Newspaper Page Text
T' WirvT THE WASHINGTON TIMES; THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1916. liiin 'T T" ENTMSH GROWS; AS DAY NEARS FOR TltltES COOK SCHOOL Arcade Auditorium Expected To Be Packed From Moment It j Is Thrown Open. COUPONS ARE DISTRIBUTED Housewives Will Be Given Rare Opportunity to Learn Real Science. Woflhlnjtton hnu,ov Ives are qrro-nins; more and more nitlnif lastlc nvsr the i cooXJnt; school and rwc food cxpoitlon ' which The Tlmwi and JtcClure publica tion will trlns to the National' Capf-1 tal next week. . Judging from the sreat number ofnd , mission coupons distributed by local grocers, the capacity of the Arcado Auditorium, where the exposition Is to be staged, ,wlll he taxed each day and night shortly after tho doors are opened. This exposition will glvo housewives and others tnie opportunity not only to learn tho moot scientific and eco nomical ways of preparing1 food, but a chanci) (o famlllnilw themselves with the pure food movement which orlfln- ted with Prof. Lewis B. Allyn and which made tWstlield. Mass., famous The pure food plmse of tho exposition Is an education In itself and no una ,vho eats food should fail to see tho ex hibits and demonstrations and learn the nutritive vnhio of different 'oods nnS the many means adopted to adulter ate and dope food products. Even More Interested. As great as their interest Is In the manufactured food products, however, the housewives of Washington aro even more keenly concerned about the cook in school which will demonstrate the simple and economic way to prepare viands for the table. ! Cooking is tho most Incessant task that confronts the housewife today. Thiee times a day and 363 days a year this being leap year adds Just three more meals women are called upon to perform the task of preparing some thing to cat for themselves and their families. Kitchen work Is as perpetual as the days on the calendar, through Unshlne or storm, winter or summer, Sundays and weekdays. Nature de mands that man shall eat. and man depends upon woman to be fed. "Our cooks have as much to do with -the rolling of this .old world a little nearer heaven as haye our ministers," says Sherwood J?. Snydor. ,who. with Mrs. Snyder conducts tho cooking school In a model kitchen before the audience at this exposition". "For centuries women have, regarded kitchen work jff drudgfery. and It Is wt.that Jf It 1b not done scientifical ly. Our cooking school is designed to show the housewives of America the simple, best and cheapest way to prepare appetizing and wholesome meals. It is further designed to show the housewives how attractive kitchen work Is when done properly. It Is a pleasure to Mrs. Snyder and myself to work in our demonstrating kitchen, and It should be a pleasure to the average housewife to prepare meals. It is Just a question of get ting; the proper equipment, the proper viewpoint, and knowing what to do and how to do It. That is purpose of our cooking school to teach tho housewives Just these things." Conduct Baking Contest. Pi of. Snyder and Mr. Snvdcr not only give Instructions and demonstrations, but they test thflr pupils at the end of the course by conducting a baking con test. On the last day of next week's Times-Westftold Pure Food Domestic Science School and Household Appliance Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder will Judge all the cakes, pies, bread, and rolls baked bv the entrants in the con test. They will also award several hun dred dollars' worth of the most modern and up-to-date kitchen appliances. When they pass Judgment on a.,cake. pie. roll or pastry, they will cxplam why they reward and whv they do not. The woman 'who did the baking will learn a great deal by asking questions, All or the cakes, pies, bread, and rolls submitted in' the contost will be turned over to some worthy charitable organisation In AV ash Ins; ton after the Judges' decisions have been made. The housewives of Washington wilt there fore, have an opportunity to compete for 'most aceptablc and valuable re wards for their skill as cooks, and at the same time aid a deserving charltv In Washington. The name of the char in oraaulzatian will be announced sev eral days before tho baking contest is conducted. Carroll Council, K. of C, Has Birthday Dance Carroll Council, Knights of Columbus, celebrated Its sc enteentli anniversary in K. of C. hall last night with an entertainment and dance. Bishop Charles Warren Currier, of Matanzas, Cuba, delivered a stirring address to the membership Contributors to the program included the Russell-McQee ladles orchestra, a section of the .Kniems or i-oiumtius choral society, the Aloha Hawaiian Club, Mrs. Edith Mar- Matt Horn, Miss Wegman, William de I.uca, and Miss Mildred de I.uea. A, Supper and dancing followed the enter alnment program. STOPS STOMACH DISTRESS AT ONCE Drueitlata Sell Brat Prrarlitloi) on Uarth on tle Honey Hack IMan. Almost every lady knows that tick head ache, ntnoumess, dizziness, bad dreams ctid slecplesaness are caused by a disordered stomach. Upset stomach and Indigestion happen jiipt because the food you eat does not digest -but Ilea In the atonuib and ferments or turns our. You can stop fermentation and stomach distress In five mluute by using Ml-o-ou Stomach Tablet, a prescription that lias -lone more to end Indlscs.iou and put the stomach In fine condition than any ither remedy known to us. A large U-cent box of Ill-o-na Stomach Tablets Is all sou need to be convinced that there Is nothing that Blvts such quick and lasting relief U you liavr heartburn, belching of (.-as, heaviness nr any stomach trouble, no natter how chronic, don't suiter another da , tiy Ml-o-na stomach tablets on a guarantee tlity will help ou or mny back. soio d u uono.u uruit Btora and leading litis ctcrywnere Advu PHOTOPLAYS AND PHOTOPLAY EPS By GARDNER MACK. Ruth Roland Becomes Advocate of Theory That Defectives Should Die There is much written about plays -with a moral plays that preach a sermon without tho av crago playgoer really knowing what sort of a sermon is often preached. Some of the worst mo tion plcturos that are produced aro defended by their producers on the ground that thoy point a moral, that they serve as a warn ing. They are really bad all the way through and are about as valuable as a moral lesson as a murder or a burglary, when the murderer or burglar happens to bo caught and punished. There Is 'another type of play, however, that has a most Interest ing lesson. One of this type is the serial photoplay and story -which Is bolli published in Tho Times every uay, 'The Ued Circle" This play has a very sorlous purpose though It doesn't decldo tho ques tion It deals with. It simply puts the facts In a baro way before the public. These facts concern the matter of permitting the unfit to die In Infancy. Ruth Roland, who plays the leading part In the film version of the story has become a firm believer In the doctrine that defective babies should not ,be al lowed to live. "The Chicago doctor did right to let the baby die," declares Miss lioland. "My conviction is based on the fact that In "The Red Circle' 1 am playing the part of a blrth marlced girl who would have been spared much suffering had her life been snuficd out In Infancy. "At first thought it mav 6eem hardhearted for mo to advocate letting physically Imperfect bibles go to their eternal home at once, yet while no one loves the wco mites more than I, I beflcvo it far more humane to let them pass on Im mediately, when they come Into the world under a severe handicap than to force them to remain and tulco up the fight, which Is a hard one even for the fittest. "Sentiment is one thing and com mon sense another. I hold we should be reasonable In all things. The mother who loves her child is willing to make any t-ort of sacri fice for It. Accordingly, she should not be so selfish an to want to keep It here when on arrival it is already doomed to defeat. She should be reconciled to Its depar ture. If medical science holds out mo hope. Mothcihood and heroism .have many things in common. "I view this matter wholly from a humanitarian standpoint I sen so many unfortunates, deformed from the cradle, that I feel sine the Chicago doctor did right. If oit will only talk to some of them and get their views, you'll see that they think the same way." Much favorable comment has been heard among motion picture patrons of the enterprise of the Motion Picture News In including with its current issue a studio directory which gives something of the history of the people who are making the Alms. The directory Is to be a semi annual feature of this publication, so that all patrons of the film who arc readers of the periodical may keep In touch with the changes In the various studios and be able to obtain personal histories of the vari ous actors and actresses. The Mo tion Picture News has usually been full of valuable features of inter est to the public, but this Is prob ably the most valuable thing It has yet published. Henry Otto, the Universal pro ducer. Is now In New Tork, where he will direct for the next few months. It was all arranged very quietly Monday morning after a short chat with Carl Laemmle, and Otto slipped away Wednesday morn- You Can Tell the People Who Have Iron in Their Blood Strong, Healthy y Vigorous Folks Doctor SJ Ordinary Norated Iron "Will Make Nervous Itondorvn People 200 Stroa-er Id Ttto Weeks' Time In Many Cases. NEW YORK. N. T. "One dance Is enough 'to tell which people have Iron In their blood." said Doctor 8aucr. a specialist of this city, in a recent dis course. They are the ones that do and dare. The others are In the weakllne; class. Sleepless nights spent worrying over supposed ailments, constant dos ing with patent medicines and narcotics for nervous wcakpess. stomach, liver or kldncv disease and useless attempts to brace up with strong coffee or other stimulants arc what keen them suffer 1m: and vainly longlns: to be strong. Their real trouble Is lack of iron In the blood. Without iron the blood has no power to change food Into living tls sJe and therefore nothing vou eat does vouanvKood. ou don't get the strength o it of It The moment Iron Is supplied the multitude of dangerous symptoms disappear. I have seen dozens bf nerv ous, rundown people who were ailing all the time, double and even triple their strength and enduranro and entlrely(et rid of every sign of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In from ten to four teen davs time simply bv taking iron in the piopcr form And this, after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without any benefit FOR BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING GOUGH, CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS Make the Best Remedy at Home 128 Teaspoontful for 50c. If eei thine was sold In as liberal nnd fair a manner as O'Donncll's drug; stores are selling BchlrXmann's New Concentiated i -iiCvora.nt, abEolutcly no caus. for umi -i-it or dissatisfac tion could i3. il j.j arise from anjone. These drufcietj sa- "liuy a bottle or this remedy and try it for Bronchitis, AVhooplns Coush, Severe Cough. Croup or any Bronchial Affection, and we will return our money. Just as we do with Schlffmann's famous Asthmador,. lr It does not give siitisfsctlon, or If not found the best remedy ever used for anv of these complaints." "Why not take ndvantaeo ot this guarantee and tr t tats meatcinc, ana get our money hack, rather than buying another pure ly on the exagteialcd claims of Its manufacturer 01 on tha sticntfth of teiUuionlalB from others and run Iht . a i i' :Sx MARGARET GREEN, . One of the young actresses who will be included in the Mirror Film Company's forces supporting Nat Goodwin is photoplays. ms- after bidding his friends Rood- oy ny the telephone route. This is a slarnal honor for Otto, who is pro line duced "Undine" and other photoplays for the bly "V." Bessie Barriscalc. Incevllle's lead ins' lady, is something of a poetess. This fact will bo generally acknowl edged when a small book of her poems in published, which will be in about fitur or five months' time now. Miss Uarrlscalc was quite self-conscious regarding her ability, and It was only on the earnest ad vice of a friend that she consented to show some of her sonnets to a publisher. She was surprised and delighted when she was informed of the manager's decision to publish the booklet. w i Dustin Farnum gave a v delightful supper party last week at his apart ments, in honor of Sir Bcerbohm Tree. There was present Tree's daughter. rris Tree: Dorothy Ber nard Van Buren, Constance Collier, Wlnnlfred Kingston. William D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. William Far num. and Courtenay Koote. Beer bohm Tree was In capital spirits and kept the company In continual laughter with his stories of stage celebrities and happenings. G. M. To Sing At Card Party. William Madlgan. accompanied by Ar rtland Gumprecht, will contribute a mu sical program at the entertainment and card party at Carroll Hall tonight by tne auxiliary or tne catliollc Home II u rcau for Dependent Children. If you nie not at rone or well you owe It to yourself to make the following test. See haw Ions you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tlrtd. Next take two flvc-Braln tablets of ordinary nusated iron three times per uay after meals for two weeus Then teat your strength again and see for yourself how much vou have trained. Therv Is nothing like good old Iron tot out color In your cheeks and sound.! licalthv flesh on vonr hnnps. But vnu ! mum take Iron In a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated llko uuxatcd Iron If vou want It to do vou nnv good otherwise U rnay prove noise than useless. NOTE Nuxaled Iron recommended above by Dr. Sauer. ! oue ot the newer organic Iron compounds L'nllke the older Inorganic Iron product!. It n easily BMlinllated. does not Injure the trcth, make them black, nor upeet the stomach, on the contrary, it Is a moot potent leniedy. In nearly all forms of indigestion aa elt as for nervous, run down condition!. The Manufacturers hate such treat confidence In Nuxated Iron that they offer lo forfeit 1100.00 to any charitable Institution If they cannot take anv man or woman under CO who lacks Iron and lncreate their strength ZOO per cent or over In four weeks' time provided tbey have no erloua organic trouble. They aleo offer to refund your money If It does n'ot at leoet double your trogth and eaduidiire In ten dam' time It Is dlspcmed In this clj hj O'Donnvll's Drus Storei and all other druRjlsta. A Ivt chance of gcttlns something worthless and also wasting- your money? In buyine this remedy, besides secur ing an absolute guarantee of Its effi ciency from these druggists, ou also got about eight times as much medi cine as you would in buying most any uf tho old-fashioned, leady-made kinds, which average from 20 to a teaspoons ful. because Wc worth makes a whole pint U2S teaspoonsful) when mixed at home with simply one pint of sugar and one-half pint of water This remedy positively does hot contain chloroform, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It IS nleaSfltlt fn tatA mnA nV.11,1... ... fond or it. You will be the sole Judge, and under this positive guarantee ab solutely no risk is run in buying this temed. Druggists everywhere are au- tlwitl. in n.ll I, .....I.- n. . . ...... ,.vU y nwi ii umuci me same guar antee as Schtrfmann'a famous 'Asthma do of Money Back" If not perfectly tUJta4tci?.r?,i 8 aWaniii,Proprie lor, gt, I'aui, Minn. W THE BEST Photoplay Department in 1 WASHINGTON Women's Meeting. m. . . t. dk.ii.'it ine women jMiianu' oi-u ouu Phurrh will trtret tomorrow morninar at 11 o'clock. Mr. Anna Carlln Spencer. professor of sociology at Meadvnia ThMloffiral iteminarv. will sneak on "la Philanthropy a Profession"! If "So. What "-"'"' " " '- - Is the Function of the o1untoer Worker V f (From The Waihiugton Timet of January 10, !916 READY TO ENFORCE NEW TOIL RULE Police and Health Departments. Practically Will Abolish Com mon Use February 1. The Police and Health Departments are preparing- to enforce the xtir reg ulations, effective February 1, gov erning tlie use of the common towel and drinking cup in the District The reculations. which practically abolish the use of such articles, pro vide that they shall not be provided for use by the public generally un less thoroughly cleansed and aterlllz ed since last used. The regulations also provide for the thorough cleansing since the last use of cups, mugs, forks, spoons, and other tableware used by hotels, lunch room, and restaurants or in stores, shops, oN tlcc buildings, or similar establish ments. . . . , Violation, of the regulations Is trtin lshable by a fine not exceeding S2i. R. P. 727 - Phone Main 2495 Xt TQDATS BEST FILMS By .GARDNER If ACS. Helen Ware, In "Crons Current" (Triangle 111ms), tho Garden, vs Ni llnth ntreet. Dustin -Fanrum, dn "The Call of the Cumberland," adapted from the novel by Charles Neville Buck TiaJlaa mm), OywsWa 'Columbia, Twelfth and .F .streets. Clco .Madison, in "A Soul Enslaved" 1 universal), CranaoJI's, "Ninth 'nnd ! streets. Afcce Brady, in "The Rack" (World i Firm Corp.), lire Masonic Auoito rJunn Tirtrteenth 'street nntl JJew York avenue. Daith'fitorey, in "The island of Re-J arrmnniiiDriT' .Tram iiui jitnrv 1v I'v. riis Townsend JJtady (Vitawrapft), thb JErnplre. S6 11 street northeast. Charlotte -Urwenwood and Sidney -Urant, Jn "Jane (Moronco), the leafier, "Ninth street, between IS and V streots Blanche Un(C in "The Yankee l'rln cess" (Tjaslcy), CrandaU's Apollo, 34 K treet norttieant. "Undo Sam at Work." Federal Gov ernment xlerksjind .activities in Washington mid -elsewhere, fourth installment (Powers-Hasklns), the Hippodrome, New York avenucana Ninth street, "William SDowlan nnd Gloria Jfonda. In ''.riist "Plain Folks" .(Laemmle), the Alhambrn, 119 Seventh street. Cnpt. -Hack '-Crawford in person and in "Xfcc Uottlo cry of Peace." by 3. Stuart Bhufltton (Vltngraph), the Strand, Ninth and X street. IJnte Theie .selections are made front profrrnrmj .Tn-epared Dy Ura managers d lhn theaters concerned, r.d no responsibility is assumed for wtWtrary chomrr -without -notice to U3m Xlmon. Ulrvy are 'based on 4ls vcrrsonallty of the players and the Ztrodu&ng company And not per sonal inspection, except in -special mm. -O. It. CAMPAIGN PLANNED TO BOOST RED CROSS Meeting This Afternoon to range for Effort for More .Members. Ar Tlte campaign to increase "the mem bership of the Red Cross of the Dis trict of Columbia will bo planned at a meeting at the Chamber of Commcrre this afternoon. The -meetinsr "will be called by Hear Admiral N. E. Mason, who will preside. The camnairn for new members will Jbe launched Tor the westc of January a, according u ine prescni icniauvc Ian4 mrnwNH n? tH AinmHfMin ffd Cross are being distributed by mem bers of the District branch and the pre- j iifninirv flnnM nr mt cnniiuirn nirunv ij on. - w ar r r j. a IO IP1SCUSS aaieiV rirSl. At the Fifth BapUst Church tomor- tow. evcrnns; a. neis iDornooa "saieiy ItMr'' first" meetlne will be held with William Featoody, -president of the Washing- ton Safety First Association, as the principal speaker. At If It Is IVUe of Paper .You February 1st Yon Will Need PAPER TOWELS and DRINKING CUPS Save Money Buy In Washington For Sanitary Purposes our Hammermill Paper Towels are the best and most eco nomical manufactured. They are made of pure white sulphite, of superior strength a one-mill product from stock to finished towel, and manufactured under sanitary conditions. A Case of 10,000 Paper Towels 50 Rolls 200 Towels to the Roll . . . . (Please note this is a distinct saving over any case of 5,000 Towels offered at over $A.5o per case.) Fixtures, Your Choice, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.50 Each We have an enormous stock and can (ill orders promptly. Paper Drinking Cups $9. 75 0 $Q Per Thousand . . . w Fixtures for Cups, $2.00 to $6.00 An Immense Line of Paper Drinking Cups in All Sizes ( , Telephone Orders' Promptly Filled Andrews Paper Co. 29 - 31 Thirteenth St. N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. Seven Trunk Lines Connecting All Departments Relief for Catarrh Sufferers Now FREE Yu C&n .&w Treat This Trouble in Your Own Home and Get Relief at Ctace. Hmv liSw" xffttttve Hardly curt j f Jiv w ' Careful experiment! and Snvettbatfons ltt .tm tm ir..l.l ha.a ..IIJ 1 throat, the real cause of the disease was BBBBbwIBB ' jBaKdSSsKQl - mmw tnd rn a short time the Catarrh -would return atruukct than ever. Mr. Oanss lias gone way ahead of the ordinary methods ol treatment and Has remedy that Removes the Cause and Immediately GivcsRe Uef io the Nose and Throat Reese Jones, of i?cranton, Penn.. says that after trying many other treatments, he used this new method and "My nose is now -entirely clear and free and 1 am not bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined Treatment is worth its weight in uold." Temporary relief tram catarrh mav ed in other ways, but tho New Combined Treat-l ment must inevitably be accepted Zor results. Sarah J. Cape, Mount Pella. Tenn.. ays. "I mirrored the palna and dlstrew ot ca tarrh for tblrteen yearn and needless to state, tried nearly every method. "But by -your new method I was completely cured and you cannot imagine tho joy that lias come over roc" Trial Treatment FREE j This new method li o Important to the welfare of humanity, bo vital to e on autterlnr Trom any term of irmrrh. that the opportunity to actually tat It and prave Its result, will be sladly extended ulttunit one oeat of coat. A large trial treatment, with coraplet. minute direction, will he sent free to any catarrb-aurferer. Bend -no money, take no risks, make no promlin. Simply clip. Rlgn and me, 11 the coupon anC tho laet pactece of the Kiw Combined Treatment will le lent, tully prrpaM, tonther with tfca valuable book on CSatarrh. Can Get It at Andrews" Notices Concerning the New District Regulations Have Appeared in the Newspapers. -the JRemedy fat CaIutIi Was Diicevcrci. TIHIS terrible disease- has JSJ7l.?Z raced unchecked Tor raged " I11"8 aiinPty because symp local wms nave . occn iroaica to 'Iht 'while the cause or the rrSET """ trouble has Jboen left to xtrculate in the Wood, and bring the disease -back -as fast as local treatments -could relteve it. C. E. -Gauss, who experimented Tor veare on ti trentmcru: for Catarrh, found that after pcrTecting a fcalm that relieved the nose -and ithroat troubles quickly, he could not prevent the trou tout "& bleeginaingU'ovcr again. ?J$At On -test cases, he could mpon the -mu- completely Teffiove all signb H7 of Catarfii from Tiose nd Ut -Mr- !,-- k. JA fmw wnc tmtnrm """"'I UM " "" they were back i have liown "Goes to the Root f a. ..J - overlooked 8toppcoVup -nosu Constznt ""irog-uvtheliioaf Natal 4kchanres liawldng -amd pitting "Snormg atlifeht BaaBrordt Frequent-colds Difficult breatking Snutheh2censatloaintlninu Sadden fits of, neetiag Dry mucus In nose and any of the other vmjnomi (hat Indicate apyroaduqg pi present tatuxilu provided h nhtnln percaaaeat TTaiaaniTj av -eass 4BSB ejsa-'eWBi -sjssj aeja sbb ssbi asai m seodVte lest tTeatmcBt FREE C. E. 6AUSS, 8188 Biain Street. 31arIirn, Mick. It your Kew Ootsbtned Treatment will relieve my Catarrh and brine ma health and cnocl spirits acaln. "I am willlnr. to bt shown. So, without cost or ebluratloh to me, -aend, fully prepaid, the Treatment and Book. . . . M Name ... Addreta a i --, ? --' $aoo J