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if .V ' Hie Itoftmafrm Want& WEATHER FORECAST: Fair tonight and Sunday. Full Report Pago Two. HOME EDITION NUMBER 8521. WASHINGTON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1915. PRICE ONE CENT. METROPOTITAN CLUB NAMED AS VIOLATOR OF EXCISE LAW Ten Warrants Sworn Out by Taggart Against Establish ments Alleged to Be in Resi dential Sections. Stoneleigh Court and the Cairo Among Palces Whose Li "censes Are Called Void. Other Complaints to Come. Ten warrants against holders of liquor licenses, including Nathaniel Wilson, president of the Metropoli tan Club, the Capital's most exclu sive club, charging violation of the Jones-Works excise law, were sworn out in Police Court today by Assistant Corporation Counsel George R. Taggart. It is contended by Mr. Taggart that the licenses in question are null and void and that the places conducted by the holders of them should be closed. Other warrants will be issued on the same theory. The complaint is made in the following cases that the places in question are conducted illegally because they are located in resi dential districts and are located on a block "where less than 50 per ccttur. ol the lout frontage, not including saloons, hotels and clubs having bar room licenses, is used for business purposes," the war rants being in two counts: LIST OF DEFENDANTS. Nathaniel Wilson, president of the Metropolitan Club, southwest corner of Eighteenth and H streets northwest. D. Edgai Stephan, of Stone leigh Court, at 1019 Connecticut avenue. Thomas F. Schneider, proprietor of tlio Cairo, at ibis Q street northwest. Gustave Braider, the Alhambra, 410 E etreet northeast. Robert E. Brebuahan (wholesale), 670 2s street southeast. Patrick Rufferty. 225 Eleventh street Timothy Hanlon, 822 H street north east. Ono warrant charges that John D. O Connors saloon, D1S Ninth stieet northwebt, is located within 400 feet of tho College of Pharmacy, at 808 I Mreet in violation of the Jones-Works law, while another warrant alleges that Henry M. Marks is conducting his bar 'room at tho Marks Hotel, 1000 E street northwest. conSary to law because tho hotel haa less than fifty rooms lor guests. Tho chargo is mado in another war rant that James J. O'Donnell's llcenoe Is void because Ills saloon in within 400 feet of tho Metropolitan PresbvtorUn Church, at the southwest iincr of Fourth and 13 streets southeast. E License Issued Here to Mrs. Mabelle Swift Moore and Axel Wichseld. A marrUge license uus issued today to Mrs. Mabel Swift .Moore, widow of Clarence Moore, who was lost with the Titanic, and Axl ichbeld, of New York. The news comes ns a great surprise to Mr Modic s friends, for, though Mr. Wlc liHfM'q attentions have been marked all w nter. no announcement of nn engagf -ucm las been nmde and .Mm Moore s plum were all l.nd to leave Washington fn n trip to the West Coast tarlv nr t week Mrs Mooie waS i(s Msh'llo Swt daughter ot thr late Kdwln C Swift' of Boston. 1 1 nn whom she n-heritei a largo fortu-ie Hie was mnriied to Clarence Moon- ,,n June ;o, l.i'n and haa thi e childr n Jaspei, iic-d' tfn who Is named for his grandfather mut is at boarding school , Claience ji and little Llovd, who was a bnbv'ot a few months at the time of the tiaglc ilcatll i'f his father in 101'J Sinro lier hushand's death Mrs Moore haH traveled a good ded, but has main tained her Imino in Washington and thlsfwmter &l presented Miss Frances Mooro, her h'.band s duughtcr by a former man-lug" to society at one or he most brilliant functions of the bca ion. Mr. Wlchseld, who Is a Duno by birth nrt a nenhw oi the Danish minister 'onatantln.Brun. Is In business in New 'ork: "tn6tlon plctuf taxlcabs. or lomethlng of that sort." according ti friends of Mrs Moore who were cradled hy Thr Times and w ho x rrested thenwlw-s astonished by the CLARENC MOORE'S WIDOW TO MARRY He's Real Hero Now Pi MEN MUSI STAND mMm TRIAL IN FOOD CASE i1"1. .1 ? &GfS&K? i W ;';- Ml. .'- KpTWf i h ln' , -. v - W - m. '--,'? (rxnrro asr-auc. ARTHUR LUSBY. L Rescue of Four Boys From Ice Chopped River Brings Recog nition After Three Years. Eleven years old and a hero Not exactly the hero of t-mnll-boy dreams perhaps for tlmv usually In clude a death-swept battlelleld, with the dreamer himself In the prominent foreground, ringed about by the heaps of enemies he has slain -but a real kind o hero, the kind v. ho saves life rather than destroys It. And that Is the kind of hero Arthur Lusby is. His rescue of four playmates from the Ice-chopped Eastern Branch, nfter three years have passed, haa brought him a Carnegie hero medal. Arthur Lusbv Is fourteen years old now. Ho Is the son of oPllceman W. T. Lusby. of the Eleventh preiSlnct. and Is a first-year pupil at Business High P"hTrl ,'' Ji fiy .ir t , i il ihu lH'-t mat Ik lia3 imthrU two aul als for his act the ilrst having been awarded hv the reflldcnts of Anacostla has not spoiled him. The accident which plunged the three children Into the rlvor, and tesiilted In their rescue bv Arthur I.,usb, occurred January 22, 1912 The Ice was breaking under tho btrength of a steady inld w Inter sun, and the boys of Anacostla found a tang of adventure In "riding tho floes." Arthur hlnlself was on tho Ice. Farther away vrero live of his play mates. Karl Fedden, poking at tho floating lee with a stick, lost Ills lulance and fell overboard Arthur Uudkoy and Harold Cummlngs, trying to haul lilm out, ere dragged Into tho water. The other children, who were, near shout ing "Save them' Savo them," fled for shore. But Arthur Iusby hurried away from shore, out on the lco until he readied the brink of the open wnter where his friends fought to keep themselves afloat. It was a hard task for the eleven-year-old hero, but at last he had all three oT the bojs out of danger And that Is why tho Carneglo Hero Fund Commission thinks that ho should be honored for his deed. REJECT WAGE AWARD Chief Stone and President Car ter Confer With 100 District Chairmen. CHICAGO, Ma 1 -Behind barred doors, W. s. Stone, grand chlsf of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Englnceis and W S. Carter, head of the firemen today discussed with P0 district club men from all parts ot the United htate posslble action on the award ban 1 d down last night by the arbitration board A long-drawn-out court battle with a subsequent reopening of the matter is possible In a dlhsentlng oninlnn sluned t" F A Buigess and Timothy Shea. It Is stated. ' The railroads. In scekinc- blcher pispenger nrd freight rates, predicated heir demnnls to a great evtnut on the Increased eot of all supplies and vet thev ate unwilling to ieeognl7e t'.e smo cmdltlnn In ftxlnfl the compen sation of employos. "A great onportunlty to bring about peace and the hec-ty co-opertlon of mplovcrs and emploves has been lost lij failure of tho board to equitably and Justly settle tho questions In volved. No act bv a Government tribunal coil id mere keenly bring home to tho irngc earners of this great country the consideration they might expect If boards under Government supervi sion and control are to review and adjust their wages and working con ditions on that basis. "Wu believe that tho application of such a theory will rapidly place tho Ameilcan wage earner In a condition h rrilur to that of the Mexican peon." Baseball Board Refuses To Reinstate Ben Kauff 1NCINNATI. Ohio. Mav 1 -The na tional bat-ebnll commission todiy re. futrd to reinstate Hen Kauff, balU POLICEMAN'S SO EARNS HERO IDA RAILROAD IE MAY mmumumm Chief Justice Covington Over rules Demurrers Filed by Al leged Conspirators. OUTCOME OF HIGH PRICES District Attorney Laskey Pre pared to Bring Merchants to Court in Near Future. Demurrers against the blanket Indict ment charging thirty Washington com mission men with conspiracy to violate the Sherman anti-trust by combining to control the price of foodstuffs in the District wero overruled by Chief Jus tice Covington, in Criminal Court, No. i. today. United States Attorney John E. Laskey is preparing to place the defendants on trial in tho near future. The Indictment was returned several months ago, following direction from the President to the Department of Jus tice to make an Investigation of tho ad vance In food prices throughout the country. Assistant United States Attor ney S. McComan Hawken conducted the lnquir In the District resulting In the indictment One Case Dismissed. The chaigc against Albln I'llce, who was also Indicted, was dismissed lod-i". Prosecutor Hawken Informing the court that evidence against him did not Justify his bilng hi Id for tilul. Gratification was expjes.sed at the De partment of Justice todav when the At torney General was udvit-ed that Chief Justice Covington had overruled the tit -murrers to the Indictments against Washington lommibslon merchants un der the anti-trust law Tho following statement was issued by the Depart ment of Justice after Chief Justice Cov ington's decision became known "In the .Supreme Court for the Dis trict of Columbia. Chief Justice Coving ton this morning ruled on the law points In tho case of the Fnlted States vs Col lins, et al He overruled the demurrers to the Indictment which will require the defendants to co to trial before a Jurj This Is th Important anti-trust case whirh was Instituted hy the Government w hon food rulers stpitcrt ur tmmo'lluf iv I .vrYy. tl,r , - . i , (, ,. , .lop,-.,! .if- iuoui wnriv or the moat Im portant commission merchants In the District of Columbia are Indicted for at tempting to control the market In poul try, eggs, butter, and like country pro duce. "The Government side of the case Is In the hands of John E Iwiskny, United States District Attorney and William C Fltts. special assistant tb the At tornev General, who has been assigned specially to the case " TO TEN-YEAR TERMS Justice Covington Sends Cole man and Gray to Prison. Lawson Sentence Deefrred. Ten years' Imprisonment each was th sentence Imposed by Chief Justice Cov ington in Criminal Court No 1 oday against William Coleman and William Giay, vi ho wero convicted last week of eight cbaiges of housebreaking ind larceny. The sentence of William Law son, who was Jointly Indicted with Cole man and Ginv, but pleaded qullty, and was a wltnes against the other two defendants, vvus deferred until next Saturdi.v Several thousand dollais' worth of loot, including silks, Jewelry and other merchandise was iccovercd by tin po llcu detectives when the house In which the thiee men were liv ng vvns raided a .vear ugo. The robberies were commit ted more than a year ago, and weic described by tho cllourt today as "tho most skillfull planned and adroitl executed . vor coming to the attention of the Dh.lrict authorities " Coleman and Giay testified that tney first met In the Leavenworth peniten tiary, where thev we;o both serving terms. Coleman also has served a term in thr Miu.ildni! penitentiary. Chief Justice Covington took occasion today to Hay second-hand dealeis who buy stolen propeity. saying that they insplie crime, and such offendi rs will receive the maximum penalty If they come befoie hlin for sentence. SENTENCES ROBBERS Veteran, 77, Jailed For Attacking Child Henry Davis Given Ten Years for Attempting to Assault Eight-Year-Old Girl. Henrj Davis, Heventv-tcven years old. a civil war veteian, was sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary by Chle Justice Covington In Criminal Court No. 1 today, on a charge of having attempt! ed to assault an cight-v ear-old girl Attorney Hairv I Qulnn mado a. strong appeal for clemency, but Chief Justice Covington (lectured that If it were not for the advanced jeurs of tli" defendant 'ie would nmtcnce n,n tl) thirty .voars" ImpilHonment, th lie 8'iid like orfenders mav expect At Ids hHiids Assistant United States At torney S McCnniin, Hawken appeal t thr the Government. t LI MO m m .. CAPITAL THEATERS Vigorous Exception Taken to Plea for Board to Pass on Pictures Here. ALL FILMS NOW APPROVED Strictest Supervision Possible Now Maintained by Police, Says Pullman. Vigorous exception to the contention of church and social workers that mo tion pictures shown in Washington noed a stricter censorship was taken by the lcadlne owners and operators of tho city's "movie" theaters todav. Tho fact that practically all pictures shown here already have been passed on by the National Hoard of Censor ship assures clean pIctuicH for Wash ington, tho "movie" men contend Tho clmrce Hint some of the pictures shown are conducive to crime among youthful patrons Is emphatically denied by the theater owners. Major Pullman lBsued a statement to day announcing that as strict a cen sorship as possible, now Is maintained In Washington by the police, and that this will be continued until there Is legislation establishing a Federal mo tion pic tin e commission Would Ituin Industry. Lst.ibllshmt ni ot local censorships will ruin the moving picture industrv, said A Urylawskl, npruinr ot the Cos mos and other "movie" houses 'This matter of censorship has ben thor oughly threshed out before Cungicrs ( hurchtnen and otheis interested in puritjing the motion plctuic Mini ap penied before tho Committee on Edu cation ot the Sixty-third Congress and advocated ccnsoishlp of Iho lllms, but Congress, after Investigating, lound the plmi non-feasiblo. "Ill'- piesent plan of censorship is mietiiiK wilh conditions admirAbly. U hllc it is Impossible to please all. I venture to say that the caliber ot plc Juies hhnvni hero Is about as tar be yond rerrr- ei ns ti j ' Au V ' .mi'),' v show (durational piutut to the young and to eliminate anything oir-color irom the Alms, nverv picture is paed" on before It comes to Washington ny the National Hoard of Censorship ot New York. This bn.nd Is made up ot volun teer church an,) social workers, who causo the e -adlcatlon of all vulgar fea tures from the films bctoie they are shown "If local censorship Is established heri It would iiM-in thit evcrv town constable would ultimately be a censor, and within a short time 'nothing would be left for the 'movie' nation but the bare reel ' Arthur Hobb, iimnagei of Moore's Garden Theater, deinred that stiictcr censorship is absolutelv tinneccssai y. "Cnder the present plan the highest ca'lber of motion plctuiis Is being shown here," he said. "Theie Is not the slightest chance of putting any thing having a tendenc.v to demoralize the voung or hurt the feelings of the adult on the screens hole Police Vigilant. "In the. first place, the police nre so vigilant In Inspecting motion picture thcateis, and in the second place the public Is about as strict as cciibor as one wants to cope with. Show a picture which is not just right from a moial stamfpo nt In Washington, and the ef fect on iour earnings will bo sufficient punishment. ' Then one must remember that the pictures shown here are tlrst passed by the National Hoard of Censorship and very often by numerous local censors thioughout Pennsylvania "How any picture which has paRsed through such a censorinc process must necestaiilj .iced further censoishlp Is a phase of the motion picture lndustr.v which -hould be food for thought for thobo advoe.itir.y the increased censor ship What will be left of the oilglnal Picture if tvery village onstable from New York to Savannah Ga . eliminates some little feature which ho things ob jectionable, when tho film i caches Jack sonville?" Major Pullman, in bis announcement today, said the entire time of Patrolman i nomas uriani, ot No. 1, I'oliee Preilnct, Is devoted to tho Inspection of motion Picture plavs. iteport Is mado to Capt Charles T. Peck of dims corsldeied Impioper or doubtful and ho also makes an Inspec tion If the picture is deemed objec tlonal request Is made by Captain Peck that It be eliminated. This. Captain IVik bald, ban always been followed by prompt acqulesi ence on the part of tho proprietors of tho moving picture tbsaterb, A weelilv report of the inspections is Mibmlttcd to the superintendent of po lice. Consideration, It was stated today. Is being given to the suggestion oftcred by Kabbl Abrtim Simon at a confei opce botweou a commltteo of clergy men and srK al and civic work rs and Majoi Pullman that an udvisory citi zens committee be appointed, without salatlcs, to aid In the police ccncois'il i The confeience vvns arm iged by Mis John N. Culbertson, president of the Woman s Interdenominational Mission ary Union Jitneys Run to Grounds Of Clerks' Tennis League A temporary Jitney bus service wns Inaugurated today by the Harry Hulkley Company. While the regular service will not be gin until Mnj 15. the eompanv, In order to accommodate the members and play, ers of the Departmental Tennis League, todav placed several cars In operation between the departments and the ten ills grounds. Seventeenth and H streets northwest The fare was 5 cento each wav Mr Hulkley explained that It Is In tended latei to cover this territory with a regulai iltnev bun service and in the menn'lnie to provide sriie on Saturdays for persona desiring to attend th league tames. NEED 9 CENSOR N FLEETS REDUCE FORTS AS PENINSULA ARMIES FORCE TURKS INLAND RiK - 'V f M. !''' 'A ML . F?- i (I upjrlxht In I ji k COUNT VON BERNSTORFF, Bernstorff Warns U. S. Citizens Not to Travel On Ships of the Allies German Embassy's Announcement Astonishes Gov ernment Officials Declares Travelers Sailing on Enemy Vessels Do So at Their Peril Berlin (,lfrnores ). S. Viev;. NEW YORK, May 1. In the face of an advertue ment signed by the German embassy and published in all New York newspapers today warning the public that they travel to Europe at this time at their own risk, nearly 3,000 persons sailed on trans-Atlantic liners today. Booking offices reported their heaviest day's work so far this spring. With a directness which has astonished Administration officials, Germany once more has sounded warning that it does not intend to be responsible for the injury or death of American citizens who take, passage on the vessels of Great Britain or any of her allies in the war zone which the Kaiser's government has decreed to exist in the waters adjacent to the British Isles. TRAVEL AT THEIR OWN RISK. The warning in this case takes the extraordinary form of an advertise ment put out in n larpe number of American newspapers by tho Ger man embassy. Il Is put out as a statement by tho ltnrerlnl Oeriiian embassy. It read? a follows. 'Notice Travelers Intending to embark on tho Atlantic voyage are Lusitanids Passengers Warned of Ship's Doom NEW YORK, May 1 -Scores of prom inent passengers who sailed todn on the slant Cunarder Lusltunla found anonymous telesrams avwiitint; them at the pier Biding warning that the l.uM tani.i would bo sunk on her trip to Liverpool Alfred G Vaudorbilt was told In one of these message, thu the vessel would be torpedoed. Other passengers were warned that the liner would meet some imstcrloua end. The messages were "followed up" hy the circulation, b a number of strang ers on the crowded pier, of similar vel'eil warnings Tho strangers hur ried away as soon as the fnct that thev wero accosting passengcis wis reported to the Cunard private dctei tlc force. APPEAL FOR PEACE President Wilson, through Secretaiy Tumulty, was tndaj asked by II II Hrvn. Norwegian minister to the I 'tilted States, to communicate to the women of this country u remarkable appeal from the Norwcg'nn Women's 1'eace Association urging united action on the part of the women of tho woild to bring about petmanent peace. Essential to any Idea of success along these lines, declines the inemorlrt!. Is the uprooting of "the political creed amongst the nations Unit lends to lo. leni e, and of which we now witness sueh lumei'tahle results " 'The doKin.i or the necessity of war nvst ho oerthiown." leads a heavily underlined sentence In the message- BUN WON NOTICE! Travelers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are remind ed that a state of war exists be tween Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or of any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travelers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk. IMPERIAL GERMAN EMBASSY Washington, D. C., April 22, 1915. reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Ureat Britain and her allies: that the zone of ivor Includes the waters ad jacent to the Hritish Isles, that. In accordance with forn-al notice Kivrn bv the imperial Kovernment, vcssclh flylnjr the flatr ot Great Uritaln or any of her allies are liable to de struction In those waters, and that (Continued on Second Pago.) Cunard line ofllciala laughed at pas sengers' feats, and su d the l.usltanla could show her heels to any sub marine Despite the warnings, the l.usltanla carried the largest number of passen gers for months. hSe broke all pre vious records for number of second cabin traveleis. Kxtreme pieiaullons were taken by Cunard officluls in the inspection of baggage. General Agent Sumner attil'iuted the w-arnlngs to Germans, whom, he In sisted, had been endeavoring to give travelers the Impression that the Rritlsh line was unsafe. The American passen gers included Charles Fiohman. Charles Klein, dramatist, and Mr. and Mrs. Elbtrt Hubbaid. LONDON, .a 1 -The public was Breath concerned this afternoon b.v the offlcltl announcement that Geiman' sub mmlnes nic again operating off the Irish coast. it is dated thut tho Russian steamei Svorono. coal laden, was tnrpedoid uml stink off th- coast of Ireland ycstoidav Mam pei sons have been killed in Dunkirk during the shelling ol that fortiMed cltv bv the cicnt Germun cuiih Tho office admits that InHt night's report Unit the German guns hn been Kile nerd bv allied aviators was incor rect It states that ten shells fell on Dunkirk dur'ns InM night deM.nmj a numlvcr of 'iddltional honfs nnrl klil- ,lne- and wounding uumeioiis l'tiin Elff whcio ilong the buttle O . ,i in 1 ntrthern Franco and Bclglt in Ui- sit uation Is unchanired, the vvai office su. D1KIOELLEDAT HIT BY GERMANS AT BOMBARDED BY ALLIED SHIPS Flank and Rear Attacks by Brit ish and Colonial Land Forces Under Way. FRENCH CAPTURE A FORT Six Points Seized by Co-operation of Fleet With Landing Parties at Dardanelles. LONDON, May 1. Further fighting of the heaviest character is reported in progress on the Gal lipoli peninsula, where the British forces are making every effort to cut off the Turks from the main land. Athens dispatches say that a series of night assaults drove the Turks further inland. The co-operating allied fleet is shelling the Turkish forts from in side of the Dardanelles, from the Gulf of Saros and from the Aegean Sea. Meanwhile the French r.rc ad', jncing orthc Asiatic side. The Turkish positions at Nagara were heavily bombarded Iast night. Sweeping toward Constantinople on land and sea, the combined French and British forces arc con ducting a determined campaign from flank and rear to reduce the forts guarding the Dardanelles. TWO FORTS CRUMBLE. Two forts have already fallen before the brilliant campaign Inaugurated In the new movement, Seddul Bahr suc cumbing to tho British and- Kum Kaleh, on the Asiatic side, to the Fre.nch allies. At six points on tho Galllpoll penin sula the British land forces are firmly established and the co-operating fleet Is established ten miles up the Darda nelles. Colonial troops from Australia and New Zealand, landing nt Sari Bahr. have the task of cutting a way across the narrow uart of the peninsula and of attacking the foils guarding Na gara Roads from the rear. Oflicial reports of tho operaUons reaching the British war office Indicate that today the attack Is well under way anil that the advance along the Dard.inellss has begun, tho main Brit ish army sweeping up the European side while the co-operating French force Is advancing along tho AslaUc side fiom Kum Kaleh Heavy casualties are reported on th part of the land forces In tho face of determined opposition by the Ottoman forces led by German officers. Tli" oflicial reports Indicate the suc cessful disembarkation of troops at the extreme tip of the peninsula at Seddul Bahr; at Sari Bahr; at Cape Teke, at Cape Hellas at Morto bnj ; at Suvla bay. and near Bulalr. whllo the French are established at Kum Kaleh. A transport of about 8.000 tons was sunk during the attack by tho Queen Elizabeth. The fleet, besides covering tho landing of the troops, kept up a bombardment of tho forts In the Dardanelles and pre vented re-enfonements from reaching Turkey from tho Sea of Marmosa. King George has sent to Acting Vice Admiral John Michael de Robeck, com niandcr of the allied fleet at the Darda nelles, and to Gen Sir Ian Hamilton, commando" In chief of the Dardanelles land foices. the following dispatch: It is with intense satisfaction that I have heard of the success, which, in th face of determined resistance, has attended the combined naval and military operations at tho Darda nelles, l'lesse convey to all ranks, I m hiding those of our allies, my heurtv congratulations on this splen did achievement. Cuts Off Constantinople. To emphasize the encircling movement in progiess It Is reported the troops landed In the vicinity of Smyrna have oi copied tho railway lino connect ing the latter pl.u-e with tho Bosphorus, and Russian troops aro now supposed to have been lunilcd on the Black Sea shore prepared to move westward to form a junction with the British troop3 moving mi from Enos. With the Smyrna .mil Sotl.i railway lines oeiupled. the Turks will be cuij off fiom all railway connections vita the outside world, and exit by water will be fuithei slopped b the nllled Meets In the Dardanelles and the Rus sian forced nt the Black Sea entrant of tho Bosphorus. The Russian licet In the Black Sea la as supremo in that quarter as Is the allied fleet In the Aegean, and enor. mous fon pa. it Is estimated, can he thrown i.j Rushl.i Into the country north of Constantinople It Is well known that t onstuutlnnple Is absolutely dependent on the outside for supplies, and military men believe that with the FORTS NAGARA