Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES, TUESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1016. - RAILWAY MEN ffl mm ARBITRATION Union Leaders Say Mediators Are Unable to Handle Prob lems To Be Decided. they contend, In tho fact that with a transportation plant unable to more the growing business of the country already soveral lap nhoad of tha raltroado. tho coit of living Is. aura to tuma and nil I kinds of Industry will be hampered nnd throttled And every man, woman, nnd child In tho United BtatoB ho affected. Affects, National Defense. And more' than that, with a railroad plant unablo to move tlje ordinary busi ness of tho country becauao of lack of facilities, any Idea of railroad prepared ness for purposes of national defonso would bo out of tho auestlon. This, It Is said by conservative railroad nion, Is the Ag broad Question which the pub'le must rtee and understand In tho situation which appears to bo impend intr. As this situation was dotnitcd, the country's transportation facilities havo peon in tho last few years falling rap Idly behind the growth of business due to the lncreaslnc Donulntlon. The sum required to brlnr It .up has been var iously estimated. Ono calculation put this sum at nbout JS.OOo n mile- For 250,000 miles this would mean tl.230,000.000 pent each year for years. OPPOS ED TO CHANGE WHOLE COUNTRY AFFECTED Roads Themselves Feel That Issue Should Be Put Before Competent Tribunal. NEW YORK. Jan. 23. That tho in tereste of the whole country ore at atsjeo In the demand for an eight-hour day Trhlch the four great railroad labor unions aro planning to make, and that It Is for tho public to furnish the solu . tlon of this great issue between labor ana; the railroads, is the opinion which seem to "fcc held most generally In rilroad''circles, where little cisd Is bc ias discussed. The Xvro clilcf points emphasised fol tow: i I. The reiterated determination of the labor leaders not to submit this tlrae to arbitration a demand involv ing .upward of 400,000 railroad work ers and -.affecting the whole question of railroad economics and the coat of Irvtns in this country. II. The inability of tho present railroad plant to handle the normal buatoesa of the 100,000.000 persons' now In this; country, and the necessity confronting the railroads of spend ing at (east JI.25O.O0o.0OO a year for BOme years to brine- thin nlnitl ir to the demands of buBlncs if Hying costs and Its general welfare are not to be adversely affected." N LIBRARY SYSTEM Subcommittee to RcportAgainst Placing Appointment Power With Commissioners. MOTHERS MEETING AT WILSON NORMAL James H. Kceley to Deliver First of Five Lectures Tomorrow Night at the School. A mothers meeting, to which all mothers were invited. Is being hld under the auspices of the Parent' League at the Wilson Normal School this afternoon. Tomorrow night Mrs. Caryll Nell Odcll. of the Lucia Gales Barber School, will conduct her class in rhythm and folk dancing for adults, beginning at 7:30 o'clock and lasting one hour. James Hugh Kceley will deliver the first of a. scries of five lectures he is to give before the Parents' League at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow night at the school. Tho lectures will bear on the history of the District and its govern ment. In his first lecture Mr, Kceley will outline the conditions which' exist ed before tho Federal Constitution was adopted. Army and Navy Think Arbitration Proner. Jtunoqgn tne railroads have not ARMY. Leave for live days granted Second Lieut. Donald Armstrong, Coast Artil lery Corp. Tho name of IaJ. William Forae. Coast Artillery Corpo, placed on tho list of officers detached from their proper commands, to toko effect March Tho B.inrd of Trnds. at a vfiwal meeting tomorrow night at the Wll lonl, will be nfk'sl to go en record ns opposed to tho prrponal that the ap pointment and removal of employes of tho Public Library be placed In the hnads of the Dmtrlct Commissioners. The Public Library coromltteo of ths board, nt n. meting late yesterday after noon. , ndcplcd, a resolution calling on tho board to express its disapproval "f the proposed change In tho law govern ing the conduct of the library, aiiil recommending that there bo no chanso In tho act of USC. whereby it is pio vided that tho trustees of the Public Library shall Rppolnt a librarian and tho librarian shall nppoint such assist ants as th'j board of trustees shall dttm necessary Ui the couduct of tho library. Miles 11. Shands. chairman of the the library committee, will submit the report and offer the resolution. Chairman Den Johnson of the House District Committee introduced, at tho Instance of the Commissioners, the bill to which exception is takon by tho Public Library Committee. It would vest in the Commissioners the appointive power of all employes and give them the sole right to remove from office. The trustees, the library committee asserts, would then be merely an advisory body without any authority. The committee expresses tho belief that the curtailment of power and. the responsibility vested In the trus tees would not bo In the betit Interest or the library. It adds that It is the part of wisdom that this control should be left In the hands of repre sentatives of the community whose labors obtained its creation. Vice President Marshall and Con gressman James T. Lloyd of Missouri will address the meeting tomorrow ulftht and the board will act on the resolution calling for a referendum vote by residents of the District on the question of prohibition. mm im pay FIGHT 1H CONGRESS Postoffice Department Would Compute Compensation on Basis of Space Occupied. Tho old controversy botween the Post- office Department and the railroads re. gardlng railway mall pay la being aired before the House Commltteo on Post- office, which is now framing the post office appropriation bill. The Postoffice Department wants to compute railway mall pay "on the basis of the cubic feet of space occupied by the mails i the railroads want a con tinuation of the weight method, with the proviso that there shall bo annual Instead of quadrennial welshing. Ilalph Peters, president of the Long Island railroad 'and chairman of tho railroads' committee on railway mail pay, urgeu uic commmea yesterday af Sermon on Mount, Subject Of American U. Lecturer Prof. Is mar J, PerlU. professor of Biblical literature nt Syracuse Uni versity,, will deliver a Jftcturo on "The Literary Character and History of the Sermon on tho Mount," at the Ameri can University this afternoon. Tho lectures will bo continued tomor row and Thursday and Friday afternoons. Would Extend Game Law. Advocacy of the extension of the game laws of all States so that farm- Dandrufly Heads Become Hairless If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by alt means get rid of dandruff, tor it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much good ' to try to brush or wash It out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff 1 to dissolve It, then yott dostroy It entirely. To do lernoon to leave tne question of ratea this, get about four ounces of ordinary ;ior H."aald the ril rSS JEST: "aula arvon; apply it at night when at: 6. 1916, and the name of llaj. George H been satisfied with the results of tho I11' McJInnu8' Coast Artillery Corps, recent .arbitration awards tho feeling I ftCllnK Inspector general, removed among conservative railroad executives! thercfrom' to take erf cct March 4, lit that- t4ti kn . vi i.. . I131C - arbitration would be thn nmnn- onuran ...'""J tor mem to follow providing that it wiiua De aono oy a competent tribunal. A permanent wage commission, some thing, like the Interstate Commerce Commission, whose members would Krsaoaiiy acquire experience lilting 'v... u, pwa upon mis wnoie matter, has been suggested. Many railroad' mon would undoubtedly welcome It. But the time would appear to be short in which to accomplish this. But although this Is the attitude of Conservative raJhoad managers. It is not the attitude of the labor mrti who , managing the present camra'gn, ana therein lies, ns the railroad man agers see it, one of the most serious reatnrea pC-.tho situation. It wu ap parentronrjv statement made by Tlm-othyWiea,;-,ifssIstant to- .the- -president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men, that tho sentiment among the men toward" arbitration haa net changed from what it was when all of the unions passed, resolutions denouncing u Although the labor representatives themselves secured the passage of the lewtands act, providing for two rep resentatives of the public to sit with xwo memDers of each side in the dis pute ua an arbitration tribunal, soma of them are now denouncing it. D. u Cease, editor of the Railroad Train man, the official organ of the union, who was a member of the last arbitra tion board, in an editorial in the pres ent issue iays: Thinks Public Has No Right. "It seems unnecessary to say that Hie Trainman does not agree wrtli tno notion that the public has a right to Be represented in the presentation or a case beforo a board of arbitration be tween railroad companies and their em ployes any more than it has a right to such representation on any arbitration board with the business of wnich it has nothing to do." Whera some of tho labor lepresenta tlves and the railroad officials seem to differ is in the interest of the public in the situation, which will be presented if the unions make the demand, as they are almost certain to do, judging from the way the vote is going on the refer endum. Because of the unprecedented scope and character of the proposed demand, involving every mile of rail road in this country, tho railroad execu tives nnd managers, it Is said, aro will ing to concede that the public has ns much. If not more, at stake than the railroads themselves. The reason for this lies primarily. Robert S. Aberncthy. Coast Ar tillery Corps, to this city for duty in ornco or inspector general.' The detail of Capt. Howard L. Lan ders. Coast Artillery Corps, In tho oftlec of tho chief of staff, Is extended Until March 1. 1910. , NAVY. Lieut D. P. AVlckcrsham, to Alabama; Lieut- (i. s.) C. II. Cobb, to Duncan: Limit, fj. g.) J. S. Hullngs, to treatment Naval Hospital. Maie Inland. Cal.: Kns. R. D. Klrkpatrich. to temporary receiv ing ship at San Francisco: Una. F. H. Melcndy. to Maryland: Civ. Eng. F. It. Harris, commissioned chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks, with rank of real admiral from January 17. 1916. detached navy yard. Philadelphia, to Navy De partment. -Washington. D. C. MOVEMENTS OP VESSELS. Arrived AJax. at Hongkong: Chester, at Dakar. Sierra' Leone: Cushlng. at Key Wcstr Drayton, nt New York yard; Rampanga, at Honk,ong: Tecumseh. at Wafhlngtonr Vulcan, at Nowport News. Balled Melvlllo from Guantanamo Tor uuacanayabo: Tennessee, from Tompklnsvlllo for Port au Prince. NOTES. The Hull, to the Mare Island yard. The Solace, to Guantanamo. The Pan ther, to Nprfolk and thence to Key West. The 'Monnghan and Terry, to Pousacola as relief of the Storrett and! Perkins. The Sterrctt and Perkins to the Charleston yard. Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes Will Speak Here Tonight Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes, of New York, wife of J. O. Phelps Stokes, pres ident of the Intercollegiate Socialist So ciety of America, will speak at 8 o'clock tonight at a meeting to be held under the auspices of the Washington Alumni Chapter of the society at the Public Library. Her subject will be "What the Socialists Want and Why They Want It." Italian Is Shot. Custurerl Vlncenxo. thirty-one. of 22 Wonders court, is at Emergency Hos pital under treatment for gunshot wounds in the right hand nnd left arm. The pollen are looking for another Italian, whom they charge shot Vln cenzo during a quarrel late yesterday. Try Brownatone Hair Stain FREE! The Fountain of Yonth Has at Last Been Found in "Brownatone" The One Perfect Stain that is Entirely Harmless and Sure to Give Best Results. You need hot tolerate gray, streaked or faded hair another day. It takes but a few moments to apply "Brownatone" with your comb or brush, and Just a little "touching up" once a month should keep your hair the beautiful shade you most de sire. Rosults always tho same always pleasing. Will not rub or wash off and guaranteed to contain none of the dangerous ingredi ents so often found " SaCO' n ayes. Prepared in two shades. On to nro. duce golden or medium brown, the oth-i cr, dark brown or black. We will send absolutely free, for a1 short time only, a trial bottle of BROWNATONE it you will send -us your name and addreus accompanied by 10c to help pay pontage and pack- 4nir HP Vila ? Is mails f.. ..... . J try BROWNATONK Hair Stain, and find for yourself Just how superior it Is to all so-called "dyes," combs, etc., etc. I Sold and guaranteed In Washington by O'Donnell's Drug Store and People's Drug Store, and other leading dealers. , AdvL slon. He said the railroads must be I considered as a pari or mo national de fense system and ought to be encour aged rather than crippled by legisla tion. Mr. Peters declared the railroads should receive an Increase of at least 10 per cent over the amount the Gov ernment 'Ji now paying for tho trans portation or the malls. A large delegation, representative of practically the entire railroad Interests of tho country, appeared In opposition to the proposed legislation. It was asserted upon behalf of the railroads that tho Moon bill provides a scale of rates so low as to be virtually confiscatory in many oases. ' tiring; use enough to moisten the scalp ond rub It In gently with tho finger tips. By morning, most, if not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dl j.olvo and entirely destroy every single bign and trace of it You will find, too, that all Itching and I'dgglng of the scalp wilt top, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need, no matter Uow much dandruff you have. Thla simple remedy never falls. Advt. fry may be permitted to kill cotton tall rabbits to protect their crops is contained n the rarmors' bulletin Just Issued by the Department of Agricul ture, Politicians to Meet. Under auspices of tho District Re publican League a harmony meeting will be held at the Second Baptist' Church, Third- street, between H nnd 1 streets northwest, tonight. The speakors announced aro Harry Ward man, Jaber Loo. Aaron Bradshaw, tho ;Mv. W, Ulshop Johnson, the Rev. S. k. 9.orro,U,0r"' J2r- Edward Wllllston. Wilis price Mrahn' aDd Df- i'otcr 53,and Weighing 260, Goes To Rescue of Sinking Man NEW YORK, Jan. .-Although fifty thrco years old, and weighing ISO pounds, Policeman Samuel Wauglt went to tho rcseuo of a drowning man In the East river today off Slxty-soventli street. Ho fastened a rope about his waist and let himself down over an eight-foot concreto wall. , Tho drowning man sclrcd his hand, but Waugh could not pulj himself ami tho added burden up. His shouts called aid and the two men were rescued and taken to the hospital. BREAK UP BRONCHIAL COUGHS, CROUP ANP COLDS PROMPTLY Make the Best Remedy at Home 128 Teaspoonsful for 50c Don't neglect your first cold, cough or any Bronchial affection, this fall, out commence treatment Immediately, and through using the proper medicine, it can be checked from the very start and promptly cured, but if neglected probably will hang on all winter; if It does not develop Into something more serious, such as Pneumonia or Con sumption. True, there are hundreds, yes thousands, of cough remedies on the market. While Some are good, there aro many which are not, but are posi tively harmful, due to the narcotics which they contain. But why experi ment with theso different remedies pure ly on tho strength perhaps of somo tes timonials or on the exaggerated claims of manufacturers, when Schlffmann's New Concentrated Expectorant is sold by O'Donnell's Drug Store on such a posltivo guarantee to glvo perfect satis faction, yes, even more money will be refunded by them If It is not found the best remedy ever used In Severe Coughs'. Colds. Whooping Cough or Croup, and ui i be found "ccllont for Bron chlal Asthma and Bronchitis. Besides these drugggists guaranteeing "that It ... ,. the b"t "cdy ever used," it will likewise be found the most economi cal, because one bottle (50 cents' worth) makes a full pint (128 teaspoonsful) of the most excellent medicine for any of the above affections, when mixed at homo with ono pint of granulated sugar nnd one-half pint of water. It makes an much or more, than would cost you J2.M to J3.00 of almost any of the ordinary ready-made kinds, sold In bottles hold ing only 24 to 32 teaspoonsful. You will bo the sole Judge yourself and under the same positively "Money Back" guaran tee which the druggists make for the famous, Asthmador. Absolutely no risk Is run in buying this remedy. Jwa.ov-? FREE TRIAL BOTTLE COUPON Tfce Kenton I'barmnral Company, Mil K. Pike St.. Covlnston. Ky. Please send me your trial bottle of BROWNATONE Hair Stain. I In close to cents (silver or stamps) to help pay postage and packing. Name Address Town State. Do you wish golden, medium, dark brown or black? Wtato which STOP TAKE HAY' I AKIN', CALOMEL! S LIVER HEALTH A Brand New Discovery That Takes Place of Dangerous Calomel and Puts Your Liver to Work Without Making You Sick You Can Eat Anything You Want It Cannot Salivate When a customer comes into my store feeing bilious and headachy, we no longer advise him to take dangerous calomel, say local druggists. Wc recommend Hay's Liver Hdalth Vegetable Com pound. That does the work of sickening, salivat ing calomel, and we want every one who reads this paper to go to any one of the four People's Drug Stores and buy a bottle, and if you don't wake up in the morning with your head clear, your liver working like new your bowels in a tree, healthy state, go right back there and get your money. "We guarantee that Hay's Liver Health will put your sluggish liver to work and clean the poison out which is clogging our system and making you feel miserable. Jiay's Liver Health will relieve the hcadacl.e, biliousness, coaled tongue, ague, malaria, sour stomach, or any other distress caused by a tor, id liver, as quickly as a dose of calomel; besides, it will not make you sick. We want to see every one in Washington have a bottle of Hay's Liver Health in their home. Calomel is a dangerous poison its mercury--it attacks the bones, often causing iheumattsni. It sickens, while Hay's Liver Health is a safe, pleasant, and harmless remedy. You can eat any thing afterwards, because it cannot salivate. Gie it to the children because it doesn't upset the stomach. Take a spoonful tonight and wake up feeling fine. Get a bottle today, sure! Try it! Wc arc sure it will do just what we say it will, or ou can- have your money back at the People's Drug Store. They'll supply out-of-town (oiks bv parcel post. !I9IT OUn FURNITURE 8TOIUC, ACROSS TH3 STIUZf STORE HOURS: Open 8:45 A. M.; Close 5:30 P. M. visit oua rurufiTUnn store, across tub brtiEi BO7H9I0ES OF SEVENTH ATK "iWDaabbSico- 69c Cloth Suitings 54 Inches Wide 35c A remarkable Pre-Invcntory Clearance offering of 54 -Inch Cloth Suitings, goad weight and excellent flnliih for spring garments. In navy blue and a line of donlrablc shades. "Wednesday at 35c yd. S1.00 DI.ACK CHEVIOT, 54-in. wide; strictly all wool quality. In rich jot black. Popular for Qs suits and skirts OtC 91.S3 FANCY MIXED SUITINGS, in neat brown and tan effects; good weight for tailored 7C suits 1st Floor, 8th Street Side. 10c Outing Flannels For 6c Yard 27 INCH OUTING FLANNELS, heavy soft fleecy quality In stripes and checks. Just the mate rial for warm winter garments. 15c DRESS GINGHAMS, 32 Inches wide, in now spring styles and colorings, such aa stripes. checks, plaids, and broken checks lie !( BLEACHED DOMET FLAN NEL, 27 In. wide, heavy quality witn permanent neccc; lor winter wear 1st Floor, 8th Street Side. .7c 12c and 15c Cretonnes and Scrims at 7c Yard A purchase extraor dinary of a mill's over stock of 10,000 yards of fine-grade' drapery ' ma terials at savings every housekeeper will want to share tomorrow. They comprise Cretonnes, Scrims and "Marquisettes, and include "run of the mill" leneths. sin'taM fnr window and door curtains, draperies, scarfs and cov erings for comforts, couch and cushion draperies, etc. Plenty of each pattern. The Cretonnes are in figured all-over effects, and come in light and dark colors; the Scrims and Marquisettes aro in border effects, plain white or ecru, with hemstitched edge. First Floor Hanrnln Table. ll mm A Great Lowering of Prices Marks Our Preparations For Inventory In theWomen's ... Ready4oW ear Garment Section Offering Hundreds of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc. AT y2 PRICE AND LESS We have only a few days left to lighten our stocks before inventorv. and we've redoubled our efforts to dispose of as many garments as possible before the end of the week. Note these amazing values come tomorrow and take advantage of the big savings. $10.00 r H 1 'l .JJ lifi at' it rmr Is : iSTftA In i;pft uLK J fit: 1 rmt $19.75 and $22.50 Sal t'a$t A AA Scalette Plush Coato at. . P V. ? V $15.00 and $18.00 Suits $5.00 $2.98 and $3.98 Cloth Skirts $1.45 $4,98 and $5.98 Cloth Dresses $2.55 $12.50 and $15 Cloth Coats, $5.00 $22.50 and $25.00 Cloth Suits $8.90 $22.50 and $25 Fur-trimmed Coats $9.85 $29.75 and $35 Cloth Suits. .$15.95 $15.00 and $18 Silk Dresses. .$6.98 $5.98 and $6:98 Raincoats $2.95 $17.50 and $19.50 Fuv Fabric Coats at $19.75 and $25 Silk Dresses $12.50 $7.98 and $10 Misses' Coats. .$2.89 $5.98 and $6.98 Cloth Skirts. .$3.85 $1.50 and $2.00 Tub Silk Waists 69c $5.98 and $7.50 French Lynx Sets $2.89 $1.00 Flannel Shirts 29c $1 Lingerie and Voile Waists. . 46c $5.98 and $6.98 Lace and Silk Waists $3.88 $10 and $15 French Lynx. . . .$s!75 Cook's 75c and 85c LINOLEUM 37c sq. yd. The most Impres sive thing about this sale la the fact they are tho eren ulno Cook's heavy weight cork - niled Linoleums and not the so-called "new process" imitation linoleum. 8-quarter width. In mill lengths from 2 to 30 square yards. Good assortment of pat terns. IneltiAlntr ttln and parquettc flooring designs, in light and dark colore. Knough of each pattern to cover a large room, hall, store, office, or vcsUbule. Fourth Floor. $3 & $3.50 Comforts at $1.95 A clearance lot of flnp grade satcon and best grado. sllkollne cov- fllled with Hygia whito cotton Choice of llsht and dark colorings. Fourth Floor. $6.85 The Final Call of Low Prices on These Clearance Lots of Men's and rWTJ?jy rf A TTC YoungMen's V-J Y JLjX.LJJx X O Former $12 to $15 Values They are odd lots and incomplete assortments, it is true but think of the tremendous savings offered, and you'll surely want to take advantage of this opportunity to buy a new and stylish overcoat at the greatest savings on record. They are strictly aili-wool materials, in such desirable colorings as grays, fancy mixtures, browns, Fancy plaid back cloths, diagonal weaves and black Melton cloth. Correctly styled in con servative, belted back, single or double breasted models, also comfortable great coats for the severest winter wear. Men' Cloth Ins Uept. Fourth Floor.' Yarn Mercerized Poplins, 1 fa Regular 35c Quality, at A Ju One of the handsomest and most serviceable materials for women s suits, dresses, and skirts-a superior yarn mercerized quality of firm, close weave that will stand frequent tubbings nnd always retain its freshness and beautiful finish. 27 inches wide n77 yniie 1'iinae Crrpe, soft ""' ifiuue icr women h und-r- 934C garments. Regularly lBc yard 40-lneh White French Voile mi- lierlor two-ply quality for waists and dresses. Regularly ift. 19c yard 1ZV2C V,i',l, c,' Ocpt., First Floor, fcU Street Side. .Irt-lnch White CraU Saltlns. flne linen-finish erade. of close, firm texture; for suits and skirts. -A Hcgularly 29c yard IDC Colored nb Jtntlnc, .16 Inches wldn. the newest and smartest weave for spring cults and skirts. In a large asaortmunt of col- -fQ ors. Hegular 50c value, at.. XiC Staple Domestics Lowered Wednesday's Money Saving Items in Sheets, Pillow Cases and Cottons 50c Bleached Sheets, double bed size, made of heavy round thread cotton; with a welded seam in the center 39c JOc YARD WIDB "I'ALH.V" Hl.KACIIKD COTTON, a fine close woven quallt), free from di'osxlng IA' KI.KAt'HMI) I'M.I.OW CASUS, 45x50; regular size; serviceable linen linlsh duality Domestic llcit., lt Flour, Nth 6c II.I.OW 8c 9c 12ttc UM1LKACIIKU SHEETING cotton, 44 in. wide; close woven quality tor matcine sneets and pillow cases fl.50 CnOCHET S!HEns dou hlo bed size: in Marseilles pat terns; hemmed ready to j- AQ use. Wednesday Special at wXAJV Street Ship. jvisit otn rusmnu stohb, Atnoss the vrnuuii 36-inch Chiffon Taffetas nr.:. 95c Yard-wide Colored Chiffon Taffetas, all pure silk, with soft tissue finish the most favored silk for Spring wear. In such de sirable colors as light blue, Alice, Copenhagen, King's blue, Belgian blue, navy, midnight blue, mais, gray, tan, taupe, wistaria, olive emerald, white and black. ( !..( muck Pckln Strlpr Tiffeta, . muiita wiqo, wi.n !; $1.2(? niaek Box Loom Crepe ile Chine, 40 Inches wide, all pure llk. heavy firm-woven qualltf. r7Qn Ileduced to it Flmt Floor. 8th Street Side. l.inHcnm self color strlnes. for street no and evening dresses VuL Seamless Brussels Rugs bize 8 ft. 3 by 10 ft. 6 O O Regular $15.00 Value at j)Oeg With dyestuffs growing scarcer every day, and mills advancing their prices, such rug values as this will soon be imj-ossible. If you have a nig need now is the time to supply it. Tomorrow's special sale consists of large room size (8 ft. 3 b 10 ft. 6 ) Seamless Wool Brussels Rugs, in floral, medallion and con ventional designs; light or dark colorings the regular $15 00 nradc at $8.85. ... ... 4th Moor. Hi VISIT Otll l'Lll.MTlnu aTOHH, ACllOSS THIS STllEET, 1