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any ij-nf- i THE WASHINGTON TIMES. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2T. 1914. II "TE?tWFN -i Baseball, Bowling and Track Are Told Briefly WASHINGTON WILL BE REPRESENTED hr 'my Fields to iaie rive Bowlers to A. B. C. Tourney in Buffalo. By KIRK C. MILLER. esides being represented at Rich- I..' d in the intercity tenpin tourna a on February 1, Washington will 1.1-1 have its coterie of bowlers on b scene when the fourteenth an- it il tournament of the American it ivllng Congress convenes in Buf a i N. Y., on March 9. One team, .t the very lowest estimate, will go o the metropolis of western Aew i rk. from the Capital City, to roll n the bowling classic of 1914, and bi the time the entries close, two lithers may hftve joined the local pctingent. cretary "Jimmy Fields, or tne TVnnln Association, has corralled tv r tf-nnln artists, and. with himself lis 'ho lifth bowler, -will make the Jour lie to Buffalo. This insures ono en- tr In the five-man event rrom Mere, ir any two members or that quint ir. also comDete in ine aoumes ur Im, one member may participate in the ii les. The nve-man team, mai is l in en rrom nere. will oe mane up nf IcKnew as pilot, Fritz. Thomas. H. .-i jss, and Fields, ancnor man. ) aid any of these bowlers decide to esent Washington in tne singles. 1I1 more than likely be Harry JSS. 4 Sotas and Balboa? became entan ln a. tie for the cellar champlon- ln the Washington Council (K. of Lacui Each has a record of e -a games won and eleven lost, which s inem a percentage oi -;w es took all three, from DeSotos ti Champlains took two out or tnree fr n Balboas, giving the former team 5hter nolo on tne league icaaer- laxities succeeded In keeping them es out of a tie for the crown with It waverlies as co-partners. The ror ix won one out of the set of three ed with the latter, and now but a Kle game separates the two quints. nv of the Northeast bowlers are l ins forward to tonight's match be- n the Gannons and Raccar Club. Gannons are coins to Import a new r Into the league, the same being t other than Vincent Gulli, the cap- n of the Arcadians. Gulli has been Ic be eligibility list of the Gannons e early in tne reason, out until has "never been called upon to 'fchow his form. All was auiet Monday night "up alonjr the Potomac alleys, where the M. Baers trounced the A. Bacrs for two out of l three. No change in the standings of ith league resulted from the set. but ,ght"s match between the Arung- and Potomacs may dislodge the ,or rorr, their berth In second Place. -e -v sure to attract a crowd of - j the alleys. - an ares dodged ahead of the Pe ats for exclusive right to fourth ion when they won two out of from the Niagara quint. Niagara ver near dropping the entire trio" ames, as its victory in tne nrst d was but by a single duApin, the e being IS6 to 2S5. ' 'se jouths down In the South- ti J Tjor .luckpln circuit are g some lively contpsts. and all need to put' themselves on an baMS with some of the older e Is to dispose of some of those ooned games. Only Monday night Spartans walked awav with two-J as ui wifir ''oiuesis nan ine i ri In this s-t S Wrdi's game of IT him something to brag about in wav of an individual record. r Prpeo quint didn't give the- i lcr duckpin killers a change wh:i t .e teams met In the game heheduleil he Mercantile League. Thomas' of l'l was high, but he was aed for that honor by risher and both of whom contributed single s of 110. o?e Nationals, up In the Arcaoe t WASHINGTON (K. of C.) STANDINGS. W L Pot 12 C7 . i s .; : n .-ss '7 11 .SN ,h I vnplaln Salle -oto . nigbt'a hedul No Ran.e lst nlhi x j No pure Next Ram Feb : nl- l3e Sotcw: Champions s Ij Salle: NORTHEAST. ETADINGh, o VV . s W 14 l'.t li rjloo Abattoir 1 1", ,or i - lUD . ... ' r ta 3 -T S whtdule Gannons s. an' nltht'e reaull Atlanttcs, Tlk.irn. M4. 5. ;io. TEB3IINAL B. E. T. 31. C. A. STANDINGS. uba. W. L. Pel. nr r? i: .-at ero . if .frii -hf 2S 19 15 "Xt 19 20 19 20 17 U 11 IS .y; t I AT! as: .oj .S3 Dept .... u slivs schelul" Southern vs. Station. nlzM'i results ipostpmtd. CAEKOLL (K. of C.) BTANDINGS. ..!. W. adors !7 ft . .............. mI mblaa .................... 21 as .....,...... m I4M . 17 a Marias 11 jfllcht's sobedule No game. ' I'ostponed. Next cam' usibUts. U Pet. K &: is .& 18 .MS a au AV, Ibt night's I'intas a S0T7THERN CLERKS. STANDINGS, luil. W. L. Pet. . ............ 1 ..tei Hasrs .... 22 12 .t47 ehaalcal Zi 13 .C3 H 11 IC ............ 4 18 .51 "lcht i 20 .1(7 idltors S Zj .1(7 ronlfbt'a schedule No came. Laat nlsht'j ialta Postponed. Next game Manasers Mechanical. SOUTHWEST JUNIORS. STANDINGS. Oubs. W. 1. ountaln TUxXm 18 5 oartajis .. IS 1? cator ... 10 1 ojans -..... ... 7 14 r. t AM 33Z Tealsbf b sbtdule No game. Laal nuln a esultav-gpirtaxu, 42. 43, 433- Trolans, Cf, 433, U. Ntxt game Feb. 2, Senators vs. I' LAST NIGHT'S BEST BOWLERS DUCKPINS. Cullin, Departmental 127 Wood, Commercial 113 Miller, Navy Yard 117 Krauss, District 128 Davis. Westminster 123 Holmes, Westmin'r, 2d match 112 Hall, Mt Pleasant 119 Moore, Arcade 121 Darr, Mercantile 119 S. Verdi, Southwest Juniors.. 121 Jolliffe, Y. M. C. A. :. 123 Moe Baer, Georgetown Com.. Ill T. Crooke, Northeast 153 Crowe, Washington Council.. 112 W. Griffin, Champlajns: 120 TENPINS. Samster, Colonial 235 O'Donnell, Departmental 233 League, are rapidly becoming to prove their worth as duckpin rollers. In Mon day night's rounds they took all of the games and by virtue of that fact crept above the Bankers into second place. This gives the Bankers and Arcadians some new dope to untangle,. If they would be contenders. -; Nev.-tons dropped below Harvards in the ratings of the young Mt. Pleasant League, their backset coming as a direct ! result of a loss of two out of three to tho ! Belmonts. The latter team Is the pres ent reader in the organization, and Newtons, being sixth until last night, are due some credit for taking even one o" the games. The second game was decided by the difference of one pin, Belmonts toppling 182 and Newtons fell ing 4S3. - Although all four quints were partici pants In the rolling in the Westminster League, no alteration in the standings Is discernible as a result of the games. Vhjtes pocketed two from the Greens while the Reds walked away from the Blues to the same cadence. In the for mer set. Holmes' 112 was the highest Individual figure marked up while Da Ms l:-"i set a standard' for the rolling In the Reds-Blues match. Remarkably high scores are nosted in luie recoras or tne District Duckpin I League, following the Belmont-Reso-(lutes battle at the Royal Alleys. Bel I monts used the broom on the'r oppon ! ents, but the size of the scores of both teams is considered commendable. Here iuc.v die: x?ciiiiuiiu iii, 11-. Daw. JieSO- lutes 601. 499, 5H. Krauss' 128 was the test jingle game contributed. The big fish ate the little one when the Miscellaneous and East Gun Car riage teams tossed the foul line at Man ager Blscll's Navy Yard Alleys. Miscel laneous, the league drum majors, pock eted all three of the games from the East Gun Carriage bowlers, the latter being the cellar champions of the cir cuit. This distance victory sets the Mis cellaneous quint far out of dancer in the Navy Tard League, and the other teams win nave some up-alley rolling to do. In order to weaken Miscellaneous' sure grip. Of the individual work. Mil ler's third game of 177 and set of 316 was the best seen. -By winning the roll-off in the first game, Rudolph and West reported a 2 to 1 defeat of the Tolman Laundry team. In the Commercial League. Wood and Cramer rolled 112 and 118 for best Individual totals. !: the Departmental Duckpin League Pension took but one game from War, hile tlie tenpin Ic;igue of the same nan" Commissioners took all three from Navj and went ahead of the lat ter Into third place. in the Colonial circuit, the only other tenpm organization to roll Monday night. Virginias made a clean sweep of the MapW'Oods when they rolled the Yuginia quint. AHCADE. ' STANDINGS. ' Oub. W. L. PeL Sbvr.ood M - .;i Ntlonai n is .6(H Bjr.k-rt Zl is .6(j Arciuians 15 is .ill HoltneatU 0 si$ Ooodlellonrs io :: .t7 lmpertala !1 ; mi linn aitutls 15 24 S5 C!l- 16 Z) Ik Columbia! l; 33 sj Toritght whedulr Holmnada n. Arca dians Ijut night's result Nationals, 515, OiO. 4Si ArR'let. 71 nt 470. MT. PLEASANT. STANDINGS. Ciui ? v. r Pet .bH .U .444 .144 .417 .Ki rnt'a 419. uu! 'mis . Park? ... Kenvons .. Ilarvards . Ne,wtons ., ( 4 tMrmonta ; 7 Tonlglife clicdule No game, iast nj rriuiK-iKimoois, isi, 4-c, s. Nevvtona tS. 157. Next game Jan. IS, Parks s. ICcn- yons. WESTMINSTER. STANDINGS Oubs W. u Pet Bluex Ti r, .f,43 Vbites S 17 "ls 17 2J 4 Orient ... 15 7 Tonlshfs choOule No game. Iait niirht's results UrtKnR, 426, 427. 411; Wlilton. 4U7 471 427. Iteds. 4S7. 471, 417; Blues. 1 cu 4-4' Next pain. Feb. Z, Hods fc Grei'ns- illu'-s DISTRICT. STANDINGS. CIul.s. 7. r J. E. V. S 7 j KoyaU X Jteiinunts 21 17 Itrrolutrs 27 ;i flooilMIB :C vi Urrifions .... .. IS 7 Tonlfflit's srlielulf Uoodfcllons m. cojnerr l-it nlg-lu's results-rjelmont' 512. i20; Kesolutes, Wl, 4M. S14. Pet. .822 . X'i -ilg .400 ill. POSTOFFICE. STANDINGS. Clubs. VI". 1 Finance 31 10 Hallway Mall U 17 Postal Savlnes 21 21 Inspection 1 21 City Postofflce H is Station F U 26 Tonight's Mhcdulr City Postofflce Finance. Lost night's results No came. Pet .766 Mi .W) AK .22.1 .327 i. TOST DUCKPIN. STANDINGS. Clubs W Yanlgans 2 7.1; y.azn .. 19 Invincible ' I. Pvt II CS4 17 .It A'l Stars 14 22 ,Zt3 Today's schedule Invlnciblea vs. Zlc-Zx. BREAKING EVEN W&M J RetsL WEIGHT -: CT SfsKib, FblSoAJS I WElcitteb IT I SET IM cXRlfJG ) J FReBZ-lNlG S I SS- f-auubS - J-S rXViXTHlMG THAT Touches MYSeLP - w'-s I Ric VcUR. f - h&& Pfo I -mr MfVVCES IT (H I Igl VT AMb IT WOMT BUKiAU ' Oftm fe0T V-LoF l 0ML! TnilRNlFNT RHIR I who's who on alleys I GOVERNOR CRAIG IPOIOIC LEAGUE IS REACR WAS1 TON Dates for Individuals to Be Ar ranged for Their Best Con venience. For the information and guidance of teams and Individuals entering the A. B. C. tournament, which begins In Buffalo next month, the following rules and regulations covering all games roll ed In thi ftpripa havA hpn nnt toi the various clt!c3 Invited to participate: Bowlers entered in all three events will be scheduled so as to permit them to complete competition within two days, unless they are doubled with some one who is bowling on another team at some other time, which prevents the schedule of these two. participants on same covenicnt dates. 1 Special dates will be granted when possible. When alleys are filled on spe cially desired dates, the nearest open date will be given. No entry money will be returned after being received. Efforts will be made to roll the five men teams in the evening, with doubles and singles the following day. Captains of all teams and all indi viduals are requested to give business address. All telegrams will be forwarded to business address. All entries will be received in accord ance with rules of the congress. In the two-men contest ono substitute will be allowed. One of the men enter ed and scheduled must bowl, but the names of both members of the team must be given, as entries with the word "partner" will not be accepted, kntry blanks so compiled will be returned- and the entry money retained until proper blank is received. In the five-men contests the substi tutes must be bona fide members of the bowling teams entered and scheduled, and no more than three substitutes will b allowed to any five-men teams. k- ...hctHuto will be allowed for the Individual entry after date of opening of the tournament. Teams and individuals must bowl three games on the set of alleys flrat rhnKen- Ktartinc all games on the alley scheduled. 7 Every bowler emerea in ine muiviuuui event must have at least one ball for his personal use; each two-men team must have at least one ball to use for team work. This to prevent delay in schedule. x- at- fnriim jmbatiLTice will be allowed on alleys, runways or for uto on a ball or on a Dowicr s iou- a vio lation of this rule will cause forfeiture and expulsion. Head new ruie 11: "The balls shall not in an rase ex ceed twenty-soen (.1) inc ies in cir cumference nor exceed xitc'n 1 lrt 1- i uni.lit Anv liiivvlmir li:ill which has been tampered with by load ing or which has been manufactured so as to make it weigh more on ono sldo .1.-.. ... tVia. rttlior Is heri-liv ileoliirpd ma-ii wn --' -"- - -- - ----to be unfair, and Its use is against tho best interests or tno oownng game, ami the use of such balls in any game play- . a .l.a piiln. firiH nnutilmtn nf thn eu unucr u 77"-" ""- -, " " Amorican Bowling Congress Is hereby positively promoueu. A leeway OI UUCU uuin-ws in um.iiKJlllh tho ball will be allowed on account of mechanical Imperfections. Midyear Exams Halt To G. W. U. Athletics Owing to the midejr -xams tho r?.n..r it .mhlngton bakotb.'ill tenm lt:i suspended Its schedule, the Interfrater- r.lty Basketball league lias done the same, the debating societies hac called off their meetings. lh- --o-eds have di vorced themselves from the tango, and .1... ... ...ttiimlred table, thu irlp, rlnliM have gassed themselves in aliori, all student actiuues nao Uet-i suspended for the wenk. Tho IntcrfraUniity ljjni.f-iball League ,,. . ....... Itu rfl,k,llllA ,i.v. T......!.... win rcaunic . - "j ... ( , iii-nuiij cveninu at the K3.iiinasiutn of tho Kpiph any liplscopal Chiirnh. ti jtroet north west, uctwcvii . im iiiiii jiiiu four teenth streetc, wlicn a. double-header will be staxed. Kappa Alpha will meet Delta Tau Dflta. and Sigma I'M Kpsllon will opiose 1'hl Sigma Kappa. COMMEHCLVL. STANDINGS. Clubs. TO I Pet. Evenlntr Star 7 .SM WoodwaM 4c iinrujj o-j u .wjj Welsbach 2S is .017 en-rnl ItiKina: 27 Itudolph & West 2o 2i .;oo VI lium llahn 13 -t I.. JuU-1 i Dell eller .... 1' .; j trberlcl.'s Sons. 18 iO .37 u.fV A V H I ..mi Ij.un1r H "4 z): Tens' . achrriulp Sis' j- J!rlxrn I.ail man teaum ioinian. u , 4'ii. 431, Itudolph & V,ctl. M, fiU 475. Itudolph & TVrt ,oi Toll-nff In first runf. WHO'S WHO "RAY" We were go5nc to call him "Cutie Carvel" In this expose of Washing ton's prominent howlers, but that monicker is strictly a baseball cognomen for O. P. Griffith's fast little second baseman, and the name Is barred from print between October 1 and April Fools' Day. Accordingly, we won't say anything about "Cutie Carvel" here, but will let him off with the simple front name of Ray. Morgan haB been an adept of the alleys for only about twenty months, and in that time, ho has made remarkable strides toward proficiency. He is a member of two teams in Washington, the Brunswicks and Sherwoods, of the National Capital nnd Arcade LeagueB. respectively. His first bowling affiliation was with the Wavenies, of the Mann League, of Baltimore, that city belns his horns. U was in the fall of 1912 that he first discovered that he iiked to bowl, and since then he simply can't resist the maplewood runway. Baltimore's alleys do not suit Morgan exactly, so he turkey trots over to Washington on the electric cars every day, to do his bowling. Also Washington gets ihe race lesults about a second sooner than does Baltimoic. and that is somo rttraction. DOGGETT WANTS MORE SCHOOLBOY CONTESTS Thinks Each Team Should Play Twelve Games With Other Title Opponents. By BRYAN MORSE. A. S. Doggett, Eastern High School athlete director, la o it with a novel sug gestion for the championship batcball scries. The Eastern mentor would have a series of ten, nhkh in his opinion would go far toward determining a real championship baseball fiip. Each high school team would play I twelve gamos with tho other high school I teams Instead of four as i3 now the case, according to Coach Doggett, and whero the teams now pla fifteen games 1 on tho entire schedule, all of tho pre paratory games would be abolished and the school teams would play each other all year Instead of playing In and around the city. Tho Idea would tend to concentrate efforts on tho high schools alone to the exclusion of other teams and would have the effect of stimulating more interest In the games. According to Coach Doggett, moro players would take part In the series than do now and baseball at the high schools would b boomed to a greater extent. The live high schools now 111 competition could cither play the best two out of thrco gutnes with ra-h other or could enter nn elimination baseball scries whIUi would iaiw Hit in to meet each othor moie than um-e Heretofore each school has met the others but once in tho chmaplonshlp Heries. The pi eparatory gatt's leading up to the high nchool series often ilnd the teams depending on ono or two plaers who may not be lit at the time when moat needed. If tho teams met each other in two or three games, a better chance to prove the better com bination would be gieii. Coach Doggetl's Idea is one that is ex pected to meet with tne approval of the hchoolboys, who believe liy could get more development In a long series and could concentrate their efforts better. One the other hand. It Is thought that a long series would give too mucli promi nence to the sport and keep the fol lowers of the schools keyed up to a higher decree than is uui rantable. It Is not impossible that the athletic ad vlbers will be approai lied with the Idea belore tho aeries Is dratted. Th.' Western High S-hool Athletic As sociation iy e.pc li-l to ilralt a new set of rulfK for the winners of the "WV I-ast fall the football playvu eligible for the latter received a eei tllicale. It i not unlikely that ba.sketball will ie tcive reogiilllon as it major sport and tho "W" be given at the close of Iho bcasou. High school bojs at Catholic Univers ity and the Maryland Aggies aic count ed upon for the baseball teams. Charlie Moran Is going to have Eddlo McDon ough. Central's captain, and Stone, a former Western High plajer. II. A. C. Is counting upon Fred Ioonils, "Oozo' lluntemann, and Elmer Doleman. It develops that Episcopal High School has a line offensive team, but is rated poorly on defense. Army and . .... .1...... nl.i.fAm. mnlntaln Vl 1 t 11l Red and Hlack players from Alexandria are as a curaie goal nunmem tt .ij of those on the Washington schoolboy teams, but in defence the teams fall down. ' None of tho high school or prep school teams has had a c banco to measure up with tca-iii. of other cities, and the standard hero so far has failed to get a correct rating. Would IF THE CONSUMERS EVER GET A CHANCE TO SELL A TON OF COAL TO THE COAL MAN. ON ALLEYS MORGAN. It not be a good thing to stage a con test or two with Baltimore teams' t The University of Virginia basket ball Is setting a pace that any of the schoolboy teams might copy. The Orange and Blue team has won every came on Its schedule, and bids fair to , annex the South Atlantic title. The i fact that a fellow named Luck plays i right guard on the five may have some I thing to do with the wins. 9 Friends School followers are taking on interest in Jack Brook, one of their in structors who Is to wrestle In the Me morial A. (i tournament. Brooks Is a forme- George Washington football player and has kept up a lively and ac tive interest in sports since hie last year, 1503, at George Washington. "Bus" Wheatlcy Is likely to find a place on the Western basketball team The youngster has been a half term at the West End school and la eligible. So far Eastern High School has failed to give the letters to the football team or elect a captain for the 19U eleven. The Capitol Hill lads appear to be tak ing their time about electing a captain, and the fine work of Coach Doggett's eleven seems to be overlooked. Palmer Stearns, Western's basftball captain, is to call out his candidates for track work shortly. Speed is to bo used In the Red and White team this year according to steams, who is a fast man on tho bases. Thcv count on Harrv Hauls to make the baseball team at Business this year. When it comes to 'all-around athletic Harris must be counted in among tl.e llrst ones. Evoryono picked Harris for tho all-high football team, ho has proven a wonder at basketball, and now is to try out at baseball. Joe Baldwin, at Eastern, is sure to como through as a crack athlete in an other year. He has shown well in foot ball and basketball and Is counted upon to get a loolt-ln at baseball. )tftnn Adanis. brothor of Jacl: Adams, the Western -eritr. Is plastnj- rlcht forward with the Navy team It waa thought when Caitaln Mclteavy ROt Into the came that Adame would be bencho.1. Ills showing, however, entitled him to consideration, ifnd he I" makin pood with will. Adams shot eeu LasktfH In the V. I I game recently. Ecans McEHpmIi. the Te.-li Bprlnter, Is expeeti-l t' ' the bulk of the point winning In th" dHshe for Bralley Ulsh this year McKlfresli mil third to "Nubhi" Jones ami "L'ntz" nrcuer lust spring ami has no con tender ibis senion to far. At Tr-li they doped it out Isst season that the Imi-e'iall plnerj wore too young and ln-cxpeileiii-d t dellier the good, "reto" Lynch, who Icwk hold of the team laflt season ItiMilleil a l"t t I"i'l' In"' 'he unsistprj. ThlH ' dr wit!) fln prospects they exect lo et' out In earnest at the openltijj of the seas ii. Rill Miiffor former i;asirn Hlch S-hool pla'cr. lofs u hole lot for the tram. Mci"affer' w clerk at lia.tern, and coinlilned hln efforts in school with como help to Coach Dopc'tt. - ITsrl Ttorr. Western's capiain of football for next tieaion. who has been out of KclXiOl for wmie linn, will bo hack In the fall, llnvtr may play on ono of the amateur base ball teamH hero this summer. Ho was counted upon to play second at Western thl sprlns. N Indoor baseball work will be started by the hlch nihools durliiK Hie ndtidlu of next month All of the hlsh schools ham their roaches selected with the excptlon of Tech. whli'i Is thouRhl to be dlrkrrlns with Austin Unwind (.'jiintri" Morris. "Ra" Urown utid l)ao White. iVnfral Western ai-d Tea are rperl nST Hi kind bin squads of runners lo tho Hon-l.lns-Kifth lleglment eanies In Daltlmore ne- t month An eftt will be made to hook up the relax leanr. of the three schools In u racu In Baltimore and another hero ta tha Oeonetown tneet E Seeks to Make Peace Between North Carolina and N. C. Aggies. RALEIGH, jr. C. Jan. 37. The con troversy between the State University and the Agricultural and Mechanical College Involving the athletic integrity of both institutions, was taken up by Governor Craiy today and he will ask tho trustees of the university tomorrow to make an effort to restore peace. Tho two State institutions, dependent upon State appropriations, eight years ago ceased contests. They reconsider ed last year, but near the football date the university charged the "Techs" with playing Ineligible men. Carolina and Virginia broke with Georgtown and involved both the Carolina and "Tech" coaches. Governor Craig asks that games be restored and peace declared. PATEXT ATTOttXEYS'. STANDINGS. Cliits. . VT. L. Pet. V. J. Evans Jt Co .". B 1 .! ("handles & Chandlee 3 J .W V. II. PaXlixOR. S .JW Watson E. Coleman J J .3CO tV. G. & H... ...... ......... I 1 .500. I T? TI fWn 3 2 .5W '.John lmlrl)i J -JJ j. u. i;an; . Tonlfrhf schedule Inline . W. G i M. Last ruzht's reiults No came. P. E. P. CO. STANDINGS. !w. W. I, Pet. Gen. Supt. Offlse. H ; .M Storeroom If ; -J- Bookkeepers is J -Jl Undeicround Is ." Kr.ineers 7 H "' r.i-r X It Construction 8 IS .213 0-rhead 6. 1 . --0S Tonight's schedule Construction vs. Meter. J.a-.t nlclit's results No came. DEPAIITMENTAL. BTANDINGS. Clubs. W. J. Pet Asriculture ; Bureau r; J- Commlseioners - JJ .5J v.. 21 IS .j3S inlrflcr 1 " Tonigtif s schedule Interior v. "War. Ist night's results Commissioners, 83S. S31 JJ: Navy. SIC. 1, Til COIONIAL. STANDINGS. ClcbJ. W. Ij Pet. Manhattan ? Pioneers Jj " ; Pilgrims Virginias " .3 Iraniinl ............ 13 Puritans ' 2i -?I! ConUnentals 33 .154 Tonight's schedule Pioneers is. Manhat tan Last night's results. Puritans. S95. JU 77. Virginias. 97 W0. 316. ttECLAJTATIOX. STANDINGS. Clubs Malls and v.. Tvt .7J1 .600 .lit Piles . I" Accounts Technical .. 1 .....4 Q,rm!l in l'Urcnaoe im m-,.k...-.-. - . .",- u .2i0 Tonight R SCneauie u Kamo. uisi msui results Postponed. Next game 1'eb. 2. Malls and Files vs. P. and L. GEORGETOWN COJnrEBCrAL. STANDINGS. Clubs. w- ! Pct- J IL l'Teeman 27 9 .TJ0 A'rllngton Urewlng Co SS 11 .667 . ... f. Dtiln ... ".I 1 Ck M. C Mitchell Co 33 M. Baers 1 Murtaugh Shop Potomac Alleys la A. T.aeJ & Sons M Kir.erald Athletlo As 11 13 .639 17 .3S 17 .CM 21 AV. la .2.".? .jo; Clarendon Athletic As J .-J .319 Tonight's schedule Arlington s- Potomacs Iast nlght'a results-Wcaers. 4i7. 437. Ki; M. Uaera. iSl. 17. 459. .319 L END INFLUENC Y. 31. C. A. STANDINGS). Cabs "IV. L. Pet. Yaktina " 3 I- .63, MOMcati J; -637 Mohnwlc 1 ' . Deliiware '-J J .t." renobecot 1' 1 .500 Niagara 15 -' .16 Wachusett 1 -3 .Sil Cheyenne ; " 33 .363 Tonight's schedule Mohicans vs. laMmas Lvaot night's results Niagaras. 2b. 179. 3C6, Delaware, al, 303. 331. DEPARTMENTAL. STANDINGS. Clubs. W. I.. PcL Bureau .......... 33 11 .637 U. S. M. C 33 1 alll Pension 33 ih .jW Nv Yard ?i '- .w Land " J' -54j Tieasury . War ! ..VS omnilsMdnera n ." U. P. O ' - -373 Vggles - .'S3 Tonlgh''s schedule No gart-. U-i nlKtit's rfulu-Pension. 44i. 453, 457 War 4.4, t.ia, 4S4. Next giine Jan. ZS, Treasar' . Agrl-ouitur. ) By Goldbefrg PLANNING SEASON J. W. Watson Is Elected Presi dent and Outlook Is for Dia mond Success. The Potomac Ieaguc has elected these officers: J. W. "Watson, president: Lewis B. Cooke, vice president; Thomas B. Williams, financial secretary; G. McQee. treasurer; Arnold Barbour, sec retary. The league developed into a strong circuit last year and Interest was maintained throughout, there beta? as many as 2,000 people at some of the gamesplayed in Anacostia. Tho com ing season promises as much, in the opinion of the managers. The clnbs which will enter are the same as last year. These will represent Ozon Hill. Md.. the Government Hos pital for the Insane, Congress Heights, the "Washington Steel and Ordnance Company, Fairlawn. and Highlands. A team from Southeast Washington may take the place of tha last named, how ever. , The management has been enenretic j in getting things in readiness for the games, -rtireaay mere is in e'Kiit inu sum of $300 from a program which has been -arranged to cover the season's games. A clubhouse Is to be erected in Anacostia, where ail the contests will take place this year. Permission has been obtained from the United States officers concerned for the use of the grounds that have been reclaimed on the south shore of the Anacostia river, where a diamond has been laid off. BECLAMATIOJi. STANDINGS. Clubs. "Won. J Pet Malls and Files 23 3 .73 Accounts - ... ' .CC0 Technical s 10 AH Purchase and Supplies 3 15 .350 Next gama. Jan. 15 Purchase and Scppllei vs. Technical. AMUSEMENTS BELASCOl Sg'-JPSb TONIGHT 8x15 I -oc 91"" CHARLES DILLINGHAM Prements The Dlfrtlnsruished Actress. DORIS KEANE IX EDWAKD S1IELDOVS 'ROMANCE" NEXT WEEK Seats New GILBERT MIIJIl Presents A SEW AMEIUCAX COMEDV "MARRYING HOHEY" By "Washington Peiet and Bertram Mar burgh. Pnpulnr Poll i'layers Tirlce Daily la "le World and His Wife" NEXT WEEK The Two Orphans." A Superb Kevival of the Kate Clajcton WINTER RESORTS Atlantic City. flDartboroiiQl)- SlenBelm ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Joilah "White A Sunn Company. STEAMSHIPS MERCHANTS & MINERS TRANS. CO. FLORIDA "BY SEA" BALTIMORE to JACKSONVILLE-SAVANNAH ... l-?-vr!tnt rvlr Iir lares. Wireless tslecraph. Tferua;h tlckstt to r.ortncrn ani Douiacru poiuu. muuwnmi tarried. Send for booklet. B. fc O. K. It. Oinces ano ok inn n. it. W. P. TURNER. P T M- Baltlmof. MX EXCURSIONS Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. Modern Steamers NOUTHluVND & SOUTHI.a:SD Dully 0U3 9. m. for OLD POINT, NO UFO LIC and all points SOUTlj, City Ticket Offlcr, ai J5lh SL N. W. tWoodirnrd Bnlldlas) BOWLING BUGS LIKE THE TIMES Kirk C. Miller, Bowling Editor, Tho Times: Dear Sir: Enclosed you -will find a schedule which I ask; as a favor "of you, to publish on 1 rintpa tffhpn thn toarrto ata t roll. rhankinp you for these favors, and for the publicity and rec ognition which your paper has given the league of late, I re main, yours, G. PRENDER. Official Scorer, Northeast Duckpin JLcague. PRIZE IS OFFERED Station F League Is to ' Ladies' Night on Saturday. Hold Next Although the Carriers, In the youth ful Station F Duckpin League, bav a perfect percentage coming aa a result of winning all six games la which it has participated the team in the circuit are conceded to be about as evenlymatched as in any local organi zation, and close competition is de signed to be the rule. This league i composed of employes of the Station F Postofflce. and Its games are rolled ewh Saturday night at the A read alleys. Some shake-up in the standings which are printed below is sure to result at the next sets which are to be rolled on January 31. This night has been designated as ladies' night. To add interest to the matches at the end of this week. Superintendent' Cotter has offered a prize of a stick: pin for the highest Individual score. The pin wilt be designed after the. letter bax are now used in "Washington. Here Is the standings of the league, to date: Name. "Won. Lost. Pet Carriers 6 0 1.000 Mailing 3 3 .500 Delivery 3 3 .500 Parcel Post 0 6 .000 ITATT TABD. STANDINGS. Clubs. MT. L. Jet. Miscellaneous ZS 11 JIA Breech Mechanism : li .ill Secondary Mount ZO JZl West SbOD 1 Z0 .it. Erecting Shop IS 21 .41? East Sfcop - 11 a .ai Tonight's schedule Xo game. Last nlsol'sj results Miscellaneous. -Us. a. USr Cast Gnn. 4. 4J8. 4S1. Next game-Jan. 3. Sec ondary Mount vs. Erection. PATENT EXA311XEBS. STANDEfOS. Clubs. W. . Pet. Engineers 11 .71 Printers 2 II .XI Farmers ....... 20 -STt Interference 17 S2 .CI Mechanics ., 17 ZS AT, Woodworkers ......... 14 25 .23 Tonight's schedule Farmers vs. Wood- -workers. Last nlsnfs results No game. XTEBDEXOXIXATIOyAL. STANDINGS. Clubs. W. " T Pr, Filth Si 14 .61 St. Mark s ............. 1. mi Westminster 20 13 -M3 Blxth .- io X 4&3 Bethany .... 23 21 .4i RgndflJl . 14 m3 TbnSSnt's schedule Kendall ts. a vest min uter; Bethany vs. Sixth: St- Marks vs. Flith. Last night's results o came. AMUSEMENTS NATIONAIii8 CHAIIIS rROHMAX presents DONALD BRIAN IN The Alarriage Market DA1WS THEATRE I.OSDOX) MUSICAL COMCDV SUCCESS Next Week SWffiSSSSr Safe Ttarsfcy COHAN & IIAIUUS In tha Mualcal Comedy Present Success. niiiunun "Tbe Beaatr Sltaa" IlAInlUnU Book and Lyrics by Cnan- HITCHCOCK nlnjr FoUock and Kenoil Wolf. Muslo by Chas. J. Gebest. 100 Company & Chorus. Augmented Oroheatr. iMmm Tonlxht. SUS. Matinees, ZtlZ Tnnrs. & Sat. THE TRAIL of the LONESOME PINE WITH CHARLOTTE WALKER A Hay by EUGENE WALTER. From the Novel by JOIIN FOX. ir. NEXT WEEKj Seals Now Selfe? The Musical Spectacle and Historical 1 "3 Beam, enuiica COLUMBIA" TT Days. Commencing Tuesday-, Pehriv cry i special jiuuhcc istuuuaj 500 People in UicCast-Coant Thes--5W BENEFIT NOEL. HULiSis. B. F.KEITH'S DAILY AND SUNDAY Mat., 25c. Eve., 25 to 75o "EXCELLS OTHERS" THE POST IirijAIDi: & J. J. HUIIDS In Tho Sssrli or Life." 51 VOCE TEIUIV. .OKTO Ml-IIOLSU. t.ES JUX LEYS. ELSIE JAMS' TUIO. 3 Other Ucnt of Fun nI Jiovclty. SUKE -Mnnns-Kr Clark Presents The Rosey Posey 6 iris la - Slualcal Satires, Intradnclnr THE BAKBAItY" COAST UAXCEN Next 'eek AI tteeves' Blc ShoiT CIILOIUI1 UNIVERSITY GLEE A.M 3IASD0LIN CLUBS OF If. Y. CONCEKT AND DANCE. Tuesday EenlnET. February 3. t:30. 1U LEIGH HOTEL. Tickets $1-50. May fie obtained from Mrs. Greene. SGIT Conn, avt, and at Droop's. 13 th and O. -s FOR HIGHEST SCORE AMWTtJFWwm ri