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7 IP T5?l , . M f i WITHER FORECAST: Cloudy and Wann Tonight (Full Report on Pago Two.) HOME EDITION m 'in 1 KTJMBEB 8792. WASHINGTON, THURSDAY EVENING-, JANUARY 7, 1016. PRICE ONE CENT. -I ftjr t "HE LOVED ME ANDNOOTHER" DECLARESMRS. MOHR TO JURY Confident of Acquittal on Charge of Instigating Husband's Murder, She Resumes Nar rative of His Cruelties. Denies Money Transactions With Alleged Negro-Accomplices May Complete Her Story This Afternoon. raoviuENcn. n. i., .isn. 2-.-"i knew 'n my heart that the doctor lovcl me and no one else." "With these words, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Mohr resumed lhc story of her un happy married life with the Rhode Island physician. In the superior court, where he Is being tried ori the chaijji of "aiding, abetting and procuring" three negroes to kill her husband. Mrs. Mohr took up her rolatlons with the doctor aftc'r the scpiiuto main tenance) cult begun. '"I wanted the children to seo their father," she said, "even afttr I began milt, nnd 1 sent them to have dinner with him almost every night the lira. week after 1 tiled the petition. TALKED WITH BROWN. "On August 11!, I went to the Newport home to bring my 3on Charles home. The doctor wus not there, and while waiting T talked with Victor Brown at the stables about my new Morst-d aim the saduio which I wanted tor myscit. This wan all we talked about." sue de clared. "1 saw Heal Is on Juno 12. He said he wanted to call on me later, but Hpeii man came In his place. That was tno first timo I ever, saw' Spellman. XL. nut Hcalla' custom, to visit mo when no came on errands for the doctor.' She denied ever having any motley transactions with any ot the negroes, and when askd about buying a motor cycle for Brown, sue answered: "i never gavo him money for a machine, anu I never offered to get hlpi one.- Two vivid statements made by her in the direct testimony yesterday stood tut fresh in memory as sh-j walked to the atand. Ono wus to tho effect that her husband struck her Lncauso alio stayed ill night with her dying mother and tho other wan her assertion of al ways waiting fo.- a reconciliation be cause she loved him Although tears often filled tho wid ow's eyes, she managed to give ier testimony In a iulct but clear volco, and tinder careful handling bv Attorney Cushlng, her ,story was uninterrupted. It Is bellovod that Mrs. Mohr's story will bo finished late this aftcrnojn. It is Intimated that her counsel will eck to hold her on direct examination throughout tho day, o that she nny have a night's rest before being sub .ccled to cross-examination at tho hands of the State. Story of Devotion. The wife's devotion to the man whose personal character een the Stale does not now defend, will bo the domi nating note of the defense. Attorney Cushlng Intimated as muc'i in his opening address and to apparent ly guiding the defendants testimonv along lines which -w 111 an ay the sla'n mill's personality in shari contrast to that of the wife whom he spurned. Fpllowing Mrs. Mohr, Cusn iig will take tho stand imd tell what ho may of the lohr?" affairs. That the State'.i attorney will snare no form of legal uttcck to weary Mr. Mohr'a brain into submission, alre.Uv has been plainly Indicated by Rloe'3 notions even In the tlrst vert of her direct testimony. Mrs. Mohr was called to the stand as soon as Mr. Gushing had finished his lntioductory addicss to tho Jury, and plunged at once into all tho details of her life with Dr. Mohr. Their life to- (Contlnued on Fourth Page.) realTsTaTeIen E National Association of Ex changes Begins Quarterly Meeting At Willard Hotel. Representatives of the real "state bourds In ftftv cities t the country gathered In lhc Cabinet room of tho New Willard toda., the occasion being tho quarterly mcotliur of the Natloral Association ot Real I-Mate. Ex huiib'os. Sessions will continue today nn1 to moriow. Man matten. ot vital imror tnuco to real estate brokers a-u on the jirngrom for discussion. At tho orenltnj session this niornln? airangtmontii wore made for the ninth upnunl convention" of the assoelnMnn. vhlch will be held In New Gnenns Match 28 ti. 31. Ro.ort that weiv nro sfiilcii indicated thit tho attendance at this convention will be, between 1.C00 and 1,5;" Real estate boards In the following places were received Into tho national organization: Hnrrlsburg. Chester nnd Washington. Pa.: Nlagare Falls. N. V.; Madison. Wis : Canton ard Voungstown, Ohio. Fort Smith. Ark.: Oklahoma City. Okla.. and Sin Antonio. Tex., bringing the association's membership up to 1(0 boards, with a total of 6,600 brokers. It was announced. Social features In connection with the meeting Include a banquet at the New Willard this evening and a luncheon to- l HER Kaiser Spends 57th Birthday in Field No Elaborate Celebrations of Anniversary at Request of Emperor. BERLIN (via Amsterdam). Jan. 27. Kaiser Withelm spent his fifty-seventh birthday today In tlie Moid with ills troops. Chancellor von Bcthmann Hollwcff, who left Berlin late last night. U eh muto to army headquarters to Join the Emperor At the Kaiser's special request tno elaborate celebrations of the years precodlng the war were not duplicated today. Kings 'weie hung out In Ber lin and other cltlvM of tho empire, U'j; the usual parades and street demon stratlon were lacking. The Kaiser has now completely re covered from his recent illness, ac cording to reports received here. T-; Twenty Clothes Baskets of Signatures Presented to the Senate By Kenyon. Carried In twenty clothes baskets, with an additional bundle besides, a monster petition for an embargo on arms and munitions was presented to the Senate today. This petition was presented by Sen ator Kenyon and was prepared by the Organization of Amorlcan Women for Strict Neutrality, of which Miss M. L. Miller, of inioio Is the head. Each Of the baskets contained a lot of rolls, tied up with red, while and blue ribbons. In all, there were 1.100 rolls, and each roll was about forty feet lnufir, or nearly vlht miles of petition. Tho petition. Avas (itartcd from Bal timore in a huge vnn this morning at 7 o'clock and arrivod at the Cap Itol a little before noon. Senator Kenyon presented the petition with a brief speech, in which he approved an embargo on arms. Senators' Clapp and Sheppard approved the notion of an embargo. Senator Hitchcock read telegrams from grain men and others In his State, Nebraska, declaring the arms traffic was-' causing car short age and Interfering 'with grain ship ments. He denounced the arms and munitions exportation as "damnable." Senator Stone trteJ to head off dis cussion, but he Vloe President ruled the- motion, in order and debatable. A Sharp parliamentary wrangle result ed from the. ruUnjfot the fchnlr. Sena 'tor Stone appealed from it. Senator1. Clarke took, the view that therullng or the Vice President was correct, but that the Tintftfrtn fihnilM frrt trt the ft'nrnli-n Koltulono Committee. He said this ! country shquld stop the traffic In arms. Senators Martlne, Ashurst, Lane, and "Works denounced the arms traffic, and urged an embargo. Senator Ashurst de clared this country was In no position to help bring about peace when It had "Its hands drenched In human blood." He predicted that greed for private profits would block the bill for a Gov ernment armor plate factory. Senator Works said: "1 believe if It hud not been for this nefarious trade In arms the people who went down on the Lusitanla would never have lost their lives." Senator Townsend spoke for an em bargo on arms. , and declared that on the other side "we are retarded as one of the' allies." F T J. S. Van Fleet Takes Appeal From Conviction For Viola tion of Automobile Laws. Fines and costs aggregating J103.1S were Imposed on Joseph 8. Van Fleet, of Washington, by a Justice or tho peace at rtockvllle jeiterday In two cases In which Van Fleet was cnargea with violation of Maryland State auto mobile regulations. Van Fleet was charged with reckless ly operating an automobile truck, and with operating the machine without having obtained a proper permit from the State motor vehicle commissioner. An appeal was taken and the case will be tried at the next session of the cir cuit court. The arrest of Van Fleet followed an accident on the Washington and Rock vllle pTUe. three miles east of RocKvine. on January 6, when a truck operated by Van Fleet Is said to have run into several horses belonging to William o. Dosh. Of Galthersburg. seriously Injur ing three of them and hurting a colored bov riding one. The machine was badly damaged. TELLSWHY GERMANY LEFT SWISS ALONE Why Switzerland was not overrun by Germany as was Belgium, was told the Senate Committee on Military Affairs today by Captain Christian, a Cincin nati physician, formerly a Swiss army officer. That part of Switzerland over which tho Gcrmahs would have had to nass had been studied In Swiss ma neuvers for years he said, and It had been ascertained that more than 300,000 1 men could be concentrated In two days. I The whole problem had been specifically studied and solved. The Swiss system In the United States. I ho said would raise 9,000,000 men. and i I train them so thev ivmiM nimllv hA transformed Into effective soldiers In a ' short time. Recruits would serve sixty days a year, and others eleven days dur ing military age. Senate District Body Will Meet Tomorrow The Senate District Committee will meet for Its first ineetlua- of the session tomorrow. Senator Smith, chairman. Isiued the call today It Is expected consideration will be given a nutnber ot pcndlwc bills. m MLEPHN EMMS MBM F U I ci cnuR WILSON AGAIN CHECKS SUFFS 10 President Reiterates Views on Suffrage, But Refuses to Argue With Interviewers. BESIEGED AT THE WALDORF Chief Executive Spending Busy 'Day in New York To Make Several Speeches. NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-Presldent Wil son, after being besieged by 2S0 suffra gists at the Waldorf today, granted them nn interview, reiterated his views on suffrage, but refused to be heckled. He told thoso who grew Insistent that he did not care to argue the question, and withdrew to the privacy of his rooms. The Pres'dcnt was ftnalty "smoked out" bv tho suffragists after they had laid siege to the Presidential suite for tnrce hours. Having failed to obtain an engagement with the President at Washington, leaders of the Congression al Union working for the passage of tne surrroge amendment herons con gress, rented a room at the Waldorf and appeared with 10ft followers when Presi dent and Mrs. Wilson arrivod In New York todav. Thcv opened hostilities by bombarding me vnicr uxecume with notes. . Declined An Invitation. The President dec'lned an invitation to address the suffragist? on the plea that he was too busv nrcnarfnj the three speeches he was scheduled to do liver In New York today". He was ably re-enforced by Oscar, limltro d'hotel of the Waldorf. Oscar refused t- carry nny more notes to the Presidential suite, on the ground that the excessive pcr spliatlon Induced bv errand running for the suffragists had ruined his collar. Outmaneuvorod In the diplomatic ex changed the suffragists quit writing nqtes, and agreed upon derisive action. They sent an aggressive delegation to tho floor on Which the Presidential suite was located, and begun an attack on Secretary Tumuliv. - - The Tumultv oiHcr defenses feae wrv. and a third appeal was carried directly to tho President. He flnallv capitulated and descended to tho cast room Mrs. Wilson did not accompany him, and the suffragists had no opportunity of Impressing their arguments on tho new First Lady of the Land. Airs, Tiffany Dyer, Mrs. Mary Beard and Mrs. Henry Brucre first addressed President' Wilson, asking that he take (Continued on Second Page.) , Will Exclude All Unnecessary Imports to Relieve Shipping. Joint Note By Allies. LONDON. Jan. 27.- The Prltlsh gov ernment has decided upon a partial prohibition cf tho importance of many iirtlr.les not absolutely necessary. In order to rclWe the shipping situation, President Walter Runclman, of tho board of trade, announced In Commons this afternoon. Tho whole British ncrcantlle marine, ho stated at thu same lime, will be placed under government control. Neutral countrlffd, pilncJpally the Fnltcd States, from which most of tho articles on the prohibited lift were Im ported, nre the hardest hit by the no tion of the government. Iinporte or wood yvw, giats ann to bacco will bo permitted only In llmltod amounts. It is ponniblc that the gov ernment will later mohlblt the impor tation of furniture, woods and othe. raw material and the export of rans and waste from which paper and other products may bu manufactured. A Joint not signed by all the allies, answering the latest protests from the United States and Sweden, and setting forth the allies' position toward neutra. trade for the period of the war, also Is in contemplation, it wss learned today. By uniting all the entente powers In a single declaration of policy, the allied diplomats plan to make an Impressive showing of unified purpose that will In fluence all actions by neutral. The tlrst official hint of such & program was dropped by S'r Kdward Grey in his speech on the proposed blockade yes terday. Female Mosquitoes Spread Malaria General Gorgas Says Only That Sex Is Responsible for ' Disease. For weeks Congressman Tarley of New York city, has sat silent In the hearings ot tho House Military Affairs Committor whllo his colleagues n.-cd question at witnesses. Parleys oppor tunity came when Surgeon Genet si Gorgas dlsrussed malm lal fever. "General, Isn't It ttue that only the female mosqultc bites'" Farley asked, breaking hla long tllonoe. Fv wemon spetTntoiv abruptly stalked out when Gnicas smilingly an swered in tho affirmullve. OM.V .10 IIOLIIS TO HAVANA. Atlantic Coast I.lne, "Florida & West Indian Limited. ' All Florida resorts leaphed. 4 trains dally. H0S N.Y. ave. nw. Advt. HECKLED BRITAIN PLANS NEW THO BLOW AT U.S. TRADE FOR ILL FOR NEW BRIDGE WINS GARRISON 0. K Secretary of War Sends Favor able Report on Measure to Rebuild Aqueduct. MEETS WITH CITY HEADS Army Engineers Believe Work Can Be Done Within Limits of $1,500,000 Fund. Following a onfercnc today with the District Commissioners Secretary of War Garrison sent a report to the House District Committee approving the Carlin bill providing for the rebuild ing of the Aqueduct bridge at a max imum cost of $l.M0,00o. Although the content? of the report will not be made public until it has reached the committee It Is understood Secretary Garrison recommends that the cost of the new structure be shared equally by the Federal Government and the taxnavsrs. His reason Jor recommending this di vision of the eost !s based. It Is under stood, on facts presented to him with reference to the direct benefits accruing to the people of tho District from the bridge traffic. Owing to the fact that the matter of Virginia's I r- crest In the structure wi not presented to him In nny official way, the Secretary, It Is an Id, did not recommend that the tax payers around the Virginia end of the bridge be required to share In the ex pense. It Is also stated that because 'of the buMneas Interestr which have developed around either terminal of the bridge by icason of Its present location. Secre tary Garrison does not recommend a change of location. Present at tho conference with the Secretary were rommlss'oners Newman, Brownlow and Kutx. General Kingman, Chief of Engineers of min t 'aDejpart ment. and Colonel Jcdwln. ln trie 'dis cussion tho conferees had before them the report of the chief of engineers stating that tho bridge could be safely located at or about the present site within the $1,500,000 called for In the Carlin bill. This reoort further stated that the present structure was In an unsafe con d'tlon, and should be replaced at the earliest possible time. HEBREW RELIEF Men, Women, and Children Engaged in Campaign to Aid War Sufferers. Tags sold on the Mrrets of Washing ton today. National Hebrew Relief Day, to raise funds to trlleve the suffering of war-stricken Hfbnws In Kurope, went like hot cakes. The entire cltj was blanketed with volunteer ticket seller-men. woman, and children. There wert few refusals to purchase. Befotc tho day was many i hours old ihmuviiuis of persons were wearing tags on which wai printed "Official Ameilcan Relief Day. Jan. 27. 1916. for Jewish AVar Sufferers." The volunteers set no fixed price on the tags Kach purchaser cave what he oV ehe wished, the contribution being dropped into seal boxes carried by the vendors. Twcntv thousand tags were distributed to the volunteers at Eighth Street Temple At 8 o'clock this morning. At noon several automobiles carried IO.000 additional tags to the volunteers. David H. Aloher. chairman of the tag day committee, said this afternoon that there was everv Indication that the hope of the volunteers to raise more money here than was contributed in any other city the sire of Washington would be realized. He added that all tho volunteers would bilng or s-nd their contribution boxes to tho Eighth Strett Temple at T o'clock tonight and the committee then would count the money and announce the total donations. Aged Man Killed by Fall From Window His daughter, Critically 111, Awakened as He Drops to Areaway. William Sinclair, aged' seventy-six, was found dead early today by his son-in-law. Richard H. Lewis. In the rear areaway of his home, 630 Third street northwest. Coroner Nevltt Issued a cer tificate of accidental death. Investiga tion having established the fact that the aged man fell from a window on the third floor. The nollce were told that Mrs. Ajinlo Louis Davis, the aped man's daughter, whi has been critically 111 for several wt r ks. and who occupies a room en the second floor, was awake at 5:0 o'clock this morning and saw a dark object flash, across the., window. A moment later she heard groans. She aroused her husband, whi hurried to the area way where Sinclair's lifeless hodv was Because of her Illness Mrs. Davis has not been told of her father' death. Officers Who Differ On Use of Potomac Park Above BRIG. VJ3Y. W. E. HAK- .Below COL. 1 HART& District Militia's Request For Privilege Denied By Secre tary of War Garrison. Secretary of War Garrison hss turn ed down the request of Brig. Gen. W. R. Harvey, commanding the District National Guard, for permission to use a portion of the Potomac Park tract, east of the railroad bridge, as a drill ground for the field artillery and other mounted organizations of the local militia. The Secretary Indorses the position taken by Col. W. W. Harts, superintendent of public build ings and grounds, that use of the park for such purposes would spoil It for recreation purposes. Garrison's Answer. The letter to General Harvey fol lows: "I have given careful consideration to your letter of December 29. with reference to a drill field for tho field artillery and other mounted organi zations of the District of Columbia militia. The proposition to use Po tomac Park for this purpose was re ferred to the officer In charge of pub- (Continued on Fourth Page.) t Commissioners Ask Druggists to File Statement of Objections First, However. OR W GIVE n A II CUP LI Replying to a request for a public hearing, the Commissioners today sent tho Retail Druggists' Association a let ter, asking that a written statement be filed With the board of the points in the new regulations governing the use of the common towel and drinking cup and providing for the sterilization after each UBe of glasses used at soda foun tains upon which the association desires enlightenment. . A date for a hearing, the Commis sioners" say, will be set as soon as practicable thereafter, unless It should later appear to the association that no hearing Is required. The association recently sent to the Commissioners a letter saying It was believed the language of the regulation should be made sufficiently definite to make clear to the unscientific mind ex actly what Is required. The association or any bf its individual members, the Commissioners say. can obtain Infor mation as to the details ofcompHnB with the regulation by Inquiring at the Health Department. The West Knd Citizens' Association, which asked for a hearing on the new regulations, also was requested to nle a written brief setting forth its views. The regulations become effective Feb ruary i. h 3 U. a OFFICERS ARE UNDERARRESfFOR MEXICO 'INVASION' Lieutenants Face Court-Martial Because They Led Expedition Across Rio Grande In Effort To Save Captured Comrades DEMANDS TO BE SENT TO CARRANZA Government Will Call For Immediate Re turn of Soldiers Seized By Mexican Civilians While They Were In Bathfng at Border Three United States army officers are under arrest and face a court-martial as the result of the sensational raid of fifteen troopers across the Mexican border yesterday. In a desperate attempt to rescue two of their com rades, who had been captured by armed Mexicans, the American soldiers crossed the Rio Grande, a technical in vasion of the neighboring republic. Formal representations will be sent to General Car ranza demanding the immediate return of the two soldiers captured on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, opposite Mercedes, Texas. With the representations, it is understood, will be sent a statement advising the head)f the Mexican cle facto fJventnient that- Lieutenants Mort, Peyton, and WaldronV commanding thcexpedition of fifteen American troopers who dashed across the border in vain pursuit of the cap tors, have been placed linger arrest awaiting court-martial. Coincident with these startling developments here, 2,000 clergymen in New York were listening to an outline of President Wilson's policy toward Mexico in reply to their expression of appreciation of his efforts to keep the coun try af peace. With his keynote of "justice without aggression," Wilson declared tht he was committed to the policy of allowing Mexico to work out her own affairs. "Live and let live," he declared, "is a homely phrase, but the basis of existence." Justice Is Keynote Of Mexican Policy, President Declares NEW YORK. Jan. 27. "Justice with out aggression" is the keynote of l'tesldent Wilson's policy toward Mex ico, ho told 2,000 clergymen as sembled In Aeolian Hall here at noon today. ' "The foundation of peace is justlco without aggression," the President declared, adding that he was com mitted to the policy of allowing Mex ico to work out her own affairs. The President's address was in reply to an earnest expression of apprecia tion of his efforts to keep this coun try at Dcace. "Villi tint n.M .. W.UA. t.AMnM A day," he said. "I feel that you have unduly honored me as a man. In my efforts for peace I have been constantly recognising the spirit of America and have acted through no convictions of mV flWn If l t.MM.4 .A kIJ .U. t.AlanA w.a. . v 0 UL4 U KM IIUIU UIO 1aiBHVC when so many passions are Involved. tsui i xeei mat it is the purpose of the people to maintain that balance. "One must search for the foundation of peace. I can find no better founda tion man justice without aggression. The greatest force In the world is char acter, it can be expressed on a na tional scale. America has always stood resolutely for the right of every people to determine its own attitude toward Its own affairs. I am committed to take that altitude toward our distressed neighbor to the south." "The Pence of America," the Presi dent added, "depends on tho attltudo cf the different races of which she Is made up. I have been deeply dis turbed at the recradercence of religious antagonism. That Js a dangerous thing. "Live and lot live Is a. very homely phrase, but is the ery basis of ex istence." Reverting once more to the subject of peace, the President ald: "I welcome the acceptance of a chal lenge to fight. I know that Ujo best purpose will prevail. Peace does not mean lnoctlon. Thoro may be infinlto llmost violent, aptlvlt. Peace 1 In consistent with tin? loss of tclf respect and abandc-mont of principles. Tbeio things, I prax God, may never bo challenped. "We believe In peace, but we be lieve also In righteousness and llbetty." In clorlng his address the President said "We are nil nplrltubl kith and kin and building up a family w.iicli will set an example to tho world." Franz Josef Reported Stricken With Apoplexy ROME, Jan. 2T. Reports received by diplomats here today said that Em peror Franx Josef of Austria suffered two strokes of apoplexy, and that his condition U critical, Officers' Action Secretly Condoned By Some Officials Although acknowledging that Lieu tenants Mort, Peyton, and Walden, who commanded the expedition that crossed into Mexico to save two Uni ted States soldiers, violated an express order Issued moflths ago, prohibiting American soldiers from crossing the border without express Instruction? from Washington, subordinate offlcla's of the War Department jecretly con done the offense. They declare that the American troops along the border have beoti for so long subjected to wanton attacks and Insults from the Mexican side that It was too much to expect them to sit Idly by while the Mexicans made off with the Americans. In this connection attention is called to the fact that the two troopers were Strip ped for swimming and defenseless, and also to the fact that the last time an American trooper was captured on the Mexican side he was tortured and kill ed. Officers of the navy, while admitting that similar orders against the In vasion of Mexican territory have been Issued to commanders of ships on both coasts, say that none of them wou'.l hesitate a moment to violate them unaei similar provocation. They proudly recall the fact toda that Vice Admiral Mayo threatened t blow up tba stuport of Tanplco if the commander of the Melcan ga'rNon thcie did not aiolosisc for arreatlnr .i rnrty of American sailor?, who had gone aEhore for mall At tl.o State Department, however no effort was made to spire th of ficers under crrest on l!'e border front criticism Theli action In cioj. Ing the border was chnracterl7.ed as "an lie of hostility," although It was admitted that the. first act of lolenc cnn ft om the ether side when the Mexicans seized the- two troopers. In army circles there Is grave ap prehension over the fate of the twt troopers. In view or the threats con stantly made by Vllllsta adherent that they will kill all Americana ther Set hold of. Dispatches to the Wa epartment did not make clear the circumstances under which the three other troopers who were swimming across the river were drowned. Inas much, hotyevcr, as the reports state that the Mexicans fired on those In tn water. It Is reared that some of them were struck by bullets, H. L. Hollls, representing the Cusi Mining Company. ftftv?n of whoso em ploycs wero victims In the recent ma sacre of seventeen Americans and on Canadian at Santa Ysabcl, called at th State Department today and presented I