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'""-fMSp? p""tV -- -V- THE WASHINGTON TBIES, TUESDAY; JANUARY 27,' 1914 "s- - -tp--rr 12 iiii . ' m REVEALS AMAZING IlLTRIfoLUM LOCAL AND NEW YORK FINANCIAL NEWS BLWK HANIT PUI I S N LUUMS Young Witness Startles Court With Story of Murder and Bomb Outrages. NEW TORK. Jan. 27.-Calmly telling on the witness stand of having been Im pllcatsd In two murders, a scoro of bomb outrages and the abduction of voung Eirls for white slave purposes, Alfred Lehman, twenty-three, amazed Judge Hosalsky and spectators packed In the court of general sessions here today Lrehman disclosed the operations of one of the most desperate "Black Hand" snags the police have encountered in his story which he told because he be lieved other members of the gang had ieserted him after a bomb had been planted in Lyndhurst, N. J. Lehman was arrested with two others after a bomb had been exploded in the establishment of Klee and company in Lyndhurst. He appeared today as the oilncipal against Angelo Sylvestro, wno ,3 charged wtih having placed a bomb in a. tenement at 170 East Houston street. Got $2 For Murder. He said he had taken part In a scoro of bomb outrages, had burned two Brooklyn houses for insurance, and taken part In two murders. A Chinese as killed In one robbery, he said, and le received 32. Two men with him, who iia the actual killlne. got the same imount. he said. Lehman said bomb zplostons usually netted the men doing me worK a. Lehman said Giuseppe Ferrari was leader of the gan when he joined it. n August 31 he said the defendant Syl vestro and a man known as "Sump" placed the bomb In the Houston street tenement adjoining a moving-picture beater. "We didn't care a rap for the danger cO the crowd in the theater," said Leh nan. "We were there to set off the bomb and we were going to do it.' E Purchasing Agent of Southern Will Give Way to C. R. Craig to Become Vice President. Semi-official announcement of changes n the offices of the Southern Railway ompany, caused by the recent death of i. D. Lankford, vice president of the organization, were made in Washington today. Frederick S. Wynn, formerly chief clerk and later purchasing agent. will be promoted to succeed Sir. Lank- ford. Charles It. Craig, for many years -jurchasliig agent for the Mobile and )hio, a subsidiary line of the South- rn, will be made purchasing agent of ihe Southern. Mr. Craig will come Washington immediately to assume us anuea. Kenyon Says His Bill Provides Stripes for Those Dishonest Financiers . "Had my bill, now pending before he Senate Interstate Commerce Com mittee, been law at the time of the looting of the Frisco railroad a number of men would now be facing terms in he penitentiary, if they were not al ready wearing stripes," said Senator Kenyon this afternoon in commenting on the report of the Interstate Com merce Commission submitted yesterday. The Kenyon bill, which the Senator declared he will now push with re newed vigor, provides that no stocks or bonds may be sold by any interstate railroad without the approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission, and no other lines whatever may be ac quired without such permission, whether they are competing lines or not. It also provides a penitentiary sen ten as a penalty for any official of a road making a proflt out of any trans action in which the road may be in volved. Penfield Leases Mansion In Vienna for Embassy VIENNA, Jan. 27. After nearly five mont as' pers stent search. Ambassador Penfield has succeeded in finding a home lor the Amerlran embassy. Negotiations were concluded today for the rental In March of a mansion belonging to Baron Louis Rothschild. The property In cludes one of the finest private parks In V enna, and adjoins the palace of Afhduke Leopold Salvator. It will be the most commodious and &Lely residence occupied by any Amerl 'ir representative in Europe. Court Upholds Use of Castor Oil by Laymen NEW YORK. Jan. 27. Laymen who close -hildrcn with epsom palts and cas tor oil cannot be charged with practi -rag medicine without a license. Justice Crane Queens, so decided after boys from the Parental School, near Jamaica, testified those were tho only remedies administered by Herbert H. Todd, prin cipal, and Justice Saunders, head nurse Todd and Saunderb are being sued for 51 C. 000 damages for the death of Alden Mayo, fourteen, son of the Rev Joseph U Mayo, of the African Methodldt Church, Flushing. Second Gunman Guilty Of Second Degree Murder NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Max Minsky, the second gang leader, brought to trial in the police war of extermination of gunmen, was found guilty of second de gree murder today by a Jury in Judge Mulqueen's court. He was charg-pd with the murder of Max Levine. a gawr rival of "Dopey Benny" Fern, sentenced to a term in 81ng Sing last week. Minsky said Levine disputed the leadership of "Hopey Benny." after "Big Jack" ZbIIr was murdered. Levinc'a body was found In the apartment of Mrs. Flor- sc norowiu. P 1 SUCCEED WOULD JUL THOSE WHO LOOT RHLWAYS One Hundred Passengers May Have Perished Near Santa Barbara, Cal. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 27. Santa Fe train No. 10, the Chicago mail. Is lost somewhere in the flood-stricken San Gabriel valley, near Santa Bar bara, according to advices received here today by railroad officials. The mail train, carrying more than 100 passengers, was last reported near Monrovia, In the center of the flood district. Then the wires went down. and repeated efforts to learn whether the passengers are In danger failed curly today. Though but four persons are known to have Perished in the flood area, late reports today Indicate this number will be increased bv at least five, condi tions, near Santa Barbara and in the Sacramento and San Joaquin alleys were reported improving today, but at Bakcrsfleld, the Kern river still Is ris ing, rain still is falling, and the situa tion is growing more critical hourly. With four known to be dead and railway traffic completely paralyzed, no cessation of the unprecedented rainfall which has inundated the entire Pacific coast was in sight today. Throughout California streams are far 'it of their banks, cities are flooded, and miles of railroad tracks have been washed out. The known dead, according to reports received today, are: RICE RODRIGUEZ, laborer, drowned near Whittler. HUGHES HAVEN, drowned near Monrovia. LOUIS JONES, banker, and his .wife, drowned at Monteclto. near Santa Bar bara. A lad was reported, to have fallen Into tlje Los Angeles river at Los Angeles. The greatest damage has been done at Santa Barbara. It is known that hundreds of houses were flooded. Throughout California overland trains are marooned. Telegraph and telephone service Is badly crippled in California, and the Northwest. Portland, Seattle, and other north coast cities report a terrific forty-eight-hour gale. Cornish Family Reach Compromise on Will A compromise was reached today in the litigation over the will of Mrs. Anna A. Cornish whereby her estate will be divided equally between her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Cornish Bond, of Washington, and her niece. Dorothy E. G. Miller, of Oklahoma City, Okla. The will of Mrs. Cornish, who died June 13, 1913, left her estate absolutely to her niece. Mrs. Bond alleged undue influence and mental incapacity on the part of her mother, but the jury disagreed when the case was tried a year ago. The compromise provides for the deduction of 2,000 for expenses incident to the litigation. The estate is valued at about $12,000. Discouraging. Prof (in geology) The geologist thinks nothing of a thousand years. Soph Great-gains! And I loaned a geologist ten dollars yesterday! Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. Army and Nary ARMY. First Lieutenant SAMUEL J. TURN BULL, Medical Corps, Is relieved from treatment at the Walter Reed General Hospital, and will proceed to Fort H. G. Wright, N. Y. Leave of absence for three months is granted Major GEORGE H- R. GOSMAN, Medical Corps. First Lieutenant GUY L. GEARHART, Coast Artillery Corps, will visit tho places specified to inspect subma rine material: Not to exceed eight visits to Bayonne, N. J., not to ex ceed four visits to Arlington. N. J.: not to exceed two visits to Buffalo, N. Y.; not to exceed two visits to York. Pa.: not to exceed two visits to Plttsfleld. Mass. NAVY. Commander C. T. VOGELGESANG. to command Des Moines. Ensign H. R- HEIN. to Michigan. MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS. Arrived Nereus, at Hampton Roads; Minnesota, at Veri Cruz. Sailed Parker, from Newport for Guan tanamo; Tallahassee, from Wash ington for Norfolk: Des Moines, from Boston for Newport Obituary Notes JOHN T. CAREY, at the residence of his son, 16 Myrtle street northeast, on Sunday. LYMAN R. CASEY, at the West moreland, on Sunday. L. C. COLVIN. fifty-three years old. at tho residence of his sister-in-law, KZ5 O street northwest, yesterday. MISS RACHEL M. HARRISON, eighty-four years old, at her residence, 1019 Seventeenth street northwest, last night. MRS. MINNIE II. LOWELL, at Peekskill, N. Y., on Sunday. Funerals Funeral services for John T. Carey at Pumphrey's Chapel. Rockvllle, Md., today at 2 o'clock. Funeral services for L. C. Colvln at 1225 O street northwest, tomorrow at 3 o'clock. Interment at Catletts, Va. Funeral services for M!?s Rachel M. Haralson at 1019 Seventeenth street northwest. Thursday at 2 o'clock. 'EPnlA p r.,inM.i. luiu: a uuaini Smoked Out "v? A few puffs and good-bye colds Smo-Ko Tobaccoless Cigarettes Corrects Colds in S minutes. Smo-Ko is a blessing to singers and public speakers; one cigarette clears the head and throat and knocks out a cold: no tobacco; no dope. It's the new way to cure a cold quickly; a de lightful smoke for sick or well; every body likes them; unlike tobacco or cubeb cigarettes, they taste good; trot 11 good, and are good for you; have four boy smoke them and smoke them yourself Instead of tobacco cigarettes. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE 10 for 10c. At All Dnts Stores, . -,. i : 1 li i LOCAL SECURITIES E Exchange Session Is Busy and Prices Firm Metropolitan Bank Stock Active. Activity and strength characterized 'the session of the local stock exchange , today. The bond trading amounted to 115,500 par value and there were 277 shares of stock of a number of Issues sold. Washington Railway 4's held at the recent level of 80 and $7,000 of these bonds were traded. A block of $5,000 of Capital Traction B's also came out at 10Si and a $500 bond sold at the same price. Potomac consolidated B's sold at par for $2,000 worth.' and a Norfolk & Washington G per cent sold at 105. Following the sale of a quotation lot of National Metropolitan Bank Monda.v at a firm figure, six more full and broken lots came out today, forty-ono shares in all. The first salo of five shares was at 19014. Twenty-five more shares sold at 190; one at 19L and ten more at 190. Washington Railway common and preferred held at 90, 35 shares of the common and eight shares of the prefer red being traded. Mergenthaler ad vanced a half and seventeen shares sold at 215i. Twenty shares of Lanston brought S3V. A number of odd lots of Capital Trac tion sold at 114 and a quotation lot was sold after call at less. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat stock declined In the trading from 190 to 1S7. Twenty one shares sold at the top price, thir teen at 1S9 and twenty at the low. A block of 37 shares of National Sav ings and Trust sold at 270 and eight shares of Union Trust at 132H- Crane, Parris & Co.. private bankers, have Issued a circular of securities list ed on the Washington Stock Exchange showing the rate of Investment return as of January 26. The list also gives the interest rate, the dates on which bonds mature, the bid and asked prices and the dividend and Interest periods. The table Is a conyleto guide for in vestors In local securities andwas com piled by Eugene E. Thompson, junior member of the firm. Washington Investments in apple or chards in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland in the vicinity of this city have increased rapidly within the past few years. With few exceptions, these investments have been unaccompanied by any general stock-soiling features, the investors preferring to develop their properties without the assistance of the public and to retain all the profits for themselves. A series of lectures on the possibil ities in this field by George M. Dar row, of the Department of Agriculture, will be given beforo tne Y. M. C. A. Institute, commencing with a free lec ture Wednesday night at 7 o'clock In the assembly hall on "Orchard Invest ment in the Vicinity of Washington.' The other lectures In the series will be given every Wednesday night from 7 to 8 o'clock. Tho subject of applo orcharding will cover six of the lec tures. The Chllds Company, operators of I a string of restaurantB in the largo cities of the country, one of which re cently was established in Washington.' earned about St per cent on its total , assets of JICUHVjOJ in 1913, according to, its report for the year. The gross prof-. its were $SG3,608. as compared with JSX1,-1 l(H in 1912. althouch in 1913 the com pany had ten more restaurants than in the preceding year. It paid $(37,782 in dividends In the past year, as com pared with $009,435 in 1912. reducing the surplus from J271.GCT to J2G5,S2J. Of the total assets, $7,657,408 is Invested In es tablishments; $107,500 in real estate, and the balance in cash, stocks, notes. In ventories, and reserve fund. American capital Invested in Canada amounts to $036,903,9 according to Fred W. Field, editor of tho Toronto Monetary Times. This compares with a similar estate of $417,143,221 made at the closo of 1911 and of $279,073,000 at the end of 1909. It represents an increase of $3M,000,000, or 127 per cent, since 1909. Tn1.lnw o AfinncKa vltr. frnm that op pressed to District bankers at their an nual banquet Saturday night by Carter B. Keene. director of the Postal Sav ings System, Boston savings banks and Boston bankers are sending protests to Washington agalnBt the Bankhead bill lemovlnc tho limit of deposits that may be made In the postal savings bank. It Is claimed that great injury would be done to savings Institutions, and espe cially mutual savings banks, should the limit be removed, even though It Is planned that after a certan amount no Interest should be paid. The output of tho Braden Copper Com pany In December was 1,051 tons, or 2.122,000 pounds of fine copper, the larg est production In tho company's his tory. The old mill treated 10,33 tons of ore, five-raging 1.99 per cent copper, and the new mill treated 93,612 tons, aver aging 2.15 pir cent copper. The old mill recovered i) 88 per cent nnd the recovery at the new mill was 69.78 per cent. The German-American Firo Insuranco Company, of the District hoB declared the regular semi-annual dividend of 6 per cent, payable February 2 Chicago Grain Market. Furnished to The Washington Times by A. G Plant & Co . 1415 G at. N. W. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. July SS kSS. 8Si SH May 93 93'-4 1U 93H Corn September 63 63 64 M May 66 0! 63 63 FINANCIAL The Safest Investments Are tfcoae that dc aot fluctuate during dla lurbed condition of the money or atock mar keta. First deed of trust notes (first morU tic), well secured on real estate In the District of Columbia, constitute "rflt-edce" Investments. They do not depend upon the enanclal responsibility ot Individuate or cor Derations for their stability, and are exempt irom taxation as personal property. We caa supply such Investments In amounts frost ISM upward. Send for booklet. "Concerniaj toans and Investment. " SWARTZELL, RHEEM $ HENSEY CO-4 Ttl 14th bT. ti. W. T STRENGTH A SAFE INVESTMENT, 5 FIRST MORTGAGE COUPON CERTIFICATES 'Obtainable on small lnvestmeau. rantlnsj from 11 00 upward. Interest and principal cuaranteed. Full par ticulars upon request. REAL ESTATE TRUST CO., lOACSXi JPfcona Mala 4Mb ; Washington Stocks. GOVERNMENT BONDS. IT. S. Reg. 2's 9SU 99 u. s. coupon 2's :.:. 98g l- ' e& 3'3;: BH l3H U. S. Coupon 3 s... 102 103W V. S. Reg. 4's inn 11254 U. S. Coupon 4's 111T4 ... GAS BONDS. Georgetown Gas 5's 105 107 Washington Gas B's 107 103 Columbia Gas & Elec. B's 6S 72',t Columbia Gas & El. deb. B's. 45 55 " RAILROAD BONDS. Capitol Traction R. R. B's 10SX 109 Anacostla & Potomac B's 97U ... City & Suburban 3's 100 Columbia R. R. B's lOu Columbia R. R. ffa 100 Metropolitan R. R. B's 104 106 Wash. Ry. & Elec. 4's 79 SO Wash. Alex. & Mt. V. B's 90 97 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Potomac Elec. Cons. B's 99 100 Potomac Elec. Lt. 5's 106 107 C. & P. Telephone B's 103 105 Amer. Tel. & Tela. 4's 90 Amer. Tel. & Tela. 4V4.'s 90 Wash. Market B's 1927 93 100 Wash. Market B's 1917 9S 100 W. M. Cold Storage 6's 93 100 N. & W. Steamboat B's 104 105U RIggs Realty 5's (long) 101 102 Riggs Realty 5's (short) 100 101 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Capital Traction '. 113 114 Wash. Ry. & Elec., com S9 90 Wash. Ry. & Elec., pfd 89 90 N. & W. Steamboat 185 190 Washington Gas 84 84Vi Georgetown Gas 100 125 Columbia Gas & Elec 12 13 Amer. Tel. & Tela 123 TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. Mergenthaler Linotype 215 215 Lanston 83 84 MINING STOCKS. Greene Cananea 37 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American Nat. Bank 162 165 Capital Nat. Bank 205 Columbia Nat. Bank 250 Commercial Nat. Bank 1S5 200 District Nat Bank 143 ... Far. & Mech. Nat Bank 240 Federal Nat Bank 133 139 Lincoln Nat Bank 160 Metropolitan Nat Bank 190 1J5 RIggs Nat Bank 50 second Nat Bank 150 160 Nat Bank of Wash 240 250 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. American Security' & Trust ..290 290 National Savings & Trust.. 269 ... Wash. Loan & Trust 225 Continental Trust 115 119 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Home Savings 375 Bank of Com. & Sav 13 East Wash. Sav. Bank 16 FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington Fire Insurance.... 12 12 Corcoran Fire Insurance 80 Firemen's Fire Insurance .... 19 21 Ger. Amer. Fire Ins 260 Nat Union Fire Ins 5 8 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia Title Insurance 5 7 Real Estate Title Ins 85 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Chapin-Sacks 170 210 D. C. Paper Mfg. Co 134 Graphophone, pfd SO Merch. Trans. & Storage 104 Security Storage 1SS Washington Market 19 22 New York Curb Market. Furnished to The Wuhlsston Times by HuThnan & Co.. New York: G. B. ChlDman. maoscer local branch. Coloado bulldlne. Bid. Asked. Anglo-American Oil 14 14 Atlanta-Goldlleld 18 22 Bay State Gas H Braden Copper 7 7 BritUh Columbia Copper.:... 2 2 International Rubber 10 10 Cobalt Lake 60 70 Greene-Cananea (new; 38 40 iv err Lake 4 5 La Rose Con I'M 2 Manhattan Transit 1 1 MiKlnley-Darragh li IS Niplsslng Mines 7?i 74 Ohio Copper Standard Oil of N. J 417 420 Tonopah Belmont 7U 7 Trl Bullion Vr U United Cigar Stores 93 94 Yukon Gold 2 2 Goldfield 1 1 Jim Bu'Ier SS 92 Standard Oil Subs 930 Today's Saies on The Local Exchange Wash, Rv. & Elec. 4's, Jl.OCOgsO. $1,000 JO. J1.(")"S0 Potomac Cons. 5't. $1.00iV&100, Jl.OOOalOO. Cap Tnution, 10-iilll. 100114. 2?1H. cam, syiit. Wa.h Ry. Elec.. Com., 20igOC. Washington Railway and Electric pfd , :..90. 2-ni'O. N. & W SU-amboat, 10190, 10O190, 1??190. 3J1IW). lOfilSS. 20OTS7. Mercenthaler. 2"fl21i4, 521SS. Lanston. 20'ns3',,. N.'itloral Metropolitan Bank. &ol90, Sil90 10A190 lOirlPO. 1B191, 1061M. National Savings and Trust, 37W270. Fnlon Trust. efil32,. A'ter call. Wasli Ry. & Elec. 0"s $2jy30. J1,000 80, SUOKiMi. Cap. Traction 5's J5.0nog) lOSi. WaHh. Ry. & El-c. com.. 1M90. AVaHh. Rv. & Elec.. pfd.. 1Q0O. Capital Traction. 2T.fni3,. MerKnthaler. 0fj21uU. Capital Traction 5 JSOOgiOS. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat &H. JI.OWWIOS. FINANCIAL igpfflLLij K'TiP fl Of this institution believes abovo tvcr thing " CO "1 4tnf lur stability and faithfulness are demanded on if V fvj ri i.A ..... .. .. .....ti m.iniifiif1 t!iTik nnd ttnnn till f Of thi institution believes abovo everything ltir stability and faithfulness are demanded on i( the part of a well managed bank, and upon this basin we invito your patronage. In addition to absolute safety, this bank of- H basin we invito your patronage. S tno nef. i...A ..... nn nil Safe Deposit Vaults, $2.50 Per Annum Up. Savings Department Open Saturday Evenings 5:30 to 8 o'CIock. OFFICERS: FLOYD E. DAVIS. PRESIDENT. ROBT. CALLAHAN. 1ST VICE PRES. A. S. GATLEY. CASHIER. PATRICK T MOKAK, 2D VICE PRES. W. Melt STOW ELL, ASST. CASHIER. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND BEST KNOWN BANKING INSTITUTIONS OF WASHINGTON Lincoln National Bank U. S. Government Depository. Corner Seventh and D Streets New York Market. Quotations received by W. B. nibba & Co.. members New York Stock Eichante. Wash ington Stock Exchange and Chlcazo Board of Trade. Uibbs Building. 1:30 Yes. High. Low. p.m. Close. Amalgamated Cop... 76H 75 754 75 Am. Beet Sug. com,. 27 J7 27 I 27Ji Am- Can 355 SiH 34541 34 Am. Can uf. 95Jf kH KsH I B5)f Am. Car & Fdy. MM 50 60 I SOH Am. c. & F. pf. us us us I Am. Locomotive 38H 35K 3SH I Am. Ice Security SSH S5 S5H 25 Am. Smeltlntr 70H esK TOM 63M Am. Smelting pf. 105 105 105 1 10454 Amer. Sugar & R...108K 108J I08K 1 108H Am. TeL & Tel 124 i23Jf K3K 1 123K Am. Tob. pf. (new). ..1055 1055 105X lOSJf Anaconda seji XH 36H 365 Atchison 100K BBK 99HI100 Atlantic Coast line... 125 12s US 1 125K Baltimore & Ohio... van 9754 97 j 93 Brook. Rap. Transit. BlK 81K 91K I 91H Bethlehem Steel 37M 37H S7K I 37H u tr. uooanch 22K 22 32 I 23K California Petrol is 28M 28M I 29 Cal. Petrol, pfd 645f 645f 64 I 65 Canadian. Paciflo 21JK 211H 212 211 Central Leather. -8H 27tf tlK I 28K Cent Leather, pfd... 97 97 97 I 97 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 67 67 67jV I 6754 Chlno Con. Copper... 42 4ljf 4lH I 4lX CM., Mil. Si St P... 108 10GK 1055f I 105ji Chicago & N. W 135H 134 I34M I 135 CoL & South, com... 28K 2854 2854 I 28J Col. Fuel & Iron 33H 335 3354 I 3 Consolidated Qas 138K 133 1S05 1 13754 Core Products 12 UK 11HI 117i Delaware & Hudson. 15354 158 158 j 159 Del.. L.&W 405 406 405 I Distillers' Securities, is 18 18 I 13 Erie 325 31H 31HI 31J Erie. 1st pfd 49K 49H 49HI 4954 Gen. Electrics H7ji I47J 147K 1 14754 Gt North, pfd 123)4 129 129 1129 Gt North. Ore. 38J4 38 385 I 38K Interbo. Met. is !5i 15H I 18 Interbo. Met pfd 62K SIH BUS I el Illinois Cen 1145 U4H 11454 i 115 Kan. C. & S. W. 2654 285 285 S6H Kan. c. Sou. pfd 62 62 62 j 61H Lehigh Valley 1J5J 154& 154HI155 Lou. & Nash 1S9J 139K 139 HOVi Ilex. Petrol 654 6454 6454 I 65 M., K. & T 24 23H 23KI 2354 M.. IC & T., pfd 59K 595 695 59 M.. St P. & S. S. M. 13154 1315 1315 1 1315 Missouri Pacific 30 29 2954 1 2954 Nat. Biscuit com....l355 131 '1345 I VUH N. T... N. H. H... 7554 745 74H I 78 - N. T. Central 955 94H 95 95J4 N. T, O. & W 31 29 30 I Ner. Con. Cop 165 165 165 I 18H Norfolk & West 101J 10454 101M I UHH Northern Pacific 118 115K 1155 1 115 Pensylvanla R. R... 114 114K 114K 1 1145 Pres. 8- Car. com.... 36 35 SSH I 35X Ray Cons, Copper.. 19J4 1874 13H I 1954 Rail Steel Springs co 3154 3054 3054 I 315 Rep. Iron & Steel... 27 26H 2851 28M Rep. Iron & Steel pf. 89 E95 95 I 89K Reading 169tt I68H 1695411685 Rock Island 1654 155 15H I I5K Rock Island pf 21 23H 23H I 23H StL.&San F.. 2d pfd. 9 8 8 I 954 Southern Pacific 9954 0SJ 9951 9854 Southern Railway... 27 26 26 1 28i Southern Railway p 84J4 815 8451 8454 Tennessee Copper... 35 31f4 34H I 84M Texas & Pacific 165 16 I 165 Union Paclflc. 1625 160 16154116154 U. S. Realty & Imp. 66 58 56 I 6854 U S Rubber com... 6254 60 615 1 62 u! 8.' Rubber 1st p.J02 10254 10254 1 103 U S Steel 68J4 65, 66H I 685 U. a Steel pf. K54 11254 " 1 1 Utah Copper 5 545 54HJ S3h Vs-Car. Chemical... 32 J2H S24 1 32H Western Union Tel... 64! 64 64 I 64 Westlnshouse Elec. 7154 71 715 I 71 Woolworta 1 S 09S COX I 99 BONDS Atchison Conv. 4's... 99H D. R. T. Con. 4's 9IM C. R. I. & P. 4's 5154 C B. & Q. Joint 4's. 97 Pa. Conv. 3's. 1915.. 68 Nor. Paclflc 4's 94H Union Pac Con. 4's... 92h U. a Steel 2d 5's 10254 9054 SOH I H 91K 91SI 915' 51! 51MI 6154 96tt 97 I 96M 9?H OS I 93H 9474 PIKI 95 92H 9254 I 82H 102 10254 I 102 Offers to Check Suicide Epidemic at University PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. 27. "Pastor Copp," enjoying the unique title of "sulcldo discourager." today offered to spread his restraining hand over tho University of Pennsylvania to check a further spread of the suicide epidemic, which has already In one week led three students to self-destruction. "Pastor Copp." of tho Cohockslnk Presbyterian Church, has been sought Iry sixty-four would-be suicides slnco last May. and all except one have aban aoned their purpose. Ho has now ottered his services to tho unlereity, to go there once a week and talk with dl&trersed students who need advlco and aid. FINANCIAL tit1ncrM nfrniint NEWYORKSTOCKS CT FROI H Opening Is Strong, Following London,But Reaction Comes on Realizing. NEW TORK. Jan. 27. After a strong opening following a stronog London market for Americans the stock market reacted and prices eased off. There was much realizing, but the stock was well taken. London was a buyer of Copper, and that stock held above Monday's close. It opened a full point up, but reacted later. Steel preferred opened yt, up and held a fraction above 112. Steel common opened at 66, but re ceded to 65, but there was some re covery from this low. Union also went to 19RJ, after open ing i. up. and a recovery of fe was made. Reading was rather stronger than Steel or Union, going only a frac Hon below Monday's closo and holding a gain of about . Canadian Pacific and Smelters wore strong, the former holding a gain of about a point and the latter a gain of about . Lacka wanna advanced 3 points and Mackey gained 2. Steel. Canadian, and Union were strong on the London market The subtreasury gained $1,931,007 from the banks Monday. Increasing1 the net gain to $2,931,000 since Fri day. Of the 1.100,000 pounds of Cape gold available in the London market today 200,000 pounds went to India, nnd the balance to the Hank of Eng land. An additional S2,l'i0.000 In gold was engaged for shipment to Paris, making a total cf $6,000,000 In tho present movement Wholesale Produce Market EGGS (Quotations furnished br Golden b Co.) Nearby, fresh, 34935c per doz.; South ern. 33814c per doz. CHEKSE Quotations furnished br Goldsa & Co.) New Torlc new. 19o per lb.; flat. 19c Per lb. BUTTER (Quotations furnished by Golden & Co.) Elgin print. iZhic per lb.: tub, 8Hc per lb.; process. 2502SC per lb. LIVE POULTRY Quotations furnished by Krey. Price & Co.) Hens. 15c per lb.: roofltera. 10c per lb.; turkeys. 20022c per lb.; spring chickens, lSS20cper lb.: ducks. 1SS1&: pe Id. DRESSED POULTRY (Quotations by Krey, Price & Co.) Turkeys. 20QJ3c per lb.; chick ens. 1&220C per lb.; hens. li16c per lb.: ducks. ieyc per lb.; ceese. ltitUo per lb.; Dressed Pork Choice llsbt. 1O01OMC per lb.; medium. 10c per lb.: 'stats and sows. 7S3o per lb. GREEN FRUITS (Quotations furnished bT Taylor Wade) California, orancea C0033.U per boii lemons. H.M per box; Florida crape fruit, SXT&Bt.M per box; apples. 34.SOS8.0I per bbl.: 33.50 per crate. VEGETABLES (Quotations furnished by Taylor Wade) Potatoes. J2.332.50 per bbL; onions. Texas. J1.25 per crate; per bbl.; tUS: cabbace. 33.008Z.ZS per bbL: lettuce. tXCOSlS per basket; beets. 33.0083.50 per 100 bunches; yams. J3.5033.0O; celery, 50371k; per dox.: squash. 32.Ct-33.35 per bbl.; kalce. per bbL. TSc en. 00. LIVE STOCK (Quotations furnished by Krer. Price & Co.) Veal calves, choice, llKo per id.: medium. 10311c per id.: aneep. 4S4V&C per lb.: lambs. 7sc per lb. Receipts of eggs light, market strong and Indications are prices will be higher this week Funeral of Ex-Senator Casey to Be Tomorrow The funeral of former United States Senator Lyman R. Casey, of North Dakota, will be In Baltimore tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Casey died at his apart ments In the Westmoreland yesterday. At the time of his election Mr. Casey was a rarmer and owned 100,000 acres in Foster county, N. D. He has lived in Washington practically all the time since nis election to tho Senate. lie leaves a wife, two sons, Frank and Carl Casey, and a daughter, Mrs. At wood Topllff, of New York. Storage Shed Burned. A shed uBed by the Washington Stor ago Company, in the rear of the build ing at Delaware avenue and C street southwest, was destroyed by fire today. Tho loss was $1,000. Cause of the lire was not determined. FINANCIAL CAPITAL EARNED SURPLUS .3L000.0M Your Estate will be left in experienced and capable hands if you name this company executor or trustee in your will. If desired, your wife may be named co-executor with this company. US' Personal conference and correspondence Invited. The Washington Loan & Trust Co. Cor. 0th and F Sta. JOHN JOY EDSON. President. The Munsey Trust Company Capital $2,000,000 Fully Paid In FRANK A. MUNSEY President Police Court Record District branch Judge Mullowny John Acres, traSIo violation. J10 'or thirty days; George Walker, disorderly. 3S or fifteen days: Charles A. Newlon, disorderly. 310 or thirty days; James Suit, disorderly. 3$ or nftecn days; Walter Botts. Joseph Smith, Mason Johnson, and Thomas Segwlch, dis orderly. 35 or fifteen days each; IL Ralph Burton, speeding automobile. 35. forfeited; James M. Loveless, unlicensed automobile, personal bond taken; Addison Sampson, traf fic violation. 3L forfeited: Robert Toole, tramc violation. 3L forfeited: Frank Giles, traffic violation. 33. forfeited; George Cole, falling to stop vehicle when street cax dis charged passengers. IS. forfeited; Harry R. Jenkins, traffic violation. l, forfeited; Harry Wilson, disorderly. 35, forfeited: Isaiah Car ter, traffic violation, 33. forfeited; WUllara Stoneburner, traffic violation. 32. forfeited; Harry Dewey carriage obstructing street. 35. forfeited; Arthur Bowers, falling to stop au tomobile while street car-discharged passen gers, 32, forfeited; Morton A. English, speed ing automobile, 35. forfeited; Urban Wag nr traffic violation. J2. forfeited; Arthur McDonald, disorderly, personal bond: John II. Slmms, speeding automobile. 33. forfeit ed; Jasper Richardson, traffic violation. U, forfeited: Thornton Holmes, traffic violation. 32. forfeited: Arthur Blackburn, Robert E. Honey, and Thomas C Davis, speeding street cars, trials -January 30; William A. Arun del!, vehicle collided with pedestrian, trial January a; 'Emma Center, disorderly. J5 or fifteen days; Kffle Allen, disorderly, 35 or fif teen days; George Gaut, disorderly. 310 or thirty days; Odls Berry, disorderly, 35 or fifteen days; Lewis Lundy. disorderly, 35 or fifteen days; Blanche Berry, disorderly, dis missed; Joseph Smith, fall to stop vehicle when street -car discharged passengers. 35 or ten days; Edward Jackson, disorderly. 35 or fifteen days; Haymont Jervls. unwholesome premises, dismissed; Mattle C. Mitchell, un wholesome premises, dismissed; Herman Brodofski. police regulation violation. 35, for feited! William M. Labor, street car collid ing with vehicle, trial January 30: George W. Robinson, police regulation violation, dis missed; William E. McKenxle. traffic viola tion, personal bond taken; Daniel Rivers. speeding automobile and colliding with ve hicle. 330 or sixty days; Joseph Katx. un wholesome grocery, 35, forfeited: Harry Payne, traffic .violation. SO, forfeited; T. Symmes Tlchner. violating smoke ordin ance, three charges. 330. United States branch. Judge Pngh Ralph O. Ellis, embezzlement, trial February 4: George Burke, larceny, dismissed; Thomas Llnklns, larceny, trial February 3: May Mc Allster, assault, trial January 23; Lillian Scliaeffer, larceny after trust, dismissed: William Galloway, assault trial February 5; Samuel Davis, assault. 310 or thirty days; -William F. Jones, rrand larceny, trial Feb ruary I: Fred Moore, alias Fred Buffalo, grand larceny, trial February 3: Joseph Keefe. assault. 320 or sixty days: Richard Hawkins, assault. 310 or thirty days; OdU r-ttv. carrvlnsr deadly weapon, ninety days; Daisy Braxton, larceny, two cases, 340 or 120 days: Leonard Marshall, assault, two cases. 330 or ninety days; James EL Bell, larceny, 320 or sixty days: Lottie Beasley, assault, dismissed; John Clark; larceny. 35 fine: Haunts Blackwell. assault, ninety days; William Hale, larceny. 120 days; John Hod klnson. larceny. 120 days. The Fire Record 3:57 p. m. Monday No. 11 engine com pany on local to rear of 1343 Fairmont street orthwest, damage $3. 4:41 p. m., Monday No. 7 engine com pany, on local to Twelfth stret and Rhode Island avenue northwest; no Are. 8:53 p. m., Monday No. 8 engine com nany. on local to SI A street southeast. J25. 11:43 p. m Monday Box 163. rear 130 F street northwest, damage J3. it.ti m nn-r 5fl rear of 1129 Nine- teenth street northwest, damage 35. 10:35 a. m. Box 433. rear of Delaware avenue and C street southwest, dam age. H.000- 1009 East Capitol street southeast Roger J. Whlteford and Irwin H. Linton, to Johanna S. Stewart, part lot 3, square 957. 3. Ecklngton Clarence E. Jones to TUlle L. Jones, lot 35. square 5. 310. Pctworth Alexander Millar et ux. to Whit ford M. and Harriet E. Culberson. lot 73. squaro 78. 110. 1315 New Jersey avenue northwest William H. Bailey to Ada I Bailey, part lot O. square 510, 310. Lincoln Louis A. Alexander et ux. to Graver C. Henry. lot Hi square 51S2. 310. Half court northwest, between Pierce and II streets Alonzo C Miller et ux. to Lillian M. Woodard, lots 173 to 178. square 620. 310. 1715 Q street northwest Charles G. Stott. trustee, et al. to Alonzo C Miller. lot 134. square 155. 310. 1007 East Capitol street southeast Roger J. Whlteford et al.. trustees, to John B. Schroth, trustee for Charles O. Schroth. part lot 3, square 9(7, J. EDUCATIONAL Information regarding; any of the belorr schools may be had at the EDUCATIONAL IXFOR3IA TIOS BUREAU OF THE WASH lXtiTOS TIMES. STIWERS Suz4&T1j&U1 Hifk-Grade Cesrses ia SsxetfcaasV TrpcntttmBt Boolrfteetdnxj, Banking;, EajftUa, CrrU Strvto. IsMUvtesMl Ixurtrsocltsk, Call. Uttttt. or PlMa Main 84St lor Cataleame. Strtytr's Buiness Csllege Old XasoBic Testate 8th and F Streets BT.W. Steward's BUSINESS COLLEGE VnshInKtin'n Most Saccca-iful Business School. BRENTANO BUILDING 12th and F Sts. N.W. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF DRAFTING SIcLACIlLEN BL.DO.. 10TII AND O ST3L DROP CARD OR CALL. FOR CATALOO. HALL-NOYES SCHOOL. Individual attention by experts. Special cars to nenous. delicate ur backward children or adults. Catalogues. I'hune Main US77. 221 E St. . V. L. A. CALLAN, tNBTODCTION. BANJO. MANDOLIN. tJUI TAR. 110 Wh st. S. E. Una. 1C. I HARP Soloist for Receptions. Has ability and experience. MR. HARPER, 1315 Decatur St. N. W. Phone 26T4 Columbia, Washington Linotype School 804 I ST. N. W.. Pit. M. 3313. Merscnthaler linotype men always In de mand. Two to four months required to com plete course. Tuition. J100. Terms to suit. Competency euaranteed. Enroll now and b jln your studies at once. Mrs. Emily Freeh Barnes, BIKGINO AND ELOCUTION. 1U Utn it. N. E. Line int. Realty Transfers Easily Ascertained. As a preacher in a country village was walking to his pastorate one bright Sunday morning he saw the son ot one ot his parishioners Ashing In a creek. "Now, John.V said the minister re provingly, "what would your father say If he knew you were hero? "I could easily find out," the boy re plied, "as he Is over In the next field, digging more bait." There is a Best Ribbon for Your Purpose Yes, we make dozens of different kinds of type writer ribbons. We make scores of different kinds of carbon papers. We sell the most com plete ribbon and carbon lines on the market to day. JBut mark this point I We have only one kind of ribbon and only one kind of carbon paper for YOU. There is a best ribbon and a best carbon paper for your Purpose, just as there is a best ribbon and a best carbon paper for any other purpose. We have the best ribbons and the best carbon papers for every Purpose. Let us know your purpose what you require of a ribbon or a carbon paper, and we will name the ribbons and carbon paper that you ought to use. Our Paragon Typewriter Ribbons and Red Seal Carbon Papers are recognized as the leading ribbon and carbon lines on the market. They are the leading lines not only in quality, but in com pleteness. And this complete ness makes it certain that we have got the exact ribbon and carbon paper for YOU. Just write us, tell us what machine you use and what your requirements are, and see if we haven't. Remington Typewriter Company Claeorporsttd) 1340 New York Ave. N.WJ Washington, D. C. Telephone Main 336 Hooray! Baby to Rule thi House So Longer So Women Fear the Greatest of All Human Blessings. r It Is a comfort to know that those much-talked-of pains that are said to V"4bb1 In. mn.- 11.. i- ' m '& My codiijr ljo avoided. No woman need fear the slight est discomfort i sho will fortify herself with the well - known and S time-honored renb euy. "iiotnort Friend." This Is a sens- tratlng external application that at ones softens and makes pliant tho abdominal muscles and ligaments. They naturally expand without ths slightest strain, and thus not only banish all tendency to netvous, twitching spells, but there Is an entire freedom from nauseau. dis comfort, sleeplessness and dread that so often leave their impress upon the babe. The occasion Is. therefore, one o un bounded, joyful anticipation, and too much stress cannot be laid upon the remarkable influence which a mother's harpy prenatal disposition has upon tha health and fortunes ot the jrenerauon tr come. You will find lt on sale at all druc stores at $1.00 a bottle. Write today to the Bradfield Regulator Co 230 Lama? Bide.. Atlanta. Ga.. for aa In ill 1 1 1 Hi iLiT book. Advt. i fT t M