Newspaper Page Text
TllE WASHINGTON TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1914. JERRY FOLEY IS REAL HARDLUCK CHAMPION Assistant Secretary to Senator Kern Has Tale of Long Waits For Patronage. Here's the original liard-luck cham- Ton of the United States. His name is Jerry Foley, he liails from ndianapolis, and just now he's holding own the job of assistant secretary to -enator Kern of Indiana. Be it known, owovcr, that his hard-luck title is due either to the fact that his name Is 'oley, nor that he comes from Indiana, nd, surely, not because he is assistant ecrctary to Senator Kern. Jerry, you know, had the reputation, hack home, of being the best telegraph operator in the State. And It was Just on account of this fourth eminent asset hat Jerry was elected a charter mem- ier of the Universal Union of Unfor- unats. Hard luck was Jerry's right bower or years and years. To begin with, some forty years ago, when Jerry first broke into the game of politics, he cast his lot with the Democrats. Jerry stuck to the party, through long, weary years of famine, and, finally the G. O. P. struck a snag and the Dems elected Cleveland and Hendricks. Ordered To Washington. At last It seemed as though the fates had let up on Harry, for Vice President Hendricks, a personal friend, promised if the appointment of a Senate telegraph operator rested with him. Jerry would get ihe Job. boon i.ri' v.,,-,-,. n notified Jcrrv that. the appointment would go through, ana he was ordered to Washington. Indianapolis still aates all modern historv from the day Jerry left for the r-apltal City. Never was there a demon stration like that which marked his de parture. Having "blown in' his sav ngs on a complete now set of scenery, Jerry was logged out this day like a circus horse. He had on everything but the kitchen sink and the door mat. His friends, whose number is legion, escorted him to the station with a brass jand and red fire, and off he went, satisfied in his own mind, that hia bad jck had deserted him forever. But, alas and alack! The fates de reed otherwise. The "Chicago Limit ed," which was speeding Jerry to "Wash ington, passed en route the cry train which was tak'ng Vice President Hend ricks home to die. Just after he had sent Jerry the message. Sir. Hendricks ell sick, iias taken home, and died thprc a day or tuo later, before he had lime to send in Jerry's name for the lob. Sticks To Party. Undaunted, however, Jerry stuck to 'lie party, and, after thirty years of successive defeats, his party finally ob tained control of the lower branch of Congress, in 1911, and once more things looked bright. When the party leaders got together it was the opinion of the entire Western Megation that Jerry should be reward ed, and he was advised that his name would be again presented, this time as I House telegrapher. I Ttlrt nYA. M'API ,f,t..w ,.-1.t.t . Ap,. fw i Jerry the committee on patronage clip ped off ..some J2S4O0O worth of jobs, in cluding the- appropriations for teleg raphers. This Is his story. One must not get the Idea, however, that Jerry is a Gloomy Gus. Far be it. He is the very embodiment of sunshine, cheerfulmts, and optimism. If you want to be con vinced, call "round and see him ar.v day at the Senate Office building, and jou will come away positive that thero breathes nowhere a happier individual than this same Jerry Foley. Ceylon the Subject of Elmendorf Traveltalk Beginning his 1914 series of travel lec tures yesterday in the National Theaier with Ccjlon, Dwight Elmendorf took h!s hearerH on a tour of that British pos session. A large audience gave Mr. El mendorf an enthusiastic welcome vhich called forth a speech from the lecturer. He told his audience that he had trav elled 42,000 miles s'nee he had last visited Washington, and thanked his admirers for their very cordial greeting Then, after a "puffy" dav on the Indian ocean his fellow-travelers disembarked with him at Colombo, going up the main -treet of this busy city, meeting the brown natives, and being Introduced to the Island method of transportation the rickshaw. The Sinhalese men and women were shown at their occupa tions, their vari-colored costumes .ddlng a bright touch to the scenes. Hindu temples thousands of ears old, images of the god Buddha, and other sacred rel ics were viewed, then the visitors were taken to a godoun, where the Sinhalese women were shown preparing graphite and plumbago. Kandy. the an"int capital of the island, where tin- lecturer assured h's audience that th tango llret saw the light of day, the ta plantations, and other interesting view- v. en shown. Nixt week Mr. Elmendorf will lecture on Southern India. Bishop Burt to Speak On Italian in America Bishop William Burt, of the Method ist Church, will speak on "The Italian n America," at th annual supper of iiif Methodist Union and the City i hurch Extension Society of the Dis trict at Metropolitan Memorial M. E. ' hur'-h this evening. Edgar 1. Boor utm w 111 preside. Th Riv James S. Montgomery will welcome the guests, and the Kev Dr. D Olin E-ech will speak on "The Methodist Union " The Weslej Quar tet will sing. "My Love Is Like the lied Bed, Hose." Short talks will be given by the Rev. J C Nicholson and the Kev. W. L. McDowell, and Mrs. Welch and Mr. Barker will sing. "Neath the Stars." The Rev E. C CUrk will give the benedictory prayer WMm H m jHOBHAMjiorsC H STREET NORTHWEST AT FIFTEENTH r NORTH WEST AT FIl GWafiingonJ European Plan Fire Proof Cuisine and Service of the Highest Order R. S. DOWNS, Manager STILL HE'S HAPPY Bsc,-"- . 'x: j" V--' I VB ar i JEREMIAH EOLEY, Assistant Secretary To Senator Kern Of Indiana. ANTI-TRUST BILLS Five Measures May Be Reported Within Ten Days, Is Hope of Leaders. A race between rival House commit tees, to present respective anti-trust bills before them to the House developed today. Leaders of the Interstate Com merce and Judiciary Committees stated today that it is possible that the five bills may be reported within ten days. All hearings beforo both committees -will shut down within a week. It was stated today. The hearings on the in terstate trade commission bill have been concluded: those-upon the railroad stock and bond bill will be finished next week, and those upon the three bills before the Judiciarv Committee, amend ing the Sherman law, will close next Friday. The three tentative bills of the Ju diciary Committee will bo withdrawn and amended measures drafted, possibly in one or at most two new bills, to meet objections recentlv made. It is not decided whether labor unions will be exempted from the anti-trust laws in the new bills. Congressman Covington, -of Maryland, chairman of the committee drawing the trade commission bill, called a meeting of the committee today to begin draft ing a new measure to substitute for the Clayton tentative draft. When ihi Stomach Gots Back io Work Then Is the Whole System Glad. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will Quickly Put the Stomach In Shape. When the stomacli falls to do Its work properly the whole machine of man' is unstrung and wholly incapable of work. This condition obtains from the tiniest nerve to the big, strong, pumping heart. It is a wise law of nature that has made the stomacli man's strongest or gan, but when it stops work man ought to realize that it does so because it can continue no longer. "Hooray! Muart'M Uynpepnla Tableta Are the Ileal Appetite Btlaxera." Stuart's Dspepsla Tablets will cer tainly give the stomach the repair it needs and is always crying aloud for. A tablet taken after each meal will in the course of several hours become a portion of the digestive fluids. It will build up these fluids. First in the stomach, then in the Intestines. The liver is the storehouse of the body. Here are assembled all tho re bcrv'e fluids of the system, and here tho various ingredients of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets mingle with the faulty natural juices and strengthen them or If they are too strong then they will be reduced to thtlr proper strength anl proportion. Stuart's Dspepsla Tablets contain a Mngle ingredient, one grain of which is sufliclent to dlgen 3.000 grains of food Just think how gratefully such an ilfitif'iit Is icceived into a body that lannot digest at all without a new weakening of the already de pleted juices Go to your druggi.t this very day and obtain a box of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets, price CO cents A -week's trial will make you a new man and vour stomach will go back to work. AdvL BDnDmM(Pl IS? COMMITTEES P H WrwT SAYS BALLOT WILL CUREJISTRICT ILLS Michael I. Weller Telis Study Club Conditions Are "The Shame of Congress' Government by the people was urged as the remedy for the piesent ills of the District last night by Michael I. Weller in an address before the Study Club ir Economics at Ingram Memorial Church " "The present government of the Dis trict finds itself unable to maintain tin night schools, cannot furnish watei without a high tax, has difficulty to fcliar the streets of snow and is troubleu b many other problems," said Mr. Wel ler. "That Is sufficient argument for al lowing the people to govern themselves. If the citizens managed their own affairs we would have no such conditions." Mr. Weller characterized the present form of government as "a brilliant ab solutism not to be found elsowhore In the world, In which tho principles or liberty, guaranteed by our forefathers, as written in the Constitution of the United States, are violated." "Shame of Congress." Mr. Weller said It was "to the shamo of Congress" that night schools had been closed for want of money. "If the people were governing themselves," he said, "we would not build bridges, that cost millions, to develop the pro perty of real estate men, but would spend sonic of that money to maintain night schools." I "Georgetown governed itself under a mayoralty system long after It was Included in the District," Mr. Weller ' said. "Washington was not given a i charter until 1802, when Thomas Jef- I ferson provided that the city should i be governed by an aonointed mayor. Washingtonlans wero displeased when they saw Georgetown governing it self while they had no representation in their own government. "In 1820 the city elected its own mayor and was well managed until 1S71. when, by :i twist of legislation, tho District was given a territorial government un der which a great public debt was ac cumulated by the men appointed to govern. Because of this debt piled up by appointed officers it was said that the people of Washington could not govern themselves. Violates Constitution. "It was the intention of the fram crs of the Constitution to give suf frage to the inhabitants of the Capi tal. This is proved by a letter writ ten by James Madison four months after the adoption of tho Constitu tion, in which he said that the Stac granting the territory for our gov ernmental city would allow nuffrago to the inhabitants of that territory." School Club Topic, Tango. "Modern Dancing" will bo the sub ject for discussion by the Homo and School Association of the Western High School tonight at tho school building. "Sane" ways by which the association may help the scool also will be discussed. On Account of Being Open But Half Day Monday the Usual Big Monday's Bargains Will Be Put on Sale Tomorrow (Saturday). Don't Miss This Big Sale Event. 12ic Women's Lisle Thread Hose .5k Splerdld quality IV omen 's Uslo Thread Black Hose, in milium and light weight Seamless and absolutely fast color. Saturday K3n onlv JvV 25c Women's Wool Hose, 11c Choice of regular 2oc Cashmere finish Wool Hose in black 1 "I and gray 39c and 50c Burson Hose, 14c Plain Black, Wh.te Feet, and Ribbed Kluttle Top, I,iglit, Me dium, and Heavy Weight Burson Hose, frcconds of grades to " A p 50c. Saturday A'tV W omen s i:.tra strong eoulil Cor sets, long dip iilp model with low ur in e (II u tn ) tist. trimmed oke and four supporters, li U, 20 size. J il $1.00 t , 1 "si fip Girls' $3.00 Nurses' White, Blue and Striped Uniforms 51.79 Dresses 7T49C rorfect fitting reg ulation uniform foi IIUIM';., u is I (let. H l able ollar. op II ii ii d i e d r beautiful m.uIr.iM mid 1 e l t a 1 o drebsca. ' in ilh plaid and stripes; beautifully t.-lm- eufls and pleated mid. u.iist WANTS HIGH PRICES. W 1 S v ! taEr .Si2y v y ymBm , 1 X'llLEBaaaaaaaaWfua. I FataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHNHt nobW llatttttttttlB'pK. I $3BaaaaaaaaaaaV? .skbk, ' aal f laaaaaaPM ' Wfc M A'-aBfaPWiJ Haaaaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbF y? 1 T .Haaai aVf ' HBatf jflB BBBBBBBBBBBV'--t'"' IBBbH COL. ROBERT M. THOMPSON. No Improvement Noted In Condition of Bishop NORRISTOWN. Pa.. Feb. 20The condition of the Right Rev. Thomas F u-v.nne.n- TiishoD of Adrianapolls and rector of the American Collcgo at Rome. is reported to ho grave Td unchanged bv Dr. Hall, attending physician. rrv,n. 1. cisin hna rnnirestlnn of the lungs. He arrived In Cohshohockcn two weeks ago. to visit nis sisicru, mbsi-i Theresa and Margaret Kennedy, of Snring-Mill avenue. Tho Illness of tho noted prelate, com ing so suddcnlv. has bi ought a llocn ol messages from all sections of tho coun try. English Fleet to Haul Ore for American Firm BETHLEHEM. Pa., Feb. ia-The an nouncement that the Bethlchtm Steel Company has made a twenty- car-contract with English interests for the transportation of its iron ore from Chili te. this country, was expected today to H,i f-nnKlflpruliIv to the discontent of American merchant marine iulocates. A. usecial fleet or vessels 01 ti.v) loud capacity is to be built. Funeral Services for James K. Fitz Gibbon Funeral services for James K. Fitz Olhbon. one of thf bv,t known mi-mh-ri of the Kn'ghts of Columbus in this citv. who died at his home. Kn Massachusc Ui ' avenue northwest. m Wednesdaj, held at St. Patrick's ''hurch this morn ing at 9 o'clock. IJurial will be in LI-. mira, N. V. , 25c 18 in. Embroidery Flouncing, 14c Handsome ec lct patterns, line Swiss and cam bric flouncing; excellent for children's dress es, underwear. $5.00 and $6.00 Boys' Norfolk Suits, $2.77 Choice of boys' best all-wool yoke Norfolk Suits, in beauti ful fancy pat terns; all sizes. .$2.77 etc. bat urday. . . 14c Washington's Greatest Cut $5.98 Silk Messa line and Serge Dresses, $2.99. Pretty Satin Mes ."ulinc and Wool S e r g t One - plfto Lirei-M's. in.i'io in .1 of this seasons n ol desirable f.uu- tumi I $6.50 Women's Long Black Coats, $1.95. ?.7 Long Black Tailormade. Coats, i-cmi - titled single breasted stlis, with hip pockets Satuic!a only. . Is. Satur day onlj 52.99 $1 .50 and $2.00 Gingham 1 -Piece DRESSES 98c 10 beautiful .-t Ics of high or low link, l-plecc liri'iM's, in.nK of iimt (uidid ging ham, in plain olorM. MrilH's oi cjinks. In blue, lavendir. .mil ;-,i:i. and white combination-. 1 model like pe tur, 1 v. iitikid i oil ir.s .Hid t uff-i .mil ileal jxarl button f-,ton- d, and Hindi v.illi pleated OQ back gnat alue 69c Gingham Petticoats 39c Sen "in ki i tllil" liaiii Sluiwil retll- oat.-, in wide oi ii.ii low p.ilti rn. full lit loiiI- OQp ed ruffles OUK' it fast ill $1.79 iULD P E Reduction in Articles U.S. Sends Abroad an Injury to People, Col. Thompson Says. That it would be advisabio In some instances for the Administration "trust busters" to encourage tho holding up of prices, rather than undue competi tion, is the argument advanced in a brief filed with thfc House Judlslary Committee by Col. Robert 31. Thomp son, a capitalist of Washington and New York. , Colonel Thompson takes the ground that this Government should not Jls coiirago tho holding up of prices on ..oods exported in largo quantities. "The German government," he savs, recognizes that a reduction in the ex port value of a commodity, as in tho case of potash, of which it hoids a natural monopoly. Is an injury to tho whole people. Therefore It legislates to prevent undue competition and makes tho producers combine to maintain prices. "We, on tha contrary, -tnako it a criminal offense for our producers to consult and make any' agreement ir. re gard to the reduction of production or the regulation of prices of copper. Tho result is that yo give from three to four pounds of copper, which we ex port, in exchange for one pound of tin which we import. It does not cost any more to produce the tin than tho cop per, but the oxners of tho tin mine- recognize that their supply 13 limited ana iney insist upon receiving full values." E A COLO-NO QUININE "Pape's Cold Compound" ends bad colds or grippe in a few hours. Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every tf-o hours until three doses arc taken will end grippe mlserv and break up a sevcro cold 'thcr in the head, chest, body, or limbs. It promptly opens cloggcd-up nostrils and air pass-ages in tho head, stops naatv discharge or noso running, re lieves slch headache, dullness, feverish ns.", sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up' Quit blowing rind suffering1 Ease yotir throbbing head! Nothing else in he world gives s'ica prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 1", cents nt any drug store. It act withou: as sistance, tastes nice, causes no incon eiilrnce. lie sure you get the gen "ine. Advt. XPORTS HIGH ON B"WkereVogr Dollars but Mast" fc EHRENDO 720-22-24 Close at 6 o'clock Saturday Dresses, and Skirts, Here Saturday $12.50 to $18.00 Coats, $4.98. Choice of what re mains of Bouclo and Astrakhan and Zcbc llno Coats, -"t and full I ngth, f.mcy or tailormailu s-'l $4.98 S1.95 Irresistible Drawing Big Domestic and 69c Seamless Sheets, 49c 1 nil double-In il mzc sliiM tv of the Inn t qual ity lottnn ab.solulelj freo of all hturi h ili .-Mug. stainless and finished 39c and 50c Figured Silks, 24c T-in. wide Imported Hrocado Silks, in pretty range of colors, suited for street or evening wear; light blue. Copenhagen, corn, pink, old, lav ender, navj . blatk, and mode Saturdays Offi great aluo ilL, 69c Check, Plaid and Plain Cloth, 44c All-wool hergea, all wool diagonals. I'J-lneli black ami white etiocks, w bipcords, eponges. and fancy mixtures. Satur- Itll deep In III Satunho's jrreal prue. . 49c 39c Hemstitched Bolster Case, 24c .Spleinli-1 imality eotton full mi ISol-Ur r.isi -j. Ill I.-Ik d uitli on ttj liem- itlttlicil l!hI .aturil.n h 24c 10c Huck Towels, 6c Nue M7.e and good filial- lliuk louels. with folur led bonlerb. das great r: value Satiirda) .s great alue 634C 39c Dress Goods, 24c I'lald-, neat Iiytk.s lil. ii K anil whiti, alio Ijiio lilled t Iieeks ami plain color &crgih Hat - nrd.iv s groaV OAt alue ait $1.00 Bed Spreads, 64c I. Mia full M.e iiml ul(,lil rueliet pre.uis. mat iloral iliMjns. Haturda a value . 64c MARCH 8 IS SET FOR TEMPERANCE SUNDAY Hundred Thousand to Join Move for Prohibition in District's Churches. Ono hundred thousand men, women. and children will ting temperance songs, j recite temperance pledges, and hear tem perance talks in the Sunday schools of the District March. 8. That day la tern-1 peranco Sunday, and the Sunday school! department of the W. C. T. U. has made unusual plans for Its observance. The leaders of the movement to set aside one Sunday in the year for spe cial temperanco exercises reDort that they have received unusual encourage ment this year. It Is to be tho endeavor of the members of the local committee In charge to make the District's obser vance of tho day the most important in the country. Distinguished speakers have been in vited to address several of the Sunday schools. In maoy of the churches maps will be displayed showing the progress that has been made In the prohibition movement In the last twenty years. Where only a small portion of the country prohibited the sale of intosi-i cants in xovt, mo ui ,,, ,.w very small percentage of black space representing sections where liquor is sold without restriction. RESLOL HEALS ITCHING ECZEMA The Easy Way to Get Rii of Tor menting, Unsightly Skin Eruptions. If your skin itches and burns with eczema or othf-r tormenting, unsltrhtly skin trouble, simply wash the sore places with Resinol Soap and hot water, dry, ami apply a little Resinol Oint ment. The itching stops Instantly, you no longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes possible, and healing begins at once. Thr.t Is because the soothing, antiseptic Ucslnol medication strikes right into the surface, arrests the ac tion of the dlrcase and lets the tor tured. Inflamed skin rest, almost always restoring It "to perfect health quickly, easily and at little cost. Ucslnol Soap and Ucslnol Ointment are also speedily effective in even se vere, and stubborn cases of pimples, blackheads, dandruff, sores and plies. Prescribed by doctors tor over eighteen years, and sold by practically every druggist. For free trial, write to Dept. Ki-ll, Itesinol, "Daltimore, Md. Don't be deceived by inferior "substitutes." Advt. J 39c Flannelette Kimonos, 18c Small lot fleece lined warm ki rn o n o s, neat dark patterns. Saturday 1Q only 101 7th St. N.W. Price Sale of $15.00 New Taf feta Dresses, $7,70 Kxqulslte change able and plain color dresses, made with l.ico joke. deep shoulder, lapel effect bodice, and new hem stitched rufllcd skirt All Muules. JQ QQ Saturday.. . DVUO $15 New Spring Suits, $8.95. llandbome all-wool serge suits, bhort 3 button semi - tit ted satin lined coat, with fancy collars and euffs. new skirt Sat urday . . Cards for Saturday's Dress Goods Sale '18c Pure Natural Linen, 2.yc -i -in wide every thread linen drehs .linen, in nat ural tolor. Anticipate your wants. Satur- - 99 day's great value. -L v, 10c Union Linen Toweling Crash, 6c Splendid quaht), good width, unbleached I'nion Linen Crash Satur- CTgn day's great value.. O 'oC 25c Red Table Linen, 14c 50-ln: widi) lied Table I.Inen, of reversible pat tern. Saturday's "Ary groat value -V"' 10c Outing Flannel, 478c i le in up ill Outing Flan ii. Is. j.ood iualit ill "lf,iih in colored outil. llaliliels at a ile.ui up prii't Satunlai .-, ,7an ureal alue . I't 44c U. S. Cruiser California M! C. T.n.Dol ocia a iviptuuivuuiu SAN DIHGO. Cat., Feb. 30. Scoring. lUe and one-half hits. in seven shots,! tho cruiser California established n new world's record fqr torpedo. firing In Dat tlo practice, eff-the coast dicrc. The seventh torpcao stuck Jivthe .tube and under the 'rules7 w,as"2ourtef as shot. Tho llrin.T.'gook place at a-crango .of S.COO'yatds. wTillc the cruiser was'slcani ing ten kncHa'.itn hour. Tho first 'five shots -njcry, bull's eyes. Safes $c Pennsylvania Avenue please, Note Tliat We Close Saturdays af 6 o'CFork Beginning Tomorrow Metfs$3.50 to $5 Separate Trousers Choice of several hundred pairs of Men's Worsted and Cassimere Trousers in neat stripes; cut in the proper shape; perfect fitting. There isn't a pair in the lot worth less than $3.50 and many worth $4 and $5. All sizes. Men's $1.50 Neglige Shirts 79C-3 for $2.25 They are woven Madras and Crepes in new col ors, and new arrangement of stripes and figure-effeds, with soft cuffs, or laundered cuffs. All sizes from 14 to 17. Men's $3.50 to $5 Shoes $2.95 Just the shapes and. leathers you want and well guarantee every pair. Dark Tan Calf, Black Gun Metal Calf Low Shoes, in English models with low heels, flat fore-parts, and invisible eyelets. Patent Colt and Russia Calf Button Shoes, with high, roomy toe and some few pairs of Tan Grain Leather Bluchers; leather lined and triple soles. All sizes. 39c Baby's Drawer Leggings and Cape, 19c Small Lot white drawer leggings and vrorsted caps far babies. Values to 39c Saturday iri. only..:....iyt Coats, Suits, $12.50 Suits, $5.99. Remainder of our fall lines of all-wool satin lined coat suits, nearly all sizes. Tor complcto ,luick $5.99 clearance $8.95 $3.50 Plaid Serge Skirts, $1.87 Big Saturday offering hand some All-wool Scotch Plaid Skirts. in beautiful color combinations: ah-o strictly all-wool storm &erge gar ments, in black, blue and brown, made in 6 newest s.tvles. including tuflled and overskirt models $3.00 Taffeta Satin Under- skrts $2.00 and $1.50 Silk Crepe oVVoile Waists, 97c Stunningly stylish striped and plain col or, niatie of tine wash Mil:, ' erlsp Frinih Miile and opaoue crepe: ilozi ns of new. wonder tullly hj.nilouie inixlils to M-Ieii from, in high neck or rufllcd stjles. lluttou 1 rents or backs. l.aee and em- QF7 ( broidery trimmed V IK (a I J ffiVi W MXM. .-. ,TJ fllM Wl MHI Iff Siusny w a 1 King means coughs and ffl colds To-Kalon HOCK ft TflifV nnH Uvo will H"" cure them. Pure Rock Candy and high quality Whis key, $1 qt., 50c pt. Ryt TO-KALON, CO., Inc. 1405 F St rkeHii 993 fflottqjamt Seventh Street KA Gfoves OC Finest Lambskin Gloves, in black, white, tan and gray, or white irlth Mack and black with white em broidered backs; all C4 sizes. Saturday rx Whki's ati CIMra's mi IifMfs' WmI MHts, 8c White and black and col ored Mitts, for babies O, and adults. Saturday.. Oi 50c "Like Kid' Gloves . . . . 29c Fabric Gloves that resemble un dressed kid so closely as to ma,ke detection nearly impossible. OQ. Black and tan SdVK, 50c Cowboy Gloves 38c $1.50 iri $2 Ma's KM Gleves 89c Black and tan best Cape Walk ing Gloves, with embroidery and spear CQ backs 07l Best fleece-lined, fringe - trim med Gaunt let Gloves 38c y I r and I $1.25 Boys' Wash Suits 69c Hussian ind Sail or Rloue I'nion IJncn Suit?. in white and dark colors, made with contrasting color collars and enfs and silk emblem trimmed: :& CQo to lu years.. UJ7C- H CI QT and 07 O 25c Women's Medium Weight Underwear 17c Pleached Knee length Ribbed llints. w ide um brella ruffle-, edged with lace and long sleeve high- Iff neck shirts., x'v VX71TT) I V- '