Newspaper Page Text
I? THE WASHINGTON TIMES. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1015. IF D0N71RKITPI; V YET THEY'RE UNHAPPY German Sailors Interned at Hoboken Long For Bier Halle s of Fatherland. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. A sailor's; We. according to advlco given In verse nnd onir. It the ltf for 6ne to ld, but tho writers of auch lines undoubtedly muat havo had reference to only Hfo on an ocean wave. If first-hand Impres sions gleaned from a visit to Hoboken, v.hero 6.000 German sailors are leading sailors' lives ashoro, are rightly formed. Tho vlsaltudes of Germany's sailors, who have been at the Now Jersey side of this port slnco war's beginning, more than one year ago, caused the comand era of their vessels to relinquish hopes of lea In their piers, form a chapter of ups-and-downs to which every one of them seemingly would like to write finis. Thero are eighteen large German liners swinging Idly at Hoboken piers, Inrlurllnir the Brent Vaterland of the llnmbtirg-Amerlcan line, and the North Ucrmnn LloMl liner Qeorgo Washing ton. The B.OOO Germans who compose their crews have been experiencing the strance Ufa nf the landlubber, with Its comparatho idleness, for a longer period than most of them ever spent ashore since their sea days began, which, for Bremen and Hamburg liner crews, means slnco a vcrv early age. Long For Fatherland. Cholera scares, frequent lilts to their quarters by health officers Intent on rescuing them from supposed un sanitary conditions, a wave of Insanity In their ranks, experiments with their diet, a shortago of that one-time River street staple real German beer and the closing down of the seamen's fav orlto danco hall, aro some of the vicissi tudes to which tho hapless 6,000 havo been subjected. At first glance one scarcely could Imagine a more pleasant existence than that which the fortunes of war have meted out to Hoboken's visiting crewa. Their homes are aboard their ships. They receive pay, despite the fact that their companies' vessels are Idle. Their day's toll caring for the ships Is not oerheavy, and they hae tlmo a-plenty In which to frequent amusement resorts. Along. River street, from the terminal of tho Hudson tubes to the grounds of Steens Institute, In almost solid rows, opposite the spacious yards of the Ham burg and Lloyd lines, aro German beer halls. Most of theso boast summer gardens. Thero aro tho Cafo Jullcn, l.loyd Hall, the Bremen Cafe, the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel (Hoboken style), and other places, where the seamen hae loved to loiter over their favorite brews. But after a year of Indulgence there, the men remind one, comes a earning for certain "bier halles" and "Kartens" of Bremen and Hamburg, that are rather attractive themselves. Long For Ftherland. Sitting In the beer gardens and gax Ing out on the German shlpards, fenced In by Iron rails, broken at Inter vals by low-roofed brick structures and picketed by heavy-faced guards lurklnr In the shadow of tho green bushes that border part of the fences- one can see the rounded tops or. tne liners' sipokestacks peering above the houses on the piers. Probably It Is be cause these stacks remind the Germans of their fatherland that they do not sit as much In the gardens during day light as they did when the war started. It was first learned that the crewa weren't exactly happy last June, when Dr. Joseph Stack, health commissioner of Hoboken. announced that twelve In sane men had been remoed from tho German ships In tho two previous months. Dr. Stack attributed this outbreak of Insanity to lack of proper food Ninety per cent of the sailors, he said, were undernourished and anaemic. He was fearful of an epidemic of beri-berl. So he and a milk and food Inspector from Hoboken went aboard the Vaterland, Barbarossa, George Washington, and President Lincoln and Investigated con ditions from stems to sterns. Scientific lingers were poked Inquiringly Into pud dings and soups and the sailors' diet was changed. Slnco then they have ben subsisting on heavy bean soup, thick vegetable soup, plenty of ege tables, potatoes cooked in their jackets, fruit twice a week, and raisins In their bread. SOFT WOUND WANTED ; KILLED DURING DRIVE Young Officer of Highlanders Fore cast Last Battle in Letter to Aunt. BALTIMORE. Oct. 8 -John Heighe and Annie Heljhe received two weeks aKO a letter from their nephew, Lieut. Donald Cameron MacMaster, of the Sixth Cameron Highlanders, written at the front In Franco on his tw cuts -first birthday, and acknowledging the receipt from them of a huge box of candy which he aald the censor had opened, but, for once, had not helped himself. Yesterday the aunt received a cable- grain announcing tho youne offlcer'a death In action. He was a Cambridge student and n son of Dr. Donald Mac- Master, ot London. Lieutenant MucMaster's letter fore cast the ery drlvo In which he lost his life. "I've been up 300 jards from the Huns In our new and cute trenches. You sec, we arc aiwns pusning up ana tor. ward till we meet tho. Hun doing like wise It looks as though there will be a big show nere soon, l wonder now we'll et on Tho close of tho letter showed that, though n saina sense of humor kept him In high feather, tho youthful officer was sensible of the extreme danger of his position. "Well, Aunt Annie, I'll look after mvsclf as best I can We've all got our jobs, and, for the moment, this Is mine. I'll just do my best, and hope to come through all light. Every one wants a soft wound out here. Dad wounds are useless, hut the sort that gives ou a six months' limp and at tendant sick leave Is considered highly desirable Kunn. Isn't It?'" Tho lleutennnt'B mother V'as former ly Ella Dcford, daughter of tho late Isaac Deford. of Baltimore. Three Men Killed as ' Team Hits Motor Car BALTIMORE, Oct. 5. Three men two unidentified were killed when an automobllo was struck by a southbound express of tho Baltimore nnd Ohio railroad near Leslie Sta i tion, ten mllcu noith of the bildgc over v the Susiiuolinnna river. The Identified man, Elmer Oashavvny. twenty years old, of this city, vvns placed on tho ex Piess and died as the tinln reached tho Bnltlmoto nnd Ohio station here Tho occupants of the auto were thrown sixty jarda and tho machine was demolished. Two of the men were killed Instantly. EDUCATIONAL GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. NINETT-F1STII TEAR. Day and It Afternoon Sessions. OPENS BEITEMDEIt M. Mil. COLUMBIAN COLLEGE. A. B.. B. . In Cbem . and Med. COLLEGE OP KNOWEEnlNO, B. 8. In Arch.. C. E E. K.. and M, B. TKACIIEns COLLlidE. A. D. and Tsschsr's Diploma, Office t 202S G Street SCHOOL Of ClIlADUATn STUDIES, A. If., 8. M.. C. E.. B. K . M. E.. fn. D. MEDICAL SCHOOL. M. D. DENTAL RC1IOOL D. D. 8. Oflcei: 1325 H Street. LAW SCHOOL, IX, B.. LL. M M. P. U Office: Ner Maionlc Temple. ASSOCIATED COLLEOERl NATIONAL COLLEOE OT PHAItMACT, Pbsr. D. 808 I Street. COLLEGE) Or VETEMKART MEDICINE. V. V. M. 2113 14th Street. General Office: 2023 G Street. Emerson Institute In 1914-1915 successfully prepared men for the Uni versities of Pennsylvania, Illinois. Michigan, Cornell, Dartmouth, Wiscon sin, Virginia, U. 8. Diplomatic Corps, George Washington, Georgia, U. S. Mili tary Academy, Georgetown, u. S, Naval Academy, U. 8. Patent Office, unlter slty of New York, Nebraska, Harvard ant Princeton. Clas-es now forming. Office hours: li A. M. n.:to i M. 'Msndnys, Wednesdays, frldays. U A. M. 4 P. M. Taesdnys, Thursdays, George Washington UniversityLawSchool Begins Hit rear, I M p. m , September . Member of Association et American Iw schools, ensuring strict standards for en Uanes and eourse. a select student bsdy sad maximum credit from law schools throughout tha United Slates (or work dan. "Casa Method" used; Instruction by pro 'esslonsl teachers aLd lawyers la active practice. TTrept7-w graduates wrote the last D. C. Bar Examination, and eierr one, walla 40 per cent nf other canitldntes failed. roreneon course. I to if. or afternoon, 4 SJ- I JO Optional claeeee. J.M- Warn. Secretary. Maaonlo Temple, Phone M. 4S4& Wilson-Greene School of Music The only resident muelc school for louns ladlee In Washington Indorsed by the world's createst muslclam Voice, piano Jlolln. harmony, srand opera, dratnat art, lansuaser, Enslleh literature clinic Jan clna, and accoinpamlns, Twelte or more free concerte by worM-renonned artlnta. Inqulrlei solicited ooly from earnm itudenta with the bent eoclsl and financial references CataloKue NOTI- Special arrangeuients tnads for touni ladlea rcildlns In Washlncton to Ilia In the school from Monday to Frldni. Thoi. Eana Greene. Mrs Mlion-Ureene. Principals. :sol-:47 Connecticut mr Waili Initon. I). C. Mlei Hodskln. Rerretary. CLASS OR INDIVIDUAL INSTRt'CTION (Iven at The Violin Studio. laM II at. N. E. Instrument furnlehed If desired. 1 ACCOUNTANCY. Ei.iployea men may better prepara for business without Interference with recti Isr duties. Previous knowleJc of book, kceplnc not requited. COURSES OFFERED 1. Fundamental of Accountancy. t. Shorter Course In Accountancy. I. Business Administration. 4. Professional C. tf. A. Ccurse. L Cost Aceountlnv: " . Law for Dullness Men. Call or write for free 3-rre bulletin. T. W. WALTON. Director. Washington School of Accountancy, Y. M. C. A.. 173 G BL N. W. PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS. Pupil, coiched In grade itudlea by expert enced teacher, rhons Wen 17CIW. 1 THE CHEVY CHASE SEMINARY Washlntton'a unique boarding school for tlrls and young women. Situated la the city's moit beautiful suburb Opena September 10th. Interested parties ara cordially Invited to mase a personal inspection. Tako Chevy rnaee car at corner of IMh street and New York acnue THE UNIVERSAL PREPARATORY School I Adolph Richards. MA, MS, I'rin , Mcljichlen bldg , 10th & O Main MS Mathe matics, Englleh. physics drafting, languages Certificate admlta to all leading unlerltle Individual Instruction. Low Tuition Rates Richter Spanish-German School 1914 Pa. Ave. N.W. Experienced Native Teachers Trlsl Leeeon Free Phone Main 1MO. WASHINGTON IHjMNKSS AMi CIVIL mkiuici; SCHOOL. 1317 New York Avenue Northwest Miss M. R. Beuter's SCHOOL Shorthand (Pttmaii) and typewriting (touch) Speed dictation, civil service: Individual tu structton. Phons Col. ill! ll!l Perry pi. N. W. J. It. NEUTER. Principal Washington College of Law FOP. MEK AND WOMEN. Twentieth yesr opens Oct. t, 7 p. m. Three years' course, LI H. One esr pott grsduate, LI M. Speclsl course: Interatete snd Foreign Com. merce snd Federal Trade rommlsilon Law, Beaalons st either t (0 or 1.30 p. m. Tuition. 163 per snnum. For information or catalogue apply to the Dean. Office houra: 10 to s.30. 1317 New York Avenue Thane Main 45U. PREPARATION for college entrance Snd ether examinations. I. 8. TILTON. 17U Church st N W. Phane North 70 i Singing, Elocution iins i:mily fhech hanes 113 llth at N. E. Thone Line. 1739 Tucadavs and Fridays 23U Hth st N V WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD MAID Turn at once to Times Want Ads for help. ' EDUCATIONAL GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY The Law School Session of 101B-1B18 begins Msnday, October 4ttl 1018, eft iSO . m. . ... ..en... ... ..-a... - Bocreiarr upen uau;- irons a a. ro. to 6 p. m. for registration und consultation. UVOtl J. FBOAN, Secretary, flaora-atown Law fiehnol hulMlnte. th and 18 sis, n.w. Telepaoa. M. T1SX Paul Institute sVasfjIngton sVtnmaru Mrs. Naaette S, r.J, UJ. Fr..,1., tlOT Btntt M.a I'ltONE N. HO. French. r.nsllsh. rtoardlnx and Day eMiool for Olrla. ICInderserten and Primary Department far toth alrle and box- DRAFTING Specialise With Specialists Columbia School of Drafting, McLachlcn Bldg.. 10th & G Sts. ST. ALBAN'S, The National Cathedral School FOR BOYS ftopn HtiiUinber Slit 1IU. Preparations for College, Dullness, Wtst rolnt, and Annapolis Dlihop ot Vnshington ."resident ot I.oard or iiusiee. For In for mad on unJ catalogue, add re William II. Churth Htndrnnstfr 1417 G St. N. W. tenosrraphy. Typewriting. Ensllak. Civil hrrtice l'hoas Main 35S. Miss Lucile Moore Teacher of Piano and Harmony Pupil of Lleblln. court planlit Munich, and Iluonamlcl. Horcnce 1117 Lait Capitol I' Lincoln lin-w. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE M0 Separate Locke 1 ltooiim i: 00 Month Up Merchants Transfer & Storage Co. Main 6900. 920-922 E St. N.W. MOVING pauuld VANS Phone M Mlt 20U, KRIEG'S EXlESS, UH II Street N. W. STORAGE. PACKING AND BIIIPPINO. MONEV! MONEY! MONEY I Advanced on atorage. UNITED TRANSFEIl AND 8TOP.ACJE CO. Ith and D eta. nw Ph. M. 1308 Estimate on Packlns nl Shipping Washington, Baltimore and Sub urban Moving. Northeast Ex roTTmirr S8553E1 Pre Company, 1017 H St. N. E. Ph. Line. 3970. "HAFETY KIHST!" ADPOLUTKLV Kinnj'HOOK flTORAOEi UMTfit) tfTATES STOHAOE CO. rtoomi. $: W and up Moving, racking Phone Main :: lft-4:o 10th at N. W. STOftAOE II mo , hauUd In fraa; ail we aak. romuara our nrlcea ta othera. aatim. chtarfully clcn. central location, rtry. cteat atorai room, open for tnipectlon At anr tlm. II ltaum K Hun S12 I'l a ava m. i. too Htorsge Hoome, Sl CO per month up. MOVING. l'ACKI.SO by Experts Low Hates UNION 8TOHAIJE LO , 111 Third at. Main 4171 Main I1M STOItAOB. (pedal rates for nest few martini new, clesn dry storsge for furniture and pianos. Estimates cheerfully given. Convenient lo cation. WUSCHLEH'B. K Pa. ava. N. W Phone Main in: DANCING PROF. WYNDHAM ''h Maln M79- Mite Iluraay. fp-to-the-Mlnute. All Dances. Mil ANI M1U HARTLEY, formerly MISS COULTER. i: O N W.. all dancing taught, private leeeoni. ioc. Thone N tlii MISS CHAPPELEAR, 1312 QUE ST N. W. TIIO.NK NORTH (Ml OLOVEIl'8, (11 22nd. clasa. dances Tues. Thure ft Eat . COc, ladlea free, private let sons any hour &Gc. fox trnt.,n Hon, waltz, :-itep. latett methni Ph W. U2 MILLERS, Belasco Thcate. up-iotr.eminut Unct. Bummer rate. M. 6I-T LOST AND FOUND UAMf.O I'IN-lxit between New Jersey avenue and K to Convention Hull Market, to heventh and E ate Liberal reward, 10M New Jersey ave N vv . WATCH CHARM Odl Kellowe , marked 'to Arthur Cnrr, Treaeurer, I O i. F." u rsuinrl it rnl uriva.l en iiwniiti , lluuf fai lllsj t A - " TIN lth three loral roues Saturday, Oclo- A t lAVlcr1 tin Slit . A a.Ei . a., m-j tw IJIH m p f w HELP WANTED-FEMALE iPini?VTirr. t 1a t . j tlnir, .litMninklngi dfilgnlns nl mlUlnfryn gool tiosl l Ion VrJl1aTl " Aft,,r iMrnlm o i'A ..iiisuwiein ACADEMY, 1115 G st. is AHM WAITIlKsHt, in BO south todnv DICK'H HOIUU AGU.SrV. Silh and vl COOK - (lood nnd r, uu',,, j19 !r,( N lOl.Ml luI) to h. I), on skirts In ladl-a tnllorlnit store, permanent l.lllon km,. 1 pay .107 Champlaln n N w. I'hone Col bEWEIlH to mike altrratlnn on lOreetl, mil) those who are ihor iuhly experlemed need npplv between o an 1 10 30 a m JHL1LM (1AR1-INKI.E & CO j t A i '-"n E!;?,.V.' wnik,?n coa'" """i "Pinng " "" - -. " ' a a v e w i WAN rt.D-(1lus saleswomen, only those who aru thnrouahl) experienced need anolv! JL'Llt'rl (lAliriSkLE . i-r) PP fc wrtixinu aewers on women i coats and Only t'..ose who are thoroughly experienced need apply, between 9 and 10:30 A.M. JULIUS GARFINKLE a CO. Vn!ST 'tor-tf rw .e,u'f -v the cmho cvrp -'""""d Apply wu.!.'li'.rsu1N''vo wa"1 ona lr0n' At,"lr ($mk$m 5253ET 'yTi tt"' 3 JHOVWMJSinMl fjUwiwiKwaaiCa. HELP WANTED-MALE WANTED-T-Aut6mobile Mechanic, capable of making all repairs to both gas and electric trucks; must havo best reference. Apply to R. E. Buckley, fifth floor, G and llth St., PALAIS ROYAL, A. LISNER. AOENT to handle etock In orchard propoil llon. 1IQX III, Times ofnes e IlOV to learn eniravlnc. J. J. FBCIAN, 701 tl at, S. W room 4. IlOV wanted to make hlmtelf useful around hoe store. Apply HOOT BIIOl'. SOS 7lh St N W. 1 ItltlCKI.AYEItH Pour nonunion) school building al llslley's Cross itoads, Va,; lake W. & o. l car to llarcrofl. Ilt'HIIRLMAN wanted at ones. 2011 M at. N. W. DELIVERY HOY with wheel. M. llROOKR & CO , lino o t. N W. KITCHEN UOV-Ooodi salary t woek. Dt'LIN'H LU.NCIt. 70S llth at N W CIXANnn AND I'HKHSKH-Uood was" s:j 7th et. H B COATMAKKItH nret-claea. OIl.lir.ItT. B F el N W for Inilde I 1 COUK-Eiperlrnced. M10 Kin at. N. ' Aiiply at once. FAItMIIAN'D-Youns. experienced, work near city. Apply Iiw i-n. aye., ax t o ciock 1 Kiti.ioiiT niiivuns-io, to wx.ri to nt WALTER I'lllCK at FnillOlU BTATIO.S. 4' and I! sta H. W. HOITSE MAN Colored, experienced, and win dow cleanars. Apply NATIUNAU Cth and DjtS; YOI'NO MAN to work In drug store. Ap pl DUNCAN PHARMACY, let snd K N W 1 YOt'NO MAN with some eiperlenoe In ho store Apply HOO.VB UEACON rTHUE SI (IRE. I5 I's. ae. N W. XI UN to learn barber trade; few weoka re quired, steady position for competent grad uates: v.onderlul demand for barbers Kree catalogue. WASHING TON IIAKUER CO I.. LK'IE. Wsehlnglon. P. C. 1 TM.t. SIKN-I'i, for frsncl opera. Apply Hinge Kntrance. UKI.A8CO TllEATt'll, Tuesday st 7 pm. PAPnitllANOrcil st once SOI D st. N K. PREOSEIl WANTKD 10JS 7th at H W PRKHHnR Colored, eiperienced, at once. 411 llth et. N W. PALCMI'N of good appeorance, for Waah Ington and auburbt. HWKUI'ER.VAC sai.v:h ro . 411 loth t N. w. 1 STARCIIER-Esocrlenced Apply ELtSC THIC HAN1TAIIV IUNDUV. IBS II at. N E 1 TA115H and buehelman. at once WATBON. ItuS O st N. W. TINNER With some knowledge ot cornice work. i:ii Wlsconiln ave WINDOW CLEANERfl-ReaJy for work. 10th at. N. W. WANTED Helper in Garage, one with experience preferred; must have best reference. Apply R. E. Buckley, fifth floor, PALAIS ROYAL, G and llth Sts., A LIS NER. SITUATIONS WANTED Female. II V POLIHII OI11U place for general house work In small famll) . stay nlghta. no laun. dry 1K)X 411. Tlmesofftce FOR RENT ROOMS Famished. M ST N. W, t:i To furnlehed rooms lor light houeekeeplng. heat and gas. Hlh HT N W.. 1102 Apart I, clesa snd well furnished front room, electrlcall) lighted KVE HT N W . in-Thra furnlahed room for rani . ! OIItAltl) HT N W. li:Cr-Ull furnlahe.1 front rootna, bath aatne floor, hot-wattr hratt Kcntlrmcn. 17 and llt month, call vn- Inij VA AVE , 1K Two-room apartment far- iitshM ramplrte,, gme rantce, S3 per Meek, lnle roome, tttVO l'hon M "1T 1 NEW IIAMI'bIIIKE AE N W., llli Part nf tnolern furnlflieil houet to aJuttt (or hounekeet Ing NEW OlK AE. N. W . Wfr-HamWomely' rurnlihetl front roomt, fl 23. II tO. 12, trans- le n i. hut nitr T ST N. E , i07 8K-ond floor, 2 roomi and bath, light houiekeeplnx. nicely (urnleh-d. near Laidtul and button reasonable IA. AVE N V, 120S (Opp nalfllght Warm, tunny, hot water always, no car fare, rate lh HT N. W.. l:-rur room In prUM German family, stem heat bath, phone, ultablo for 2 gentlemen, $, each or H for nne Unfurnished. Jth ST. N Wa. X302 Thre unfurnlihed roome, 2nd floor, ater. heat and gat. WANTEDROOMS GENTLEMAN withes tumlthed mom with use of kitchen on Cspitol Hill, apart- mont preferred. UOX H. Timet ofnee 1 ROOMS AND BOARD M ST, N. VV , (( -Splendid room and board for man and wife 12th ST. N. W , S(W Well f urnlthed rooma, with or without private hath, home conk ing K ST. N. W.. ills-Rooms with board cen tral, noma cooking, transients accommo dated TABLE BOARD L 8T N W. meali, IS t-Two meals, 1:50. 3 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANOEI. PRINTINO COMPANY. ' "THE IlL'nil.-UP SHOP ' 13 New ok ave Tel M. Wtl WORkl.SOMEN Does any one suppose tnst ws would allow an) one to aelt lower? Well not this yesr. our cssh li in demand, same ss jours, snl we buy to best sd vantage: see what IS will hu In a good grsde slightly used eult eaves csih; one price JI'MrH'8 OLD HTANP, 819 D 1 Birds and Animals. JI'ST RECEIVED ilnglng csnsrlei, perron. dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, gnldflshes aquarluml. and remelles for all' klnda of pen, lend for catalogue. Taxidermy In all SCHMID'S PET EMPORIUM, 71! l!th t N W Antique rurniture. if.n.i.inv eti.l rine rinlshlnr Oenersl furniture work, especially Inantlqiies WAHHIMJION ANTigl'E PL'HMTl'IIB SltOI'. Zl.l i'a ave u. . it ..i t Upholstery. 1-I'lECl. lultei upholstered In taprstr), I J up, - ,.ii..h hmli ' bv iraftemen nf un. u.usl skill. Acme Uphol Co . 1007 tth M c'll MattrcsscH and Box Springs. SPECIAL FOIl THIS SEASON-Halr nnd felt nmttresses all slies reinado and reno. vated called ror aid dcllveioi II only EAG1.E IIFDDINO CO. i:08 ,th st. N. V. l,t.n V. t.710. 1 Vacuum Clcnnera. racuum Cleaning, $3.50 Pc. Day. With expert operator nnnd or electrlo clean ' ere for rent It par dsy. Kir, VACI L'M SALES CO. MAI10W5 6TH A.M U STS N W Typewriters. UNDERWOODurr'oVn.c'.o'ryT.'e'n,: ed II a month ! T it. nw. Ph North me Carpet Cleaning. CARPETS 4 THOROUUIH.Y AND CAHU- fully cleaned, rugs woven from oil carps e maltreeees renovated Esllnntes furnished ALBERT KA11LERT 4 CO., 3S2 11 St. S. W. u. tuu. PERSONALS LOUISE MAIF.R -"AinoREsiiNo """" mttir.n MlCUr,nfi 8.,,p reatment. rhlropodr. All branches taught. M Kenoli Hide , llth and U ats M. cell . ! MIS.1 JAMtinoN. manicurist and cMropadyi hours, 10 a. in. to P m. 1111 tew lork aye. N. W aeconj llnor. , V MM. onA FIELD. Masnetlr maHmiKe fare and irelo treatment. . tis ii bt. n. w id riJoon. i MISS WEI I ) Mantnirlnc and Scalp iiwoo WCl.LO Trestment Hours I to two et. N. W. Apartment 1. third Boor. ?DR RFFH sPKciALtBT. :: . . U I. rVC I- VJ , pot 17 HTHKKT, . . '.'. The Most Important Advice :, ', '. that I can offer to any man or ' ' . . woman who Is autTorlnf from any) . . acute, chronic, or spcclul disease Is . , tako Immediate stcpa to UI:T.. ..WKI.U C0U. Uacterla acclnea.. and all the new serums and nntl-.. toxins administered, lllood tests . . made. Lnbnratory stocked with eierthlms tho best In medicines. Over SO yenrs' pratclco In treat- 'Ink Cotairh, Indigestion. Con--- stlpatlon. I'lles. Throat, Lune, Drain, llrnrt. lllood. and hkln Ilia." peases. Ilhetitnutlsin, all otuscs of . lllood I'olsnnltiK. Ncnous nnd Oen-" .. iral Debility. Chnres Low. Metll' ..clncs Ptirnlslied. tlfllco Hours: lu!' . . to 1. S to C. Sundays, 10 to 12. , . "l-I"lH-l-l"H"K-I"r-!-I-I"l-l"I-t.tH-I. MANICURING STJZSZ. Incal retaMi ,nl lvo inois mag , jiiii ' sis ; w. DR. lltXI.A It. WIinnLEIt Mechsnn 'II.ethplKt, Circulation mill Nirve filrclall.l 111) I al. M W Mln KM. THE NEW TORK LOAN omCE. l eet nalflinnrr Ht . Uil'lmnrt. M4. IXJANS TO ANV AMOUNT ON DMXtONDS. WA1CIIKS AND VALUARLES. IXltt'IIlT HATE Ocoda rrcehri by registered mall or e- Preee will rir.he prompt attention Tll-HA-HE in linn 1 erb remel) tv 111 help vou when the oidlrety .leucine falle. Ccme and be convince.' IV 7th t N W. 1 CLAIRVOYANTS PROP. D. B. BRUCE, Tin: niu:T At htmai.u.v I'Al.MIHl AND l l..lltiiA.NT He l acknowledged ll the European snd American press to be the greateet wonder of the Hclence of Meterlee He I. InfalltMc In hie line of hutlneM The world liai netr seen hie elual Cnn I coneultid on all af fairs HSU Walter Place H i:. Hours' s a m to 10 p. in , Sundaie from 2 to 7 p m Phone I.I no. I(l W. .S II -No letters will receive any attention. Cut this alv. out. It will not appear dally Take Lincoln I'nrk car an I get off at 'thirteenth K I: ontce between 11 and C ate j MADAM JEAN SISgfIyBTC"l' CiIp o anti art born not n,nti Madtttn Jeiin bn n on inc chiMhoul, rc hnou(C4il i, prM anl public to te lh? vrtatt-Ht LUlront in Hi wurll, can potI UrM rfunlt4 lh npnrHiftl (Jet a rpriaiiitf from thli rmiirkablt woman Will trll mi nimfi, ntfn mi facta without niktiiR ou u Initln q titration ou haf a rowfr nf yotir outt cither for ititoU or tI. Culthaie tho Kool. l)elop It I t Cull aril by romlnred 1'rhatt rcKinm ou rn no on Itratllns arrntiKe! h phone N 21. i"rr inanont loatloii g.7 U t N MME. CARLETTA, Till: 1IOKT CKI.KIIIIAIr'Il iii:aiii:h and auvikcm She Never Met Hu. X et Hhe TELLS YOUR NAME 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. m to 8 p in. Doora North Ki at OniUINM, tlVti JAI,MIHT. Whole Portun Tol.l, J5c Open Mfhti , 1W ( HI N . WHEN IN DOUI1T COSHULT M. SPtNCER PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT. CELEHKATEL. IN AMEUICA AND AHItUAI) HIi IJUi iJi? inn bT N Her wonderful buuer to trkA humRn li will amaxfi ou thousands or jcuple In nil walks of life hae ln ttenflte) by this lni!) adtre hht tell" you what ion rre capable of nnd how to Le urearul .Men tlutis jour friends and enemies nnd dmcrlbes the good anl tnd points In jour lire Her lerrltlon of past. pre,vnt, nn future will Aitnnlfh ou J'erftct sutlsfaitlou or no fee investment in KnoM.eage Mjs pais the bent Interest Hours 10 to 6 p m nTaF.IlAI.I-Notcd 1'almltt. and DouUe Se(tng I'owera Future courtahlp mar. rlage. butlnrea, guaranteed &0l i:th it. N V, 1 I'ALSIISTHV AND CARD IIRAD1NO MRS. R. LUSBY TESTS WITH K-AhT INDtA unTHTAI. nrr TAHOT-ITl:ST FOllKItJN CAI1DS USED. niriiorTm: o i n asa Sffi 7FNITA hl" returned. Eiperlence ('Lnllrt abroad and In America. Lomettlc dlfncultlet adjutted K3I 7 tt. nw ! MADAM FIELD "nn ou contult her mnuniu i ul.l ou coniuU lh, ,., Reunites the tepartted. N. Kit i:: Ith nvr. 1 MME De LO.S'n Without aiktng ques tions telle our name, names of people ou with to know of, and what their thought! and intentions are Ileade our whole life, omitting nothing, good or bad Call today. Special Heading!. One Dollar, 730 8th St. N.W. LODFMA Kxtela all othen Keunltea m to 10 p m 1Q th et N W :d floor MADAME CATHEKINE The Celebrated English l'almlil and Card Header located U leara at MS Ith it. N. W. ie SPIRITUALISM MISS VOEGLER "n-ncee Wedneslay illlOO VJCOLCI ana Krlday ,oc,oc Drill) resdlngi tttFil N E ! Mme Thelma ordained medium. mine, iiicuiia, IinA1,SO daii.i Circles ed and Frl . 8 ji m There is no, rome and M lonvlncel of iplrll com. munlrn Ion "32 New lereev nve N I MRS. MAMIE STEVES, Medium. Reading! dally, leancea Tue! & Thura even tngi l'h. Line 3011 31S N J. ave E B 1 MRS. J. E MALTIIY, 1112 10th St. N, W. Meetings cd and I rl 7 30 p m , n mes sage to each Haiti readings, ft a m. to I 3d p m Ph. North S'S3 Marie A. D'avidson, Ph, D. SPIR1TLAL MEDILM Itrudlngs Dally. 1027 Slh it. N W ! MRS. C. ROTH RSc.,N5All'Jl Thure ee ; 1030 Ith it N W . near L it I AUTOMOBILES HHH-I-M-h.IHW-W-'4-H- WANT TO HELL lutlll f AUTOMOBILE ' FOR CASH? f DrlnK It To the Unlur. Oaragej. J. 1 HT,, lll-.rKKN Glh i 7lh,N , J. H-r-!"l-i"l-l"H4:-;";-M-l-l-S-H"I-I-l-l- IOR8M.K-I II C niitoinohlle truck, 20 h power eusliu, ciipaclty 1 MO tu X 500 lb (luaianteed p rfect running order. Price l.'i 10 Apply I'0 .'J I he Plillns. Is For Hire. ritorvK r ..ti For prlvute &-pusstnger Reo clr II CO per hour special rates for loneer thin 1 hmir PHONK N 2i'il tORD TOURINtl CAR. II per hour, 10 blocks &0l, anywhere In 1 It) piopei 75c, while chauffeurs Phone Col 391 1 CALL NORTH II 0 New can. 31.75 to 3. 00 tier hour; care ful, reliable ehnuffour, rcdmed trvxl rates FIVn-PASSCNOEIl touring can, II per hour; special rates tor shopping Ph. Weil l.'2 CALL NORTH 8(31 for a handsome new 7-pst.i.eniter touring isr. reasonable rates, competent ,'rlver Al'IO HIRE (OMI'XNl ft and 7-paisciieer can, I.' unJ II per hour. None better rUONE UNC. tiU. IN MEM0RIAM fKotlrea tor this column are acfepttd at to cents flat, either proso or poetry, In raso tuu tlco does not exceed ten lines Add 10 cents fo each line In eress of ten.i Vital Records Births. rredtrlck n and Florence A. Wllhelm, boy, Frank It aim! Mary A. Wt-lls, grl. William It a.nd Utile M. Tailor, boy. Charles It. nnd Harah Hlthens, girl John W. and Mary it. Wadlelgn, boy. wiiiiam n, ana iiarnsra Manning, ixy HrneMt I., and IUm. M. IJnetiarK. bi. Joseph bml Kstber Kgdnl, girl, John T. and Llara iuncr. Ijy. noyaen j ani uary t', inxon, gin, Charles nnl ltona Carroll, i:irl Hoifire A. n n I Alni-v V. lliiri'hftl. elrl James N. and Marie I. Hlnck, jr , biy. Ueurge I. and Kllen C. Hrlck, girl William a. nntl jNelll linker, girl William ami llhnnn llrjlnhAH. rtrl. Thomas H. and Florence l.rock, i-oy. ramuei aim Kunico li Manning, ioy. Marriage Licenses. Omer II Pitta and Uuby U lttchardson. ljth of Itlrhmond, James A Karly and Iluth 11 lAcf, both of uimnoiiesMiie, va. I redrrkk It. 1-aw and Minnie C Volgt. Itufue H Maurer. .New York, and laibcl Ht.lsterff ltoberi t Wells and Charlotte K. Danxen iaker. ltulu Us C Wtionr r.. ntirl Imltu t. Dnlfi Joetph W Pelllnger ami Alice M Hnrgennt Aumin ricaiing ami Mary i, itos Deaths. James M Itlley, 3 yeara, 1115 P street north west Margaret PastrcM, tft ears, fllblay lloapttal. Julia H iJtmbert, So yenre. 406 Htxth atreet eoutheast. WUhcliiilna Zuberano, DO enrs. 12(1 New Hampshire aenue John F. Uajnor. CV ears. Chevy Chase flanl tarlum. n John A, Carr, U years, 417 O atreet north unit, Dennis Quill. (2 ear. Government Hospital for the Insane Cadmus 1. Odor. 45 eora, 467 II street north wrt William Ilrewer, 71 ers, Proldence Uonpl tal llernanl II. Hoffman, S8 )ears, 1020 Hlxth street northenst Kuenn A. Alward, 70 ears, Ull Caroline etrcet Aa M Von Orendorf, W years. The Park Huod Aiwriments. J Kt hAffer Jiretmrmam, t years, Oeorge tnnn 1 nl.erelty Hofpltal. Mary Hllleary, W ers. Unrflsld Hospital A. Pnullne Itlsbop, k9 tears. The Cumberland Apnrtments Hampton Wilson, 74 jears, 323 North Ca ro ll rm aenue north en tt MIldrM 1. Welch. 16 yearn, ien Wisconsin avenue northwest Tohn T Wllllurnnon. 1 month, 173) Euclid etreet northwest Adelph lluwell, & daa, 34 T street north west (tussle M Uhlpps, :3 years, 1&T2 Church street norlltuest Anthon llreen, 40 years, 21 r street north west Hexeklah Cunningham, S3 ear. 0i O it reel northwest Alice Hhorkf-trd 4 ears Garfield Hospital FLORAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS f tvtry description moderate prlcea Ot'DK. mi r et n. w. UNDERTAKERS. J. WILLIAM LEE, L'NUKItTAKUIl A I IVKRY. S.1 Ta. ae N. V Teleplone It llki. WArllllNOTOV. Tl f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Bright, klln-drled four-foot YELLOW PINE LATHS, K40 DELIVEItKI) WITHIN THH IIOI'ND AKY S3 to OI'TSIDE THOMAS W. SMITH, Corner First st and Indiana nve N W. SKNWNC MAi III.NK-Kiandard, drawing room cabinet, cost ,r mdrly new Call after 4pm make offer, bo; II t N 11 I'hone Line (Pl roil KALE-llnusrl-oM and kitchen furni ture, lot of s'.nsle maltreseea and chairs Call at K. 11. UUSSUI.1. et CU , Xi N N. W USED PIANOS. I.&0 Htinttngtoi upright (T!i Jacob liros upright .... ...IIM jJiw sUinoeman upngnt UStD FLAYhKS. 160 Cebl-Nt li-on M-note pU)cr tTIsQ i'eilllan, ki note placr TiJ Anhblus ii note ,'ar. . JUELG PIANO CO., llth and O N W .I1S0 ,. it: DUILU1NO MATtlllALf lesrlng down 'urgt residence, ISth anl Mass ave N W doors eash trimming, nne mantels, psnel wainscoting ecantltnu, flcirlng Jon s, stud ding, all tlneet materlsle cheap for qulik sale, ArewiMvd It t0 larse load dellveied AP pl J. c KLL1H, on premisea Thone 1-inc TWO KIltHT-CLASa rllNUER SEW1NO M -CHIM'H, guelnnleed tt.' SO snd IIS 00, II for this ad E. E IIARItlS. 313 I'a. ave S U Une ::s. 1 WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS IIIOHEST CA8II price! paid for worn cloth ing, either ladles' or men a send p,stal, will call II TAItSMUS. liva Tth sl N. W. I'hone North r Sl'OT CASH vald for furniture, carpjts plsnoe oil paintings, etc Aleo office utid store nxlurc of evi.ry ilcsvrlpilou l.lnltll lJAl'M. sg E st N W. I'hnne M. 743 WAIllliU Furniture for tssh ell vour goods to the man who gives the moi: noney. See HOPWOOU Ith and K 1 WANTED At once, sll the aluminum I un buy st -u cents per tb. A. LE .. 113 K st N. W I'hone 7U1 WANIUD-Furnlturc. pianos, carpets, etc Phone M IMi for wagon, or nave us ca.l "WEHl'IILEIl " '( I ave V WV MONbY WANlhD & TO LOAN 1IL1LD1NO LOANS AND btCOND IMLSr. Money to loan at e ler lent on District Real Estate. An amount from I.W) to (01 en flnt or lecond trju. In straight i.ote or monthly paimenti. .akei only three uai to make them. PAUL V. MITCHELL & CO., 1413 O ST. N. W. UONE1 TO LOAN-IKO to Io00.000 on D. C real eitate Several trust funds, V. to I per cent. All transactions conducted wltk economical consideration for borrowers, WM, , SAUNDERS Sl CO.. 6uthern Ilulldlng. 07 ISth st. N TT. MONEY TO LOAN on real eilale: lowest rate, trior pa)inent ith limes. Ijik amounts tlLElt RUTHERFORD. 723 lith. HORSES AND VEHICLES 8BCN HOHHErt, tn I'lK nmren, rfr 4f Va a e N W.. nonh tldo TOR ?AM.-rin oung nAddlr horf coming ne tiTH old. Al.HClir blAHI.CIt. (lj Pond bids REFRIGERATORS & ICE BOXES UcCHAI KhFIliaKllATOXl COM I'A NY. HegrUeruiur. thut ar unojuttlcJ. Cli T tal N W. TVt TI11IM anl Hi-,m I r IU (rlfratort SUBURBAN PROPbRTY For Sale, TOR SALi: In Eiklngton a new 6 rnoni nn I loth, elctplnir poun, new lolonlal ,onli house. No tush I'.aey i.i nicills. I'lllCh II "tl II II JOHNSON CM JUS II st V W V13HV AITIU.MIMI III XUACOU on the plcturctquo U is Ma of Irttlnln 5 io nm waitr hi bJtk Jtwr, nUo Urta lot, rOxJ.O 1 minute to inn SO mtu to and I'a axe 'i lie, ii.SV, Terms, i.o cfih, lulanre t.O month incluil'nn liitvrrsi. o I. AM- INUHH, tXa .New lorkaxe N. A now" ro hk Yorn on i.ANntsOitD on IW rutiii uiiu u iiuiium, i C!IEV CHAHi;, For full puil.ulura drot pontal, telephone, or cull on WM, It. UnClUl JIT Colorado tildie Tel M J31. FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE VIM. KM II M I 1 1.0 airr farm prlte r0 per acre v H II It for unlummiere 1 Vathlngnn propcrt In iiontrtrrt ireferrel. Ml over 120,000 BOX 6it. Timet of flee. 1 Special Notices hJN? ."."BWINO CO '8 V. B. ttandsrl ..,,1 ,nA.L",',..""d A"k heers, II case, al. it. tir.AsnliiJ. tit m n. a. w. ih. m. fuj. PUBLIC NOTICES to.Mi.An ii. nnt:. jami:i iiia.ncis 1MITII, AUornejs WJUU SUI'ItEMB roUHT OP THE DIS. . JV'rL.V ,CO'-ui'IA IliWli, DIS- ml ViS!. ne . Tn? "lining, extension siiil widening of sllrya In r.juarei 2I7. 2M. ?h :.,"!" rT1'6'. '" "" ttrut of Columbia. Iilstrlct Court No IKJ.-Notlc Is hereby given that tne C. inmliaiuners of the Dlitrlcc of t oluiiiblu, purtunnt to the provlilons of luj to section 1CC1 I. mcluilve, ot tho cole of law r..r the liiairlit ot Columbia, have tiled a po.ltlon In this Court pravlnc Hie condemnation uf the UnJ necessary for the turning, eitenalon and widening of alleys In M-iuare z;7, bourded by (leorgla Avenue. Jth street welt and Florida Avenue, Square) ZllKi. bounded by Jrd street welt, 1th atreet west. Ilhode lelind Atenuo snd T street north, hquare z;n, bounded by Kalorama Load, Aahmea.1 rises and :(ith street wait; Hquare 2,",, boundid by Ith itreet welt anl ltn street wen, I'lorl la Avenue and Berry riser. In the Illstrlct of Columbia, as shown on u plat or liiau of each riled with ths ssll litltlun, as pjtl tumor, and praying Uo that a Jury of live Ju'll:nur, illelntertite I tnen, not related tu any person Interested in llieei proccMlng. ui.J not In the service t implement of the Uletrlct of Columbia j! of the United states, be summoned by li lulled Htatea msrehal for the District Columbia lo aeeeii the damages each own t of land to be taken may suatatn 1 ' reaeon of the opening, eitemlon snd wldei Ing ot the said alleja In the said square , and the condemnation of ths land necassaiy for tho punioies thereof, snd to ssiess 1 1 benefits reeultlng therefrom tha entlii amount of said uumagu, Including the ei penes of theee proceeding!, upon each lot or pirt or lot or parcel ot land In tho equire or block In which said allele are tn bo oixned, extended, snd widened, snd upon each Jot, part of lot or parcel ot ground In the squares or blocks confronting the squar. tn which said slleis sre to be opened, ex tended, and widened, ss provided for In and by tho aforessld code of law. It Is, by th. "ourt, this uth dsy of Heptember, 1113. OltPKHBU, That all penons having any In. tereflt In these proceeding! be. and they srs hereh, warned end commanded to sppear tn this Court on or before tha llth day of Otober, DIS, at Ten o'clock A. M, and con tlnue In attendance until the Court shall hove mado Its final order ratifying snd con tinuing the award of damagea and ths assess ment of benefits of ths Jury to be empaneled and sworn herein, and It la further OIIIIE11ED, That a copy of this notice and order he published twice a week for two rucceMlve weeki In ths Washington Evening Mar, The Wsshlngton Times nnd tlis Wash Ington 1'ost, newstaperB published In th. sail DUtrlct. before the said l:th day ot October, HIS It li further ortDEItED, That a topy of this notice and order be served by the I'nlted rttste marshal, or hli depu tie, upon isch of the owners ot ths fe. of the land to be condemned herein ss may M fi.und by the laid manhal, or his deputies, within the District ot Columbia before th. esld 12th day of October, ISIS. By tha Court: WAI.THIt I McCOV, Justice. (Saal ) A true copy Teet J n YOUNO, Clerk. By y E CUNNINGHAM. Assistant Clerk. FOR SALE HOUSES .-i-r-H-H-.-I-.- Someone Will Receive $100 It could be you. Watch for My Announcement in Saturday's Times. F. A. NORWAY, "Ituildtr o Superior Ilomtf J -:-H-H-W.-H-5-!-H- CHEAP HOUSE You can atqJIre ihle proprtv at th. rea eonable flgure quote I l-lovv If ou don't wait too long It l illuaied on a lettered ttree: In the northwen. being a three-ssorj pressed lrlck brown onne trimmed, bai -window building with nWern and southern expos ure Theie Is n living room reieptlon hill, dining room, kltiien and pantrv on first floor, 3 bedroonn erd bath on second Moo-, lour bedrooms and bath on third floor, with bieement under while houie with furna:e and laundrv tuls PRICE, $5,250 ORLAVUS JUVFi, Southern Building. A PERFECT HOME AT A REASONAI1LE PRIC ON EASY TERMS IN A MOST DEglRAtll.l. LOCATION. larre rooms, tile-1 bath. hot. water het: m and clettrlcitv gas range. hardwc-M trim, double lurches, front large ard, tt InnR to 15 ft nllej, all street Improve nients In, garage room, not a box house; 3 roo-ni deep Price $3,850, Terms $300 Cash Monthly Payments., THE LOCATION 423 Irving street northwest, directly fsxlrui beautiful SolJlcre' Home Park. High etvj healthful. INSPrCT TODAY OPEN AND I.1UHTED TILL IF, U LACY & BELT, OWNERS AND Hl'lLDERS. J1 O ST S. W H-H-h-W-f-f- t YOU CAN OWN ONE OF THESE HOMES On 16th St , between C & D Sts. S.E Dy pains only CJO-I CA per month (which In 3-wlUU elude do in interest and principal... 1 rtviL.c. .oou t roomB. till bath, drep lot, poroh ; across enure front ..eiuuruuy locatad OO OUT TODAY Open for Irnpctton dally and Sunday tin i' ni. tMTft--T-rTiTTnT.ifufnT.ctitTiitiitiifi ?.!!!! -f.-t..t t.t . 1 t 1 t f f ,T f t .fuTatssss. irri I 1 n HTrrri J n I 1 rrv p J. lUHlk: IH A 1'fcUKLCT HOME 6 rooina, tile bath, largfl lot. porch all modern tmprotn.enti. on and ont half equarei from LINCOLN PARK. On UVi et. N. H bet North Carolina axe and C t. One of the moot beau tlful .LH.ationn In tha Clti. Only II 00 cntli anJ bnlance Ilk rant . t:i 60 per month. Including IntereatJ and principal PRICE, $2,250 Oien calH and KunJrv until 9 d. m LUMU Ul 1 iUUAI -HH'4-H'-H'HH' FOR RENT HOUSES Unfurnished. 1 Oil HUNT Klne elRht-rcoTl brick sll nimiein luiuieinenti, onl) S blocks from Cunitri sslonai l.llirari ami near to car Unci rint onlj I..' M per month, will (Its speclnl rato If taken within Ave days In 1)1111" nl 711 1011 st H B l APARTMENTS TO LET rnfiiniisiie't. rm: to. dhkd i. i'ine it. ,l( rratril rujnis mill bth, nw , 4 newly 110 and 111 u onln rre these at on'e D. THOMPSON & CO.. WM F St. N. W. ,T-i,.tMr. f i in1?