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- t- , THE WASHINGTON TIMES; TUESDAY; JANUARY 27, 1914. SILI DECLARES 1 JL F. OF LIS SELFISH Socialist Author Tells Astor Real Workingman Is Not Even Represented. ' CEW TORE. Jan- 27, Declaring that the American Federation of Labor does hot represent even a majority of the Jtvorking men of America, Upton Sin clair, -writing from Shelley Bay, Bermu da, has replied to the letter written him feeveral -weeks ago fcy Vincent Astor. Ulster's letter was In reply to an ini tial one from Sinclair, urging the young fcnnltimiUionaire to aid Socialism. "Ton will notice," Sinclair says in copies of his letter that reached New IVork today, "that your letter to me nas published in full in every important j Hcly and officially brought against paper in the country. This must make I Greece by Bulgaria." whose claim to a living wage Ik Just as valid- as their oun. But I can assure yau that the processes of industrial detvlooment are breaking down that little aristocracy of skilled labor and forcing it to look to the un- nkil1v4 man fnr lipln." The Socialist writer referred to bis book exposing conditions in we tni-c-igo stock yard. "I limed at the public's heart and accidentally I hit it in the stomach," lie wrote. He v.enl on to sa that as !ong as the public thought their meat was Improved thiy mre i-.-itislied, uhor"i .1 rocrnt inves tiirntiim showed that Chicago stock-yard condition- v i-r just as Ind as whn Sinclair vro:- about them. In conclusion. Sinclair pointed out that uie "ehattl slavery" in ibis countrj fifty vears ago was wiped out uithoiu permanent injury to the nation and Just so. ho said, the industrial evils were boun i to go. Greeks Will Unite for Protest on Accusations A mass meetinc at the Greek Church. Sixth and G streets northwest, next Sunday, will discuss the move to unite the 300,000 Greeks in America in pro test against the alleged injustice done to Greece in the "accusations of whole sale atrocities, murder, and rapine pub- HMO F BEGIN WORK FEB .9 Campaign to Raise SI 0.000 to Contnue for Two Weeks. Teams to Make Calls. Ton realize that your opinions are of interest to many millions of people. It puts upon you a very serious responsi bility, and I am sure yon will pardon tuo for urging you to consider carefully the arguments I have presented, before cominc to a final conclusion." Referring to Aster's statement that the young man of wealth knows little of mdltions. of his own knowledge. and relies on the opinions of tho heads uf organized labor. Sinclair says: "All I have seen of the arguments and activities of the .American Federation of Iibor leads me to think of it as a narrow and selfish organization of men who use their bkill and their ability to make it scarce to get higher pay for their work at the expense of unskilled men whose labor Is just as necessary and The Greeks of Washington have voiced a public protest, which is ex pected to become national. Speakers at a mass meeting last night denied tho Bulgarian charges. Two U. S. Women at Ball Wear $2,500,000 Jewels ROME. Jan. 27. The court ball to night was exceptionally brilliant, but thd American women present easily carried off the honors. Mrs. John Hays Hammond and Mrs. Ira Worr wore jewels valued at $2,005,000. One necklace worn by Mrs. Morris was worth $500,000. The campaign for raising $10,000 for the Anti-Saloon League will bo opened February 9 and continue two weeks. This announcement was made last even ing. Sunday schools and Christian En deavor societies throughout the city will co-operate In the work which will bo conducted mainly by teams of three persons each. They will call upon all persons known to be In sympathy with the cause. A card Index of such per sons has been prepared jn which more than 2,000 names are enrolled. A lively discussion was precipitated at the league headauarters last night by the reading of a paper recently read by Dr. T. Alexander JlacNicholl "at At- lantio City, which said that as a result of observation of 4,000,000 defective pupils in public schols, 50 per cent were mentally or physically defective, 75 per cent afflicted with tuberculosis, and 50 per cent of other diseases of childhood were the offspring of parents who in dulged In alcoholic drinks, and that among children of those who made ex- cessjve use of alcohol, one out of five were found to be insane and one out of every three subject to epilepsy or hysteria. District Tax Reform Urged Before Citizens Tax reform in the District was advo- rated by H. Martin Williams and W. I. Mvanton. representing the Reform As sociation, before the Randle Highlands Citizens' Association Monday night. The speakers discussed what were pro nounced to be iniquities in the Dis trict's system. Ttobert F. Bradbury and C. A. Barker. present at the railway hearing yester la before the Public Utilities Commis sion, reported the street car company liMreu to obtain more data relative to mileage and cost, and the hearing will be continued in ten days. J. M. Brooks and J. Henry Brown were appointed by President S. E. Sny der as a press committee. The commit tpe on fire protection said a mammoth petition has been sent to the Senate District Committee protesting against the proposed removal of the Randle Highlands Fire Engine Company. c WEATHER REPORT. The forecast for the District of Co lumbiaCloudy and warmer tonight: Wednesday unsettled and warmer. Maryland unsettled tonight and Wed nesday; warmer tonight; Wednesday warmer In east portion: moderate to brisk south winds. Virginia Warmer tonight; Wednesday unsettled; warmer in central and cast portion; moderate southeast to south winds. Ladies Will Be Guests Of Alcantara Caravan "Laales' Night" will be celebrated by Alcantara Caravan. No. 12, Order of the Alhambra, with a reception and bouquet tomorrow night at Uauschcr""!. This function Is an annual observance. The affair will bo in charge of Grand Commander William J. McGe, assisted by the following committee: Leo A. Rover, chairman; Redmond pe Vaney, P. D. McAtililTe. George R. RepcUL Dr. W. K. Palro. C. Petty. Fixnlt Dunn, Joseph CuIIen, R. p. Whlttcy. Thomas J. Plsher, Matt Horn and Dr. E. B. Horen. Anna Held Hears She Is Heiress to $100,000 NEW YORK. Jan. 27. Anna Held has heard that an admirer in California left her a legacy of $100,000. Harry M. Stelnfeld. her counsel, said todav that property estimated to bo worth this sum was left by a woman who died last November. He refused to be more specific. He said Miss Held had Instructed him to collect ffl:niti!niimimiirmtfflfflt8n Smartest Style Apparel Is Shown. r ffi.3$QcjAs&if An Excellent Lotion For Rough, Coarse Skin The temperature today as registered at the United States Weather Bureau and AinecK's U. a BUREAU. 8 a. tn............ 21 9 a. m 25 10 a. m 40 11 a. m 40 AFFLECK'S. 8 a. m.... y a. m, 10 a. m 11 a- m TIDH TABLE. High tide 0:02 a. m. and 9:20 p. in. Low tide 3:12 a. m. and 3:37 p. m. The Woman's Store. 1109 G Street Are H r Verv I Low. 5 Low Prices Make Lively Buying . j a .!.... .. m ne nnai clearance or winter molk is an event tne women look forward to with antidDation zing that it means the biggest value-giving of the season. COME EARLY TOMORROW ' Great Values in Our Suit Department H realizing H Values up to $22.50., Special..., $9-75 Values up to 32.50. Special.... $16-75 Values up to 55.00. Special $29-7s Closing Out Coats at Big Reductions 200 of the best Coats shown this season. $20.00 p "0 and 25.00 values. Genuine Persiana, Ural Lamb, Sealette, Plush, etc High-class m Dress Coats.- $35.00 and S40.00 V W values. Tho hand of Time touches lightly the s!ln of women who avoid greasy, pore-j clogging creams and use some reliable lotion Instead. An ideal lotion for tho face, neck, and arms can be prepared at little coat by dissolving an original package of mayatono in one-half pint witch hazel. The use of the mayatono lotion will clear and make soft a "mud dy," blotchy, rough skin. It is fine for pimples and blackheads and to restore the Plow of youth to the rough, faded skin. Ad t. Two Big Specials in Dresses $14.75 $19.75 ?? Npw Tafff3 trpf nnM. Hanr1;nm Pvpniner rirAc in chormiii ,ai.,; j .,w ...w w... , ......& .w,,,, ... wumvu, Ttivci uiu crepe de chine. Hundreds of Dress Waists in This Sale Dainty and very rich. A value that can't be duplicated. An ao VALUES $5.00, $6.00 AND $7.00 Jg V QK The materials are creDe de chine, lace. nets. etc. None sent CI O. D. J r.. tAa T-TkO 1 (liin - - t QUI! IJCM i,w uuu acu.. Oilt i ------------- I ,-.-.---......... T r Tf1.r1.tttf ( ll(tll.ii..,i,3II' Eff Ehlr&jxce lb lrsudJ&y Hill&oJiily 1 1912 Efi SkWBEBL 1 pSK," r-3" 1 ' U l "DRADLEY HILLS, Washington's most beautiful suburb. In the past eighteen months over 150 of Washington's best people -- have purchased. " W Jla JL ? Because They Can Get a Villa Site of From 5 to 10 Acres of Ground at the Price of the Average City Lot, ' and we will have at least 300 more sales this year, as the electric cars are now in operation from 5th and F Streets N. W. to Great Falls, and the boulevard will be completed this summer. Our agents and automobiles are at your service. Now is the time to buy. The s-pring of the year is before you. Call or write for full information. v REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY, Exclusive Agents , 1414 F Street N. W. I Jrv l: hZnano6 Jgy rr- "" ..nji,,,,,,,.!!,! MM Mllll ley 3r&dl&y Hills Tod&y - -'