Newspaper Page Text
THfc WASHINGTON TIDIES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1910. 13 : .a't V THE RED CIRCLE V . , By ALBERT PAYSON TERJ3UNE. Author of: "Tho Fimter," "CaltbConovir." "Byrin Prom the fladdlo.:' Et. Novtllxcd from th Path Photo Play of tho Same Name by Will M. Hitch. '" Cepyrlt. Hll. by AIbrt rajon'Trfiun.r (Synopsis of Prcylnus Ip$tn!lrnentt.) The next morning, while on the porch, they ee an organ grinder mlmi-catlng1 Ma jnuQkey, June determines to ao the nill ul from further abuse. Ai red circle comes and Roes on the hand or JUne Travis, who learns from her nurse. Mary, that ahe la a ineniuer of the auppoaedly extinct Borden family uf crook. The secret la" kept from Juno's toother." Detcetlvo Lamar, bafticd by June's benevolent crimes, trails Alma In stall, who i under orders from "Smlllnjt Bam," a Jewel fence; robs guests at tint beach hotel ball, using a painted red circle as a blind. Juno herself is a vic tim, losing a necklace,. (Continued from Yesterday.) b'iiW seconds later, as sho was A leaving tho porch, Mary called to hor from tho door and camo toward her rapidly, her hands outstretched. "vyhere are you going?" she asked, anxiously. "Just tor a walk on tho beach." ,".Nbt without nae." "Tou know It tires you tefrlbl to walk lit tho sand, dear,'" Juno said, a little Impatiently. 'Why do. you comeV" ".Because I'm not going to let yon out alone as long as you have that mark on your hand." June looked down. She smiled, in tensely relieved. The circle had dis appeared. She held up the baud tri umphantly. ".now, aro you afraid?" she Inquired archly. ".Now that 1 m no longer branded?" I "I'm Just as afraid. And I I'm going with you." ' t ' .June sighed with exaggerated resig nation. "All 'right, Mrs. Calamity; come along." "tfou see," said June as they walked over the sands, "I have to hold you. up. It's hard enough for a young, strong person to walk In this sott pan. and surely tor an old woman like " .'Old Woman, indeed!" Mary Inter rupted, hufiily. Well, old dear, then." compromised June. "Because you are an old dear, v. bntever else you arc; and I can't stay angty at you more than two seconds. 1 love you too much. Sit right sown here on this old wreck and rest now you re putting like a steam engine'." 'I'm not!" "You are- Don't say any more about it, but look right there over the water nnd count the seagulls. If you count more than ten I'll treat you to an co cream cone. "I don't want any Ice cream cone." Mary protested meekly. "They make in teeth ache." "What! you wouldn't put up with a little thing like -a toothache to help along the poor Ice cream man, when business Is so bad this mornlpg, -too? Oh!" The exclamation was sudden and n)iarp. Mary Jumped up. startled. "What's the matter? What's the mat ter, dear?" iter ev'dent alarm roused June. She shivered slightly. "Why, I just had the funniest little chill, rlcht down the middle of my bac-k. I never have those things. 1 wopder vhat gave It to me." "You must be catching cold." Mary fussed about her like a hen around her chick. "We'll go back to the house. You1 mustn't run the risk of catching nnnumonla. "Pneumonia In this glorious, sun- Bhiny weather?" June laughed indul- gently. "vny oon 1 you suggest, enn blBlns. atd be done with It? But I'll tell you what I would like. If you don't mind, dear; I .wish you'd get my coat lor me.' Why of course I will, lamb." The old woman started off Immediate ly. When she had gone a few steps she turned back. "Are you sure you'll be all right?" uhe inquired wistfully. "Of course I will. Run along now before I get another chill." Thus alarmed, Mary hurried away and June sat down, demurely, watch ing from the corner of her eye until J ., , , . .. , . 1 ln,a"ee."t,a5.,r"e-,-!J':eman iulilj li. r..r. ,., I,.- u tI.1 shaded her eyes with her hand. Yes he was still there. She started for ward, her hand reaching into her pocket lor the scissors. On the sand, leaning against a pile, under the pier, sat the Italian organ grinder sound asleep his old, battered organ propped up. beside him. The monkey, sitting on his lap, pulled rest lessly at his coat. (Just as June had caught sight of him when she had shiv ered). The man waked stupidly for the frac tion of a second, cuffed the monkey over tho head, forced him down on his lap again, and went back to sleep. His dark, greasy face was doubly hideous with closed eyes and blank expression, ills stubby, right hand was wound round with three or four colls of the moiiKey's rope, making the litUe beast protection June Crept around under the pier, keeping well behind him until she made sure that ho was really asleep not shamming. Very cautiously she dropped to her knees and crawled tbward tho oigan. With remarkable rapidity she un buckled the broad, tough strap that was Attached to it and got on her feet. Then she listened to the Italian's loud breathing, before sho moved forward qtretly until she stood directly behind the pile against which he was leaning. Thero was no fear on her face. Onlv caution and a certain cunning bold ness. Stealthily, she slipped the strap around the sleeping man's body, draw ing It back behind the pile. She put the, eyelet end throush the buckle, but did not fasten It. Then sho put the Bclssors onthe sand beside her. Haying proceeded so far successfully, he thought for an Instant, trying to de termine what her next move would bo. Picking up the scissors she slipped her right hand around the pile and stottcd to cut the monkey's rope, close to the Italian's hand. The monkev, sensing that a deliverer had come, laid his little face against her hand, softly. June pushed him back gpntly. The scissors were dull. The rope was tough. The effort to cut It brought the blood to hor hand. Slowly, the lialan blinked his ejes and opened them. Immediately under his nose wns a Firong .Noting hand wlctdlug a glitter-' ing weapon. Half-conscious, he shud-l uei-ed inwardly., in ins nigiitmaic, some, one was working out a vendetta- suc cessfully. Ilia cfs closed. Tho lld- a secu-'re prGoner? anVhTs ' la'fl hand I 'a'me 2'paren Uy thought deeply for was l.lng on the sand stretched toward I .vL "T" ,' .,,, a, ,. ,.,. ,,,, Ute rSan "8 ,f ln U"co",tadonSleerbet:ch1in ncss of the dream was too much fori mi f M Cs M V PU i: -aoTft ' him, however. Ho opened. them again.l"1 " al n c" rn t-lllC. J3U. Ihls time nil ho could we was a ring of Hcanel an omen of eternal blood shed. iHiiplil with sleep, he made a half attempt to sit crtet. on Uio Instant June pulled the strap tight with heri MONFYI MDNIPVI MDN1PVI left hand, buckled It. seized the monkey "lUiNCI! miJlNUY! iYlUlNLY! with the right and sped off down the I A'i1'" " .y- ,1VJi'T,K,V T"ANSi,i,n beach, tho cut rooo trailing behind AM HrullAHB CO.. Wh and 1) eta. nw. Ph. her P trailing ocninq M KM EMtmates on racking and Shipping On the edgo pf tho sand, nn old clean, drs storage for furniture and pianos, woman In black, ghastly pale and pet-. Estimates c-heerfi.ll elvcn. WESCHi EU'S, lifted with fear, watched her go. Over :0 Fa. a.e. N. w. 1'loie Main li.'. IIVTL f?1 ,,Un th W,'P Sl' had,MM. VAN IOAD. t.i0. urse van ooad. Lcri sent for. H 50; steras-. .' van laid ino.or ans iqr btrapped to the p'le. the Italian was Laltlo ore. lnlaj'p i nnd tuburhs. kicking up an awful iow. His pntc'icd legs w a veil wildly In tho air. He hml struggled so xlocnt'y that Ivh fnt-e was a ntud. in c linson and pin pic. I 111 beany uinck c)-es i-rc . fiexling qotsl ( .'i a. nit- CMliric- Cll Ullll-H. ? CIICIH Ab ejeball. lie wai uttering the modi horrlh'c, sound, of rui-loua Imprecation, inm v.rre iim,o because nobody mo . : " " - r thrn'U,frinB croA'u c0lM l,"",r"lnnUi WASHINGTON BUSINESS - In iJip, distance, junoran Into the ch-1 ,m K Y"BA.CIJ,JMK"wCi! ?H0,r. . tioiice to Surflon pnk and feuid aj",IA' V ' M'w W-J '' t I'rln. ffi B'ld,'rd , ''y shrubbery. In tho pupils WANTKD-tly Miss Rernlce Miller, mldat of It Mood i a-lnnt trco with an teacher of blano. former uuull r iw 1 absurdly thick trunk, Tho monkoy sniffed affectionately at hor chin and raised his lltUo paw: na If trying to Insist thtft, In suite of all.l Which had been anld Ahoiit him bvl Mary, ho was a very decent and play-J ahlo bclnc. Juno hugged him up to her. rut tho ropo closo to his collnr, and started to tftko off his lurllci-nnia I'.ttln lint nnrl ,coat. All undressed, us he was meant to be, the monkey revorted to type nnl gaiod longingly at aii overhanging urnncu. .nine lokcd up- tit tho low swaying foliage. "Of course, you want to get up thero, you poor. Ill-treated little beastic," she whispered to him. "That's what I stole you for. To set. you free. Say 'thank you' to the lady nnd shake hand." She reached up and pulled the branch down to her. Then she waited t.i co what he would do. With Just otic re gretful look, na though to say. ' I'm not ungrateful but oh, you tree'" hu leaped from her arms and scampered up tho tree. On a high brunch ho sat down, and looked nt her. June .waved her hand. ".Vow, be a wise l.ttle menk -and scoot before, the goblins get you." Hhe called up to him. softly. lie chattered bnck,, that he would;- nnd the next Instant he .van lost In thp dense, overhead bntn'-hen. Hack jjii the beach," Marv watched the struggling Pletro. and tried desper ately to decide vHfrnt tho wisest move would bo. Ills awful cries wuuld af tracl a larger crowd In a few m.nuteK. It flashed upon her. suddenly, tint there was a way of protecting June, even now. With the wrap stlli nn her ami she rati townrH tbn uprpnm-M Italian. Indications that she was gqltr i release mm, .-uary unmicitied ilia "trap; Just as a policeman came run ning up. Pletro scrambled to his feet, chok ing with rage. A toTent of Round poured from his thick oily lips. Ills hands workcl overtime. He Jumped up o.nd down like a Nuretnburg toy. His listeners all looked sympathetic, but they wero blockheads they didn't understand. Almost beside himself at the terrl blo thing that had happened to him, the. Italian started to embrace the po liceman with the fervent plea of: "Helpa! Helpa!" "Helpa what,' demanded the police man, squirming from under thu dis play of Latin affection. "My monk gone Htole girl wom an gotta round on hand! Stole! Cut-a rope! Swipe a monk! Beat It! "Sa-ay! Xow, lissen, you! Uet It straight, that's all 1 tell you. See? I nabbed a pair of guys yesterday fer getting fresh with the force. It'd be a Pleasure to run In a Tony like you. So get It straight, see?" Pletro appealed to the others, hunch ing hts shoulders until they touched the lobes of his ears; stretching out his rtrms In mournful petition. Mary stepped forward and spoke to the of ficer. "It seems tlrat someone stole his monkey. He's showing you the cut rope on his hand." The patrolman raised his cap. "I didn't see you at tlrst, Miss Mary," he said pleasantly. "Yes. I linderstood that someone had copped the monkey; but what's he getting at. drawing thlnirs on thrt bank nf liU hand and moving his fingers like he Was cutting paper?" "As near as 1 can make out." Marv answered slpwly, "the person who stole the animal cut thtj rope with scissors and had a mark of some kind on the back of her hand" "A mark!." the policeman Jumped eagerly at the word. "Say. was It a red mark a Hed Circle?" he asked Pletro excitedly. Seeing that at last someone wa.s beginning to understand. Pletro went back into Italian hysteria and threut- ic. nuuiuci jii ene.l another fond embrace. The po- dodged adroitly and turned again to wary "You've been on the beach some- tlpie, haven't you? Do you remember seeing anyone go past with a mon key?" "Certainly." the old woman replied promptly. "I remember distinctly see ing a young woman on the beach with a 'inohkey. I never dreamed that she had stolen it. I thoucht It wax her I 'pet. You know you read so much In the papers, nowadays, about women having monkeys for pets." Pletro fell on his knees before her as soon as he realized that she was in possession of a clue. The patrolman yanked him to his feet again nnd gave him a stinging tap with his club to emphasize things. "Do you remember which way she went? lie asKed. that direction." Her finger pointed directly opposite to the way June had gone. "Thank you," snl.l the policeman. (Continued Tomorrow.) MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE HO Separate Locked Booms, I2.00 Month I'p. Merchants' Transfer and Storage Co. Main G900, 920-922 E St. N. V. SAFETY FIltST." ABSOLUTELY FinEl'ItOOF STORAGE. INITEU STATES SVOHAOE CO. Rooms, t.'.OO and i. .Moving, I'a.'klns. 1'hone Main 4-J9. m-420 10th st. N . MDV1NP, ''ADDED VANS IWKJ V UNO FCIINIK1IED. Phone M. 3010-3011. KREIG'S EXPRESS, U16 II Street X. W. BTOBAGE. l'MKINU, AND SHU't'INO. Washington, Baltimore and Sub urban Moving. Northeast Ex press Company, 8-t)UAOK fl'nio.. hauled In frre. r,lf.,e ahk compare our prices to othe.-a: estimates chrerlully Kb on. central ImailJii, dry, clean storage rooms, open for msp'ctlon hi any time. II. Hauni & Son. Jls I'o. ne. M, 1251. cOlcmhia ' l.AV,pEit jw sr inA.E CO, '(5 - Ycrit a'e Main 1915. I rrr uuit iur i.irlnr-niic-. n. ;i;u;t ,r n. ;t:iu, T'MITH'K . TIIAXKKIt A S'lOIIACI-: to.. Ill J !. Mgfct Pit A. WiM. I 1-wJTtf H II Ml I I EDUCATIONAL Washington School ot Accountancy New stmestrr brains Feb. I. rrpnred for C, I'. A. and business-. Free bullotln. THOS. W, WALTON, V. SI. ti. A.. 1T.16 St. N. W Singing, Elocntfop MRS.' KMtl.r Kit 1311 RATINES. I -Vv" am, FridaV' "s?M MihVBV TV, mil, of noaton. N. ei99-j, net. hnuis of and ' P. 111.. or call at 1223 13th N. W. t LOST AND FOUND UUO I HIMU rUUNU MtACKI.ET Gold, with the Initials M. II. n enirrareil on It; HUhdav rvenlng. Liberal rrwanl If returned tu MHH. M. BHOOK8. 110!) O cr Cor. th and fllrard sts. . W. 1 I'AT-Ursy Utter, while tip end of tall; from nt'r and N sts. N. V. Reward It returned to 608't nth st. X. Phone Main 6:CT. ! WATCH, KoM and pansy diamond pin; phi alued as keepsake of a departed slater, :l reward If returned to 1132 Maryland nte, N. E. 1 HELP WANTED MALE DAK Kit on cakes and Ice cream; state ace nnd experience. UOX Ml. 'llnua office. BOY White, with wheel, to run erraujs and make himself generally useful. Apply M. A L.EESE. 614 th St. N. W. 1 BOY White, grocery store, with experience. IW)8 3th st. N. W. linitAND HOY with wheel. W. IJ P st. N. BTRONU liOY to make himself useful In book bindery. Opportunity tu leatp a good trade. ANDttEW 1). OltAUAM CO., llth and B sts N. W. l JOB PRESS FEEDER, 927 14th St. N. V. In basement. XiaitT WATCHMAN; hotel help; today. Hl'llOKHS HOTEL AOKNOY. M Uth si. X. V. WANTED YOUNG MEN OR BOYS. GOOD WAGES. ' -APPLY WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 1401 F ST.' Wanted Elevator Operators. Young men between IS and 25. Must be neat and or good appear ance. Apply to Mr. HANNAN, Munsey Building. SALESMAN' Neat appearlnic, irade and hoime. Apply hi a a. mi. uiii. ;01 r'l'iil.U ae. 'N. ". SOLICITOUS nlio hate uorked on netwpapci u lints1 exhibitions. Address KK'UUOND CAIUOOX A.NO COLOIt CLCB, iU Times UUpauh Bids-., ltli'hmpnd. Va. VAXTElMui to leant barber trader wages afier tiri nioiiUi; tuo,s supplied; diplomas aisaiuej; Hlcjtly iosltlun guirautted. Wllto lor ulaloue JlOl.KU'S 1IAIU1KK COL LEGE. Jv7 Bowery. New Yolk city. HELP WANTED FEMALE COLLAR lanced. LAL'NOIiY. LEI i'a. ae- N". WEST I.ND W. DEMONKTItATOJtH-NVftt appearing. Imim's and juorer. Appl ai S u. in. unlj. 701 Florida iue. N. V. :jni:SoMAKF.I! AND UlltlH to l.-arn French dura, uttlng. dreskmal.tng, lunltu liik". and millinery, acod positions funiHiiJ alttr leHrnliiK. .NEW YOJtlC MILLIXKIIY ACADEMY. 1113 Ust. Gllil- Competent, for general liousmoik; with refeience; good wages. :7il Mai-omb st. ! (HIM.- YuiinR, to ta half um In office. A I' ll h' Ml Kill st. X. W. WOMAN to cook, Ri-neral hoiKrMoik. and Ukslat vchh children. Api..;o,: J.tu Eu.lld 't Tel. Col. C30. WOMAN' Whlt housekeeer, ho'iu all model n l.nproi emnts, on electric line, Maryland; uo'waihlnic, Ironing, nor cookm. tllxe age. t-xpe; fence, ciiiallllvatlons, lerer encesBOX , Times office. l SITUATIONS WANTED Female. PIANO pupils taught to ftjinth grade, ex perienced teacher; beginners a specialty. EOX EJ, Tinier orflce. , 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FinNlTlRE-New and slightly used. See our stock and prices before buying. IV ' terms or Ohlou.u for cash. Saie .nunc, liuy at HOPWOOD'S, 8th and K. DON'T WISIK TIME wrltuis; b Imirl. renting an I NDERWOOD and t'slng li in your cnrrcsiKuideme means speclnl atenilo) paid to vour letters. "The machine jini will eventually hu." CNDEUWOUU TYl'L--WRITER ''P.. KM F st. N. W. THE HEHliLT TYPEWRITER CO. (INC.), 717 12th st. N. W. Main 34. Tluy, sell, rent and repair typewriters. AWARDED GOVERNMENT CUNUtACT. LET US ESTIMATE on cleaning and repair ing your typewriter; all work I. w'e also bu and sell second-hand machines on cominlsiion: give us a trial, call M. r.90 for nulrk ser.he. UNIVERSAL I VPr, WRITER REPAIR CO., 918 F St. N, XV VIOLIN FOR SALE-Flne violin, excellent tone, wPh 2 good bows and line leather case. Will sell outlit cheap. Address "M." KOX 41, Tl-nes ofTlce. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH prices paid for worn clutli Ing; either ladles' or men's; send postal, will call. II, iARSHES. 1308 7th si X XV. Phone North 499; j WANTED Furniture, pianos, carpets, etc. Phone M. ia. tor wagon, or have us tall. "WESCllI.ER'S." 9L-Q pa. ace. N. W 1 WANTED Furnll lire for cash. Sell vour goods lo the man who gives thu inns. nione) . rvce HOI'WOOD, Sth Hnd K. HIGHEST PRICES paid for all kinds m ,ec ond lun.1 c-lo lilng; ladles' and inert; croj PQ'ial. M. HERMAN. 9:5 D st. N. ,V. OLD ARTIFICIAL TBBTlTWIlT"pay g7od SPIRlfUALilS MADAM FIELDw,len vou commit her i, ,. ., yu consult the .,t. Reunites the separated. N. 1156. i;.'( jo, n . '. 1' ' Airs, voegler private ,,!,,,. f0l,j a. in. to p in. 604 F st. N. B. . MRS. MAMIE STEVES, &' KaadlnffK dally. maniM Tni .t Th.... ' '. l-ll.i P in. I h. U,nc 3i. 313 N J. a 1.' . .! V IRS. ROTH?',d"lK ?" S..r, ,n. iv. iM lq.o,nst nw i,hu,t i..hlaf) , MR.HER3ERTV,:n;, gives lest of vtarnlng. stop hat slalui. hoviiQUr way clear, jrlc. L UIO Utt.Yf. I BULLETIN OF AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES I Dotailcd Informntlon concerninrr tho following opportunities may im ncviuu m tiiuii,c upon application to BUREAU OP INFORMATION, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP LABQU, 801 MILLS BUILDING. 1. JCSy,T? 'AD?rl3VI.A,Tr1(:Us'B lJHKt: hr.V-Krco bonfd, lodglnjrnnd wnfih Injr PM-l'er month. PWrPer weok. PD-Pcr day. PH-Per hour. H&iV eo.bol?.r. and WByiR'-aM-UnfuinlBheil Iiqubb, garden, fuel and milk. ES-rcnWlsh pcaklnitc Exp-Kxperlcncod. Tr. Adv.-Tronsioftutlon may bo advanced under favorable .conditions. . Unless other'WItio stntod. It will beunderstood thnt nil opportunities arc of hcipiiuhmii nuiuiu, iniu iim ncip is qosppy us soon ns possible FAIMJ LABORER APPLICATIONS , Any nationality. ,No Tr, Maryland. 8,f-.437. Montgomery Co, Ono single man for dairy woiki mostly milking. Any E-t of good habiili. ll-li c-owa. Exp, ir adv, 110-fU I'M, lAL. ' WO ;. WVrci-sler Co. Ouo nmrrted man Willi family for Reneral farm work. Any Rood farmer. Kxp. Children pcrmlttad. r adv. Work lor 1-J share. Uniurnialud B-room t.oiiet. f!7-521. Dorchester C6. One married or single man for general farm work. German or English. Other ES. 2 cows, EH ceo-s-arv. Exp, No children permitted. Tr, adv., and deducted. Gren, ti I'M winter, !J?..''M '"miner; Ilxp., 110 I'M winter, I7 1M rummer, house, garden and fuel. Work or wifo l or i ds a week from 1.0c to ilo Pennsylvania. 870 &A3. Westmoreland Co. File or six married men for general farm work. Ilel glans. Austrlans or llungsrlnTin acceputule, JJI necessary. Exp. Children permitted, . No. Tr. 40 I'M and up, house and fuel, work for boys of the families on farm. COMMON LAIIOR. New Jersey. 17J-140K Hudson Co. Wanted 100 married or single men tor laboring work In celluloid factory. Scandinavians nnd Finns, l'erhaps Poles and Husslans of better class. No. Tr. t to 10 hours PD in shifts. 20c I'll to start, up to Uc to 27c Pli alter becoming pro ficient. Pennsylvania; " :, . , .-. . Co. Wanted seventy-nee load after mining md -hlne. ti &7. Indiana Co. t-osl miners to load FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished ILEAL Ai-T. CO., 1909 I'A. AVE. -4 rooms. recvptlou and bath. Iur. or utiliir.. ilso cm large furnished room and kitchenette, mar Dain. $1; 1 large room, iwo beds, .;..0, one hall room. II. uu. Main 7177. . NEW YOHK AVE. N. V WS-l-argc imims suitable tor one or two gentlemen; iiImi smaller rooms, nicely furnlsnjl,Jgajiqiiali.e. 6lh ST. N. W. ilo-Sleam heated; bath each floor; center location, H.tO a week upward 5d ST. N. Wt, 71 Two large, sunny. bi -window looms, tveiy convenience lor llgnt housekeeping; near business center, ! M ST. N. W., 13U irge iroiil mom, dl heated; single room, southern tfpoure. N. 5641. 1 llth SI'. N. W.. UU-'-Apl. 1. Clean, warm, nicely furnished, iroiil room; .unable for two. Callafter . 1 I 9th BT.N. W, 1109 Furnlklied parlor loom. 110, and hal room, i; wi-ii neaieu in iiulethquke. j ith ST. N. W., lW-He'ond siory from, alo third floor for I. h. K. P U ST., 1115 tcor. 12th; lairge. nice Hunt room furnished, with all Impruvemvins, u sonable: one flight. L ST. N. W W7 Neaily ruriilsiirU Jnd lloor room, well hea.ed, small uont room, '5 him 17 month. I'A. AVE. N. W., LOs-lOpp. Italelijhi Warui, suun, hut-water aiwa, no car fart; rates X J. AVE. N. W.. 7U0 Two sreoud flogr front. w.crm, idnasant. furnUued looms, I. h. k. (th N. W 1122 Furnished room In iirivnte Gennaii famtl ; steam heat, bath, phone; suitable for gentleman onl: 5 month. 1 Unfurnished. - F ST. X. W . l.'CJ Dtsliable looms, over Itlie's Stullo . " Furnished or Unfurnished. MASS. WE N. W.. .'.''J Will r m i ioo.i.s I. h. k. . -d floir, neat, sni gas, .o P't. manctit party, lli'ou. Rooms For Rent. COLuHAllO ItENiAL EXgllANUE. J. D ADiCI.VS, Mgr, cuolce rooms, all kinds, ery location. Free sen Ice lo the tooiners. til Col. Blag. M"'n ilJl, Uih and il sis. ROOMS AND BOARD Wanted. WAXTED Itoom and boa id with home-like surroundings, for widower witn thrre ihll dru; ages 1. II. and 8 ears, mut be lea kunahle. Address HOX 54, Times oflhe. 1 yOPNtl M VX wants board and roo.u In miiclly private famll , Jl.lW pel wee. BOX M. Times office. TABLE BOARD THE SHEI'HEHD. 10th nnd E as. N. W. Mealr. bieakiasi. J., luncu, Jih.. uluucr. 2io: W.oO week. 12lh ST. N. W., 80S Itrtnms with selet-i boir.l steam heat, private hatn. reaso.iauie CLAIRVOYANTS IAIAVl ipAilGacT1'bYl-ulcsi MALJAIVI J CAIN MEDIUM, j li.trn nnl uluile. 1nrlanv I .lean has been one since childhood, acknowl edged by press and public to be the greatest clairvoyant in the world, can positively it Uiille the separated. Let a reading from thU remarkable woman. Will tell ou names, dates and facts without asking ou a -iug,u cjuestlon. You hae a power oi your o. u either for good or eill. Cuitlva.e goon. Deieiop it. Lsc It. Call and oo coiuin. cj. l'rliale rooms, you see no one. t-n.niu leadings arranged b phone. N 35.1. l. -nianeni loiailon. li It si. X. W. 705 EIGHTH ST. N. .W. MME. CARLETTA, III.AIIcVOS l.M", AiolrsKII, IMl'HESSIll.vAL REAkKR. Ynu win Mre In trouble, .ic.palilng ever again of being hupp), should call to ie- MME. CAItLe.ri'A, the Kll.l-.D MSHTI. cA. and vli.L help uu, nu mailer v.nat lb" cause. TELLS YOUR NAME name friends, enemies; object of call, ad vice on biismesi. love, courtship, marriage, divorce, cells you how und Hit-lsta du to obtain our dexlica and hapi'lnie.-t. iiouis. 11 a. in. o 9 p. m. 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. HPRORD. B. BRUCE. THE GiU.AT AlhiitALIAN PALillSl AND CLAlUMu ANT. Can be consulted on all analrs. l.'uSA V. al ter 1 lace K E. Hours. 9 a. in. lo 10 o. i.i.; Sunda s from i to 7 p. in. Ph. Line, llji. CONSUL f ZANCiG READINGS ONE DOLLAIt. STUDIO. W4 14lh st. N. W. Phone il. 441) DELMA1N bla'lbKS ' ..'j Headers; tell what jou want 10 knot,. Lead bibs, .4c; test, luc. 1- a. m. lo 9 p. m. tuii ui, 4 to k. 813 ith st. N. W. PALMISTRY-CARD READING. JVIK. K. LU5dr', Tnrot and Foreign Cards. Euai India Crvstal. l.uuies only tulCEAM-JDi (.loted Si.nJn. i.e.. icnte us "jyj llth N. W. &,;ro"u Wu0' to ability. 'ill 9.J0 p ,ii. ORIGINAL MME. DE LONG, THE LITTLH WHITE MOIHER A plain, simple gentlewoman, extrcftrDttarr Iniultlvo abllliy; lella jilovvly, giuaJr vn-V maters and person-i of lnturi-a.eceS.a (,. scrlptlons, lull names, c-orrrot .ocnlldt, till) facts, llcnenclal liilormatlou. advlca, atrat aiiie for joung and old youth mid yill'm -rich and iooi while and colored. ilatls)ilv. lory or no lee. Limited number daily. Twenty years Jn piivate resldenco. Houis I0 a. m 10 8 p. ill, I jiW fee. With eav.i read-l ing lieu, J-paue book "Success Sccris. 730 Eighth St. N. W. IWPC nAYFR.". ,:r"" id niivu, vjii i v. i.eauer an.l clnlri'" ad'.na-. 3c ML Hi . II. ,-i. Vv 7p7vrirAl'ALMlBI-. CARD lUIADElf. JlB .,uaraIctl. ,onillU ,,t lMt. ls-4 .t".;.' THE OltlLlNAi. AND ONLY n R R fl W A 1-1 il-Kli Oc" I... I'A I hi M www ...... ,HT; ND MLIilf'-tr. Laousb mid. At buiuc. VM iVth u N. W, 10 hrs. I'D. 1O0 U. T. TRADKS. New Jersey. 743-5. Mldill'i-so. Co. Olio tinsmith desired. Younit (lerman preferred. For roofing and dlfTeiem kinds of. Miuct ' metal work In liulldllia line. I.'.i0.3 I'D. No, Tr. 8 hrs. I'D. Pennsylvania. 8J lie?. Philadelphia Co. One en!tln"r wanted. Any while ES. Married or slnule. lisunl hours. Iletcular wages. i DOMESTICS. Maryland. S7-ifWl. Balthnore Co. One slnnle woman for general housework. Any ES, tlS I'M, D&L. No Tr. New York. S07 ZC01. Klnits Co. One single woman for Keneral housework nnd care of children. German (or Polish), 19-il I'M and home. No Tr. Pennsylvania. SJ7 MCI. Lehigh Co. Two slmtle women as waitress and chamber ork. tlS I'M, room, board and laundry. Tr adv. Virginia. 8G7-2M0. Alexandria Co. One single woman for scleral housework. SnedUh, Xorwes- Ian. ES necessary. JlS-l.'O I'M, depending ou work. Good home Tr, udv. from New York city, and deducted. 878-142. Norfolk Co. Wanted aliont 74 men or women to manufacture pants on piwer sewing machines. Aerage '.cglnner would I""" - i-v iwnnout expenencei; ex. perlencea can aiernge 110-J12 t'W. No Tr. any nationality, 54 hours PW. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS Wi?,J..'iCI.N,li!EN'" vrry Wfl' possible to uuiiu this business greater we are hustling and results hhow In tho stock that's here, ready to be sold, nnd we nre selling slightly used mercoats at ". to flO, can't beat It", one price, Jl'STIl'S OLD STAND. 619 D. 1 . Print in 7. GIVE ME THE OHDL'It for 'our Printing niViiiViS11 lLc?,,,e Il"k," ' KAYMONU PADGLTT. -M l'a. ale 8. K. Line. ;3n. Paintinp. HAVE UlUlt PAINVNO done now. I can saie ou money We guarantee our ma terial nnd workmanship to be Ihe best. James Stevens, 18a Fla. ale.. Ph. North 2C1S. WIIV not nve 20 this month7 Immediate COOI.EY. 7IS Sth st. X. E. 1 Paints. I . .n,aUFKALOA. L O PAINTS Mf.wDeB.a,.r WNQ":v PMNTbo. ' 4U M Ft. N. V. Phnn. Ww n Mattresses and box Springs.. ! Sl'KClAL-Halr nnd Ult luattiesss nid l ovr anil rnnLi,i-l ti .,.. .. .. . ft"!-'6 " ' " & I Stenography and Typewriting. EXPERIENCED public stenographer, former. Iv Continental Hotel; legal woili a tur. laity. OOM 45, 1416 F st X. W. t Paperhanging. mPAN. Hi II st X E. foimerly of 2m 1-isl (apltol M Write or phone Lincoln 2VJ. Antique Furniture antl Repairing. bAVE JO-j on your antique furniture lepair- i iinmiS!11? upholstering. M s J- lOllOWKI. l;yt Water t. K V. Upholstering, and Repairing. DEI LMiAIil.L upholstering, .nnnufac turl ig and repa.rliig. lurnltute. mattresses, loiis. aunlngs. etc.. work done on lour own piemlses when deslied. I'll L 170- J I.' SMITH, .-na Mehols aie., Ana- Window Cleaning. HOW AIIUI'T -"HOSE DU'.tV WiNDOW' 'i!I?HCN.-Al:.. IX,JW '''."AXING Carpet Cleaning. CARPETS TIIOUOl'GIILY tND cARE fullv cleaned, rugs woiet, from old carp-t. ITleM.TiI-rcT,0,vIH.,,T.,11.' , ''"iiaiea furniVd; i .," KAHLEHT & CO.. 30J u .. s. AI. .Ul, - PERSONALS M WILLIAMS m"1,c,""k- !i-m- "V vv ' l-'lvlllVlO pooiiin. liai.-Jrei.siii. Mitlp U ml nit in. 1U u Caiuline. 7i. in r nt. N Apait. 21, W. M. Milll '; 'MISS WELLS ? mid Scalp llnllra l ,.. 4. JIJ3 G si. X. W. Apartment 2, ilurd Pool. i. ' M ANTI-T trIM- SIMMPnnivi! scalp treatment Phone Main 7511. 71b llth el N . w. i I iAIRS. ORA L. FIELD shaob and Treatment; fnce and scalp. Here for khort timo only. Ej H N. XV , -'ndjloor. JMISS JAMRRUN, manicurist and .-hlro-iody; I hours, 10 a. in. lo 6 p. in UU New lork nv e. N. W'.. second floor. MIn's PARR SCALP TREATMENT. mioo vrtrvi kaiiaijs. how, i. 10 ti. .-.rno.c.-i , ll to n. ucnoiM llulltltnt; 1 DR. hlbK ELGIN, Specialist rtiopr Main SOU liW Pa. n, y ye LbufSrAlAIERf,!.;;;' ci. ilv poii,, liulr.ireiiiiiig nil uiamhcs latiglu. Uic-ii ct.n. vlj Keiiui.'llldc., II. li & G. M..ti MISS CAIN -j;J Apart. 1. l'liiiiie Main 74:: and Scalp T.-eat-7th H. W. W. ,iW'W4W4-KH',W4-H'lrMi' Dk. KhEDWlAW f The Most Important Advice -r .1! that I can offer to nr. man r' .j. w niinn who w jiiiftcfing irom t. J- any iii-utc, '.liroiiic, of -pcclal ilia-.'. .. cahO ii to lauu iiiuiiicliutu sloiM '. i i" vji-, t. iihi.i. w,i, jwitici-iii vuc-; ..J-clnc-s und till the new tciiums -in J 4. j- untl-tovius uuiinulstuii-U. PlonJ ! n te.l-C lllllflo. I .11 llleilt 11 1 .In., p.L J. te.-ils made. I.aborutoi? stocinoV'-I. T with cvcrytliii. ihe be it in niedi-'i v sines. Over. :x) Noma' nniellen nt -I- T lie iling Jntai'th. lnHionHtlmi -t i t uiistili.-ittoii. flics. 'I'hi-.'i.i I. mi -j v J Br nu. Heart, Wood, and c-kut V .. Diseases, ithcunsatisiii. all stngisV .. of Hlood Polhonlng, Nervous nndv .1. lionet a I Licbiiliy. Charges l.i iv. V ". M.MllcincM Kmnlfird. tuilce Hours, .'. 10 to 1, J to u. Sunday, iu to j. i. liLNtY Vtr ANTED & TO L0A-N . ....... .., . ... .. ., ....,,,., . MONEY TU IAJAN o.i t-il. jiiou.u.i.1 U1 lariuiiiv propel t. WI. GERS iMV Lit. j.J hi. ii I si liulilmorc, Md. MONES ivl LOAN on renl .s-.aie; lowest rate; prior pamem piivlltges; larae ijjiwiui TV I Ell . RUTIIEni'URDt; uili in.ii.ui.Mi cUA.Na AND eEv.u:.D TRUST Money 10 loan at 6 per cent on District Real Eaitaie. Any amount Horn Lou to L.iM on tirsi or second trust. In siialght nut or tnonihl) pamenia. lakes only ihr d,i iu inako itiein. PAUL V. MITCHELL cS CO.. 1411 J ST. V W MONEY TO LOAN-tt)ll to JCW.CH.t) 9n l.. c. leal rsiaie. tevtral irum fund?. 4i 10 J "pel ctni All iraiisaciloiis conducts,! wits tcunuiiucul cuniut ration it.r boiiowrs. WM li. SAUNDERS A: lO oc n I ,iii.iuii u. '..m t ; tv wJoiiMtSSOrrOhTUNrilES A OTION and grocery stole " ' h si V C, "r nlc i ii...u) It 'l.l,v. Li N'il 'or iinf o.i 'urn t ire m The first offer Taoli" .halm .iiunt rt und oinir luruiiuic. l-lJjjj a u-e DU MAItZO On Jnnunrv 11 mi at 2 n. in., MAHUAIIIiT A., beloied wife Of John !T A., beloied wife Of John I ue Aiarzo, Funeral rrom her Inte residence, 1801 Hev enth afreet northwest, Wednesday, Jnnu- ry 26. nt 3 p, in. Interment at lloik t'leek Cemetery. Hlt'KEY-On Monday. January 31, U1, Jit 8:15 p, m at her residence, 131ft norbli nicnuo northwest, MAUY CATIIBniNK, beloved daughter of llonora and tho luto John W. lllckey. Npllco of funeral hercnflcr. m?ltT-On Monday, January J4i 1MB, at S a. m., nt his residence. 1RJ P street. IIENitY Ht'llT, beloved husband of Annlo Tiling rinrt, In. tho soventy-secoTid er of his age. Funeral prim I e, Wedncsitay, January 30. KAMMY-Oti Monday, Jnnuary 34, 1310. nt 13 o'clock, midnight, HAMPEL K.. beloved husband of Delia T. Kamby. funeral from his late residence, 1S04 Sev enth street northwest, on Wednesday, Janu ary 26, nt 3 p. in. Interment Hock Creek Cemetery, MEALON-On Sunday, January 23. 1116, at B:30 p. In., MARY.WOItUA MELON, wife of tho Into Thomas Mealon, nt her resi dence, 1106 Florida avenue northeast. Funeral Wednesday morning, January 26. 1916. at 0 o'clock. Requiem mass ut t:S0 a, m. ut Holy Name Church. Friends nnd rrlatlves Inilted. (Scninton, Pa., palters plenso copy.) REED-On Sunday, January 23, 1016. MARIA L. REED, beloved mother of Harry L. Reed. . Funeral' from her son's residence, lft) Monroe street, on Wednesday, January '., 1916, at 2. p. hi. Relatives and friends In vited to attend. Interment In Glenwood Cemetery. , IN MEM0RIAM (Notice for this column are accepted at 50 cents flat, cither prose or poetry, In case no tice does not exceed ten lines. And 10 Cents for each line In excers of ten.) UNDERTAKERS Embalmers, Funeral Director. J. WILLIAM LEE, . UNDERTAKER & LIVERY. 323 Pa. ae. N. W. elenhone M. WASHINGTON, D. C. w W. DEAL & CO., .Sill II Street N. K. Line. 44. HARRY M. PADGETT, 7.10 llth Street X. K. Line. Kt.VJ. NEVIUS & BROWN. 1)311 N'imv lark tie. .Mnln 387. WILLIAM'HrS-ARDO &"CO., 4MN II street V Id. Line. .124. GEO.'K ZURHORSTrS SONS, Inc. ttll l-:ast t'npKol Street. Line. .172. W. R. SPEARE, 1110 V Street. Muln 42H)-i:.'8l. P. A. TALTAVULL, - 44:t 74h Stre-et S. W. Mnln 1870. THOMAS M. HINDLE, .-,tli mill II Sts. .V. M Mnln .1:17. O. B. JENKINS, Win li St. N W. Main 4S04. THOMAS S. SERGEON. KHI 7th St. N. . Mnln 1(100. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO.. l.Ctr lllth ft. V AY. North 47. JOSEPH F. BIRCH'S SONS, .111.1 1 M SI. N. V. oHt 110. JAMES T. CLEMENTS'" SONS, I-'4I WUc-oiihIii Ac. Wii.1 804. MARTIN W. HYSONG CO.. I Oil Itiawiielmwellw Ave. Mnln S-I'JO. APOLPH J. SCH1PPERT. 2UOS I'll. Aie. Wc'Mt 1.11 I ."!). ' ULRICH & BURDETTE. l.VJD !vcoiihIm Ar. West V.lfl. FLORAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS of eierj dcittrlptlon n oJerate prices, Ot'DE. 1214 F l X. W. Vital Records Births. Charles E. and Eva M. Weasl, '.oy. C had In M. and Annie N. We.t, loy. Adam ami Agnes Slaw ski, bo. Ilerndon li. and Mary M. Rudas'l. Imy. Francis J. and Annie M. Martin, t-lrl. Frederick J. and Wllhelmlna ltne, girl. Lmher and Ethel Hoellman, girl Edward It. and Lillian II. (Savior, girl. John P. and Violet L. Gerac-I. girl. Adolphus and Barbara Et-klofT, Imy. George II nnd Llllv M. Eckert, boy. Edward S , jr.. and Maile Duvall. girl. W llllaiu A. nnd Marie I- Conncllee. girl. , Wlllsini 11 and Mary E. Caton, Ixiy. William A. and Ruby C. Coryell, girl. John J. nnd Gertrude L. Carow. boy. Harrison and Theresa Dozler. itlrl. William and Mary l'erry, lioy. I'ertey and Hnttlc Itraxton, toy. Marriage Licenses. Charles Ford and Ella Carter. Dennis .1. Niland nnd Cathcrlno F. llen- nesey. James W. Woodward, Jr.. nnd Pauline Ivev, Ixith of Cntlc-iu Vn. Ak" ;inlcr II, W llllitms, Jr., and Maiy E. (liter, ticorgc liames and Susie Siuilh, Deaths. Thomas II. Rhodes, 72 eix KKi Paik road. John J. Manning, 39 years. United States Naval Hospital. John Peed, ii rnrs. Emergency Hospital. Margaret It. Uarnanf, 71 years, Victoria apTrtmenls. Nellie Powers. "S years, i3SS Four-and-a-half street southwest. Mron Sherman. SI yenrs, -Government Hospi tal lor the Insane. Patrick Walsh, 64 jcars, Washington AiyPini Hoi-pital. Ellen W. Kent, 40 years, Homeopathic IIos pltnl. Davht K. McCarthy, C9 years. 1711 N street I norinwesi. j Henrietta A. 'While, V. years, SSH RJalr road. Sarah H. Tucker, 73 years, c.'l Sixth street I iMiuiucn.i, Ilultln C. Clark. 7S jears. 636 Mllwuikeo place southeast. Charles E. Wilson. 41 years, Tuberculosis llnspltal. Katberlue G. Ilartel, 74 jcars, 221 John Mar shall place, John W. Averlll, 61 yenrs, .'II. Eleventh street southwest. - George D. Row en, 6$ years, J.G V street north, vvesi. Andrew Tnte, M years. 246 Tliirlccntli clrce't nortlicaHt. Werley Wiishlngloii, &0 years. Washington Uvlimi llospllnl, l.iiiliidH Dlckxon, SO years. 26 G. slrcct fouih vv est. Jud lliinily, 95 yeurs. Government Hospital for the ItiHaiio. .':,1.'.;V "" " Jcars, Freedmen'w Hospital. Wlllhiiu ll. Smith, 39 years, Government Hos pital for the lnme. Mary Dytiui. 4S yt-ais, 21 Second street north enst. George Tolwm, 10 months, 05 I-Vuton nrret northeast. REFHIGERATuHS & ICE BOXES McCRVY RKFR1GERATOU cX.IPANV. llcliigcraiors ilHt aro i iitHiartled.' (ill F .--T N. W. We liil, and 11 pair Refiiseiators IvIOfuhCYCLES 1314 Merkle one.i-v Under, en-t llc-ni mull l Ion : bargain, (U. 1J7 .Noilli arolina a e .S. E. wl'beat quality iu any nuantlty. spwlal it Vto ?r!if ,n.J:,on Wl.W nio;. c. 'JWJS. WM Tth St. N. W. Phpne j ' r - 1 EDI North At-AnilVlCUU) iu uj Unfurnished. DE8IRAULB NEW APAIlXMISNTfl III,. I'AIX ... . a i Anarlmen i7i , , iw;.. "y"." .-, .. nnu lo- mi .Tni.i.i ". ""'s nci uatrr, 1 io, uli outside rooms, op.n tor Iiupvc- lion irc u if3' ,:l'TON JAMES, - m "Ihern llldg. .lonH Maj -. ''tho' !ityWfor,ll,V I'!0?'" lrt"'ef,t (a ;'. l' y. , t0,o'ed tenin.s; lent, onlr ''uli "J'tlT"": ni door; per VffT- 3?"iSK l& ?& si rUH hhNf HOUSES Unfurnished. 1414 (th st. N. W.. 10 rTsfmfb 001'. v., j r .nd b ' tUi ith at. N. '.. nr? ad b, 3110 IBth at. N. K.. 7 r. anil b 405 R at. N. W r. aiirfb IJ EvarU t, N. E. Vf nnd'Y.'" 1804 (th L N v V. and Mb . ' ,I2 tth st, N. K. !,,"!' " 131? Eye st. N ii.. ?n?Z""" c'CJ.l i. .,..$17.50 ' i... X5.fa .... n.k) , .... 2J.ol . 22 5(1 .'.'.'. zi'.w 0.50 , ... U.S0 ,r-f J Ulrard st. N. , t t. and w 2526 Georgia ave. N, V, S ?. and'vv' 1313 S J? .SIt?n,SU TENANTS. 81a Acker st. N. E.. 7 r and li 1105V, First at. N. W.; i r and b" ai D at. N. W.. lo r and b . " 417 p M. n. w.: r.r.d w..:::: ::;: 634 Callan at. N. E., r. and w 2150 D st. N. W.. 6 n and w 1247 25th st, N. W i r. indw 2405 h .t. n. w.;'i rf'aMiw.:::::: 113 Reeves court N. XV.. S r. nnd w! ... i.ev ... 11.50 ... 12.50 ...131.50 ..U'.CO ... 18.w ... 111.50 ... 18.10 ... UM ,. ... U.G0 11.50 -- 11.50 10.40 vurrunu A. BORDEN CO., Phone M. 2242. 604 tth '. x. w. COLORED TENANTS. "S;5,it nw.. rooms, bath jn 10 W9N st. nw. rooms, bath. . 311 U .t -. C rooms, bath :. "." 5l0 20th .t"-10 i00""- ba,b ... a. ytXilS . "' nw 7 rooms i7oo Una .'i n,rw' V00' .....:: ii-?..i ' . "w" 6 room frame.. htm i '' t- e., room frame... u$ 'A3? A.Ve. n!i' ' 4 room frame. ... iJoo CLARKE & G1ESLER, 715 14th. 2014 PORTNERPL., Rr. & B $3, ., " J-; nw rooms and bath....t... 37 ", S?i'.?H" S rpom" and u J 0 J i"nrt2ehit w.",er ,nludel in the aWe ;Xi? ;,ortner pi., rooms and bath 4 Jl 2031 Portner pi., 6 rooms and bath w'lo Store. 2102 14th st. nw,. wRh iv- ng piarters atwve aB a M A pply Manager, the Portlier. 15th and ij nvv. ifH.y ." ne- 6 rooms .11 i0 rrM ne"-6r' suule fr , mall store'. if." ne- - wer and gas ;o l-s ith ne.. 6r.. reduced to t 13 50 Also large stable rear of 1111 D ne.... .. 3 0) Apply 914 Md. ave. N. E. FI.A. AVE. N. XV.. 971 Four-room houve . s rt.T w : wh,,e temu""- K;y FOR SALE HOUSES BEAUTIFUL HOMES 902 and 904 12th STREET N. E. Six, seven and eight-room homes. Extra Large Sleeping Porches 13.500 to 11.500. 1200 Cash, balance monthly. Greatest Value in Homes Open 10 9 p. m. Dally. Come out. H. R. HOVVENSTE1N, 1314 F St. N. E.. or 7W II St. X. E. FOR SALE f;ou cash will buy in Columbia Heights, near 14th and llth St. cars, six room, ope hath, fur. beat; price, 12,950; bal ance like tent. CLARKE & GIESLER, 715 14th. LOOK THESE OVER! BEFORE BUYING. COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL. One and One-bnlf fc'q t-'ioin Li.NCOLN PARK. On HV, su X. .. but. Nortb Carolina ave. and C at. One nf the most beautiful loca tions ln tho- city. 6 rooms, ttle batn, large lot, pore:,. All modern Improvements. Only 110(1 cash and balauce like rent. $21.50 per month, Inclt-ding interest and principal PRICE, $21250. Open dallv and Sunday until p. rn. bUBUKBAN PROPERTY For Sale. HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD on 1100 cash and 115 month, at CHEVY CHASE. For full particulars diop postat. telephone, or call on WM. H. RITCHIE. 317 Colorado Bldg. Tel. M. r.'ll. UEAUT'FUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, fruit, porches, 5c car fare; 3 nice lots, high and healthy; one block from new public school. PRICE ONLY, 11.650; terms. 1100 cash; bal. 115 month. O B. ZANTOIXZER. 9t3 New Y'ork ave. N W. BUSINESS PROPERTY ;., , For Sale- STORE AND DWELLING. 629 PA. AVE S. E Four living rooms; lot 20x110. Pterent tenant has been on prem ises for over five pan. For particulars ap pl to C. W NEWHOUSER, 421 East Capi tol st. Phone Unc. 2098 1 STOREROOM and dwelling. 203 II st. .. E Cheap. UOX 51, Times office. ! AUTOMOBILES PHfiNF 1M R0 for lire troubles. rnu',Ll J1, "'-' saintaneous servk lu- vlce day o u.g.ii. All size llrrs and tubes In xocn. At 'TO SERMCE CO.. 1941 N, Hanip. ave. ItiRD touring car, 1114, fully equipped, self starter. PEERLESS 7-pa.eenger touring car. MAXWELL 4-cyllnder 4-passenger tour- , ,,.11, .., UA fn1l ,. . . mi; car. v in acii t:iieni. Cull ll.t K t W. Main 7031. After 6 call North 7527. ' COLUMBIA LIMOUSINE. 1911 model; good condition; additional touring body. Phono Main 1142. BOH & BARNEY. Experts In all kinds of aulo repairing. Ford lepalring a specialty. We guarantee our service to be the best, in town. Instantaneous service, day or night, ill) O ST. N. t W. 1 MITCHELL ROADSTER for sale; cash or terms; fully equipped; newly painted, 13..0. 4CJ Munsey building. Telephone Main IS 12. ACTON, 4C8 14th St. N. XV. LL lamps and radiators repaired. Golden Rule Shop. Ph M. 242j. Ford Valve Grinding, $2.25. Weil save ou 20 ou all i-our auio repair big. All work 70e per hour. W. S. K1E3 & SON, 1241 R st. N. W. MANUFACTURER of mud guards, hood'. gasoline tanks, rudlalors, auto lanus. Metal Art Shop Ph. X. WW. 12W 14th mv ONE FORD 'IUUR1NG CAR I.i good ruunlni I Off .lift older lor safe reasonable. Apply 2U si. N. W. Automobile Repairing. 1 CENTRAL CARRIAGE, WAGOIi AND AUIO WORKS B M. lAlYD. Manager. Trutk and Automobile BckIk-s to Order RHAR OF 44J TO 4JI EVE STREET N. W. MAIN 3t45. Painting and lettering a Specialty. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 For Hire. MAIN 7151 Day or Nisht. I? r-'o-Vs w- ntv nrorr T5c ll ru ts heur HOrtSES AND VEHJCLES ID HEAD horses mijl mures, out of won:. weight from 1.W0 to l.tcii lbs.; must be o'.t by 4he 10th oi Feb. Apply 1 1 05 llth t X W .. 11 PFVFN HORSES AND TWO "GIG MAUK Sold for the vvnni of use. Rear K l'a ,. v tl' rt,r It j.!,!,, POR SALE-r-lhoap soodwo7k .Horses and . ..Si'V.." ur0!S" lor 'hJfu. i:r lu aad :