Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TBME?. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25; 1910. News Notes and Gossip of Washington Smart Set Many Entertainments Are Planned by the Leaders of Society in Washington. - Gossip of Hostesses. Itoprcscntatlvcs of tlio central powers Of .Kuropo will bo tho principal ftucsta at the second diplomatic dinner to be Riven at tho White House tonight by the President and Mrs. WIlBon. These representatives will occupy plftccs at tho table In tho state dining room wlilcn were occupied last week at tho first dip lomatic dinner, by tho representatives .of the entonto powers. Count Johann von UernstortT, tho (Jorman ambassador, will bo seated in a place ol honor at tho President's rlelit, and. will escort Mrs. Wilson into the 'dining room. Tho other diplomats from 'tho central powers will lncludo Abdul Halt Hussein Hey, 'lrst secretary and chargo d'affaires of tho Turklsn embassy, and his wife, Baron lirlcn .Stvlodlnok, chargo d'affaires of the Aus trian embassy, and TJaroness Zi ledinoli. and Stcphan PanarctoIT, tho Bulgarian minister, nnd his wife. Other guests at tho dinner will In clude all the diplomatic representatives ot the neutral powers who also attended 'tho dinner last week. Every effort lias been mado In ad- vahco to make the dinner every bit os .-, ,. .1.-.. f.. , . ...-.1. Hf..-. Wilson will liuvo a new gown for tho j occasion which Is sold to be one of tho handsomest costumes of her wardrobe. . . , . ? Mrs. Victor Kautfmann was hostess at a charming luncheon today at her residence In New Hampshire avenue. Tho guests were Mrs. Thomas Watt Gregory,. Mrs. Albert Sidney Burleson, Mrs. Josephus Dante's, Mrs. Mahlon Pitney, Mrs. John E. Osborne, Mrs. CJaudp Swahson. Mrs. William E. 'Borah, Mrs. Porter J. McCumber, Mrs. Sscar Underwood. Mrs. Albert I Mills, xb. William Bailey Lamar, Mrs. James x. Aleshire, Mrs. Henry P. McCain, Mrs. William S. Benson, Mrs. Thomas H. Howard, Mrs. Cone Johnson, Mrs. Joseph Strauss. Mrs. William C. Bralsted, Miss Lansing, Miss Helen Cannon. Mrs. T. DeWltt Talmage. Mrs. Ira C. Copley. Mrs. Hubert Dent. Mrs. Perry Heath. Mrs. Scdgely, Mm. Charles I. Hussey. Mrs. John H. Hewson. Mrs. W. W. Harts, Mrs. Joseph E. Kuhn, Mr. William Haywood, Mrs. Marvel, Miss Mary Temple, Mrs. J. Wlllard ItagsdRle, Mrs. Fred Britten, Mrs. Theo doro Noycs, Mrs. Duncan. Mrs. N. E. Mason, Mrs. John Craykc Simpson, Mrs. Glllctt Hill. Mrs. E. T. Pollocjc. Mrs. Timothy T. Ansberry, Mrs. linmpson Gary, .Mrs. Walter Wells, Mrs. William Kachcs Kendall. Miss Amaryllis Glllctt, Mrs. Delos Blodgctt. Mrs. Francois Ber ber Moran. Sirs. Fred Dennett. Mrs. William Whcatlcy. Mis. Rudolph Kauffmann, Miss Barbara Kauffmann. Mrs. John Joy Edson, and Mrs. Cain, of Texas, who is visiting Mrs. Gregory. 1 Owing to illness In the family, tho Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Lano have recalled tho invitations for tho dinner they were to have given this evening for tho Secretary of the Treas ury and Mrs. McAdoo. Mrs. Lano will not receive tomorrow afternoon for the same reason. .;. The officers and ladies of Fort Myor will bo hosts this ovenlnc; at a danco In the administration building. The ball room Is elaborately decorated for tlio occasion with palms and quantities of outhcrn smllax. whllo banners and bunting aro used in tho supper room. Capt. Charles Halght, adjutant for tho post, will make the presentations, nnd Mrs. Charles O. Mortimer, Mrs. William n. Forsyth, and Mrs. Clemens AV. Mc Millan will receive the guests. Scores of guests from Washington nro expected to nttend tho hop. and a num ber of dinncis In town will nreccde it. .Captain and Mrs. Halght will also cn tectain a number of guests nt dinner. The Seotctary of the Treasury nnd Mrs. William GlbKs MdAdio, who went to New York Siiiidny, will leturn to Washington thin afternoon. Last night the; entertained a b jx party at tho performance of "Tho Great Lover," at the Longacre Theater. Others who entertained at the theater last night in Now York v.crc Mr. Mrs. 1't.rcy Geny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry . Tpft, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo'.m Wood ISIodrctt. vOx haw as their guest Mlse Hclc: Blodgctt, of thla city. Chief Naval Constructor and Mrs. David W. Tayloc will entertain at din ner tonight In coNpliment to the Sec retary of the Navy and Sirs. Josephus Daniels. Mrs. Joseph Esrey Johnson will be hostess at tea this afternoon nt tlio Grafton. Assisting tho hostess will be Mrs. Guy Johnson, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Thomas Newton Wood, Mrs. Lewis Washington. Miss Helen Soymour, Mrs. DeBrio Higglns and Mrs. Thomas Sim Leo. 1IVs. Carroll Buck, wire of Maiir Buck, JL S. A.. wa hostess at n lunch eon today giwii in honur of Mrs. Hugh Macnell, of "all!ornla. Tho otucr quests wcro Mrs William C. GorpnH. Mrs. J. I'. Parker. Mrs. John "Vv Dwlglit, Mr t'h.'iiles Harlow. Mrs. Chauncey Baker. Mn,. Robert U. rat- c 30c lb. Fackage The coffee ot delicious aroma and unsurpan, able bouquet, Jihn II. MijruJir Fine Groceries nnd Wines. Conn. Are. Jk K Street ITl Drink ft M "My M Coffee" a I Special Flat Rate To FORT MYER AND RETURN NORTH 1212 Terminal Taxicab Co. torson. Mrs. ',. V. Keynolds. MUs Mary Phclan, and Mrs. William l Wont'sn. -- Mrs. JoJin A. Logan nnd her d tilth ter, .Mrs. AVIIIIarr 1. Tuoker. wtvij a luncheon In ciininlltnant to their liouvo surst, -Sirs. It. I-.. Boyd. Tholr Ptieats were Mrs. I.w Overman. Mrs. Atleo Romorone. Mm. John II. ll'ndr sonsnn. Mis. Robert M. Thompson,; Mrs. T,cn Kyck Wendell, Mrs. John & Stirling, Mrs). Tltomns iJiinn and her Iiouro jjnest. Mrs. William IJunn. nnd Ms. KjrMwer, of Hoclisler. N. Y.; Mis. Andrleus Tones ar.d Mrs. Jeorgo Barnctt. C'npt. nnd Mrs. liulplt Goldwalto on teitnlnfd nt the slipi'er danco at Urn Wlllurd Hotel laM evonlnu. Their fiicsts wore Mr. and Mm. Dayton and Mr, nnd Mm. Dyer, nil of Now York, nnd quests nt tho Wlllird; Mr. ard Mrs. Notthmlutm. Mrs McEwyn Vruyii, and Cunt, and Mrs. Clemens McMillan. Tlio Misses Chuse, daughters of Erli;. Gfii. Oeorgo V. Chnne, aro entertaining nt brldjn this ntiernoon. 1 heir guifitH aro Mrs. Joseph H. Co'iQUlttj Miss Dorothv nrooks, Miss Dorothy Wyolli, Miss Paulino Stone, 'Mrs. Arthur T"or nlfer, Mrn. Jnmen O. Unwno. Miss M:tr jorle llnlmhold. Mtss Qwvndclyn Deny. Minn I,olln Camornn. Mlc Dorothy DooIiIp, Mr. G. Mcfellan Chase. Mrn. Harrison Knnus.i, M'ss Clara Kliim bury. Miss Dorothy Mason. Miss LouUa Clark, Miss Ituth T.arner. Miss Julia Hrlri. Miss Alloc Tirlco, Miss Helen McCumurr, Miss Elizabeth Scrlven, Miss Kuthcrlne Scrlven, Miss Mnriorle P.uss. Mlii Katlicrlno THelsx, and Mrs. Donald Wheolor Hamilton, formerly Miss Tlar ilct CongT. who Is tho aucst of her mother, Mw. Cancer, nt tho Cordova. A few addltlnal quests have been asked lor ten. p; lnnVa,npnrr. of Now' York was hriKtoss nt luncheon todnv. Tier KUf .U.. !..i" .".::::.:...: . .., .. hisicen in mi inner, were invucu vo wcci Mrs. John "A' W: 4. Miss lav Adams and Mrs. IX It. Merryimn pntertalned several guests nt luncheon today at their residence in Now Ktmpshltc avenue. -4, Mis. Hcnrv D. Flood, wife of Con grcKsmnn Flod of Virginia, will re ceive this afternoon at the Shorcham f i oin 4 to 6 o'clock. She will b asslst eil b;.- Mrs. McLennan. Mrs. James M. Thomson, Miss Stone, daughter of Sen ator Stone. Miss Helen McCumber, Miss Frances Dunn, and M'ss Ramona Lc fevrc. - Mlss Jeanetto Cowan was the guest of honor at n luncheon which Miss Helen Stewart gave today at her residence In Massachusetts avenue. Tlio other guests were Mrs. Swngar Shcrley, Mrs. Frank Sadller, of New York; Mrs. John Brooks Ladd. of Chicago; Baroness Lily von Wlncklcr, Miss Dorothea Dcnys, and Miss Gwendolyn Dcnys; Mrs, Richard Stockton Field. Miss Marie Sims, Miss Lemlrd Glllctt Hill. Miss Lillian Hen drlek. Miss Margaret McChord, Miss Virginia Leseure. Miss Carolyn Nash, and Miss Joan Ohl. .J. The dinner which the Counselor of the state Department ond Mrs. Frank L. Polk weic to liavo given tonight In compliment to the Postmaster General nnd Mrs. A. S. Burleson ban been post- poned because of the continued absence of Mr. and Mrs. Polk In New. York. They will remain there until H'c re covery of their small son. who was operated upon on Sunday In tljat clt. Mrs. polk' mother, Mrs. James Potter, is keeping house for Mr. and Mis. Polk during their absence. Major Reuben B. Miller, r. S. A., and Mrs. Miller will lenve Washington caily in the spring for the Philippines, where Major Miller will be stationed. Mr. Richard Ewell Thornton will entertain at tea today from 5 to 7 o'clock at the Club of Colonial Dames, In compliment to Mrs. John B. Bar bour. Mrs. Hughes Oliphant and; Miss Alary Mortis Ambler will preside at the tea table, and others assisting will be Mrs. Charles Coles Tucker, Mrs. Claude Swanson. Mrs. James Duncan Gatc Wond. .Mrs. Victor Kauffmann. Mrs. Wil liam II. Walker, Mrs. Ellsha E. Mere dith. Mrs. Carroll F. Frozer, Mrs. Claudius Northrop, Mrs. Bernard Rawl. Mis. John H. Bankhead, Miss Poco honta Butler, Miss Margaret Smith, and .Miss Elizabeth AValker. Tho attractive rooms of the elub will be decorated with laurel and pink roses, with pink roses and asparagus fern How to Treat Croup Externally Rub Mckb "Vap-O-Rub"' Salve well over tne throat and chest for a few minutes -inea cover with a warm flun uel cloth. Leave tlio covering looso niound the neck so that tho joothlng medicated vapors ntiwing may loosen.! i no cnoKinp puicgm and oaso the dif ficult breathing. One applicailo'i at bedtime insures nralnst a uljrUt attack. 23c, 50e, oi Jl ('. At drt'ffsUts. H NORTHWEST AT FIFTEENTH GWafhingorC? European Plan. Fireproof Washington's Most Exclusive Hotel. Noted for its cuisine and perfection of individual service. n. S. UOW.NS, Mnnngcr. Items of Interest and Impor tance of Past, Present, and Future Among Official and Fashionable Folk. forming the centerpiece of tho tea table. Thoro will be nn Interesting program 6f Hawaiian music during the afternoon. Mrs. Barbour, who makes her homo In Fairfax. Va.. has taken an apart ment at tho Westmoreland for three months. Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Harlow have re called the Invitations for tho dinner nnd small danco thev were lvlnir tomorrow evenlna for their daughter. Miss Cath erlnn Harlow, owing to tho sudden death of Mi. Harlow's mother. Mrs. George Henry Harlow, of Now York. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Bradley were hosts nt dinner last evening at their homo In Dunont circle, entertaining In compliment to Mrs. Goorge J. Gould, of Now York, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexol, Jr. i The dlnnor was followed by dancing, for which additional guests were mem bora of the Monday Evening Dancing Cluss. which has been meeting for sov cral seasons at tho Playhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley's dinner guests In addition to Mrs. Gould and Mr. and Mrs. Drexcl were the Spanish Ambassador and Mmc. de Rlano. Viscount d'Alte. tho Portu guese minister: Colonel Vlirnal. milltnrv J attache of the French embassy and Mme. iMnai. mrs. uicnara Townsoud. Mme. Ilauge. Mr. and Mrs. George Howard. Mrs. Preston Gibson Mrs. Charles Van Rensselaer, of Now York; Mr. and Mrs. Hcraco Westcott. Commander and Mrs. Buimer. Mr. and Mrs. Perrv Belmont. ,.U?a I5ft.beI. May; Mrs- Hwbort Shlnman. -ol. Charles Pago Brvan. Thomas hprlng-Rlcc. of tho British embassy; Conuli. H. V. Butler. Philip Mills. Rob ert McKec. and J. W. NoycB. of New lork. -.I.Mr. anJ Mrs. Byron ? Adams and Miss Mario Adams left Washington this morning for a visit to Atlantic Sn?' ." !,err,yJ1,.oma Mlsa Adams will stop In Philadelphia, whoro she will be the guest of Miss Mary Rose Byrne. Mrs. Adams and Miss Adams will bo at homo Fridays, February 18 and 25. Tho Sunshine and Community Soci ety of the District will hold Its reg ular open mjetlng In the White Par lor ot the Ebbitt Hotel on Friday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Yearly re ports of the work accomplished bj tho organization will b read and music will be a featuro of the pro gram. The public Is Invited. -- Dr. nnd Mrs. Robert RansdcM I ? N . aio at the Rova' Palm. In Miami. Fla. A rnrty or Clijlcai: naval nffleeis on led nt tho Naval A.-atiomy nof flclally jcsteidn. nnd uftei an hup.... tlon of bulldingh and t'tnundu wre en- uiiiBincu at luneheoii liv Cum rr '.r 'L,r,c'1 s'-porinteinient. It the paily V.1''.'' ,,,,a!; . Admiral Agmro. nntnlii f1:.,""" Lieutenant jjlttborn. tho lut- ftr"nrc?. " bassy to this cotintr. 4 .M-B-ir'ra.n! h 'recman was married at u.45 o clock yesterday aftornoon Moobwarb New York WASHINGTON- A Part of the Spring Selection of Reed, Wicker and Willow Furniture Has Arrived and Is Now Being Shown Already people are beginning lo think about their homes for summer, and Furniture of a proper kind needs the most careful consideration Our displays of Reed, Wicker and Willow are in excellent shape, and we want every one lo feel free to inspect them. The W. & L. Special Willow Chair is of superior merit in both design and quality; natural finish, $2.90, and the Rocker to match at S3. 90. Seat Cushions for these Chairs and Rockers at $1.25, $1.75 and up.. Fourth Floor, G Street. Special Sale of Imported and Domestic Cretonnes at 28c the Yard ORIGINAL. VALUES RANGE UP TO MORE THAN DOUBLE THIS LOW PRICE. We olTer a number of pieces of Fine Cre tonnes, both foreign and domestic weaves and pat terns, at the low price of 28c yard. These Cre tonnes are in very desirable light and dark color ings and a wide range of patterns. The lot consists of a special purchase of New Imported Cretonnes and a number of pieces which we have taken from our own stock and intend to discontinue those par ticular designs. Widths range from 31 to 36 inches, and each quality is exceptional and worth greatly in excess of the present low price of 28c the yard. Fourth floor, G street. to Col. Frodcrlck Marsh, V. 8. A re tired, nt her residence. 1750 N street. The Rev. C. Ernost Smith offlclateJ In tho prosenco of a small company of intimate friends from this city, St. Louis, and Now York. Colonel ahd Mrs. Marsh left later In the evening for nn extended wedding trip In Florida. Colonel Marsh Is from New York, but has been living for some time at tho Army and Navy Club In this city. Ho was retired In Soptombor, 1013, at his own reuueat, after forty years' sorvlcc. Prof, and Mrs. Alexander Graham Bell aro at the Breakers In Palm Beach. Othor people or Interest to Washington who aro at Palm Beach are Mr. and Mrs. David Fairchlld, tho Counselor of tho British Embassy nnd Mrs. Covlile Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Philander C. Knox, who aro at the Royal Polnclana; Mr. and Mrs. Gist Blair, and Bonator James H. Brady, of Idaho. Mrs. Et nest W. Roberts will receive this afternoon and wilt bo assisted by Mrs. Charles Robb Miss Sybil Barney, and Mrs Charles H. P. Lowndes. -"- Miss Margaret Wilson roturned to Washington yesterday from Philadel phia, where she has been since the recont operation on her throat. Mmc. Jusserand, wife of tho French ambassador, has invited a few guests to tea this afternoon in compliment to Madame Calve, who will sing at the National Theater on Thursday after noon for tho benefit of the French am hiiinnro service. Mme. Calvo and her husband, M. Gasparrl, reached town yesterday, and aro tho guests of Mrs. Christian D. llommick. Tomorrow aftornoon Mrs. Hemmlek will entertain Informally at tea for Mme. calve. ... , ... Mr. Hcmnilck, who has been In Pitts burgh for tho past fortnight, will re turn to Washington tomorrow. 4 The Georgetown Assembly, the oldest and ono of tho most Interesting dancing clubs In tho vicinity of Washington, en tertainod last evening at tho second danco of the season. Llnthlcum Hall, In O street, tho sceno of this hospitality, was In gala array, with hanging gar lands of smllax veiling the walls. Tho Marino Band, which furnished tho music, occupied tho palm screened bal- CDrV Louis Mackall introduced tho guests, who were rocelvcd by Mrs. A 11 llam Orme. Mrs. Frank P. Lcetch, and Mrs. E. T. Hambleton. Am on c tho guests were Mr. and Mrs. 1;. C. Addi son, Walter Addison, Mr. Ansart, the Rev. and Mrs. George W. Atkinson, Miss Dona Bern-. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burr, James H. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Clagett. Dr. R. L. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Bowdoln Cralghlll, Ben Crampton, Rich ard Daniels. Miss Kathcrinc Du Bose, Walter Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Edwards. Walter English. Lieut, ond Mrs. William Farber. of Annapolis; Dr. E. T. Franklin. Miss Mary Garlnd.,J. Harris Franklin. J. Blake Gordon. Er sklne Gordon, Dr. and Mrs. . I. Gwvnn. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hanna. Lieut. Clement Heth. Mini Nora Hit . MUs Elisabeth Hill, Ml Mary Hill. Miss Lucia Hollerith. RIMcy Hunt. Dr. Adam Kemble. Archibald King. Mies Dorothy Lootch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mat?hews. Dr. F. M. Mun.on. Wll lam Naylor, Janney Nichols, Miss Llolse Orme. Miss Anno Ellott Pennebiiker. Miss Man' Rndfor,v,Ms,8,P,VC,rn!V,v ford. Miss Blossom Reed. Miss Doroth Rohrcr. Miss Lindsay 8atterflcld. of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. FranrN i Le Baron Smoot. Arthur 8nj -der, v..har'pI8 Steams. Miss Elisabeth Nalor. II. ,-,.-.. rfi,An,n,nn Mr. nnd Sirs. J. i. n "MranJMr.. 8. P. Tl.omp- r.n. MIhs Murgheritta Tillman. Mr. and Mrs. Ennalla Waggnmnn. of AnnHpous. i .i -fr Flovd Waggaman. Mrs. I Vlr- an." C'Mnn Mr and Mrs. W. Warder Robert WarneW. Miss Esther Whiting. Mrs. Albert which, "w (Continued on Pare Twelve.) & Xotbrop -Paris The Special Reed-Fiber Rocker and Chair at $8.50 each The quality of this Rock er and Chair is so unusual and the design so beautiful and practicable that we find it difficult to keep them in stock. Shown in ivory white finish with hand some tapestry seat and back. Calve Will Sing For Flotilla Benefit Here A flotilla of "surgical automobiles" to bo sent to tho French trenches In the namo of Washington !i tho aim of those who aro arranging the Ficnch flotilla bcncMt at the New Na tional Theater on Thursday' after noon at i.M o'clock. Tho complcto program for tho con cert, which will bo marked by tho appearance of Mmc. Calve, who will Mnpr the "Marseillaise," was an nounced today. Mme. Calvo will bo accompanied by nn orchestra of thirty-flvc men nnd a chorus of sevonty-five while shu I'lnga the French national anthem. She nlo will sing a trroup of arias and a group of French Frtngs. Galileo Gasparrl will ?lntr the aria from "La Tosca" and one from "Pag llaccl." Miss Loralno AVyman, a pupil of Yvotto Gullbort, wlil glvo two ffroup of songs In costume. Salzcdo, harpist, who lins been In the thick of tho llirhtlng- until recently, hai of fered his services not only as p, solo ist, hut will conduct tho orchestra for the slnclna: of the "MnrsslllaCse." His orchestration of tho anthem, written at the request of the gov ernor or ioui, win be used Girls To Sell Programs. Society girls of Washington will sell attractive souvenir program. Walter Berry, who has seen tho equip ment In action at tho front, will make n short talk, supplementary to the concert, telling of the use to which the flollllau are put. The French flotilla benefit to he given Thursday is to raise funds to Called a Thief, She Sues Man, Gets 6-Cenf Verdict AL.I..ENTOWN, Pa., Jon. 20.-A Jury In civil court gave a verdict or 0 cents In tho nlandcr suit brought by Jim, Hcrtha Kurtz ngalnat Klnier K. Up wards, a neighbor. Phc sued because ho called her n thief. Edwards accused her of taking a fine specimen of tho plant known as the "Thorns of Christ" that ho hod care fully Brown for exhibition at the Allen town Fair. Four Alleged Joyriders Held For Grand Jury Accused or taking the automobile of Congressman Borland of Missouri with out the aonscnt of tho owner. Stephen I areola. Samuel I'laigo. Walter Meyer?, and John Lamonna, four youths, were hound over to the firnnd Jury today in the 1'ollce Court in the sum of 1XH each. Plan Straw Ride. Tho Loola Club of St. Icnntlim' Catholic Church, at Oxon Hill. Mury- iana, win fivo n uaiic nnri supper -n 1-Vbnian- C In the jiailnh 'mil. A iiniii l or of vouiic people from Washington h-ivo plicned a utraw ride lor this occasion. W.&J.SLOANE New York - WASHINGTON - San Francisco SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE OF DOMESTIC RUGS In order to facilitate the Removal, on or about March first, to our New Building at No. 1508 H Street N.W. (opposite Hotel Shoreham), we desire to reduce our extensive stock of high-grade Floor Coverings. To this end, we offer a large and varied collection of Fine Domestic Rugs 9x12 ft. Size At Greatly Reduced Prices The extraordinary opportunity presented by this Sale to obtain the best Rugs made in America at the following extremely low prices, is emphasized by the increased wholesale cost now prevailing. In the popular room size (9x12 ft.) alone, we offer an unequalled selection from over 200 patterns, xtnd colorings. For example WILTON RUGS of finest quality; all leading makes. . .$47.00 & $52.50 SAXONY WILTON RUGS of finest quality $48.00 SEAMLESS CHENILLE RUGS of the best quality; Plain and Figured $48.00 WORSTED WILTON RUGS of standard quality $33.25 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS of standard quality $26.75 Other sizes at proportionate reductions. Cocoa Mats, Wool-Border Mats, Rubber Mats, Bath Mats and Other Sundries at correspondingly low prices. NOTE No Rugs Sent on Approval or Exchanged. 1412-14 H mako possible the sending of other dulls to France, whore thev nro greatly needed. The benefit perform- J anco given at mo Metropolitan opera House. In Now York, January I, was the means of raising $28,000. Appeal From France. The benefits, nro the outgrowth of a eablo sent from Franco Inst October telling of the need for more of the automobile units. These flotillas con sist of five light nutomobllcs, one carrying all tho parts of nn operating loom, nnothcr a full equipment for tho washing of COO pounds of linen at ono time, tho third a drying room, a fourth a powerful electric power and heating plant, and a fifth a show er and sterilizing plant where eighty men can bo showered at ono time. Through this equipment not only can the wounded get Immediate care, but the men who are strong and well can have a bath and clean linen. MUSIC Monday Morning Music Club Has Edgar Priest as Director at the Willard. The .Monday Morning Music Club, whoso chorus Is util.i jcar under the skillful direction of Edgar Priest, was heard In recital In the small ballroom ot the Wlllard yesterday morning, with Hlchaid Iyorlcbcrg, 'cellist, as assUtln? artist, and several members of the club In both solo and concerted work. Mr. Lorlcbcrg, artistically supported by Mrs. von Uaycr, at tho piano, play ed with inimical feeling the "Surabande" (Hacli), "Andante" (Oluck). and "Her ccusc" (Simon), putting pplrit Into tho "Clultarrc" of Moszkowskl, while to the Popper "Oavolto" ho had to add ns qncore Saint-Hocus' "Tlio Kwun," which he gave with fineness In shade and tone. 1 n tho "St. John's Eve" of Chanii nade the chorus gave a well-rounded and reverent rendition with incidental solo by Mrs. Charles W. l'alrfax. To the "Chanson Provcncalea" Mrs. John Li. Edwards sang the Incidental solo, and effective work was given In the two choruses. "Love for Love" of Huntington Woodman and the gracious Italian chorus from "Evelina" of Sac chlnl. The sweetness of Mrs. Elliott Woods' soprano voice was felt in her group of songs, "Wo du hlngehst" of rtles, "Ich hub' cln lUeincs lied crdacht" of Hun gcrt and the spring song "What's In tho Air Today" of Eden, to which Bho ndded as rncorc the dainty Itboda Ujij. Mrs. William Thornwall Lmvls. mczro soprano. gave tho three varied songs, "Vlel Traunie" tf Ilrnsrhcl, "Kcqulem," yy Sidney Homer nnd ".SI nics vero av;i lent des nlles" of Reynaldo Hahl, and a tr'o composed of Mrs. Elliott Wood. Mis John I.. Edwards, and Miss Elsie Davis sang the melodious "Vannc a colel die adoro" of Costa. Mies Lucy lirlckcnstein's accompani ments weic both sympathetic and musical. J. MacB. Street NW U. S. Commerce Chamber To Help Jobless Men Mane for the co-oicrat!on ot the I'nltcrt BtntoL- Clmmlwr of Comnvcrc' villi the ltirlment of Labor Jn Its tiiflc of jlr.dlntf mnnless Jobs for J.Ai Icss men, nrf belni; mmle by a npocjal eoinmllten of tho Chamber. Afi In coiiforcnco LelWfon tho rnmmlf too nnd Secretary tf I.nbor Wilson wm held nt the .Department vesterday. It was determined to Iiuvp tho committee, draw i tentative nloii for co-operation end submit It to tho department. Best Ever for Coughs Sore Throat. Hoarseness Juit the minute you start to coush, or your throjj tlcklM or U tore, fiet a 25 cent bottle of Dr.Buirs COUGH SYRUP Its toothtnst action U felt at once and rclltf comes promptly. Many mother recommend it for children' croup and whooplna cough. 20,624,246 bottle sold. EDFr TTQT WrltetoA.C.Meyer & Co. rnCC ltd I Mention paper. Dalto..Md. THERE IS A VAST ARMY of men and women who really never know what i is to enjoy sound, vibrat ing health who would be surprised to suddenly gain that exhilarating vitality that robust health brings. Literally thousands without any par ticular sickness live in "general de bility", as the doctors call it have headaches, arc tired and indifferent. To all such people we say with unmis takable earnestness "Take Scott's Emulsion after meals fo'ronc month and allow its rare oil-food to enrich and en liven your blood, quicken your circula tion, stimulate nutrition, and aid nature to develop that real red-blooded life that means activity, enjoyment, success." Scott's Emulsion is not a drug, but a pleasant food-tonic free from alcohol. One bottle may help you. . Scott ft Bowne. Dlootnfield. N. J 1511 Information about the utiliza Electric Grills, Ranges & Ovens tion of electricity for fuel, and the op eration of electric cooking appliances I costs you notning. Come in and we'll be glad to tell all you want to know on tho subject. aTEI.ECTIIIU IIAUIATOHS, 3 up National Electrical SudpIv Co., SEftS? BODY BRUSSELS RUGS.. $23.00 SCOTCH STYLE WOOL RUGS $16.75 & $27.25 AXMINSTER RUGS of standard quality $21.00 RAG RUGS in quaint effects $7.35 & $9.25 PLAIN GRASS RU.GS, best quality $5.60 Telephones Main 4909 1 5755