OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 26, 1916, HOME EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1916-01-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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" tt- s;
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-ir-- v " t-'TTX' i" i
Interest Increased by Manner in
Which Lessons Have Been
! Defined.
Demonstration Will Show Eas
iest and Most Effective
t Methods for Kitchen.
Interest In the free cooking school and
food show The Times Is preparing to
give every day next week at the Arcndo
Auditorium Mb been especially aroused
by tho manner in which the scientific
cooking lessons have been defined by
those In charge. Mr. and Mrs.
Sherwood P. Snyder, of the West
Held Domestic Science and House
hold Appliance Exposition, who
have heen secured by The Times and
the McClure publications to conduct
these lectures and demonstrations, wish
to Impress upon tho housewife that
their work Is sc'entlnc-In the true sense
1 of tho word. Scientific means useful
knowledge acquired by observation and
practice, they state. Thus, the women
1 who have discovered the most efficient
way to clean their kitchen sinks have
discovered the most scientific way of
doing it.
Drudgery Eliminated.
Scientific, therefore, means tho most
efficient wav of doing the work of the
household and the value of the lectures
nnd demonstrations lies In the fact that
the lecturers and demonstrators have
been trained to observe household meth
ods and have worked out a practical
way to solve all home problems so that
household drudgery Is eliminated.
The lectures bv Mr. Snyder at cooking
classes In other cities have been largely
Attended. I'nlike mnnv cooking demon
strations nothing Is left to the imagina
tion of the audience. Everything enter
ing into tho reclne li shown to tho
class and explained. The mixing, bak
ing, and tare of tho article ufler cook
ing Is carefully explained. These cook
ing demonstrations arc conducted in full
View of the class In a model kitchen
on the stage. Tho kitchen Is in blue
nnd white tiling, and equipped with all
the latest time and labor saving de
Vices. The baking contest winners will be
rewarded with, prizes of a substantial
character, ranging from an automatic
cook stove, a kitchen cabinet or a
vacuum cleaner to a barrel of flour or a
case of spices. The Judging Is done bv
Mr, and Mrs. Snyder. Afterward tho
entries are turned over to a committee
from Jhe Associated Charities and the
articles sold, tho money being a gift
from The Times to further the work of
that association. In other cities sums
ranging from J50 up have been secured.
Free "Movies" Too.
The educational motion pictures at
night, which are also free, will give
everyone an opportunity of seeing how
the nationally known foods are pre
pared. Some 2S.ono feet of film will be
shown, there being a change of pro
gram each night. One of the newer ac
quisitions for tho motion picture enter
tainment Is a two-reel recent release en
tlt'cd "A Trip to New Yoik With John
Dough." Tlie storv Is interesting, and
thos tho exciting adventures of the
bread man In the big city. Aside from
the educational pictures, new reels of
bright comedies will be shown from tlmu
to time. One of tho best and newest Is
a recent releaso called "The Babv." In
w hlch aic featured Rosemary Theby
and Harrv Meycis. two popular stars.
The storv Is said to be Intensely funny.
Warburg Tells Credit Men What
Business Must Do to Pre
serve Stability.
NEW YORK. .Tan. 2fi. The United
States, maintaining It creditor posi
tion, will be so greatly strengthened
as compared with the nations of
I'urepe that it will almost Inevitably
become the world's banker, icgard
less of the outcome of tho war. ac
cording to Taul M. Warburjc. of the
Federal Tteserve 1'oard. who spoke on
"Some Economic Problems of the
ray," at the midwinter meeting and
dinner of the New York Credit Men's
Association at the Hotel Astor. lie
outlined what the bankers and busi
ness men of this country must do to
preserve the stability of American
financeti. There were 1,0'JO members
The speaker pointed out that be
tween countries of fairly equal
credits low Interest rates would have
the tendency of driving gold to that
center where It could earn the high
est return.
""While abnormal conditions have j
i"i ijie pri'stm uesiroyen me power
of Interest rateB lo dlieet Hie flow of
rolrt." said Mr. Varbuig "sooner or
l.it'i- noimal laws of economics will
ngaln asset t tli"niselves. and we must
then expect that, owing to the In
flation of cuiicncy created in almost
feiy country Involved n the war.
Hie demand for oui gold will he very
l.fn and detoi mined. We may then
lave to part with verv large sums of
ijold. but we most so dliect our course
as to be nolo to control this outflow
nnd let Mils taKe plsee. wlthovt creat
ing dlstui buncos in our own ccunumie
Hold In Reserves. !
The United States. Mr. WarburK as
serted, must "keep Its powder dry" by
holding in reserve the essential strength
of tho Federal reservo banks, not only
to meet any possible drain or emeruency,
but also, so far as possible, to offer a
check to Inflation.
lie maintained that this country must
Kreatly Increase tho decree of Its con
trol over Its current gold Bupply, as
sembling as far as possible even the
srold carried In tho pockets of the pub
lic , that it must take caic not to de
stroy at this time tho basis of Its fu
ture lending power, and thiit all foreign
loanH during me war snouid be or rea-
L- I .
nnabh short duration so that control
fti this country's sold might bo kept in
SfU": ""-fr?'itr"m --S2&i3nbJ&'
From left to right MLLE. VALENTINE KACHOULA, who was declared the prettiest uirl in Moscow; DERHE DE DIAZHILEFF, the fa
mous impresario, who founded the ballet, and MLLE. IUBEV TCHERNICHOWA, one of the principals in the ballet. All arrived in
New York for their first American engagement, aboard the French liner La Fayette.
case there should later be need to use It.
"That will give us a strategic posi
tion at the end of the war." said Mr.
Warburg, "so strong that we shall be
able effectlveUy to face tho various du
ties that .will confront us, not only to
wnrd our own country, but toward tho
world at large. If a policy of general
conservation, bucIi as I have outlined,
can be systematically maintained,
thereby securing the strength of our
banking position, we shall in due course
reap our rewards.
Be Not Afraid; Go Ahead.
"I believe that we may .ay with rea
sonable assurance to the business
men and manufacturers dealing with
our own local resulremeiits. "Be not
afraid, and go ahead.' If we are pru
dent and avoid both banking and In
dustrial Inflation, if we use this period
of affluence and unexpected protection
to increase our efficiency and complete
our organization, I do not see whv we
should not calmly trust to our ability
and Intelligence In meeting any emerg
ency the future may have in store for
,-It will be for the American business,
man and Investor to decide to what de
gree the 'United States shall become a
nation of world bankers. Our great
prosperity should not make us forget
those oportunltles almost beyond meas
ure llng at our door, and which, on
account of our recent prosperity we
should not be guilty of neglecting."
Educated to Rescue Act.
The Federal reserve act, according to
Mr. Warburg, could never havo been
passed had not the entire country been
gradually educated to It. It has helped
to strengthen the financial condition of
the United States t'o such an extent that
he desorlhed panics, until recently re
garded as Inevitable, as "phenomena of
the past. He pointed out mat me
present maximum lending power of the
Federal rcsenve hanks on a gold basis
of 40 per cent was aboui two.ooo.OOO,
while the total loans and Investments
by national and State banks and trust
companies was upportlonately $22,000,-
"Successfully to bring about the sta
bility of Interest rates." said Mr. War
burg, "two things ate necessary first,
judicious withholding and In turn Ju
dicious employment by Federal reserve
banks of their lending power, and. sec
ond, recognition bv banker nnd business
man that the measure of success to be
achieved by the Federal reserve system
will, to a certajn extent, depend upon
the degree of their co-operations with
tho policy of tho Federal reserve
Col. Archibald Hopkins Chosen
Chairman at Special Meet
ing of Organization.
Tilbutes to the life and work of the
late Prof. Bernard T. Janney. wlf)
was a member of the bonid of man
agers oi the Associated Charities for
thirty years, was pild at a special
meeting of the board last r.ight. Col.
Archibald Hopkins was elided chair
man o: me Homy io fi'jiccyu rroi
Janney, who huld that position ior
iwcnty-onc years.
Ir. addition to President Cil-in H.
Rudolph of the boclety, those present
were John Joy jdsnn. liftmen .Icii
nincs. William H. Baldwin, Ernest P.
Blcknell, J Philip Herrmann, tr.
George M. Kober. Henry B F. Mac
farland, Miss Helen Nlcolajv Mrs.
Charles W. Richardson. Di. WH!iam
C Rives, Dr. Willard S. Small, MUs
F'lotenco P. Spoffnid, Rev. John .an
hchalck. Jr.. George S. Wilron, J. V.
Faust, and waiter n
Trainmen Have Ball.
The annual ball of Columbia Lodge,
No. 484. Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men, was held last night at National
Rifles Armory.
The committee on arrangements In
cluded D. 8. McMahon. chulrman, Haw-
I ley Doome.
j. jucv.auiey, unu J. a.
House Is Sold Out For
A Tamer Ballet Russe
Features Objected to by Police Eliminated, Though
Director Serge de Diaghileff Calls Interference
"A Most Idiotic Affair."
NEW YORK. Jan. . More than ordi
nary Intereit centered about the per
formance of the Serge de Diaghileff Bal
let Russe at the Century Opera House
last evening. The big house was sold
out long before the doors were opened,
and hundreds of persons were turned
away. They all wanted to see whether
tho ballet director would carry out the
Instructions of the police and Chief
Maglsirate McAdoo to tone down and
eliminate several of the alleged objec
tionable features of "IApres Midi d'un
Fauno." which was tho offcrlnp.
Mr. Diaghileff declined befoiehand to
sav whether he had made any changes.
"Walt and see," was his only comment.
The audience waited and discovered
that the features objected to had been
eliminated. Representatives of the po
lico department, the Parkhurst Society,
and the Society for the Pre,vntion of
Vice who were present appeared to be
lieve that the conditions had been satis
factorily met. M A.
After the performance there was a
big demonstration by me audience and
several huge bouquets wero showered
on Leon Masslne, the principal dancer.
Kvervbodv was satisfied, although the
ballet director could not refrain from
saying that he thought the interference
from the police "a most Idiotic affair."
Conference Before McAdoo.
Next to Diaghlleff's monocle which
worked Itself in and out of his eye ac
cording to the stato of his temper, a
Influence of which reporters wero
that the temper was ve,ry unsettled
the' most Interesting thing at yester
day morning's conference before Magls.
trate McAdoo to settle the moral status
of the ballet, was the conversational
description of the dances, against the
Influence of which reporters were
guarded by being kept outside, and
from which one of tho women critics
fled to the street with the explanation
that she really must telephone at once,
it was a sort of collaborated descrip
tion one gathered from the remaiks of
lawyers and other persons who- took
part after It was all over. Some, In
cluding tho woman critic who fled,
didn't think the ballets were very very
bad. but Howard Clark Barber, of the
Society for the Prevention of Crime,
and John S. Sumner, -who succeeded An
thony Comstock as secretary of the So
ciety for the Suppression of Vice, de
scribed some sinuous details na ex
ceedingly vivid. To all of which Mr.
Diaghlleff's monocle, as the conversa
tion was translated to him, bobbed In
and out of his eyes In remonstrance.
Those At Conference.
Besides Mr. Diaghileff there were at
the conference John Brown, business
manager of the Metropolitan Opera
Company: Alfred Scllgsbers. attorney
for the company: Deputv Police Com
ml8sloncr Dunham, who referred the
CB80 to Mr McAdoo after the censors
reported. Mrs Clarence Burns and Miss
JJlNo w edges If
I fr this Is your laundry.
lVf prolong the life
of )otr collars by the use of 20th
Century Machinery and Methods.
Let us rnll for )our this neck.
14th and Park Road, Phone Col. 3527!
nmn'iisni mmamamam
Helen Hoffman, who didn't see anything
objectionable In the performance be
cause thev were so Interested In tho
grace of the dancers, and Oliver Rey
nolds, an attorney and also one of the
censors. A. A. Anderson, a friend of
Mnvor Mltchcl. and Magistrate House
nlso dropped lu and Mr. Andersou did
some Interpreting.
Mr. Brown opened the conference by
telling Magistrate McAdoo that the
opera company had no Intention of do
ing anything that might offend pub
lic morals, and that thev were willing
to do anvthlnir deemed necessary to
make the ballets Inoffensive. The two
dances In question were "IApres-Mldl
d'un Faune" and "Scheherarade." Not
onlv the dances themselves but the de
scriptions of them In the programs came
under the censure of the critics.
The programs describe In some detail
the sensations of the faun as he Is
aroused from a reverie on the rocks by
the coming of a band of nvmplis. who
dance around him until his wooing
drives them away in fright. One leaves
a ell which the faun takes to his rock
and falls upon. It was agreed that the
animal-like postures of the faun and
his handling of the veil should be
An Orgy Depicted.
In ''Scheherazade" an trgy takes
places In the harem during absences
of the Sultan nnmr.g the 'nmatcs and
negro slaves. The Sultan returns, "a
sinister tragedian of silence." as the
procram announces. "It Js a mudil-l-cent
entrance. Ills vengeance Is swift,
fird we see everything through a veil
. .1 .11 .. .a .....eB..m.l'f C-. .Vli.
Ill IJlOOl". ll ,11 V liiarouLitu. u-jiii" .
of the "pawing." as It wim desciibedj
by censors or mc oance, win ue cn.ui
nated. Mr. Sellgsberg said after the confer
ence that he thought tho performance
could be so toned down that the artUtic
effect would not suffer. Commissioner
Dunham said there was never the
slightest belief that the opera directors
wished to present anything objcotlon
nble. and It was because of tho diver
sity of opinion among the persons he
had requested to sec tho ballets which
led him to present tho case to Magis
trate McAdoo and give the opera com
pany an opportunity to correct any
bald features of the performance.
As for Mr. Diaghileff. his Indignation
knew no bounds.
"It seems a bit abnormal after I
played the faun I'M or 140 tlmss to start
proceedings iraw," he said. "This per
formance was given before the Queen
of Knglnnd and the Kmperor of Ger
many, and they saw nothing In It to
object lo. Kverything can be immoral
or moral nccoidlng to the attitude of
the public."
Midyear Graduation
Exercises at "Tech"
Midyear graduates nt McKlnley
Manual Training School held class
night exercises last evening- in the
school auditorium. Adolpli E. Gude,
president of the class, delivered tho
address of welcome.
The class hlstorv was reaJ by
Ernest D Roberts: the nddress to the
undergraduates was made bv Rldir
wav Tanr, nnd the tiudergradimtes'
replv was delivered by J, M. Ward.
Other contributions to tho program
weto Class poem. F. Robinson Stef
flns: facultv addiess. Principal Frank
Daniel, class prophecy. C. F. Throck
morton, nnd selections bv the school
orchestra. Dancing followed.
The graduate nre Doris Estelle
Anderson. Frances V. Ashfnrd. Julia
Carroll Costello. Anne Myrtle Evans.
Matilda Katherlne Gerber. Dorothy
Louise Keene. Louise Larrabee. Mar
garet Marv Smith. Gertrude Muriel
Swingle. John Kennedy Altcheson.
George Edwin Blandford, Joseph Reg
inald Boyd. Clay Evans Brooks, Jos
eph Frederick Choe. William Liv
ingstone Christian. William Ernold de
Vault. Lindsev Pettlt Desnev. Rudolnh
Alfred Faust, Adolph Elbert Gude,
Charles Clarence Holtman. Jr.. Kelvin
Chase Kumler. Donald Douglas La-
nrppd. Thomas Michael Lannlgan,
Randolph Osgood Lewis, John Edwin
Under. Wllllnm Henry Martin Eu
gene Charles Ochsenreiter, Harrv
Bowdoln Povnton, Charles Merrill
Randall. Arthur Oertlov Rldglev.
Ernest Douglas Roberts. Jacob Roh-c-ts,
Georee John Rnhrlclt. Ernest C.
Edward Ruppert, Clarence Adrian
Smith, Jr. Harold Arthur Snow. Fred
erick Robinson Stefflus, Edward Car
rier Taylor. Cleon Francis Throck
morton, John Harris York, and Charles
James Nicholson.
Favors Security Plans.
Tho executive council of the Army
League bus passed a resolution favor
ing tho plan of the National Security
League for uniting; the efforts of va
rious preparedness organisations un
der a committee of national defense.
The Navy League Is expected to take
similar action
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
AJwayi burs
Signature of
A Demonstration
Try It In' your own home convince
yourself that it Is not only a time and
labor saver, but that It means real
economy, as well.
Rental, $2.00 Per Month
Payments to apply on purchase, if
desired. Telephone us for that dem
onstration right now It will not ob
ligate you.
Carroll Electric Co.
514 12th Street N. W.
Phone Main 7320
North Capitol and Eckington
Citizens' Association Adopts
Prohibition Resolution.
Tho North Capitol and Ecklnsrtom
Cltlions' Association last night wcntfl
on record as favoring absolute pro
hibition In the District. On motion
of the Rev. II. E. JJrundage the "dry"
resolution was adopted by a vote of
10 to 7. ns a substitute for the recom-
liunndatlon of the executive committee
j that Congress provide for tho sub
mission of tho liquor question to a
lerorenuum vote.-
A recommendation of the executive
committee that the povernment of
tho public schools be continued by
the Board of Hducatlon, and that the
board be Riven additional powers In
the selection cf sites nnd the nntn
tu? of schools was adopted unani
mously. Edward P. Colladuy president, and,
William McK. Clayton, former presi
dent of the Federation of Citizens'
Association, addressed tho meeting;
on the purposes of the centrul body.
Mne aim of the federation. Mr. Clay-1
ton said, is to brinsr about an amal
t'ftina'xlon under one head pt the street
railways in the District.
Decision as to whether it will affiliate
with the general body probably will be
reached by the association at Its next
I Committees were named by Selden M.
.'Ely, acting president, as follows.
Kxecutlve Dr. Edgar D. Thompson,
Selden M, lily, Edward Foulke, Herman
K. Biau. Albert F. McDowell. William
U. Henderson, A. O. Tlngley, A Coulter
. WellH.
I Membership C. A. Bowman, B. J.
Waters, I, Walter Sharp. J. D. Yoakley,
, U. G. Perry, A. H. Jaeger, P. H. Walsh.
I Hallways W. G. Henderson. Julius K.
' Rockwell, W. J. Hughes, and A. V.
Press Albert D. Spanglcr, It. I
Grace. Jay F. Bancroft, and Charles
n. ern.
Streets, sidewalks, and lights Her
man K. Biau, Charles Gersdorff, A. O.
Tlngley. W. J. Armstrong. W. U Mantz,
W. F. Finn, and T. H Hall.
Sewers and water H. S- Meekham. S.
T Farmer, H. J. Redficld, K. S. Bruce,
and F. B. McGlvcrn.
Fire and police Arnold I.. Burd, J. H.
Corrldon. J. W. Loveless, W. J. Frizzell,
and R J. Mawhlnney.
Schools and schoolhouses Martin Sol
em. Seldon E. Ely. S. M. l.eltzell, A. D.
Spangler, Irwin B. J-.!nton, and M. G.
City Itmjts-Rev. H. E. Brundage, C.
II Godbold, Louis Krauss, and John F.
Parks and parking John R. Klrk-
wood. W. A. Taylor, George Trucsdell.
E. S. Bruce, and James E. Thomas.
Mall facilities Solon C. Kemon, E.
II. Iitch. M. J. Ryan, M. S. Wright,
and Walter A. Shcrwln.
Public health Dr. C. E. Ferguson,
7r. Carl Mess. Dr. A. ( Miller. Dr.
Charles E. Rice. Dr. Stuart M. Angelo,
and Dr. W. I. Munger.
The following were admitted to mem
bership; H. C. Wheeler, C. F. Mullen,
I j. Boeks, John W. Thomas, Dr. H. R
Read. M. E Pitman. H. I Walker. J
B. Clssel, John E. Hogan, Charles H
Schulte. Charles O'Connili. R. K. Mid
dleton. M Davidson, John T. Schrott
and H. W. Belnap.
Mrs. Sevellon A. Br.own
To Be Buried Tomorrow
Funeral services for Mrs. Sevellon A.
Brown, who died yesterday at her home
in this city, will be held at 3 o'clock to
morrow at St. Margaret's Episcopal
Church. Burial will be In Oak Hill
Mrs. Brown, who Was a life-long resi -
dent o( Washington, was the daughter:
of Seth Lcdyard Phelps, president of,
the first Board of Commissioners of
the District. Her late husband was for
vcars chief clerk of the Department of
State. She was born February IS. 1S56.
Three sons and two daughters survlvo
her, Mrs. Charles H, Bradley. Sevellon
lcdyard Brown and Ledyard Maynadler
Brown, of this city; Mrs. George L.
Huntress, Jr.. of Winchester. Mass.,
and Phelps Brown, of Springfield, Mass.
Grace Church Dance.
The ladles of Grace Episcopal parish,
Georgetown, will give an entertainment
and dance In the parish hall Friday
even'ng nt 8 o'clock. Refreshments will
be served.
Sale of
Office Furniture
Double and Single Desks in Oak
Mahogany and Mahogany finish, type
vriter Desks and Tabled.
Revolving and Arm Chairs, Stools, &c.
At 1-3 Off and
Some at Cost
All Odd Pieces at a Big Reduction.
1218-1220 F St. N.W.
Commissioner of Education
Claxton Also Favors Military
Training for Students.
Secretary of the Interior Lane nnd
Commlt-floncr of Education B. P. Clax
ton havo Indorsed the plan for mili
tary organisation and training cam,M In
high schools now being worked out In
Washington schools by Lieut. E. Z.
Stecvor, U. U. A.
Tho plar for icorgonlratlon Nf tho
high school cadeta hero was described
by Tho Times, nnd later It was told
how the War Department was planning
to extend tho same plan to other cities,
after It has been worked out here.
Baltlmoro und 1'hiladelphlu ha'-o al
ready adopted the. plan, und negotia
tions are under way with other cltlei
Attention Is calW to the Stcever plan
by Secretary Lane In a letter to Sen
ator McCumber, reporting on nnd In
dorsing his bill providing for the estab
lishment and management by the Sec
retary of Wtir of truiulng camps for
nlKn'cn00 0H'nteer cadet corp Sec
retary Iine says lie believeb v-ich a
plan would attract manv thousands of
boys In public nnd private schools, tint
the camp Illo and drill would be valu
able, and Ihnt tho (.'oneral educational
discipline of the camp would lu good.
Tho Sleevcr report is known a the fc
Wyoming plan, beeni se It has been put
into effect In that State.
Team Hits Woman.
Mrs. Marlon Walker, seventy-nine, of
CO M street northwest. Is suffering to
day from Injuries as the result of hav
ing been knocked down by a tcum late
yesterday In New York avenue, near
Sixth street.
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