Newspaper Page Text
TfTW Zrjrn-wTryr' "p'srTrw iy$ri:Tw 'THE WASHINGTON TIMES: THURSDAY; JAMJARY 27, 1916. 5 -,l fi TOKYO DEMANDS ON MODS Y SHOWN IN I CHINA MAY AFFECT CAPITAL DIRECTORY PHIUPPINE LIBERTY .Reported Renewal of "Group Fivo" Representations Is1 Causing Keen Interest Here. TROUBLE IN THE GUARANTEE ''Self-Made" M. C.'s, No Longer Take Up Much Space With Autobiographies. Senators Believe Proposal to Practically Extend Monroe Doctrine Is Dangerous. Reports from London that Japan, has repowed her demands on China, Includ ing tho much-discussed "croup five" demands of some, months Ago, not only havo arouped keen Intercut here, hut it Js believed they may have an Important bearing: on the shaping up of the Philip pine independence bill before It Is finally Passed by Congress. , ,One of the propositions In the meas ure, as tho Administration and leading Democratic Senators propose to amend it, Is that 'this country shall seek agree ments for the neutralisation of the islands, but if unable to obtain suoh agreements, to guarantee sovereignty Itself for five years after independence. Already Opposed. This feature of the Administration plan already has encountered stiff op position in the Senate. Senator Suther land took the view It was likely to get the United States Into trouble In tho Orient. .Ono view which will be urged strongly, , it is sold, against the plan of guaran teeing Indopendenco Is that It Japan really Is .going, to cn-'orre her Intlurnce over China, as Rngllsh reports Indi cate, the danger Involved to this coun try In guaranteeing Philippine Independ ence, unless neutralization treaties can he made, might bo Increased. More Debate Today. More hot debate In the Benate on the Philippine bill Is expected today. Sena tor .Hitchcock, In chargo of the bill, is endeavoring to clear the way for a vote, and it Is possible the measure will be disposed of by the Senate this weeit. Senator McCumber presented an amendment yesterday afternoon which was the subject of spirited discussion. It, Authorizes the President to Indicate to. the great powers the desire or this Government to extend independence whenever It shall be warranted, and to seek aerrenmentii punrnntMlnp thn ,av. crclgnty of tho islands. UNIDENTIFIED BABY FOUND ON DOORSTEP Infant Taken to St. Anne's Asylum to A,wait Parents' Appearance. There Is a two-week-old baby boy at St. Anne's Orphan Asylum today for whdse parents the police of the Second precinct are looking. The only clue to tho child's Idcntltv is a rote which was pinned to Its garments when It was abandoned, and which read: "My name Is George. For sweet charity's sake, take me In." When Mrs. Anna E. Richards, of 12J5 Eighth street northwest, called to see Catherine Cody, at 1214 Ninth street last night she stumbled over a basket in the vestibule. When Miss Cody came dowiistalrs her friend said: "Your laundry is In the vestibule.'" . Miss Cody replied that she was not expecting laundry, and an investigation disclosed that the chip basket contained tho Infant George. Plan For Monument To Colored Soldiers Plans to erect a monument to colored soldiers who fought in the war of th rebellion will be discussed at a meeting .ionaay niKiu ai si ti street northwest. A temporary national monument asso ciation has been organized. To select a site and obtain legislation authorizing the monument, a commit tee has been named consisting of Prof, kelson E. Weatherless, Dr. George W. Cabanlss, Wllllsm II. Fortune, Henry Issuer. J. Flnlcv Wilson, Edward L. ?,C0,t,V w- Corbl". Rev. 7.. H. Jcrnlgan. E- W. Turner, William II. Brown. Alex ander Taylor. Mrs. J. M. Layton, Mrs. "III!!?' West Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth B. White, Miss M. A. Madre. Joseph J. Jones, and Thomas L. Jones. Morris R. George To Be Buried Tomorrow funeral services for Morris n. Oor&e. who died Tuesday nlcht at his home. ,o3 Quebec plaoe northwest, from paraly bIs of the throat, will be hold at his late residence tomorrow at iSO. tho Rev. George F Dudley, lector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, officiating. J.JXr: ae?rS0, WJ.10 wna tho brother of the late Henrv George, well-known ex ponent of tho single tax. was sixty-throe years old. having been an employe of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for moro than twenty-three veara. He retired to prlvato life last October, when his health began to fall. The deceased Is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Walter S. Lrwln. and u on, Horace R. George, of this cltv. Mrs. Post to Address W. C. T. U. Convention The quartet ly conwntlnn of tho "Woman's Christian Tompsranct Union, which opens at 30 o'clock 'tomorrow morning at the Eckluo.ton Presbyterian Church, will te mldic&sed oy Mia. 1 ouls V. Post, wife of tho sslstant Secretary of Labor, among other rpeak ers. Mrs Post will spenk on "Women and tho Peace Movement." Dnrlnc the comenllon a campaign to raise J". .COO toivairi ptohlhltlon woik in the District w)ll bo launched. Tho srentle gibes of the heartless scribes in tho House and Benate press galleries, tho scribes nver. am rejponal blo for the almost total absence from, this year's Congressional Directory of the once'numerous annual crop of auto blcgraphora of "self-mado" solons. Mighty few of the extraordinarily largo number of now Congressmen this year dwell upon thn days of the log cabin i and tho hardships of early youth. Some men who formerly took much space to tell about themselves now win dlitlnc tlon by going to the opposite extreme. Minority Leader Mann made one mis take in his brief description of himself. He wrote: "James R. Mann. Repub lican, of ChlcsKO. wns born In 1836: elected to tho Fifty-fifth and succeeding Qoncressos. Member of the Banking and Currency Committee." This last statement got Into the proof sheets of tho directory, but the committee makers did not put Mr. Mann on the B&C com mittee. Here Is a notable sample of brevity: "Thaddous H. Caraway. Democrat, Joncaboro." "This Is a whole atorv-of the life of tno congressman or tho First district of Arkansas as told by the member him self in the directory. The member from tho Fourth district of tho same State s"s of himself: "Otla Wingo. Democrat of Do Queen, member of Sixty-third Congress, re elected to Sixty-fourth Conm-ess." There Is another brief sketch In the directory which records modestly the stoty of the rise to oolltlcal fame or a nefctcrn Senator. The storv wan nrnt told with more regard for dotal!. Then somebody gave him a "hunch" and he beat the jokesmttha to it by a neck and stopped the proofs and now three lines tell the story. Colorado has a delegation In the House that reads like this: Congressman Ben Clark Hlttard "was born in a log cabin on a farm eight miles riorth of Osceola. Clarke county, Iowa." Congressman Charles Bateman Tim bcrlake: "Ills boyhood was spent on a farm. Congressman Taylor: "Spent his early life on a farm and stock ranch." Probably the most interesting narrsi tlve of one's self In the directory Is that of James Harvey Davis of Texas, "Cyclone" Davis, as he Is technically known in the nomenclature of political explosives. Mr. Davis takes up some space to tell about this matter as fol lows: "In debating the money question rith Gen. Watt Hardin In 1832 at the capltol building in Frankfort. Ky he was re ported by tho Cincinnati Inquirer and Chicago papers as "Texas Cyclone." under which title over half of his mall la now received." The final triumph is recorded as fol lows: "Was elected to the SIxtv-fourth Con. gress with the Hon. Jeff McLemore (chosen to All a temporary vacancy) as colleague, receiving some 200 votes less than his collcarue. an alleged nenaltv for not having always been a 'collar Democrat, and neavny scratched by rabid antls." The "colleague" to whom Cyclone Davis refers, adds a bit of spice to the Texas delegation chronicles. "Jeff Mc Lemore," an he -signs himself, pleads guilty to having teen born "on a farm two miles west of Spring Hill. Maury county, Tenn." He odds that the event occurred on "Friday, the 13th of Msrch," and J,who's afraid In a storm." "He la a bachelor and a newspaper man." says he. "Had but little schooling," writes Jeff McLemore, "because of his aversion to teachers, and as a pupil never saw the Inside of a school room after he was fourteen years old." Seniors At Georgetown Preparing For Dance The annual senior dance of George town University will he held at the New Willard March fi. This dato was selected by the Pre in Comir.lttcu of the upivorslty Inst night John Mshluni. captain of the 1916 football team, wan -hoten chairman of the committee. Tho 'Jrormtown sejucr class of 191C is the largest in tho history of the school. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! 8aya glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. Quick, Painless Way To Remove Hairy Growths dfelps to Beau'y) Here Is a simple, unfailing way to rlc" the skin of objectionable hairs: Wltn tome pondered delatone and wuter i tke enough pniite to co'r the ha.-y biirface, apply an.l In about 2 nilnutrs jub off, wash the skin and every trice of hair has mulshed. This is quite harmless, but to avoid dt -ppolntm?it be sure to get the delatone In an orlgl a&l packaxc-Adyt. To see the tlngo of healthy blocm In your face, to see your skltr got clearer and clem or, to waVs up with out a headach. backache, coate.d tongue or na&ty breath, In fact to lecl your bost, day in and day out, J'Jt try insidc-batlilng every morning for one week. Before breakfast each day, drink a tlass of rcul hot water Mh a te spoonful of limestone phosphate in it as a harmless means of washing from tho stomach, liver, kldnoya and bowels the previous day's indigestible wauto, sour bile and toxlnn; thus cleansing, awectenlnir nnd mirifvln? th ir.iira alimentary canal before r utting nicioj food into, tho stomnch. The action of1 hot water and limestone phosphato oni an empty stomach Is wondorfully Invig orating. It cleans out all the oour fermentations, mines and nrlriftv nn-l gives one a splendid appetite for break- A quarter pound of limestone phos phato Will cost verv llttto nt thn ilrmr More but Is sufficient to demonstrate mat just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the (-kin, so hot water nnd limestone phos phate net on the blood nnd Internal or- Rans. Thorte who me tnhlnni nn. ttlpaUoi. bilious attacks, acid stomach, ihenmatlo twinges. hIso those whoao skin Is sallow and complexion pallid, assured that one weo'c of Inside hathlng will have them both looking and feeling better In every wa y. Ad v t. How Good Breakfast Tastes -When cook makes ihr hot caken iWthMIULElt 3 8EtJ.'-msiNO U t' K WHEAT1 )ancakf lime the TRl'E buckwheat U. Or thn. VOI' nnrlit In i ! know f If At Ycur CJroceri-No Consumers Hup'plled B. B. EARNSHAW & BRfV Wholesale Qrocera, Uth ana U Hts. H. H. Miller's Self-Rising Buckwheat 3 jtf iStfiaiT qur FURNITURE STORE, ACROSS TUB STREET"" f """ " Remnant Sale VISIT OUR VURNITUHB STORE, ACflOSS THIS aTRBRT STORE HOURS: Open 8:45 A.M.; Close 5:30 P. M. It Pays to Dl jft Bt OoldsstsisriV ' ' - I,, , ' " lllllliwiMI Hi Seamless Brussels Rugs 9xl2-ft'. Room Size 4t 1 1 Off Regularly $18.00, at MP 1 1 OJ Lot of 15 Largest Room Size (9x12 ft.) Seamless Brussels Rugs, representing the floor samples and one-of-a-kind patterns from regular stock. Heavy-weight, firm-woven fabric; choice of light and dark colorings in floral, medallion and conventional patterns. 35c & 40c Floor Oilcloth Tomorrow J 9c Sq yd. Heavy-weight Floor Oilcloth, in 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 widths; light and dark colors in large or small designs. Lengths up to 45 yards, which permits you to buy as many yards as you re quire. . Hla;T7' JAPANESE 5IATTING 1UTGS, made of heavy weight close woven lG0-warp matting-. In light and dark colors. Choice of 1 AP floral, oriental and medallion designs. Regular $3.50 value, at... lS0 Fourth Floor. Weeding Out Odd Lots of Men's Suits $Q.25 Hi I B llii ' JHLv X kj for Values Worth $12.50 to $15.00. A lucky Friday sale for 127 men better be here ea'rly if you want to share the bar gain. They are the few of a kind garments remaining from regular lines, and we've put this little price on the entire lot for quick selling tomorrow. Suits of fine all-wool materials, in neat plaids, dark mixtures, overplaids, fancy novelties and pin stripes. Correctly styled in English and conserva tive models. Sizes for men, 34 to 42, and young men, 1 7 to 20 years. SO MAVM OVERCOATS, fins quality materials, various colors and shapes, full and quarter silk lined. Sizes 24 to 4.'. Values worth $20.00, $2;.50, nnd fl10 AK J25.00 ..,. &J.4t US SIGN'S TUXfDO SUITS, of black vicuna finish thlbet cloth: peak lapels; crros-jrraln sill, fac ings; sires jd to ub, including stouts and sums. Regular sis values B MEN'S OVEHCOATS, of black horsey, lined with full muskrat skins; Persian fur collar: size si to 44. Worth OQ KA J55.00 3fiU,0J 89.50 ! MEN'S MEIrtlJM-VEIGIIT overcoats full silk lined; made of unfinished worsteds: all hand tailored, sizes J4 to 40 11 or only. Worth J2S.50 BH.OD 40 HEX'S A1SD YOUNG MEN'S "H'T8'.0' Cheviot and casslmerc; all dark colors and heavv winter weight; well tailored; sizes 34 to 4ii only. Worth flp rrr flO.uO &D,iD T5 PAins or men's connunov PANTS, heavy wale; in drab col or; sizes 33 to 38 walsf. measuro only, lnscams f 31 Inches fijl aa only.- llegular $2.50 value uUU Savings of l2 and on These Fine Remnants Dress Goods and Coatings Worth $1, $1.25 and $1.50 a Yard 59c All the Most Desirable Fabrics Included At the expenditure of very little money you can purchase the material for a new suit, coat, skirt or dress, if you choose from this lot of remnants at 59c a yard tomorrow. Every rem nant and short length from our stock included. The majority are 50 and 54 inches wide. Storm Serges, Cheviots, Rhedona, Broadcloth, Gabardine, Granite, Poplins, French Sergei, Fancy Weaves, Reversible Coatings, Winter-weight Chinchilla Coatings, Fancy Mixed Coat ings, Boucle Coatings, etc, etc. Lanre ranse of colors and combinations, including Plenty of black and tmvy oluc First Kloor-SUi Street Side. Our Furniture Store, "Across the Street," Announces for Friday an Important Pre-Inventory Disposal of All Odd Lots of FURNITURE Few of a kind pieces, odds and ends from regular stock and discontinued numbers are all marked for a speedy out going Friday. Read this list and be here early, as quantities are limited. Four Brass Beds, 4 ft. 6 size. Kegularly pu.yo. . it. e in. $3.98 Odd lot of Brass Beds; sold regularly at $20 (M T TA nd $22.00 l.SO One dozen All-metal Sidewalk Sulkies rubber-tired wheels. Sold regularly at rtfl s1-4 88c Five Oak Pedestals; strongly S...R!r.,r....$i.69 Four dozen Odd Chairs; oak and mahogany finish; suitable for dining, living, and bedroom use. Values worth $4.00, $5.00, nnd hO An $6.00 each J2.98 Odd lot of Dining Room Chairs; oak, mahogany, and fumed finish. Worth up to $2.50, at $1.00 Worth up to $4.00, at $1.95 Small lot of Brass Fern Dishes, sold regularly p at 60c each tuOQ 50 Fruit or Flower Basket. ..- ! '"""J various sizes, each 5c Three-piece Parlor Suite; imi tation black leather upholster ed. Worth (Pi A l 8iy.75 Mahogany finish Smoking Stands; regularly rg 1.M Oi7C ik: A Round-Up of AH Winter Merchandise At Prices Sensationally, Low HURRY! For These Small Lots of Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel aciiaauunai rnaay uean-up or Ail Kemnants of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Waists at Cost-Regardless Prices 29 Women's and Misses' BWrte, of cdrduroy, cheeks and Ymw plalda: nnr aport and tailored modeU: colora of nayy blue. bUck. gray, and now combina tions. Value worth 2.t and IS.SI. g ie KiaOu ....................................... v9JLtrXt3 . BLW?.MCH1?.81Lk 8d clotii Combination Dresses, ... ..., .., .-.-.., u..u w.u"i, sy rvHM uHt norm aerg-e In Combination with allK poplin and Q rr uiiieia; mostly smau Bixta. worth fi.91. Each V&iUtJ 82 Women's and Mlsees' New Winter Suits, fine fur trimmed, velvet and braided model, consisting of broadcloths, ft-abardlne, Donllns. nhinrnrii. sers-es, etc. Values worth up to 95.00. He- tfQ n1 41 Women's and Mlaaea Cnata. nt rhvint sn. chilly, boucle albejfne. and mixtures: sport. UlloreJ and trimmed effects: left from lines that sold 017 nr up to 1.75 each. Reduced to pf90 26 Fur-trimmed Corduroy Coata. this xixicnn'n newest models. Including- Russian blouse and flare effects; colora of navy, green and Copenhagen. &l OCT Valuea worth up to 125.00 D7OD 71 'Women's Tnb Silk Waists, inriurlincx hA and narrow striped effects; In assorted colors. ttn Values worth up to $1.91 each OlfC 87 Women's Lingerie Waiatn. nf vnil. r! oinfh and organdy: long sleeves, hlrrh or low nrir t ' models. Regular $1.00 values 4DC 16 Women'B and Misses' Plush Coats, of Salt's sealette ,and esqulmette p)ush; some fur trimmed: latest models. Values worth up fljf A qa to 0J3.B0 . . . , . DU.uU 3.6 Wocn' Silk Drcssca, of crcpo do chine, tarreta, satin duchesno and sqrge and llk combina tions. This season's models. Values worth Hn no up to ft. Reduced to. DOt70 41 Blisses' and Junior CoatB, of cheviot, boucle, and mixtures; sport and tailored models: colors of Copenhagen, brown, navy blue, and black. OO OO Valuea worth up to $12.50 OtOV S3 Flannel Shirts, tailored models, with long sleeves and ihlgh or low nocks; small sizes OoJ. only. Regular J1.00 values Z6C 5 Black Ponvalcin Cnata. ttinuumiif ..J full-length models; lined with Sklnner-a satin or bro cade silk. Values worth ud to d-f si 45. Reduced to 91U.UU , ?2S,cpar?tc Scarfs and Muffs, of maline, black fox, red fox, Jap mink and near-seal. Values &C AA worth up to $16.00 ., . OU.vU .-i-.5?-S??h L?J?x.Set8' PlaiQ a"d head and tail w., njica. norm up 10 SI0.00 CO ACT Reducod to JdZmJO 97 Honse Dresses, nf orinchnm. nmiimt. ..j percale; high or low neck and three-quarter or 'a long sleeves. Values worth up to $1.50 4ifC aa - BB--MBSl---r I The Season's Biggest Remnant Sale of White and Colored Wash Fabrics Planned for TomorrowWith, Record Low Prices Quoted tor Fresh, New Spring Wash Goods s 15c & 25c White Goods at 8c Includlnc 40 - Inch Two nlv French Voile, 40-inch French Or gandy. 40-Inch India Llnon, S0-lnch Crepe. SS-lnch Longcloth. 27-lnch Tarn Mercerized Poplin. 40-Inch Crepe Voile. 40-inch Oabardlne Voile. 40- Inch Mercerised Batiste. 3(-lnch English Nainsook. 40-Inch Shadow Stripe Crepe Voile. All good, useful lengths. 25c to 35c Wash Goods at Remnant lot of Fine quality Wash Fabrics. Including 27-lnch Seco 811k, 27-lnch Tarn Mercerised Pop lin. 26-lnch Printed Tokto Silk. 27 lnch Satin Brocades. 40-Inch Print ed Voiles. 2-lnch Woven Voiles, etc. Oood assortment of colors and desirable lengths. 12k 29c & 39c White Goods at 12k Including the hlirhoiit rloo. fabrics, such as 40-Inch Im ported Gatonrdlne, 40-Inch Dotted Swiss, 40-Inch Box Loom Crepe. 36-Inch Basket Cloth. 36-Inch Ratine Stripe Rice Cloth. 16- Inch Cheviot, 36-inch Best Quality Imperial Long cloth. 36-inch Embroidered Walstlngs, 40-inch Cushion Dot Voile, 36-inch Embroidered Swiss, 32-Inch Solsctte. Useful lengths. Silk and Linen Fabrics Worth 50c a Yard at Kemnants of Silk and Linen Fabrics, Including Sfi-Im-h Crepe de Chine. Bunny Silks. Plain Silk Marquisette, Brocaded Imperial Silk and Printed Marquisettes. In all street and evening shades. De slrablo lengths for waists and dresses. 19c Winter Wearables For Little Children Priced to Go Quickly BADIBS' 35c DON.VKTS, of white corded silk, with tucks and IQp re'vers; odd lots XUfi CIIILDRBNS Me J K R. S F. Y nn.vwEii Lucir.iN.s, in red qn only; slses 2 to 4 years OUK LITTLE CHILDREN'S SOe SWEATERS. In red only; with pockets and turn-over col- OQa lars; small sizes .. .& Cltll.OnKN'S S3 AND $4 COATS, of chinchilla and corduroy: vari ous colors; broken lots. g-f rjQ Reduced to iDXiV CIIIDJIIKN'S $1.00 AND 1Mt HATS, of velvet and plush, AAt In white, black and colors .. xlU Jarriille Dept Third Floor. All Ribbon Remnants Divided Into Three Lots and Marked for Quick Riddance Plain and Fancy Ribbons, In wide and narrow widths, and every color. Lengths suitable for every purpose. Be Values up to 15o Tard.. 8c Values up to Tard. 2c Values up to 10c Tard. 4c I 12'c Ribbon Dept.. First Floor. ''I Valuea up to 21o Yard. Mussed Muslin Wear and Women's Garments At Final Reductions 23c and 00c PETTICOATS, of frood grndo sateen, In various col- OQa ors and styles bt Wo MUSLIN WEAIt. Including white pettlooats and combination garments; various styles; Q'Tn silently mussed Ofl 25c CORSET COVERS, of fine nainsook, with vokea of lace and embroidery edging; slightly -ln soiled XftC Mo MUBLIN WEAR, lncludlns NnlnsooK Ccrset povors and a few Camisoles; trimmed with lace OQf and embroidery OOU Friday's Surprise Selling of NewSpringMILLINERY Now Hats, fresh from the makers' hands, depicting the latest ideas in the world of millinery fashions of fered tomorrow at typical Golden berg savings. They're just the hats nine out of ten women want for pres ent wear, and for early spring. Your inspection invited. NEW SATIN HATS, in sailors, con tinentals and other shapes; choice of white, black, dark brown, old rose and new blue. $2.00 and $2.50 val- ftE ues, at "DC Wy TRIMMED TAILORED HATS; all new and very smort style, made of satins and satin and straw combinations. In Small shapes, including turbans, continentals and other good styles, in black and the leading spring shades. q Values up to $4.00, at .4) I y Q Millinery Department Second Floor. The Final Cut for Complete Clearance Before Inventory of Remnants of Silks Two Splendid Lots Marked at V Price and Less If you have a silk need, plan to be here tomorrow to secure a share of these remarkable values. Never have choice, new, desirable silks been priced so low. Values Up to $1 Yard Including SG-Inch Colored Satin Messallnes. Bft-lnch Colored Silk Pop lino, 3t-lnch Stripe Messallnes. ns Inch Colored Taltctas. 30-inch Plaid Pongeo. 9f-lnch Colored Bengallnes. etc Values Up to $1.50 Yard Includlns 40-lnch Crepe de Chine, JiMnch Crinkle Crcne. 40-Inch Crepo Meteor. -40-Inch Satin Charmouse. j-e-lnch Strloe Taffota and other hlrh-cass silks. In various desirable colors. 49c Yard 69c Yard Silk Dept. 1st Floor. 8th Streot Side. Comforts and Blankets $1.79 Vnlues AVorth 3:2.30 nnd 3.0O. Imrac Doable- lied Mmi. Bedwear that we want to close out beforo Inventory, Includlnjr Larcc Double-bed Size Comforts, covered wth sateens and sllkollnes. niled with white cotton. Wool-nan Blankets. In white with fancy borders: trimmed with silk bound ends. Fourth Floor. 39c Bed Pillows, 19c Lot of about CO Bed Pillows, filled with all feathers, and covered with various color tickings. ' Fourth Floor. i VISIT Of R FtRMTUIlB STORE, ACHOSS TU2 STREET" These Timely Reductions on Men's Underwear and Furnishings Men's Cardigan Jackets, all-wool, hand-knitted quality, in single or double-breasted styles. Broken sizes, in fhr) p navy, gray, brown and black. Worth $5.00 CpA. 1 J $i Part-wool Undershirts, in broken sizes 45c $1 and $1.25 GloVes, including velour gauntlets 69c 5()c and 75c Domet Night Shirts, broken sizes 39c 50c and 75c Ribbed Fleece-l.ined Underwear, at 39c 39c Golf Caps, in stripes and checks, all sizes 19c Men's Store, First Floor. Entrnme From 7(h Street. Hurrying Out All Small Lots of Boys'Clothing&Furaishings Limited quantities, short lots and broken sizes of Boys' Win ter Clothing have been brought forward and marked at big re ductions for final clearance Fridav. Note these savings: BOT8 J5.00 AND J6.M OVEKCOATS. In juvenile stvles. mado )f fancy materials: sizes 2M to 8: one and two of a kind. Fri day, choice at Third Floor. JVIS1T Ol'It FUnXlTUBB STORE, ACIIOSS TIUC STREET; $2.69 tiP