rriutjtifttintnt of tho schedule", na7
lnriluco the nrcdetl rewnue 'without
Intiionliijr erf one clnsa n burden that Is
May Be Readjustment.
It l argued by members of the Ways
nfil Mt'nnn Committee', for Instnncc,
that there nrojierly mny bo a rondjust-
ment of tho classes of Incomes that Is,
tl i Iiit mi Iho t-olntlvn Incnmci may be
'tloseil In" so that the man earning
ro.WVto fc!00f0 shall pay a certain tax
luntcntl of Inclnilliiff In one class all per
Kons who act between T20.000 and SJO.lW.
This rrnri-miacmrnt. would collier In
rcveiiiip nil down the 1 no. ,
Whllo certain Ucmocrnts doubt the ex-
jifdlrncy of surh leKlslntlon-Iooklnu at
the matter firm n Political land no ; n
fconnmic niniiiipiiini u in iiu,m.w- -..-.
the Income tax exemptions will also t
lowered. Tho exemptions at present
nro Jl.OOn for the married man or wo
innii, and tt.OOO lor tho unmarried taxce.
Tho new exemptions ore likely to be
J2.000 and 11.00 respect' vcly and a few
inlllloniTmay bo realised, by this change.
' "It Is not proper that I should talk
about probablo rates at this time," said
Mr. Hull today. "But It can to said
with rcasonablo certainty that the In
comn may be amended to produce from
W0.000.000 -to $100,290,000 additional with
out Imposing hardships upon any class.
Suggests General Revision.
"My suggestion Is that this shall be
accomplished by a general revision of
the Income tax law and possibly a re
adjustment of the classes as to the
n mount of Income that shall be paid by
men who receive Incomes between cer
tain figures. The decision of the Su
preme Court upholds the broad prin
ciple of the Income tax, and there is
nothing to prevent making it a pro
ducer of more revenue. While Increases
In tho surtaxes are planned. It Is er
roneous to believe that theso Increases
will be so burdensome thdt they will
cause just crltlcUm. It Is not proposed
that the Increases against the so-called
wealthier classes shall bo In the nature
of confiscatory legislation, although It
Is likely they will be appreciable, and
iiilte productive."
The ncome tax now turns Into the
TreasiV from JS3.000.000 to $100,000,000. If
It can be stretched and the partv lend
ers Intend to stretch It to brlntj In J200.
P01.000 tho revenue problem of the Demo
crats will practlvally be solved, and
there will be no resultant loud wall
from the ordinary taxpayer and "com
imon people."
Four Aerial Attacks Made in
Forty-eight Hours By Ger
mans in New Campaign.
T.ON'POV. Jan. ;r, Forr Oormnn rpMs
on Kncl'sh Clnnnoi port In for'x'-o'sr'-t
hours and flip homMnT of mimf-ons
v'llairrs behind th French llnn mnrki
the Inauguration of a' new German cam
paign from the air.
n offfTlrlnl s'atoment from , rt
pi raltv tpdav reported a ralil hv two
"frmnn ."prcplanc". on the Trench s"a
port of Dunkirk iit r. o'clock this morn
1'iir Tho ndmlritlty added tht n Ger
man nrrop'nne. possibly one of tip so en-
K.ieed m the Dunkirk attnefc
Since the removal of these lipiiclnunw.Ts
it has been nractlcally immune from air
attacks. The first irreat air battle of
ihe war was fought along the sand
dunes between Dunkirk and Nleuport,
when a British air squadron cug.igoil
and defeated a German flotilla reluming
from a raid on Dunkirk
'"The feast of St lvil was observed i
tod.'y In the I'.'pii-c'on.'il and
l.,Ml..n ...UK ,..,i.i ., .
......i.,., .! -iH-i iai ri'iuma uir' ugn-
out the da:'.
noon services In obseivanee of Iip I
fca.-'t, wrro held lit-, the cunpI nt 4
o clock. i
At Si Pauls Eiirypal "huc'' Iho
iiHor, thpncx. ) Mol.cit Tnll ot.
cclch'-ntert bolv icinmiiiivi t T-:a)
o cl"ck inn1 ni I! in '(j -w n ftrnr.O cp!---
brnlloi. wan held wii srnnn-i en the
life mil nrk of Ft Pn"l hv th' urt ir.
t , n oclcrk Ihii pxptil-g tli f,l ,
fhi'lr will gl n I'ing-im of special i
f.nnii- mill j-. I J, It'll VP p-lVA ., PI lcr
l'"Wi of tl"- hoiK din hv t'-e vnrlnii.i
'"IMS nnd s-icietlfN durini- the year.
Plshop Hauling aNo is to makeon nd-
t I'pl 'phanv K icniil Cinii'c'i the
f'Mlcp.i lin'l-Klrii hcil.i cor-munion .id-
Tivn si Ten n: tin- ;c- Rinolnh If
"-Mm. nnd a St. John K'sccpal
nip pr,.,.,.u ,. p.,. (. i.,i.ir(, d i,, ,,y
Rex. Rclantl ( ottcu Smith (
Suffragists Plan Fete.
Wp'neti fore-not In the rinks of'
workers of the Congres!onil I'nlon ar'!
to speak at the new head'uitrtcrs of the
imlon in the Cameron House Sunday
n fir moon when the or-a nidation c'e
i'lates its third annlvr rnry. Th
speiikers will Include .Mrs. William
vi-it .Mrs Amos Pl'irnot. All'i I'l'nnc 5
Jolliffe. MIr Clalc Hill, and Mr. Law
icnee Lewis.
The forecast for tho uifctrlct of O-
umbla- Parlly el, udy tonight and
xeilliedclnv wet met
hie soiitherh v inrlt
ilnwn hv a R1 1 1 r'n o .'.. n- ... V .,!.., 1. .... I'll t Inrliwl.tc- ..,.,. .,. .,,, .'....-' ." '. . ' """ . . ., . . .. ...... .. .
-.,....., -i- uMiiin i - - ,:' , , , . , """ i"e 'nun hi in innnnic'i nrter re-1 (ormancc at hip .New .auoniu ineaier
N.euport. elshteen miles from Ounklik. ," tS-,i,'v ''l'l'-eiuioi're Idit. crlvinc assursnees from (he spnmr-at a dale in the lattur part of Muroli.
nd a short rllstniirp frnm Hi. r.nnn.i.i M'"" 'n,, ' " " anirm iT'lll lO" If nflWin thai iho irnno n-.i-n !..,. ,.i,i i ,.' ..... inriprl,,!).-. o n. .. n,.. .lu. j... .1
linrs. """ "' ",r 1'in.iun in i wo i i-rar o.i'v ror clrfnslvp nnrposcs and wo
i he iJfinklrk raid fillons two bomb'ng ' V?',i , j ., , no' '' ""Pd for attack.
eXIlCllit.nns in Klir-llol. .n.,1 (n.i-no o..,l .nilOllal OCH'llSC SVclptnl-C I.nnalnr. iiiiim..,I I
nr. ..ttn,r.lo,l ll..l.. r... .'..r'L rPVPIUlf l alfl.1 t'OII, chief f II'IU'O Of V U ln,l l,,l- tl.n A, ,...!...' ..I.I. .
day afternoon, in which the Herman n, biVCo'Z Ik Si the iuIIiib n the Vrrrll raw wrni not tol tlnicn. and dates have been changed,
was driven off bv Brltloh airmen. i,rnli- stiitnr bP ,T't'V "" ". "recnlent. but that It I so that the company did not actually
Tho typo of machine ured by the Ger- Tfirirc con "rlsslon U-lsHtion am)'i. onlv to the Individual cae. Tho, land In this country until the fceco.id
mans in these latest attacks from the j conS?rtlon with thU ihVr,"n .Ch.ar.Ce ,n,,lca'r'1 ht " ""-'week in January. . ,
k has not been' reported Irl ofHclal pVort will hi n . K o7f i 7,, StCd enemv liner arrived his The long aat.c.psted first night per-l
Mtatemcntfl Issued either In lxindon or ..n0rjJ ha"re " hllM " ThN Ineln."-. the fo.T.,T.nti, Ti?"1.'- m"Vps.vl,0,'0,," ro- formiiiicc took p.ace last Monday nlgnt ,
hrttovn thednpeHrS 10".ne'"""Lcs .rood rosds bill now before ,1 s ! f I fix" rnfe th l n,,tt, SUlC ,0 a'Jo,,t ! nt "' Century Theater. The Preceding '
&f Sffxrr.ssi S5 r.ce"bi,irdin,;u;,.i,,ro",,sed Jmn,b,s ,,u " f rpar "- it m,lesof nvh yw
rrecei,t,y was the head- SS hrXM ?i HHUSi.H;
?," it of,AhP,ital?Llne ,JlJ.n.e Passage through the Iou?e with great , whether med'-m"...?.1 "n. "f . n.lted Mate, begins. '11 e ballet Is al-
.i-u iti miii o iii iiuiliit:iii i' riini-i'. i a i. .. i i . i. . t . .. . . . . ....... ., . . '..ivi in mi- l
In Bethlehem Chanel. Cathedra' .'"ss Misan cutis Is orr sldent of the
Close, the Jit. iipv. lfred Hardii.g. I '.'"'S' P' third Surulav In rebniorj
nuiirxi nt v..oi .. ,.-, . , . .1" South Ainei ran Sunday at th" .
iw.u ,o..,.. "'.. 'Ia,0,l ntlNV- A- "'" ' vwipc-r service will
huh cemmun'oii nt ,-.Vj o clo. k. After- iu conducted by club members.
rdm idvPu! m.c.!0VmyiJh.nie,'Iit V,,a ' harmful or injurious nature, is oilor--p'L"'.f.d.'.,A.,.
" n.,' loitlPht. Modcr- , n,i ...mi U .;, i, iMi.
lilt- Miu ll'.T'lv WMHlfi
irginln--Pnrt'y cloudy fnUlit nnd
MediK'S lay; v (inner lonicht Ir the i i
lei lor .MiKlcrato cast to j'O'jtheilv
(It. S, liurcuu.)
f a m . si
!' a rn ;n
J? " n '. 4;
11 a. m 4
12 noon , jjq
1 p. m 3;
H i'fl ti in. jinn ll"f' p. ni
.... TTI p. m and ' j2 i m
High tide
l.o tide
Iii f,un s ts
.Sm rose
f. U
J-4i.-lit automobile Itnm-p ut J.i't p. in
'Wants . CommiSSIOn Of FiVC tO
Seven Members to Report on
Trade and Production.
President Wilson will have Introduced
In Conirress this week n bill creating
a nonpartisan tariff commission of from
live to aevcr. memliera With nowcrs to
Investigate nnd report to Coneress otit
all facts concerning trade and produc
tion noccssaiy to the proper adjustment
of the tariff. ,
In deciding to c.ct behind such a com-
tnl.alnn 4tM Draalit.... !... i1,nniAl
from ft position Inken liv hlrh In n letlfriw,th them.
to Governor Cox, of Olilo, last Scptcm-
oer, in wnicn no espressod tno oipiori
that tho" Federal Trade Comml8i.on Hid 1
the rtiironi r,t v.r.,i-, n,,H inmr.ii n
the Bureai. of Forelsii and Domestic
uommerco already linn surncicnt pow
ers to perform nil the functions of a
luxlft commission.
The President conferred today with
Majority Leader Kltchln of the House
Judgment of his colleagues oh the Ways
nml Mtini rVuntnlMaa lio la Ifnntun In
on tno subject. While Mr. Kltchln has ""' .-.i.. 7 ".'.,. Z ""., " ,.,.:
no Intention of carrying his1 opposition ! ml ttc-e. 'These gentlemen were
to the point of a break, and Is willing ,!'" this oppnrUnlty to itute thlr
in din 1,1,1 .naiv.i. . oKi.in ., ih. Hide of tne cnno. nnd for irnons -tat-
have advised the President strongly ker rotary Daniels wus pmsnit dur
agalnst the proposed legislation. Mr. Ui the met-lln. ....
Kltchln would prefer to pass an act ex- I'ollowlng Polndexter's suggestion, the
tending. If necessary, the powers of tho armor plate men offered to phe the
Trade Commission. I committee members In prlVAte the cot
m t . .. . .. ot Prtodtietlon. Hut this offer was re-
TO PrCVCnt "DUmtlinir. I leeted oil n nmlut hv Hrnnlnr rlnnn
One of the big problems which would
face the proposed commission at the "s " nut,"c f,p'- which ho could not wnose luugmeiu uns ueparimeni nas
nui.or vaiii.i i, .llvi.J ?.;.. f commun'.-ale to the public. 1 confidence, and their statements are
-)!m bin? .1 . w ?5 Picsldent Dnkey. of fie Mhlvnlo on hand.
some kind In the tariff law which would Company, who was speaking for the "In ord'1'- to avoid recourse to the
prevent the dumping of goods on thol armor .plate men. then ald the ritlinnte la? and assuming that after the ob
American market by Europe at the made, fcy navy ofllccrs that the fac- Jectlonable features have beeji pointed
close o fthewur. Officials of the Gov-1 tory cost of armor should he about out to you. you will correct anme. and
rrmm-nt have strong reason to believe 5232 n ton was verv neailv correct. The after consulting v Ith Chief city Mag
that nt tho close of tho war the export-, rojl cosf, he said, wni slightly hlchtr. Islrate McAdoo. 1 oni writing to re
lng houses of Germany and other coun- Committee members said they wanted 1 quest your presence at Judge McAdoo's
tries will. In a desperate effort to Ve-the armor plate manufacturers' own office, COu Mulberry street, ut 11 o'clock
gnin ineir iosi marKcis, win noou tlio.oooics ana figures on the business.
United States with cheap commodities.
nit' propuseu commission, nowever,
will hove no administrative or legisla
tive I unctions -It wll merely be an
inquisitorial body, which will repor; the
results of Its study direct to Congiess,
leaving t'ohgrcss to tise as much or lis
advice as It cares to in shaping tariff
it Is understood that the Democratic
members of the Ways and Means Com
mittee of the House from the Nor.n aie
practically unanimously In favor or
such a commission, believing that Its
eieat'on voilltl go far toward reassur
ing American business Interests. Heel
ing in die south. It Is stilted. Is not i
favor or the propound move the onlnrvi
of Southern members being that
wonld constitute nn Pdm'slon of 'v';.
ness on Mie pi"t of th Dpniocrnf. wv
m- tnillnz to appropriate morev ror
commission put that bodv out or misi
Program Is Outlined. '
As ihr rult r.f leuctii conferences
Ictwren the Pies!d.-.,t anl s -hip ,.r the
Iln.w n.,.1 Sm,.,l 11 ,1.. I.....1... .
,,',;. " v'u'""
tno legislative l io.hiih fo ri nr
enthusiasm, it N the Intention to
block this bill, which ca-rles $25,000.
000 in the Senate. As It looks now.
Its passage through the House will
be nothing but a sop which House
members will throw down to their
constituents In the hope they will find
It acceptable untl ltlie November elec
tions. South American ClubAt
Y.W.C.A. to Give Supper
'i lilt fuuiii .-iiirt iciiii iniit. 1. it. .
..-hi ,.i. o u,.nn... ... .i-.. . v...
.-".- V- .H..- ,.,. n unir tu ui-
.announced later, in celebration
I jubilee month, which Is February.
The All llnnnd Oirl.q will pntprtnln
members of the Junior clubs at the
association on Thursday eveninir.
Misi M. G. ltiickiugam. girls' woik
K'ci etarv. will direct the entertaln-
ment. On Satllidnv evnlnir at "
o'clock Mrs W. .. V--nvei- v 111 have
ns hei rue-ts elrl of ihe Mvv 'lub.''
To Prevent The Grip.
Colds cause Grip Laxative
nrnmo Qmmiie removes the
cause. There is only one
"iiunun nillVIVP" 1- W
iivvmw . v-..-...-. . . ,,.
r.,,...,',. Mrrniturf nn hnv
vjro c sij;ii.iiiirt uu uu..
The powerful absorption proper
VENT will quickly remove all itch
inp:, stinging, unsightly skin blem
ishes and restore the skin to its oer-
feet hcaltl'y state,
. m, ',.,,. !o .,, ...,.
'." . i"-i'"""";" ' "'"-"" o jjiu i
scnpiion, cou.-aniH muiung oi a
less, and will not soil Jic clothing.
It is, likewise a most effectivo
treatment for all other forms of
skin ' and scalp diseases.
At your druggist's or sent! 2F.c,
coin or stamps, Dept. A, Taylor
Chemical Co., 501 13th St., Wash..
I). C Advt.
. VPS hot montllH lo nm- K hi i Ivileall fhnria.I In,. ,. r.-nAn.i ii, t..ii . .1 . will ciiiiic in W.ixhlliirlon for one i.er-
--- ........ . ,-!,.,, t.. ,..- ,.,....- ,.. . . r " --.-. ... -. .... ,,. .--.-,. - ..... ....-.... .v. u.... ..... ...v. ....
SiC - H TO T R A D E
.. - . -
Manufacturers Refuse Faots to
Senate Committee Govern
ment Plant Bill Favored.
rmor plate mnnufaetureis today
flatly lefured to tell thu Senate Naval
Affairs Committee the actual cost of
their product. As a result the hcar-
i . ... .. . .. .
W Y wiiicn mey nopea in postpone
ft favorable report on the aovcrn-
lm'n armor plate bill, practically is
at an end. Tho bill will be reported
The manufacturers had come bo-
fore the committee- ut the request of
Senator Penrose to give their reasons
for opposing Government competition
From the first Senators
I'olndexter, Hvan.on and Plttman
queried them on cost. The iranufae
... nipr,,..i ,1.1- wn. rrt eerot
l"r?r.a aiiegfu tniR war a iraae gocroi
which they could not disclose and
wlilr-h It was unfair for the Govern
ment to ask, since It was contem
plating entering the business.
pirn ends the hearing so far as 1
li-fgctory to then;
Suite a Pari Of It
they declined to
that he would receive no Information
The Austrian government. It
t.itcd on reliable nuthorltv todav
he1, the I'nl'ed States to adot n fixed
rulo with reference to Mi" auestlon of
permitting armed merchant liners to
Arrival of the Italian steninshln Vo-
rnnn in New Vor'f wltl-i iwn n-imttito.i
" mnVd iisti-ia to mako new nro-
,',, T'1'' Vienna, envernment ni le
,' ''V"'111".',0 rot.-entatlons wh-n thn,
"I'll l""l W 'i'l n eilll IWCnilV
in,... iiH n..i . .. ..
."iioipn .New Vorl' harbor with tun.
'roi'i-tnl mini. s., r.t,-. r u.,!
iuI.I ,
munltv from submarine attack.
To Restore Mail Service
Rapidly in Storm Area
Regular mall service In the area
affected by the recent storms and floods
that swept California. Colorado. Ctah,'
Arlzonn. and Xew Mexico, will be rapid-1
ly restored, according to telegrams ip.
i elved by the Postoflice department to-
Ult .
Karly rpsumptlon of through service
on tne bouthern overland routes Is
promised despite the second stoim of
iwo uays ago. mat serlouslv interrupted
service in the southwest. Railway pos
tal trains to and through southern Cali
fornia have been diverted to the Santa
1V from U Paso via Albucnieriiue.
Traffic on the various State lines Is
still badly demoralized.
Smokes Cob Pipe.
Congressman IVuv fnnn of Mil
rlpid siiKkci n cnincnh plno on nil oc
casii.ns both s-ulnl nnd otliprul-c
i U II
The Woman's Store
Added Attractions to Our
January Clearance Sale
The final week of our January Sale has been made more attractive than ever
hvlhe addition of garments that arrived late for the winter trade.
Half Price Sale
of Coats
Take vour choice of this tine stock
of Plush, Velour, Broadcloth, Cylinder
Cloths and other Good Coats at half
rMagnificent Showing of Spring Gowns and Suits i
Spring Garments are strikingly beautiful. They six
Uvidual and exclusive. Something thit will appeal to y
we invite .your inspection.
il! l ZZZ,. . !!
As Result, Metropolitan Comp
troller Will Visit Magistrate
in New York Today.
NRW TOIUC. Jan. !3.-Comp1alnts re
garding the morality of scenes In the
Sergo do Dlaghllcff Ballet Pu'sse, at
thp century Opera Houso, led tho po
lice to begin an Investigation, and at the
Saturday matinee last week represent
tlves of the department were sent to
witness the production.
As a result Thjr-Deputy Commission,
er Lawrence B. Dunham sent a letter
to John Brown, business comptroller of
the Metropolitan Opera Company, who
Is managing the ballet, requesting Mr.
Brown's nreenre n nn -inform"! hear
ing before Chief Magistrate McAdoo to.
Serious Complaints Made.
The letter follows:
"Serious complnlnts have been re
ceived by this department as to cer
tain alleged objectionable features of
tho rtiuslnn baret performances nt
the Century Theater.
Tl,n L!.....J..
. 7 ouiuiun
matinee was attended by wltiKsie In
tomorrow morning. Tuesday. January
. wncn you vin o. joined by reprc
I sentatlves of this department.
I "It is Important for you to be present
I at the time and pljce mentioned."
Inquiry Came As Surprise.
The imiiilry slnrted by the police came
as a complete surprise to officials of the
Metropolitan Opera Company. Mr.
Uroun said ho would comply with the
oidei of course, but could not say just
until maim lie wou.u taKc.
11 V
It was pointed, out by those in au-'
tliorltv at the theater that the com-1
paints might have roferied to certain
MCPIlpa it, J?plfrllfrjixrlp,f nr In M .n rrn I
Ml,i il'mi l.'nlint " 'I hr fni-nirti- K-illnl
was glcn 11 .vv scuxons ug, at tho
"'titer uaruen, niieit no objections
wilt" 1 Hided.
To Capital in March;
Long Trip Will Follow
The Frrge de UiaghllerT Itiillet Uus.i
nouncements of a uub ic American tour
for. tne continental ballet orgaiiiMtlou
weie made ubout a jcar ago, tne oiigi-
ready booked for perroimances In ltos-
tan. Albany. Detroit, i. hlcago. .Mil-
waukee. St Paul. Mlnnen polls. Kansas
Clt, St. I.ouls. indlHUHpo Is. Cliu-ln-
nntl. t levelnnd. Pittshurgli. Washl :g-
ton. Philadelphia, and At antic City.
The company will rctuin lo New York
for a three weeks' eo.ixon In April.
Realty Transfers
KH te-ntli tr,pt ou;heaa. Leiui-m A jiul II
HliFetn Heiilirn . Isiicll et lix. 10 Julia K
tilcll, lot ?.S. piunri- 10,.', Mo n;u;ii,'K ill
n'luaip 79.', Jl.tOfi
1311". KeiiMin street north" pt KMm' 'h
lpttii in MHflii-i K. IlHvtier. lot J4, lil-jt-k
S. rnluinliln 1 Irictln. J10.
IhbIpsIiIp- 1 Inio'b' I' ltpan lo l!eori 15.
ftn.pi. lot Tl l.lock S. 1
t'llni'rtnn He'elr.j, -M ep a I. .vlrtttm to
.lullua .1 lliirlc. loi .C-T.. muarp tiV.l H V.
irniii. Jui;a i:. lauell iunrva f.ii:.v iiup- j move out 01 ine boivp.i, ami you lnu
er:y lo Iteuben W. Idell. Sl 'atainns 0 1 H well, nlavflll chilli again. A thur.
. ntsi. i .,,.,., c-mh inside cleansing" is ofttlmos a'l
:ai 1 arKrr a'rret nonli.at-Hr.lft J lari.v lo ,nnl pecchsary. it should b the
ruth, Tine I'untv. lot 11! f.qusir ,.fl. m. ,, ,.,,, ..'ivpii in .n- .i...,..
..''I'riir-'l:, boviarc of counteilvu lig ;, TuTw
eluding some of the highest
grade garments made this
season. On sale at
Itrixtrkc xrr nmnccTinv
Public thilitics Engineer Observes
Traffic Between G Street
nnd Avenue.
There was practically no congestion
of street car traffic In Fourteenth street
between G street ami Pennsylvania
avenue this morning, . ccordlng to offi
cials of tho Public Utilities Commis
sion. J. Knppeyne, engineer of the commis
sion, observed the movements of the
cars from 8:15 to !) o'c'ock. lie said
that at no tlmo during that period were
more than two cars In one block, nnd
there were no delays of ns much ns a
minute. Several Washington Railway
and Klectrlc Company officials directed
the traffic.
"Twelve Inspectors of the Public Utili
ties Commission resumed this morning
their observations of 'traffic conditions
In all sections of the city.
Followed by a flatlron and a shower
of splintered glass, a burglar beat a
hasty retreat from the home of Charles
A. Kvord, 220 K street northwest, early
Charles Evard. Jr., was alarmed by
the noise, saw the man. seized a flat
iron, and hurled It at' him. The Iron
splintered the glass In the window,
and the police believe the burglar may
have been cut about the head.
aged"jeweler cuts
throat; is dead
Self-inflicted wounds resulted fatally
early early today for George D. Par
sons, elghty-flNo. a retired Jeweler, who
was found later yesterday with his
throat cut. Coroner Nevltt gave a cer
tificate of suicide.
lie was discovered by a maid In the
employ of his son. George D. Tarsons,
Jr., In the bath room of his son's home,
-HIT Park road.
Mr,. Parsons was lying In the both tun.
He was not dead, although the gashes
In hl.i throat had severed tne windpipe.
The wounded man was taken fo a hos
pltal. whcr.e he died at . o'clock this
The police suy Mr. Parsons left a
I note Inclosing all his cash and a list of
J small sums owing to him wlncn. he said.
in'wi au"'u unnih iu inui .--w .-.
would be sufficient to, defray funera
, , , , . ..., .
LOOk at lOIlgUe' 1 lieil give i
t "'
fruit laxative for stom
ach, liver, bowels".
'California Syrup of Figs"
can't harm children and
they love it.
. iaxi,tve todny saves a kick child
Inmorro. children slmolv will not
tomorrow. Lnnaren simpi) win not
take ihe time from play to empty their;
bow els. which become clogged up with j
,.nte. liv.-r eels blusslsh; atomncl. jojr.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coaled, or our child Is listless, cros.
feeiish, breath bad, restless, cloein't
eat heartily, full of cold or has 7uro
throat or any other children's ,i!lmeiii
give a tcaspoonful of "California Sy.
up of Figs," then don t woirj, jj'.se
It Is perfectly hariuless, ain i. a few
hours all thin constipation -olsoii, sour 1 1
bile and furnientliig was.o will Runily I
Ask your diuggist for a 50-ccnt hoitle
of 'California Syrup of Figi," whu ,i
his full Jlrectlons ror babies, ilnl-
I en of all ages nnd for giuwu-ups
plainly printed on the boiilc. Look
1 1 (full- ami see that it is made by
the California Fig Syrup Comp.my."
Artvt. 1109 G Street
Suits at Cost
aim Less
The last of our stock of Suits,
style tendencies that are in-
at once.
Commissioners Want Improve
ments At Northern End of
Bridge At Georgetown.
Tho Commissioners have ordered that
a new oak lloorlng he laid on the nortn
crn half of tho Aqueduct bridge. This,
It Is explained, wilt reduce tho vibra
T4io Commissioners recognize tho
dangerous condition or the bridge, but
do not want. It wji said, to restrict
traffic more than Is absolutely neces
sary. The suggestion of Col. C. A. P.
Klagler. of the I'nlted Ktates engineer
.office, that the capacity of vehicles per
mitted to use tho bridge be limited to
three tons for horse-drawn vehicles, ex
wvc of the horses, and four tons for
motor vehicles, is still under considera
tion by tin board, and probably will no
acted on nt an carl date. Tho present
limls it six tons.
Colonel Klagler nlso has lecommended
that not more than one street car no
permitted on the bridge at one time.
Th" estimated cost of the now lloorlng
Is 13,000.
The Trade Sewing School at Neigh
borhood House, -170 N street s.outh
west, will hold an exhibition of Its
work at 1114 G street beginning this
afternoon, and lasting until Feb
ruary 1.
The school at the N'eltrhlmrlino.1
House Is a continuation of the work
IheTu'bft- ";c,,,Co,o.Csh,,rft,;?;;gCat,.:enetfo'r'
dress and garment making. The ex-
hlbltlon is In charge of Miss Nagel,
director of the school, and of the
Joint committee of the Collegiate
Alumnae wid the College Women's
Club, and Mrs. .1. P. S-. Nellgh, resi
dent at the Friendship House.
The work exhibited will lnclii.lw ;
children's dresses, maids' dresses and .
aprons, fancy articles, and kimonos, 1
waists, and lingerie. J
To Plead For Peace.
A pence mass meeting will b bold
Washington' nlrthday under the au-1
spires of the Woman's Peace partv. j
Mrs. Jessie llnidy MocKaye was made;
chairman of the committee on arrange- '
ments at a meeting of the executive,
committee yesteidav at the Wlllard.
Prominent peace advocates will be
bi ought here to speak
.' To "Show
fe . . "
inglV Imp
' To "Show That You Can Surpris-
rove Your Appearance,
You Awhile My Full Three-Part
Course of Instruction on "HOW
'TIVE," as explained below.
Sv Mile. S mone Maretx
Ho. ofln lime ni liinkrl In Ili- nilrrnr nnJ wild lo oit
ir. "I ulih I KnpH ho to l.Rf m iierrm romplexlo".
niuoo.li. of. fKln. an nn'iml.tnre ot axv lmlr. well nroneil
ejebronii. Iimi curl iJKlier. and llini fasclnallns pretenic
ulih'li 'ln "tiili ail'itlrallon."
Na'nie lntnilel eierv woinnn to b n lpauirnl a hip Rn
inalp Inrelf. Iut nuclei's 1ei-nl In knolnc Juet liow lo f,o
kIiomi it In the ltlclit Va uhether ! liaf rtrinkle". n
hlm nw. a mo licit, tmiililx oiiiilrion. trecl;l, lilai'K
lieml". uiil.irKP-l i re. nuKRln? Iml.i' numcle", ll'ln. ncrt,;;ly
hiilr. or mv nt thp other ilereom nl'-li ilftrov nil .,ipenr.VK'
of beauty nn.1 mnkr ou look not t v unaitiac'ivc but ;al
llvelv homely ninl old.
I linnlil 'erlalitly neer linvr 1 en nlile (o win Iwo .titer
national lien-tty I'rlzrn unlm I 1-n.l known the ItlKht War,
anl it Ik il In I 'Hell I Rlie mhi In iletull In tny 'bree-i'nrt
("ourFe n litpiri'f i on. Aou will flml there Ihe "Win" mil
the "What o ,lo." nnl the ' llo" nn rv ronclxnlile -Jert
relntlnc to the t.iirn eineni of nnr aipe.iance I IU
lei! von the rrHl isecretn v h, h I pinplo.Mil on 'iiel'. Hint
rnrex nf o!hr fiieh ' nlunlili- nl'lf to Ih-hiiiv tint tnnnv wlto
linil irllen III, -M r lonlcloE f-rh lltnl ot'tlif'll RKnln MOW fc.lv
niv 'onrip tteen worth lmtnlrpil of Hollar to them. If
nit nonlil i'l;e -n rpHil nn fnurfe athl avail ourelf of m
fre fHi" iHwTpr otTer tinoli- , it out nn! eep,l toe tl.p
iniwio leln '"N'M Vii M'INT.V noi e-en n uorIrcp n'rtn
Keep t'tp t'n ir'" for ll"-e.' lp after ni't recelxe It ami tt
the lieann 'io' loptnlneil therein, ntol I' at 'he '""l of lent
Ilipe mi ire . o Im-r 1 that It wl'l wph'Ipi full nhl . .n In
mak in: oim.1 mo-e lirintlfi 1. Miuilifi'l. Inyrlnntlii- in I m
trar'lxe .tp.il oit w Nli In retain II. Frtul nie 11.10. Olhr -lap
re'nr'i th.. t'oiime atol nu will owe m nothing. I Wll.'.
.MJHil -!RVI ir n, (-er'1 V PlVt?. PIX PPKRrS
I iiST VIVIV I 0t'" ''I'M-'Tivvt I'lilIHS OP WOV)R!tP"l.
SII.K-MP.SIIRK Kirn POWPEIt- three of Pnnilre Petallan
an-l tl-ree o' 1 ou-iie Pa'inatlnn no iht you nw peleet the
one lien pult.vl lo xoi-r .kln an.l coMtilevlon. Then. If mii
dee'il . to l-peo the io-ti.e nit eso let toe lco the klnl and
color ion p-eppr and I "III t-end miii a reRtilar ' Pox 'ree
I 'n not de. e an to wlether in" wn; nit f otrne or not
from the liort ,1i rlpilnn e!" ej In PiIh nan r. Kit ' I lo
ll anl 1' ok It o'er al io pmiTiup then deelde The lofor'a
tlon no win re--i-e 'rio rendinc I nod tie free n' n-t.'ken
of powder nhl'h I
pi ion wltli the (Vtm will ,-ertnlnli- far
more thnn roniw't" '" fo- nnr "oithle In "rltlnc
.'re. Ml'.-. -' i una "irelx. Pent A. "a '.x-e-
V York. le , to ' "t O"! eel XI 'I "-XM T.
powpkr avp iivv'-tv r ipi'ON m:iow TOllVY.
SKM Ml 1tli:V meretx cit nut nml mull
fhln roiiiton xxllli xirr full nnmr nntl nildrrn
lie f ore t-'rti. til. IIIKI- II lie. Inionr Jlnrrlx, 'M
. Till tH Ilrpt, ."itli: , r Aork.
NOTK-llntlt I'nuiliH Pani Innllnn nd
fnr'n wl-ot-e nitnc in writ t.nowu u rniunont t-nini-e for ,l rpinarl.alilo creatlonn o
...-el vine the beuiit.x and Miuthful
fklnn nnd x'oiiipleMon I nrv mr for mlt ny
.latnen ii I'oiiiicn, nun nn ctxiiuis. ut, nun
The Sunday
Take a glass of Salts to flusji
Kidneys if your back x
is aching.
Noted authority says Uric
Acid from meat irritates
the Bladder.
Meat forms uric acid which excites
and overworks tlie kidneys In their ef
forts to filter It from the system. Ileg
ular caters of meat must flush the
kidneys occasionally. You must re
lieve them like you relieve your bow
els; removing all .the acids, waste,
and poison, else you feel a dull mis
ery In the kidney region, sharp pains
in (he back or 'sick headache, dizzi
ness, your stomach sours, tongue l
coated and when the weather Is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. Thu
urine Is cloudy, full of sediment; thu
channels often get irritated, oblig
ing you to get up two or three times
during the night.
To neutralize these Irritating acids
and flush off the body's urinous waste
get abput four ounces of Jad Salts
from any pharmacy: tnke a tablpspoon
ful In a glass of water before break
fast for a few days nnd your kldnevs
will then net fine nnd bladder" disor
ders disappear. This famous salts Is
made from the acid of grapes and lemon
b-" -d "for geneitloirTo 5SJn aTl
b,addert.rdnh dlu'li leP
lei !1&' 'f J"
Juice, combined with llthla. and ha
pensive, harmless, nnd makes a dellcht-
rul efTervescent llthln-water drink
wh'ch millions of men and women take
now and then, thus avoiding serious
kidney and bladder diseases. Advt.
Overholt Rye
(Bottled in Bond)
90c quart
T0-KAL0N CO., Inc.
1405 F St. Phone Main 998
rnrt what vocn agi:. Thr mtiior
l lirelf a IIlnB evatnplr of ht r)i
iHarhcK, t-.BvliiE on lo inlernatlona
I faut I'rlie. one In I'arli nnd on
In LnRlnnd. Held article below a..-:
end free coupon today
IA It'll VI, 1,!,T
this cornsi-:
How lot
Stake .xoiirnelf look
carH youtiBcr.
Whiten, n o f t r n,
beaullfj and rcrtne
the rkln.
lleautiry jour rt
brows iiui exclaves
and tliereb make !
oitr ?ea more al
lutlni;. i
Make j orr hair I1'
beautiful, mi ft nnd '
nufry nnd keep l In ,'
i-nrl for nrartl allx- a '
werkjUt a tim.
Overcome u S-llfNT '
nix a xour na-- a ',
beautiful ieirniirp
tone up a ilabhv I ,
Fieninxn freokl-j
and oxercome rnnah. I
red. rhapped liondn ,i,
and keep heii benu- !
lirul, aort nnd white,
fxen xxhn doln
lioute, ork.
What to do fo
WltlMvl.RS. nnd
l.ncn of aie.
-Molhodn for Innl ,.
InBuji sunken cheek I
and nagstnc racial '
l'A F.
Illn's lo w-lien In
lPBar.1 to hui,a'id.
Ilnw- in acquire a
charming pcraO'ia'
Hv; hnxx- to .trees
econaniliMllx., etc .
Potldre I'etallan arc (reat.ons of Virgil
iiTimme ni women, nd for beautlfxlns i' elr i'I
.. Ksnn, Sou To.. A1ee Slav Hard.
'ciHruurni Mores at jPe per bo
Evening Times