Newspaper Page Text
' THE WASHINGTON TIMES. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 191G. ,1 "' BILL PROVIDES FOR CM DEFENSE By r ( Novel Plan Sponsored by Con gressman Capstick Attraots Attention. ' j 4 i I HOW "RAIL DEFENSE" WILL LOOK AND ITS INVENTOR BEGIN OK SALTS' n-msmr - AT FIRST SIGN imv'Wimm Era. '-.''" ""h t.-r-, -. 'Kfe 4k' JSJnMIBMm5 ImKSKKmrwmm u12MMkm -- m We eat t0 much-meat, which K iKk & lLiaBSllfcIJ3llI 1 1 tMwmmiKxm cISs Kidneys', then the W 'W&fc h SMmhl WsUMimmSSt ;-?iBBBmBn back Lis. RAILWAY AWRY & HUt r i. - ttttt. J i OX i , m f t fr M i r, . i 'i , 11 It tf MJ '"J I.'! ft i'rt M ;& , I. I IV t I J- .-! IT ff f. 1.1 I 'I, rr ft t 11 I!, , ti t; H I I " l' r ir I i ft .- A VI. I I I M V rV Ml rr 11 r,- n it V 11 k t r 4-t r I I i It it :. i hi r; ! u to K rr U SCHEME IS ECONOMICAL Entire System Would Cost Only $50,006,000, and Only Fifth Is Asked Now. tt fT Congressman Capstlck's bill Intro duced in the House Saturday, calling for ' 150,000,000 with which to construct a mobile artillery system of coast de fense, attracted widespread attention at the Capitol'. Advocates of preparedness and their opponents as well manifested a keen Interest In the terms of the bill becauso of the unique features of econ omy and efficacy in It. In a nutshell, the scheme calls for the construction of armored railroad cars, mounting giant mortars or guns, which can be switched from any sec tlrn of the coast to another on short notice and which, on arrival at ajiy strategic point, will ba automatically locked on previously constructed con crete foundations, ready for Instant operation. It Is proposed. In the bill that an appropriation of $10,000,000 be made within a short time to be utilized In the manufacture of guns and mor tars with their supporting cars and for the purchase and preparation of a sufficients, number of concrete founda tion sites to test the system In any area which may be designated by the Secretary of War. 150 Gun Foundations, The bill provides for the construction of 150 foundations along the Atlantic or Pacific coast and the manufacture Ot tlfty cars mounted with mortars and ten with , 14-Inch rifles. Provision Is made in the bill for the selection of tno foundation sites or Mrlng points by a board of officers, which shall consist of three from tho army, three from tno navy and three from the railroad wnose tracks will be used by tho mobile ar tillery and along which the tiring points will be established. The plan calls for the shifting of the armored railroad flat cars from one foundation to another as necessity de mands. The cars can be hauled as easily as any other loaded railroad, car, nccordlng to Lawrence. Luellen, of Mew York, who, together with Cecil F. Daw son, Invented th6 transportation and other features of the new coast detense system. "The two questions most frequently asked about tilts system," aald Air. i.uellen today, "are: 'Will ordinary rail road ties and rails support the wclgnt of these cars and gunsV and 'Will the concrete foundations be able to stand the shock of tho recoil ?' The answer to both of these questions is 'Yes,' De cause we have gone thoroughly into both of these matters and have tnc as surances of many experts Intho War Department that the system is entirely feasible and practical. Support More Weight. The "weight of a car equipped with a 14-lnch rifle would be 370,000 pounds, 270.000 for the gun and carriage, and 300,000 for tho car. This would" place a weight of 15,000 on each wheel. The cars would ho sixty-seven feet long. Railroad ties and rails are today up porting more than this weight In cars and cargoes." Mr. Luelten then exhibited letters from three railroad presidents, each of whom heartily indorsed his invention and assured him their lines would bq glad to co-operate with him and the Government They also declared the weights of the cars mentioned wero .such as to make transportation as easy and simple as the handling of freight. "The concrete foundations into which the movable cars will be locked will bo of such size and substantial nature I hat they cannot be damaged by the concussion caused by the discharge of the gun. By ascertaining the weight of the projectile and the muzzle velocity we can determine what the recoil will be and construct the concrete founda tions large enough to take this recoil without damage. The sides of the car win slide into the stationary founda tions and be locked there so securely as (o make the car and 'foundation like one continuous piece of concrete and metal. Even admitting that the foun dations would be damaged, thev could oe repaired with a special concrete preparation which will harden In a few hours. This cement was used by the Germans In mounting their big guns in a nurry. ' Many Advantages. Mr. J,uellen said tho mobile artil lery system had many advantages over in attacking fleet, heavy guns mount ed on caterpillar treads, like the forty-two-centimctcr guns, and over other tested forms of heavy gun armament. Summarizing these advantages as he sees them after many months of per sonal study and conference with gen erals in tho War Department, Mr. Luel len said: "The objective point of attack of an enemy's navy desirous of making land ing parties is a suitable location upon land for a base from which to operate an army. Our navy may be overpowered or evaded until such base Is obtained by the enemy. Under present conditions we would. In all probability, be power less to then attack such base after a large force was put ashore. The I.u-ellen-Dawson mobile armament system, however, could be used not only against the enemy's fleet but also against Iond 'ng parties, and later against the enemy's base should they bb powerful enough to establish on "Gun fire nshorc. when fired from a Kolld foundation, li more accurate than gun fire afloat. Our system, thcrofore, bu greater accuracy of fire. Battleship Big Target. "A modern battleship offers an expen sive and comparatively large target as Compared to the mobllo armament car of the Lucllen-Dawson defense system type. Oho shot well placed on a bat tleship will cause Its- destruction to gether with all Its men and larre num ber of guns, while one hit scored against the I.uellcn-Dawson mobile armament car loses only one or two guns and comparatively fow men. "An attacking navy offeis a target witnin sight nnd tne possibility of ob i.ervlng where the shots fall for re calculation on the next shot, while tho - llW ''ilCliiilllllllllllllllWt - Luellen-Dawaon mobllo armament ar may be fired from a secluded spot, be hind hills or in deep railroad cuts, where tho enemy cannot so readily ob serve a,nd direct tho fire, or often where the direct fire of tho fleet's guns can not possibly reach. No mortars are mounted on battleships. Tho fleet's guns have little or no clianco of being used, to advantage against land opera tions, while our systom can be used ef fectively on the coast waters and on land. "Aeroplane scouts have a better op portunity of seeking out and locating an enemy's fleet than the-' have of. lo cating tho Lucllcn-Dawson mobile armament cars. Cars Have Advantage. "Faint attacks by the fleet may be used to advantage against a s'.ow mov ing army or guns mounted on caterpil lar treads or movable platforms, but not so with our cars, as they can be brought Into Action as quickly, and moved more rapidly on land, than the battleship can move through the water. "Fixed fortification? In the United States are really used for harl.or de fenses; our extensive coasts limit their use as coast defenses. Our system can be used more effectively ns coast, har bor and city defenses than fixed fortifi cations because it ha Juf.t as accurate fire and gives added strategic value to heavy guns. "Fixed fortifications are helpless whn the enemy s guns have a longer range or have succeeded in locating the guns In the fort. OUr system may shift Its guns to points of advantage or to se cluded spots out of range of the enemv. "Guns and equipments In fixed fortifi cations can bo used" only within the range of that fort. Guns of our system can be quickly mobilized and used wher ever an attack is threatened or actually uciux uiaue. Can Be Remodeled. "A fixed fortification can be easily remodeled and ue,d against us by the enemy when captured unless It is en tirely destroyed before falling Into its hands. The Luellcn-Dawson mobllo ar mament system can. retire or retreat, Giving ground without risking capture of the heavy guns kept miles behind the firing lino during an engagement "Permanent formications offer a suro target to the enemy after their location is discovered by the enemy's aviators or through their own lire. Our svstcm offers a very snull target and could be quickly moved after being sighted by an aviator or after firing. "Tho number of guns of a permanent fortification are fixed, nnd cannot be quickly Increased to repulse a mote powerful fnemy. Our system can any desired number of guns Into tho engagement within u comparatively short time. "In a fixed fortification the number and location of tho guns are usually knesvn to the enemv picvlous to the engagement, while with our system the size and number of the guns wou'.d not bo known and could be changod at will. Can't Be Fired Landward. "In present United States fortlflcayons the large-callbercd disappearing rifles cannot be fired landward. In our sys tem such rifles can bo fired In anv direction from the car. and the car can be moved to any desired foundation. "Fixed fortifications are so expensive that they arc only used for harbor de fenses, and could not be desirable or adequate as coast defenses. "Our system, it a reasonable ex pense to the Government, could be used not only for hurbor defense purposes, but also to defend our coasts and In terior, should the latter becomo neces sary. "Large callbcred guns on caterpillar treads or a portable Dlatform are cum bersome and unwieldy. They may be transported and brought Into action after great difficulty, against fixed fortifications or army bases, or even slow-moving armies, but against an attacking fleet, whose guns aro ready for action. In and out of range In a few minutes, thev would bo almost harmless. Monster coast defense guns, under our system, can bo mounted and brought into action in a very few Don't Suffer Send For Free Trial Treatment No matter how long or how bad you suffer from piles go to your drug gist today and get a SO cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment It will give Too Pyramid Smile From a SlntU Trial relief, and a single box often removes them entirely. A trial package mail ed free In plain wrapper If you send us coupon below. Advt. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DIIUG COMPANY, 688 Pyramid Bldg Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid PiU Treatment, In plain wrapper. Name Street Cltv. . . Stat tm&- m ICE ITER FUNDS ) iiiIIIIB. nn nn hi mini i, v. r x v .-'miiiiiiiiiiiiimv 'QWU, m UNN bfflUn x vjjHr B -iLiiHkMteMstfHLiLiLiiiLiiiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiHiillllllllLLiiiiiiiiB -voino V 0CQAC Above, left General view of rail road, showing number of artilleiy cars in action. Above, right Close view showing mobile artillery car locked to a concrete foundation and in action. Below LAWRENCE LUELLEN, inventor. minutes, where they can be repeatedly fired accurately about once a minute. "To direct tho lire of a second shot quickly and accurately from where the first shot struck, the axis of gun eleva tion must remain horizontal after the first shot is fired. If the shot is fired at a moving target, the axis must bo shifted in a horizontal piano to ac curately gauge the second Bhot There fore, your foundation must remain level to get the greatest efficiency out of the weaoon. If tho baso or support of the weapon shifts when fired. It requires vuuBiuuruuie nine 10 re-ievei or re-piacc tho gun for a second shot. This dura tion of time, therefore, becomes very Important and would probably nrovo to be a fatal defect at a critical mo ment as tho cssel might change Its speed or course during that time. Our system Includes lovel embedded concrete foundations that will not shift when heavy guns aro fired therefrom. "Caterpillar treads or moving bases on soft- untried ground might be used with somo effect against a flxed target, but cannot bo used efficiently against a moving target such as is of fered bv an attacking fleet. Our system is designed especially to be used quickly and effectively against moving targets, such as ships. "An attack from a fleet for making landing parties should be met In a mat ter of minutes and not hours, and the bill asking for tho appropriation to in stall the I.ucllen-Dawson svstem or any other equally promising mobile arma ment specifics 'That railway artillery can laces shall bo capable of entering upon and Interlocking with the founda tion in not less than live minutes.' " YES-IT IS POSSIBLE TO STOP RHEUMATISM Rheumatism is a tormenting and stubborn malady. In some cases it yields- to treatment which is without avail in other cases. The darting pains, lame muscles or stiffened joints only disappear by grad ually expelling the uric acid, and so many thousands have been relieved by the blood-enriching oil-food in Scott's, Emulsion that you should give it a faithful trial. Scott's Emulsion acts as a powerful blood-purifier by increasing the red corpuscles and it strengthens the organs to carry off the acids which cause the trouble. Try Scott's Bmulsion. It can not harm. It has helped thousands and may be ex actly what you need; No Alcohol. ScoltS Bowoe. Bloomfield.N.J. 15-29 TODAY'S AID TO BEAUTY An especially fine shampoo for this weather can be easily rqade at trifling expense by simply dissolv ing a tcaspoonful of canthrox in a cup of hot water. Pour slowly on scalp and massage ltriskly. This creates a soothine, cooling lather that dissolves and removes all daml-' ruff, excess oil and curt. Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean, soft and pliant, while the hair takes on a glossy richness of natural col or, also a fluffiness which makes it seem very much heavier than it is. After a canthrox shampoo arrang ing the hair is pleasure. Advt, OPENS UP NOSTRILS E COLD Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed Nose, Head, Throat You Breathe Freely Dull Headache Goes Nasty Discharge Stops. Try "Ely'B Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try it apply a little In the nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open'.i you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-ln-head catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get tho small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any " Daddy, just because we dorifc know what we Ve missm is no sign -we're not fbolin' ourselves u 1 1 A Remember tKe new rate for two-party line service- 7c a day. TKis rate becomes effective April 1st, 1916. All contracts, taKen now at the old rate auto matically chang'e to tKe new rate otk above date. E All of Contingent Fund Department of Labor Already Exhausted. For Is Emoloyes of the Department of Iabor are facing a long drought, due to a shrinking of the contingent fund of tho department Employes aro being Informed that, owing to lack of funds, the department has found it necessary to forego pur chases of Ice, and that ice water will not be furnished In tho future. There Is no relief In sight as Uie urgent de ficiency measure now under considera tion In the House makes nb addition to tho contingent fund or provision for Ice or ice water. Some weeks ago, the department heads wero confronted with tho alterna tive of banking the furnace fires, and letting employes shiver In the wintry temperature, or of foregoing tho Joys of Ice water In the hot days to come. H was decided to take care of the pres ent and hope for the future. Conse quently the Ice water funds have been burned up In coal. The department will continue to have plenty of water, but it will not have the refreshing coolness drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nos" trlls closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul raucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your" faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Advt. T : 1 &b Scivixi , a CI HEAD OR CATARRH AT ONCE worth doirf without a telephone ? Only n$ a day, Daddy?" ask Main 9000 of tho water usually furnished to Uncle Barn's workers. Hearing of -tho sad plight of their co-workers. Department of Commerce officials Invited the Labor Depart ment employes to visit tho Commerce building, and partake of a cooling draught of the water furnished from that department's refrigerating system. Says Business Men Are For Tariff Commission Tho business men of the United Slates will welcome the appointment of a non partisan tariff commission In the oplnldn of John H. Fahey, president of tho Chamber of Commerce of tho United States. Discussing the announcement In Presi dent Wilson's letter to Congressman Kltchln, he said: "Tho sentiment of business men In favor of such a commission has been almost unanimous for many years be cause of the general disturbance of busi ness wmen has usually attended tho making of our tariffs under the system which has prevailed until now." To Put On Flesh and Increase Weight ood Ad Ice To Tbln IVopIc "I'd certainly glvo most anything to be able to gain a few pounds and .itay that way," declare many thin men und women. Such a result is usually not impossible despite past failures. Stost thin people aro victims of mal-nutrl-tlon, a condition which prevents tho fatty elements of food from being taken up by the blood as they aro when the powers of nutiltlon aro normaC In btcad of getting into the blood much of the fat and llesh producing elements stay In the Intestines until they pass Irom the body as waste. To correct this condition and to pro ouce a healthy, normal amount of fat the flesh making, food elements must bo jso prepared In the digestive pro cesses that the blood will accept and distribute them throughout the body. There is a preparation called Sargol. which works on this basis and which Is Bum uy nearly every druggist on a positive guarantee ot weight increase or money back. Hundreds have testi fied to weight incveasc from its ua. Sargol does not of itself make fat nut is simply a combination of ingre dients of acknowledged merit that, taken with meals seems to better en able tho digestive organs to separate the fattening elements of tho food and to prepare them in a form which tho blood can readily absorb. Sargoi comes m taDici lorni, is pleasant and cosy to take and its action Is perfectly nat ural and harmless. Sargol is sold by James O'DonnelPs Drug Stores and druggists everywhere who are author ized" to refund the full purchase prlco If weight Inciease is not obtained. NOTE: Sargol Is recommended only as a flesh builder and while It has Pro duced excellent results in cases of ner vous Indigestion and general stomach disorders enre should be taken by those using it who do not want to increase weight Advt jlT rnunun $2.00 -a little w f Says glass of 'Salts flushes Kidneys and ends Blad der irritation. iTrlo acid In meat excites the kidneys, Ihey becomo overworked: get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urlno becomes cloudy; tho bladder is Irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during tliu night When tno kidneys clog ou miist help them flush off the body s urinous wasto or you'll bj a .real sick pei son shortly. At first you fctl a dull mlfccry In the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizzi ness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when tho weather Is bad, Eat Vss meat, drink lot of water: also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon ful In a glass of water before break fast for"n few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is rnndp from the acid of grapes and lrm on Juice, combined with Uthla. and has been used for generations to clean clog ged kldnevs and stimulate them to nor mal activity, also to neutralize the acids In urine, so It no longer Is n source of Irritation, thus, ending bladder weak ness. .Tad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jure, mokes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which everyone rhould tako now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here inv thev sH lots of Jad Salts to folk who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. Advt BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE OF MAYR'S Wonderful Remedy Should Convince You That - Your Suffering Is Unnecessary. A million people, many rl?ht In your own locality, have tauen Mayr's Won derful Iteir.edy for Stomach, Liver, and Intestinal Ailments, Dyspepsia, 1'ressure of Ga Around the Heart Sour Stomach, Distress After Hating, Nervousness. Dizziness. Fainting bpclls, Hick Headache. Constipation. Torpid Liver, etc.. and ore praising It highly to other sufferers. Get a bottle oft your dniRfclst today This highly successful I:cmedy has been taken !y people In all walks of life, among them Members of Congress. Justices of the Suprerr Court, Educators, Lawyers, .Merchants. Bankers, Doc tors, Druggists, Nurses Manufac turers. Prleetu. Ministers. Farmers, v.-llh lastlne benefit and It should bn eqjally successful in your ca?e. Send for free valuable booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. II. Mayr, Mfgr. Chem ist, If. 1-1 56 Whltlnp 8treet ChlcaRo, III. For sale by drutclsts every- a month less tHan S I