMNANTS OF SATEEN AND PERCAUNE, CANVAS, etc, good lengths for lining coats, dresses, suits, -i eyifor. etc. Per yard. Friday JL27C Lining Store Street Floor. Semi-Trimmed and Ready to Wear Hats for Early Spring Wear New Ones Added to Our Attractive Lines At $3.50 Tomorrow Hats suitable to wear now. as many are made with crowns of taf feta, straw facings and novelty trimmings. Hats also of maline. vel vet, and jet combined; others of velvet and maline or maline and taf feta. In Black and the New Colors. Find them on special tables at the Milliners' Store, second floor. SEE tho new lines of small dainty flowers In clusters and strands for use In brightening up your old hat. They are priced very moderately. Odd Lots to Close ALL SILK WASH RIBBONS In white, pink, blue, and lav ender tho fancy center kind with narrow satin edge. 10 yard pieces reduced as fol lows: No. 1 Was 10c, reduced to 15c Ao.1 IV'aa 25c, reduced to 10c Xo. 3 Wan 35c, reduced to 35c Ribbon Store Street Floor. January Clearance Extraordinary At the Drapery Store Friday 10c ODII WU.TS or NETS XI DRAPERIES 20c to 35c Values. Friday Clearance Price, 3d Special table of assorted draperies white nets, 36x45 inches wide; 13x27 inch panel nets, arablan cojors; scrim, white, and cream with neat braided edge; plain mercerized sateens, plain linens; cretonnes, in pretty conventional and floral designs, with tan. light, and dark green grounds; 36 inches wide. "OSTCHMOOn" MATTHESSES, rcKiilnrly 915.00 to 91S.O0. I'rl- Prtcec.,e.".r."n.:r. S12.50 Full size, choice of A. C. A. mercerized stripes or satin art twill ticking; slightly foiled from handling at wurehouse. Finest white layer felt. SLIGHTLY SOILED LL-FELT SMTIKESSES Greatly reduced to close quickly; good quality ticking. 1 915.00 MATTRESS, for double bed 1 9H MATTRESS, for double bed 1 97.50 MATTRESS, for three-quarter bed... 1 90.00 MATTRESS, for three-quarter bed... 1 915.00 MATTRESS, for three-quarter bed... 1 912.50 MATTRESS, for single bed 91-5 I.ACDT ARABIAN PANELS. Size. 32x48 inches; with pretty l'and-mide centers. Friday CQ $9.50 S4.50 $4.00 $5.00 $9.50 $8.50 DOOR Clearance, each. Drapery Storc- -Third Floor. TABLE LOT ODD PAIRS FIE LACE CURTAINS. Values, J4.5Q and ?5.00. CJO ( Friday Clearance, pair... B5OU Including Irish Point. Linen Lace, Cluny, Scrims. Marquis ettes, Scotch Cables, and Novelty Nets, good assortment of stl--'s. In cream, white, and Arabian; in 2 to 3 yard lengths. 92.25 TAPESTItV SCARFS. are? $1.00 25x&2 Inches; heavy- rich qual ity; mahogany and green color ings; for tablo or dresser. ONE TABLi: LOT ODD TAPES TRY PORTIERES. Fringed, bordered, or edged, sunfast madras styles, odd strips, values if In pairs. J3.i0 to J7.00. Clearance Q1 (( price, each t3A.Uu 10c NET AND SWISS. Friday. fip a yard "U Off the bolt; not remnants, fig ured fish net. also dotted swiss. Limit to customer, 10 arls. EIOllT MASSIVE BRASS nUIX. e;rch?.y- $14.50 2-inch filling rods and posts, bright or t,atin finish, guaran teed lacquer: all full style. 1 to 1 h Yard Lengths of Veilings To Close 29c Length A quick disposal of every length left from the month's selling. New patterns In black, white, navy, brown, and taupe. Don't miss this offer. Veil Store Street Floor. Pillow Tops Center Pieces and Scarfs Stamped on Good Materials In floral and conventional de signs, discontinued designs, therefore 39c values to - tn close Friday at AuL GOWNS, stamped on good quality nainsook; sis designs from which to make (TA your selection. Each ... OUC STAMPED CORSET COVERS, stamped on good quality nain sook, verj dainty and IQ- neat Special Art Stort; Third Floor. 3310 Av York Avcuuc X. . TrJ. 31nl 330. s