Newspaper Page Text
r THE WASHINGTON TDIES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916., 11 . s Business High Physical Director Resigns PostPaul White May Coach Team . DR. W. B. HUDSON IS I Terminates Connection At School and As Head of League to Practice. WHITE MAY SUCCEED HIM "Father of Schoolboy Basket ball" May Be Prevailed Upon to Stay With Circuit. Schoolboy Game, Is Postponed - Western and Central were sched uled to play at the Arcade to day in the regular Intcrschol astic League game. Central "'asked a postponement on ac count of a death in the fam ily of Ross White, center on the Central team. The Red and White agreed to the post ponement and will meet Cen tral tomorrow afternoon at the Arcade. By BRYAN MORSE. The resignation of Dr. William B. Hudson, of Business High School, president of the Interscholastic Basketball League, is in the hands of the members of the league and is expected to take effect with the resignation 6t the Business man as physical director in the high schools. In a letter to members of the cir cuit Dr. Hudson has called a meet ing of the league for tomorrow, at which time he has asked Frank New berry, of the Army and Navy Preps, to preside. A change in the sched ule is necessary owing to the pure food exhibit which will take place at the Arcade next week. With the changed schedule came the announce ment of Dr. Hudson's retirement from his post at Business High School and 'his resignation' as head of the schoolboy league. Tho Buslnces High School conch lit leaving the public schools to practleo medicine nnd will give up his duties at the school and as coach cf the Busi ness basketball team on the first of the month. It Is expected that Paul White, successful coach nf the Busi ness football and baseball teams, will lake over the coaching: Job of basket ball. It Js not Improbable that the Inter tcholastlc Basketball Lengiie will re fuse to accept Dr. Hudson's resigna tion as head of the circuit. It Is known that a continuance in office la desired t-.monK league members and It may be that Dr. Huddon can he prevailed upon torempln. The Biihlnrss Uljjli coach hhs been prominently Identified with p.tli letlcs In tho District for :i number of years. Ho has come to be known as the father of schoolboy basketball hers lis he founded and kept B'jIi-K the In terscholastic circuit during the past six years. Basketball in scholastic ranks has been placed on a high plunc owing to the Influence of .Dr. Hudson. It Is In timated that his Interest will be con tinued and that his spare time will bo devoted to the sport. Postponements of games In the In terscholasXIc League next week means the adoption of a new schedule for the remnlnJer of the season. The schedule will bo as follows: WedneB day, Jnnuaty 26, Western vs. pentral. Krlday, January 28, Business vs. St. .Mhiins- I' astern v Army and Navy, ",'iii-slay, V'obrunry r. Business vs. AVstHf!v Western vm St. Albans. Fi da;. February 11, Airny and Naw vs. rtrAl. Pitifs, s Kastern. Tues day, February IE, Western vs. St. Al-buns- Army nnd Navy vs. Business. Friday. February If, Kastern vs. Cen tral, Western vs. St. Albans; Wednes day, February 23, St. Albans vs. Cen tral; Western vs. Kastern. Friday, February 25. Business vs. Central; St. Albans vs. Army and Navy. Tuesday, February 29, Western vs. Centrnl. Friday, March 3, Business vs. St. Al bans; Eastern vs. Army and Navy. Beginning February h double-hr&dora will be played Tuesday and Frltliv. The slngls games obtained on Tuesday before the schedule was Interrupted. I Kastern r.nd Georgetown Prens are slated to meet today In Ityan G; mna alum. The Preps have been going Along smoothly of lute. Eastern b is yet to win gam" rgainrt any of tho prep schools or hiph schools, but has shown Improvement In every contest. Business and Gnn-inna were scheduled for a battle yesterday, but hot'i 'osni ngreed to n prstnoncment ns sr''i has Its clutches eu several nf ', phi vers. Western Is the latest to suffer. T..'tcr Peine has beer. Ill for a couple -of days asjhas Lick Eersennt. Th Idei nf a s'hclntlc relay f-ir the Oeorge Washington meet on Mnieh 4 seerns to be nn-oMivi with fivo smti'; Me follower of 'ndoor tnck. -Prof. lc Nrmar. of G. W 1".. Is wiwlv nn'-nlng flie mi's to s'l seholnstle In tHo ntstrlr nnd hopes tn get at least six entrants. Robert H. Young Will Speak to Baltimoreans Robert IT. Toting, president of tho Washington Amateur Baseball Associa tion, will addreai the Baltimore ama teurs at their meeting In the Monu mental City tonight. The Baltlmoro men have remodeled their constitution after that of Washington nnd want to f:et Into an Intercity series with AVash ngton nnd Richmond. On Friday the Richmond men . wi'l hold a meeting In the Virginia capital, nnd If their consent to Baltimore's entry Is obtained, Washington Is ex ntd to arraa. ESIGK POST AT BUSH AS COACH MASONIC LEAGUE CONSIDERSNEWPLAN Theater Party May Be Held to Secure Tournament En trance Fund. With a view to entering as mony teams as possible from the Masonic Bowling Association In the Atlantic Const Bowling. Association, that organi sation will hold a meeting In the library of Masonic Temple Thursday night aj 8 p. m. A committee which was ap pointed some time ago Is considering tho advisability of arranging a soeclal night at some theater, and this plan seems io no tho most ravorca uy mo general body. Chairman J. II. Itlehardn has some In teresting advice and suggestions to mane at tho meeting, and every mem ber of the committee Is nrired to attend. Four members of Division No. 2 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians rolled a match set, with the following results: Thomas Culhane 98 110 122 Georgo Grady 101 117 99 Dan Drlscoll 96 103 St8 Dan Hcrllhy , 86 90 97 Much enthusiasm In the prospects of the Novelty Tournament to be ' intro duced at the Pirtnco by Harry Armlger next Saturday night was heard ln.many of tho bowling centers last Jilght. TVe cash and merchandise prlzeoato attrac tive, nnd the particular brand of-Cdm-pelltion should bring out some real spore. Many commendable records are stand ing In .the Fourteenth Street Lcaeue. which has just compiled Its most recent averages and percentages. High indi vidual average of 400-10 Is held by Offen berg. The best game hAs been con tributed by Splcss, 131. while Mondoll's set of 343 Is the record one for the cir cuit. The best team game was rolled by Qulnter, their mark being 622, and Co lumbia has the high set. The greatest number of strikes has been made "by Crowley, 13, and Watklns' mark of sixty spares gives him' the most dis tinction tn that' department of the game. Fourteenth Street Duckpin Averages STANDING . Of THE TEAMS. G. . 43 .. 4.'i .. 43 . 43 .. 45 43 W. 32 30 2! It 14 14 1.. 13 IS It 29 SI 31 IV. .711 .3 tit .."33 .sit .311 Columbia Allien milliters Patent Office Phelps Neutral! 1ND1V1DCAL.AVEHAGES. Columbia. G. HG.HH.8t. Kp. 12 123 317 0 12 .It 111 30 7 U 38 130 34.1 3 It Ave. fl-4 -U 31 M- Jl-H 9V-3 H-t 1H-13 KMt W-37 Hl-2 eS-lt 1.7-7 83-2 kl-i 100-10 4-14 flt-S 90-:fs 9-t M-l 7-l M-13 13-3 18-23 (7-2t l7-lt 83-20 K-2 M-l U-10 Coleman .., Spies Mendell ... Needle llowdyliunh W. Xander It 118, :? 3 20 .... 43 117 M t l .... 41 104 3 3 38 Allies. Crowley .... O'llrlen, Calloway .: . Vt'atklns .... Herey Ixjiiilxinl ... l'ulankl Whitney .... Schlade 43 ,130 331 13 H in lOt S04, 4 i7 "' 3 107 MS' 43 43 119 318 4 10 12 106 .... 27 PC 13 W .... t !0 .... 7 0 ISO 0 II l-SS 2 27 .-,i 3 11 r.j o 4 Qulnten. 21 US 32t Orfenherg Cohen 1.IPP Clone Hover KrlMoe 8 t 39 114 14 110 29 3 43 112 ;f a 112 30t s 20 110 29S .1 lvy t Ulalr It ! it 0 102 Mi 1 Strieker 6 M 26G Patent Office. 42 104 287 7 30 107 275 I 21 IOC 2H 1 It. Thoinan Fahey Ueddex K. Thomas Coburn Nel.i! Webster ...', U row u 3 7 22 42 43 1ft 08 40 104 70 5 103 23T 4 1 !B K7 O 10 27 M 263 3 It I'helps lirothera. Seltzer 30 114 297 4 P2 i'3-23 Hurtncr 33 108 .".14 W-27 Owen ...". Donovan Keimnli . Phelps ... Duller ... Smalley . 8 24 106 282 103 2S0 10-4 .'9-2 S7-11 S2-2I 7J-10 .'3-4 1-t !H'-11 SS-22 S8-8. S4-22 S4- X3-U 77-t 79-7 41 10.1 27t 232 144 240 3t 97 S7 85 23 Neutrals. Moneyklaer Hancock ... Austin MrClellan ., Flckllng- .... Abbot McMurray . Tucker Jones 8 102 283 1 8 24 112 100 3 21 114 284 4 4 42 110 2St 29 103 ITS 6 S 26 13' 100 20 93 251 ...30 St :: 3 CU JILL BATTLE G. 1 0. BASKETERS Catholic University and George Wash ington get together tonlghjt at the Ar cade In their first basketball meeting of the season. Tho Brooklanders are favored for a win on account of their phenomenal showing against every thev have met this season. George Washington will have the services of Harrv Almon tonight, -which will add strength to the team. C. ,U.. however. Is expected" to win bv a good margin. Jim Colllflower and Frank Schlosser will officiate. Mike Shortley. right forward on the C. V, team, will be out of the game today. Shortley received a cut on his chin In the Virginia came Saturday night which is keening him on the sidelines. "Shorty" McMahon will take Hhortle.v's nqsltlon. C. I'. will nrobahlv line up as follows: McMahon. rleht forward: Caffrey. left forward: Galllvan. center: Keeean. right guard, and artwrlght. left guard. The G. W. IT. llnc-un will be Almon and Allen, forwards: Matthews, center, and Grocsbcck and Shaver, guards; Tonight's Bowling Phi Mil Sigma Mu vs. PI. Masonic Columbia vs. Dawson: Stans bury vs. Lafayette. Reclamation Engineers vs. Drafting. Postofflce Bankers vs. Independents. Washington City Tenpln Acmes vs. Irocuols. Northeast McIIughs vs. Glbraltars. District League Shermans vs. Gar risons , Pcnco Bookkeepers vs. Auditing; Commercial vs. Secretaries. National Capital-Casinos , vs. Climbers. Mt. Pleasant Securities vs. Deqaturs. K. of C Boosters vs. Cardinals. Interbureau Solicitors vs Publica tions. Georgetown Commercial C. P. Aslv vs. Knlck. A. C.j Col. Sand. vs. Poto mac Sav. Commercial Maurice Joyce vs, Hecht Arcade Roberts vs. Goldenbergs. Bankers Amer. Secy. vs. W. L. and T. Co. Capital CUv-Bureau vs. Havannara. From Foul CAPITAL CITY LEAGUE. Buck'! SBcclslk. Norrir Peters. Ileall, is S 7t wmhtn k n u Haltrr...... SI lot M Hall.,.,,...,, ioio$ It William... 104 0 M Taylor, lfc it 17 Monohan... 17 75 101 Crsmer a M U Prjoe........ H 11 10J Miller. t 101 0 (I Totals..,. 4Mim Totals..,. 441 448 4h MASONIC LEAGUE. Acacia. Federal. Deslo jot M I Thompson., II SO M Lamater. . II M II Warren IUney I-evlnnohn.. Uoldberc... H M SJ k 7i n ti IS 07 H 1M M iiarny M VO 3 McClure., 71 78 W 7tl 441 441 Totali..., 439 438 412 Whltlnr. lit 71 103 ia 83 12 Totals., . iKIng David. Flvored.r... 97 81 84 Jenkins...:. 78 94 82 Jackion I n 71 Vanderllp... 8t 93 14 flockln(.... 103 91 U Totals..,. 4S4 459 411 Qorg C. M. Bacr Howell Ilsneke 87 112 t Aer,. 92 93 111 MacDaer... 121 84 9t ToUll....;v.S4t 432 4 DIRTIUC1 LEAGUE, Oood Fellow!. nider. 87 99 101 Shade 104 It J Hansford... W 127 93 IlnV.. 94 95 91 Krleker 100 112 109 - lloyali. Carroll 107 108 117 I-mvlB 8 100 91 "alley 110 109 lot Stanford.... 94 107 95 Kraui! ltl 121 10t Total!.... 74 J24 4SV Totals. 614 $43 SIS DEPARTMENTAL LEAGUE.. Commerce. Treasury. K 17 Chafflot 83 89 8.1 Sick. Kempton... Greenwali. Thomai Kartell It 102 M 94 95 93 Smith Emrton.... VVelden Williamson 99 82 91 97 93 97 121 106 S3 M 110 103 It 93 109 IS 89 92 Tptali.... 423 418 477 Tota!.... 491 4 4t 80UTHERN RAILWAY CLERKS' LEAGUE. Treasurer!. ., Manager!. Gaines so ff tt Cole 98 89 97 S7 77 k8 LTepion. . 102 S3 109 Parke-. "ravee 77 79 4 Early w i S9 Parker 90 90 S Dummy Coe., 80 M 10 108 H 91 100 90 117 Fegan Total!. 4S1 417 a: ToUll 4S3 430 47S Tie Timber. 'Auditors. . Dorsey... 81 74 92 Uhmin 73 Sfi 114 ..8 84 87 83 97 1C2 71 99 loiteuo bl 2 9 Ualllnser.. 7 craven 104 M ti Darie n-.-uorsey.. .1 111 SI Laa-renson... v0 100 Jl Totals....'.. 7i 4W4il Campbell... Hmlth 114 Totals.!... 474 4-13 4SI BOUTHEApr LEAGUE. Oakland. U. H. I. S3 80 91 74 S8 77 S3 M 82 64 W l3 103 t7 9! Du Uusky. 98 117 89 Shumate.... MUIVIMM.,., Oarnqs LUcaS Kane! Cook '.. IS St .. .. ft II 79 .. 104 M1O0 34 91 11 Johnson. Wilson.... Rusk Brill Totali.. 439 Irt 431 Totals M 4C9 43.1 NAW YARD LEAGUE. MttcelUneons. Foundry. WilWCI OO 11 JI1UOII., 1U7 8t 82 sillier.. 125 IK) WlCheater.... SO !8 10lHo111i 39 In) WHare... 117 91 StjAufUste... 11 103 84 '.8 V, 101 St Kl 81 -l 125 3 Lalr.uro... Morgin... Helndel... 494 4'2 9l! Totali Totali. 451 411 443 WESTMINSTER LEAGUE. White. i C.n.i:iiurch, 80 82 77 N.llerkloy. Webster.... K. Week. Kowne Total!.... S3 ' Si xt St ti N4 91 ! H 93 SI Forfeited. 424 449 4431 Uluee. Depne 101 79 81 Gordon. M 94 74 I. Weeks... K 75 90 H.McCHey. 7 72 l Grten. MrKIIIen... 100 83 98 Mel Church Croswell.... W. Church. Brlsht. Dal 91 71 SO SO .. 88 .. S3 .. 112 79 102 9t 91 110 Jaiper 110 103 to Total! 434 43 3S3 Totali.... 479 403 478 RED MEN'S LEAGUE. Osceola. i Idaho. Hurdl 7t 89 91 Kstx 73 73 103 M 97 89 Handler 91 80 7 K: Queen Ati....... J. Queen. Renner.., Total. 71 81 teatherman 85 81 4!) 1M 81 101 Smallwood. t 72 81 ,z 7 4 l-owier 79 83 9s 434 425 457l Total ir 391 342 403 . M. C. A. LEAdUE. - Mohawk. Ksdet 95 1 OS 87 Demonet 80 79 8 Rupptrt 9 82 84 Total.... 271 2 238 Reneca. Thatcher... 91 80 8.1 True 89 SO M Mclren... 89 101 87 Total 218 281 23S FOURTEENTH 8TKEET LEAGUE. J. B. Qulnter A- Bon. Col. Cov. Co. Cohen. 103 114 90 93 57 51 S9 78 91 97 M 88 90 101 85 - jt.a 472 4M 414 nowdybuh 89 84 86 Blair. floe . novryer.... Levy Total..., K. xsniler. W. Xander. Mendell Spel 82 95 89 101 93 M 109 93 99 101 91 92 Total. 482 458 4S5 COMMERCIAL LEACHTE. naklns- Co. . Barber A: no. On. Helniman.. 108 90 122 Oyster, 8.1 95 94 Foter 9 89 73 Johnon.... Hutchlnon 102 95 95;lVarnke.... niltnhoue 89 99 SS.Tompklm. . Duekett.... 11 97 91 Wetzel Total Sll 470 47g' Total.... 8.1 93 8.1 88 85 91 88 125 105 109 108 IIS 447 m 473 RECI.AMATIO.V LEAfll'K. Wreckers. 'I nrriin Usrley 80 SI W Koonta s 78 S2 Orlsr 77-S2 '.S'l-exernn. m va in Ueverlflie... SO M 90noendorn.. 106 K FS lotai. 217 231261' Total.... 280 22 245 .. tV 251 264' WASHINGTON CENTENNIAL LEAGl'E. Jen's. Iff Anthony.. 1 .78 H StcCarthv. 85 M Al Himon nice Dummy... Newcomu. 108 10O 95 M SO St (8 S 73 M 111 71 Keatlne..... Schmidt... ., Barnett..,.. Finton 78 f.9 75 M SI 81 107 SO 81 lit 91 i Total 443 4M 418 The HUH. I.lnlon Vi 81 97 Total 447 JS4 419 Mack, r Stewart.. 73 M) lot Miller R9 72 93 C. teart 102 82 H 91 S8 74 90 v 7". 93 93 ',S 434 hi 4U .-Nelson 83 w STiTavlor Tatbplt 84 90 fSPhore Huniibury., 91 77 ISiMrCarty Totals..... 412 418 430l Total POSTOFFICE LEAOtTE. Bankers. Independents. Blrqm 95 90 82 I'rush 81 89 ST Maculre 88 94 S7 Ituienk'p... SO 78 107 John 107 81 90 f.yon.. 94 M 10! Vanderllp. Brand McCaleb... 93 K SO H 91 81 108 119 80 88 93 98 467 431 44( Slick Total 451 lit 451 Total. NAUTICAL LEAGUE. Coast Survey. Ilraadwater r,n. rtollngtr.... 9S 95 M Pefton 77 91 10s Malohey.... 107 78 Dummy 75 .. . McKenxle. Mtubb Maize Total... 83 9S 78 jonnson ai 97 84 101 103 88 83 99 85 81 85 91 88 97lPh(lllp.. 81 81 lOSIPattlion. Flood.. 42T 452 487 Total.... 454 458 416 OFFICE LEAGUE. OOVT PRINTINO Doc', Peldman.... Bindery. 84 9SSolomon.. 79 71 100 88 82 101 9t 9.9 102 84 85 88 S3 M 92 Balderson.7 Jone Hster Ellett Wolste'me., si .. s.i.riieam S3 92 97 Herman..., S3 79 :, Taylor 131 10? M Fltcvlbbcn 8 93 98 Total.... 4Jj 35 g Total 438 452 471 Foundry. Hulldlnc. ov.ey.,. 84 83 84 nrlan 100 104 81 91 90 97 S4 102 93 79 113 73 81 93 M i-arey Markham. Herle........ Rrown , S3 91 93dlsrrla 103 84 87 .Chun 101 92 92 Itendetaon. 93 104 93 Gallagher.. 470 436 3' Total Total. ... 7 502 437 Fremen. Clerk, Hasaett. 93 ISJt lOr Fisher 109 78 83 Tfl'ett.... R'rKen'her. mid Edward.... Total..., 89 77 ft" ,M 84 8 Coniatook, Wehter. . Brown Murdock,, Total.. 9J 2 91 8? 92 85 105 IU 108 94 91 1C1 482 470 471 107 81 li S3 82 87 441 457 4M WUREAU ENO. AND PRINT. LBAQUE.' Rotarlea. Ens-ravin;. Dove m n k Butler...: ss n 94 88 95 88 O'Rewn... Koch WJIle Haett.... 80 V 81 Kate Jacob Abbott, Wettenh'm 91 84 100 81 103 71 103 103 91 87 S!) 84 81 8.1 81 92 82 90 430 443 4 Total. Total... .; 4JJ m it HVATTaVIlJE LEAGUE. Arcade Comtunv Meyer WaUh S3 84 82 Calhoun 71101102 74 83 91 102 79 91 .. 112 93 S3 .. .. M 94 105 Whaley .. Smllh ... Hllnkman Wrleht . ' Touts.. V Rpblnaon.... 81 79 SI i'V" 94 W 98 "alt tn 8.1 110 Total. 437 457 417 437 434 Line to Pit Y. M, C. A. LEAGUE. Chlppewai. Mohicans. i-Bhunk 90 Kt 93 Thomion.,.. 87 SO M Miller 83 110 84 Funk 113 70 110 Keegan., Runner., Totals Sf iiO 97 93 VI 91 261 2C7 t'89 Totals 2S5 270 2S4H CARROLt. COUNCIL (IC. C.) LEAGUE. l'lntai. . Genoas. Rett..... '78 71 79 Mullln S4 78 79 itcCann (87 91 17 McCloiky... Dummy... ... Dummy llurke 72 ai 13 fO SO CO SO SO 80 t7 33 W Donohoe !)2 SO lot MclAURh'n. 110 100 97 Dummy..,. i. 80 .. ., Repettl SI 100 Totali 403 4.'1 417 Total! 445 4234C9 Columblsi. SteDono'h... HO M S7 Moore St 78 81 Newbeck.,,. 87 S3 73 Mahone)'.... 81 79 SO Klley 79 102 71 Mnas. Koontr st 89 S9 Kennedy t m 77 Colbert !3 liiO 92 Ueuchert.... 71 1U2 80 Crowed 93 10.3 1(0 Totals Lit IU 400 ToUls I4t 494 441 WASHINGTON CITY TENP1N USAGUE. Royals, Jscobeen 161 134 HI Pioneers. Eaton....,.,. 182 203 173 Herring' 169 li.9 172 Walker 1S1 133 181 McKnew.... 1CS 188 193 Dent.. ISO 144 Gnrmt,.... Kraun Total!.... Itt 213 192 151 K'3 101 Nle'maniUI. Elmer.,,.... Handicap..., Robb....;.... Totals 149 134 15t 182 153 131 17 17 21 .. .. 177 29 S32 SIS 797 30t 920 ODD PBLLOWS' LEAGUE. Mount l'leaunt. , Klerru aaant. 7t SO 74 Relt It, Lawson.. F. Loerder.. Dummy 91 S8 K.Thomaa. Shaffer E.A.Tho'1. Wolfe Totals..., 6S n 74 C9 7$ S2 S5 77 M 94 1 SO 73 M SO SO 80 SO ?1 lit) tl 9 91 SO U. Loeffler... . lwon.. 412(00 5tl ToMll 414 459 410 TERMINAL R. R. Y, ItairffSffe. M. C. A. LEAGUE. i.'ar Departiuunt Myen 87 93 78 Gutrldgc... : 77 71 K 65 W 81 67 77 VI ; 10 95 87 .. .. .. 80 iieall 93 73 at vninenn.... ThompnoM.. Ialidolst.. Grejrory Dummy Haser 92 SO K Rotoler 8 S3 91 Dummy SO 80 SO Total!.... 422 409 411 Southern. Stricter 101 115 91 Grimes X2 l 94 SniRli so 7fi m Total.... 416 372 371 General ortlcr. Pumphrey.. 91 7S 72 Vincent 78 82 79 Moore 97 10.1 9i Payette 93 92 72 Welis, 91 82 107 Stanley 87 S5 102 Jiara nu U7 k; Totals. 4(4 484 4S8 Totals 450 434 426 INTERSTATE LEAGUE. Stenographer. Tariff. Smith. 88 83 94 Graham 96 71 73 MeFarland. Wet McAullffe.. IH'm'nds'n. Totali... 79 90 so WIIon 98 81 83 91 SI 93 93 85 M 101 K 81 90 84 81 Smith Marble OlelCmaii... 97 90 8 ft 91 93 451 450 422 Totali.... 460 428 432 LNTERtUrttEAU LEAGUE Animal IniliiMttv Secretary. , Evans U7 lfiO 87 Stamper.... 7 99 93 Gnllacher ..- 93 p 93 looper 91 99 89 .iic.Miiiin.. 89 100 83 Krann. 1U7 109 114 120 95 101 82 SI S3 Price... 77 83 S7 123 87 100 HiimmerK. .. Field Kelly... Total.... 479 4tt 48 Total.... 497 484 476 COLUMBIA LEAGUE Columbia Marreron. Herbert.... ."tanlon.... Howard..., MrUlnxer. rian. co. 1 itfterv SI 92 SI Feravrsnn.. !t0 80 91 92 j 90 S9 9.1 74 Cnrmexakal 102 89 87 Elani SO 1 81 rmlth .... 1M 7J 87 lirou-n M 73 SI M S7 Total.... 485 413 410 Jtft' T.j.I 418 431 430 r PLAN BIG CONTEST i.. r 1- r- . ... wav CltiGBDe r-rnm Osmnr atinn If.' j ' "w"'"hii ii McLoughlin and Bundy Are Called Professionals. NEW YORK. Jan. 25. California,1 win reuei anu us players declare war against the United States Xational Lawn Tennis Association if so much as a reflection Is cast on the ama teur status against Maurice K. Mc Loughlin and Thomas C. Bundy, the men who have done so much to place California on tho lawn tennis map. An official of the association re ceived answers yesterday to inquiries he had addressed to Western officials ns to what action might be expected to follow tht adoption of a rule wjilcli would debar all onnnnrtni .m. ... Ing goods houses from competition IrT tournaments and championships hold Mm, ci iiaiiuiirii nireciioi?. While till, wnMllnir ,1IA'AM.1 t . ' rilrerrlnt. (I,. ..,. ' '' .i. -l" ,nrn Mountain srrilnn V ,u"' '"c.-.."51.c. agreed as to Its effect. Their answers appeared nqt so much a piomlse ns a threat. They appear to be banded t itether tn resist eny attempt to pro fessionalize anv ot their players, junt ns they were three years ago In hring irg about the defeat or tne clause In ,noJ?!n.n,t,Ur.ru16' adopted ' that time, 1 rohihltlng the pavmnt of expenses It Is apparent that th V.'esterners have gone ftr In rrssnlzliiT for a sp'lt if Mel.ouvhlln nn.l nundy nre declare i professionals, tho Cnllfornlans will tT'et nnd secede from ihe national associa tion. All plans have been n ade tn hol'l i. mji-h mnn irr.nia io;irrament. en irles being required simply to bo th.-wo not nccnptlng money for appearand' No othfr restrictions will be enforce.! A hot right Is expected at the coming annual meeting. Pennsy Nine May Play In Honolulu For Month PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23. Pennsyl vania's varsity nine may spend a month in Honolulu In the summer of U17, if the invitation extended by Alfred L. Castle, captain of tho Rosclawn team, of Honolulu, Is accepted. AH expenses from San Francisco and In Honolulu will 1) epald. The Roselawn team is composed of American business men in the Islands, most of whom havo played on college teams. ir., jonn Pedln, former Pennsylvania baseball and foot ball player, holds down first base for the Honolulu team. Champion Marshall Will Show Simultaneous Play One of the chief events of this win ter In local chess circles lsschcdulcd at the Capital City Chess Club tonight. Frank J. Marshall, the United States champion, will give a simultaneous ex hibition. Play vHU start at 8 o'clock at the club roams In the Washington Loan and Trust building. The club extends an In vitation to all Interested In chess to at. tend, and take a board against Mar shall. Sinclair Sells Oil Land. TUL3A, Okla.. Jan, X. The firm of "White & Sinclair, composed of p j. White and Harry F. Sinclair, tho base ball magnate, has sold Its entire oil holdings at a price reported to bo $7,000 000. White and Sinclair opened up. the deen sand of tho Cushlng field and made an Immense fortune as the result. They were heavily Interested In other fields White Is engaged In the banking busi ness In New York and Is making his home In that city. Sinclair 1ms staled he m stay 1 Tulsa, iica COAST TENNIS MEN PROITEmo SCRAPS KILL ALL INTEREST i New Yorkers Turning Aside From Proposed Bouts of Willard in Metropolis . NEW YORK. Jan. 23.-BlckcrinRs among the promoters, with charges. fcountcrchargos, nnd denials following each other In rapid succession, has kill ed all local Interest In tho proposed ten round no-dcclslon bout between Jess Willard nnd Frank Moral). An attempt to put Mornn aside, sunstltutlng Jim Coffey or Fred Pulton, llnds no response from, the fans, who are about ready to pass tip the whole alTalr as bad busi ness. It Is doubtrul. It Willard la matched with any opponent, that New Yorkers will gather in very largo num bers to seo him. Jim ColTey now wants to fight Jess Willard, and Ullly Gibson will post S25,0O at ot)ce If tho champ accepts tno challenge today or any time soon. Cor fey has twice gone down to defeat be fore Frank Moran, scheduled to tight Willard. Gibson stipulates that the go shall bo staged In Madison tiquare Garden. 'Tex Ulckard la weary of trying to got Jess Wlllard's fight with Moran all Oxed up, and said today that he's not going to say anything more to jbck Uurley. and Tom Jones about It, Tno ante for tho flgnt now stands at JW.&w. OFFERED CHANCE St. Lours University May Have Former Dartmouth Star Coaching 1916 Team. 8T. I.OITIR, Jnn. 25.-Larry Whitney, twice mentioned by Walter Camp for AJl-Amerlca honors, has been siiwsrested fls a coach for the 1916 f?t. I.oul lnl verslty eleven. Iast season he coach ed, the strong Pcnn State team. In tho Kaat he Is considered a good tencher of football. Whitney won his spurs nt Oartmouth In 1H-1j. when he was honored as tho best all-round athlete ever developed at Hanover. He welched ISO pounds and paycd fullback on the varsltv eleven, while he also went to Stockholm as a member of the American Olympic team to nut tho shot. Ho was a star basket ball player, and was considered at Dart mouth In the same lltsht as ilahan at Harvard. liaker at Princeton, and Lu Kore at Yale. In 19H Whitney's terrific line plunging enabled Dartmouth to beat Princeton, f1 0, nnd a result of his brilliant work In thin rntrinnll?n lln itantnlnfl.1 tlm Wm over eleven the. fnlloulnir V. itt. i. -.i:.i Vt.: ';..". ; . . ' J ".""" "wu "; " ea" in ma junior ana senior vcars. .tvKoiiHtions wnn vt niiney naven t yet passed the preliminary stage. He has advised the local nehnol that liu win consider an offer to coach either oll nthletlc teams or the football alone, but wants the Bllllklns to make him a proposition. This will be done at once. BOB FlitLlLL Perm's New Coach Believes Him Good Man, and Will Give Him Plenty of Chance. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 23.-Bob well. Penn's new football coach, have Howard Berry In uniform season, nnd hopes ho will make Fo!- wlll next the varsity eleven. Berry was barred by tho advisory board last fall, following his criticism of the coaching, but Fol wc'l says the star of tho Penn-Xavy game will be In line In 1916. "I think Kerry Is a good football man," explains Kolwell. "1 seo no rea son why he should not make mml nn.l j shall certainly give him every opporUm I ity to represent tho Ked and Kluc." Thero will be no spring practice for tho Quakers. Coach Kolwell is opposed to regular spring work. Ho will hold a meeting of all prospective t-andid-its. though, and will ask those, who hopes to blossom Into punters to practice kicking during the summer. That will complete all work-required oftho squad until It Is called together In September. Billy Smith to Manage Richmond Internationals RICHMOND. Va.. Jan. 25r-BHly Smith, who won three pennants with Atlanta in the Southern Association, has been named to succeed Jack Dunn at the head of the local Internationals, and enthusiasm for the coming cam paign has already awakened. Mana ger Smith Is expected to take charge of the local club at once, apd begin weed ing out his players. According to tho terms of sale. Jack Dunn had his pick of the Richmond club of last season, He took Charlie Pick. l-cwstor, and Schaufle. Manager omun win nave an tne others, together with certain men to be purchased later, asoball conditions are better this yeTr than thev wore last, and wo look forward to a prosperous season," Is the announcement of President Alvln M. Hmlth, of the Richmond plub. "Rich mond Is big enough to support Inter national League ball, and will prove that conclusively this year-" Three Teams Tied For Lead in S. S. League Three teams .nr tied todny for tho leadership of the Sunday School Basket hall League. iV'Ck'j. defeat of tho Kplphany team whs nccomiillched- by a it to 11 score, and Epiphany Is tied Avith MeKendrea nnd Christ Lutheran. Keller defeated Fourth by a score of Ui to IT. The fourth team showed vast Improvement over their last game, an J with more practice can be expected to nppcar as one of the formidable teams In to clrruiL LARRY WHITNEY IS HI BERRY PLAY WEST END CITIZENS TO QUIT FEDERATION Formal Vote To Be Taken At Next MeetingCriticism of Body's Position. Action on n, proposal to withdraw from tho Federation of Citizens' Ass6 ...,. ... ....... .."- elation Is to be taken by the West End Association at (In Fnhrnnrv mitlnf Association at Itn February mpntlnir Till was determined unon last nlcht o'ftcr a long discussion, in which- sev eral members criticised the federation forjts stand .and activities on the liquor Question, and for the manner of accept ing representation In tho federation. E. M. Dulln started the discussion when he Introduced a resolution asking for Immediate withdrawal from the fed eration. This met with much favor, but several members counseled considera tion and asked that every member of tho association be given opportunity to vote "Dr. Elmer Sothoron Introduced a substitute for the Dulln motion, con demning tho present manner of conduct ing the federation business, and provid ing for a vote on withdrawal from the. federation at the next meeting. This was appro ied. Every member of the West End As sociation Is to bo notlllod of the Impend ing vote and asked to express his views at tho February meeting. Itcsolutlons were passed calling for tho better lighting of Pennsylvania avenue from Seventeenth street to Itock creek, nnrl a rnmrnltinn u... nnMiii.j '?if tw. monilcr n each square along mu muruuKiiiare 10 can on merchants and Urge them to keep their store win dows lighted until 10 p. m. On motion of Maxwell Woodhull, reso lutions were passed asking for side walks and Improvement of all numbered streets In the old First ward, from F street to B street, or Potomac Park. Resolutions were forwarded to tho Commissioners today and to the George' tflWn rMtlvorifl' A.BnMntlnn nt.l-. rrtloorlng of the At trcct bridge over Rock Creek. Thnv wvro na....! .. Ltlon of J. M. Woodward. A motion hv Louis K. Slggons, asking for a series of scientific lectures in the public school buildings of the city at night, was also rtaaflerl. n u.'na a fnnlnln.. u.. t.-. ir Foster, asking for the Installation of a fi.wiiuaoiuui in ine xvicKinley Manual Tralnlne- Hchnnl. Ill HntIinAH .t.K.lil..l a. I w.. v..,u, ouuuuiifu a rcpon ior; the entertainment committee, providing I tlon at tho Powhatan Hotel on Mnrcn 6. It was approved. A committee of three. Dr. E. L. Mor gan. Dr. W. It" Herbst. and W. M. Dove, were nnnnlntr.,1 tn fAnvAaA., tt. association in the membership campaign j. mw .iiiui'ricaii .lauonni ilea t toss. The following new members wcro elected: A. A. WnrflnM inhn v. r-..i James Mclllhcnny. Ira" Artnmri. W. T.' jxecnan, umi 1.. u uonncll, I. Winston Payne. Charles T. Chick. Albert W. Tlerney. C. N. Fredericks, D. L. Nun nnlly, T. S. Richards and John Laugh ran. After listening to addresses by Henry T. Blair, president of the Board of Edu cation and Cant. William F. Oyster, former wesldcnt of the board, opposing anv change In the administration of the public schools, members of the Central Labor Union last nlcht went on record as acalnst the change proposed by the District Commissioners. Tho vote on tho question was taken after the union had heard both sides of the Question .argued. Conrad H. Syme. Corporation Counsel of -the District, took the Commissioners' side of the ques tion at tho meeting of tho organization last week, and at tho time appeared to win manv to tho side favoring the pro posed change. Mr. Blair refuted the argument of the Commissioners that thev are now re sponsible for the money spent on the school system. He pointed out that every cent spent by the Board of Edu cation Is audited as closely .bv the District Auditor as is any expenditure made by the Commissioners themselves. The speakers discussed tho appoint ment of Janitors In the schools. The Janitors, thev said, are not named In the clauses of the proposed new law con cerning tho appointment of teachers and would hivo to be appointed In event the measure was passed by Congress. AMUSEMENTS DILU2I JOE IILUTIG I'UEMEXTS w ATSON AND ROTHE AND ROTHE -IW' ONE IIMXG nKAUTIKS TWO Next Vrk SMILING IlKAUTIES DANCING MILLER'S P.ELASCO THEATER; Phone mikhCn O M. K-,. I'p-to-tne-Mlnute Danrra. Saturday evening class now forming. PROF. WYNDHAM, " ' w rti, M, 5179. All dances. Clasa. 50c. Prlvato any hour. QLOVER'8. C13 r.'nd, claaa and ilancea ?ua.. iniifi., oi.( uw, mutes live; private jt:a ons 10c; all dancea taught, latest method; fins ballroom lor rent. 15. Ph. Vi. 1119. NICHOLAS luu Hr' ! W. Pin INInULrtS Ualn ,06- A11 iocy dancea dally 10 a. in. to 11 p, m. Claaa dancea Tuea. & Frl.. Gent'a. 50c; ladles tree. MISS CHAPPELEAR, 1SU QUE ST. N. V. PRONE NORTH CS41. MR. ANU MRS. HARTLEY, formerly MISS COULTER, 1126 0M at. N. V.; all danclne taught; private leasons, 75c. Phone N. 21S4. MRS. COBB, 10O EYE ST. N. W. Phone Main Ktt. Lessons in day or evening. Assembly Dances Every Monday Evening. EXCURSIONS OLD POINT COMFORT. NORFOLK, VA. SOUTHERN WINTER RESORTS Special Tour 11 To lHraoiiMHotcl Chnrnltrrlln Dally Hervlcr Modern Slrcl Strnrurrs Clly Ticket Office, 7.11 151Ii SI. N, , Woodward IlulldhiKi NORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO. CHANGE IN SCHOOLS OPPOSED By UNION f03 S9VVEVHiVRiTnuAT.iri fi w " w y ui I m iSmr " in m JBr'JB ORPHANAGE CHILDREN BOBROF THEATER See "Battle Cry of Peace" anc( Hear Address By' Captain Crawford" At the Strand. Two hundred children, from fit. .in. soph's Orphan Asylum and St. Hose's, rcpii n urpnan Asyium ana Bt. Hose's industrial School wer the guests of r--: n. . . .. .-4.' - Manager Tom Moore at the "Strand ineater today to see "Tho Battle Cry of Peace" and to hear a special -address made for their benefit by CapL Jack Crawford', the "ppet scout" Arrangements for the trip to tho theater were made by George A. Howe and the children were under the charge of Mother fiup'erlor Berchman. The boys from St. Joseph's marched to the theater, but the little girls from St. Itose's school went In automobiles. The private cars of Mrs. Charles Secmes, Michael A. Keane, W. A. Simpson, Francis I. Wcller and Mrs. Mary O'D; Murphy had been loaned for the purpose. After the play a vote of thanks was given Manager Moore for his kindness. Captain Crawford In his address stated that he was the organizer of the Boy Heroes, an- organization, whose members pledge themselves not to smoke or drink or use bad language and to be always ready to defend their country. AMUSIElYl.ITS BELASCO aK8" MAT. TOMORROW. c TO 11.00. William KlIlnM nr.... . !.. .V-TlV ' . all Waihlngton talkln. 'II IK Greatest Nation ny Marian CrUhton and -William Klllott, Wlln rfMlUITIM ami A.I.J 1... T. ph Ur,u. with Wm, Elliott, Stme. Vorka. Olive Wyndham arid othcrA. NEXT WEfrir rrc unui A New Virile Pla? of Strong iluman Inter- Mt. Vlrat Tim An Ah.. C...... THE GO-RESPONDENT company' Include - Emily Ann Wellman and Hockclirfe Felloires NATIONAL TONIGHT Sil.V MATS. WED. & SAT COHAN AND ifAItnis !,...- It Pays to Advertise Kept New Tork Lauhln(r One Solid Year. Next week-JUMA.y ELTIXGE. Seats Thura. BURTON HOLMES "EST HS EXPOSITION wW Prce, SOo, 78o, SI Immediate Caro of the WbundeJ at French Firing Line. FalKNCn FLOTILLA BENEFIT. Tinmen iu I nnE. Loralne Wjman Galileo Gaanarrl Carlos SalieUo Orchestra of 23. HIUIUUAI CALVE 4:80 o'clock Artlats Participating In benefit at Metropolitan Opera House. Tickets, too to K.60. T. Arthur Bmltli, 1306 O EIGHTH CONCERT. TEN-STAH HKIUES. Julia Gulp The Matchless Lleder filncer. With FRIDAY 4:30 o'clock COENRAAD V. UOS at tho Piano. TICKETS. 1100. J1.50, Jt.OO, 73c. T. ARTHUR SMITH, 1306 G St. SBCOND SUBSCRIPTION CONCKRT. 1 PHILHARMONIC J Society of N. Y. W THURSDAY' FEB. 3 ORCHESTRA JOSEP STRANSKY, Conductor. Soloist HAHOI.O RAUER Pianist. TONIGHT 8:15 25 50 MATS. Daily Except Mondays, :5c. "THELAWtbUHD" WITH A. II VAN nUREN. 75 JLOEW'S COLUMBIA "" Tuea.. AVed., Jnn. 24. 25, 26, BliAJCHE SWEET THE RAGAMUFFIN Thurs.. Prlw Hat., UtmtlH Knrnum in ZS'T'IEC'HEHLANDV I m, QC. JNIS-llt. 10. 15. 20 B. F. KEITH'S s Mats. 25c. Eve.. 25o to tU.' .t .1.''I. A.inlP1'i,2 SPCtaoIo. "THE FOREST FIRE" S Scenes- 2 Tableaua-SO Artors., James & Ilonnlo Thornton. i"ted V. flow, era' "Scenic Song Revue." Seven Other Successes, c ffE& ELSIE JANIS RKK(s CASINO A' A New Version, EAST LYNNE NEXT WKICK Till; CHRISTIAN All SeaU 25e. Buj- Novr. Bnrlesqne BIJOU ALL THI8 V 1I.M rwm A Xlil T uin una tra. Ave. Jtf. w. ii.T. rrirra t.cri. ...... ...... ,, l,. Held Over to Meet Popular Demand, Princess Texico . ...... .... .. UA.'S.UHJl.') And rilABLKS EAOAN, the Blnglnc I'nsll. 1st. With a Rig Company In "THE MASH KRB." apd Choruit of 20 Pretty Qlrls I'OPt'IMH PRICES. DAILY MATINEE. y:lV NMQ1ITS, X-15. Roller Skating ffitt," Penna. Ave. at Ninth at. N. V Dalb. 40:50 to 1I.SO-J;30 to S7:10 to ll;3 Am.rlca a Irxest pit Finest HUm r-n