Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES, THURSDAY; JANUARY 22, 1914. G jr n .. ,-,-,. Alexandria, Laurel, Anacostia, Rockville, Randle Highlands, And Hyattsville. ALEXANDRIA. ' ie carloads of exhibits of the mted States Department of Agricul- are liave been shipped from the Gov- rnracnt warehouse Ju this city to Dal- as, frr the National Corn Exhibit, Feb- 'iary 10. 31. M. Klein, agent for the icpartmcnt, will leave Monday for Dal-J ias j The exhibits cover the activities of the icpartment, the work of the forestry, cood roads, soils, meat inspection, plant ndustry, and animal industry bureaus Tins shown in -tail. Photographs, rausparencies, exhibits of soli, seeds, nd plants and models of Slaughter nouses, dairies, anj machinery arc used. Staccy 11 Snowden. one of the oldest i..clilnntti nf nnrl linrn I'lrinla aliort Ml '; residence at joowdens fetation to-1 a Air. t-nowden lived at that placo j V J He leaves a wiaow. Tlic funeral wil be held Saturday. ii .-oiiilrio wn fr tfmm jinv primes i magnitude during the past year, ac- oi-dins to the report of cnier oi ro- e Goods, submitted to the board of poll c commissioners last night. The "Teats for the year were L45G. of which u were for drunk and disorderly and "5 for allowing dogs to .run on tne streets without muzzles. Goods to the Amount oC I5,15S.tS were stolen, and $3, of this amount was recovered. The board sustained the action of Mayor f isher In suspending Policeman Ean- nci T Youns, but restored him to rauK a'ler :i warning. Tanner Trigger was apnointed a special policeman for Hen-y (. iK-shlre. Dr T Marshall Jones was today ap pointed by Judge -Louis C. Barley, of las corporation court,; as coroner of Alexandria, In p.lace or Dr. S. B. Moore. Troop Xo. 1, Boy Scouts of America, '' e completed the program for the en tertainment to he given Friday night i the Westminster building for their ouilding fund. The program will con sist or vocal and Instrumental solos, a liorus, impersonations, magic, and ven triloquism. Following are among those ' Ho will take Dart: Miss F. Klmr. Miss Caroline Kast Miss Dora Varney, Miss '-rilia Bender, Miss Blanche Rochford. Justin Y. Cox, F. Purdy, j. L. Kid well, itid M. Solomon. Many of the leading citizens of Alex andria will Join the Cardinal Athletic l 'ub tonight In doing honor to Clark Oriffllh, at a banquet for the Nationals' I dot at the Hotel Ranunel. Sylvester A. llreen will preside, and introduce Mayor Thomas A. Fisher as toastmaster. 'Irs Kmma McCuen has sold -to Bar bara M. Frommelt, wife of Oswald Kroramelt, a house and lot on the east hide of Patrick street between Cameron nd Queen streets. At a meeting of, Alva Aerie No. S7I. Fraternal Order or Eagles, Wednesday night William 1. Rammel was elected worthy chaplain. The dancing committee of Alexandria Lodge of Elks will give a masked ball jn, tne Elks' Audjtopum, on Prince street tonight LAUREL. K public meeting will be held this evening in the Masonic hall. It was railed by Mayor Waters to hear from 'itizens regarding a hill for the in Ktallatton of a sewerage system and lay 'ng additional water mains. The sewerage question has been voted ipon three times in four years and each rtme has lost The mar"-iage'of Miss India Soper and Harry Barton, both of Laurel, will take piece at the parsonage of the Centenary Methodist Church Saturday evening, Iter. John II. Jeffries officiating. Lnder the auspices of the Bar Asso ciation of Prince George countv, a me morial service for Charles H. Stanlev, of Laurel, former comptroller of the tate. and a leading member of the ountry bar. will be held soon. Laurel Lodge, Knights of Pvthias. will celebrate the fiftieth anniversarv ' the order hre In their castle next nonth. RANDLE HIGHLANDS. The Randle Highlands Citizens' As sociation tomorrow will hear current' opics discussed 1)3- Prof. Allan Davis, inncipal of Business High School ; Dr. eorge C Havenner, president of the Minnesota Avenue Improvement Asso- ation. Maurice Otterback. of the Ana- jstf.i Citizens' Association Col. A. A. zn.3i and several Congressmen. A jpresentative of the Street Safety As vii'ion also will make an addrcs Vr T. W. McCubbin has been ap ,Kinted head of the women's reception jramlttce. James M. Brooks is chair nan of the mtn's committer. icociation will deliver an address m i It cross, feverish, constipated, ' give "California Syrup of Fire. A laxative today saves a siut cmld tomorrow. Children simply will not 'alee the time from play to empty their nowcls, which become clocged un witii aste. liven gets ."luggisli: stomach o ir. '..ook ai the tongue, mother' if coat ed, or vour child is listless, cross, le-e-iEi. breath bad. r.-tl.s, doesn't 'at heartily, full of ejjj or j,as Porc "oat or any other children's ailment ' e a tcaspoonful ot California ay ,V of Figs," then Jon't worrv. be ausc it is perfectly liarmless. and .n few hours all this contitlpat'on poi on, sour bile and melting wane VII gentlv move out of Ihe bowels, and jou have a well, playful child again. t'lorougli "inside cleansing" Ife 'times all that Is necessary. Jt should the first treatment qnen in an ckness. Beware of counterfeit fig sj-ups. Ask our druggist for a 4-c?nt bottle of California Syrup of Figs," wliirii has 'II directions for 'jables, children of all ages, and for grown-uis, plainly printed on the bottle. 7.ook carefully and see that it is made by the "Califor nia Fig Syrup Company." Don't bo fooled Advt MILLER'S Self-raising Buckwheat LOOKS LIKE EiriCWIIUAT TASTES I.IKE UUTKWHEAT -GITARAXTEED PritE. CTAl your grocer. Ko consumers ruppUi-6. a B. EARNSHAW & BRO. RIolciBlers, 11 U and M SU. S. E. i ! i lift! IF CHILD'S ; Fpf lfr mt - u "" Stf&SA'GE IS GETTING : the Baptist Church next Mondar even ing. The Rev. Dr. Ramsey, minister in chsnre of Baptist churches in Lancaster and Northumberland counties, Va.. has accepted the call of the Handle High lands Baptist Church, to become its pas tor. He will arrive here in March. The Ranule Highlands postoffice has been removed to Minnesota avenue and Nicholson street. Mrs. P. B. McKinnef is the new postmistress. Acting upon a petition of residents oS Randle Highlands, postolflce officials have ordered a night collection of mail to be made at 11 o'clock. ANACOSTIA. Salem Iodqe. No. 23. I. O. O. I" . to night 1111 celebrate its twenty-first an niversary. Hoseph K. Davison, record ing secretary, and founder, will mnko the address. The public bridge spanning Oxon run or. Barnaby road. Is regarded as in a dangerous condition and the District Commissioners were asked yesterflay to order its improvement. The Men's Club of the Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church tonight will have a "ladies' night'" In the parish hall In V street. The committee on Inquiry into the his torical connections of Anacostia appoint ed by the citizens' essociation. with S. K. Miller, as chairiTian. will present a report, at the next meeting. Mrs. James A. Martin, wife of the chief gunner of the torpedo boat, Dixie, now in Cuban waters, is visiting D. C. Fountain, her father ROCKVILLE. Mrs. LMHan F. Luxc-n, of Glen Echo, has started divorce proceed ings against Joseph A. Luxcn, nam ing a cd-respondcni. Directois of the Montsomen- Cour -tv Agricultural :ocloty yestercla elected ihe follow inc officers. l.--Offutt. president Charles F. Kirk, vice president: lames T. Bogly, scf -retarj : John J. JJingins. treasure. Old Men Retain a Youthful Appearance Their hair does not turn grey. It does not fall oat. It does not become brittle. They use It restores natural color to grey or faded hair, enlivens the hair follicles, cleanses the scalp. Results are guaran teed. Your dealer is always ready to refund your money if yoa are not satisfied. 50e nd SI t imliUtt. Simple bottle cot on receipt of 10c and deilcr'a nime. Fbilo Hay Spcdaldci Co.. Nciruk, N.J. i lUOILK' THAIU. 7h K JV. V, 7h &- k js. .t o' uiii;g CO. Oth ,r A. W.J AFI'MCCK'S tlllL'ti STOKES, mill A- !' .V. V UCi A i N. A !lth .t A'. W.I CIini.H'1'I XA Ultbi; CO- J'JS Oth; ATKIAfellV, 110 7th; MAJOK'S I'll- Sltli A. 1; UIUKK A GIUIiR, Oth A A. T. Are.; It. nAII.Kl, Mill A A. T. Ae. THOMl'SO.-S PHA1U 7U3 15tli. ss y ,i -n. .- ' -. ? ocsv;sjnsocj m 1 1 1 1 i l m&3m&', Mfflmssk-xvA. .m&psxmam .bIHbbl A'mmssFmmm$-A imggif.w The Rockville if. ilr this year will be on August 25, 26. 27. and 2S. . The Rev. Frank M. Richardson, pas tor of the Southern Methodist Church, officiated at the marriage ye- rdiy afternoon of Marvin Watts 1 ore, twenty-two, and Miss Ida Mc .inley Grown, seventeen, both of Appoma tox. Va. A license to marry has been issued to Paul T)e Voe Sleeper, of Newport News. Va.. and Miss Mary Mildred Leavell, of Chevv Chase. HYATTSVILLE. The delegation of citizens from Hyattsville, Brentwood. Riverdale, Bla denshurg and Mt. Rainier who yester day journeyed to Annapolis to urge tho legislature to provide for a high school Luilding in this section brought bark good news to'thls town. The legislators from this county promised to introduce a "bill appropriating J25.0CO for the ground and building and equipping a high f-choo! at Hyattsville. It is understood that several lotB will be secured at the northern end of Hattsviile. adjacent to Riverdale. The placing of the school at tlis point will put It in a 5--nt trolley zone from all the adjacent towns in this section. It is understood that a bill will bo shortly introduced in Uic legislature, one clause- of which it is said will provide v JC0.000 armory for Company F. tho local company of the State" national guaia. Dr. Alfred H. Wells has sold his drug store business to S. WIllianiH Ford, who has been manager for a large drug company in lidltlmorc. The transaction did not include the build ing, which will still remain the prop erty of Dr. Wells. The Oriole Social Club i f Bladens burg will hold an jys'er roast and HER HEALTH WAS WRECKED But Miss Rosie Martin Got Back Her Strenth By Using Father John' Medicine. U !. IttIM II VII'I'I. ' For three long months 1 was so ueak that I could nut c-cn fetainl .ipun m feet Mj nertes were all unstrung and I could not i ontrol tlurn In unv ,i). I had also a lun king (ougii. I ujs act ually groniug worse all tlic time until mi father brought home a bottle of Fa ther John's Medicine, as recommended bv a friend, and I am pleased to nay that it hs cured inc. I have never felt bo well as I am now. Words cannot ex press my gratitude, and 1 gladly recom mend It to nil. I always keep a bottle of it on hand now for colds. (Signed! .Miss Kosle Martin, Box 12, I'usliuw, Oldtuwn, Mo. Hemembei, Father Johns" Medicine ciues colds mill coughs without the uso of alcohol or dangerous drug" It is pure and wholesome. Ad vu LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavfflP!''vr SCARCE dance in the Bladensburg town hall to night. Immediately after drill last night orders were issued "jarring a'l persons not members of the compaay from tho armory of company F, excepting mem bers of the. basketball team, who have not yet enlisted, and visitors under cer tain restrictions. Tho Ladles' Aid Society of the First Presbyterian Church aro making ac tive preparations for the giving of the comedy, "Our Busy Ladies' Aid,' in tho Masonic Temple on tne evening of February 2a Mrs. A. T. Hanson has charge of the enterprise. Officials to Inspect Proposed Highway l,osan Waller Page, director of tho office of public roads, has arranged for a scouting party of officials of that of fice, of the American Highway Associa tion and various State highway de tainments to motor next month from Wushi!i'tjn to Atlanta. Ga along the j r ' S-rtm.)i rriHil This will be preliminary to the in i . ..ii.' a o the Govern- in' nt ,ii. d Stai m in co-operation as an ol'ject lesson of- what can 'be accom plished ly 'his means. Fined Under Food Law. Unwholesome oysters r.cre sold by Edgar II. Hammond to a Washington purchaser, according to his plea of guilty in the Polire Court today. He paid a $5 fine for violating the pure food and drug act i act i l ' T " a am I! J HTM2 ' ' Get Busy With Your Telephone When you want to get your work cleaned up and those "hanging fire" matters disposed of, get busy with your telephone. With your work in front of you on your desk and yourself face to face with your telephone, you can accom plish things. In a few minutes you 'can dispose of what would amount to two hours' work if handled by correspon ' dence. Don't leave your work unfinished when you leave your office. Use the telephone freely and "clean up." THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY II ARE INJURE BY FALLS AT FIRE Woman and Fireman Hurt When She Drops and Strikes Would-Be Rescuer. Losing her balance as she was about to stcpf from a window ledge to a lad der on which Private J. H. Swan, of No. 10 engine company, was waiting to carry her to safety, .from a firo which swept the residence of Thomas n. Sturgls, 630 Twelfth street northeast, this morning. Miss Lottie M. Thomas, thirty-eight years old, fell to the ground and cur ried Swan with her. Miss Thomas suffered & compound fracture of the left 1c?; and was badly shaken ip and bruised. Swan suffered a sprained ankle. The fire, which staxtd in the base ment from an overheated furnace, iiid spread to tho upper stories of tho house before it was discovered, and all the occupants were forced to leave Jn their night clothing. Miss Grace Sturgis, nineteen years old, and Miss Mary Fenton, were aided Let Me Send You k Treatment of My Catarrh Cure Free fa I Will TaKr Any Case of Catarrh. No Matter Hon- Chronic, or What Mse It la In, nail I'lmre K'X TIlir.LY AT MV KXIMIXSK That H Can Hr Cared. Curing Catarrh has been my business for years, and during this time over one million people have come to mo from all over the land for treatment and advice. My method is original. I cure the disease by first curing the cause. Thus my combined treatment cures where all clso fails. I can demonstrate to you In lust a fow days' time that my "method Is quick, sure and complete, because It rids tho system of tho poi sonous germs that causo catarrh. Send your name and address at once to C. 15. Gauss, and ho will send you the treatment referred to, Fill out the coupon below. Advt r it k k This coupon is good for a pack age of GAl'SS COM BIXED CA TARRH ci'HK sent free by mall. Simply fill in name and address on dotted lines below, and mall to C K. GAUSS, 5311 Main St, Marshall, Mich. down the ladder by lircmcn, Immedi ately after Swan and Miss Thomas fcil. Mrs. Sturgis and her thii csrn-ycar-old son, Harry, were assisted to tho street ly William Lynn, a boarje-. Had Gone To Work. Sturgis, who Is a District garbage in spector, had left the house to go to w6rk about an hour before the fire was discovered. The house Is a two-story brick structure, and all the occupants were sleeping in rooms on the second floor. Lynn wa3 awakened by smoke In his room a few minutes after C, and looking out In the hall, saw (lames shooting up the stairway. He hurriedly awakened the others, Mrs. Surgls got her son out Of bed, and they went to the hall where Lynn was waiting. In splto of tho dense smoke and flames which were rapidly work ing their way to the second floor, Mrs. ! Sturgis, Lynn, Jind the boy made a dash for tho stairway and reached the street in safety. Lynn was going back in the house In i.l fliA ntltA,. thM. wnman llt in the meantime neighbors had seen the! smoke and sounded an alarm. The fire- j men arrived lust as Lynn was going! back in the house. Miss Thomas, who Is a sister of Mrs. Sturgis; Miss Sturgis, and Miss Fenton, were leaning out second-floor windows. Ladder Is Raised. The smoke was so thick by this time that Lynn and the firemen found it im possible to get up the stairway, and a Strengthen Your Nerve Vitality Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers alaks Yoa Happy, Strong and Vigorous, Fill Your Brain With Cheerfulness and "Make You Tingle With Life. 50-CENT BOX FREE TO MEN AND WOMEN Just bo glad you are alive: don't let work or worry unnerve vou. Ton u your low -vitality with Kellocrz'H Sani tone Wafers and get a new grip on life. Keltocs's Snnltone Wnfrra Are Simply tirent lor 'mat Tired Keeling-. This is tho greatest known nerve ln vigorator; a brain-clearer and vim giver, for both men and women, nn cqualed in all the world. Has overwork or other cause made yoji brain-fagged, weak-nerved and peevish? Do you "play out." mentally and physically, at the slightest effort? Kellogg's Sanitono Wafers aro a quick-action remedy: they brace you with new life right off. They make you strong, courageous and undismayed, no matter what you have tq face. Send your name and address today with six cents In stamps to help pay postage and packing for a free 20c trial box of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers, to F. J. Kellogg Co.. 23W Hoffmastcr Block, Battle Creek. Michigan. '(Tho regular StOO size of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers aro sold in Washington by Affleck's Drug Store. 15th and F Sts. X. W.: Day & Co.. N. E. corner 5th and G Sts. X. W.: People's Phormacv, 2 stores. 7th & K Sts. X. W. and 7th & E Sts. X'. W.; O'Donnell's Drug Stores, 304 F St. X. W. and S01 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. Xo free boxes from druggists. Advt. RED CROSS A Sweet Utile Treat That's Mighly Hard To Beat 5c PER BOX Cough Drops JLiSll r ladder was raised At the'front of the house- Fireman Swan' started up the ladder to carry the women tp safety. Just before r.c reached the win dg'v Mini Thomas stepped from the ledge and tried to Bet on the ladder. Her foot slipped, and 3ho fell on Synn, carrying him to tho ground. Other firemen went, up tho ladder and assisted Mls3 Sturgis and Miss Fen ton down. At Casualtv Hospital, Dr. Klnp found that Miss Thomas' lejr had been broken in two places. Swan's ankle was badly sprained, but after having the Injury dressed he declined to remain nt the hospital. The building Js owned by J L. Rab bitt, president of the Georgetown Sup Made a New MTU THOJIAS mj.EY. Duffy's Pure is made for use in tho home, hospital, a- ;' ;,' v v&ixaBaa jfV,, Mp sJ aaa v &?? &?ir!'-wM&iWMMM ,Mm2 A-ydMMMMMJi bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV'IvQbm?'' 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh BBBBBBBa XH'aBBBBBBBBBH ful elements or tho ordinary beverage wnisKey. Thousands of doctors rely upon Duffy's because of Its mirltv- It run he rienenflerl unon for indlircstlon.' stomach trouble, coughs, colds, bronchitis, grip, pheu monla, catarrh and throat and lung troubles. It strengthens and stimulates. Tfows the time tq use It to prevent a breakdown of fosevs during winter when you need the greatest vigor. Sold by most druggists, grocers and dealers, $I.y0 a large bottle-. Write for free medical booklet. Prtftect yonraelf asalaat poKslble rrfllllnst rhen bottle In empty, ferrate it The Duffy M.llt "VttUiv Cn TtrwhAatl.,. "V. "V. , ; Our Stores Reduce Your Expenses By Saving You Money on the BEST GROCERIES Fresh Creamery Butter, 1 pound prints. , . . . . .,.-. 35c Pure Lard, per pound .'., , ... 12c Fancy Sugar Cured Hams, per pound 17 Vic Marigold Oleomargarine, 1 lb. Prints, 25c An ideal substitute for butter that is giving entire sat, faction both in quality and price. No. 3 Size Tomatoes, excellent quality, per can.-. ...v. 7Jjc Sugar Corn, a brand you will like, per can. ....... 7c Good Table Peas, 3 cans for ..-. 25c Large Can Beets. 10c Challenge Milk, per can ". 10c Gambrill's Patapsco Flour 6-lb sack .- 19c 12-lbsack 38c "Bull frog" Self-Rising flour, full 2 lb. Package 10c GambrilPs Wheat Pearls, per Package, 13c The superiority of this article is apparent to. all who have tried it. Are you among them? If not, you should get a package at once. Geiger's Prepared Buckwheat, per package 9c L. C. F. Rolled Oats, per package, 9c; 3 for... 25c Fancy Head Rice, per pound 7V&C Large California Prunes, 2 pounds'for 25c Fancy California Evaporated Peaches, per pound ... lie Fine Granulated Sugar, per pound 4c Consumers' Delight Coffee, per pound 25c Banquet Brand Coffee, per pound 30c Occidental Brand Coffee, per pound 35c Ceylon Tea, a Real 60c value, per lb. 40c Beardsley's Shredded Codfiish, per package 9c; 3 for. . 25c Sauer Kraut, per quart 10c L. C. F. Prepared Mustard, per glass 4c Lump Starch, 3 pounds for ... 10c Jappe Toilet Paper, nine a cent rolls for '. 25c Note Sweet Heart Soap will be redeemed at our stores. LEAGUE OF CONSUMERS' FRIENDS PATRONIZE THE STORE NEAREST YOU oi:thkst. i:. i;. HubiTvii. 5lli anil A t. J. K rails A. n, tito j::th .it. J. i:. HIkcIc. 7th and II tx. i.iitiicr r. iinii, J-'th and 11 t. soLTin:.yr. llrlnkley llron., 92 Ith t. llrUikley rirot., i0 31 Mt. If. I'. Itiiberon, 3th A S. Car. v. llrlttMry ltro.s.. J 101 ::nl Mt. ;. I'. Ilnhaniiun, Free Delivery to Every air ply ComjMny, Thirtieth and K. street northwest. The fire dW Jl.oOO damage. Insur ance covers tho loss. Shaf roth Too Busy to Help Draft District Bill Senator Shaforth of Colorado has de clined to serve on the subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committer. In charge of the Distrlct'approprtaUons hill. lie gives as the reason, other and more r-rcsrins' committee duties. His sneessor has not been named. No meeting of tho subcommitte has yet been called. Senator John Walter Smith and others on the subcommittee, however, aro studying the bill. Man of Him Thomas Riley, unable to work, told by hi pbyskkn be was suffering from Conswuption, was made well and strong by Duftys Pure .Malt Wkkkey. "I took a severe cold and was scn eraUy run down; 1 tried all kinds of $ remedies without avail. My physician told mo I had consumption. I took outdoor treatment and Improved some, but not rapidly, and was un able to work A friend persuaded mo to' try Duffy's Pure Malt "Whiskey, which I did. Thank. God. (My friend has taken Duffy's for many years and is the picture of health.) I took your medicine regu larly. The first bottle Improved me very much and the second so re stored by vitality that 1 could do light work. Today I feel a new annreelatlon of vonr crreat remed r in words, but my face and feelings toll tho tale of my wonderful cure. You may make use of tnese few sim plo but trus lines." Thomas Riley, Kenwood Heights. Albany, X. T. Malt Whiskey. and sick room free from the harm i Coupons from Sunday Star SOUTHWEST. II. K. W. Mckmidt, Sth and D ats. It. T. cover, 7th mud C ata. A. G Schmidt, !'& and F ats I. Sugar, 3rd and C ata. xouTrrwEST. V. ItararallnE;, 312 iVnna. ae. .. II. PHtt. tlth. and Q ata. Columbia Tea, and Coffee Ck, 1503 X. Capitol at. SI QURBAX. i;. 31. Tabb, HatUllle, 31d. Section of the City Fl .SSbIbbU M0 i