Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY ,2. 1914. 0 e E NGLAND TORN BY TANGO TANGLES Wellesley "Prom" To Be Minus Dip Dance Lynn Boys Threaten a Boycott. BOSTON; Jan. 22 The tango 1ms ''most replaced the railroad problem as ew England's prize controversy. In a ozen cit'es, prohibition or criticism of ie dance has divided the residents inti wo camps during the last few days, and idav three now storm centers ap- ifHred. t .The "vicllesley senior "prom" in the Iary Hemcnway Gymnasium. February tvill be taneolcss, by order of the acuity The gloom about the girls' school Is thick. In Lynn, where high school bos threatened boycott of the tangolcbs an nual ball, Superintendent Peaslee has tamed a statement advlfelwr parents to accompany their children to dances and Investigate the now btcps. ' Concord. N. H.. adopted home of l any K Thaw, is said to be the only Noh England tone absolutely free from tae tango craze today. Mayor French ordered the dance eliminated and the olicc followed orders strictly. North Carolina Society To Dive Dinner Saturday Prominent North Carollnans will be the guests of the North Carolina Society at its annual dinner Saturday night at rtauscher's. The honor guests will be STretary of the Navy Daniels, W. L. "'otteat. president of Wake Forest (N. " ) College, and Prof. C Alphonso Smith, of the University of Virginia. The decorations will be bowers of lone leaf pine sent from Aberdeen, N. C. by Congressman Robert N. Page. ,1 White House Is Snubbed By a Snub-Nosed Terrier Only Naturalized Jap Will Lose Citizenship OS ANGELES, Jan. 22. Since 1S96, 1 ljssls S Kcneko, rated as one of southern California s wealthiest jap- wesc, has enjoyed all the privileges of American citizenship, including the r gnt 'o vote. Kaneko in the only naturalized Japanese In the United States, and lii3 papers are to bo revoked. Baggy having snubbed the White House and its social whirl, the White House is shocked. Baggy is a little snub-nosed, spindle-shanked, black and tan terrier a Manchester terrier, if you please. He has a pedigree, but no man ners. He belonged for a few minutes to Miss Isabella Hagncr, social secretary to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. His career in the high social circles of the Presidential set was brief. To be exact, it lasted eleven minutes. i Miss Hagner had been anxious to own Baggy for some time. He belonged to a friend of hers in Boston, and his attitude was so su perior that Miss Hagner begged for him. Monday she received word that Baggy was on his way. The information was spread among her friends, including Mrs. Wilson and the Misses Wilson. There was general suriosity in the White House to see Baggy. Baggy arrived Monday in a crate and in a high state of indigna tion. He was delivered at Miss Hagner's apartments, at the Park wood. She was there to receive him. With her were several women anxious to pay homage to Baggy. Baggy emerged from his crate growling. He glared about him. "I shall take him to the White House immediately," said Miss Hagner. At this Baggy sprang to his feet, and, without more ado, leaped through the open window. Miss Hagner and her friends crowded to the window, expecting to see a crumpled heap on the side-walk. In stead, they saw a streak of black and tan dashing around the corner. AH trace of Baggy is gone. No Desire to Smoke. HOBOKEN. X. J . Jan. 22. Fifty men and oys have taksn throat treatment in Itecorder McGovern's war on clgar tttes. "I don't feel like smoking and I don't even feel like eating." said one '.cini I'm tS?.'aS?ri The OH. IjIjIjIjIK&... I Rainiest WHITE BttrBJJfeZ 0"lf T00TH.WISD0M from one who has cut his wisdom teeth in the matter of Scientific Dentistry The one bit of tooth w'sdom which is of supreme importance to YOr your health, your comfort, and your appearanc e is this. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH Come to me IMMEDIATELY as soon as you have the slightest Ink ling of trouble with your teeth and I Will make them right. At the least cost to you. I am prepared and equipped to give you the very best, most re liable dental work bv ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS METHODS and I will let jou paj for the work at your own convenien e PAY AS YU CAN Don't hesitate a moment longer even if thej seem all right I WILL EXAMINE YOUR TEETH FREE and tell ou cliil vUiut can, may or should be done wituuut obli gating ou In am wa SPECIAL FREE A Gold Crown Free n i:ery Set of Teeth Made This Month My Anchor Suction Teeth Never Slip Never Drop $5.00 n Single Set Gold Crowns, Bridgework, 53.00, 84.00, $5.00 FILLI.VGS Plans to Carry Five In Flight Across Ocean LONDON. Jan. 22. Claude Gra-hame-'Wfcitc the aviator, today con tinued work on his plans to fly across the Atlantic in the summer of iai5. He said some of the work on his aeroplane for the trip has been done. He intends to make tho trip in from forty to sixty hours and land at New York, carrying four or five persons. TJi'e aviator was induced to talk of his project because of reports from America, that Orville .Wright and Harry Atwood are planning a. trans oceanic flight from the other side. Friends Laugh When He Tells of Taking Poison NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 22. Nobody would befleve Herbert W. Hoover, twenty-five years old. of 228 Mulberry street, when he announced to a party of friends early today that he had taken four bichloride of mercury tablets, -md it was r.ot until he was seized with a fit of vomiting that his condition was realized He is now -at the City Hos pital. Hoover returned last September after walking to Ban Francisco and bach, nnd the results of tho strain of the trip has been apparent for some tunc. Moobwarb & OLotbrop New York -WASHINGTON Paris. Friday Special and Clearance Sales unite with remnant offerings to make tomorrow a most im portant shopping day. Friday Special Sale of MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS At Very Exceptional Prices. Men's Night Shirts and Pajamas, comprising the collection of samples and seconds of one of the foremost manufacturers whom we represent exclusively in Washington. Some are soiled or mussed from packing, others have slight defects, such as oil spots, dropped stitches in the fabric, which will not in any respect prove detrimental to the garments except in present appearance, and even now, msyiy of these defects are not visible to the untrained eye. These garments were secured at great price concessions ana are priced exception ally low. Arranged on convenient center display tables that will facilitate and quicken choosing. Men's Night Shirts Lot 1 Outing Flannel, Cambric, Cotton, and Nainsook: plain and trim med; ve neck or with attached col lar'; sizes 16 and 17; soiled. Grades that sell from 51.00 to $1.50. Special price, 68c each. I.ot 2 Cambric and Cotton, vp neck or with collar, plain and braid trim med styles; sl7'-s 16 and 17; soiled. Grades that sell from 75c to Sc Special price, 55c each. 50c Come to me with pei feet confidence I Guarantee Every Operation I Undertake. DR. WHITE PAINLESS DENTIST 4077ft RW. St?. pokKc oulMorth's HOIKS: ht'to to Sun, in to 1; Wed. and Sat., Inlll S p. m. I'hone M. 10 Lot ". Outing Flannel. Cotton, and Canibnr Xiclit Khi'-ts; vo nockorwlth collirh, plain and trim-ied, lz 17; soiKtl It jrular 50c to "c lualities. Special price, 38c each. Lot Outing Flannel and Cotton; sizes 1".. K. 17. and IS. slightly dam aged; 50c to J1.00 is the regular sell ing price for these qualities. Special price, 38c each. Lot 5 Cotton Night Shirts; vc neck, trimmed: size 17; soiled. A regular 18c quality. Special price, 25c each. Main floor, r at. Men's Pajamas Ixt 1 Mercerized Cotton, mostly solid colors in good, refined effects; made with or without collars and in fmall and medium sizes; soiled. Grades that sell from $2.50 to $3.00. Special price, $1.15 suit. Lot 2 Outing Flannel, Cotton, and Madras; plain white and fancy ef fects, medium and large sizes. Grades that sell from $1.50 to S2.00. Special price, 95c suit I-fl ? Outing Flannel and Madras, white and colored- made with or with out cellars; me Hum and largr size-, oolled. Grades that retail from Sl.oo to J1.23. Special price, 68c suit. Lot i Outing Flannel and Madras. -lth and without collars: medium and large sizes; slightly damaged. If per fect, tney would sell at $1.00 to $1.50. Special price, 58c suit. t? $5.50 Will Buy an Electric Cooking Set Complete The HOT POLN'T ELECTRIC COOKING SET is wonderfully compact and convenient. Com prises an electric Iron (which serves as stove when inverted) and set of utensils adequate for all light cookerj' $5.50. XKlrctrlc Itndlndr, Op. National Electrical Q.,p.r,lTr P KS-IW T Ae. ' J "" i'hone 31. 6W. n Clearance Women's Suits, Formerly Selling at P 1 9 fir $25.00 to $30.00 . f$l.VO During the past week we have added new lots to the assortment at this low price. Black and navy blue are foremost, but there is a good line of fancy suits also. Shown in the choicest materials serges, eponge, broadcloth, chev iots, etc. In addition to the regular women's and misses' sizes from 14 to 42, we have 5 black and navy blue suits for stout women up to 51 bust. They are all new suits, and with the three months' seasonable weather ahead for their wear, no woman will make a mistake in purchasing. - $12.95 each. Regular $25.00 to $30.00 qualities. Third floor, G st- Annual Winter Clearance Men's Suits and Overcoats. To effect a quick clearance of our Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats all have been marked greatly below their real worth. If you arc thinking of buying a suit or coat this season you ought not to- miss this op portunity. All the smart new styles arc represented, in both suits and coats, showing many distinctive style points, and the more conservative garments, too. The best wool fabrics in excellent' weaves blues, grays, blacks, tans,. and fancies. , $14.75 were up to $20.00. $19.75 were up to $25,00, $23.75 were up to $35.00. Second floor, V L The Man!s Store Money's Worth or Money Back "ASaleWhatAm!" 514 Overcoats 767 Suits Put on Sale Today by D. J. Kaufman AT Big Bargain Prices This Means Every Overcoat Everv Suit In The Man's Store At Honestly Reduced Prices. No Exceptions. No Reservations.. Every $15 Overcoat and Suit $1 1"75 Every $20 Overcoat and Suit $13'75 Every $25 Overcoat and Suit $1Q'75 Every $30 Overcoat and Suit $19'75 Every $35 Overcoat and Suit $2375 Every $40 Overcoat $28'75 NEW HO- RS: 8:30 to 5:30 "St; "".-,'.,. Tfe '-lUrwi .f .i? JtfV.i!-H'A'.;L5 vfiSvVv ic i(vji? A. LISNE R G AND ELEVENTH STR JETS Roger Spoons, 6 for 39c Stationery Only Boxes Hurt Leas than halt price for best ot fashionable etatlonery In boxes, 10cto$l Were 25" to $3.0 The stationery Is immaculate only the boxes iro soiled or partly broken. o o All Full Dress Coals and Trousers Reduced. Every S25 Full Dress Coa and Trousers $19.75 Every S37.50 Full Dress Coat ami Trousers $31.75 O o All Tuxedo Suits Reduced. Every S25 Tuxedo Suit $16.75 Every, S30 Tuxedo Suit $21.75 O O v Six Teaspoons . C3c H Six Tablc.opoons 79c i Six Dessertspoons TIM iB Si. D'n -r Knives Wc rilx Diiinpi Korks..... SOo SK Uesnert Forks sac Si oys'er Forks ?t.00 SK Uutter Spreaders $1.10 Hl UuuKion Spoons $1.23 Six Coff.v? S;ojns . .33q H $6.50 Art Glass rfinlnf? Room A M Dome. 18-inch size; com- CM QQ M JM plte with Welsbach burner""'" H VtBmT 33c In verted HI jJE9r Y e 1 s b a ch Gas H ' Lamp' 9Qp M ts : 'omplcte . fdOs mk io "Rav." m? r mw H , N"i Kcl-plntcU OH WiljKf M Lump, mL - a SE $1.09 wick.i UI ' " Alarm Clock Hj P$H395SHI. guaranteed Iff ImiHSsKiisSr0"1- 47o 9 $125 liiuare "WbImP I A illow 29c Floor M Clotlie-j Q7 Broom, be3t Kl Hamper ...vlk corn. 4 r7n B yfA sewed. ..lit H ffimSKMr $-50 Gas Ra I BEitlaMli'iluti"'- G tubes. H fff Ml Hoast top H stand, ol.i7 Gas Heater, with QS2SZ-35 larue alic star fWttfatl burmr Ilea' v IMljMfT W S ? S1.19 S3 96 ized Iron. Ash H S'Jo A-h Sifter. Can, iron run M with i over ot top and bottom" Q H can . DC Ton size, tbltd" o 1 3 C o m r Iffl tSSF&SE&iSSi rfui i i rrrrrrfff r B2 Hr9H J9iSJBr V Thi tr I IM JuflETHvlfcPiSW'S-' "an o m sMf o B BIH jfl' J2.4S l'crfett Oil lle.Utr .with Hj Miller smokeless burner, (PI 07 T M Buarant-ed jmv tD. J. Kaufman 1 1005-7 Penna. Ave. And Other Price Surprises Six Ico Cream Spoons. One Gravy Ladle........ One Soup Ladle On Salad Spoon One Cold Meat Fork.... One Cream Ladle. v One Pickle Fork, One Butter Knife One Sugar Shell Child Sot, 3 pieces ......$!.;3 55c. .W 63c AZc Sic Zte S5c 2c , ," 50c SterliBff SlUcr, staaipca QQn and guaranteed Ovt Valnea to fZ. Sterlins Silver Orange Spoons. SiiRar Spoons, Sugar Sifters, Sordino Forks, Baby Spoons. Food Pushers, Cream Ladles, Mayonnaise Ladles, Jelly Servers. Olive Spoons. Pickla Forks, Sugar Tongs. Basement Cat. In MBX the comsTtaM Inch 'Hudlt 50c With Coupon H H This Greater Palais Royal Base ment Floor Coupon and fifty (30) cents, entitles bearer to one $1.2 "Wizard Triangle Floor Mop. Good for Friday only, Jan. '23, 1311. THIS SET 41 Pieces . $1.39 Bought In single pieces at regular prices, this set would cost you $3100. :9c Gas Heatcr. an apparatus for cooking or heating, to be at tached to gas bracket-.. 19c Sir (SI Dinner Plates. Six (8) Soup Plates. Six (6) Fruit Plates. Six (6) Tea Cups. Six (6) Tea, Saucers. Six- (6) Ind. Butters. One (1) Sugar Bowl. One (1) Cream Pitcher One (1) Vegetable Dish. One (1) Meat Dish. All Frock Coats and Vests Reduced. Every 320 Frock Coat .m i Vest $15.75 Every $25 Frock Coat and Vest $49.75 O o All Fancy Vests Reduced. Every S4 Vest $2.65 Keystone Food Chopper, family size, wiui iour Steel knives 57c 50c Japanned Flour or Sasar Box. with hinged f ?b, 39c $1.00 Mre. Potts' Sad Irons, 3 In set, with handle and fi7f stand..., U'v SI. 53 Genuine Aluminum sauce- o o Should sell for $1.25, 50 dozen White Drs Shirts Manufactured by the celebrated Emery people especially ror us. o o 17 dozen Fine 50c and 75c Accordion Silk Scarfs A "whale" of a value, Special purchase 60 dozen Fine 15c Fast Black Hose (with white feet) IXC (Only 6 pairs to a customer) Big Midwinter Clearance Sale $1.50 Fancy A D. J. K. and Emery Shirts 3)1, 14 $3.73 Chamber Sets, 10 pieces, largf fancy shupc, new decora- (JJO Qf7 tlons ; ' $7 50 Dinner and Tea Sets, 100 pieces. KngIU.ii china, new shape. (PP QIT nicely decorated fidtif I i2Z.X Haviland China Dinner and Tea Sets, 1C1 pieces, lirst quality, handsomely decorated in two styles, finished with Q-rT nr J1.25 Japaneso Fruit Sets, largo bov.I and six small saucers, Q7p decorated to match I v tc Carlsbad China Tea Sets, tea pot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, ana butter dish, decorated to AHt match IC 23c Imported Cracker Jars, new shape, with side handles, 1 ftp assorted decorations JLt7i si. 53 Genuine Aluminam Sauce pans, 3 in set. 4. 6. and 5- Q'7 pint sizes lJL $1.29 Oval Wash nollcrs, copper bottom. 97c o9c Galvanized iron Wash Tub. fain- cyjn ily size . . Alt What size do you wear? Clean-up sale of 88 gm Derbies and Soft Hats sold as high as $3.00 "OC The following sizes onh : Quantities s H 14 4u 6 6 3 Sizes 65-6 63 i Gs 7 7 i 7 4 73 Chin.i Slop cover iiia handle 37c 1: dozen Glass T-ible Tumblers, size ldC Soap, Ftc, 3c IJabblti's, Fels Naptha, Stur, and IJrooke's Crystal Soap, Pearllne, Stove I'olish. Gold Dust. CO Clothes 11ns, .uul larso bottlo Household Ammonia, and other 3c Qlhn articles O C 39c Garbage Can. with cover, galvanized QQ Iron Ov G9- Rollins Top Kiv.l Bos. oalle...r...47c $1.23 Folding Cuttlntr Tabic, polished top. jb inches C7 ions O'' 33c Decorated .t"hanB 17f If lQ' I ' i ' r1 30c Bath Iloom Set. nickel OQp 1 nlated in back U7U I 69c Step Lad der. 1 feet hln. with pail QQn shelf OVL $1.23 Step Lad der Chairs. high 79c The Greater Palais Royal A. LISNER Hours 8:30 to 5:30 G STREET I V