Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25,' 1916. " EDUCATE THE CHILD, IS P. T. MORAN'S PLEA College League Favors Equal Suffrage Here Suffrage In tho District for women ns well as men was favored In resolutions adopted last night by tho College Equal Suffrago League, meeting at the Oxford Hotel. Tho question was discussed by Miss Louisa Puffer Morgan. Tho secretary. Miss Mary O'Toolc, also addressed tho meeting. Miss Florence F. Stiles was chairman. PHOTOPLAYS AND PHOTOPLAY ERS By GARDNER MACK. THE BEST Photoplay Department in WASHINGTON New Home Treatment for Banishing Hairs "AT REFRESHMENT" (Beauty Topics) With tho aid of a delatono paste, It Is an easy matfer for any woman to removo every trraco of hair or fuzz from face, neck and. arms. Enough of i the powdered delatono and water is mixed Into a thick paslo nnd spread on the hairy surfaco for about 2 min utes, then rubbed off and tho skin washed. This completely removes tho hair, bat to avoid disappointment, get the delatono in an original package. Advt. Light the Greatest Factor in Making Artistic Motion Picture Scenes Mid City Citizens Urged to Bring Boys Into Closer Touch With Civic Bodies. . Thirty-eighth Annual Gathering Addressed By High Officials of Order. MASONIC VETERANS fit H Casual photoplay patrons that Is. patrons of tho photoplay who aro enthusiastic, but who almply accept the photoplay as It Is Riven them seldom realize what a bin part Unlit plays In tho making of pictures and how much there Is yet to be done in tho management of light In Im proving pictures. It is Interesting to know that slnco the making of Botion pictures commenced lighting In general has undergono a revolu tion. The use of masses of the most powerful electric lights to tnko tho place of the sun on cloudy days and to supply light for the studios in Picture making, has caused tho in vention of many new forms of light . and use of theso lights has been mndo In a number of Industries and in the lighting of homes and public Places. In fact, the coming of mo tion pictures Into such promiiienco has many improvements In indus tries In no way related to them or In no wuy concerned with them. The manugement of Ilgnt is a tre mendous factor In the production of startling picture effects and in get ting Just tho proper tone to a photo play. Cecil B. De.tiille. the director (tcncral of tho Lasky lorccn. has made an intumate of lightin with the idea of utilizing It for tne im provement of pictures. 'When I liut eiuiiLil tho photo dramatic field," said air. DeMllle, "1 was greatly inlet tocea 1.1 iu--aiteu artiBtlc photugrapny, tin was not sure that it could tu applied to mo tion picture won;. I,, wuj posslb.e to secure certuin uficuts on u. lilguty sensitive plate, all conditions being favorable, but 1 was very much In doubt If the same risult could bo obtained on the Iniinitcsinial nega tive of tho motion picture camera. I began experimenting, however. "My deslro was to creutc certain psychological impressions by the uso of what I now call 'artistic' photog raphy. I felt that it must be possluio to photograph an adtlstlc back ground with tho background moving Instead of motionless. Finally, I pro duced 'The Rose of the Rancho,' using the Impressionistic School of Art in many of tho scenes. "I made this production with much misgiving, because I knew that an effect gone wrong was worse than no effect at all. When the negatives ! i mis production reached the com mercial firm that did our printing they were at a loss what to do. They were accustomed to printing so that every detail wpuld show, and when they saw only half a man's face they old not know how to set their lights to get the proper effects, and conse quently, some of tho prints were qulto a mess. Kitty Gordon, stage star and one of the newest recruits to the Mlm. has insured her famous back in tho sum of $30,000. Hiss Gordon declares that hor back is her principal asset, and that as pianists Insure their fingers and comedians their grim acing faces, it is perfectly proper for her to Insure her back. Miss Gordon Is shortly to appear In the World Film production of "As In a Looking Glass." Roy Clements has just completed a one-reel comedy entitled "Afford ing a Ford." which has some of tho best comedy punches of recent re leases. Victor Potel and Eileen Sedgwick appear in the leading roles. Al E. Christie Is at work on the production of another of his one-reel Nestor comedies entitled "Her Friend, the Doctor." Christie himself Is the author of the play, nnd In !t.i production Je Moran. Eddie Lyon1?. Betty Compson and Ethel Lynn ap pear in the leading roles. L'.oyd Carleton. producer of Bos worth features, this week began the production of another five-reel fea ture, starring Hobart Bosworth. Tho story was written by Agnes Ilajca under tho title, "Dr. Sumson." G. M. W. F. Peabody to Speak. President William F. Peabody, of the Washington Safoty First Association, will speak before tho Home Cluh of the Interior Department tonight on "Safety inrst in Washington." Motion pictures showing tho work of tho Coast and Geodetic Survey in making tho navi gable waters of the Potomac and of Chesapeake bay safe, will be shown. Dartmouth Men to Meet. Dr. Ernest Fox Nichols will bo honor guest at the annual banquet of the "Washington chapter of tho Dartmouth Alumni Association tonight. The ban quet -will be held at the University Club with Prof. Henry M. Paul, president of the association, acting as toastmaster. TODAY'S BEST FILMS By GARDNER MACK. Thurlow Bergen in "The City," adapted from tho play by Clyde Fitch, Crandall's, Ninth and E streets. Charles T. Boss ln "The Senator" quuame). tne Masonic Audi torium. Thirteenth street and New York avenue. Blanche Sweet ln "The Ragamuffin." by William C. do Mille (Lasky), Loew's Columbia, Twelfth and F streets. Herbert Rawlinson in "Tho Reward of Chivalry" (Gold Seal), the AI hambra. E9 Seventh street. Hobart Henley, In "Graft." sixth in stallment (I'nlvcrsal). the Hippo drome. Ninth street and New York avenue. Anita Stewart nnd Earle Williams In "Tho Juggernaut'' (Vltagraphl. tho Empire, 915 II street northeast. AIlco Brady In "The Rack" (World Film Corp.), Crandall's Apollo. 621 H street northeast. William S. Hart and House Peters I in "uetween .Men. Weber and Fields in "Tho Worst of Friends" (Triangle), the Garden, 423 Ninth street. Lou Teilegen in "The Unknown" (Lasky), tho Leader, Ninth be tween 13 and F streets. Captain Jack Crawford ln person, and in "The Battle Cry of Peace," by J. Stuart Blackton (Vltagraph), the Strand, Ninth and D streets. Note There selections are made front progrnmo prepared by tho managers of the theaters concerned, r.d no responsibility Is assumed for nibltrary eh an res without notice to Tho Times. Thev are based on tho personality of tho players and the producing comiuny nd not per ionl Insrectjou. except In special case. G. M. MACLYN ARBUCKLE, The character actor and comedian to be seen in a photoplay production at the Leader tomorrow. Old Friend of W. J. Bryan Dead At Soldiers' Home MIDDL-ETOWN, X. Y., Jan. 23.-A man who was in the habit of calling .at the country grocery store at Long Pines, Neb., kept by William Jennings Bryan in tho early days, and eating cheese and crackers while he charted with Ihe proprietor, will be buried here today. He was Jacob M. Blake Ncy, of this city, a veteran of the civil war. familiarly known far and wide as "Wild Jake ' He was born In New York, and served In tho war as a mem ber of Company F. Ninth New York. Peace Party Plans For Washington's Birthday 1'lan.i for the celebritlon of Wash Inptor.'s Birthday on February -"2 weio discussed, and a commit te on arrange ments appointed yesterday afternoon by tho now ctecutiw board of tho Ims trict branch of the Woman's i'eaco Purty. The committee on arrangements Is us followr" Sirs. Jesilo Hardy ilack ayc. Mis. Gilson Gardner, Mrs. George Bublee. Mrs. Oharles Edward IUmell, and Mts. Chailes Fielder. j WHY HAIR FALLS OUT j Dandruff causes a feverish Irritation of tho scalp, tho -.ilr roots shrink, loos en and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hnlr at onco and rid the scaip or every particle or aanarurx, get a 25-cent bottle of Danderino at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub well into tho scalp. After a few applications all dandruff disappears and the hair stops coming out. Advt. "Pape's Diapepsin" neutral izes acids in stomach and starts digestion. Five minutes! No sourness, gas, heartburn, acidity or dyspepsia. If what you Just ate Is souring en your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or hao a feeling of dlzslness, heart burn, iullncss, nausea, bail taste In mouth and stomach headache, you can surely get lellef ln five mlnu'es. As.t your pharmacist lo shiw ou the fo-mula. plainly printed on these fiftj-ccnt cases of 1 'ape's I)lapup?in. then jolt will understand why dys peptic troubles of all Mnds must go, and why It relieves sour, out-of-order stomach or indigestion in five minutes. "Papo's Plupopsin" is harmless, tastes like candy, though each doso will di gest und prepare for assimilation into the blood all tho food you eat ; besides, It makes you go to the tablo with a healthy appetite; but what .Ull please you most, Is that you will fed that your stomach and intestines aro clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or 'iver pills for biliousness or constipation. Thl city will have many "Pape's Dlapopsln" cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthusiastic about this splendid stomach prepara tion, too. If you. cer take it for indi gestion, gasps, heartburn, suurnebs, dys pepsia, or any stomach misory. Get some now, this minute, iid lid yoiiiielf of stomach misery ani indi gestion in live minutes. Advt. FOOD N STOMACH CAUSES INDIGESTION Y. W. C. A. Club to Have South American Sunday The South American Club of the Young Women's Christian Association will conduct vesper services at the olub looms In observance of "douth Ameri can Sunday."' which falls on the third Sunday of Febnury. Miss Susan CutH. jncsldent of the ilub, vlll shortly an nounce the date for a supper to be held during February. Thursday evening the "AH Round Girls" will cntcrtiin the members of tho other Junior chilis, anj at S o'clo; Saturday. Mis. W. X. Heaver will havo as her guests tho girls of the "iy Club." Little Will Gives $150 To Petersburg Pastor The sum of JO Is left to the pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church, at Petersburg, Md., In tho will of Mario Little, probateu yesterday. The property of tho deceased is direct ed to bo sold, and out of the proceeds J100 is to be given to each brother, and tho remainder to be divided equally be tween Mary Elslo Haden. a niece, and James Earl Haden. a nephew. Thomas and John Charles Haden, brothers, are named ns administrators. Lime Against Tuberculosis In (he Mny 25. 1012. iir of the Journal of tli American Medical A oclntlon nppriirrd (his statement concerning vulclum (lime) nirdlcntlon In the treatment of tuberculoids! "Indep tlii. vwn..iM ..... . , and persistent regime of calcium ai slmulatlon. Van KIchoii lias seen n .......rr hi ins patients Improve. The sputum clears up or tubercle Imcllll, which finally disappear, nnd the patients nrc ilisehnrtred with healed pulmonary tuberculosis." Ethical Journals seldom speak so positively about a remedial agent, yet this testimony coincides with that from many consumptives who havo secured like le.Milts through the use of Lehman's Alterative. Since calcium Is a constituent of this remedj, its healing power mav ho due to tho way this element Is so combined with other valuable ingre dients as to be easily assimilated. Kckman's Alterative contains no opiates, narcotics, or hahlt-forrnlnR drugs so it is safe to try. Sold by ODonnell's Drug Stores Advt. Kckmnn laboratory. Phllndelnlils. CATARRH CAUSED BY A GERM M",t,n' neroed Ilefore Catarrh Itself Can Mr Cured. Wonderful HesuMs from Ilreathinir Medicated Air. Medicine that acts on the blood -Hone w 1 never euro catarrh. And neither J1 the sprays, douches, lotions. 2reumS and other temporary reliefs that so many catarrh victims make a habit It using. To cure catarrh so it won?t como back you must first drive from you? body tho millions of germs tSt ,. flourishing in the Imfcr recesses of Srd,nseaese.anU thrat are caWfm Hyomel Is a germ killing vapor zed a r formed from the purest oil of Eucalvn. tus combined with other healing ami antiseptic ingredients. You bTcathe Hyomel through tho mouth and nose by means of a little ha.d rubber in. halcr which druggists furnish with it Ths medicated germicidal air pene trates Into every fold and crevice of the mucous membrano of your nose imi throat, kills the catarrh germs that lodge there, soothes, reduces and heals ! Stt 'nM cm.bne... stops .. unu uicna I1JI me clogged iioso and air passages In a truly won derful way. It gives blessed relief In five minutes fiom catarrhal distress of I every kind and if you mal.p n liraotirti of breathing Hyomel for ufeJS wn,ndny.,'rj"?i.Ilfew wcel(s not only .., m ,,."j ."'7."3.,;"....i?i.a'" vim- . .. "i'op;"'o imcii win ue a thine of tho past. No one neHl try or buv Hyomel on pure faith. O'Donnell's Drue Store and many other leading druc. gists In Washington and vicinity sell it with the positive guarantee that It must euro catarrh or that the monev naid for It will be refunded. II oinel is v"iv Inexpensive and with tills protecting guarantee behind your pui chase there Is absolutely no reason whv an. suffer er from Catarrh should not civo it a lair trial. Advt. A propaganda to bring boys and young men Into closer touch with civic organi sations was urged upon tho member of tho Mid-City Citizens' Association at a meeting at 1009 Seventh street last n'ght by P. T. Moran. president of tho Cham ber of Commerce. The boys and young men nrc the hop of tlio community, ho stated. Only thnlr proper education ln the needs of the c:tv Is necessary to make them good citizens, ho said. In tho citizens' asso ciation, he continued, tho youngsters will see the older men at work In a dis interested wav. Mr. Moran urged the members of tho association to work Individually for the passago of the policemen's and fire men's pension bill becauso tho pcnslonu and Increased pay would help tho chil dren of the firemen and policemen, de claring the benefit of tho boys and girls of the community was his aim in civic work. Ho also urged tho members to work for the passage of tho bill pro hibiting the sale for butchering pur poses of male calves below tho ago of two years and femalo calves below the ago of five years, to prevent tho sale of indigestible veal and increase thn number of beef cattle,' and thus reduce the high cost or living an xor in ocno fit of tho children. The Mid-City Association will give its annual uanquct at tne rat. .lames jioipi tomorrow night. Commissioners New man. Hrnwnlow. nnd Ktltz and Con- gressman Robert Page, chairman of tho House Committee on Appropriations, will be the principal speakers. "W. E. Uentlngcr, Gcorgo Ulicolo, nnd James Toomey were appointed a com mittee to co-operate with the Ameri can Red Cross in its membership cam palgn. A resolution favoring the police men's and firemen's pension bill was passed. The school auction was brolicht up 5n the form cf a letter to thu associa tion which was lend by the secretary and tabled tv.-cui'sc In A pill the assoc'a tlon unanimously indorsed Commis sioner Newman's j-roposed school bill. Bill Imposes Tax on All War Munitions Fena'or IJohlnson of Arkansas Intro duced In tho Senate yesterday, as a pro posed amendment to a levenue meas ure a proposal or a munitions tax. It would Impose a tax of 2 cent's per pound on high explosives, und 10 pf-r cent on all mamifactiiies of muni tions and war material. Senator Hobinsi-n thinks the pro posed le?i?latioii would supply tho uemand for more revenue for pre paredness and evnluallv would al low the war tax to be abolished. Concert Saturday. The Washington College of Music, Inc., has issued Invitations for a con cert to be given by the students of the Institution at Masonic Auditorium at 2:C0 o'clock Satuiday. DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD Get a small package of Hamburg HrMst Tea, or as thn German folks call It, "Hamburger Urust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take ,n tnMepoonfi'l of tl o tea, put a cup of toiling water upon it. Tour thro'igh n sieve, and drink a tea- cup full at any time. It is the most cf- rectivu way to oreaic a com ana curs priK .-n It opens the pore, relkvin conxc-tlon. Also loosens tho bowels, thus breaking n cold nt once. It Is Inexpensive nnd etil'rely veget able, therefore harir.Us Adt. ACCIDENT, MD MAN TELLS 0FJ300D REMEDY A. J. Alexander Says Treatment Did More For Him Than Any Other. A. J. Alexander, of Accident. Md.. was n victim of stomach disorders. He tiled many remedies and treatments without satisfactory results. At last he tried Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. He was surprised and pleased. He wrote: "I have taken your remedy with good icsults. It has done more lor me than anything I bine -ver tak'n. It has done what you claimed It vould. I am iidisint; all my fnentl sufferers to tnko it, feeling confident that It will be a , float blessing to thPm." .dnyr's Wonderful Remedy gives per manent icsults for stomach, llvei , and intestinal ailment''. Knt as much and whatever you like. No moic distil after catlnr. pressure of gas in hn ktnmnrii nnd nrojnd the heart, 'jet onf bottle of yoiir druggl?t now nnd trv it on an absolute guarantee If not satisfactory money will bo lefunded. Advt. DON'T SUFFER LAUGH AT STOMACH MISERY Ml-o-nn Is Guaranteed to Quickly He- ' Here Heartburn. Gas. .Sourness, All Indigestion Valns. Among all tho hundreds of remedies In every well stocked drug store, there are few that the druggist is able to sell on a guarantee to refund tho money if they do not cure. Ml-o-na, the famous dyspepsia rem edv, however, has helped so many stomach sufferers that every druggist who sclli it is ablo to say. "If thH remed does not lelleve you. como back to my store and I will cheerfully return your' money." ,, Anyone wno nm uysiirpma, inuiges- tlon, or suffers from heartburn, belch- j Itur of gas. sourness, sick headache. ana other stnmacn misery rnouja take advantage of this chanco to bo mado well without any risK or spending their money to no purpose. Ml-o-na will io llevo you. will regulate tho dl;cbtion, will enable you to eat what you vant. If it does not do all this It will not cost you a cent. Many druggists who havo rohl hun dreds of boxes of Ml-o-na say they hav. yet to receive tho first complaint from any customer. Such a record la slmnly marvelous and spoiks volumes for the iiiirlt of the remedy. It Is easy enough lo 111 a column w'th the symptoms afflicting those who havo dyspepsia, but there Is no need of do scribing their condition. What they want Is relief and they can almost cer tainly get It In Mlfo-na. Do not suffer a dsv longer with dlsordeted digestion If Ml-o-na lel'eve you it costs you 60 cents a box: if it does not. tho druggist will leturn your mone. Sold by ti'Don ncll's Drug Stoic, and other leading drufii-UU.-AilvU Members of '.he various Masonic or ganizations of Washington gathered last night at th,o Ebbltt IIouso for tho thirty eighth annual dinner of thn Masonic Veteran Assbclallon of tho District or Columbia. Among those who mado short addresses were John IT. Cowles, past 'grand master, of Kentucky; the Itov. James S. Montgomery. Chaplain O. U, Pierce. Grand Mnstcr William W. Jcrmane, who spoko on "The Grand I,odge, F. A. A. M.. District of Colum bia," and High Grand Priest I.em Towers, j, who responded to the toast, "The Grand Chapter. Jt. A. M.." Among those at the guest tablo wero Gen. Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., retired: William Mohr, president . M. V., of Maryland; John II. Miller, recorder, O, C,. Maryland; Judge George y. Atkin son, p. G. M.; Drucc S. Branson. Will iam D. Cunningham, 'Assistant Post master General A. M. Dockcry, William A. Momcr, Max Fischer, John G. Gra ham .John G. Hodges, Carl C. Mueller. George J. Mueller, Jr.; Richard D. Rush, Pension Commissioner Gaylor M. Saltz gaber, J. H. Schacfer. Frank Thiol, and Frank S. Wolfe. J. Harry Cunningham was chairman of tho entertainment committee, which Included J. Walter Humphrey, Samuel Hart. William T. Galllher. and William W. Jcrmane. E. O. Barllnger. Paul F. Grove. Mark E. Kan it, and Charles D. Shackelford contributed to tho enter tainment program. At a brief business session prior to the dinner, the following were admitted to membership: Joseph Robert Fagtie, Kdwln B Hesse. William Honry Fisher, Thomas E. Iandon, James Mwh Sher wood, and William A. Domcr. William Mohr. of Baltimore, and J. Edward Murphy, of Yonkeis, N. V., were made honorary members. Those present Included A. A. As pinu'all. George W. Balrd Charles '. Baldwin. Chailes M. I3u ly. Charles H. liradlev, Louis D. Carman. John II. Cowles, William A. Cralsf. .1. Harry Cunningham, William W. Curry, Fred rlck G. DIcterich, Hairison Dingman, Joseph M. Eggl'sston. Watnon W. I.ldrldge, Georue W. Evans, Orange S. Flrmjn A'bert C. Flyod, Theodore Fiiebii'. llnrey M. Fi lend, AVIlilam T. Gnllllier. It. It. Glbbs, John A. oodlor, TIer 'William. II. H Gould, William Burtr-n Giecn. """harles E. Gross. Pclavan A Hnrrlnton. Sam uel Hart. Fielder I. Hunter. Henry T. Mutton. William A Klmniel, Henrv Iinsburgh. .Toincs I.ansburgli, Will iam E. Little, Joseph U. James H. Mclntoh. Edwin M. McLeort. Frank E. Mack. Hiram U. Martin. Goorpe .1. Mueller, Hannibal D. Nor ton, George Plitt. Rimer E. Ramey. David J. Roberts. Henry G. Sherwood. William G. Spottswood, Harrv Stan dlford. Donald O. Stuart William B. Thompson, Matthew Trimble. Voah W. Tyron. lbert H. Van Deusen, Clar ence Weaver. James A. Wetmore, I ewes 'J. Wilson. Frank Wolf. John U. Wood, and Daniel M. Goodacre. Are You Giving Your Best to Your Work? Can you do your best if your mind is dulled by auto intoxication ? Is it any wonder that you get "too tired to think" if all the while your blood is Dathing every nerve, every brain cell, every muscle fibre with the fermented poisons and wastes of constipation ? The only way to keep your body rid of decaying waste matter permanently is by bringing about natural, regular action of the intestines. Laxatives, ptirges, and cathartics bring tempbrary relief but they bring also an inevitable reaction which leaves the machinery of evacuation weaker and more dependent upon the repetition of the stimulation.V Nuiol, a tasteless, colorless and odorless mineral oil,' is trie natural treatment for constipation. K It acts by lubricating, not irritating. Physicians everywhere arc discarding the use of violent purges in favor of the mineral oil treatment which iias the endorsement of the highest medical authorities.; 1 jGBPi 1 iT mini iA order or stamps. im I mk STANDARD OIL COMPANY ffl M ffiffi' (New Jersey) -B MBHBEBBMBaBn jjfl Bayonno , New Jersey fjM I "2s! feF II I xjl ilfil m ft S,"3!lPl tfiKH-u-o m m MA 1 -.-iy M, I -ffl tVf MMMtL t JA ' 7" 1 lj A VlHMHIIHj&Miju. m Ufa BVj L mD.iolif j: ZZZlZZi. WmjItkMiv Htntr Yf. Wlltjr. Director Cowl H.uUct)Uf 1 ! Knights of Columbus Club Will Give Show The Knights of Columbus Dramatic Club will present a theatrical program tomorrow and Thursday evenings nt the hall of the Immaculato Conception parish. Tho program will include a minstrel show with a chorus of fifty young women and two one-act playlets. Tho proceeds will bo dovotcd to relieving tho poor. APPLY SAGE TEA IF Grandma Used Sage Tea and Sulphur to Darken Her Hair and Nobody Knew. The use of Sago and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy, and abundant. Whenever her "hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 60-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" you will get this famous old reclpo which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dandruff? dry, feverish. Itchy scalp, and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist says It darkens Uie hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at r time. By morning the gray hair dis appears, and after another application or two it becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft, and abundant. Advt. HI IS GRAY J Write for booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Constipation." If your druggist doesn't keep Nujol, we will send a pint bottle prepaid to any point in the United States on receipt of 75c, money order or stamps. LA GRIPPE, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS Dr. John M.May how describes influ- , enza or La Grippi as a contagious dis-. 1 case, the symptoms of which aro Homo times bo obneuro that a "multi tude ot sins' aro hid under the diag nosis. It often como a on with a marked chill, or possibly by several hours of chilly sensations accom- panicd by sneezlncr, which is soon fol lowed by a distressing couch and sweating, with pains in all parts ot tho body, .unless checked the disease de velops into pneumonia. First of all tho bowelsmustbokeptopen. Thepationt ,' should be put to bed or compelled to ' take absolute rest in aneasychair.tho diet should, bo llcht, but should con sist of nourishins: food and ono anti kamnia tablet should be taken every two or threq hours. This treatment will usually break up tho disoaso in a remarkably short time. In bronchitis, coughs, coryza and all grippal con ditions, antl-kamnia tablets will al ways bo found ol great Bervice. Antl kamnia tablets may be obtained at all nySK1!1.8 in .Stfy quantity. Ask for A-K Tablets. Thoy aro also uncxcoilod lor headaches, neuralgia and all pain. Advt. A Real Flesh Builder For Thin People WHO WOULD INC'IIEASE WEIGHT. Thin men and women who would Mke to increase their weight with 10 or T.Z r pounds of healthy "stay-there" fat i should try eating a little Sargul with their meals for a while and noto results. Hero is a good test worth trying. First'' weigh yourself nnd measure yourself. Then take Sargol ono tablet with every meal for two weeks. Then weigh and measure again. It isn't a question of how you look or feci or what your friends' say and think. Tho bcalcs and tape measure will tell their own story. Many people, having followed these simple directions, report weight in creases of from five to eight pounds with continued gains under further treatment. Sargol does not of" itself make fat 1 ut mixing with your food its purpose is to help tho digestive organs turn tho fats, sugars and starches of what you have eaten, into rich, ripe, fat producing nourishment for the tissues and blood prepare it in an easily assimilated form which tho blood can readily accpt A great deal of this nourishment now passes from thin people's bodies as waste. Sargol is designed to stop the waste and make the fat-producing con tents of the very same meals you aro eating now develop pounds and pounds of healthy flesh between your skin md bones. Sargol Is non-injurious, pleas ant, efficient and inexpensive. James O'Donnell's Drug Stores and other load ing druggists are authorized to sell It in largo boxes forty tablets to a pack ageon a guarantee of weight Increase or monev 'back us found in every pack age Advt. m n m ill