OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 25, 1916, HOME EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1916-01-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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former Cabinet Officer and Ex
Minister to Persia in Spirit
ed Fist Battle.
One invites Other Outside,
Where They Clash Long
standing Feud Alleged.
Poaco advocates arc drawing texts
and morals today from a fistic en
counter between Georgo von I. Meyer,
of Hamilton, Mass.. former Secretary
of tho Navy, who came to "Washington
to attend tho National Security Leagued
Congress on preparedness, and Tius-ton
Bcalc, of Washington, former minister
to Persia and Greece. Tho combat tool:
placo outsldo tho Metropolitan Club.
It .was paid on good authority this
afternoon that the boaid of governors
of the Metropolitan Club would maUu
f an Investigation of tho Incident. Tho
. members of the hoard, however, de
clined to discuss this report, explain
ing that It was tho policy of the cluU
neve,r Ip discuss anv of l'.i activities
or business for publication.
The contestants hadn't time to be
weighed In, and since have not had tho
disposition, but their ages stand : Meyer,
57: Beale. 9.
Neutral observers call the lound a
draw, but .neither participant wus Badly
bruised. While It lasted tho .ictlon was
swift and furious.
Feud of Long Standing.
After delivering preparedness ad-
ff dresses before the Sccurltv Coivress,
Mr. Meyer decided to remain in Wash-
Ington for several dayt. Entiling tho
Metropolitan Club he met Mr. Beale.
There Is said to have been 41 long-standing
feud botwcen.tho two men. dating
, back, to 111 feeling engendered years ago
In the. old Knickerbocker Ciao In Now
1 MrJi'TJoale la tcpm-lcil tc huc Invited
Mr. Uiioyttr to 'Voire oul.s'dc." Mr.
Meyr'lost-no tinii- In gotn,. and -pfie-blovav'he
hVo cliPchcJ. lvlled to the
sldevIk. and pummeluil each other
vigorously for 11 time, ivsurdJcaa of
Marquis of Queensbcrry or any other
rules, Then f rlen H, wl'h tho help of
a chauffeur and a cabmtrn, separated
, themi , ,
' Mr, Meyer went In his hotel and Mr.
Beale strolled oft to hi home, a block
I away. Both Avero tousled and bruised,
1 but neither seriously injured. Lost
night and this rooming neither was
"at home" to callers, or to telephone
call&VV , , : .
Mr. Mtyr served In tho nqoseyrll
Cabinet as Postmaster General and was
Eecrettirv of thu Navy urdcr Prcslr.nt
Taft. Ho was ambassador to Ib.ly.
Russia, and Germany under President
Booscvelt. Mr. W nl-j Is 1 brother-in-law
of he Russian ambassador, Mr.
Bakhmeteff. Jirs G. nialnc was tho
father of Mr. Umle's flut wife. When
Ulalnc. "Wis Secretary of Statu Mr. Henle
wan minister to Ver.tla. and afterward
minister ' to Greece, Romranla and
Serbia. ,,
In 1002 Mr. Heale v.." I.ving m Cali
fornia, when a woi'.iy ocl"tv punil
calion printed a pir.i.-i.iuh which Mr.
Beale supposed retrinn ( a friend.
Mr. Beale and a ft tend. Thomas H.
Williams, president 0 the California
Jockey Club, mot In a rh.h and decided
It was up to them t r" ivn tiie duvs of
chtvalrv. occoidluR to tc-umon at the
trial Mr. Eeale telethoncd to Freder
ick Marriott, editor of the publication,
who invited them to his home.
Mr. Beale Married Here.
At the trial it was i-ald one of the
men struck Mairlott when he ca tie to
the door and later. It was nllepetr; four
ehota were fired by one or tho men,
three of tho bullets striking him In the
back, one In tho thigh, tho last crip
pling him for life.
At the trial both men were acquitted.
Marriott sued for damages and got
nothing from Mr. Beale. Ho did pot
J1C.7M from Williams.
Boon after the afialr Mr. Beale and
Miss Marie Oge, daughter of a wealthy
CeJlforntcn, were married in Washing
William S. Parks, Chairman of
Committee, Planning Event
for February 14.
Novel features and sketches by spe
cial entertainers -will murk the 1016 din
ner of tho University Club on February
14. Tho commlttco to nnange tho din
ner held an organization meeting yes
terday afternoon, and details of the
arrangements wero referred to the sub
committees. Tho speakers will be an
nounced later.
The committee on arrangements fol
lows: William S. Paiks, chairman,
William h. Browning, vlco chuliman.
I,ouls Beyer, Jr., secietary, and Wil
liam T. Galliher, tieasurer , and Clif
ford K. Berrymun. Angelo Contl, Wil
liam E. Davis, Orvlllo B, Diown, Leo
O. Harlow, James E. Hutchinson, Jr.,
Oscar W, Lange. Newbold Nocs,
George H, O'Connor, Myton M. Parker.
Jr, Alvah W. Battel son, Frank Kprlgg
Perry, Walter J. Pilling. Ur. Flunk H.
Shujti, John B. Hmullwnod, Odell S.
Smith, Dr. A. Camp Stanley. William
H. Walker, A. Coulter Wells, Geaific
W. White, and James I.. Wilineth.
Marcus A. Jordan Wins
Medal For His Heroism
From the Library Committee of the
Genate, senator Williams has reported
a bill authorizing tho Secretary of the
Treasury to confer on Marcus A, Jordan
the llfe-sa'vlng medal of tho first class.
Tho medal Is "for most callant and
mcrltprlous action in effecting tho res
cuo of a woman who ljad fallen over
board from the Hamburg-American
llnor Cleveland" fn the shark-Infested
Java sea. Tho date was December 1C,
1011. Mr. Jordan Is a brother of Kld
rldge Joidan of this city.
Emma Goldman to Speak.
"The .German Drama," tho second In
a series of lectures which sho Is de
livering In Washington on Wednesday
nights on "Tho Dynamics of the Mod
frn Drama." will bo discussed by
Kmma Goldman, the anarchist, at tho
. XrcAde Hall tomorrow night.
Red Cross Asks For
5,000 New Members
District Campaign Opens On Mondays With Exhibit
of Relief Appliances Nation-wide Eifort to ,
Increase Membership' Will, Be Under
taken At Once.
"Join now; tho American lied Cress
needs you."
This is to be the slogan of a member
ship campaign to obtain 5,000 now mem
bers, to bo launched next Mpndav by
the District, Chapter of tho merlcan
Bed Cross.
In connection wlthA the, campaign,
which will Jast ono week, there will bo
an exhibit In the vacant rooms of the
building nt Thirteenth and F streets
showing work of tho Japanese Red
Cross, as well as that of tho organiza
tion in other nations.
Nation Wide Campaign.
Miss Mabel T. Boardmau Is co-operating
with Mrs. T. N. McLaughlin, sec
retary of the District Chapter, and a
membership committee, In the Wash
ington campaign, tho forerunner of a
nation-wide campaign to swell the
membership of the Bed Cross.
The Washington committee Is made up
of Admiral N. D. Mason, president of
tho District Chapter: Miss Boardnian,
C. C. Glover. Mrs. John Mclaughlin.
H. 8. Rceslde. Col. J. Van B. Holt, anu
Charles J. Columbus.
There aro about 100 subcommittees,
made up from tho Board of Trade.
Chamber of Commorce. Retail Mer
chnnts' Association, and citizens' asso
ciations, and other civic organizations.
All these subcommittees win meet
with the membership committee of
the District branch. Red Cross, In
the rooms of the Chamber of Com
merce on Thursday afternoon to make
final plans.
Remarkable Exhibit.
The exhibit will be one of the most
remarkable and complete of Red Cross
work ever given, and will compare
with that at the Panama-Pacific Ex
position. The feature of It will he the
portrayal of the Japanese work, with
reproductions of Japan's battleships,
lay figures of the nurses, and it will
Include an exhibition of the army
tent and other field apparatus. Work
in time of disasters and floods will
be shown, and thore will be a special
exhibition of rural nursing, a field
to which tho Red Cross has been pay
ing especial attention.
Permission has been obtained from
Cabinet members to have an appeal
posted in all Government depart
ment buildings. This appeal will be
followed by blanks to bo filled In
with the names of those who will
Join. Five thousand new members
are wanted at $1 each, which price
includes a year's subscription to the
Red Cross Magazine. One million Is
tho membership mark set for the na
tional campaign.'
Next week placards will be display
ed on trucks and store windows all
over the city. A barometer, similar
to that used In the Boy Scout cam
paign, will be placed In a window
of the exhibition rooms and will in
dlcatc, day by day, tho progress or,
"J6in "Now Leaflets.
In the- leatlcts containing an appeal to
"Join now," which will bo widely cir
culated, the following numerical com
parison is contained:
"Japan, with a population or H0JWO.0OO,
has l.KW.OOO Red Cross members. Ger
many, with a population of 67,000,000. has
1.000.TOO Red Cross members. Othor
countries also have large memberships,
i ne I'nlteil States, and Its dependencies,
with a population of ion.000,000, has oniy
27,000 members."
News From the Home
of the Coffee Bean
Mr. Frank G. Carpenter, noted correspondent, writing from Santos, Brazil,
said to be the chief coffee port of the world in an article in the Los Angeles Times of
Oct. 30th, 1915, says:
Very interesting!
And what, pray, is there in coffee thatrnakes people sallow and nervous? .The
drug, caffeine about 2r3 grains to the average cup a powerful, irritant of the
nerves and delicate tissues of the body: - ' v i . .''.
Of course not everybody is affected so severely. Biit caffeine is a cumulative
poison, and sooner or later it gets in its work with many users slowly with some,
faster with others.
Is it wise to tamper with such a menace to health? By far the better way is to
leave coffee alone, and for a pleasant, delicious table beverage use
the pure food-drink.
Postum is made from prime wheat, roasted with a small portion of wholesome
molasses, and contains no drug or harmful substance whatever only the goodness
of the grain.
There are two kinds of Postum. The original Postum Cereal, which requires
boiling; and Instant Postum, the soluble form, which is made in the cup with hot
water instantly! They are equally delicious, cost about the same, per cup, and both
are good for the nerves, good for the general health. N
Send two cent stamp to Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., at Battle
tin of Instant Postum.
Included In this appeal Is the follow
ing summary of "A Few Facts:".'
"The Aiperlran Red Cross (present
organization) was chartered by Congress
In 1DU5.
"Its president is the "President of the
I'nlled State.
"It Is the one volunteer rellcr organi
zation for war and disaster recognizee:
by the I'nited States Oorernment.
"It has expended In ten years for the
people of tho United States In humanl
trlnn work over thirteen millions of
dollars In money and supplies. ' .
"It Is non-sociarlan and non-political.
"It is organized to furnish Aid to Sick
and wounded of armies In time of war,
and to devise and carry on measures
of relief for those sulTerlng from pestil
ence, famine, fire, floods, and other
great calamities.
"It this country should ever become
engaged In war the Red Cross would
be tho official channel through whlen
friends or relatives would be able to
locate rand communicate with slcl
wounded, or imprisoned soldiers.
"It expends ts relief funds in accord
ance with the designation of donors.
"Its accounts are audited by the
United States War Department."
All schools, clubs, organizations and
tVvornment departments will be urge a
to help Increase this membership.
in edwards' death
Plate Printer Is Found Dead By
Wife in Kitchen of His Home
in Eighteenth Street.
Coroner Nevltt has Issued a certificate
of suicide in the death of John P. Ed
wards, thirty, of 1815 Eighteenth street
Edwards was" found In tho gas-flllcd
kitchen of his homo late yesterday by
his wife. He was a plate printer at
the Bureau of Printing and Engraving.
The coroner says Mrs. Edwards told
him tho door to the kitchen and the
door of the dumb waiter were closed,
and that her husband was seated before
the gas stove from which the fumes
were escaping.
Resolution Says Secretary Should
Have Replied. More Com
pletely. Secretary Daniel.!' synopji of the re
cent report of Admiral Fletcher on
battleship target practice was today
challenged a to Its completeness In a.
Houso resolution introduced by Con
gressman Gardner ' Massachusetts
Mr. J-irdner says his r solution Is In
troduced because Mr. Daniels placed
great street upon the improvement In
"leinntary target practice. The Massa
chusetts member says the Secretary
should have discmsed the difference be
tween elementary practlco and battle
"The people here believe in coffee. They talk nothing
else and as they talk they drink. They drink so much of
this beverage that they grow sallow, and the muscles of
their faces twitch continuously. When one of them sits
in a chair, resting his toes on the floor, his knees bob up
and down with nervousness, and the whole system seems
afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance."
"There's a Reason"
De Facto -Chief Aims to Call
Elections and Re-establish
Government in Mexico City.
Er. PASO, Tex., Jan. 25. While Fran
cisco Villa was organizing a flylncrngl
ment of cavalry tddav bb the nucleus
of a new revolutionary force. General
Carranzn. at Querctaso. was endeavor
ing to set' up an effective do facto gov
ernment. '
The task of bringing Mexico out of
tho anarchy, poverty, and disease whl.'h
nrAtmii. in mnnv sections, according to
.refugees, heretofore hUs been eclipsed
Tiy the necessity of suppressing malcon
tents and bantlltS. e-nrrania. la iiu.y
planning for tho election of a congress,
and afterward a president. The capital
will be re-established In Mexico City,
after one' or both electloris aro held.
Tho most drastic step to allay tho
misery of tho Mexican people was re
ported from Chihuahua City, where the
Carranzlsta governor, in order to avoid
extortionate- prices, has taken direct
charge of tho sales of foodstuffs.
iinVi. .i ..., n,nt Vll'n was ralslntr
a now army In Chihuahua, nothing was
heard from the earranzisiu nuu, nH
to bring the bandit chief dead or alive.
Villa was said to bb confiscating horses
and food supplies and recruiting hun
dreds of peons for another drive against
tho de facto governments
Secretary Lane Announces 14,000
Acres Will Be Available
March 24.
An offer to homeseekcrs who de
sire Irrigated farms In western Ne
braska was announced by Secretary
of tho Interior lano today. An
nouncement was made that on March
24 tho land office at Alliance. Neb.,
will receive entries for approximately
H.000 acres 'for which water Is now
available from the North Platte irri
gation project.
These lands !! In tho valley of the
North Platte river. Homesteaders
will find hero nearly CO.OOO acres in
tillage with hundreds of comfortable
farm buildings, aecoidlng to the an
iiniini'c.ment mad) thiough the In
terior Department Cities and towns
are flourishing scn""is iiavt- ofen
established, and excellent transporti
tlon facilities are prmlded. the an
nouncement says. The annual har
vests now total millions of dollars
and the pioneering stage of devel
opment has long since been passed.
Marion Osborn. Leaves
Estate to His Family
The will of Marion Oborn. llled for
probate today In tho offices of the reg
ister of wills, discloses that ono-half of
the estate bo left to his widow, Iiura
1. Osborn. The remainder is to no
divided equally between the four chil
dren, C hce Osborn. Anna M. Snoots,
John O. Osborn. and Hosslo O. Tow eon
Walter J. Pilling Is named executor.
Mary O'l.carv todav petitioned the
Probate Court for authority to admin
ister the estate of Jeremiah Oi.car.
Tho realty Includes properties at .To ana
3SV4 .Massachusetts avenuo northwest,
assessed at $r.,7M, and personal property
valued at Wi. Tho debts amount to
Creek, Mich., for 5-cup samplfc
Action- of Leo A. Rover May
Lead to Withdrawal of Cen
tral Citizens' Association.
Tho Central Citizens Association will
bo without a delegate to tho Federation
of Citizens'" Associations until Its Feb
ruary meeting, at which time the or
ganization wilt vote on withdrawing Its
affiliation with the latter association,
U was decided last night at tho Jan
uary meeting In the North Capitol
Savings Uanlt.
Ixo A. ttover, delegate to the general
association, after condemning the action
of the federation 'In admitting to mem-
hcrshlp tho representative of tho Ben-
ning-Kenllwortli Citizens' Association,
resigned as delegate, and In dcfcrcnco
to his action tho organization refused to
select a successor. Instead It was agreed
to withdraw temporarily from tho unit
ed organizations, and In order that nil
members" of tho association may be
present to vote, dellnlto action "was de
ferred until tho February meeting.
The resignation of Mr. Hover was oc
casioned bv what ho termed biased ac
tloir by the federation In recognizing
tho Uennlng-Kcnllworth organization,
which, he Bald, does not meet with the
requirements for membership demanded
of other associations. Tho resignation
Cr 00 i . . . .
$8 Stoles
In Neckwear Department, near G street door. The limited
prices make a prompt response imperative.
Camisole Laces
14 Inches Wide Beaded Top and Bottom
Per Yard,
Wanted and standard at 50c. yard is not
a busy day assured here tomorrow?
Street Floor 'Near G trtreet Door.
Sofa Cushions Cretonne
Cretonne this best quality in colorings that will
tiuviiuicu u pci tciu in lum wuiiiii me msi rew uays. a
generous size cushion filled with good quality floss. Made
First floor with the lace curtains worth to $2.50 a
The Chance of a
WtM( J
B-lnch Plate?, u
6-Inch Plate?, u
p to 50c, at Vic
p to 60c. at iSc
p to C5c, at - INc
p to 75c, at . '...'... .i)c0
to C5c, at ........... , .18c
up to i&c, at '..'. .?.:. 10c
to 25c, at Sc
i h, up to 20c, at :ic
to 24c, at ' He
r Cups and Saucers, up to 69c, at 15c
uccrs, up to 79c, at ' J()o
to $3.00. at 7."c
Dishes, ;ip lo'jl.UO. at 30c
to $2 00, at HOe
$1.00, at 23c
7-Inch Plate?, u
8-Inch Plates, u
Spuji Plates, up
Oatmeal IMnhen,
Fruit Dishes, up
Individual Butte
Bone Di.shett, up
Afternoon PInne
Tea Cups and Sa
Sauce float, up
Covered Butter
Sugar Bowls, up
Creamers, up to
Times Want, Ads Bring Results
was, unanimously accepted and a vote
of ooproyal of his action was given.
Tho Central Citizens Association alsb
Passed tv resolution favoring1 a referen
dum' jn dealing with tho quoatlon of
-prohibition In the District, and authoriz
ing the legislative, committee, to com
municate with tho subcommittee of the
District rbmmlttca(torfOMest :l hearing
beforo that body when prohibition
comes" up. Tho organization previously
had. gone on record opposing a "dry"
District. .
Action on tils Tccommcndntlo'n of the
District. Commissioners fob a change in
the law Regulating the condubt of tho
schdol systehi was deferred until op
portunity may bo given members of the
Board of Education to present their
aide of the question.
"Tom Cobb'' and "The Maid" Are
Staged on Club's First
"Tom Cobb" and "The Maid." two
comedy playlets, wero Btagcd by the
Homo Club players, of tho Interior De-
fiartment, last night, In celebration or
ho players first anniversary. ;They
were under tho direction of George 11.
Calmer, assisted by John McMochan,
William Musser, Mrs. William Atusscr,
arid O. W. Ooodwln.
Tho cast or "Tom Cobb" consisted of
Hoicoe C. Bangs, Miss Charlotte M.'
Crawford. Herman B. Wnlker, 8. II.
Moyer, Miss Mary p. Thyson. Miss
Margaret K. Stevens, Thomas Schuicr,
Albert H. Winter, Mrs. J. Yager Ham
ilton, and Thomas O. Klath.
The characters In "The Maid" were
represented by Miss Klslo Lancaster,
Miss Mary P. Thyson, Miss Mary 11.
lxuden, John McMechan, Mrs. Albert
A. Winter. Miss Ida Paxton. Miss Mary
A. Walker, and Miss Marguerite (;.
$10 for $20 Marabou Sets
Tipped With White Ostrich Only Two of These Sets
Cape and Muff Sets One Natural and One Black Set
Ten of the stoles of natural marabou, some with white
tips. Three of the muffs, in white only.
On Sale Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'Clock
Usually 50c
Per Yard,
To Buy Exquisitely Decorated
Foreign Chinaware
The supply of Open-stock
Austria is stopped. Deliveries- from France and England are
erratic and unsatisfactory. Business is hors de combat. The
Open-stock China here over 5,000 pieces is to be closed
out as follows:
Salad Dishes, up
v Comports, up to
Meat Platters, 8
Meat Platters,
Meat Platters.
Meat 1-iHiii'rn,
Meat Platters,
Palais Royal
Ono of Interest to Our Readers.
Good news bcrrrs repeating:, and
when' it is confirmed after a long
lapse of time, even if wc hesitated to
believe it at first hearing-, wc feel
secure in accepting its truth now.
Tho following experience of a Wash
ington woman is confirmed after one
Mrs. Jane A. Eichelbcrgcr, '1631
Eighth St. N. W., Washington, says:
"I have been in such pain with my
back, that 'I could hardly endure it.
My kidneys didn't act regularly and
sometimes the kidney-secretions were
too frequent in passage and highly
colored. I felt all run down and the ,
least exertion tired me out. Doan's '
Kidney Pills were recommended so '
highly, that I got a box. They soon
relieved me of the misery in my
back and continued use strengthened
my kidneys and stopped all pains in .
my back. L take Doan's Kidney Pills
now and then, so as to keep my kid
neys in a healthy condition'." (State
ment given July 28, 1914.)
On December 1, 1915, Mrs. Eichel
berger said: "Tho results I received
from using Doan's Kidney Pillswere-.
highly satisfactory and I praise "
them at every opportunity."
Price J60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Eichelbcrgcr has twice
Eublicly recommended. Fostr-Mil-urn
Co., Propg., Buffalo. N. Y-
quantities and the nominal
Crystal Nets
40 Inches Wide In All Colors
S tf Usually $1.75
In lovely shades of pink, lavender, purple,
blue, and-green. In lace department.
Street Floof Near Q street l)oor.
Covered g9c
be impossible later have i
uargain price oVc tor a
in our workshop.
pair at only 98c.
China from Germany and
Celery 'Dishes, up to $2.00, at -ir.c
Pickle Dishes' up to $1.00.' at 25,
Vegetable Dishes, open, up to $1, at ..c
Teapots, up to $1.50. at 45-
to $2.00, at 30c i
$3.00, at ,. 75,. B
v one uiauc", up 10 .-.u, ai soc
Chop Dishes, up to $2.00, at ,-,0c
Vegetublo Dishes, coveied, up to $3. at 73c
Casseroles, up to $3.00, at -s
- lnch'v up to 65c, at ,....0c 8
10 - Inch, up to $1.9S. at ir,t.
12 - Inch, up to $3.00, at .-;rc
j 1-1111:11, up 10 a.yu, at , use
lG - lnch, up to $1.50, at $1.23
G & Eleventh

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