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-THE WASHINGTON TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25. 191C. I FRANCE K ALLY 10 START B L0CKADEN0W Action Strengthens Advocates of Measure, and Majority Is Claimed. LONDON, .Tan. 25. Franco hns ura cil niiKlnml to declare an Immedlato blockade, without waiting for flirthor protests from neutrals, It wa.s ' re ported today, on tho ovo of the formal discussion of the blockade proposals by tlio government In Parliament. The pronouncement of French of ficials has greatly strengthened the position of Lord Charles Beresfor.l and other leading advocates of a stringent blockade decree. They pre dicted toJay that the sentiment In their favor will be displayed so strongly In the House of Commons to morrow that the government will bo forced to take Immedlato action. Tho blockade advocates profess to have a largo majority In Commons In eiipport of tbnt r.oliry. They piofQis rd to have no definite Information as to what course tho government bus decided upon, but declared that a blockading decter should go hand In hand with tho adoption of a con scription measure to prove to Ger many that Kngland Is In deadly earn est. Reports that the Swedish l'nrllamf-nt has appointed a coiinriltttc on dpfer'-'e, though given an i minims Interpretation In soma war lots, only gave fresh ,n coumement to the I lockade support ers Tiny will an-ue In Parliament to morrow when the debate oi.ens that by decisive and Immediate action, tho gov ernment cm rut cl objections from neutral sources. In a icUcr In tho Motning Post today, declaring fotv Immediate blockrne of German. Lcrd Eeieslnrd also protests ngoinst the action of the British, rov crriment in honoring passports of Gi-r-mnn-An'erlcans. The Post prints i let ter? fi'nm. another wltr declaring t'mi Itngllshmen me hot ucll lilted in tin Tillted StiUi-n and that Grat Britain should not go out of her way to concil iate America. The Standard declared today that the government will innKc Important nn-iiounce.-nents ic-gardipg lstrlcrlnris on importations when the blockade ques tion comes m In Commons. Ur S. to Protest to London on Restrictions To American Commerce Would Give Text Books To High School Pupils Other Bills Affecting Educational Interests Intro duced Into Congress Summarized By U. S. Bureau One to Create National University. A series of bjlls recently Introduced Into Congrosn affecting educational matters, Including one which would provldo freo text books for high school pupils In Washington, are sum marized In tho current legislative cir cular of tho United States Hurcau of Education. , Tho bill to provldo freo text books was introduced by t'ongtessman Frank Uuchanan or Illinois. Labor unions of the District have been urg ing this legislation for many years. Text books already arc provided free In the District giado schools. Congressman Simeon I). Fess of Ohio introduced a bill to create a na tional university to promote "the ad vaneo of science and of tho liberal and fine arts." Ho would have this university co-operate with tho scl cn Ific departments of tho Government. For Civic Training Division. Congressman Nolan of California would have In the P.nieau of Education a division of civic training, nt the head of which would be a chief with $4,600 salary. The object Is "to In crease the efficiency of American cltl zenshln by crlvlng Information and personal assistance for tho IntroJuc-, tlon and use of American democracy, In schools. Institutions, corporations, combinations, or assot-Iutlons of men, women, nnd children." Congressman Abercromble of Alabama lias n bill to create an c.Nccutlvo de railment, to In, known :i the P. prtrt ment of Kducntlon, under a Cabinet -officer to lw uYMfnaied the sk-ctvtiuy of presentations to the 1'ritlsh jnv- 'ernment opposing nrltlsh restrictions upon American rotrmerco In Its net prohibiting "trading with tho enemy" will go forward to Ambns.sador Pago within a few dn.t. State Department jfflclnln snld llint Kngland Is to be told In vigorous and unequivocal terms tha. the United States Government nill not rccognlTio ns Jegnl the Hrltlsh law disturbing commercial relations of American Pima or corporations which lwo German In terests.. The Administration .will not question England's right to apply the law to her ew'i eoipnrstlons n'l" "I ' ' imt the United State" will hpld illegal any In terference with trade of Anurlcan tlrms or eoiporatlons In which German citi zen" mav have Interests The position of the United States Is that the citizen or subleet of a bel ligerent living In n neutral state must be recarded as being nci'tinl. Tho out put of a German ovrcd i German eorr trolled factory In the United States, therefore, Is held tr linvn. the sime rigiits ns the prodi.cts of any American concern. Class to Hold Exercises. The mldear class of graduates of tho McKlnlev Manual Tialnlni School com pleted plans tcday fir elass-nlght exfr rlses tomorrow nltrht. The clas?, which hns forty-lluce members, 111 c Kit-dun ted in tho auditorium of McT'lnlev Manual Training School next Friday night. Education. All tho rluhts. powers, and duties of the presont Uurca-j of Kditcii tlnn would attach to tho i.ew depurt nient. , m . , , Provision for tl-e-nrginlsatlon of cpdet romnnnles in high school. iti'fnr no hiding of nniimer onmpa In nil Stales, nnd In tlw Ulntrlct nt Coluii'hla. Is itmmii In a bill ly Congressman Anderson or Minnesota. Congrcsmnn McKellar or Tennessee would establish u "military training nealemy" H eaeh State nnd tho Dlstilet of C-diimbla nun his meas ure niovldes thnt tho Irnlnliw should bc under 'lie direction of an nuny onicor appointed by tho president ', Would Create Commission. Congressman Garland of Pennsylvania Introduced a bill i-rentlng a commissi s-i on educational, vocational am. mllltarv navnl training, ti i- mmpcM-d of 'ireo members of the Senate and tln-co of tin House, to consider whelhel natlnml grants hnll be mode to gfu's to stinju lato ocntlonal nnd mllltary-naval train- Congiessman Abereromble nlso Intro duced a bill fiuihoilvliitr en atpromla tlon to enable tho United States Com missioner of Education to piomote plans fr the elimination of adult Illiteracy In the United States. TAKOMA PARK URGES SCHOOLPLAN CHANGE Citizens' Association, However Thinks Education Board Should Name Superintendent OUCH PI I RUB RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS Rub pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil.' Rheumatism Is "pain only." Not on case In fifty requires Internal treat ment. Stop drugging. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jaeobs'-Oll" right Into your sore, stiff, nchine (olnts and mus cles, and relief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a hnrtnlcss rheumatism cure which never disappoints and can not burn the akin. Limber up! (jult complaining' Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs OH" at nny drug store, and In Just a moment you 11 be fie fiom rh- u matlc pain, soteness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Ucllef awaits you. "St. Jacobs OH" has cured mil lions of rheumatism sufferers In the last half century, and Is Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back ache sprains Advt. In substantial agreement with the changes In the school law urged by tho Commissioners, with the exception of the proposed appointment of the super intendent of schools directly by tho Commissioners, tho Tnkoma I'ark Citi zens' Association Inst night took a unique position as compared with action by other civic bod'es. A report pf tho committee on education favoring the transfer of the appointing power of the Hoard of Kducntlon fiom the District Supreme Court to the Commissioners, the reduction of the number of the board from nine to five members, and the appointment of the sunerlnftndent J or schools by the noarrt or Ketuc-uioi, was ndonted after considerable discus sion, nnd a resolution ,',ns adopted transmitting the report of the commit tee to' the Commissioners nnd to Con gress. The report stipulates that the teach ers and all other school employes shall bo "effectively 'protected from the In fluence of politics, either partv or muni cipal." pnd favors the appointment of the teachers by, the Hoard of Education, ns at present. Prof. H. C. Gore", chairman of the committee, presented the report, and stated thnt tho committee had attend ed tho hearings before the House Com mltleo. arid had carefully considered Commissioner nrownlow's statement be fore thp association a week ago. In addltloil to Prof. Gore, the mcmljors of tho commlttco are Dr. D. N. Shoemaker, Homer Bkoels, nnd William F. Wight. Mnior D. 8, Wrtelitr. F. U. Union, nnd Robert . Lcrch sroke against tho adoption of tho toport. und J. H. Ar nold, Dr. ehocmulur. Mr. Skcels, and Mr. Wltfit rr-nko In favor of It. After much dlsc-usslan the iIcIoriU. to tho .Federation was instructed to op pose .the referendum cm prohibition In the District. Wllllum Munrt. Major D. B. Fletcher, nnd J 11 Arnold spoko in favor of the refi-rondiini, while the Rev. Thomis P. Clark, patter of tho Tnkoma Park Preshvierlnn Chnr-Ji. Homer BUecls. James . IJvre. F, n. I Inlon, nnd Dr. D. N". Ehoejnnl-ei- opposed It. The delegate was instructed to use his own discretion In voting on tho n'nllfl cations or associations for membership Jll te federation. Temporary street repairs wcro re n nested. Die Loveliest Curly Hair So-Easy to Have! Why make your hslr dry. brlttlo und tfcad looking with the heated waWng longs, when (ho slmplo sllmcilnc'metlioj will produce a cuillntss for moro nat ural In nppearancc, und.nt tho same time preserve tho luster and beauty of ,our trrbses7 l.ljuld sllmi-rino Is bj agreeable to use. being neither sticky nor greasy, jmd the oxcr-nU'u translur matfon Is so pleasing the lliht trial will make It your firm trlend. The nppioved wiy to n ply It Is to pom a little Into n iiaucer at bedtime, dip a clean tooth brush n.t this and draw the brush through tiie hair from crown to tip. one stiand at n time. A few ounces of this harmless liquid from jour druggist will last a long time. Vo.i will like It not only because the cuuy and wavy effect, will be so charming, but because you will nlso find It an ex cellent dressing for the hair. Advt. Mnm friunHMfJ Uf 't? ' n ToPepple Who Insist uppii. Buying the Jest: SINCE we first started making Beech-Nut products, .our fixed policy has been this: Never to offer anything for sale under the Beech-Nut label until satisfied that its quality could not be improved. The Becch-Nut products will be demon strated by Miss Kashner at the Westtield Domestic Science and Household Appliance Imposition which opens at Arcade Auditorium, Monday, January 31sL BEECH -JMUT PACKING COMPANY CANAJOHARIE, NEW YORK Maker of Famous Beech-Nnt Bacon; Becch-Nnt Peanut Batter; BeecblVut Tomato Catsup; Beech-Nut Chili Sauce; Beech-Nut Ofcar't Sauce Beech-Nut Jams, Jellies and Marmalades Beech-Nut Confection Chewing Gum and Mint ASK YOUR DEALER cience Visit the "Velvet Kin$' Exhibit at the Westfield Domestic Science School, Arcade Auditorium, Next Week. At tho inviba oa asmsssstt You'll surely see iPr We're dll of happy mm. Jk Tbo oIa H innio. XI nn Whpn tho7 forro- ?Sn A W" Al . -J--S Ss "TiK vv hold Appliance rtion -rr , B Z'f ie " C-. .. . a-aiyy '' : vm- & '.! Bcstor parKcs and hffime treats SdlGd Cartons v t IIHO JL VX.U.CVI 13 11' vw jj- r .ii i- vi of VM At All dGAler.s. u& CHAPIN-SACKS MFG. CO. ARCADE AUDITORIUM Jan. 31, Feb. I, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Held Under the Auspices of The Washington Times AND The icGlure Publications The Ladies' World McGlure's Magazine Featuriitg Ihe Westfield Pure Food Movement as carried on by Prof. Lewis B. Allyn at Westfield, Mass., The Pure Food Town. Lectures and actual Cooking Demonstrations, 2 P. M. daily, by the noted Domestic Science Experts. MR. AND MRS. SHERWOOD P. SNYDER Big Educational Moving Picture Show "How the Be j You Eat Are Made" every Evening. Interesting exhibits of famous fopds and hojsehold appliances. Doors Open From 1 P. M. Until 11 P. M. Admission FREE to all Readers of The Washington Times ESTFIM DOMESTJCSCIEKCESCH00L nwuotnui.u r-i-i-i"rww -rww...w.. ARCADE AUDITORIUM Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 2, 3, 4, S The Washington Times The McCIure Publications TKU Uektt irhrn property ttgned with the name and ttrttt addrtu of the Koldtr entitles the bearer Fame- Addrtu It eimUdm em en tele Wr. U Tha Wtft.lJ "Dmwrie ScUnca Cr." The McClqre Publications of New York plan to deliver, without charge, to every housewife signing the ac companying ticket a copy of The Westfield Book of Pure Foods com piled by Prof. Lewis B. Allyn, for the Board of Health, of Westfield, Mass. "the Pure Food Town." V.1 l Cream of Ice Creams Lincoln 390 rr