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TrT1 JTWJWT'W"- , THE WASHINGTON TIMES; 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 191 G. u --x- CITY HOUSEWIVES IT M EAGERLY FOR TIMES FOOD SHOW Interest in Cooking Sohooi and Exposition Growing Daily, Reports .Sayv Expert .On (Cooking Art At Times Food Show EXHIBIT IS FREE TO ALL Experts Will Show How to Pre pare Meals Efficiently, and Distribute Samples. As the day for tho opening of Tho Times' free cooklnjf school and pure food show draws nearor, Interest In this educational and Instrudtlvo exposi tion Increases. Announcements of tha beginning of the demonstration and ex hibition at the Arcade Auditorium. Fourteeth street and Park road, next Monday afternoon have caused this Im portant domestic sclonco event to bo come tho all-absorbing topic of discus sion among Washington housewives In every section of the city. Prom com ment already heard In street cars, women's clubs, theaters, and other pub Ho places. It seems safe to predict that capacity audiences will throng tho Ar cado Auditorium from the beginning- to tho end of the exposition. ..,. Sherwood P. Bnydcr. a noted domestic science instructor, who will deliver tno cooking school lectures, assisted by Mrs. flnyder" and Pror. Lewis B. Allyn. whose research and Investigations resulted In the establishment of the Wostneld Do mestic Science and Household Appliance Exposition, doclare ovcrv hou.oW'f " America should hear these discourses and witness the accompanying demon strations. Efficiency Greatly Increased. They say tho efllclency of thousands of housowjves htis tii Increased by several hundred per ctht as a result uf information oMmncil at the exposition. Tho average hnusowlfc, who learned cooking from hor mother, has not had tho opportunity or fncllltlos for making tho testa thuso cxr'rts have teen able to mnko, and the average woman Is said to nbsoib at least lOo new Ideas concerning domciitlc science by cno visit to the exposition. Thousands of suggestions and hit tic, adoption or which, it Is suld, means "kitchen pleas ure," Instead o! "kitchen drudgery," aie plven each day. What Tho Timet nnd the MeOluro publications offer Washington house wives free of ccst all next week l a series of Intel estliic nnd Instructive scientific Irctuicb on cooking, each I'.c turo nn dlffuroiit kinds of food: an ex hibition and demonstration of Amer icas most famous food products, with a liberal distribution of samples t ti.kii home; distriliullon of cook booKs con taining hundreds or choice rrclpos: movlnz plcturo shov illuitratnu tho manufacture of celebrnled fowl prod ucts from the reed to the tabic and a number of comedy films: un opportun ity to cntrr thetr cal:e.. bread, and pns try in a buklng contest after ivM h several hundred dollars' worth iff mod ern household nrpllnncfs will be dls trlh.ited. and a llbornl education on adulterated. mlnbrnndeiV aha doped foods gathered towthT bv Prof. Allyn and labeled "The Chamber of Hor rors." Given In Many Cities. This exposition, which has been given by SturgeB Dorrance In a num ber of the large and Important cities of the United States, has attracted, Interested, and benefited thousands of housewives. Tho "Chamber of Hor rors" Is not only a revelation, but one of those rare exhibits which every one who prepares food and everyone who eats food, should see, Tho "Chamber of Horrors" Is not a col lectlo nof weird curiosities collected from various parts of the world, but a large number of food products of- y $ 'illlH A NT PRQTESTS.SORQRI , SHERWOOD P. SNYDER. fered for sale and actually sold, and which have been pronouncod by Prof. Allyn to be harmful to the human system. In the "Chamber of Horrors" will be found vanilla extraot made from wood alcohol; "pure whiskey," mado from burnt sugar, prunes, tannic acid, sulphuric acid, ammonia, and oil of sweet almonds: strawberry Jam made of apple stock colored with coal tar dyes and further adulterated with clover sod: candles flavored and colored with arsenic; chewing gum, "Guaranteed to Cure Consumption," containing nothing other than ordi nary chicle, with a liberal mixture of factory sweepings', and a great vn rlety of doped pickles, catsups, and other condiments. Cooking Lessons. The cooking school lessons, which will be featured by tho mixing of the Ingredients before the audience and , cooking them In a stove on the stage at the Arcade, will begin each day at I 2 o'clock and continue until 3:45 ' o'clock, following which there will be I domonstratlohs of food products In all : of tho whtto and gold booths. The ' doors will open at 7 o'clock at night j for tho moving picture shows and ; demonstrations. Admission to the Arcade will be ny means of coupons published In The Times and tickets distributed by local grocers. Tho coupons should be clipped from the paper, filled out by tho house wives, and presented to tho doorkeepers at the Arcade.- As each of the cooking schol lectures nnd motion picture shows will bo different from the others, house wives should arrange their affairs next week so as to attend on as many days ns possible. Wntch the columns of Tho Times for further announcements concern'ng the cooking school nnd pure food show. Congress Heights Body Supports School Board After listening to addresses by A. J. Ward and Krnest H. Daniels, of the Board of Education, members of tho Public Improvement Association of Con gress Heights last night voted unani mously In favor of tho present system. It was suggested that If a change were desired the Board of Education be J given even more power than It now has. The commissioners were invuea to De present or send n representative to do fend their proposal, but no one was present. AGAINST PEACE TALKS, IN SCHOOLS Asks If Board of Eduoation Has Sanctioned Such Lectures By Advocates. Protesting against "neacc talks" given In tho Washington schools, a nromlnent professional man of Washington, who askod thnt his name' bo withheld, wrote The Times asking If tho lectures nro sanctioned by tho Board of Educatlbn. Tho particular lecture ho oblected to. he stated, was that given by Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, at Western High School. Text of Letter. Tho letter follows: "It would bo Interesting to know whether the so-called 'peace' taliw that ure being made before our Washington public school children, particularly at tho Western High School tho past wook. have the sanc tion of tho local educational board. "Is It the sort of patriotism that wc wish to Inculcate In our children, that adequate preparation for na tional defense Is foolish nnd unnoces sarv7 As woll teach them that It Is follv to Insure the home before tho building Is In names, or thnt learning to swim or even the handllnr of a. boat Is waste of time until you see your friend drowning In the tresm beforo your eves. PARENT." No general permission has been given any peace organization to present propa ganda In Washington schools, nor wilt any be granted, according to Henry P. Blnlr. president of tho Board of Elu mtlon. . - t . During the convention of the Woman s Peace Party In' Washington, he x plalncd, nermlsslon wns asked for MIM Jnno Addams and others to talk In in uchools. Other names. Mr. nialr snld, probably included Mrs. Mtud. "filno the request .primarily was for Miss Addams," he stnted. "I believed It would be a god thing for pupils to henr a woman of her standing, know ing that she would fully observe tho proprieties. Questions of Day. "No organization, as such, has been granted permission to glv peacn lec tures In tho schools, and wc do not purpoao to have them used for any tort of propgonda. We oio anxious that questions of the day, Including suf lragc, preparedness, nnd ethers, should bo discussed no lung as tho discussion Is educational and not controversial." Dr. Elmer S. tfewtup. principal of Western High School, said ho did not regard Mrs. Mead's lecturo as one which violated tho proprle!es In any degree. ' Sho confined herself to o presenta tion of reasons why sho believed 1 would be Impossible for a foreign na tion to mako f successful attack on this country, nnd to Riving figures con cerning the high coat of the prcuut war. "While nil may not hovo rgrecd with her, I believe there wns no harm In listening to her presentation of her tiide or tho discussion of national defense." TYWI LL GIVE PLAY FOR CHARITY i Sigma Lamda Organization Prepares Vaudeville Pro gram For Friday Evening. ,Tho Sigma tarnda sorority has pre pared a vaudeville entertainment to be given for charity at Gonraga Hall. .-.urui uapilOI nna 1 8trPi, tTiany evening next, which will include ev.jry cort of vaudovlllo specialty from a me chanical doll to a fashion show. Tho bill has been prepared by Miss Mary Q. Mlnnlx. who has written several of the acts. Ono of the novtl'featurc.1 of the pro gram will be a sketch called "The Skld dy Mor ninks," which will bu presented by elht young women with wanlo baskets for hoadgear and straw mnn costumes. The Misses Parmela Thomp ton and Erma Walker will present a tfoll dance. "A Little Bit cf Holland" Ie tho tltlo of a dance with wooden shoes to be presented by a group of dancers. Miss Floronco Coumbe will ilng French, English and Spanish soni. "Mary Ann and Abraham" Is tho tltlo of n. shadowgraph which the Misses Mario .Ashford, RoXa Roe and Margarot Peckham will furnish. A chorus of oight will assist Miss Madeline Mcrkllng to sing the song, "Here Comeo Toolsle." "t the Mov ing Plcturo Bhow" Is tho tltlo of a monologue which Miss Mlnnlj; will pre sent, and Miss Ollvo Wright will loo proscnt a monologue, "Workers' Woes." llfteen young women will t included tn the fashion show number. Miss Ul l!an Menaugh will sing "Hello 'Frisco." and Miss Helen Durnln wilt demonstrate the modern dances. Osteopathic Clinic For Children Is Planned Tho establishment of an osteopathic clinic hero for the treatment of chil dren will bo considered tonight at a meeting of tho Osteopathic Associa tion of tho District In the office of Dr. Julu Waters, In Fontanot Courts. After tho business session, Dr. Webb Gran- k.t. . r ,,, j.t. .1 ' f'l l VJIUI1KO, II. d., Will uuuri-B IIIC oty on "Calarrhaal Deafness." Chemists to Meet. Arrangements are nearlng completion for tho annual' banquet of tho Chemi cal Society of George Washington Uni versity, February 21, at tho University Club. II. .lannoy Nichols will bo toast master. Members of tho faculty will bo guests of honor. WHY do people buy rnilllons of packages of Uneeda Biscuit every year? Because they know Uneeda Biscuit are the best soda crackers that money can buy. EHIftlMscuJtH Uneeda Biftcuit are a mtal in themselves. 9 Oysferettes NATIONAL BISCUIT .COMPANY YOU'LL DO FULL JUSTICE To Discuss Children. An address on children's diseases will be delivered by Dr. Edgar P. Copeland before the National Society of Keep Welln at St. John's Parish hall, Friday evening. AT THE TIMES CCDKINO SCHOOL AND FOOD SHOW Daily lesson on scientific and economic preparation of foods. Exhibition and demonstration of principal food products manu factured in United States. Moving pictures illustrating manufacture of food products, from seed to the table. Score of screen comedies. Exhibition of doped, misbranded and adulterated foods, constituting a "Chamber of Horrors." Baking contest, the winners of which will receive several hundred dollars' worth of household appliances. Exhibition of newest and most modern household appliances. Distribution of cook books containing valuable recipes. Distribution of samples of food products on exhibition. Admission free, through coupons printed in The Times, and tickets distributed by Washington grocers. Doors open at 2 and 7 p. m. 5? AND 10 Crackers Flavor such as you never before tasted in a Graham Cracker. Their fres'hness, crispnesa and nourishment put N. B. C. Graham Crackers on the daily menu of tens o thousands of families. Always keep them on hand. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY NUXATED IRON Increases strength of .lnllfnta MA.Vnili rundown people 20$ oor Cent In ten days in many instances. J10Q. forfeit If It falls as per full explana tion In largo artlclo soon to appear In this pauer. Ask your doctor or druggist about It. Q'Donnell's Drug Storo always carries It In stock. Advt, ifiii LOCAL MENTION. Clinrlle rhuplln In "Mabel's Mnrrlert Ufe " Virginia Theater tbday. Boon Churile' in "Carmen " The Sunday Evening Times Gives reliable advertisers a last mlnut tall: with over forty thousand homes. ftcctlQcr or Wills. W. h. Bass, Munsey Uldg., and 60 Wall St., N. V. City. ' Phone Tour Want Ad to The Times, Main , E60. x SfKOlAli 9AL.1-) UK DIAMO.lOa. Three Hxtrnnrdliinry IlarenUiN Carat Blue White Diamond ft Carat Blue Whlto Diamond Cluster niug, 12 full cut diamonds, mount ed In platinum .... A. KAHN, 935 F St. $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 31 w "Largest Credit Jewelers in the World" On Diamonds Watches Jewelry We offer the easiest terms of any reliable jewelry house in Washington 50 cents a week on any pur chase amounting to $25 or less, and larger amounts in the same proportion. Castelberg's, 935 Penna. Ave. Profit-Sharing Coupons, Worth 6, With Every Payment to your breskratt If tho HOT CAKEB are made of MILI-EH'S HEI.K . ItlBIHO nUCKWHEAT It's milled from genuine mountain grown buckwheat At Tour Orocer'e No Conumer Supplied n. D. EAIINSIIAW A DIIO. Wholesale Grocers, 11th and M Hta. S.n, Miller's In a stpaming hot stew or ice cold on tho half shell, oysters are always better when served with Oysterettes The Oyster Cracker. At your grocer's always fresh. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Florida-Cuba A Tour of 3t dsya starting on Fbrury tlth, visiting ssn nah. Jacksonville, Hi. Aurui tine, Daytona, Ormond. Tulm jteach. Miami. Key Went and Havana May be extended to tho Mardl Gras. Get our book- DELTA TOURS Phone Main 4688. 202 Woodward Bldg. OEHTISTRY A8l8litiSX J. N. UYEnS, 637 PA. AVE Crown H nrork I .W.VT. t. Sale of e Furniture Double and Single Desks in Oak Mahogany and Mahogany finish. Type writer Desks and Tables. Revolving and Arm Chairs, Stools, &c. At 1-3 Off and Some at Cost All Odd Pieces at a Big Reduction. 1218-1220 F St. N.W. iTRANDrwiil5c l0.30--i2.30 2.15-4 5:45-7.45-9.30 Commodore J. STUART BLAGKTON'S THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD SENSATION "OF THE 20TH CENTURY It Will Stagger Your Illusions of 'What We Are' and 'What We Ain't' -J! Open 8;30 A. M. Close 5:30 P. M. Saturday' Open Vnlil 6:00 P. Af. r &7Uy3eU, The Vein of Wise Economv Inherent In Most Women Will Respond to This CLOSE OUT SALE OF ODD SIZES AND ODD LOTS Suits and Coats Wherein prices are so radically cut that you will feel you are not doing your self justice if you do not come in to in vestigate and Knd out whether or not there is just the style in the correct size for you. Worth Up to $20.00, at $7,95 Correct in tailoring arid style. 3 MATERIALS Gabardines, Poplins, Cheviots, Whipcords, Novelty Mixtures. Sizes broken. Coats to$i2, at $5.00 Smart styles with all the touches that denote late winter models. MATERIALS are Plaids, Checks and Novelty Mixtures. Knnn' Second 1'loor. Suits It Is Here Our Annual One Price Sale of Odd Scarfs and Muffs M.OOS InWhichValuestoS8.50 Are Represented. Your Opportunity 4 To Get Big FUR Values at a Saving to match up the scarf or muff that you have at home and have your net complete. to poaalbly match up a set from these odds at the small outlay of t2.00. to ret a scarf alone. If that Is all you wear. to get a separate murr, ir you do not wear a scarf. Bargain Tables Street Floor. Sample Muslin Combined tvlttt'odd lota from stock, ranking np nn nxsortment of Interesting; values. Wor'lt From SI to SI. 50 Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Drawers, and Combinations. Made of fine nainsooks, cam brics, and muslins. They are attractively trimmed In shadow laces, embroideries, and medal lions, with beading: and ribbon run through. Tn thA .r. Innlitri- I ed Corset Covers of fine crepe ae cnine in nesn color and white, daintily trimmed. Choice, 77c I Bargain Table Street Floor. The "Wizard" SSfiS2J To Many Thousands of Housekeepers Throughout the Country. Why Not Errmlov "Wizar Products in Your Household Work? Wizard Mops, the original triangle mop, with the wonderful "human Elbow" adjustable handle. Two kinds to select from BrMtssvajkkji )0B) M smsid &72&& The Wizard Polish Mop, three sizes, 50c, 75c, $1.25 The Chemically Treated Mop, two sizes, 75c and $1.25 Wizard Mop Clean, which cleans your mon thnrnnirhiv and without the disagreeable necessity of scrub-1 A- j r g! bing or hard washing on your part, a box IvC dflQ Z5C Wizard Polish, one of the best furniture polishes on the market, the manufacturers claim for it. Everv can and bottle guaranteed. Bottles, two sizes 25c and 50c Quart $1.00 Yi gallon can $1.50 1 gallon can $250 Wizard Carpet Clean, a box. . .10c and 25c Wizard Wall Dusters -chemically treated, for dustine down the walls, reaching high places, etc. Complete iH aa with 6G-in. handle, at $IUU Wizard Institutional Mops, very wide, with long handle, especially designed for use in institutions, offices, public buildings, etc., where large floors are to be 3jr ff cleaned. These are sZoUU Kami's 3rd Ploor. m mf t-lMt,f''lft"""lt""'l"llt"l"tl SiilH-ffftntftnliilBliHsliililntiit ' "THE BTJSVOOHNEa" ' ' " ' i j 8TH ST. AND PBKNA.'AYE.y J ' ' I ! , TIMES WANT ADS BRING BEST RESULTS 'i J A V on