Newspaper Page Text
r r -' m "ny THE WASHINGTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910. 15 , THE RED Bj ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE. Author of "llfc Flchter." "Caleb Conovar," ''flyrla Prom the Saddl." Wttv Novelized from tfce Patha Photo Piny of the Same Name by Will M. Blicbty. "pTlht. HI, bjr Albert Pajraon Terhuae.'i t (Synopsis of Previous InstnllmenU.) The hext morning, while on the porch, thy see an organ grinder mistreating !! monkey". June determine! to save the biiI inal from further abuse. A red clrclo comes and coes on the hand of Juno Travis, who learn from her nurie, Mary, that she U a member of the supposedly extinct Rorden family of crook. The iiecret la kept from Juno's "mother." Detective Utntr, baffled by June's benevolent crime, tralli Alma l.a Halle, who under orders from "SmlllnfT 6am." a jewel fence, robs guesls. ul the weach hotel ball, using a painted red circle aa a blind. Juno herself 1 ws tlm, losing a necklace. While the man sleeps a pile un- der the pier, June, with a strap from hli organ, taatena him to the pile nml cuts the monkey loose. As she draws her hand away, he sees the red circle. Mary un fastens him and explains matters to the policeman who has been attracted to the scene by his cries. (Continued from Yesterday.) MOTIONING to Pletro, he started on a run down the sand, the other spectators following closely. Alary looked after the little pro up tearing down the beach, and leaned against the pile, weak and faint from the terrible stralnu. At her feet waa the old battered hand organ forgotten. Suddenly she remembered that there was a great deal of danger still to bo surmounted. She must find June Imme diately nnd warn her. The wlldnesa of this particular prank worried her cruelly. How far was this stain In the girl's blood likely to go? She stumbled through tho sand keeping a sharp Iook oul Reaching the sidewalk, she hurried on, watching for a glimpse of a pale plnK frock and a white hat. Her heart thumped In her breast and her throat flt parched and feverish. Bho fancied that every woman In light clothes was June, until she came along side. A desert mirage could not liavo been more elusive than her quarry. People turned to watch her with curious interest; At last a spot of pink against a background of green came to her eyes. She knew tho free, easy stride and the line of the straight shoulders. It waa June coming out of the park. .Mary hurried up to her. "You broke your word to mo" she charged, indignantly, not waiting for explanations. "There is no excuse for what you have done. You have robbed a poor man of Ws means of making a "I haven't." Juno came back defiant ly. "In the first place, I didn't promise you anything. Mary. In the second, there is an excuse forvhat I ve done. I've saved a helpless animal from a cruel master. As for depriving that Italian of his means of making a living that's a fine way for a great big. husky man to make a living, lsn t It? By grinding out wheezy tunes on a little hand organ and kicking and beating a little monkey!" "That doesn't make any difference." argued Mary, stubbornly. "It waa none of your business. You had no right to Interfere. And no matter what excuses you make you can't take away the fact that It was robbery." "Well, If It was robbery, I'm glad of It, ' June said, sullenly. "Let mo see your right hand." com manded tho old woman. June raised it listlessly. It was free of the mark. S1Y6 threw her arms nfntinrl Tarvti neftr In Nlirlltpn flhnmp. "Dorv't be angry with me!" she plead-1 erl softly. "I can't nelp these things i do. I don't want to worry you or make you unhappy, dear: but this thing, whatever It Is, gets the best of me. Don't be angry, dear." Mary's heart softened at the helpless ness of the plea. She put her arms around the girl and led her down a side street toward the Travis home. On the way June regained her high spirits. When they reached the house the nurse waa laughing heartily all fear and dread forgotten. Cnmlng along the walk, toward the house. Juno broko awav from Mary and ran up the steps to greet Mrs. Travis, who had Just come through the doorway to tlie porch. "Where have you been, child?" asked Mrs. Travis anxiously. "I've been un easy about you. You and Mary go wandering off and forget to come home, fitay with me a little while, won't you? I've hardly Been vou since we've been nt Surfton. Don't you ever get tired rushing about so. dear?" "Yes. I do. I'm tired right now. mother. Are we going to have lunch soon? I'm starved!" "It will be served In fifteen minutes and wo're going to have something that you like, too." "What?" "Guess." "Ire cream with marrnns." "Correct. The very first time. Well, well! What Is coming In here?" Mrs. Travis looked toward the ob servation porch. She seemed to be both perplexed and amused. Marv turned, nervously, and looked In the samo direc tion. June knew, without looking. Tearing down the path leading from tho porch to tho main entrance waa a squat, grensv flguro carrying a hand organ and pursued bv a uniformed po liceman. Yoma. the protesting butler. brought ud the rear, hla excitement malting him accelerate his accustomed stately tread into a dog trot. The Italian stumbled up the step, tripping over IiIh hand organ; so the patrolman reached tho llttlo group of women first. "Madam, I did not wish that tho man beggar to annoy your honorable self." panted Tama, greatly dlatrettsed. "Now. that's all light, son that's Just all rlRht for you," interrupted the policeman. "All we want Is a llttlo description from this lady and then we're through. 1 had to bring Job Lots hore with mo because he'i tho guy who lost the monk, See? Now, lady," addressing Mary, "if you wouldn't mind I'd like a detailed de scription of tho woman you saiv with the monkey." He took out an Important-looking memorandum book and a pencil that looked as 'Chough It had been sharp ened with a hairpin. Mrs. Travis', all at pea at this sudden Intrusion, looked from one to tno other, seeking an ex- flanatlon. June alone seemed calm, ler mouth corners twitched suspi ciously as if she were 'resisting a laugh, or, rather, a mischievous gig gle "Now, Miss Mary," repeated the of ficer, pompously, "hair, eyes ?" "This woman had bright red hnlr." began Mary staring fixedly at June's brown head, "and bluo eyes. Hut I didn't see any clrclo on her hand, as you talked of down on the beach and as the Italian seemed to think." "Well, no; of course not. That's eas ily understood." Tho patrolman had sleuth ambitions also. "Vou were too far away from her. You didn't know it was there, so you weren't looking for It. And again the light may liavo been so that you couldn't have seen it even If you had looked. See? All those things might have happened," he wound up. Importantly. "Of course, they might." echoed June, coming forward. "Your argument is very logical, ottlcer.' "Thank ou, miss." stammered tun amateur crlmo specialist. "Good day. Uoou tiav to you. nut tm." lie swung around with almost a mili tary manner and dragged the linlf-denn Pletro off the porch. June wnlrhea them go. a gayl disdainful smile on her lips As the, disappeared irnm rlew ehe swaved, calcium; at the uaon Of a chati tor support Uuaal larling. you re itat! Mrs. CIRCLE Travis put her arm around her in alarm. "taint? Yea. faint for want of food." tho girl declared, laughing lorceaiy. "Mary, will you come up with mo nnd fix my wlnd-moppcd tresses boiro lunch?" Mrs. Travis wondered at tho exag geratedly light tone, uut before one had a chance to question further, Juno blew her a kiss and disappeared up the stairs, pulling the expostulating nurse at tor her. I'p in the bed room hor gaycty drop ped from her suddenly. Bho pushed the panting Mary into n chair ana knelt on the tloor at her feet, leaning her elbows In the old woman's lap. Her chin In her hands, she looked out the window over the sunlit ocean. "I wonder what Mr. Lamar Is doing In the city," she said, droamlly. "I wonder if ho has caught tho Woman in Black!'1 (Continued Tomorrow.) Tentative List Submitted to Chairman of Local Highway Committee. Walter C. Allen, Electrical Engineer of the District, has submitted to Col Uobert N. Hnrper, chairman of the local Lincoln Highway Committee, the street Intersections which have oeen tentatively detei mined upon as the loca tions for the signs to mark the course of the Lincoln Highway teedor that will pass through Washington. If the selec tions prove satisfactory to the commit tee the list will be presented to the Commissioners for approval. The signs. Mr. Allen says, will be affixed to lamp posts. The Intersections designated are Maryland avenue and Fifteenth street northeast, Maryland avenue and Sixth stieet northeast. Maryland avenue and Fourth street northeast. Marvliind ave nue and B street, first ana ii streets norinwest, tirst street and Pennsylvania avenue northwest. Hpvpm teenth street and Pennsylvania avenue northwest, Seventeenth and O streets northwest. Seventeenth and 11 streets northwest. Sixteenth and H streets northwest, Scott circle (two signs) Sher idan circle (two signs), and Wisconsin and Massachusetts avenues northwest. Camera men are now engaged in mak ing tho local pictures -which will be In cluded In the motion picture, '"The Patriotic- Honeymoon. ' which Is to bo exhibited throughout the country, por traying scenes alone the "feeder," as an advertisement of the National Capi tal. HOLMES DESCRIBES GREAT EXPOSITION Popular Lecturer Shows Wonders of Panama Pacific Fair in Pictures. The Panama-Pacific Kxposltlon was described at the National Theater yes terday afternoon by Burton Holmes, tho philosopher and friend of the slay-at-homes. Mr. Holmes has made it a point to secure views of the fair that would take In the moBt Interesting features and at the same time to get the most artistic effects.. Somd of the pictures shown yesterday were amonp; the best that have ever been seen in a Holmes lec ture, which is tantamount to descrin Ing them ns tho best that could be shown. All the architectural beauties of tho buildings and their grouping were brought out In artistic color pno tography, with the usual motion pic tures of the crowds nnd the various features which can only be thus aae quately recorded. The third and last of the Holmes series will be given at the National The ater next Tuesday afternoon on "Cali fornia." GERMAN SOCIETIES WILL HOLD BAZAAR Affair at Odd Fellows' Hall Next Month to Be for Re lief Fund. To swell the relief funds to tvhlc'h they have been contributing slnre tho beginning of the war, the German so cieties of the District will hold a ba zaar in Odd Fellows' Hull Kebrunrv 14 to 18. The ladies' auxiliary to the tSer-man-Amorican 1914-1916 relief commit tee, will be In direct churge of tho en terprise, n feature of which will be the booth of the Germanla Muenncr chor, the singing society. It will be or namented with plants, palms, and rotes, in festoons hung with bird cagr-s nf Hinging canaris, against A brilliant buc-kground and color scheme. The committee on nrraucrements met Inst night to Dlan the affnlr. Martin .... - . -" . . : . " Wlecnna nreslfleil. iir. I.oliiwphof r a Brief address on his experiences in Russia at the outbreak of the war. St. Andrew's Rector's Aid To Give 2 Days' Luncheon A two days' luncheon by tho Hector's Aid, composed of women of Ht. An drew's Episcopal Church, for the benellt of the new church In course, of con struction at New Hampshire avenue and V street northwest, has been held' In the old MaHonlc Temple, Ninth and !'' streets northwest hna been largely at tended. Mrs. David Crockett, president of tho Hector's Aid, was lu charjjo of tho luncheons. EDUCATIONAL Shorthand ...13.00 mo. I V TVf i A Drafting .. .. 3 00 no. I . IVl. As rrcpsra'orv . ro. Single reurses. fl.OO up 22-w eek Spanish enure 1736GSt.Nw. Singing, Elocution MRS. EMILY FRECH RARNES. 143 Hth st. N. E. Phone Line. 1799. Tuesdays and Frldaya 2314 18th st. N. W. WASHINGTON BUSINESS and CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 1317 N. Y. ave. M. 1304. . C. Poteei, Prln Pl'PILM WANTED-n MlssRernlce Miller." teacher of piano, former pupil of Prof. J. W Hill, of Roslnii N M99-J llet. huurs of and 5 p. ni , .ir call at 1223 13ih N W. 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ITM.IVS- l.l Ni-ll for ai nil fiiri'f re on the nrt oltei r'1!''. hairs m mid I Uur luriu.ure. L'ls 's. ave. N. W. ' IK LOCATIONS FOR LINCOLN PI PICKED MOVING, PACKING, JTORAQE FIREPROOF STORAGE ' ' ' u ' Jb 340 Bepsratc Locked Rooms, 2.oo Month t'p. I Merchants Transfer and Storage Co. mum uauu. vwvet. t oi. n. w. "HAKKTV KIltBT." ABBOI.PTELY FIREPROOF BTORAOE. UNITED RTATK3 STORAtlK CO. ttooms, $2.00 nnd up. Moving, Packing. Phone Main 42J. 4IM20 10th t. N. W. MOVING JWaW.8 ' Phone M. 2010-2011. KREIG'S EXPRESS, ' 1K II Street N. W. BTOllAQE. FACKlNa,AND aillPriNO. Washington, Baltimore" and Sub urban Moving. Northeast Exr press Company. 1017 H St. N. E. Ph. Line. 3970. BTORAOE 1 mo., hauled In free; all we ask; compare our prices to others; sstlmates cheerfully given;, central location, dry, clean storage rooms, open for Inspection at any time. II. Ilaiim & Hon. Si: I "a. ave. M. 12M. MONEY! MOftEY! MONEY! Advanced on storage. UNITED TRAN3FF.R AND STORAGE CO., Sth and D sts. nw, Ph. M. 6306, Estimates on Packing and Shipping. H2LEAN, dry storage for furniture and pianos. Estimates cheerfully given. vvi'iaciii.isirB, 20 Pa. ae. N. W Phone Main Mil. SMALL VAN LOAD, 3.10; large van load, $4.60; storage, II van load; motor vans for Ilaltlmore, Philadelphia and suburbs. COLUMBIA TnANBKKn & STORAGE CO.. 905 New York ave. Main 1I1&. Free movluar for ..tor. SRC N. 3343 or N. 3314. SSIITII'N TltANSFKtl SIOll.ttiK CO.. U1U . Muht 11. N. M9-1. LOST AND FOUND OLDBMODILE 6-cyllniler. T-passneer, )lnt- eu green with liincK striped renders and trim, 1). C. Tug- 32429-Md. Tag lt71 Car No. MM1 Engine No. U:li Model S3. town Cord tiles 37x1 on rear wheels. Hir Hllvertown tire in carrier, itenard for inlcr matlon leading to recovery. ClLVHLEd K. WOOD. .' fendall tlulldlng. Tel. Main 163a. COLI.AII Black lynx, on Park road, beL School and 14th sts Kenard If returned lo MRS. F1HHDACK. 13H Park road. 1 WATER SPANIEL Female, black, white spot under chin, alnu white tip on tall; answers to the name of "Rags." Return to 17?J N. J. ave. and receive liberal reward. ! IIROOCH PIN-Pearl-and-sapphlre; Kann's, to 3d st and Pa. ave. H K. Reward, Mrs. J. EVANS, Apt 2, the Mendota. 1 WATCH, gold and panzy diamond pin; pin valued aa keepsake ot a departed sister. Ko reward If returned to 1232 Marvland ae. N. K. 1 HELP WANTED MALE IIARDURS-Two, steady work. Sth st. N. W. Apply 706 ERRAND HOY W.. 3rd floor. Colored. Apply 633 K St. X. ERRAND HOY with W. wheel. 912 F St. N. STRONG HOY to make himself useful In book bindery. Opportunity to learn a good trsde. ANDREW H. URAHAM CO., Hth and E sts N. W 1 JOB PRESS FEEDER, 827 14th St. N. W, In basement. SAKS i COMPANY want oung .olor.-d boy with some experience In shoe department putting on buttons, etc. Apply-to SIA.S- AOKlt. Wanted Elevator Operators. Young men between 18 and 25. Must be neat and or good appear ance.. Apply to Mr. HANNAN, Munsey Building. , WANTED-Men to learn barber trade; wages after first month, tools supplied; diplomas awarded; steady position guaranteed. Write for catalogue MOLER'S UARUER COL LEGE. 207 Bowery, New York city. HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSORTER or girl willing lo learn STERLING LAINDRY, 207 7th St. S. Vpply . DRESSMAKERS AND UIRLS" to" learn French dresscuttlng. dressmaking, design- ing, and millinery, good posltlona furnished after learning. NEW YORK MILLINERY ACADEMY. 1115 O at KLATWORK FEEDERS and catchers, MAN LAUNDRY. 6th and C N. W. TO! LADIES Experlf need, for corset dept Ap ply beiore 10. MODEL CORSET SHOP, k.3 llthat N.Jrt. 1 MIM.INERS-Experlenced. Address BOX J. Times office. 1 COL1.AR OIRI-S-Experlenced. WEST END LAUNDRY. i;23 Pa. ae. N. W. DRESSMAKERS AND GIRLS to learn French dresscuttlng, dressmnklng, design Inc. and millinery; good positions furnished after learning. NEW YORK. MILLINERY ACADEMY. 111S O St. WOMAN to cook, grncrnl housework, and assist with chlldrei.. Apt. 2vT.. 1760 Euclid st. Tel. Col. 630. SITUATIONS WANTED Female rr. riANO pupils taught tn fourth grade ' SrlrnceTteler benneT'a ?&J,V. UUX.JTIn.e. otllce. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS -nur lUUb n- iVrtir C. T. HINTERS sanitary duf. klllln lVir oil Keeps me tloors i-leen mid bnsnt and jrles them a polished flnlh tiood t"i- u,r turnlture. Tr it. Onl iiOc h ksIIim. d--- lUered. 113 Pa. ae. N. W. Phone M. BIOS. DON'T WASTE TIME wrltln; by hand; renting an UNDERWOOD and t.suig It lu 'our correspondence means special litem lot Paid to sour, letters, ll-.e machine ou will ' antnallu hni "'"' "'.'' bu." LNDERWOUU 'lPl-.- WRITER CO.. 1206 F st. N. W. THE REH11LT 'iM'KWIIITHR CO. UNO.). 717 st. N. W. Main t.34. Ruy, sell, rent and repair typewriter. AWARDED tinERNMENT CON J It VU I'. LET l.S K.-ji 11IATH on cleaning and repalr- Ine your typewriter, all work i. e also buy and sell second-hand inaciiiues on commission. Kite us a trial, tall M. .:!0 or. .1"' .n-rviee. univeuhal iipe WRITER REPAIR CO,. IIS F st. N. W. MOLIN TOR SALE-Flne violin, excellent tone,' with 2 good bowj an 1 line leather case. Will sell oulllt cheap. Address "M," UOX 43, Times office. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED- A rpeond-hand adding machine; must lie In Kood londltlnu. Address J. W. HIRI.1NHER. Takoma I'ark. Md. HIOHEST CASH prices paid for worn cloth ing, either ladies' or men's, stnd postal; will call. II. TARSHES. 131S 7th st. N. W. Phone North 499; i WANTED Furniture, pianos, carpets, etc. Phone M. 12S2 for wagon, or have us call. "WESCHLEICS," 920 Pa. ave. N. W. 1 WANTED-Furnlture' ror cash. Sell your goods to the man who gives the most money. See HOPWOOD. 8Ui and K. l HIGHEST PRICES paid for all kinds of sec ond hand clothing; ladles' and men: Crop postal. M. HERMAN. 925 D St. N. W. OLD ARTIFIcrAL TEETH-WIII pay good prices; may be broken. FREEMAN, Room 203. Kenola Uldg., Hth and O. 1 ROOMS AND BOARD Wanted. WANTED rtooin and hnsi,1 llh home. like siirrnunillnBs for widower wlm three rlili dren. ages 1 II. and 8 vrars. must le rea soluble A 'Ureas mi :,4 Times ofrb e 1 YOI Nil sirb IK MV wauls baird und r-ou In l-ri'sie ta mi. . ii.vo ur wcea BOX U. limes otTlv. n sSsGl BULLETIN OH AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES I)etallcl Information concerning the following opportuniUen may be secured free of charRo uppn application to BUREAU OP INFORMATION, UNITED STATES ' DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, 801 MILLS BUILDING. KEY TO AnBHUVlATjONB USiSl): I1L&W Krcv board, lodging and wash ing. I'M I'er mouth. I'W-i'or week. PD-Pcr day. I'll I'or hour. U&L l-roo, board and lodging. llUFAYM-Unftirnlshed house, uarden, fuel and milk. EH English Hpcuklng. .Exp Experienced. Tr. Adv. Transportation may be advanced umlor favorable conditions. Unless othorwlso staled, It will beunderstood that all opportunities are of a permanent nature, unu iuu nop in uesircd as soon as posBiDic. Maryland. S0 C.606. Somerset i,o. One married nun for general Ini'iu work. Holland. r, lnl Klans or Hwcdes, 1 cow, Krt nccjiwary. tup. Tr. Adv., and deduced. $Ai PM, house, garden and lud. If 'tire helps In kitchen, 0UiJM, instead of l PM, and will board. ITO-fCtS. Howard CO. One married man for rarmlns: and dairying. Herman with ll'tlo English. 10 cows. Home exp. Children re mitted. Tr. adv., and ueducted. Green, 110 I'M; Exp. HMH PM, house, xnrden an.1 fuel. Will take single: Uree.l, (8 PM; rxp. lit PM U&U Summer ray April 1 to De cember 21. Wanted Feb. t. Virginia. 870 tSTS. Fairfax Co. One married man for dairy farm, to act as second man, Home knatvlir at trucking. Scandinavians. Poles, Belgians or Hollanders. 1U-13 cows, Exp. No children permitted. tlO Tr. adv.. and deducted. -'S PU. I14U Wife to do housework, cooking apd attend to poultry at (10 PM. BU , , Fairfax Co. On single man for fun eral farm work. J15-IM PM. U&U EE immigrant accentable or American. COMMON LABOR. Maryland. Montgomery Co. Man tn cut timber and do some milking. Near city. M-5 I'W. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished 6th ST. N. E.. 822-Thre beautiful furnished rooms, second floor; housekeeping; h. w. h.; private home. ' P ST. N. W.. 1107 Comfortable middle room, conveniently located, private family; rea- sonable. 1 Q ST.,- 1115 icor. Uthl iJirge. nice front room, furnished, with all Improvements, reasonable; one flight. 1 0th ST., lO.'2-Fuinlshed, thoroughly reno vated rooms, central, near Carnegie Li brary; hot- aterheat, boa rd. 1 ltiEAI. AIT. CO., 1S09 PA AVK. rooms, recentlon and bath. fur. or unfur., tlo r n large furnished room and kitchenette, nenr bath, It, 1 large room, two beds, 3.00; one hall room, tl W. Main 717T. 6th HT. N. W.. 10-Steam heated: bath each floor; center location; II. SU a week upward. M ST. N. W., 1315 Large front loom; well heated; single room; southern exposure. N. WIS. 1 Hth ST. N. W.. HOJ-Apt. 1. Clean, warm, I nicely furnished, trout room, suitable for two. Call after 6. 1 i J PA. AVE. N. W.. llOS-tOpp. Raleigh)- i Warm, sunny; hot-water always; no car fare, rates j Unfurnished. I r ST. n. w . Rice's Studio 1203 Desirable rooms, over Rooms For Rent. COLORADO RENTAL. EXCHANGE. J. D. ADKINS, Mgr. Choice rooms, all kinds. every location. Free service to the roumeis. 421 Col. Uldg. Main 742. 14 Hi and U sis. TABLE BOARD THE SHEPHERD. 10th and E sis. N. W. Meals, breakfast, Za.. lunch. 2vi, dinner, 25c. 13.50 week. 12th ST. N. W., 06 Rooms with select b-ard; steam heat; private bath, reaKondUle. PERSONALS A CC A p W'lENTIKIC SWEDISH t, iiin-yjr-Liji-t Scalp TreasTieiit. ile- I chano-Therapy, OstoiHthy. t14 Kenols Uldg, llti and G t. N. W. Appointments at your home. 1 JVl. W 1LL1 AJVlO poolng, halrilressiug. scalp treatment, lu lo Caroline. 706 11th st. N. Apart 21. :n W. M. 6610. M1CC WFI l C Manicuring and Sralp miOO WCULO Treatment. Hours 9 to 4. 2i O st. N. W, Apartment 2, third floor. MANICURING shampooino, mMOUlLmilMJ HCAU treaimev: Phone Main 7611. 716 Hth st. N. '.V. MRS. ORA L. FIELD J3SNA$j(ANU Treatment, face and scalp. Here for a khnrt time onli Hi 11 N. W , 2nd floor MISS JAMRRON, manicurist and chiropody; hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. in. 1212 New ork ae. N. W . seennd floor. I Till 1 CC C A DD SCAU' TREATMENT . i11 VrviXIA FACIA U-. hours, lu tc I Sunday. 11 to 2. 402 Kenols llulldliiK . ! DR. F1SK ELGIN, Specialist rttoas Main 1011. 1211 Pa. av N v LCJUIOC lYiAlcKbcai,, irtatn'ivi'!. chiropody. halrdressing all branches taught. JOS Kenols Uldg., Hth & U. M.6634. open sun. MISS CAIN Manicuring and Scalp Treat- . .. ' "'f."'; '.. '"' kl w- W' Apart. 1. Phone Main 7123, !.. . I . . . I ' f HD DCCn SPECIALIST. J UK. KccU ;.oi n stp.kkt. J The Most Important Advice e I trl am J, 3. that 1 can offer to any man J. wimnn who Is suffcrlnic irom 1 any ucute, chronic, or peclal '1ih-.. lo GKT WELL. 606. llucterla! i J nnJ -j 'looj - cUi'U r ...!. ,9.m clnes and till the new eui turns v anti-toxins ndmlnlstcvcd. I' ! "-t- J"crh.n:na,, , X "$ XVcUc'n j IT lie-ill ng jaiBrri T fonstlpatlon. Piles f TBi- tin. Heart. HI I X UifcOUSPH, ntuuitr. lieitlnc Jatarrh. lndlKoslloii. T es. Throat, Luim.4, f Hlootl, and fc-kni Y I .. UuruseH, IlluiilliMtlblil. nil staK-a J. I J. of Hlootl I'tiHonlnff. rvervous and.. ,1. fioncial Debility. l'liul'Kcs I,uv. .'. t .1. M,rllcllies Furnished. Ultice Hour, j. I .1. j0 to 1. 3 to b. Sundays. Ill to 12. T. KH-WS-n-4-Hh-H-HH-;--i. i MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN MONEY TO IX) A.N on clt). suburban and ! larmliiK propel l. V M. tlURai'M.1 Elt. 2.3 Si. Paul St.. llRl'imore. Md. MONEY TO IA3AN on real (state; lowest ; rates; prior paiusiii prlileKea; Urx I amounts. TYLER ft Rl'THI.m-uKD. S17 Lin. UoiL.ul.SU LOANbiA.NU o civ. OND THUHT. Money to loan at 6 Par cent on District Real Estate. Am amount Irom to tj.tvt on first oi seeond trust. In straight not or monthly payments. Tskss only Ihrst ua to make them. PAUL V. MITCHELL 8 CO.. 1413 O FT. N. W. MONEY TO LOAN-I2M to 8J00.6M0 on D. c. real estate.' Several trust lunda, 414 to I per cent All transactions conducted wits tcunuuucal consideration tur b.urowr. WM. II. uAUNDEHS Si VX).. Southern Ruildlng SO. liin st. N w SPIRITUALISM MRS. MAMIE STEVES, jdm a u Readings dally; seances Tiles .t Thurt. eves.; Frl., -' p. nt. Ph. Line. 3018. 315 N J. ae. bE. 1" ZANCIG'S TEMPLE. TEST SEANCE tonight Mrs. C. Saunter and her Indian guides will appear; com. at I p. m.; 25 cents, children free; no stairs to climb. ZANCIG'S TEMPLE, 004 Hth St. N. W. MRS. VOEGLER iS? wT&'S a. 111. to I p. ill 604 F St. N, E. MRS. ROTH''Vurr;' Hon.. 2 P m 1030 sth si nw above Ubrary. MR. HERBERT ,."."1: l,rs best of Aarnlng. s'op hai slgMug, shows our way clear, price, tl. U10 L N.W. Including- boArd. Must be strong and of good habits. New Jersey. 8761360. Hudson Co. Blx Rood laborers lor handling suit pork. Any EH. Married fcr single. No. Tr. 16 :-3c to i0c PH. 876-MiO. Middlesex Co. 1'hlr'ty marrlod r.r single men (or laboring work. Italians, Hungarians or Poles, Roumanian or any. good laborer acceptable. 10 Mr). l'i. i.c-ijc PH. TRADES. Virginia. Norfolk Co. One carpenter desired. steady work year round, in PM, D&U. DOMESTICS. District of Columbia. Washington, D, C. Ono single woman for general housework, mending and plain cov ing;. Belgian, French, Swedish. Uanlsn, Scotch or English. Wages according to ability, aood home. Tr. adv. Virginia. 667 203S. Norfolk Co. One companion to lit tle girl aged 6 years. French nr llelulttn. Knowledge of French required, ill I'M and nil necessary attention and expenses. ClooJ home. Tr. adv., and deducted. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS WORKINQMEN There Is no limited time buing from us, open all Ony and have salesmen ready to wait on ou right, and nu cannot go wrong, that's coming strong, see. us for a slightly used suit or overcoat, vriv low at 13 to J. one price. JL'BTH'B OLD STAND, 619 D. 1 Painting. WM. J. McWHIRT, plain and decorative pnlntlnir, graining and hardwood finishing. II 6th st. N. W. Estimates cheerfully nhen. HXVE YOL'll PAINTING done now. I can save you money. We guarantee our ma terial and workmanship lo tie the best. James Rtevens, 1828 Fla. ave , Ph. North 2613. WHY not save 20"i this month T Immediate sen-Ice on painting. Line. 2793-J, R. C. COOI.EY. 718 8th St. N. E 1 Mattresses and Box Springs. SPECIAL-Halr nnd tut tnatttess's mad over and renovated: all sixes, tl only. KAULE REDDING CO.. 1309 7th St. N. W. Ph. N. 8210. Stenography and Typewriting. EXPERIENCED public stenographer, fo ly Continental Hotel, legal woik a former- spe- 1 ilalty ROOM 45. 1416 F St. N. W. Paperhanging. PAPKHUANOING and printing. CHAB. R. HYPAN, (18 II st. N. E . foimerly of 2f4 liast Cdpltol st Write ur iihone Lincoln 2.VJ. Antique I-irnilure and Repairing. bAVE 29-X on your antique furniture repair ing, reflnlshlnK, upliolsterlug. M. 2711-J. B J. UOliOWSKl, 12U8 Woter .t. S W. Upholstering and Repairing. DKI'ENDAIILU uph-jlslering, manufacturliifr and repairing; furniture, mattresses cush ions, aMilngs, etc., work done on your own premises when dvslred. Ph. 1.. 1 702. J. F. SMITH. 2103 Nichols ave.. Anacostlu. Paints. IHFFALO A. I. O. PIN1f. Sold bv (I El). A EMMONS. 21C6 Mt Pleasant st N. '.V. Window Cleaning. HOW AHOLT THOSE DIRTY WINDOWS? CAHOON ACMK' WINDOW ('I.EANINO SERVICE. 21 C! ST. N. W. Main 71. J. Carpet Cleaning. CARPETS THOHOLTSHLY AND t'UtE- rull cleaned, rugs wuieu fiom old carpal'. mattresxes tenotHted. Estlinaiis fuinit led. ALIiERT KAHLEItr A CO.. Zi; U .. S. V . M .-"OS. ' CLAIRVOYANTS M. SPENCER, THE WORLDS MOST CKLEDRATED PALMIST AND CLAIR t Ul A.ST. Studio, 1318 Hth St. N. W. CONSULT THIS lllFiLU LAD AND LE 'U.n l.S,iD i ullsuN.VLI. UK THE JION LalY AND MMI.I1III uF HER WORIC If ou are lu trouble of any kind, discon tented, unliappy; hae had Had luck, or any troubles thul auno ou, M. fapencel will tell ou aoout them uud how to ovei-iouie ihent. Her aavlce and asbisiaiue lme made thou sands huppy. btlE HaS EAR.nESU.Y DE U1EI) u till l.ltK 'jO IlilC. tAv-LUSIVE STUDY UF 111.11 l'ROFriSSIUN. AND blA.SDS TUOA1 WITHOI T AN KyU'AI. IN HER WORK. She has masiriud eery se iret pertaining to psi.hlc plienoiiii-na. and has thorougln decloied uer phase of mental meuiiimsliip. ALL WHO I UNSUTLT I1KH ARE HLI1L TO OET THE UEST THAT CAN HE HAD IN HER LINE, 'i he . Madame will reruso to accept any !oe unless he sues the utmost satisfaction. ! MAIlAM PIPI H when vou innsul her mrturtiti ric.Luwm ronu,t the lMt Reunites the separated. N. 14jj. L'S 7th nw. MADAM JEANiKBi?rc,II l'Iairoants are liorn, not made. Madam Jean bus been one since chlhlhoou, ncUao..! edved by press and puollc to be tile gleanst cla.rvoant in the world, can poltlel re unite the uepnrnicd. Out a readlnK Irom this remarkable iMiinan win ten oj numes, ' ,mts and facta without unking you a slmcio ' qu, silon. You hae a powei oi our own eiteier tor Kood or evil. i iiltua.o the niMa. ... i. , . ... II .! .. . Levntou It. Use It. vail nnd ne, I'm a. i' rooms, ou ne no one. 1'iitnle leuklings arraiiKd b phone. N 2001. le inaiient loi at.nn. 6li It St. N W. cnSiTlVzancig 'Av-"iic READINGS ONE DOLLAR. STUDIO. b4 1Kb st. N W I'houe M. 4111 THE LITTLE WHITE MOTHER Mrs. lirace liray be Une dots nut in u.iv la. In il.uti, ninl vnu will nnl lui li r ! one tent should ou lull to re.el.o ibe ln i i' riiiHtlmi, Rdiie. and nssistiiiiLC vnu reuulrv, . M.e biMa accurate dcjirip Ions, coirect loca I Hon, full n Aim's, exact dutes, true laoti. Word pli-tuies exery lm Idem nf our iiasi piosrnt and luiure liie lalks ilovlv, flearlv. ,in..fl. un that win iii.i- f,.iiv nhpr . v rv word. Tells of persons who have Ik en. tire iio or will be In your life und whui their thoughts, actions, intentions are lorn-eming- win. Nn tiiiHi-enreseiitatlon Mine tie LoiiiTh twenty ears ol Htittcsslul priti'tlce h. re Ih guaranten that she will not take onr uiouev for unsatisfactory inMsulliition. People vlutt her who nrc able to dlM-rtminale hcivw-cn Ihe ileeloieil and the undeveloped medium. oil owe It to joursolf tn 8iv her 'lemre li i tov ,!"C NO HEE IN ADVANCE Twenty scars In private leoideme. Consulted bv llolh While and t nlolt-J. AT HOME 10 A. V. To I. M. 730 STH ST. N. Y. DELMAIN SISTERS J" limits, i lair- ovaiiis. Card Readers, tell whnt you vvnnt to know. Read ings, ; lest. ltn. 1- a. in. to p. in. Sun day. 4 to tv. 6IS ilh st. N. V. MRQ nAYFRrilc f'rp''t cmd IVirvO. VJA I X-r Reader and clairvoy ant. Readings, 2io up. Now IHjikt slS. W. 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. MME. CARLETTA, IMPRESSIONAL LIFE READER. A Clairvoyant Misllc of Undoubted I'owers TELLS YOUR NAME Names of llioso you are most Interested In, advising In full on nil subjects, business, speculation, real estate, i'Iihimih, dlvoric. love, courtship, when und who mt nmirv, if ever, If swetheart nml friends are lalse or true. Has reunited more stpaialeil tluin au oilier rlalroant eei ever) iin- none sIlRhtrd 11 a. in. to 9 p in "'nil todnv. 705 EIGHTH ST. N. W. 7I"MITA''ALMI8T. CARD IIF.ADEIt. fd I.N I I 7-i. lllllllV 1V- ll.nn 1.1 the atparated, consult the best. 1224 itli nw. ' DEATHS HltRT-On Monday, January .It, IM. t & a. lit. at his resident, IS P street, HENRY lltlltr, beloved husband of Ann.o 'Young Hurt, In the seventy-second Jti'f of h!a age. Funeral prhate, Wednesday, January :. IHOIvEY-On Monday. January 21, JM6. at Kill u. in., ni her residence. 1316 "lorhll avenue noMhwest. MARY CATHERINE. noioven uaugnicr or ilonora ana mo ium John VV. Illckry. Funeral from her late rcstleni'e. Thurs day, January 27, 1916. at 1:30 n. m, Tlienco to Ht. Paul's Church, Fifteenth and V streets northwest, where, at t a. in., re quiem high innss will lie sung for the re pose of her soul. Friends and relatives are invited to attend, ' IN MEM0RIAM (Notice for this column are accepted at (0 rents flat, either prose or poetry, In esse no tice does not exceed ten Ilnis. And 10 tents for each line In excess of ten.) UNDERTAKERS Embalmern. Funeral Directors. J. WILLIAM LEE, UNDERTAKER & LIVERY. 322 Pa. ave. N. W. Telephone M. 13J5. WASHINGTON, D. W. W. DEAL & CO., Hid II Street N. I!. I.lnc. .1404. HARRY M. PADGETT, 7.10 11th .Street S. E. Line. 13.10. NEVIUS ft BROWN. IK.0 New York Av. Mnln S587. WILLIAM H. SARDO fit CO., 40X irftreetN. B.Une. B4. GEO. P. ZURHORST'S"SONS, Inc. 301 Knat Capitol .Street. Line. 372. W. R. SPEARE. 04D F Street. Mnln 42S0-4281. P. A. TALTAVULL, 443 7th Street S. V. Mnln 1H70. THOMAS M. HINDLE, Sth nml II 5ta. .V. v Mnln .1.17. O. B. JENKINS, P0.1 II St. X. W. Mnln 4804. THOMAS S. SERGEON, Kill 7th St. N. U. Mnln 1000. jOHN-R. WRIGHT CO.. 1:1.17 lOJlt St. :. W. North 47. JOSEPH F. BIRCH'S SONS, 30.11 Bl St. X. V. Weat 00. JAMES T. CLEA1ENTS' SONS, 1241 Wisconsin Ave. Went ROt. MARTIN W. HYSONG CO.. 1014 .Mnasnchitsrlts Ae. Mnln S420. ADOLPH J. SCHIPPERT, -OOS l"n. Ave. West 1.11 15110. ULRICW & BURDETTE. 1.1'JO W-Juconxln Air. Went OSO. FLORAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS of every description moderate prices. GLDE. 1214 F st N. W CEMETERY LOTS Cedai Hill Cemetery Washington's Newest and Prettiest CEMETERY FOR WHITE PEOPLE I.o: on sule and selllne rapidly. Buy now and save 200. For limited time. lots are sellitiK 2 times cheaper than anv reinelery In the District of Colum bia LOTS $5.00 UP- Est "Terms. Special rates to organizations and so cieties. For further Information ad- drrss JOS. J. CAYLOR, Treasurer. "03 Sth st. N. E Telephone Line 9S1 Auto service. Vital Records Birth. I,ewia R. ami Edna V. Sieel. l-o. Mlvestrl and Annina yujltroi I'K-iM. Klrl. ChHrles A. und ltuili M. 1 crkins, Kirl. i liarliH and Ida R. Olltf. bo. Sam and Mtrali Missler, lo. UiorKe .vl. and I'attlo M. Martin, Iniy. Eugeiie 1'. and 1 (lorn-he E. Ldiane, Jr.. Rlrl. baiiiui-i mid haunle Lidotf, Kill. AbrHliam and Helen kalnlnsiN. Iwy. Jonn J. and Elsie V. Horfinan, 1-ov Anthony i. anu Emma M. ticract. loy. t harles C. nnd Mar A Freer. Klrl. Luiki and tiiazla Ercoll, wlrl. Percv A. and Marsarel J. l)al. loy. Milburti J. and Caiherlne T. .1 'onoliLe, ulrl. hrantesco and l"tanfri-a Carhso, Loy. llnrr . and Lillian M Ilrandt. Klrl. Antonio und Collect ta Anastasla, bo.' Julius and Renecia WjHtt. 1ki twins. James A. and Rebecca SrlKKS. rlrl. Thomas and Anna M. Miiiuis, .boy. Lueene and Helen Smith. Ik . William nnd Mary A. McSeill. girl. Clatcnio O. and Rosa I j- li. islrl, John II. nnd Rosa Hudnell, girl. Lernard Hnd C'eltu llrlstol, plrl. Uroy and Ueneiee Rets, boy twins. Deaths. Gcorcc D. Partons, !4 yearh, Emersency Hoe pttal, Dora H. Murrav. 61 years, Georgetown Uni versity Hospital. John A t unuingham, f0 !ars, 1512 IT htrset northwest. Annie E Cunningham. 03 enrs, 1011 K street nurinwest. Jonn S inner, 69 years, Government Hospital tor the Insane. Victor M. Atuicrson, 49 years, l.overnmen. HospilHl lor Insane. i Mnrv A. Happ. 7U cuis, 913 tflxlh street northwest. Hi'iir.v Weizel. S3 jcars, 3271 P ttrect nortli- wesi. ' Maigaret Di Mario, 00 cars. Emergency liOSpllHl, Samuel K. Canln. 64 years, 104 Seventh street northwest. John F. u locker. 02 years, S V street r.orth- w est. Mai In U Reed, 76 )cars, 1UK! Monroe street nur.hwest. Frank Fomler, 77 ears, 407 It sirect north- west. ! Margaret siacnnii), .6 years, ' I1HI1 (lOillC IOT ASCll. National Luth- I Mary li Laid Un. 6j jears, 1927 Rilluiore. street norinwesi. Mnrv NcrIoii, b cars. 1106 Horlda avenue , nuninfi. Mary C. Hlckey, 37 scars, 1316 Florida uvc- uiio. Anna 1). Kerb', 61 scars, 317 C street bouth- east, Sarah ,K. Turner. 83 yeurs, 17.'9 II street northwest. Mary .1. Stafford, 74 jcars. 130S It street nurt Invest. EllialH'ih Onlden, 9 months 1919 Penns)- anla Hvenue. Olive I.. 'Perkins, 3 das-, 719 (5 street sn-ilh- east. Infant of David nnd Annie Kcppell, 10 inln- io ''ol iiihla llnspltal. Annie E. Harper, 60 years, 319 T street nonli. wesi, Thomas J. Young, 46 years, Frcednien's Hospital. Emma' Harder, 44 j-cars, 229 V slreot north- west. Charles Dognn, 33 sears, Frccdmen's Hos- Plttil. Samuel Illuc, 61 j-ears, Washlnqtnn sslum Hospital. Lcroy Taylor, 9 roonths, Knox Inne, tlar.leld, 1), C. Infant of Philip and Eva O. Hideout, 6 hours. Georgetown University Hospital. Idella U., 8 months, 811 Twents'-fourth street northwest. CLAIRVOYANTS PALMIHTRY-CARD READISO. MRS. R. LUSBY, Tarnt and Foreign Cards; East India Crvstsl. Ladles only (LICENSED) Cloeed Himday. Reference as 737 1 i.u M vf Second floor to ability. ,JI ,IH1 " W'.j1V:.,pm. THE ORiaiNAI. AND ONLY DEBORAH' KKn OK AI'1' palm- , LUUftAn IBTS AMI MEM'-llS Lnough suld. At liume. 720 19th st. VV. Srectel Notices 4 COAI. of bvst quant ill any quantity Soedlal urle Jn imu-ioii iuls ur nior. o M EpWARUt). 'iW 7l tL N. V' Plions North J r I AUTOMuBiLEb DUnWC M nti for tire troubles, tn. i mvsiil i vi sianlaneoiis service day or nignt. All slxe Urea and tubes In hoik. A1IIU SERVICE CO., Isl6 N. Hamp. nve. IXlltl) touring car, lnH, lUlly equipped, self slirter. PKHRLEHH 7-liassenser 'touring car. MAXWGI.d 4-cyllnder l-pusssnger lour- ln inr. v ill sell ciicap. i;au lit K st. N. W. Main T03I. After 6 call North 7.27. P COUIMIIIA LIMOUSINE, till model; good condition; additional touring body. Phono Main 1112. . ROB & BARNET. Experts in all kinds of auto repairing. Ford repairing a specialty. We guarantee our service to be the beat in town. Instantaneous service, day or night. 710 OBT. N. W. l ACTON, m Hth at. N. W. LI. lamps and radiators repaired. Ool.m Jlule Shop. Ph M. 2f Ford Valve Grioding, $2.25. 'il Ws'Il save you 20 on all rour auto repair Inc. All work 70c per hour. W. B. KIKB A SON. 1311 R st. N. W. MANUFACTURER of mud guards, hoods, gasoline tanks, radiators, auto lamps. Metal Art Shop. Ph. K, 23U3. 12W ltth iiw. ONE FORD TOURING CAR in good running order for sale reasonable. Apply nzu -.oih St. N. W. 1 Automobile Repairing. CENTRAL CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND AUTO WORKS D. M. LOYD. Manager. Truck and Automobile. Hodles to Order. REAR OF 413 TO 451 EYE STREET N. W. MAIN 3145. Pslntlnr and lettering a Specialty, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 1 For Hire. MAIN 7151 Dny or Nijht. 12 blocks, inc. City proper. 75c tl to 81 hur MOTORCYCLES 1914 Merkle one-cylinder; excellent condition; bargain, JCu. Ul North Carolina ave if. E. HORSES AND VEHICLES 10 HEAD horses and marcs, out of work, weight from 1.000 to 1,400 lbs.; must be sold by the IPth ot Feb. Apply 11 CC Uth St. N. W. ! SEVEN HORSES AND TWO tild MARES. Sold for the want of -use. near U Pa. ae. N. W. (north side). FOR SALE Cheap, s good work norsss una one well broken for children, near 1211 aoJ 1220 C st. 8 W. APARTMENTS TO LET Unfurnished. DESIRABLE NEW APARTMENTS. 131i PARK ROAD N. W. Apartments of 4 and b rooms, and bath, t-1 and HO, all outside rooms. Open for Inspec tion. C. ELTON JAMES, 406 Southern Hide:. Phone Main 61 L ST. N. W., I04 Best li-room apartment In the city for colored tenants; rent, only l2i;Z; a. m. 1.. JESSE L. HE1SKELU HOJ 11 St. N. W. ' To Desirable Colored Tenants. 1900 ,1rd st. N. W attractive apartment nt 5 outside rooms and bath, porch, steam beat and yood Janitor sen Ice. 125.00. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY, 815 Fifteenth Street. I'OR RENT 1036 6th N. E. (Uiy next uoori: the best S-room apartment In city for I!. per month. Apply JOS. J. CAYLOR. 723 oth st. N. E. FOR RENT HOUSES Unfurnished. FOR RENT 'S! Fairmont st., J rooms and bath 'IJ.CO jstO rl nt'., 6 rooms and bath :'0...O 323 F st lie.. 6 rooms and bath 22.IU I 711 5th st. N. E , & rooms and bath I flat I. 22 It) I 6i4 : st. ne. R rooms and bath Hla!) XI.'O FRANCIS S. DUNIGAN 61S Hth at. N. W. Phone M. 6M. FOR RENT MIX-ROOM URICK HOUSE, largevrear ard; lias just been papered and put In thorough repair, rent, 111.50. No1. &3 Morton st. nw Key In 631. H. F. SAU'L CO., 834 N. Y. ave. nw. M. 271. 2014 l'ORTNER FU. 6Rr & a t30.& 1447 1 st. pn., 7 rooms and bath JT.iD 1C U st. nw.. 8 rooms and bath 412.50 Heat and hot water Included In the above. 2019 Portner pi.. 6 rooms and hath 23.39 2031 Portner pi., 6 rooms and bath 23.60 titore. 2102 Hth st. nw.. with living quarters above . S3. 00 Apply Manager, the Portner. 10th and V nw. DES1RAULE MODERN HOUSES FOR COL ORED TENANTS. 609 10th st. ne., 7 rooms, bath, good order.20.0d 1411 p st , 0 large rooms, water H.;u M N. II. ae . 6 roortis, bath, reduced.. 11. :0 And ariouH others, ranging In price Horn 17.50 up. Call for list. THE F II. SMITH COMPANY. 813 Fifteenth Street. FI.A. AVE. N. W.. &7I Four-room house; water and gss; J13.00, whlio tenants. Key at 916 W st. N. W. FOR RENT STORES STORE AND FLAT, lairge modern store and 3 room and bath Mat; cellar; rent, S25.50. U06 7th St. n. w. II. F. SAUL CO.. 934 N..Y. ave. n w. Mnln 271. 1 FOR SALE HOUSES BEAUTIFUL HOMES :: and 904 12th STREET N E. )fl, seven and eight room homes Extra Large Sleeping Porches 3,6O0 to $1,500. i:00 Cash, balance monthly. , Greatest Value in Homes Open to 9 p. m. Dally. Come out. H. R. HOWENSTE1N, 1314F st. N. E.. or 7W H st. N. E. CNPRECEDENfEDHARGAlN IFSOLD IN 10 days, senil-octachrd house near Has. Capitol si.; 10 light rooms; a. 111. 1., Ileal home, line Investment, room lor gaiage. In vestigate. W. U. WALKER. Phone M. i LOOK THESE OVER! UEFORE HUYINO. COMPLETE IN EVERY LETA1L. One and One half tfqi.a.-ea l-luia L1.M.01.N l'ARK. On Htt t. N. E., but. North Carolina ave and C at. On of the moat beautiful loca tions tn the city. 6 rooms, tile bain, Uiss lot, porch. All modern improvements, only UOO iab and balance tike tsnt. $21.50 per mouth. Including luterest and principal PRICE, $2,250. Open dallv and Bunday until In. -, DURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. HOW TO HE YOUR OWN I.ANDI.OHD on 1100 cash and 81 j month, at CHEVY CHAKE. For full paitlculars dioa postal, telephone, or call on WM. If. RITCHIE. 317 Colorado Uldg. Tel. M. CJ31. UEAUT'FUL 6-ROOM UUNOAIOW. fruit, porches, 5c car fare; 3 nice lots; high snfl healthy; one block from new 'public school. PRICK ONLY, tl.6M; terms, flOO cash, Dal'. Hi month. O. O. ZANTCHNZER. 9CJ New York ave. N W. BUSINcSS PROPERTY For Sale. " BTflRE AND DWELLING, 629 PA. AVE B. E Four living rooms, lot 3xll0. 1'tesent tenant has been on piem. Ises for over live stars For particulars ap ply 10 C. W NF.WHlirsER. 421 East Capi tol at Phone Line. 2CP8 1 dTOREROOM and dwelling. 'Ko II St. t I Cheap. .BOX L Time olftoe. 1 Ifl I 1 i tfkln J f 1' J' i ...t-L,... ,