Newspaper Page Text
16 THW WASHINGTON TlEbDAY,0CTGIi,21l 5. 1915. 1 liUliiO. k Second Regiment Is in Sight As Result of Latest Plan By Authorities. Innovation! In the organisation of the. high school cadets this year will Increase the number of companies and may result, for the first tlmo In the history of the cadets. In the formnllon of two regiments. This announcement was made today by 8 E. Kramer, assistant superin tendent of schools. In charge of the details of the cadet body. The prin cipal change In organising the regiment this year will be the limitation, when ever possible, of all companies to six squads, or fifty-six members. Including officers. ' Hitherto most of the companies have sought to hae seven, or even eight squads, believing their size gave them an advantage when they entered the competitive drill In June nut. Mr. Kramer explained, companies of this site are too unwieldy for the, city streets, where the bovs must drill most of the year. Therefore, to give an even break to all companies, and to facilitate the drills, companies will be limited to six squads when possible This arrangement also Is expected to have the effect of Increasing the aggre gate enrollment of the cadets, as well as Increasing the number of companies. "With more companies," Mr Kramer said, "thcro will bo more opportunities for commissions. In pnst cars mnny boys, when they had finished their sec ond or third years, felt they had gotten all there was to be had In the cadets That Is a feeling we wish to dispel We would like to hae something new for the second and third-year boy. and to give the responsibilities of com missions to all fourth-ear boys who h.v. enmert them." In addition to this, the enlistment In the cadets Is expected to bo In creased because of the efforts of princi pals of high schools to hao all bojs join unless iney can (jitBcm u uu nritnia fnr atnvlnr nut. If there are two regiments a colonel still will be In command, Mr. Kramer said. Regimental examinations are to be held at the Franklin School tomor row and company examinations are In be held on Friday. inc rcgimoniai .Tuminiiloiu will be oral and the com pany examinations will he written tests. G. U. LAW CLASSES START YEAR'S WORK EIGHT ARE TRAPPED IN ALIEN GRAFTING New York Naturalization Bureau Employes Faco Prosecu tion by U. S. NEW TORK. Oct. 6 As the result of on Investigation that ha been con ducted In secret for a year by C. O'C. Cowlev. chief naturalization examiner of the Federal bureau, David Levy, formerly an employo In the office of County Clerk William F. Schneider, waa arraigned today. Ills seizure Is only the forerunner of a series of arrests contemplated by tho chief oxamlncr. At least seven others uro Involved, as a result of the Inquiry conducted by tho Federal authorities. Levy, who Is prominent In Republican politics In Harlem, was found last night In front of the Union Republican Club. He waa taken to tho Church street sta tion and wns nrralgned this mornlnii before a United States commissioner on a charge of having violated tho natural ization laws It Is alleged by Cowley that he, while In the employ of tho county clerk .accented "gratuities." The arrest promises to be only a minor Incident of tho crusade that Cowley has started to uo away wun illegal conui flnns he asserts oxtat In the Manhattan naturalization huteau In the county clerk's office. Admission to United Rtatea citizenship ha been gained only by running a gantlet of extended palms, it was re vealed In n tuimmarlratlon by Chief Cowley of the work he and his assist ants have been pursuing for months Redfield Is Considering Federal Shipping Body Secretary of Commerce Redfield Is considering the ndvlmbllltv of urging upon Congress tho creation of n Fed eral shipping board with Jurisdiction ocr the merchant marine similar to that. exercised over the rallroide by the Interstate Commerce Commission P. A. S Franklin, president of the In ternational Merchant Marine, and a committee repiesenllng the New York maritime Interests, discussed the ones tlon with Mr Redfield jesterday after noon British Submarine Sinks Baltic Ship LONDON, Oct. 6 The German stenm cr Svlonlt. of Stettin, has been torped oed In the ltaltlc by a Rrltlsh sub marine, aeordlng to an Amsterdam dispatch Ten of the crew have been landed, while the remainder are on the way to Sassnltz The steamer S Ionia which was oullt In l&tt at South Shields, was :,T9fi tons gross It wns owned h .1 shipping firm of Stettin Brookland Brotherhood Show Opens With Large Number of Interesting Entries. EXPECTS GREAT SALE Organization's Magazine States Results Achieved Through Funds Last Christmas. New varieties In roses and dahlias will be the prlnclpnl features of the seventh annual fruit, flower, and vegetable ex hibition of the Drookland Brotherhood, which opens In Lord Memorial Hall of tho Rrookland Rantlst Church, at 6 o'clock this eenlng A rllver loIng cup, the sweepstakes prize, and ZV other prizes will be con tested for during the exhibit, which will continue throughout this evening and tomorrow. Moro than 150 varieties of dahlias have been entered In the show by C. Harry Hospital, ono of the lending growers of Brookland. C F. Tansll will enter twenty varieties of roses, while A. A. Carpenter and D II. Oertly will place on exhibition several new varieties of both roses and dahlias The b!x clssses of the exhibit are: Cut flowers, potted plants, fruits, vegetables, canned or preserved fruits or vege tables glow n b the xhlbltiiri samo not grown by the exhibitors but canned by them All classes are sub divided Into best Individual collective exhibits and best dleplajs 'ihou In clmr(,o mc Officers of Hi lirothcrhood-flcorgo 1. Clnyton. presi dent: n. II Oertly. vice president. V It. Vail, sccretnr. Iritis Melllus, trcan urer Committee on exli!bl!Ion-ll I. Hutchinson, chnlrman; J R F.Reeves V H Hunt, Arthur Sargent, Seahuiy t) tjulnn, n II lloone, M F. .Nor wood, . A. Carpenter, and A A Ormsebv. Judges for the exhibits Cut flowers and potted plants. Peter lllssrt, chair man, O II Martin. It I' I . Dr lleorge W Hess. Miss Ola lViuell, all of the l)epsrtmnt of Agriculture. Prof I'.. K Stoddard Marjland Agricultural Col lege, W R McHrath. In charge ot farm. United States Soldiers' Home I rulte. canned and preserved goods Miss Marj Creswell, chairman, Pepail ment of Agriculture, Olaf Sangstad, Technical High School Sudan Hero Victim of German Gas Attacks Confidence that the sale of Red Cross ChrlBtmas seals this year will surpass last year's even more thin the sales in the 1914 Christmas reason excelled those of the preceding year. Is expressed In nn article In the cur rent American Red Cross Magazine. The 62,000.000 seals sold last year was an Increase of 7,000,000 or IS per cent over the 1913 sale, nnd It took place at tho height of the European vvnr relief campaign The results achieved through the sale of Christmas seals since the work was Inaugurated In 1907 In clude tho establishing of 600 sani torla, hospital and day camps with a combined bed capacity of 36,000, the treating of over 100,000 annually In 460 tuberculosis dispensaries and clinics, the establishing of 600 open- air schools, and the reduction of the tuberculosis death rats. In announcing plans lor the future, the magazine submits a scheme of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, which is planned for perfection by 1926. It includes 160.000 hospitals and sanatoria beds for consumptives, anti-tuberculosis associations In every State, city and town, clinics In even city and county, where Incipient creai may in uiscoverea; visiting nurses in every town of 6,000 or over, and open air schools In every town of 10,000 or over. Skinner Comes to Tell Of British Trade Plans Before nnswerlng the note of Oreat j uritain uciending her course wun' re spect to neutral trade, the Btato De portment will consult Consul 'General Robert t Skinner, who has boen call ed heie from Lonann. Mr Skinner has charged that the British government, while restraining American trade. Is helnlnff on its own cxnort trade with neutrals. ' The Oirgo has been challenged, and the Oovernmcnt Ins thought It best to take the question up nt close rapge i wllli Mr Skinner before replvlng to the British note. Meantime, the counsel for the Chi-1 cago packers continue their confer- enccs with State Department officials.1 They havn asked tho Government to make direct representations to lAig land to obtain release of their car goes nnd declare the decision of the British prize court arbitrary. Open 8:30 A. M. Cldse 5 ;3Q P.M. 1 THE BUSY" COBNER" $. SCmttt &mj3 & ita OTH ST. AND PBHNA. ATE. Close Saturday at 6:00 P. M. Scotch Matfrm BY THE YARD Curtain Sate LONDON. Oct. S-Ilrlg. Oen E P Strickland, decorated for services In tho Sudan and Khartoum campaigns has been removed to a hospital, a victim of enemy go attacks Ills name was among 100 officer casualties given out today Associate Justice McCoy Urges Students to Seek First Place in School. I i i Associate Juotlco Walter I McCoy, of the District Supreme Court, told stu dents of Georgetown University Law fv-hool. at the opening exercises list evening, that figures disproved tho old bromide that good scholars do not silo-, cied In after life. "Don't believe that high rank scholars do not make good In after life." ho said. "There Is no proof of It The statistics nvhllable aro to the contrary If the statement wore true nil our schools and Initltutloni of learning would stand discredited That the boy Is father to the mm Is a bit rf pro verbial philosophy worth jour thoughts during your entire course. ' i The registration at the law school promises to be the largest In Us his-' torv. i George K Hamilton dean of the law school, presided last evening, and In-, troduced the Rv. A J Donlon S J . ' president of Georgetown I'nlvcrsltv. who welcomed the students Chief Justice J-Horry Covington and Asso ' elate Justices Ashley M Oou'd. an I Thomas II. Anderson, members of tho farultj. also were on the platform, i Serenade For Newlywed Couple Becomes Funeral BROWNSVILLE. Pa. Oct. 1 -The crowd which had intended serenading Alexander Lcbln, Jr., twenty-three jears old, and his bride of threo da, listened to the funeinl sermon over the bridegroom's body. T.nitl U'alna.rl.i I ..1.1.. 111-- -- tiiiivEuaj 1.1-uill UIIM .11H Edna Arerford, eighteen sears old, ot Carmlchacls. eloped to Cumberland, I Md , and were married Runclav Lcbln1 died of acute lndlRostlon at Mlverton. I . Va Friends had irringrd to hold a reception for him and his bildo on their rnhipn hut ln.i.nii i .. ..I --- " ".. .0.T-1.U iiiu uuu in the young man, accompanied by tho )oung widow, arrived 60 CcntH Laurel Races Until Oct. 30 60 cents Special trains nt 1 10 and 1 30 P m neck-da) s. Advt. "Largest Credit Jeweler in the World" Any Purchase of $25 or Less 5Qc For A Week We give you practically a sear In. which to pay nearly double the time granted by other Jewelry houses With every pasment we give von a Proflt-Srnrlng Certificate worth 6 of such pasment, both on old ond new accounts Castelberg's 935 Penna. Ave. Another new store will open Saturday of thu week. See our announcement in Friday's Times. Quality and price. This combination keep our 53 (tore busy. If you will investigate carefully you will want to be a patron of some one of our S3 (tore. Extras This Week Silver Bar Hawaiian Ripe Pineapple, 11 No. 2 Can 1 1C You have seen the advertisements of Hawaiian Pineapple in this newspaper. Silvei Label No. 2 size is known as a 20c seller. Can contains even size slices of the rich, juicy, ripe pineapple. Note Don't forget our "Gold Bar" brand if you want the finest grade that conies from the island. Silver Label Peas, per can 7Vc Pure Jelly, per tumbler 7'2C Apple Butter, per pail 22c Pure Lard, in carton, one pound lie White Potatoes, per peck 22c Gold Medal Pancake 8c Gold Medal Buckwheat 8c Aunt Jemima's Pancake or Buckwheat, pkg 9c Schriver's Blue Ridge Corn 7Vzc Standard Tomatoes 7c Housewives are Ordering MILLER'S -SWIer'H elf llslmng rim k p if n whial VMtlp.iiunke grocers bell-KlSing Khoull lay in an ample sup it lv "' ,nl" note I lluckvvhil DucHwneai. vrlle. or ,,n,n, u ,,,, 11 .NO CONVl'MUns hi I I'MKl) B. B. EARNSHAW & BRO. VholeuU) arocars, 11 tb sad M sit, 8 I". Low Prices on Dried Fruits Slab Apricot. .3 lbs. for 25c Choice Apricots, lb 12c Fancy Apricot, lb 15c Std. Peaches, lb 6c Choice Peaches, lb 8c Fancy Peaches, lb 10c SYRUPS Mansfield Syrup, small. . . ,9c Mansfield Syrup, medium 14c Mansfield Syrup, large. . ,23c Pure High-grade Maple Mt. Washington Brand Pint 24c Quart... 45c Log Cabin Syrup, pint... 22c Log Cabin Syrup, quart, ,43c ciefA& The Women's Store 1109G Street Correct Autumn Fashions Wonderful New Fur Trimmed SUITS at $29-75 They present choice of the smartest of American creations. In Chiffon Broadcloth, coats flare below the waist, collars milt tary in effect, skirts full. The prettiest of colors African brown, blackberry, green, field mouse, and black. ELSEWHERE YOU PAY $35 TO $40. NEWEST IN COATS Those who seek exclusivencss in dress will enthuse over this handsome display of coats. $25, $2950 and $35 Another Special In Our Waist Department $5 lace and chiffon Waists that were closed out to us at a special price go on sale tomorrow at $2.98 t i I I I Lmtf Ml j Z .iT.iii . i $&&$ I W Which Represents an Importer's Overstock Secured by Us at a Saving Extraordinary One Peck (2 lbs.) Cornmeal 30c Quaker Oats, pkg 8c Sanitary Oats, pkg 2 for 15c Blue Label Catsup, 15c size 13c Blue Label Catsup, 25c size 20c Blue Label Chili Sauce, 30c size 24c Lenox Soap, the biggest soap bargain in Wash ington, regular 5c cakes 3c Fels, Star, Ivory, White Naptha Soap 4c Green Bag Special Coffee, per lb 22c Pride of Montgomery Flour Milled at Gaithersburj,', Md.; a high-grade flour; guaranteed by us in every way. Big Cut in Price for This Week 6-lb. Bag 12-lb. Bag 18c 34c 65c 24-lb. Bag BUTTER Our Sanitary Brand, O Ok Per lb OC Majestic Oleomargarine, per pound 21c R?jafta 4 AH Modern Homes Are Electrically Lighted 'SAFE! FIRST LAST LWAYS Buers anil renters nowadays de mand Electric Light just as they do modern plumbing ana proper heating equipment. Electric Light is the one best man produced light. There is none other "just as good." Mazda lamps have cut the cost in half. Ask us about the wiring. Potomac Electric Power Co. Cor. 14th and C Sts. N. W. Phone Main 7260 mmmmmmm If $'. w p Jm ssatitr?. SCOTCH MADBA8 CURTAINS. In elf-wovcn deelcns, plain white or erf. t:i : In floral or conventional pat temp, both aides anil bottom flnlahtd lli no ndaome nonler. 36 In. wide And 24 jarda loug. II 49 r '.!- it i 12 49 to 3 SCOTCH MADRAH CURTAINS, plain white or cream. In pretty ) ovn floral enV't il'O In criam ground nlth col-oi-ed flow era ecntlcrvtl throughout tho renter, and border. The ma (Iran la of oofl, yet durnbli, iuailt- fipocln.1, (J QQ VJA.VJ 79c pair. CURTAIN MADRAS by the yard. ,Klne quality Scotch mad raa, In pretty conventional or floral effecta.iaelf-noven cream or white". 36 Inchea w'lde. finished on both aides with deep border In large or small pat terns zoc value, bale inii,. price, a yd. SCOTCH " MADRAS y the yard, in the brat qualities. In cream, or white elf-v?ovn con ventional or floral pitterna, also a variety of nicely colored effects In rose and rrrfn, yellow and Kreen. blue and green flowers on cream ground Material la 36 in. wide, and worth to 49c a OK lard Special. X yd UOV Drapery and Curtain Store Third Floor. jr Imported Collars and Collar and Cutf Sets 98c to $2.00 Values. JjC Tomorrow at "' This lot of collars and aets railed forth enthusiastic com ments when thoy were placed on sale Monday. Such values arc rare and Washington wom en are quick to recognlie auch a- Ing opportunities. The sheer texture of the or gandlea and chiffons, of which they are chlfiy composed, throw Into striking contrast the beau ty of the embroidery, and the rich heaviness of some of the laces, or the fllmy effect of the others Collars are In all the new nnd different shapes, such as round square, shnwl. long reere, Quaker back, long pointed back, handkerchief pointed, and other shapes The laces are filet, combination, pointed, flat point enlee. and point enlsc. In Irish crochet designs Separate Collars, each 55c Collars and Cuff Sets, A Set, 55c . Dirgiln, Tab!e-8trret Floor. " ' i ' This Is "Supply-Time" or Blankets and Comforts - With the chilly nlghta fast ap proaching lluy Now and Save Much. 6 50 ALL WOOL PLAID BLANKETS, sire 6SxK. made of best California stock; soft, fine quality, all pure wool. In !H-lnch block patterns; all col ors, guaranteed fast: also plain white with colored borders. SPECIAL, tfr AA $3 00 WOOL NAP PLAID BLANKETS, made of cotton, but have the warmth and wear ing quality of wool; two nice patterns, In pretty color ef fects; also plain white with pink and blue borders, this Is double bed size. (JO QQ SPECIAL PAIR.. . f9fOiJ t3SC LAMB'S WOOL COM FORTS. In floral and oriental effects: good quality sllkollnes, fitted wl.h pure lamb's wool, soft and warm; size T2xS0. with beautiful coverings. (JQ AA SPECIAL EACH DO.UU 12 M COTTON FILLED COM FORTS, size 71x80. In oriental designed sllkollne, light or dark effects ; filled with pure white laminated cotton; good weight VERY SPECIAL. 1 C( EACH tBl.OI Blanket Store 8treet Floor. ? "Wizard" Mop Set. comprising; large Triangle Polish Mop. with Ions Human-elbow Handle and large bot tle of "Wizard" Polish. Set AO- TWO BIG SPECIALS From Our Great 98C Sale of Houseju mishings EEZ3I Ash Cans, extra heavy galvanized Iron, steel band top nnd bot- QO torn, 20-tfnl. size !Ol Extra Special Offer Separate Skirts Worth to $6.50 for . . . New models, new materials, new colors it's a wonderful col lection and one that will easily settle the separate skirt question. All sizes and lengths. Garment Store Second Floor. $3.50 Special Sale of Cohasset Sheets All made fn'm fine sheeting, of well known grades. Priced to morrow as follows: Size 63x90 In , single regular price, "0c; 1 rice Size 63x99 In., single regular price 75c; price Size "2x0. three-qu ucq; regular pi ice eclo rrlec Size 72x99. three-qu ooa: regular price sale nice bed. "R.'.B.59c bed, B.a!.e 65c arter r:.69c arter 85c: rrr Size 1x99, double bed; regular price, S5c; sale 7r Sizo 81x99, double bed, regular price, 95c; sale Of. price OtJl. Sire 81x108, double bed, tegular price, 81.00, sale QQ. Domestic Store- Street Floor, $2.50 The Latest WALKING HATS Of Hntters' Pitish, In AJflimisli Siylc Are Favored By (he Younger Set A Biji New Shipment J ust Arrived, on Sale At Wilklnc lints nnd Tut bans. In many dfferent shaped hatters' plush tops, with velvet facings, and finished with Kroa grain band, neatly lined with untln in ixiih dark and high colors, and plenty In UNTRIMMED SHAPES of hailcrV plush. In blnck nnd colors, many In the large sailor shape; have tueliu of velvet; some In the hatters' plush with a rich lustrous satin finish Ml fl0 Cft, the best 'olorf. Choice HlitOj DOUBLE OSTRICH POMPONS, attached to tw Istcd-band of chenellle, In two-tone combinations. Variety of different (PI (?A colorings, at iDl.tJU Millinery Store 2nd floor. L-