Newspaper Page Text
ttt!-. v ., A 2' 'THE WASHINGTON TIMES; THURSDAY, JANUARY 277 1916." .r 35 formal claims tor Indemnity, llo was Informed by tho department that tno claims would Do prqaocuted vigorously, It being agreed that tho Indemnity asK c In inch caao should bo 110,000. Secretary, of War QarrlBon today gavn out the following' dispatch from If Oneral Kunaton at Brownsville, Tex.: 1 -Wo have received tno following report irom major wnuersun, jwihui Cavalry, from subdlstrlct Mercedes, timed 8 p. m.: . . .. " 'Four men, Battery D, Fourth Fiell Artillery, swam across the Rio Grande while stripped In bathing' In the river at Prpgreso about 3:S0 p. m. today. Two were mado prlsbners by three Mexicans with rifles and taken back Into Interior from river. -Other two mon from battery swam back: some two or threo shots fired at them hllo returnlnc. " "Lieut. J. b, Mort, commanding bat tery, with, Lieutenants Peyton and Waldron, with about fourteen men of 1'attcry D and ono man of the Twelfth Cavalry, crossed river about three-quarters 6f an hour later, went abotit threo quartcrs of a mile back Into the In telor fiom river, scarchod two houses, did not find comrades. They were fired upon 'ten or twelve times by men In brush. They remained on other side bout ono hour. When they returned the crossing was covered by our m" n bank of this side, who fired some Sno shots. None of our men killed or wounded. " 'The following men wcro drowned while swimming to the other side! " 'Sergt. Owen Clements, Corporal Mi chael F. King, Private Harry A. Rohde. These threo men are of Battery B, Fourth Field Artillery. '"Private Charles D. Wilton-Best, Troop A, Twelfth Cavalry. Bodies Not Recovered. " 'All bodies wero carried away by swift, muddy current, and not yet re covered. Search being made. V ' 'The following men still In hands of Mexicans on other side: Private Will iam C. Wheeler, Private Blggo Peterson, Battery r, Fourth Field Artillery. "Colonel Blocksom lias urdered Mcutenants Mort, Peyton anc. Waldron to bo placed In arrest, end Captain McBroom, Twenty-eighth Infantry, uaj been placed In command of camp. I have directed Colonel Plururcr, Twenty-eighth Infantry, to send ono of hla Held officers to Investigate. Mr. Garza. Mexican consul, lias been Informed of exact contents of Major Anderson'3 telegram and of an est vt three of ficers concerned. He has gone to Malamrras to Inform the commanding general there and to ask that Immedi ate search bo mado for Privates Whoe' er and Peterson. Mexicans on tho other sldo wcro not In uniform." Three U. S. Officers Are Under Arrest in Texas For Invading Mexico BROWNSVILLE. Jan. 27.-L!eut. J. E. Mort. commanding Battery D, Fourth Field Artillery, and Lieuts. Pay ton and Waldron, of the same detach ment, wcro under arrest In Progreso, Tex., today, because they arc alleged to have led fourteen of their men Into Mexico 'to rescue two American soldiers who were captured by Mexicans. They were arrested on orders of Major Gen oral Funston, who reiterated that he had Issued specific ordeis that no sol (I er should cross Into Mexico under nny tlrcumstances. A field officer from Mis sion. Tex,, has relieved Mort. Mexican and Amor can military offi cials were making every effort today to prevent clashes between United States i and Carranzista troops as the result of four American soldiers losing their lives late yestirday in an attempt to rescue two other.- who hi been nrietcd bv Mexicans. - The sold lorn were drowned while trying to swim the Klo , Grande 'J he dead are: Scrgt. Owen L. Clements. f-'orp. Michael F. King. Private Marry A. Rhode. Private Chailcs Wlltenbest. Four soldiers of a detachment of the Fourth Field Artlllerv stationed at J'rogtcso, twenty-seven miles above here, Mt'ic bathing In the river yeateiday hen a bjitid of Mexicans appeared on the oppostf bank. They are said to have ordered them to cross over. Two obeyed, leaving their clothes on the American side. A relief oat :y was organ zed by four teen soldiers. They swum the Rio rnnde under a cross-fire by Mexicans end Amorlc'1118, but none was Inluicd. They searched two houses on the Mexl an side, but found no traces of Pri vates William C. Wheeler and Uiago Pederson. the nier taken by the Mexi cans. On their leturu they were again fired on by Mexicans. Colonel Julnlinilla, Carranza com mandant nt Mntatnoras. in the abs"nec of Genervl rtiieaut, on rccc pt of a re port from Kunston, Immediately te.e si.iphod the Carranza commandnnt at rtlo Brnvo, nine miles south of 1'ro ptfMi. to ,end a detachment of troops to Wheelers and Pederson's rescue. Ptinston ti reported to have said that the icsponsibillty for the incident an pnrentlv vested on the American side. '.s he had j;lvon strictest orders for no f-oldler in i-ross the boundnry under any c Ircnmstances. Miss Gets License; Youth Cancels It Whether or not a demure nlneteen veai -old miss exceeded her lean vear in '-locative vesterdaM when she ob tained a license to culminate the slncle nlcMcdncss of a twcntv-vear-old vouth. wes the (iiiestion which arose at "Cu lld' counter" at the court house todav whin the vtmiig man returned the Ilei-rse. "When I wand a M-ense to ect mnr rkd I'll cot It mvself!"" exc'alrned tho e iicntlv much embarrassed male In dliiuntlv. 'Colonel" Kroll who lsues th licenses to th'-fle hcit on tnt"flnir t'e st,te of mntrlmonv looV-cd tin from fie roster of thooe alreadv riveted In the lmndi of tnarrlace and a seore en mnr" of those bent on having the knot'tlcJ latei In t(,e (1V. All rluht. !r. T'M cancel I' for vou." volunteered the 'colonel." "You linow. we don't want to make anyone dD this at n I nst hs will." I told her last nltht th-f I d'dn't clve her nermhslon to eet thl" H'-e s' end that she had no rlaht to do It." said t'i vouncr mon. as the "colon 5l" nou"ad "M on the trouhled waters by runnlig hi' Per, several tlmts ac-oss t te He mis''. "Kven a man ctm chance his nlnd in cili'li matteis." remarked a memb'i' of the bar as tho vounc man departed from the office. THE WEATHER REPORT. The forecast for tho District of Co lumbia Uoncrall i Imiilv and continued vwii m ton'glit and Kilday. with prob nld.v in ciisloiuil lain. .Modcnito soutli trl winds. Miirvlmid Ueneiii'ly cloudy and on tinned warm tonight and Friday, with probably on dhloual in In. Jlodeiate iKiutherly winds, , iiglnia Gcnernlly cloudy and con tinued warm tonight and Fridav; prob nbl local ruins. Moderate southerly winds. TKMPBHATl'nKS. (U. 8, Bureau.) R a. m , c ! a. in C8 in a. m , ft 11 a m , ce 12 noon 6R 1 m CO TIDK TAliliK, High tide at litis a. m. and 12:M p. m. Low tide at 6MT a. m. and T:t" p. m. 8t'N TAHTn. Tun roie at. 7:D1 Sun ets Ht SI" Light automubllc lamps at i.i3 p, ni. FAMILY Pffl n IN TRIPLE TKDY r, ' ' ' ' Insurance Man Crushes Skull of Wife and Daughter, Jumps From Hotel Window. NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-Havlnr killed his wlfo and daughter by crushing their skulls with a hatchet and ax, Nathan Pullman, a former Insurance agent, end ed his life here today by leaping from tho third-story window of a Third, ave nue hotel. Tho bodies of Mrs. Pullman and Mrs. Gertrude Batell, tho daughter, were found In the latter's homo several hours after Pullman had told a relative his wife was HI, and then disappeared. The tragedy followed a family reunion, which was marked by exchanges of presents, a theater party and other fes tivities. Relatives and friends of the family could find no explanation for It. It Is believed, however, that Pullman suddenly became Insane. Pullman appeared at the hotel late yesterday, about an hour after the time the murders are believed to have been committed. Though he registered as "Mr. Jones and wife," explaining that his wife would arrive later, no woman appeared. After Dlunelnsr from the hotel window. Pullman was hurried to the Flower Hospital. He died within a few min utes. Several Incoherent notes were found In his pocket. Three of them contained the quotation: "The wages of sin Is death!" One note said: "I wish they should not worry over these two because the ones I am ad dressing are better off without them." In the hotel room the police 'found a note reading: "Good-by. Ta-ta every body. I guess I'll make good. I am going away on a long Journey." Tho note was1 not signed. porTfTchaTlton Wife Slayer to Join Parents in Porto Rico Wants to Live Down Notoriety. NEW VORK. Jan. ST. Porter Charl ton, the American who was released from prison In Italy last November after serving twenty-nine days for kilt ing hl wife at Lake Como. In 1!'0. re turned from Naples on the Italian liner America, and will leave for San Juan. Porio R'co. next Saturday, to Join his parents. He was mat at Quarantine by J. W. Johnston, treasurer of the Western Kleotrlc Company, of Wl West street, who traveled on the L'nltcd States rev epuu cutter from the Battery to board the farmer on a pass from the col lector of the port, made out In the hime of ox-Judge John Palmier!, t Was slated that Mr. Johnston had financed Porte- Charlton since ho left prison In November, rnd had made arrangements for selling tho story of his career to a New York newspaper. In a brief talk with the reporters out side his cabin on the America, Porter sa'd he was feeling well and was look ing forward to seeing his parents In Porto Rico. "I have been through a great deal of trouble," he said, "and wish now to live It down. There Is nothing I can add that has not already been prlnVd In the newspapers regarding the trial. I have no complaint to make about my tieatment by the Italian off'ctals." IIOENT SUFF (Continued from First Page.) some rction to' aid them In -rcMIng th suff-age amendment through Congress. "It mav be. ladles, that my mind w orks slowly," answered the Pres'dent. "I have always felt that those thln?s were most solidly built that were built piece by piece, and I have felt that the crenlus of our polltlcil development In this coui'trv lav In the numbers of our States rnrf In the vcrv clear definition if the dlffe-ence of Speve between the State and Federal governments. Has Not Yet Actcr. 'Wh"n I Inst saw some of you 1 nrom sed I would take nloisure In re ferring t'ds question to nv fr'euds and co'learu'-s '.n C"in"fPRs. I confess th"t have not done this. Thi Is becnuse I have felt that other matter, of legli In'lon we-e of such Importance that hev should tnVe precedence I believe I was tl"'t In fnlji i heven't forstetten the pirmlse I m-de 't tt tlne. how ever rni I rcr n'nl" "Vnll not." s. Pl.., 0f ji,e nuffr-"j st then at eino'ert to miicMo'i P'e President fur ther, p.,rt he wjthd-ew. Th" Chief Executive arrived here nt s o'clcck and hu bus- dav 'n the cam nalm for defense hesan shnrtlv afte-hreBkf-"it. He will deliver several speeches. Order Condemnation for Calvert Street Extension The Commissioners yesterday ordered that condemnation proceedings be In uttMi'ed fijr the extension of Calvert ptroet hetwe'en Conneetlent n venue nnrt Cleveland avenue, of Cleveland avenue i between Twentv-nlnth treet and ' Thirty-first place, and of Twenty eighth and Twenty-n'nth streets -at their Inter.-vtlou with the proposed extension of Calvert street. The Improvements were ordered on recommendation of Surveyor M. C Mazen. The extensions are In ac cordance w'l'h the highway plar. Readings At .Church. Headings by Mrs. Maud McLe.n Fer guson were the principal features of n entertainment at Foundry M. K. Church last nlcht. underthe auspices. of the Havwood Sunday school class. To Throw Off Colds nnd Prevent Grip Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE. It destroys germH, acts as a tonic and laxative, and helps to keen the svstem in a healthv condition, Thrro' is onlv one "BROMO QUI NIVF." F W. GROVE'S tsijjnaturc on box. -Oc Advu B A I : K N N W YORK P CHECK RAGE HECKLERS mi TT'i nutrn vvusun nomes Society Begins Work Arrival of John Ihlder, Executive Secretary, Followed By Activity. TO BUILD MODEL HOUSES Eftort Will Be Made to Take Enterprise .Out of Field of Philanthropy. 'With the arrival In Washington this week of John Ihlder, newlv elected executive secretary of the Ellen Wil son Homes Association, the work of raising funds, settling upon a site, and planning for the erection of a block of model dwellings In vhls city was launched. Announcement lias Just been made of the of fleets of the association, In corporated by act of Congroju. March A, 1915. Mis. Archibald. TlSpklns Is president and those who will assist liter In carrying "out the work are Mrs I J. Borden Harrlman, first vlcoypresl ident, Surgeon Gen. William' C. Gor- pas, U. a A., second vice president. Corcoran Thorn, treasutcr. Miss Clara Farrar-Smlth, seoretavv ; Miss Abble B. McCammon, assistant secretary, and Mr. Ihlder, esecutlve secretary. Tho plan for the building of the model dwellings originally designed rlmply as a memorial to the work of the late Mrs. Mien Wilson was start ed by the District section. womnn'J department. National Civic Federa tion. Has Tnkcn Wider Scope. With the devejopment of ;h project It has taken a much wider scope, and It Is hoped to mako It one of na tional significance. Mr. Ihlder, who was field secretary ot tho National Housing Association, has taken up the work with a view of mak ing the Washington experiment a model I for other cities which are looKlng abou; ior a memou oi impruvuiK iiuubwik ui.i ditlons. Two points are emphasized by Air. Ihlder in the project tor the biock ot model homes here. They are: Ihe social value ot good dwellings in to be demonstrated. The dwellings murfi not only benefit those who live In them. out thev must be shown to be a beneiu to the city. The Investment must pay a fair re turn: not a high lincrest on a, specula tive security, but a small return on a sennd and stable securit). Both points are designed to take the build ng of good dwe'llngs for the day 'aborer and small wage earner out of the f.eld of philanthrophy and put it into the field of business. In fixing upon the return to be oaid the examples of the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company and of the Washington Sani tary Houilng Company have been fol lowed. The Investors will be limited to a return of i per cent. t Wider Range of Investors. Ry this plan a wider range of In vestors Is secured. Many of the model dwcl'lng projects which were not de- i signed to pav fell through because the ' Interest of the ph'Ianthroplsts lapsed. , and new projects of that sort were de- Criticises President and Bryan Personally in Violent Speech in House. In a violent attsck on the AdmlnlMra tlon's Mexican twlicy President Wilson and former .ceeretarv of State Bryn were personallv criticised tndav by Concressman Humohrev of Washington. The President was oletured as "scholar dreamer, and theorist." Brvan wss re ferred to as "a great nreachcr of Chau tnunua peace at most anv cish nrlce." The Administration's "dlscouracing and hnmlllatlnc oollcv'ln Mexico" was c'etlared resn-nsible for the recent mur der of ATcilcnns. ' "Our nollcv In Mexico hs aimed us the rontemnt of the woild nnd his cnatlv IntHienced werrlnc nations of Kt'iopp l'l their nresent attitude toward us" said llumnhrev "The vPrcslden"s policv Is chnracterUed bv weakness un ceilai.ity. vaclllatidfc. nnd uncontrollable desire to intermeddle. He has not the courage to to to Mexico, nor the cour age to Htev out . War Declared On Hucrta. Humph j.y said wur was declared by the President on Huerta. but "the trampling of our (lag in the dust was such an ins'gnltlcant trifle that It left no Impression on the panderous Intel lect of the gieat preacher of Chautau qua peace at almost any cash price." "The flag-saluting episode was but a mere pretext, eagerly sought, to in vudo Mexico and drive out Huerta." said Humphrey. "Our Mexican fiasco, discrediting and humiliating as It was, taught us nothing, for we still Inter meddled and lnterfe-ed. "Then the Administration permitted Can ana to send sold crs and ammuni tion thiough Amolran erri oi-v to bo ibed against Villa. This acjpn 's be lieved i csi i nslhel fui tlfe i count Curling Iron Kills rMr; New Method Improves It Many a woman loses the silky, fluffy und brilliant appearance of her hair through habitual use of the hot curling iron. Certainly it can do the hair no. good to dry up its natural oil, ajngo the life out of It. making It harsh, brittle and dull. And there's no excuse for continuing the use of that destruc tive instrument, now that we know what can bo accomplished by applying pin in liquid sllmerlpe. The use of this harmless product really presfrves the life, lustre and beauty ofnhe hair, and the curly and wftvy effect Is perfectly natural look ing 'and most captivating. If yoti'vo never tried It, by all means procure a few ounces from your druggist and uso enoi'gh lo moisten your hair from root to tip putting 1t on with a clean tooth brush. The liquid s"mcrlne Is neither gumm.v nor greasy but ijuUe pluaiu to Use. Advt. HUMPHREY ATTACKS POLICY ON MEXICO r? J (52P & - & llth ife,i. Above CORCORAN TII0M. Below SURG. GEN, WILLIAM C. GORGAS, U. S. A. pendent upon finding some one with money to sink .l these enterprises. Hut If the proju'.t of tin- Kllen Wlt con Homes Comtiany li cairled out It will serve as .in example- l whi'i t-linllar dwellings mnj ne piovided in rvciy oily, and peit-ona with mon to Invent may be asked to take do in them with the assurance of a sleail..' H"rt lixed i etui n. To the list of illiei'tors ot ihe en terprise hits been added t!ie nam. of Mrs. Grace V. Ulcknell. The o.lfir rfiro-tors nr- Mi. William Cummin-: Stnrv, Mrs. Joseph limar. tffantoti . Pee'lc. Oen. W. - Got gas. M'ss Jtllla C Uthmn Mrs. .1. Xola Mi-OMI M luth ('. Wal'ace. Mts, Rlchrrd Wu'n rloht, MIj-s Clan Knrrir-Smith. Mm. i v i' , i np Mi nne Moi gan, II. K. Wllla-.d. Mrs Al'iam Sl'non. .. .i. 1'art.ons and M'S. Arcliilald l-?- lilllH. tracedv wheie rlitern merlcans vveie killed one of tl-o nioft nuel and un piovoke.l nvi'idcrs Hint eci took pbico In that land of tlool and a sasflua lion "We make a tremendous bluster about the killing of American cilmui.s up .. V'e hlsh sias. and nil the a'r with the umult of minv tvpewrltcrs. Rut we have looked with equanlm'ty unfits' urb ed while hundredn "' Aree-'en bo" u"n purposely foully murdered In Mexico. "The whole nollcv of the Prssldent has been one of mcdi'llng between f"c tlons, of secret T'' "' - ' a:cnts i-eprcsontlng the President per snnnltv. A ;,iod bed the Caesars and the Hmperor of China. Pitiless publicity has given wav to pri vate secrer negotiations inrougn per sonal agents." FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of ria.e. We liae a Nw Method that cLrea Ajithino. anil we want vou 10 irv It at our expenne. No mntur tleter our cme Is of loiut tand:tiB or rt-cenl devlopinent. whe-livr It Ih present a o I'anlo.ial or chronic Ac lima, vou ahould arm! lor a tree trial or our method No matter In what climate ou lle, no ntu.ter wlat our ape or oc cupation, If ou are tmuhlej xltli i' hmn, oir method ihouhl relieve you promptly. We especlallv want to tend It lo iio.-e aiipareiitl hope e m tasen. where all of Inhaler, douchea. opium prepiraMom. fumei. "pateni an.olee." etcv, ha e 'allrt We want lo plmw oerone at -oifr .own ereni'e, that thli new method la rienlKiied lo end all difficult breathing, all nheezlnr. unit all t'ioe terrible paroxjaua at onie and lo all time. . Th'a free offer In loo Impor ant to ne-K'si a dnsle dav. Write nniv and then Iwaln the method at once. Send no 'none, flmplv mall cot pon bclo. I'o It " o,lay. Vdvt. FREE ASTHM COUPON PRONTIEIl ASTHMA CO.. IJooni J41-.M. Niagara and Hudson Km.. tlulTalu, N. V. Bend free trial of jour method tu: The Treatment of influenza or La Grippe Jtii quite refreihlnBtheiedaystoread of a clearly defined treatment for Influ enza or La Grippe, In an article Jn .the Lancet-Cltnlo." Dr. James Bell, ot New York City, says he Is convinced that too much medication Is both unnecessary and Injurious. When railed to a case of la grippe, the patient Is usually seen wheu the fever Is present, as tbe chljl which occasions y ushers In the disease, bai practically passed away. Dr. Bell then orders that tbe bowels be opened freely with salts, Actolds" or citrate of magnesia. For tbe high fever, severe headache, pain and ceneral soreness, one antl-famnla tablet every threo bourn i Quickly fol lowed by complete relief. Ask tor A-K Tablets. Tbey are also unexcelled for headaehe, neuralgia and all pains. -Advt. . LOAMS Q HORNING gtlit, k Kouihenil at Htf !-? brids ' auumahil iui i ao4 D aia, up. UNDERWOGD OPPOSES TARIFF COMMISSION Alabaman Announces He Is Against President's Plan and May Lead Fight. Senator 1'nderwood, author of tho Underwood tariff bill, today announced J his opposition to 'resident Wilson's , plan for a tariff commission. He inti mated nis opposition would bo active. Uonylng ihat ho considered the Presi dent's plav an attack on his revenue measure, he said ha thought there was plenty of Government machinery .now to gather such Information as the Presi dent has said he wants. Bcnator Underwood said "circum stances would dictate" how determined his opposition would be. It is believed, The Basement Store Friday Clothes Hamper $ 1 As illustrated, of fine willow, with wooden bot tom, and well made. Cahister Set 47c Usually 59c ' White enamel, tea, coffee, su gar, u u d flour. Cocoa Door Mats STnnvrs "VRABLB. 14x24 Inches OtCincbCi liC inches OC 65c Usually $1.00 Mrs Potts' Sad Irons. 3 in set. with han dle and stand. Alarm Clock 55c Nickel- plated. !1 g ti a r a n teed one j ear. Market Basket 25c With Cover. Imported Willow Path Stool 49c 7Fc Values i IB Inches high; g white cunmcl. rub- f ber tipped ends. 1 .PUUIll M SUGAI I I ! i i8ecrooa-r0o 9. 1 The Sunday Evening Times! X K'9;:;o;9;;';:i;-9':'i';'8iottec0(3C(S3ooctC'3co8eaicot however, he Is not prepared, .Hko , Con gressman smother his own objections and allow' tho passage or the bill without making a contest. ii'1' - Youth Admits False 4 Sweariijg- For License Thomas N. Nuijkols,, Jr., eighteen, pleaded guilty when arraigned before Chief Justice Covington In Criminal Court today on a charge of perjury, Nuckola Is charged with having given his age as twenty-two when applying to Col. William A. Kroll, the marrlago li cense clerk for a license several days ago. Tho probation officer of tho Dis trict Supreme Court will Investigate the case with a view of recommending that young Nuckols be placed on probation. Engineers to Hear Talk On Profession's History The Knglnecrlng Society at George Washington University will be addressed on "The" History of Engineering." by Prof. N. W. Dougherty, of the College of Engineering. Wednesday night at tho Sigma Nu fraternity house. Oil of CeW Outfit, 98c 1 Oil of Cedar Mop $1.50 1 bottle or Oil of Cedar 15 1 Chemically-treated Duster 25 Value J1.90 Complete Outfit 9Sc Wash Boilers "The Favorite.' ul heav tin. with copper bottom and stationary wood handles. No "... Nn. S No. 9.... .. 0c 1 in ..J125 Food Chopper 59c Family size, with 4" fctuel cutters. . t'Je Tea Kettl- Coffee Mill. 1 qt glass A(i lanlster.. '1 gray enamel quart size . . 25c Window Ventilators Standard at 25c. The "Contiintnl' Sanitary Ven tilator Ih 'j Inches high, adjust able 2" to :S7 Inches wide mad fur bed, living, bath and school looms, hospitals, bauKs, and ICp offices, etc. Special JLOC Palais Royal A. Lisner G&llth 1 JLli- '"aSggk f If it IP? 5 ' ' i 1 1 yujt s to -j-fl WASHINGTON'S v Best Result Getter! WFORTIRED, PUFFED-UP FEET Instant relief for sore", aching, tender,5 calloused feet and corns. You're footslckl Your feet feel tired, puffed up, chafed, aching, sweaty, and the.vhecd'Tlz." "Tie" makes feet remarkably fresh and sore-proof. "Tlz" takes the pain and burn right out of corns, callouses and bunions. "Tlz" Is tho grandest fooUgladdcncr the world has ever known. 3eV a 25-cent box of "Tlz" at any drUg' store and end foot torture for a whole year. Never have tired, aching, sweaty, smelly feet; your shoes will fit fine and you'll only wish you had tried "Tlz" sooner. Accopt no substitute. J Adv. Rotary Ash Sifter $2.1S Heavy galvanized iron, fits any size can or (PI GQ barrel wx70 ASH CAN $1.29 Value $1.79 PP3! 3 Heavy galvanized Iron, sheet iron top and bottom. SALT BOX 5c China with wood cover; slightly soiled; 29c value. Flour Boxes 39c 50c Values Heavy tin, white enameled, gold letters, holds 21 pounds of flour. Wash Tubs, 47c Heavy gal vanlzed iron. riveted bandies. Wall Clothes Dryer 19c 35c Value I-Ue Illustration, to hang on wall, all wood, and well constructed. Clothes Dryer 49c 79c Value Folding, with 6 bars; strongly made. rllf !CI-n 31 OieiC FLOUR 1 BsO'jrlKHB l I I V f