Newspaper Page Text
.Jiv'.wwsft ,7""'!lft'T "qfr" THE WASHINGTON TIMES: THURSDAY; JANUARY 27: 196. "JBCW ASSAULT ON ADEN BY TURKISH AND ARABS REPORTED .Berlin Hears "Gibraltar of the East" Is Near Capture By Those Forces. DENMARK CERTAIN TO STAY NEU TRAL ARABIANS IN OPEN REVOLT British Loss of 15,000 Dead and 20,000 Wounded, As serted in Cologne. riunUN (Via wireless to Snyville). Jati. 27. Twenty thousand British troops defending the Arabian seaport of AdenV &t under heavy attack by combined Arab and Turkish forces and In ,a dangerous position, according to reports received hero today. Tho Cologne Volks SScltung received & report from Cairo, , dated December 29, declaring that the British have lost 15,000 In killed and 20,000 wounded in fighting around Aden since the begin ning of thoMvar. Arabians In Revolt. A wounded British major iri given as authority for the statement that Arab Ian sheiks have gone over to the Turks and that nearly 100,000 square miles of Arabian territory formerly controlled by the British, has been lost to them. Tho Arabians, It was stated, are using arms frlycn them bjf the British. Berlin reported several weeks aco that a TUrklsh force had driven the British In upon Aden and was prepar ing to attack the city. This report was subsequently denied by tho British offi cials. Aden Is strongly fortified, and Is known as tho 'Gibraltar of the Kast " Because of tho position It holds with reference to' tho Suez canal it Is a trading center of the greatest Importance. CORSET DESIGNERS FORM ORGANIZATION Southern, Association Plans to Educate Girls in New Busi ness For. Women. An organization that claims (o Tie unique because It onens an entirely new field tp business women .of Hie South, came into being when the" South erti Corset Buyers' Association com pleted Its organization at the Ebb'tlie's terday. Its chief object will be the uro motlon of educational work amomr cor Bet buyers, nnd tho pointing out of 'the possibilities of such a profession to butfi nrn women. Tho Idea of forming such an organi zation Is credited to an ambition vounc woman from Raleigh. She Is Miss Ida Cheek. With practically no irsources. she established there a business of fitting medical corsets, which urnrtunlly expanded until it reached out into several States.. The convention was artdiohsert bv AV. P. Jackson, sales manager for the Kala mazoo Corset Company; Manager Hi gourney. of the sales department of the Itoyal Worcester Corset Company , and Miss 12. B. Wells, of the AVells-Gossard Shop. In this city, all of whom com mended the new nrolect. The following were selected as offi cers: Mrs. Tom Gartlan. Parkcrsbur. AV. Va.. president, Mls B. Ilunsuck. of the J. B. Ivery Company Charlotte. X. C, vice president; Miss Grace Shelly, of tho M. V. Mooro Company. Ashcville, N. C , secretary, and Miss II, B. Kothholz. of Darlington, S. C treasurer. The buyers who have organized the pew association were received bv Presi dent AVIlson. Tuesday, and have been entertained at theater parties and lunch eons during their stay in Washington. Didn't Steal Horse; It Followed Him HAGERSTOAVN, Jan. 27.-A. J. Rutherford, seventeen, Kearneysvlllo, AV. Va., Is under arrest, charged with forging Frank Trump's name to a $22 check on the Farmers' Bank, 8hep herdstown, and stealing a horse. Rutherford admitted forgery, but claims that when he entered tho stable the horse followed him out and he mounted and rode off. He Is being held for West A'irglnla police. Will Debate on Wages. The Columbian Debating Society of George AA'ashlngton Unlvoisity will hold Its semi-annual election of offi cers February 4 at New Masonic 'IVrhple. The minimum wage ques tion will bo debated. Neither England Nor Germany Anxious for Little Nation to Join War.- By CHARLES P. STEWART. LONDON, Jan. 27. AVar rumblings nay disturb Sweden at pres.ent. but Denmark pretty cortaljiV I Kolng to lecp out of this war. She wants l l:cop out, and both Germany and.Enp land want the same thing. This much is gleaned from conversations with official In Copenhagen and well In formed personu here today. If Denmark lights at all. It must be with the allies. She lost SchleswlR Holstein tp Germany nftytwo veara ago, and has hated tho Germans ever flnce. But Germany could cross the Imaginary line separating the two countries and overrun Donmaj-k with in a short time. Hence Denmark can not aToid to fight. On the other hand, Germany has not beon anxious -to Invade Denmark. Tho Germans receive considerable quantities of supplies through Denmark's neutral ports, despite tho British blockade. They realise that England would blockade these ports If occupied by Germans. Furthermore, Germany does not want to Increase her troubles by conquering Denmark and making it necessary to defend Denmark's long . ahoro lino against posslblo landings by the allies, England gets large stores of food Muffs from the Danes. If Denmark en tered the war and was ocupled by Ger man troops this source if supply for tho British Isles would be cut off. It is understood that a tacit agree ment exists by which Denmark divides her foodstuffs between the Germans and the English, without objection by either. In evidence of this fact. It is cited here that no Danish ship carrying! food supplies to England nas ever been torpedoed. Swedish and Norwegian ships have been blown up and so have Danish ships with cargoes other than food. - i Geological Survey Wants Apprentice Map Engraver An examination for bovs between sixteen and eighteen years old to All the position of apprentice map en gia,vcr In the Geological Survey at AAashlnpton 1b announced by the Civil Seivjce Commission' for Febru ary 22. Previous training will count 35 out of 100, the balance being distributed between spelling, arithmetic, an-1 counting money, Wtcr writing, pen manship, and accurate cnpylng, on which candidates will bo cNamincd at titles thioughout the country. Students to Dance. The students of Steward's Business College will give a dance this evening at Carroll Institute Hall, 916 Tenth street northwest. Officers of Masons Shown in "Movies" Heads of Columbia Chapter Por trayed at Work in Full Regalia. Moving pictures showing tho officers of Columbia Chapter, No. 1, Royal Arch Masons, were presented at the nn nual visitation of tho body at tho new Masonic Temple last night. The "movies" showed tho officers of the lodge in full regalia at work In their varioua capacities. The entertainment was attended by nearly COO persons. George G, Selbold. James A. AVest. I.em Towera, Jr., and George E. Corson mado brief addresses. On the enter tainment program were George E. Meyers. Mtia IletMi 8. Myers. Miss Ethel N, Johnson. Miss Jennie M. I.lnd. Julia N. Streeter. Charles AV. Moore, Alexander Mosher. Charles E. Myers. J. Henrv Kaiser, and Os r A. Danzen baker. The entertainment committer Included Grant 8. Barnhart. Richard n. Nixon, Donald. B. MacLeod. Edwin G. Ballln gor. John C. Ballou, Mark H. Barnum. AValtcr M. Bnstlan. J. AValter Bern hard. Clarence J. Blanehard. I.eland 8. Brown, Oscar A. Dansenbaker. Clyde M. Freed. AVIIIIam R. Hamaher. Thomas F. Harris. Ernest A. Hurdle, Georgo E. Hcbbard. J. AValter Humphrey. Harry A. Krake. Vincent 8. Marlon. Julius E. Mover. Edward F. Morrison. Edward Relnmuth. ar.. Charles 8. Taylor. John AVIlson. Bert V. AVolfe, Frederick Yates, and Johnston R. Zimmerman. Grocery Store Robbed. 'The theft of meats and groceries val ued at 28, front the, Sanitary Grocery Store, at 1424 Seventh street northwest, was reported to the police today by R. A. Lacy, manager. Entrance was gained by forcing a rear door. COPBBLH BILL GOVERNING n MOVIES 11 Several. ty'otu&Trojddcers Said To.(iFederaVc6ntrol of FjM'Prpductions. . . y "s. ; TJ -. A'confp.i'd.mlse hill providing for the FelraU ceiisomhlp of moving pictures Is befoco tho House Committee on Eflu catlon today with: ,thp Btatoment btf Arthur H.' Friend, of ew York, that several'large motion plcturo' producer favor some form of federal regulation. It ts-atiscrtcd the compromise has been Jointly ..drafted by certain plcturo .In terests, and the welfaro workers' .be hind the original Hughes bill. Both IiIph hnvn tnnd'e concessions. It Is said. An. rewritten the Hughes bill would bar pictures that are ''obBceno. lPUecerit, Immoral. Inhuman, or a ronroductlom-of an Bttual bull or prlre fight, or o such character ihat exhibition would tond to ImpaiC health, corrupt moral or' Incite crime' ' It Is -rirovJded. however, that no pic turo shall bo barred unlesB three of tho five members -of the. proposed Federal commission disapprove of It. It. is also stipulated that one of t,he censors shall be n Woman." . . ( , Tho Friend brief mvn tho number of Indecent . pictures fo. Increasing., and there should be some form of Fodcral Censorship. , ... "There r gct-rlph-nUkk artists look ing for a quick clean-OP dntl getaway," savH the bfler., "TheV find the oppor tunity for such methods In producing nnd exhibiting sensational prpductlona which display scenes of lust and crimes." It Is stated the brief and bill Is filed bv Mr. Friend In bohalf of five of the larfco producers of film. Tho headquar ter of tho censorship commission, It Is suggested, shall be In Washington with branch offices In New York. Los An gelen. and other cities. The Industry would pay tho cost of Inspection the fco for censorship being tl per thou sand feet of film. Appeals from tho de cision of the commission would go to the District Court of Appeals. Too Big and Husky For Marine Corps Young Giant, Six Feet Five. Inches Tall, Is Rejected by Pitts burgh -Station. PITTSBURGH, Jan. 87. Michael Tuholskl, a steel mill puddler from Cleveland, Ohio, aged twenty-two years, was rejected at the. United States Marine Corps recruiting sta tion here, as "too big and husky." Tuholskl measured six feet and Ave Inches In his stocking feet and weigh ed 267 pounds without clothing. The medical examiner pronounced him a perfect physical specimen., but the maximum height far marines Is 73 Inches and no giants or pygmies are wanted in the Marine Corps, accord ing to Hergt. Michael De Boo, who Is In charge of the local recruiting sta tion for sea soldiers. LABOR MEN GIVING TO AID HATTERS TODAY All Wages Contributed For Second .Hour of Day to Relieve Aged Men. Western Reserve Meeting. The annual reunion dinner of the AVashlngton District, Alumni Associa tion of Western Reserve University will be held at the New Ebbltt tonight. J The principal speaker Is to be Presl ident Charles F. Thwlng, of AVestern Rcscrvo University, who Is to be a special guest of tho alumni. Today Is "Hatters Day." ' The day Is being observed by union Iab6r men all over tho country. They are not taking collections nor ralBlng money by solicitation. But they are turning over their pay for the second hour of this working day to relieve the distress of tho aged Danbury hatters, driven 'from their homes after thirteen years of litigation. Telegrams oi aympatny, iciung or amounts to bo forwarded, and many checks sent, in advance, poured in to day at the 6 nice oT the American Fed eration of Labor. A clerical force in tho office of Secretary Frank Morrison was kept busy registering the amounts and sending receipts. No estimate was placed on the amount so far received. But the response, It wan stated, indicated widespread sym pathy for the plight of tho hatters, who, within two months, will have their homes and savings seized to satisfy tho 1252,000 judgment standing against them in tho famous case, Tho money will not be disbursed from this city. It will be forwarded to Mar tin Lawler, one of the original defendants,- now living In. New York, who is secretary of the United Hatters of North America. Much of the money la being gent di rect to Mr. Lawlor, and the amount wilt not be known until he Issues a state ment containing the namo and amount from over contributor. The appeal, It was emphasized today, wnrt not to help the men In the payment of the fine, but to relievo the distress of the men, many more than seventy yours old, who will be made homeless and be divested of tho savings of a lifetime to satisfy tho Judgment. COMB SAGE TEA IN LIFELESS, MM If Mixed hSulphur it Darkens so Naturally No body can Tell. Grandmother kept hor hair beautiful ly darkened, glossy and abundant with a, brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. AVhen ever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, thl simple mixture was applied vlth won derful effect By asking at any drug store for "AVyeth's Sage add Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle, of this old-time recipe, ready to use,' for about CO cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair nnd la splendid for dandruff, dry, Itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist eaya everybody uses AVyeth's Sage ind Bui phur, because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Uy.mortl lng the gray hair disappear; after another application or two, It Is re stored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant, Advt. EAT BIG MEALS! BE 1 STIO ORBADSTOICH .''Pape's Diapepsin" makes weak stomachs strong and healthy at once. Instantly stops sourness, gases, heartburn, acidity, dyspepsia. There would not be a case of Indi gestion or dyspepsia here If readers who are subject to stomach trouble knew the tremendous antl-fcrment and digestive virtue contained , Ip Pape's Diapeosln. This harmless preparation will digest a hcavv meal without he slightest fuss or discomfort, and re lieve the sourest, acid stomach in five minutes. Dcsiaes overcoming an foul, nauseous odors from the breath. ', Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly printed on each 60-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, then you will readily understand why this promptly overcomes indlgcstlpn and re moves such symptoms as heartburn, a feeling like a lump of lead In the stomach, Tjelchlncr of gas and erup tions of undigested food, water brash, acidity, nausea, headache, biliousness, and manv other bad symptoms; and, besides, you nlll not need laxatives to keep your stomach, liver, and Intestines clean ana irosn. If your stomach Is sour and full of gas or vour food doesn't digest, and vour meals don't seem to fit, why not get a 60-cent case from your druggist and make life worth living? Absolute relief from stomach misery and per fect digestion of anything you eat is sure to follow five minutes after, and besides, one case Is sufficient to rid a whole family of suth trouble. Surely. a harmless, inexpensive preparation llko Diapepsin, which will always, either at daytime or during night, relieve vour stomach misery and digest vour meals. Is about as handy and valuablo a thlnar as you could have In the house. Advt. "Largest Credit Jewelers in the Vorld" On Diamonds Watches Jewelry We offer the easiest terms of any reliable jewelry house in Washington 50 cents a week on any pur chase amounting to $25 or less, and larger amounts in the same proportion. Castelberg's, 935 Penna. Ave. Profit-Sharing Coupons, Worth 5, With Every Payment AVENUE STORE ONLY MmMyr )& ear A . - - wwmmpmmnMam m -. -.'. "ir HiaH ..' '. -Wi- -- : IH.- Hh aH sHMs aiaK . " . 1 gist, m . . . . -tfl . . . x 'k4'V -iB,'t'-., "J.'.-'.. ' mLWP 'WrCOiilB' ' tffi ' '"t ' '-i' , H- JM HnMnMiaaMMaMaaMritBindMMiteaBMaMHMaaUaBiaaJri HT'FnffrfTlffiiEF' NWl Day of Wonderful : Value-Giving in Hii-Grade 'HC IP. GrVpmen and hen WE- DON'T do things in a half-hearted way! When we decide to cot prices and clear out our broken lines, we do it "with a vengeance!" The items below reflect our determination to make this clearance QUICK and COMPLETE! You'll find the season's smartest styles in high-grade, nationally famous footwear marked at prices which mean substantial cash savings for Friday buyers. 120 Pairs Bronze Kidskin Boots Made of the very best imported bronze kid- skin, three neat styles from our own stock of $6 boots. Practically all sizes. Friday only $3.65 65 Pairs "Carthean" Crimped Vamp Button Boots A brand new pattern in blue, black and mahogany kidskin, with O'Sullivan rub ber heels attached. Our own regular $5.50 value. Friday only $3.45 265 Pairs High Grade Shoes at give away prices, including gray, brown, tan and white nubuck. Genuine buckskin in black and white, also black satin shoes; al most every pair are rdal S5.00 and $6.00 values. Friday only $lo85 109 Pairs Fine Shoes (broken lots) in button, front lace and side lace, in patent and dull leathers, bronze, blue, black, gray and mahogany kidskin. Regular. $5.00 to $6.00 values.- Fri day onlv $2.95 197 Pairs High-grade Shoes, practically all styles and leathers; colored tops and plain tops; not all sizes in every style, but all sizes in the lot. Regular $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 values. Fri day only $2.65 21 PAIRS HIGH-GRADE BLACK SATIN HAND-TURNED COLONIAL SLIPPERS, made by Strasburger, Brcnnon & Styles, of Brooklyn, N. Y These are the best grade slippers you' can buy at any price. We sell them reguarly at $6.00. For Friday only, $3.25. See sizes below. 32 4 412 5 52 6 6J4 7 1 B. 1 3 3 1 1 2 4 $3.25 20 PAIRS GOLD AND SILVER CLOTH EVENING SLIP PERS the kind you pay $6.00 and $7.00 for. We sold 105 pairs at our sale last Monday. We have just 20 pairs to dispose of Friday at $3.65. Note sizes below you may never get another opportunity like this. 1 Vz 2 2j2 3 3l2 4 4'2 5 7 A... 2 2 B. 1 1 1 3 C...1 2 $3.65 MenY'Steadfast" 300 pairs Steadfast Bench-' made Shoes (broken lots) 25 of this season's best styles, in cluding tan calfskin, gun metal calfskin and patent kidskin, with doth tops and genuine buckskin tops. Not all sizes. Regular $6 and $7 values. Friday only mm and d mssiwm m urrojaps ff Shoes 4-85 $4.85 for your unrestricted choice of our complete stock of Steadfast and Burrojaps $6 Shoes for Men. These shoes are ex ceptional values at their regular price THEY ARE DECIDED BARGAINS AT THIS PRICE. Friday only. AT SPECIAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY ONLY Our Recent Purchase of $50,000 WORTH OF M'ELWAIN SHOES, made especially to our order, enables us to offer sp cial bargains in Brand-new, Made-to-our-special-order Shoes at the following reductions: $4.00 dQ 9C $3.50 dJO Qff $3.00 dQ re values pO.AiO Values $& Values p.OD Sale at Avenue 4 Store Only .tTik iL. erbetfefrs 813 Penna. Avenue Washington's Lafgest and Most Progressive Shoe HouseEstablished 1868 W