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,.. ,.!,., W T" UielpEliittgto Wime0 WEATHER FORECAST: Partly Cloudy Tonight (Pull Report" on Pago Two.) HOME EDITION NUMBER 8700. WASHINGTON, TUESDAYEyENING, JANUARY 25, 1916. PRICE ONE CENT. Ill P. II .. 7y V r4 , GE lANIPLY ON LUSITANIA FAILS TO MET Lansing Appears Indignant Be cause Possibly Inspired Re ports Had It That Note Satisfied This Government. Rumor Says State Department May Break Off Negotiations With von Bernstorff and Insist on Show-down. ' Germany's latest position in the Lusitania controversy is unsatis factory to the American Govern ment. Out of a chaos of conflicting statements emanating from the State Department and German em bassy quarters, this fact stands out jif representing the views of the Administration with respect to the latest communication from Berlin. ' Refusing even to admit that such a communication has been received, Administration officials arc highly incensed over the an nouncement this morning that the controversy has been virtually settled. There is suspicion in Government circles that friends of the German ambussador, anxious for art early settlement, have assumed to declare that the new communication, represents entirely the views o fthe United States. ' LANSING INDIGNANT. Secretary of stnto Lansing appeared especially indignant this morning. On hlS wav to the Chlnf ,,! u. -. i flr hniniii. ... .a . ,.- ,., .vi..;u m mime any cnmmftnt Than L .... -j . ,- ! ...., .mvii i.u upeuarcu 10 cuango I his mind suddenly, and said: printed founded latlon. i What these facts are he rofuscd to . ,,; ........ to m'eet .ho dends f" VKWJS States with respect to'tho form of dA- avowal riemnnriori r.r v.... r .u " .: tot of tho 110 American men. women" ' and children who sank with the Cunard I nner in its death n umre. I inn- i 1 pTeani ,ata.K ot the negotla- SS?t.ti?5r?,i!a-"?. ?".; bc'. "9 J''stinca. ..-'f at. thJll end. lf "ho ls t0 "fach an understanding with the United States. The communication from Count von wernstorq Is understood to have been received some time last week. it Is ??Li. '"havo been transmitted to the "A , "ouse yesterday, efuslng to re gard It as a final expression from Uer n.any tho State Department, It is be lieved, had Intended continuing the confidential negotiations with the am bassador. In view of what many offlclalo nre inclined to rogard n the "Inspired" stRlamenta this morning that u hettln ment had been reached. It 'a rerirced m not impiobablo that the Statu De partment and tho Administration may bo considering bvenhlnar off these con rtd.'ntlnl negotiations and lnslstinr upen a showdown direct from Berlin " The entire ntmosphere In Admlnhlra tlno circles Is or.o which Is ulnost tense. ;,..Y.c","J,Hi"'nD"an '- SALE SENDS STEEL OP Price Is Boosted to 85 By Active Trading on Eve of Directors' Meeting. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Brokers Jam med about tho "steel post" on the stock exchange today In trading which boost ed tho prlco of United States Steel com mon up to 85 a few hours before the corporation directors were to announce their decision as to a dividend. Durlnff the first hour of tho market trading In Steel represented a quarter of the business transacted in the entire market. At 11 o'clock BS.0OO shares of Steel common had changed hands nt nrices ranging from 84 to 85. At that hour the Issue was quoted nt S4Ti, a fvactlon below tho high mark of the morning. Tho most persistent rumors on the Hoi- were that tho corporation would declare the regular dividend of l, per ceir. inner rumoii mu r. nowevor, that the dividend ivoj Id be pass ed, and few expected any etra divi dend to be declared, The attention of tho entire market was centered on Steel. Announcement as to tho dividend will not me made until efter the close this afternoon. 0. S. DEMANDS i . "You can say for m thnt th .nrin. ' incidentally referred to at today's meet- "" , ' ""'"' "-'.. ' '"vl '""" ' " this morning are wholiv ' , . " Chairman Lloyd, of tho edurtl.- on ,n appncat.on or the conrn f- ; , and consist of merest soecu- Rl ""bcommlttee, announced that t, "- nr oun. . nc , lot lustlfled hv thm fff.t.?.pecu would meet Thursday afternoon t tnu : ruIes nrn returnable before the court In tions, it is understood, tho German trov. of Wills, the Recorder of Deeds the the minor children of Oeorge Limerick, ernment still manifests a desires to usl Roard of aiMren's OuarE' th Tho accusation against Creed fui- vlyJ.n P 'i theaflinCk.ng1of JtUhc SSUrt of ChffltlSVnd Pheustees fo? i '" UlCtll,l,f in68?! aSffil"- ft JSSSSS. !-.,IAi,!!trlal Home 'r m3att,enr8tan0lnnenabe.:r,neon,vn,endIinnglh,S 58,000 SHAR More Danger of War With Britain Than With Germany, Says Mann Minority Leader in House Speech Suggests Wisdom of Preparing Thoroughly Now For Future. Declares Present Conflict Will Nbt End Strife Between Nations. There is more danger of a war with England than with Ger many, Republican Leader Mann today declared in a ringing speech m the House announcing he would support preparedness legislation. He' urged immediate creation of a standing army of from 250,000 to a half-million men. "I have much m&rc fear of a war with England then I have bf waf with Germany,' ' he declared. Regarding preparedness details, Mann said: "It were well as an emergency? we should increase the regular army to 250,000, 300,000 or even a haLf-million; we should provide ample coast fortifications and a navy able to defend us on the seas." APPLAUSE FROM BOTH SIDES OF HOUSE. Loud applauso was given Mann, from both Democrats and Republicans, nearly all leaders of both parties being pres ent to hear his speech. The Republican leader urged non-partisan consideration of the question and support of the Aa minlstratlon. "It Is well known that I havo never been In favor of a large standing nrmj. and I supposes I havo been properly classed as a 'llttlo navy' man. ' said Alnnn. Declaring the European powers are In a life and death struggle. .Mann said: "Neither side pas much attention to the demands of some less powerful na tion noi cngngcu in Mie conflict iiii one Knows wncre mn nearre.qsinn on either side ngalnst -our wlsheH will finally lead us, ho continued. "Per- naps not info this struggle-, but one that 'It is our duly to provide for possl Is tho outcome of this. I doubt whether Ulltlcs as well as certainties. 10 MR BILLS BEFORE 0. C. BOARD Schooi Board Controversy But '"Incidentally Referred .to JVt Meeting Today. Onlv ttt'n tntnnt lSMln -nAPn rinnrrnl today at the meeting of the Houso DIs- ' aJ,""'1" 3rIo Ambr?",- ('TI""X M trlct Committee, the delay In taking up ilton. Mlllnm B. nellly. David Rotlis- more Imnortnnt lerHalntlnn Holnir 1n r. !h innhiiitv f .s.nnlm ..i - .-. -. w u.... . In fill,1, mntlAn ft rtAn.lil...(l.n i w ..... .... u..o.... ,..,,, The school board controversy was but I UP ,ne Commissioners' bill relating to proposed changes In the school system, pT"" th!Slt0f Con"" i PaB0 to tho WhUe "ouso VMterday. ilt became orobabln nt tlio Pnnltnl tn.iiii. that '' District appropriation bill mav contain sevoral lmoortant inri.uiivn rider, inriiuiin ihn. ,,ii,ri... .1.- commssloners to ffppolnt the Beglstor commsslonnm tn Winnlnt ti rini.. If these ' changes are carried In the V'"r, Mowcvor. it may be done with tho constnt of mtmbtrs of tht ! Dlsrlc commltee who have been delay- iu in nKing up separato measures to ; bring the changes about. Mr. Pago li expected to apply for a special rule to make In order these legljlntlvc riders. The President Is understood to have told Mr. Pago that he was in sym pathy with the proposal of the Com missioners to relievo the Chler Execu tive of tho task of appointing the regis ter of wills and tho recorder of deeds. Congressman Page, in charge of the District budget. Is also understood to havo informed the President that rea sonable progress is being made on tne District bill, although tho House jas learned by experience that there is no need to hurry tho appropriation bill, as It makes slow progress In tho Senate. The Page subcommittee of the appro priations t-omnuueo may inciuno in tno appropriation bill legislation putting Into effect recommendations of the Joint com-I mlttee investigating the half and half question. This will dopend, however, upon whether the District committee1 can get to such legislation beforo tho passHge of the appropriation bill. Chair man Johnson Is now at work on an In dependent fiscal blU. but It was not ready for submission to tho District Commltteo today. At lis routine meeting todnv th- Dis trict Committee reported two bills In troduced bv Congressman Cnrlln of Vir ginia. One authorises the Commission ers to vacate and abandon Fortv-flrst street northwest, north of Yuma street. The other exempts from the operations of the public utilities law tho Wash ington and Old Dominion Railway Com pnnv. except that portion of the rod which Is opernted within the DNtrlct. Here's Wayfor U.S. To Prevent a War Dr. Mary Walker Would Havc American Women Wear Ki mono to Win Over Japanese. The preparedness hearings, of tho Ifousc N'aval Committee were enlivened today by an "ant!" speech bv Dr. Mary Walker, wearing her imous tiousers. plug hat, and whlto cotton gloves. Shn declared Japan U America's only possible fee. and that American women should bo sent to Japan to adont tho native Kimono costume as nn American stuudaul fashion. (ni.-t MneV '.Florid., 8r-l,l.'. flnMl fr..l c.,r. I ;,..ll.. - - ;, . ".ii. ii. hi. kih ?thr "i in'?' .!i(1- .'."S'l- ''J!'1'' 1:05' :S0 !. ni. i.20 a. in. 1106 ZN. V. UVC. 1W.- Advt. a paper peace now. even if It could be1 entered Into, .would be even the begin-1 U8ano-. "r. . I....... -u.. .. m.-..,K nlng of the end. I think the present, taken today, and by night. It Is expect contllct l likely to last for many years i d. ihn deck will be cleared for the before cither side Is declared finally tho dctensr. V"TJTi part of wisdom for us Is to pre-j ""bert B. Healls. brother of the drlv pnre thoroughly for any possible trouble.' er the car In which Dr. Mohr met his We ought to maintain peace at all has- I death and Miss Kmlly Burger was ards, but the time may come when wo j -wounded, was the first' witness today. "... n. ii hi- uir 1H maintain peace. T?nniitai I ! ...ii ftt.i A.. ...... .. .V .tvv ..nun. tiui injncr iu withstand aggression too often. "It Is expensive to prepare for peace, nut ve had rather spend millions to avoid trouble- than to wait fnv trouble to conio ani spend untold billion. If involved In no trouble we will Kfl off cheaply. If Involved In Lrmitiio ihn innnm. ... .nn.i would be worth manv fold what wo would spend aftcrwurd. now MOVE 10 DISBAR SiX D. C. LAWYER Rules Issued By Chief Justice . , ' . nvnnrnn nn Dnnunotmn m iw wwiiiihivii vif nuuiiwullvll ui Grievances Committee. ' t'-Uvard . Hopewell, and John v'- Patterson, members of the District . tt( nre required to show cauco why should not be disbarred In rules thev general term aFebruarv The charges filed bv tho commutes involve misconduct on tho part of l he attorneys. William Karle Ambrose. In the pro- feedings for disbarment, is accused of 'inylngbccji convlctecl on January 2J. ' or emuczziing i,aw or uie i.imer- ' ' caiaio wi I'hilc acting no guarJIan of J"1",,"" ,Ls.?i,"K1e0l XW of '-mbezzlement Involving 4J60, tho FP?rty of (ho es'ate of !. X Loch- ; "k-...',". ..."?,"" '.iV'.V' """c'- The court Is informed In the Dro- ceedlngs for disbarment of David Jiothschild that ho Is serving a sen tence of nine years on his plea of guilty to n chargo of forgery and uttering made In the District Supreme Court last September. Kdward N. Hopewell Is accused of misconduct while administrator of the estate of Stephen C. Hall, the alleged offense being tho retention of J5.417.05 belonging to the estate. Tho action against John W. Patter son la based on a charge of embez zlement for which ho Is now serving sentence. Tho rules Issued by the court are based on action of the court In gen eral term, and the lawyers are required thereby to stand trial upon the accusa tlons made before tho court on Febru ary 28. " VOTES FOB INCREASE OF Tho House Xnvalt Committee, by a voto of 15 to 4 today favorably reported an Administration bill to Increase the number of midshipmen at the Annapolis Academy, allowing each Congressman to appoint three candidates annually Instead of two. Congressmen Callawav, Henslcy. Trlb ble. and Buchanan. "little navy" men. voted against tho plan. President's Bride To Sell Her Home Dwellmg Where Executive Wooed and Won Present "First Lady'' on Market. ,phe dwelling wluro President Wilson v.oocd and won h,ls bride Is for sale. Mrs. Edith Billing Uait Wilson. tnrougn the mc i Icr.i .Security and .iMire nt r Tv . ntlcth ( ,. V .... 71 ' ............ , ,,,,., ..cvil-ll LI1C nil- PI.. .n ;i..T ..,...' ' """) !. i mum i'i mo rro"t w n- d.V 0I.' .f .,nal." fll,r"' wh,"h l'ne' dalm'Hl the ettuilton Ot nasicra-b. for ccr4 days, I genera term wennarv -jx. i IIDI BRIGADE STATE ENDING ITS TESTIMONY Handwriting Expert Called to Identify "Alibi" of Victor Brown. DEFENSE STILL UNCOVERED Brother of Death Car Driver Declares Brother Expected Lot of Money. PROVIDENCE. Jan. 25. Closing testi mony in tho State's effort to establish the alleged guilt of Mrs. Ellxabeth K. MM, na InaHtrnfnr nf th milriler nf ier .... V. . ... .u- - ..-. n ,. I(- h: followed by J. 11. Clarx, a hnndwrltlng expert. Two police officers, Inspector A beam, and Captain Mona han are expected to take the stand be foru the dny Is over to clinch the last .spike In the structure of tho State's cao. Promise of Money. Herbert B. I J rails, brother of the iT-gro driver of the death cr, testllk-rt today that Victor Prown, one of t'.:o two negro dcfen'lrnts, had declared shortly after the Vnurder of Dr. Mohr. "I plugged the doctor and 1 1 cllman shot Mica K'.irgrr." He declared thxt be wont to see his brother and "two other boye." In tho Uilntol Jell. It was here he swore, own told 111 lit tint Mm. Mohr had red them to kill tne doctor, with a ronilvs ot a "lot of money." .'nder cross-examination Healls iid- mltt-d thnt his guiding motive In the. I entire caKO was Jo help lil-j brother. !. -.... .1... lill. -..!. t, u'-uisi;, "ilui'i: lliv III." El'lllt lli:c M; OTskW.rt? S Ht"jt. Ho identified two dqeuqii'it Iven hi -i hv Ajlstant Aitnmer (en i-rnl Phillip. They were tho alibi which Orrtruc'o Stevenson said aim hnd socr.v.vj from Brown, and a written order for his helnntrfnps given to Herbert Heulls by Brown. "They were written by tne xamo hand," he swore. Brown's oves flashed nnd he turned around nervously while Healls was on tho stand. Mrs. Mohr arrived In her curtained limousine and went directly to the courtroom. She smilingly greeted her counsel and nodded toward the tables. Dr. Mohr's blood-stained clothing, the. sight of which threw her Into a tumult of sobs when It was displayed last week, was brought hack Into court again to day bv Clerk Robert Root, this time In a white covering, except the murdered physician's hat. Defense Is Ready. The defense Is ready. Attorneys Fitz gerald and Ix-wls laid their plans dur ing the Interim between the close of court last Friday and the opening on Monday. Fitzgerald, it Is announced, will make the opening address for Mrs. Mohr. He will then begin the Introduc tion of witnesses and probably will not give way to Lewis before the middle of next week. Lewis Is to handle the Joint case of Cecil Victor Brown and Henry Spell man, both as to presentation and tes timony, while John B. Edwards, repre senting Spellman alone, will act In an advisory capacity. Fitzgerald Is uncer tain when he will put Mrs. Mohr on the stand, but that she will take the witness stand nnd tell her own story of her troubles with htr murdered hus band. Dr. C. Franklin Mohr, ls con sidered a foregone conclusion. Three Weeks More. A verdict within three weeks Is un likely. Attorney Lewis believes: Just what the defense plans to show Is not clearly understood today. Attor ney Lewis places much credence In the story of an anonymous Informant who approached him on the street In Boston promising to give him Important in formation. Tho former Assistant At torney General of the United States hopes to have the mysterious witness In court "at tho proper time." He will not reveal the nature of tho man's story or the manner In which it will affect the defense of the negro youths. iBluElED BY To Secure Bond Issue Not to Exceed Three Times Capital Stock of Company. To secure a bond Ismio nit to oxcotd $000 000 900 nor to ftxeeed three times, the capital stock of thr compnnj. tho Balthroro ond Ohio railroad today filed with tho Recorder of Deedk a lefundlng nnd general on all its property rights ftud franchises to tho Central Trust Company ot" New York nnd Juinra N. W.illnco as trmtot Yhc transfer Is accurltv for outstand. 1ns obligations or ihc cop' obligations oi inc company, lncl id- " "' ""l.'.ii.i. ' .. ' . "..,l...": '.' "'.T ,.. .. !.,... r.r ji'. ,. ,... ... --.. ."' . "'"" ." , '""-" . 1' ' V .iriV.II l 1713 amounting in 'i;..Miuii; The" mortpapo cr n minted i.ajt ,.r,A lho lee u.nn , . J36.W. IN MOHR TRIAL LINES CHECK BALTIMORE &0HI0 GERMAN DRIVE UPON ERE Advanced Trenches Penetrated, Paris Admits, But Foe Is Driven Out. RUSSIANS PUSH ON PINSK Czar's Troops (Pressing From Northeast Reported Within Three Miles of City. PARIS. Jan. ;.". Oerman troops penetrated advanced French trenches In tholr now offencivo movement near the mouth of the Ysrr.ltic French war office admitted this afternoon. It wan slated that the enemy was later driv en out. The renewal of the German attacK.i followed a few hours after the bom bardment In which nioro than 20.0fli) shells were hurled against the French positions. The Germans wore first litld to their trenches by a screen of flro from French Held pieces and machine guns, but later emerged and by a desperate charge gained a foot hold 1h tho advanced French posi tions. I'rcivJh troops drove them out al most Immediately with a shower of hand gtencdes that Inflicted severe losses on the enemy, the var office Hated: The offensive carried enemy troops into two shell craterw in the angle of the Arras-Lens road and In the angle .l tho NVuviIlc St. Vaasa-Thclus road. I it was also admitted. These positions vere subsequently recaptured by the French The lighting all along tins front continues. Russian Legions Now Within Three Miles , Of the City of. Pms PKTROORAD, Jan. 25. Russian troops, pressing down from the north west, have approached to within three miles of the city of Plnsk, according, to dispatches received here today. ' The Germans arcstrengthcnlng their! positions along the Oginskl canal, north of Plnsk. to meet the expected Slav attack. The movement against Plnsk Is an extension of the offensive launch ed against the Austro-Germans in the Kovel-Sarny railroad region a. few weeks ago. Plnsk was occupied bv German troops undf-r Field Marshal von Mackenscn In the Teutonic drive following tho capture of Warsaw The Germans halted their eastward drive nt Plnsk. and itacken sen then moved upon tho Balkans. There have been no previous reports of a Russian advance on Plnsk. Sixteen Aviators Raid Bulgarian Positions Along Greek Border SALONIKI. Jan. 2ft.-8lxtcen French aeroplanes again bombarded Ghegvei ycsterCay, killing nnd wounding more than ion persons and causing heavy damage to Bulgarian camps. .More than 100 bombs wore dropped by lh- forty-five French aviators wn'o raided southern Serbia cities with Im portant results early vestcrday. It is learned. It was tho greatest air raid ever ecuted hi 'he Ralkany. Kn riule borne from Mona -tie llie "ald ers split Into two parties, one bombnrd Ing Ghegvell. and the Kvmlnr Thouch vigorously shelled, not a single aeroplane was hit. MllB BY Tells Kitchin Legislation Should Be Complete Berore Party Conventions Begin. President Wilson wants Congress to j hurry along Its work and ndjourn the session before the national conventions. He Is urging tho leaders to speed up legislation and quit for tho summer about June 1. This fact became known today at the Capitol following the conference be tween the President and Leader Kitchin, of the House Democrats. President "Wilson was lnslstnt in his conference with Mr. Kitchin that the session end before tho conventions. When the facts concerning thr Pros Ident'i desltc to crowd through n legislative program und end the ser mon by Juno 1 or thereabouts became known nt the Canltol a stir was caused among both Democrats and Republicans. It la anticipated that strong effoits will bo roude to do avvny wllh dtlatoiy nrneecdlrcs. House le.tdeis ss well ns those on the Semite sldi Indicated that thev had no' dlFnosltlou to draor out the sesi-lon Munv are sceptical nbout the notsl bllilv nt ending thr r.rnn enr'v In Jinif. One rffrct of the President's atti tude will undoubtfdlv be to force pre paredness legislation tn a head much more quickly than has been anticipated. Iwll KED IE, WILSON BID DEMOCRATS PLAN TO MAKE RICH PAY FOR DEFENSE Copyright Tl'ick. CONGRESSMAN CORDLLL HULL FIRE STOP SYSTEM UPHELD BY KELIHER Acting Chief Engineer of De- partment Opposes Sugges tion to Abolish It. -- -- y--.. Officials of the Flro Department de clared themselves today stronglv op posed to the suggestion of the Washing ton Rallvvr.v and Klectrlc Company that all flro stops be abolished. Acting Chief F.nglncer James Kcllher said he believed the responsibility for collisions between fire npmratus and strict cars Miould not be put up te the Fire Department, as would be th case if the rollwav company's suggestion ihould be approved by the Commis sioners. Loss of time and added danger, he said, would result. "To Illustrate, take No. 4 truck house at Now Jersev avenue and M street." said Chief Kclihor. "In responding to an alarm from the box at Twelfth and M streets tho truck has to cross five oir trnckp nt Xcvv Jernev avenue nnd M. Fourth str'cot. Seventh street. Ninth and nicventh street-.. To bo compelled to slow down on nnproachlnsr each of there crossings would result In great loss of time. Would Increases Danger. . "The clement of dancer would le greatlv increased. Fire apparatus should be given the c:c'uslve right of way. If tho responsibility li divided the driver of th nnnaratus and the motorman each :nnv be wllllnr to take a chance, thinking the other fellow will slow up. Under the present svstenl there Is no miration as to who has the right of way." Tho records of the Flro Tlopurtment show several fatal accidents rr-sultln., from collisions between flro apparatus and street cars prior to the adortlon of the regulations establishing tile slops. On July 2. 1"W, No. 7 hose carriage collided with a street car at Ninth and R streets northwest. Chief Frank J. Wagner, then foreman, sustained a fra ture of the hhull and a broken wrist. Martin .1. Nyland. a substitute llrctnan. was killed, and C. E Shaffer was permanently injured. RnltallJii "hlef S. R. Henry, the-i foreman nf No. 1 truck; Private T. R. Newman, and Private O. R. Ash were seriously in jured in a collision between the truck and a cablo car on December 19. 1'JOO. Early Decision Expected. Private C. A. Keefc was killed as the result of a collliion betwoen Truck No. '2 and a street ear at Connecti cut avenue and M street on February 7, 1P01. ' A decision In the matter probabl.v will bo reached by the board within the next ten days. F BE ILL Emperor Reported To Be, Suffer ing From Acute Bronchitis. His Condition Grave. LONDON. Jan. 25 -Though no con firmation has been icceiveil from Aus trian sources of rumors that Emperor Frsn. Josef s seriously 111, the Paris nnd London papers today print reports that .hla cbndltlon Is Etrlous. All these rrnort" emanated from Rome. The Rome correspondent of the Dallv Nona reports that lho Kmporor Is suf frrlnr from acute hronchltli and that apprehension Is felt becnuso of his' ad vanced age. The Itlv Telegraph's Rome correspondent says Vatican cir cles have received word that Franz Josef's condition Is vcy crave. RANZJOSEFSAiDTO SERIOUSLY IS DUE SOON IS Income Tax law to Raiss $100,000,000 Additional Revenue Planned. TO PUT BILL UP TO WILSON By THEODORE TILLER. An in9omc tax law that will raise approximately $100,000,000 additional revenue most of it wrung from the wealthier classes is the Democratic answer to the national defense problem. Plans are under wav today at the Capitol to amend tho incom' tx law so that the long arms of the taxing power shall extend deeo ' into the pockets of the rich and delve gently into the purse of the man of moderate salary. It is oni" a question of time until an amend ed income tax bill is presented11 at the White House for the signature of the President. If there existed any doubt that the income tax was destined to be come the chief revenue producer of the Adrninisjration at this period .of monetary need, it was removed by-the decisidriNof the Supreme Cpurt which on yesterday upheld the constitutionality of tho income tax in its every phase. HALL CONGRATULATED. Congressman Cordell Hull, nuthor of the Income tax section of the Under-wood-Simmons tariff law. Is today re ceiving the congratulations of his co leagucB upon the fact that his leglsln live creation has withstood the hlghci-t test. Meanwhile, Mr. Hull busied him self with a study of the income tax lnvv and Its further possibilities as a reve nue producer. Mr. Hull announced In effect th" there Is to be a general readjustment of the rates of the Income tax. althouir'i ho qualified his statement by sarin? that it Is not Proposed that the tax ..hull become "burdensome." That the revenue from the Income tav rniy b" doubled without tho Imposition of unfair t-x burdens was conflden'lv asserted bv tho taxation expert of f- Wavs and Means Committee. It Is r"; erally understood among party lea.fN thnt thr amended law ls to hit the m who Is most ablo to pay. Proposals ro levy mnre special taxes on ban', checks, gasolene, and 'dozens of artlcHa In every day use aro slated ,for t i" lee'slatlvr discard. The Income tax Is to save the DeirJ' crat'c day and the national defer to program. Congresrman ClaucV Kitchin maj'r Uv Wdnr of the House, went to t " White House todav to talk over t'o revenue situation with thr Preside' He left the Canltol prepared Jo tell C President that the rank nnd file of 1 party favor a revision of the income t Hvv and "III oppose additional star u tavos nnd s'milnr lrsl'iation that wou'd hit tho ''commop. people." Kitchin Favors Plan. As chairman of the Wnvs and Meant Commltteo Mr. ICflchln Is an advocat or n boo!t In thr sur'axes of the in-, como ta:; law. The surtaxes apply to all incomes above f:o,000. Incomes be low that nmount nnd nbove the exemp tions of t?..(M and ?I.C00 would pay onl the normal tax of 1 per cent. Demo crats believe that It is not only a mat ter of politics but equity to Increase t suttixcs nnd cruse the rich man to pj for iiatln-inl defense. Mr. Klirbln has told certain frlend tlrit h's observation is the richer clay cs constitute the strongest ndvocatea u' propnredncis "There is a lot of talk," Mr. Kltcl i told friends recently, "about the boi banlment of Ne-v York and the captn of our big cit'ra by an invading fore If the advocate of preparedness the men who have the big Incomes and vss property holdl lgs In these cities are alarmed thev should be willing to pa for defcise." .Majority Leader Kitchin Is nn op ponent ot he defense program, but ! is vvll'ing to come alonjr with the requ' site iccnuc legislation If 4he lncom tax and not such special taxes as we embodied In the war revenue bill of las session Is mado to produce tho neces sary r.ioncv. Speaker Clark Another. Speaker Chamj Clark It anothei Democratic leader unalterably oppose to the levying of additional spcin' taxes. He Informed Influential Demo crats 'at thr dinner at tho home o' Secretary McAdoo last week that he would not only fight further stamp taxes, but would come out into the open for tho repeal of those now on tb statuto hooks. Democrats then turned to substltu1" legislation and sentiment cryBtalllzul rapidly In support of nn extension of the Income tnx. Congressman Hull Is now working out thr details of a bill tl3r will produce about $100,000,000 moro an.t thero is no secret nbout tho plan o make tho heaviest Increases apply to tho larger Incomes. Mr. ,Ilull said today thnt these In rroHses would not bo radical. There no necessity, he sold, for Income is rates thnt mnv bo regarded o unytlur liter confiscatory A sliding scale o increases, he suggested, anil a general T MEASURE BOTH HOUSES