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wv- .nx-r n-mfTkitiiK-ss - -- y - - - - - , -f ,. i THE WASHINGTON TIMES.1 SATURDAY, MARCH 28. 1914. EPWORTH LEAGUE TO - HAVE MASS MEETING Mt. Vernon Place Church Is Chosen for Gathering of the Union Tuesday. The Epworth League Union of the Southern Methodist Episcopal Churches will have a mass meeting Tuesday night at Mt. Vernon Place Church South. Addresses will be made by J. Marvin Culbreth and Dr. Fitigerald S. Parker, of the "Epworth Era." The subject of Mr. Culbreth's address will be "Youns People in Action for Vic tory." The union Is composed of the follow lrg: "Marvin. Clarendon. Galthersburf, Hyattsrllle. Brentwood, Emory. Kock ville. Epwcrth, Mt. Vernon Place. Branchville. Alexandria. St. Pul. ML Plieasant, Chapel. Fblls Church, Savage, Emmanuel, Jesiup, Calvary, union pennant, to the league having the J ent at the January social at St. Paul's Church, was won by the Hyattsvllle League. At tho February meeting at Eroory,. tho pennant was won by the Brentwood League. Officers of the union are President E. 8. Mattingly, of Emory League; first vice president. Dr. Clifton P. Clark, of ML Vernon Place: second vice president. Miss Glennle Tomllnson, of Mt. Pleas ant; third vice president. Miss Margaret Ki.owles. of St. Paul's: fourth vice pres ident. Miss Bessie Scaggs. of Hyatts vllle: fie'd secretary. Jack Frost, of Ep worth: secretary-treasurer, Mies Carrio II. Riddle, of ML Vernon Place; Junior superintendent. Mrs. Kato E. Lugenbeel. of Brentwood. "Reality" Is Christian Science Church Topic "Reality" will be the subject tomor rnorrow In the Christian Science Churches. With reference to modern cordltions and the cause back of them, there will be quoted the following from "Science and Health:" 'In the material world, thought has brought to light with gTeat rapidity! many useful wonders. With like ad-j tlvltv have thought s swift pinions been rising toward the realm ofthe real, to the spiritual cause of those lower things which give impulse to inquiry. Belief In a material basis, fron which may be deduced all rationality, is slowly yielding to the idea of a metaphysical basis, looking away from matter to mind as the cause of every effect." Spiritualists Planning Anniversary Exercises The First Spiritualist Church will "conduct special exercises at Pythian Temple in observance of the sixty-sixth anniversary of modern Spiritualism, tomorrow afternoon and evening. Ad dretses will be given by the Rev. George W. Kates. Mrs. Zalda B. Kates and Mrs. C. Fannie Allyn. Spirit mes fcage will be given by Mrs. Kates. lira. Maltby and others. All are invited to attend. Congressman Madden to Lecture About Panama Congressman Martin B. Madden, of Illinois, will deliver his illustrated lec ture on Panama In the ball room of the Hotel Raleigh this evening. The lecture is for the benefit of AH Souls' Memorial Church. Dr. J. McBrlde Btrrett. rector. There Is a balance of $2,030 due on the property. The church will be finished in the course of two or three months. t ,"1 H'lM 1 1 1 1 II I II II I II 1 1 Boys and girls, too, of every race and creed, to enlist in tlie mighty battle of the ages the battle of RIGHT against WRONG. There are no restrictions everyone is needed and can help. The pay for this service cannot be calculated by the standard of dollars and cents it is ETERNAL LIFE! YOU are wanted to join forces in this mighty host, the clean minded, clean-living men, women, boys, and girls, who are giving one short hour of their lives each week to perform this tremendous service. True, it's accomplished very easily; 'tis far-reaching in its results. l la,T.T.T.'..Tl..t..T.l.t t T,T t I, fnUInt it Kiiium in mi n i-n inn iu-ii 1 1 uni iiMuiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiii m iimiiun iii i i-i iiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiinin n mum; h hi 1 1 1 iBi WILSON HIS TOPIC REV. E. HEZ SWEM, Pastor Centennial Baptist Church. "Unexpected Words of Wilson," His Topic A sermon of unusual Interest is piomlsed by the Rev. E. Her Swen. whose sermon at the Centennial Bap tist Church. Eighth and I streets north east, tomorrow night will be on "The l'curteen Unexpected Words of Presi dent Wilson." Just what words he will refer to has not been announced but he has said his sermon will be on a live topic and. though not revolutionary, it is ex pected to arouse no llctle comment. In the morning the subject of his sermon will be "Praying Like Jesus." Washington Methodist Pastors at Conference In the absence of the Rev. E. V. Regester, pastor of the Mt Vernon Place M. E. Church, South, who is at tending the general conference in Balti more, the pulpit there will be filled to morrow morning by the Rev. J. ii. Whin, of Roanoke. Va. The evening seimon will he delivered by the Rev. J. M. Culbreth. assistant general sec retary of the Epworth League. Cther Washington pastois who are attending the conference are the Rev. E. L. Woolf. of Emory Chapel. Bright wood; the Rev. Robert L. Fultz, of Epworth Church: the Rev. Wilmer P. Johnston, of St. Paul's Church; the Rev. H. L. Hout, of Marvin Church, and the Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman. chaplain of the Senate. Pastors Hout and Fultx have served thKr present pastorate four years and consequently vlli be assigned to new fields at the conference, which closes next Tuesday. Cathedral Choir Sings "Olivet to Calvary" The Cathedral Choir, under the direc tion of Edgar Priest, will give Maun der's "Olivet to Calvary" Sunday at 4 o'clock in Bethlehem Chapel. The solo parts will be taken by Howard Young, soprano: Ross Farrar, soprano; Dr. Henry Jaeger, tenor; Henry H. Tall made, barlntone, and Warren W. Grimes, basso. MM I MI-MM III I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 K.W..yuACMv'V . V ws aK&- Of t w v IsiiiiiiiiiHHfliP v tOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfcJSaal ssHiiiiiiiiiHB aaaa&PilBaaaaaaaaBt'' satai MBkS'jB iaSaBBaaawX- V aBYj UBR3SiBBi-BBBBBT'Jx -fB R SraPfBBBBMBBBBBY v .BBBBB bbbbbbbbssb. 'K''H1 bbbbbbbbbsbV! r '-rHIIIH pHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPHI f - !3BflSBBBBBBBBr1!l& & C-Vl N J Men and Women "Wanted! GO TO THIS ARTICLE WAS INSERTED AND PAID Lit. iIiiIi.I..ImI..I.I..I.T..I.I..1.I.M.Ii t it Til t tt ti ST. PATRICK'S TO HAVE PASSION SERIES Closing Days of Lent to Be Ob served With Solemn Cere monies. With tomorrow. Passion Sunday, will begin the solemn observance of the closing veeks of Lent, known os the Passion-tide, at St. Patrick's. There will be masses at 7. S. 'J. JO and 11 o'clock, the last mass being a solemn j high mass sung by the Rev. Vv imam J. Carroll. The Rt. Rev. William T. Russell will deliver the last sermon of the i cries on the Bible, discussing the Written Word of God as not having; been Intended as the sole rule of faith. Both choirs, the mixed and sanctuary, will assist wltJ the music. Sunday evening at 7:30 the lenten course will be concluded with a sermon on Christ and the Blind Man bv Dr. Russell. Preceding the sermon, prayers j In honor of the Good Shepherd will be J recited and the benediction will close the services. j During Passion Week, at 4U5 each evening, with the exception cf Satur-1 day, there will be a short meditation on the sufferings of the Saviour, followed by the recitation of evening prayers, hymns by the sanctuary choir, and the benediction of the Blessed SacraioTnt. Friday afternoon the stations of the cross will be made at 3, and from 4:30 to 5:30 the holy hour of adoration will be observed. There will be an all-day exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Patrick's on this day. as It is the first Friday of the month. The day'a devotion will conclude at 7:30 with sta tions of the cross, prayers in honor of the sacred heart, sermon by the Rev. William J. Carroll, and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Metropolitan Baptist To Have Choir Evening The Metropolitan baptist Church, the Rev. John Compton Ball, pastor, will have an evening with the choir tomorrow. The carnon will be the second of a series on "When Jesus Wept." The musical jirojrram will in clude a piano solo, Andintp Sostcnulo (Mendelssohn), bv Miss Jessie Calla way: anthem. "Saviour When Night Involves the Sky" (Shelly), by William T. Ellis and choir; trio. "Father Lead Mo" (RuUerftcld). hy Mrs. James M. Biool.'s. Miss Emma Guschewskv and Dr. W. Kruso Hoof- nagle; soprano solo. "My Hedeemer and My Lord" (Buck), by Miss Nellie jarctr; antnem, and Bene dlctus (Gounod), by Dr. Hoofnag'.e, Miss Ethelyn Callaway ,and choir: mezzo-soprano solo, "Rock of Ages."' (Blschoff). by Mrs. Gilbert A. Clark: anthem. "The Heavenly Vision" (Bird), by Miss Etheljn Cal'awu'y. Dr. Hoof jiagle and choir. Get Together Rally. A bigr "get together" rally is planned for tomorrow afternoon ,at tho McKin ley Memorial Baptirt Church, Tourth and L strsets northwest. The Rev. Dr. A. J. Tyler will preach end brief ad cresses will be made by the Rev. S. G. Lamkins. the Rev. Jrm:s L. Garfield and the Rev. Dr. 8. P. W. Drew. Novel Party at Church. A "novelty party by the Plnkham and Mlzpan Classes at the Immanuel Church last Tuesday evening proved a success. The most popular numbers of the pro gram, wnicn louowpa a variety or games, were given by little Miss LII- iian-f tower iaugnun, in pantomime. 1 1 M I H Mil II I 1 1 II I I M H 1 1 CHURCH TOMORROW FOR BY A GROUP OF WASHINGTON CITIZENS WHO HAVE THE J t.L.;.,t,ltl-l..M-M..It..l.l.Ilt! t t, t.I..t,,l..i.t..-ttt.t-;.!.,t,,!;-'Il-l-MM-lI t' 1 Six Churches Unite in Holy Week Services Union services during Holy Week by the congregations of six churches will bepln at the Lather Place Memorial Church April 5 at 3:30 o'clock. Other churches particlpatins "'III bo the Ver mont Avenue Christian Church. St. An drew's Protestant Episcopal. Temple Baptist, Northmlnster Presbyterian and Gunton Temple Memorial Presbyterian Churches. A choir of fifty voices led by J. .. Walker will sing at each service. Mrs. Houghton to Speak At Vesper Services Mrs. Louise Seymour Houghton, editor of tne magazine published by the M'c Call Mlssoln of France, will speak at tho vesper service of the Young Wom en's Christian Association, 83 F street, nt 4:30 Sunday afternoon. Miss Marion Cramer will sing. Tho South American Club of the Y. W. C .A. will glvo a reception for Miss Mary L. Thomas on the evening of April 3 at Rauchcr's. A buffet sup per will follow the reception. Will Tell of Effects Of Church Advertising The effect of advertising Christianity nill be the subject of the lecturo by the Rev. Howard Peters tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock, at the Central Union Mislon. He maintains that the electric sign over tho mission has done much to attract the attention of visitors from all parts of tho world to the work of the mission. Pastors to Vote Monday On Biljy Sunday Revival The question of inviting the Rev. "Billy Sunday baseball player-evangelist to conduct a revival in Washington will be decided at a. meeting of the Pastors' Federation next Monday. The Rev. W. W. Barnes, pastor of the Douglas Memorial M. E. Church, Is chairman of the committee which has the matter under advisement. Miss Wills to Lecture For Anti-Saloon League Miss Edith M. Wills, of Boston, will lecture on "The Relation of Alcohol to Economics" at the Public Library, Tuesday at 8 p. m. John B. Lennon, treasurer of the American Federation of Labor, will introduce the speaker. The lecture will bo g'ven under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon League. St. Mark's Men's Club To Have Ladies' Night "Ladles night" will be celebrated by the Men's Club of St Mark's Church Thursday evening. April 16. The com mittee on arrangements met at the homo of President D. W. Gall on Thursday night and planned the enter tainment. Members will meet In the parish hall tomorrow evening to attend the service in a body. To Confirm Class of Forty. A class of forty will bo confirmed by Bishop Harding at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church tomorrow evenln. No other service will bo held at that time, the purpose being to emphasize the solemnity of full admission to the church. The church decorations will be red, as will the vestments of clergy and choir. Plans Sermon in Verse. A sermon In verse will be given at the Metropolitan Memorial M. E. Church tomorrow evening by,, the Rev. Dr. James Shpra Monegomery. pastor. His subject will be, "Lessons From ramlllar Poems." In the morning his subject will be "The Tree That Failed." 1 H-I-H 1 II I 1 I II -I I I-I H 1 H - H - M T Your PRESENCE at the Church of your choice tomorrow is all that is required. Aside from the benefits which you will reap YOUR EXAMPLE to others is a benefit to mankind. Some weaker brother or sister is waiting for you to BLAZE THE WAY and YOU ARE GOING TO ANSWER THIS APPEAL. It's not made in the interests of any particular denomination or creed. The announcements on this page embrace every one. Find the one of your choice and CHURCH TO INSTALL ELDERS AND DEACONS President Richmond, of Union College, Will Preach at Dr. Radcliffe's Church. Ordination ana installation services will bo held at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church tomorrow at 11 o'clock the principal feature being: a sermon by President Charles A. Richmond, of Union College, Schnec tady. N. Y. Dr. W. R. Deuvose will be ordained as an elder by the Rev. Dr. Wallace Radcllffe. pastor. Then, in company with Charles H. Baker, Charles Q. Statt. and Irwin D. Linton, he will be installed as elder for the 1917 class. The four deacons to be Installed are Charles 8. Bradley, John McChea ney, E. C. Somervell, and Edwin B. Thiele. Dr. Richmond is In Washington to attend a meeting of the Union Col lege Alumni next Monday. He is the guest of the Rev. Dr. John Van Schalck. Jr.. who is a Union College graduate. At 3:30 o'clock tomorrow Dr- Rich mond will preach at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, following a special musical service. The Rev. Dr. Charles Wood will preach there In the morning, and the evening sermon will be bv the Rev. Howard Hanna ford. on 'The Best Method of Serv ing God." There will be 100 voices in the choir at this service. CHURCH NOTICES. Y. M. C A. Y. M. C A. MEETING FOR MEN SUNDAT MATINEE, POLI'S THEATER, March 29, 3:30 P. M. THE OTHER FELLOWS SISTER." By MR. CHARLES R. DRUM, of New York. PERCY fi. FOSTER, Leader of Suiting. Special Music. Lutz Family Brass Quartet And The Berge Sisters. FREE TO MEN AND OLDER BOTS. Untied Brethren MEMORIAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH, NORTH CAPITOL AND R STS. N. W. REV. CHAfl. E. FULTZ. PASTOR. Sunday school. 9:20 a. m. Preaching. U a. m. and 1M p. nu. by the paster. Christian Endeavor. I:U p. m Spiritaafism First Spiritualist Church. Anniversary of Spiritualism Exercises by the First Spiritualist Church, Pythian Temple. 101S th st. N. W., first floor, after noon and evening. At 2:10 p. m. address by Rev. George W. Kates, on "Truth." Mes sages by Mrs. Kates. Mrs. Maltby and othtrs. Addreesses at 7:30 p. m. by Mrs. Zalda B. Kates and Mrs. C. Fannie Allyn. Messages by Mrs. Xates. BpecUl musical exercises at each meeting. AH Invited. SPIRITUAL TEMPLE 80CIETY "LIFE'S FOUNDATION," is the subject Alfred H. Terry will lecture on at 41 10th st. N. W. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, followed by ballot readings. Meeting Friday night at Ut C st. N, E. ! - l Ml I I i i i i i i i i 1 1 b i i i H BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY CHURCH NOTICES. CongregatioEal First Congregational Churoh, CORNER 10TH AND O ST. N. W. Rv. Jar T. Stocking. D. D.. Pastor. Rev. Lewis E, Pcrdum. anlttant pastor. 11:00 a. m.. public 'worahlp with sermon by tho pastor: subject, "CREED AND COX DUCT." Music by the quartet ana chorus choir. 9:20 a. m., Sunday school. 5: p. m.. V. P. B. C. E. S p. m. the choir will tins Dubois' "SEVEN I4AST WORDS" Thura day. S.OO p. m.. mid-week meeting. MT. PLEASANT, CONGREOATIONAL CHURCH. COLUMBIA ROAD. NEAR liTH ST. REV. CLARENCE A. VINCENT. V. D.. Minister Morning service. M a. m.. sermon by Dr. Vincent. Subject. "Harnesslns the Mind." Evening service. 8 p. m.. sermon by the pas tor. Subject. "Life's Unpurchasables." Sunday school. 9:20 a. m. Adult classes 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor meetlnr. 1:30 p. m. Lutheran N EPIPHANr, 16th and U STB. N. W.-Chas. F. Steck. D. V.. Pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. Worship with sermons by the pastor. 11 a. m. and S p. m. Mid-week ser vice. Thursday evening, I p in. Litany ser vice Friday. 4 to 4:10 p. m. You will be warmly welcome at this church whoever you are. KELLER MEMORIAL MD. AVE. AND 1th 8T. N. E. 8. T. NICH OLAS. Pastor. Preaching- U and T:ML Sun day School. fJO. Junior C. E., i. Inter mediate and Young People's. I:Ml Secular League WASHINGTON SECULAR LEAGUE (aa Open Forum). Pythian Temple. 1013 8th st. N. W.. 8unday. I p. m. Address. "THE EVOLUTION OF MARRIAGE." by Miss L. C. Fowble. Prelude. "An Original Educa tional Allegory." by Mr. Mlddleton Bmlth. Theocophy LECTURE by Mr. Charles Steele Davidson, on "The Phenomena -of Spiritual Develop ment," Theosophlcal HaU, lilt K X. VT., at S p. m. Public Invited. Inquirers class, Monday. tM p. m. You are cordially Invited. Goepel RnMion GOSPELMISSION. 211 and at 4tt st. (John Marshall place). Gospel service every evening of the year at 7:45 p. m. Sundays In Gospel Mission HaU at 1 and T:4S p. ra. Gospel Wagon S and T p. m. Mrs. J. C. Fitch wUl sing. Bibfe Sta-Jenta - INTERNATIONAL BIBLD STUDENTS AS SOCIATION class meets for study at T:ll p. m.. Sundays. Old Masonic Temple. 1th and F sts. All welcome no collections. New Church NEW CHURCH Ave. of Presidents and Corcoran Street N. W. The Rer. Fraak Setrall. D. D Pastor. Will preach at 1 1 a. m. ... "THE LORD IS RISEN." .. Sunday School, 9:45. 7:30 Lecture by the Rev. JULIAN K. SMYTH, of New York city, on the TRAGEDY OF THE CRUCIFIXION. And How It Delivered the World From the Bondage of the Hells. In- library. Wednesday. 7:30. pastor's reading circle. Inquirers Invited. Fri days. 5 o'clock In church, IJtany service and address. Free Loan library of the writings of Swedenborg. New Thought NEW THOUGHT CENTER. W. C. T. U. BIdg.. IS h St. N. W. MISS EMMA GRAY will speak Wednesday at I p. m. on "Love, as & Healing Power." Dally noon meeting- led by Dr. Rlcker. Chil dren's meeting Saturday at 2:30 p. ra. Loan and Trust Building. Public Invited. NATIONAL NEW THOUGHT ALLIANCE Mrs. Florence Wlllard Day will speak Sun day. 4 p. m., Rauscber's Hall, 1031 Connec ticut ave. 8ubject. "The True Foundation." All welcome. 1 1 1 I II H H 111 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 nf Zi AT HEAR! I I 'M-I-I-H'I'-M '!! ? t-I M I"1"M !! CHURCH NOTICE: o. Presbyterian Central Presbyterian. (Southern Assembly.) SIXTEENTH AND IRVING STS. N. TV. JAMES H. TAYLOR. Pastor. Preaching U a. m. and 7:4S p. ra. by the pastor. Sunday School, I.M a. m.: C B.. 7 p. m.; Prayer Service Thursday. 7:43 p. m. ECKINGT0N. X. CAPITOL. COR. FLORIDA AVE ft Q ST. Rev. H. E. BRUNDAGE. D. D.. Pastor. 11 a. m.. 'THE DESOLATION OF INDIF FERENCE." 7:45 p. m. "PRAYER." WASHINGTON HEIGHTS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Columbia ruad and Kalorama. REV. JOHN C. PALMER. D. D. 10 a, m.. Holy Communion. Evening sub ject. 7:4S p. m., "What Presbyterians Be lieve." SECOND-Bnd. between P and Q N. W, Rev Andrew R. Bird. Divine worship. U a. ra. and I p. m. Bible school. 9:4S a, bv Midweek. Thurr. t p rn. Welcome. THE FIRST UNITED . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rock Creek road and New Hampshire ave. Pastor J. A. Campbell. Begular service. U a. m. and 7: p. m. Sunday school at i-M. Christian Endeavor. 1:45 p. m. WEST 8TREET CHURCH. P. ST., NEAR Met. Rev. Jamea T. Marshall, D. D.. pas. tor-11 a. m.. "The Anointing at Bethany. IM p. m.. "The Accues." ' NORTHMIN9TER. 11th and R. t ave. N. W. Rer. a A. Bower. Minister. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:tS p. m. a. 8.. t:M a. ra. C. - :tt p. m. -All wetooraa. Gunton-Temple Memorial, 14th and R Streets. C. EVERETT GRANGER. D. D.. Pastor. Communion service and reception ot mem bers. 11 a. ra.; evening service. S p. rn-: S. S.. f:30 a. m.: prayer meeting; X o'clock. Thursday evening. Yclcome., CHURCH OF THE COVENANT, Conn. av.. .N and ltth Sis. CHARLES WOOD. Minister. HOWARD HANNAFORD. Minister's Asst. HARRY BAREUORE ANGUS. Mlnlster.ln-charse ot Peck ChapeL 11 a. m., sermon by the minister. 39 p. ra. Musical service led "by double sextet. Sermon by the Rev. Charles A. Rich, mond. D. D.. President of Union College, Behnectady, N. T. I p. m.. rauslo rendered by the evening chair of 100 voices. Mr. Sydney Lloyd Wright- son. director: Mr. Harvey Murray, orsanlat. Sermon by the Rev. Howard Hannaford. Subject. "The Best Method of Serving God." 8unday School at t:W a. ra. Christian Endeavor Meeting at 6:45 p. ra. Thursday evenlnc at t. midweek service. Gurley Memorial Church, 14TH AND MERIDIAN STS. (3442 14TH). Bernard Braskamp, Minister. :4S a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. ra., sermon by the minister. Bpscia Subject. Memories of Bethany. Mr. Henry Wllke. barytone soloist, of Princeton, and Mrs. Jennings, pianist, will assist in the sen-ices. Oarittiaa FIFTEENTH ST. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Uth and D sts. 8. E.. Rev. Howard Peters, minister. Sermon. 11 a. m. and 7:20 p. rn.; S. S.. :J0 and 2:20: Y. P. S. C. EL. :30 p. m. NINTH STREET CHRISTIAN 9TH AND D STREETS N. B. REV. GEO. A. MILLER, PASTOK. Preaching 11 a. ra.. 7:41 p. m Sunday school. 1:20 a. m. . VERMONT AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. VERMONT AVE.. NORTH OF N ST. REV. EARLE WILFLET. Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m.. with preaching by Rev. Howard Peters, pastor of the 15th st. Christian Church'. Sunday school. 8:30 a. ra. Christian Endeavor. :20 p. m. BaptMt PUTH BAPTxlT,-8-?- Brlggs will preach at 11 and 7:43. Baptism at night. Eenlng subject, "The Prodigal's Return." which la the fifth in the series of the "Ups and Downs of Youth." 8. 8., iM. B. Y. P. U.. 6:45 E. Hex Swem tells: "President Wilson's Fourteen Unexpected . Vords." 8 P. M. Swem'a 8ongs. 11 A. ... "Praying Llka Jesus." Centennial Hpt. ch., 8th ft Eye su. N. B. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, STH AND D STS. S. B. The Berge sisters, slnrlnr evangelists, will sing Sunday morning and eenlng, and every night during the week at 7:43. Pastor Fu W. Johnson will preach. Don't miss their sermons In song. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. 4th and Va. ave. se. Rev. Hlnson Vernon Hewlett, pas tor. Preaching by the pastor. U a. m. Metropolitan Baptist Church, STH and A STS. N. E. JOHN COMPTON BALL, Pastor. 11 a. m. Friendship denned. 7:45 p. m. "When Jesus Wept." Special song service Sunday evening. Evangelical CONCORDIA EVANGELICAL. 20th and O sts. N. W.. Rev. Paul A. MenseL Pastor. Universalist CHURCH OFOUR FATHER 1JTH AND L STS. N. W., Rev. John Van Schalck. Jr.. v. Ill preach atll a. m. Sunday school. 9:43 a. ra. Kindergar ten. llinY:Ie:U7p:m Washington Temple WASHINGTON TEMl'LE CONGREGATION. FREE BIBLE LECTURES on topics of the hour every Sunday at 3 p. m.. In New Masonic Temple. New York avenue and Uth street Lecturer t E. Heard, of New York, will preach tomorrow, subject. "What la the Soul?" Non-sectarian. No collection. All invited. Cbristadelpbian WASHINGTON ECCLE3U. Naval Lodt Hall. 330 Fa. ave. S. C Sun.. 11:39 a. m. Y W. C A. Y. W. C. A. VESPER SERVICB. Sunday. March . at 4 30 p. m. Speaker Mrs. Ixu!se Seymour Houghton. Soloist Miss Marion Cramer. Other Services BAHAI REVELATION. MEETING AT TYTHIAN TEMPLE, 1012 Ninth street. Second floor rear, at S o'clock p. m. Sub ject, "WORLD RELIGION FOR AN AGE OF UNITY. i.Tiiminauon oi uuu s pian thro'ith ist ages, basl upon the essence of tho Spiritual teachings of all Scriptures. 'm a neu.- rellclon. but religion renewed. MeetlnR at Tvthian Temple. 1012 Sth st. second floor, rear S p. m., Mr. Amauld Ilelmont will speak on "Universal Itrllglon: What It Means to the Averago Man of Toilay " . . "Ye are all fruit of one tree and leaves of one branch." Baha'o'llah. Salvation Army All welcome Regular services Sunday. 10:30 a m . 3:43 and p. rn. Other services 8:15 p m. dally except Sunday. People' Church PYTHIAN TEMPLE. 1C1Z Sth at., services at llam. Hon. George H. Shtbley will SDrak on "Evolution as a Science, tt rhllos- ,.. ,i . rtclislon." A cordial Invitation Pentecostal-Nazarene. GRACE CHURCH. 1Z30 Pa. ave. N. W. Sunday school at t:43 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra. Everybody welcome. CHURCH NOTICES. EpMcopal StflDarl?8burcb Jrd AND A STS. S. E. smsw- ? Tt mi-iaON. RECTOR. Services: IM. 11 a. m.. and S p. m. WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL, Bcthlchein Chapel, Mount Sr.Alban. D. C. Holy Communion and sermon, preacher. Rev.- Wallace E Rollins. oC the Virginia Theological Seminary. U:0o a. m. Cantata, Olivet to Calvary, Maunder. Sung by the Cathedral choir. 4:00 p. m. . WESLEY M. E.. CHURCH. ITH AND T STS. N. w , W3C L JlcKENNEY. D. D.. Pastor. 11 a. ra. Preaching by the pastor. S p. m. Musical aerrloa. tM a. ra. Sunday scnaoL 1 . 1 7 p. m. Epworth League. ,i Prayer service Thursday, I p. ra. Seats tree. Good music. J EVERYBODY WELCOME. . TBINITY CHUECH, ' THIRD AMD C STS. N. "W. REV. GEO. W. VAN FOStffiN. Services. 7:10. 11 a. m.,"and t p. eu Sub day school. M a. m. EPIPHANY CHAPEL. Uth and C ata. a. W, Rev. a F. Edwards. Service. U a. ra. and I p. m. ' r- . . ST. JAMESj CHURCH, ITH STREET. ,NEAR C ST.. N. K. "Services: Sunday. 7:30. 10.30 and 11 a. m. 120 and 7:C p. m - ' ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. 1 AVENCS OF TUB PRESIDENTS ft R . BBV. ROLAND COTTON SMITH, D. 9. ' Sav. Edward Sister Dunlap. M. 'A. Rev George WlUlamson-Smith. D. D. ' Serrlces-g a. m., 11 a. m., and 4UJ p. av feoud wi ,i a. m. The Rev. Archibald R. Mansfield -will preach at the afternoon service. Sacred cantata. 8 p. m. MetlMwMt Episcopal TnTTNTnV Avenue of Um FrtsMaata CVUniaX, nd Church street. REV. W. 8. WEDDERSPOON. D. D. Pastor. : a. m., Sunday school. " 11:00 a. m. "ONCS MARRED, NOW BEAUTIFCL." 7:00 p. m. Epworth League. 8:0. D. m.-DR. D. B. THOMPSON, of Syracuse University. Special musical service. H A M L 1 N E NcSiw,1 REV. LUCIUS C. CLARK. D. D-, Pastor. I'M a. m. SuJiday School. 11 a. m.-"PROPHET8 IN THE PEWS." IM p. m. Kpnsrth League Sanrlca. M Dl m.-"CONFIRMINa OUR liOVat FOR CHRIST." All Clttlngs Free Strangtrs WeJosaatV UNION METHODIST EPISCOPAL. 20th St. Near Pa. Ave. N. W. WILBUR V. MALLALIEU. Pastor. Sev vices. 11 a. ml p.m. Sunday school :I0 a.m. METROPOLITAN " MEMORIAL Meth.' Episcopal Church, cor. John Marshall ' Slace .and C St. N. W.. JAMES SHERA. . ONTGOMERY. MINISTER. Sundar sebaol ' at t:4S; the same hour Metropolitan Bible ciaas. xnt pastor as tcacner. jtnwiia service at U o'clock with sermon by the pastor. subject. 'THE TREE THAT FAILED." Epworth Leagoa devotional ser vice at cis. At s O'clock or. will give a sermon In versa, subject. "LES SONS FROM FAMILIAR POEMS." Special music and free seats to the public Kvery saaa lsi Washtasrtoa akaaia's to ehnreh tanurraw. McKwdree MethodUt , Episcopal, Mag. Ave. aear 9th N. W. IUt. L. Margma Ckaaaacra. Mlalrtta. II av. as Cktiat mm I. 8 p. isw Tste Hhgfccat Eefrscsrtlom. WvrorwrfcT.Tf V Ttv V.t.1 ' W ITMkMV 'Pastor, corv than .Bjrtal S. X. U a. nu. m.. "TbeTunlUted Christ.". All are cordially Invited . -. - "W A TliTHF Ro --NI streets n. av ,V JXKJKtXX a. H. THOMPSON. PASTOR. .11 "The. Benevolence ot Xh Law of 5ac rlflee." 7ao "Th-. Equity of The Divine Clalma." An answer to a aenant question. Metliolst So-th MOUNT VERNON PLACE "l 8TH AND K STS. N. W. REV. EDWARD K. HARDIN. Pastor. 11 a m.. Rev. J. B. Winn. D. D., pastor of Green Memorial Church. Roanoke. Va. J p m.. Rev. J. M. Cullreth. Assistant Oeseral Secretary of the Epworth League. Sunday school, t JO a. m. Epworth League. IM p. ra. Prayer ratlna. Thursday, a a, ra, Cliristian Science Second Churoh of Christ, CXENTZ3T. Union Bufldlng. Q street. betwesa-Stzta asrl Seventh northwest. Services: Sunday. U a. in. and 8 p. nv SubJect-"REALITT." Sunday school. 11 a. ra. Wednesday area. Ing meeting; J p. m. Public cordially invited. Reading room anil loan library. 881 Colorado building. First Church of Christ, Scientist, COLUMBIA ROAD AND EUCLID St. SERVICES! . I Sundar. 11 a. in. sad 8 p. ra. Subject "REALITY." Sunday school. 11 a. ra. Wednesday even Ing meeting. 8 P. m. Public cordially In vited. Reading room and loan library. Ml Colorado building. Unitarian ALL SOULS CHURCH. Cor. 14th and X. sts. Ulysaes O. B. Pierce. D. D.. MlnUter. i:K a. m.. Sunday School: Class for lh Comparative Study of Religion, and Unity, Study Class. 11 a. ra., morning service, sermon by the minister. . . ,. . There is also kindergarten during the hour of rooming worship. 2 p. m.. address by Mr. Henry P. Holdcn. The Philosophy of Bcrgson." The public Invited to all services. IMPORTANT! Do yon wait to consider the big; robleat of the world "What la the Soulf Tkea attend the meet lag; of the Tea p I e Coasrresra tloa tomorrow afteraooa at 3 o'clock. Lecturer: C.E. HEARD Of the Peoples' l'nlplt Associa tion of New York. TOPICi "WHAT IS THE SOUL?" Eschatology Is an unsolved prb lem as Ions as the soul Is the un known quantity In the equation. The person who hears this lecture It Is declared, will never again be at loss to understand what he himself Is. One "Washtmrtonlan who has beard It sas: "It Is at once ra tional, scientific and scriptural." WASIIINGTOX TEW'tB CONGRKGATION. For tae People All Invite. WKW MASONIC TKMFLE. No Collection. Noa-Seetariaa. nj 'HI 1 J i V m M ii- ij i