Newspaper Page Text
-TjT- -f. ,s THE WASHINGTON TIMES: THURSDAY, JANUARY 27; 1910. o if i f News Notes and Gossip of the Day , Iri the Smart Set of Washington Many Entertainments Are Planned by the Leaders of Spciety. in Washington. Gossip- of Hostesses. Mrs. GeOrge P. Scrlven, wlfo of I!rlff. Gen. Scrlvcn, IX, S. A., w lion ess nt luncheon (cday, entertaining for her ulster, Miss McQ untie, of Statcn island, who Is licr guest. Tho other Riiests -were Mr Llndley M. Garrison, Mrs. William Bamtt nidgely, Mrs. Atlco Pomerene. Mrs. WJlllnm, K. 1. French, Mrs. Swngar Shorfoy, Miss Dumjboll. Mrs. Harry Taylor and frs. Walker, of Virginia, who Is her pJcst; Miss Ethel MacMmray and Mlw Betty Serlven. Thn Inblo hnd n Graceful cen terpiece of pink tulips and freesHs, while pink roses, nniclsstiB. and pussy willows were used In profusion In tho drawing rconis. : The Congressional Club has Issued In vitations for a reception on the evening of February 17, In honor of tho Presi dent and Mrs. Wilson. Cards wcro sent out yesterday. -- Tho Secretary of Slate and Mrs. Lending will bo the guests in whoso honor Coticicssinan and Mrs. Thomas B. Dunn, of Now Vork, will ent.-rlaln at dinner this evening. There wilt ho twcnty-slx guests. . Mrs. William H. Dunn and Mrs. Ucb ert C. Kersliner. both of Rochester, who havo been the guests of Conuress inan and Mrs. Dunn, have gone to Now York fcr a short Ibit. Mrs. Perry Heath was hostess at a prettily1 appointed luncheon today, when her guests were Mme. Kaldivar, Mmc. Hryn, Mrs. Charles C. McChord. Mrs. rtudolph KaulTmann, Mrs. John Temple Graves, Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson, Mrs. Walter Wells, Miss Mattls, Mrs. Jonn Ciayke Simpson, Mrs. John K. Usborno. Mrs. Joseph Folk. Mrs. Frederic I). McKcnney, Mrs. Wallace Radclirre, Mrs. Ernest Roberts, Miss Mary Tem ple, and Miss Mary Mcany, of .Louis ville. One of the most interesting events of the season from a musical and social point of view wilt bo the concert thin nftornoon at tho National Theater, wltn Madamo Calve, M. Qaspnrri. Cities Salzedo, and Miss i'.oralne Wymnn as the artists. Tho Flotilla committee' of tho Vacation War Uellef. Association will bo tho beneficlarv Tho French Amoassaaor ana iiluaamo Jusseiand, the Russian Ambassador and Madamo BakhnietefT aro among the box hold ers. Mrs. William Crozlcr and Mrs. Louis Fcnnlmtton will also entertain, guests. In Mrs. Courtland HoppinVs box her daughter. Mrs. Allfrton rush man, will entertain Mrs. Victor Cui-h-inan, Mrs. Joseph Bagley, and Mr and Taul Bartlctt. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmcnt will havo n party of guests, among them Mrs. Champ Clark and her daughter, 'Mrs. James M. Thompson. Other who have taken boxes ar Mrs. William Corcoran Eustls sftiLMIw Let. BbK "' N'unaRsBwanaafluaaaaaaaat nH yJyfim -ft jMBBiBmKBni'TKBI P ,' $fflBaPP - 4iWWW K'Vl 't:fi::l v. mm VW . vJS ;w)-' tif i v, !3gRi -iLA isPitifPw"' -' - " - M" '' "'- ' i&iiijf I , . "" illl""1' Items of Interest and Impor tance of Past, Present, and Future Among Official and Fashionable Folk. rhoto by Buck. MRS. THOMAS P. GORE, Wife of Senator Gore of Oklahoma. Mrs. Gore will receive this afternoo n, assisted by Mrs. C. D. Carter, of Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Christian V. Hemmick will bo among those in the audience. The Secretary of State and Mrs. Lan sing wero the guests of honor at a din ner given last evening by the Minister of Sweden and Mme. Ekengrcn. The other guests were the Brazilian Ambas sador and Mmc. da Gama, Mrs. Robert McCormlck, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bel mont, Mrs. John Rodgers. Mr. and Mrs. George Howland Chase, Miss Josephlno Patten, Mmc. Christian Hauge, .Mr. Vitti. vice consul of Sweden stationed at Philadelphia; Mr. Vouros, charge d'affaires of Greeco; Col. Cliarles Page Bryan and Count Bonde, of the legation. The Minister nd Mme. Ekengren will be hosts again February 3. Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs. Breckinridge entertained at dinner last night, having as their guests the Japan ese Ambassador and Viscountess Chin da, Senator and Mrs. Beckham, Assist ant Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Andrew Peters, Rear Admiral William A. Marshall, and Miss Marshall. Mrs. Charles 8. Whitman, wife of tho govornor of New York, will come to Washington Saturday to spend tho week-end with the Brazilian Ambassa dor and Mme. da Gama. A number of hospitalities have been arranged in her iionor, inciuuing n dinner which tno Ambassador and Mme. da Gama will glvo Sunday evening. Mrs. Whitman will bo here tilt Tuesday. The Brazilian Ambassador and Mme. da Gama will entertain at a dance at the Playhouse early In February, for which Invitations wilt be sent ofit in a few days. Mme. da Gama will go to Now York early next week for a Drier stay. Mrs. Wlliiitn H. Franklin entcrtnl-e1 at brldgeyesterday at Beverly Court In honor of Mrs. Phliln Clanev.Mrs. Hllbect Sabln. and Mrs. John Parlln. The other guests wcro Mmc. Francisco Yanes. Mrs. La Ralle Pickett. Mrs. Richard Crane; Mrs. Frank C. Hcnrv. Mrs. Sclwln Tate. Mrs. James G. McKav. Mrs. Henry Aycrs. Mrs. William Aycrs. Mrs. J. .1. Earley, Miss Madclla Keenan. Mrs. Herbert W. Seymour. Mrs. Emanuel Snclch, Mrs. Theodore Tiller. Mrs. Hal Smith. Mrs. George M. Pierce. Mrs. .Charles S. Wal lace. Mrs. Henry McCoy Walters. Mrs, Burgess Marshall. Mrs. Gllmore Iden. Mrs. William llnkok. Mrs. Dwlght Ault- man. Mrs. Jerry Mathews. Mrs. Joseph 'UI.VUCII, aim. isaac uans. Airs. Jesse Nicholson. Mrs. Phillies Harvey Mrs. John H. Canstick, Mrs. W. D. Hunter, Mrs. M. E. Ghccn. Mrs. E. B. Townsend, Mrs. E. Franklin Townsend, Mrs. Charles M. Galloway. Mrs. George John son. Mlss Crltchcr. Mrs, Harold Relsln ger. Mrs. Frank Cocheu. Mrs. W. I. Dyer. Mrs. Dorsev McPherson. Mrs. W llllam Revnolds, Mrs. Jules Dcmonet. Mrs. Charles Tavlor. Mrs. R. Bruce Kmerson. Mrs. William Carr. Mrs. Gor don Robinson, Mrs. John H. Burch. Mrs. Norman R. .Tenner. Mrs. Andrew Moses, Mrs. John H. Bistcll, Miss Ida Tpmlln son Mrs. Harry Leo Wrcnn. Mrs, C. H. Turner. Mrs. Lester D, Moore. Mrs. Bodcrlck .Petors. Mrs. O. H. Gore, Mrs. Gtorgo Wallace, and Mrs. Morris Frcy. -;.-- Mrs. -Thomas Watt Orcgory, wlfo of tho Attorney General, was tho guest of honor at a dinner given by Mrs, Owen Cahoon' In tho rose room of tho Shoreham Hotel last night Among tho other guests wcro Miss Cornelia Keaa bey, tho house guest of Mrs. Gregory; Mr. and Mrs. Kcarnc, and Mr, and Mrs, Owen Johnson, . Mrs. Cole," wlfo of Congressman Cole, entertained Informally at luncheon 'at tho Shoreham yesterday. m ! mm Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock and Miss Ruth Hitchcock will receive this after noon for tho last tlmo this season, at 2221 R street. Mrs. ChaUncoy M. Depcw will give a dinner this evening at her house,' 27 West Fifty-fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. George Y. Wheeler havo ns their guest tno Jotter's mother, Mrs. Thomas H. Given, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Wheeler's sister, Mrs, Fred Brooks (Continued on Pago Fourteen.) Asthma-Catarrh and Bronchitis Can Be Greatly Relieved by the New External Vapor Treatment. Don't tako Internal medicines or habit- forming drugs for these troubles, Vick's "Vap-O-Rub" Salvo is applied external ly and relieves by inhalation as a vaoor tind by absorption through the skin. For Asthma and Hay Fever, melt a little Vick's In a spoon and Inhale the vapors, also rub well over the spinal column to relax tho nervous tension. 25c, DOc or Jl. lll.lllllllllltl, 1 HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD-TRY THIS ,111 ltMl.l.llll ILII .! $ Get a small nackage of Hamburg Bre.'ist Tea, or ns ihu German folks call It, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmac. Take a tnMe.poonful of the tea, put a cup of Lolling water upon it. pour through a sieve, and drink a tea cup full at any time. It is the most ef fective way to break a cold and curs grlt. ns it onens tho pore. relieving eongcntlon. Also loosens tho bowels, thus breaking it cold nt once. It is Inexnenrlvo and entirely veget able, therefore harmless Advt. U Drink m "My m m coffee" m 30c lb. Package The colic o( delicious aroma anil umurpait abl bouquet. Jthn H. Mtjrader Fin Groceries nml Wine. Conn. Ave. A K Mtreet H NORTHWEST AT FIFTEENTH European Plan. Fireproof Washington's Most Exclusive Hotel. Noted for its cuisine' and perfection of individual service. n. S. DOWNS, Manager. TOoobwarb & Xotbrop New York WASHINGTON Paris Special Announcement of the Friday Sale of Men's Pajamas and Night Shirts These semi-annual offerings have always been attractive. They are doubly so at this time in view of the advance cost of ma terial oT which the garments are made. From an economic point of view the present sale is perhaps the most interesting we have ever announced in garments of this sort. All the different kinds of materials that enter into the make up of sleeping garments are included in this sale. There are many different styles and trimmings. Not all sizes in any one style, but all sizes in the combined lot.' In many cases these garments are mussed, and in the least way soiled, due to the process of making, and a very few in a slight way are damaged, but so trifling as to be of ho consequence. These latter g'arments will be offered apart fr5m the others. ENTIRE LOT ON SALE IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS DE PARTMENT, AISLE TABLES. PAJAMAS Lot 1 At $2.45 Suit. Plain colors and fancy stripes; garments that would regularly sell up to $5.00. Lot 2 At $1.15 Suit. Plain Colored Soisette, in s medium and large sizes; slightly soiled; regularly sell up to $3.50. Lot 3 At 95c Suit. Grades usually up to $2.00 Outing Flannel, Cheviot, Mercerized Cotton and Mad ras; white and colors; me dium and large sizes; slightly soiled. Lot 4 At 68c Suit. Outing Flannel Madras and Cotton, in white and colors; some have collars, others in ve neck style; medium and large sizes; slightly soiled. Lot 5 At 58c Suit. Outing Flannel, Madras and Soisette Pajamas in white and colors; damaged and mismatched in some cases; medium and large sizes. Regularly sold at much high-, er prices. Main floor, P stroet. NIGHTSHIRTS Lot 1 At 95c Each. Made of fine checked nain sook and cambric, and qual ities that usually sell up to $1.50; size 17; slightly soiled. Lot 2 At 68c Each. Outing Flannel, Cotton, Sois ette and Cambric, in ve neck or collar style; size 17; slightly soiled. Grades that regularly sell up to $1.25. Lot 3 At 55c Each. Cambric and Cotton Night Shirts, with collars or ve neck; size 17; soiled; regu larly selling up to $1.00. Lot 4 At 38c Each. OutingN Flannel, Nainsook and Cotton Night Shirts, in sizes 15, 16, and 17; soiled. Regular value up to 75c. Lot 5 At 38c Each. Nainsook, Outing Flannel, Cambric, Soisette and Cotton materials, in sizes 15 and 17; damaged. Qualities that usu-' ally sell up to $1.50. W.&J.SLOANE New York - WASHINGTON - San Francisco . An Extraordinary Opportunity to Purchase High Grade Floor Coverings at Reduced Prices is presented in our SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE OF DOMESTIC RUGS We list below some of the EXTRAORDINARY VALUES we are offering in order to reduce our large stock before moving to our new location at No. 1508 H Street N.W. (opposite Hotel Shoreham), where we will occupy the Entire Building. The Following Rugs are all the popular 9x12 FT. SIZEin which there are OVER 200 PATTERNS AND COLORS FROM WHICH TO MAKE SELECTIONS. WILTON RUGS, of finest quality; all leading makes $47.00 & $52.50 SAXONY WILTON RUGS, of finest quality $48.00 SEAMLESS CHENILLE 4 RUGS, of the best quality; Plain and Figured . . . $48.00 WORSTED WILTON RUGS, of standard quality. . . $33.25 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS, of standard quality ... . .$26.75 BODY BRUSSELS RUGS ,....$23.00 SCOTCH STYLE WOOL RUGS .... $16.75 & $27.25 AXMINSTER RUGS, of standard quality ....:. .$21.00 RAG RUGS, in quaint effects .' $7.35 & $9.25 PLAIN GRASS RUGS, best quality ..... . . .. . t. . . $5.60 Cocoa Mats, Wool-Border Mats, Rubber Mats, Bath Mats and Other Sundries at correspondingly low prices. N. B. No rugs in this sale sent on approval or exchanged. 1412 -HH Street NW" Telephones Main 4909 i 5735 Parcel Post Mail Orders Bring Our Store to Your Door. Store Houra, 8:45 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Daily. lllfaNrjiflifiTi. Leaders Then. Established 1860. Leaders Now. 'Short-Lot' Sale Neckwear up Sofolc"!"'?". ??!! n ""?"". value, fjfc up fo To-Yo"" c"d."d"t .'. !?!r."! H" fH !"H?i!iii 75c oddnnlie,Il!WiJJ-!?,ifol,.J.ace a?d not' ,n cream' white! and' colors; O- oaa pieces in short lengths; values to 50c. Choice OC Main Floor Neckwear. , fefWinterSuitsandCoats For Women and Misses opportuntv'orH!' ..r.oat ' tr, 8t0Ck "lUBt t0 8"1fl tomorrow, An tcXls "lone. BcChau?Uii "I S?!,'" -ni"8tnc.c'' bcIow ot ma- -- -.v,V UJIU.ilUI U1 MIBl (.'IIUICC TTumcn s oc Muses Winter Coat Worth up to $15 Winter Suits .Worth up to $25 $5.00 Women's & Misses' Winter Coats Worth up to $20 Winter Suits Worth up to $35 $10.00 Women's & Misses' Winter Coats Worth up to $30 Winter Suits Worth up to $50 $15.00 50 Women's Dress Skirts Values up to $7.50, t FA Your Choice at. . . .4Z.DU Children's Plush Coats At HALF PRICE r.very Chlld'M Plash Cunt Is In. clailed. Suit Section Second Floor Children's Rain Capes and Coats An even hundred Capes and CoaU for children up to 16 years. $2.00 Values. Choice.. 00c 93.00 Value. Choice 11.2!) $4.00 Vnlacs. Choice $2.2 S.t.00 Vnlacs. Choice S3.20 Xiansburgh & Bro. "Short-Lot" Sale $1.00 and $1.50 SILKS At 59c a Yd. These are all pure silk and 'perfect in every respect; some in short lengths, others you can buy as much as you wish. Included S1.30 -40-Inch rollca Dot Satins. 81.00 30-Inch Black Sarah Silk. 1.00 36-Inch Black Moire Velour. 91.00 30-Inch Striped Mcssallnes, In dark Grounds rrlth various Trldth TThlte stripes. 8th St. Annex Silk Dept "Short-Lot" Sale of Upholsteries and Rugs Read the details that follow and then bo here brl;h"t and early to morrow mornlnp to tako advtfntago of the extraordinary values that are offered. . 30c Floor Oilcloth, sq. yd. 19c A small lot of 14 and 2 yard wide Floor Oilcloth, in good pat terns and colors. 13 ItemnnnlH of Inlnld and Print ed I.lnolcnina nt Just Halt Price. 20o Tapentry nnd Hep Sqnnres, 22 to 24 Inches, for cushion "An tops or chair scats J.t'U 12U.c Sllkollnr. best quality, plain and figured; all col- QJpn ors. A yard O i Ilope Portieres Choose any In our untlrc stock at half price. 13c Colored Cnrtnln Snlss, 2G inches wide, In nuat stripe Qn effects, nt Ot. 92.93 Corn Irish Point Certains. flno quality, beautiful patterns 7 Blssel Carpet Sweepers, with nickel Japan finish; al- (PI QfT uo to J3.00 D1.IJ $1.9 ruffled all around. Colored bor ders. Theso are sample sets; one of a kind, $3.00 values. CI AH Choice nt JM.UU 93.73 Pint Net Curtains, with real cluny Insertion on heavv cable net; .2 yards fr-t no long- OXi0 ll 914.03 Itxl2-ft. JO-TrIre 4 israKselH JtncM 910.03 4 91S.73 0xl2-rt. Axmlnster nK 91XS5 2 913.95 012-ft. Seamless Wilton nun 914.25 1 922.43 0xl2-ft. Axmlnster tins; 910.84 5 943.00 Sxl2-ft. Wilton HiK 933.73 .1 925.00 0x12 ft. Axmlnster ""E" 91R.7S 2 927.50 xl2-ft. Body Brus sels IIiiks 920.02 4 927.50 0xl2-ft. AxmlnMer Hurs 92(1.00 Hall Runners at Half Price 2 :ix12-ft.. 90.23 vnlue...l....M.3 a 27-lnchxl2.f t., W.30 values P3J5 2 :i-ft.xl5-rt 911.25 values.. 95.63 Upholstery Dept. Fourth Floor Lansbureh & Bro. FRIDAY LIMIT SPECIALS Washington's Favorite Friday Sale. Quantities Limited to Prevent Dealers Buying. No Mail, Phone or ' C. O. D. Orders Filled. 78c Scrim Cur- KC tains, pair t)tJC 100 pairs Scrim Cur tains, with va!ance; choice of white or Ara bian color; her.mcU, ready to nut uo. Limit, 3 pair to- a buvcr. Fourth Floor. 25c Table Oil- " Q a cloth, yard . . . J.IV Best quality Table Oilcloth, in white or colors: 1U yards wide. . Limit, 3 yards to a buyer. Fourth Floor. BOe to 75c Door Off Panels, each ... A(t Lace Door Panels, In a large variety of de signs; choice of white or Arabian color. Limit. 2 to a buyer. Fourth Floor. 75o Cedar Mop trrr and OH Ol C Large size round Cedar OH Mop. with adjustable handle and 12-os. bottle of oil. Thls w vuuiviuauuii uuur, C7c. Limit. 1 to a buyer. Fourth Floor. 23c Handker- K(n chiefs, Three for UllL Men's All-linen Hand kerchiefs, hemstitched: line quality and full aUo. lSo each, 3 for COc. Limit. 3 to a buyer. Main Floor. Umbrellas, values to -?0?! $1.69 Ladies' AII-kIIIt TTm- brellns, in tlack nnd colors; -inch patn- Kon framo nnd steel rod; choice of eboniuo or carved mission handles. i4mit, 2 to u buyer. Main Floor. 50c nubber Iloor QQa Mats dCaC Rubber Door Mats, slip 14x25 Inches; heavv quilitv and very dur able. Limit. J to a buyer. Fourth Floor. 33c Window Oln Shades 44:1s Fine quality opajuo Window Shr.des, in white ana color.i; mounted on good spring rollers; slit's 3x6-ft.; in clunlng fancy crochot pulls. Limit. 6 to n buyer. Fourth Floor. 5c Toilet Paper; t)fT 1 Rolls far ttOV, Fine Tolltt Tlsrue, the rccular Be hUo rolls: $00 count. Limit. 7 to a buyer. Main Floor. 10c 23c Lingerie Clasps, pair , (jold-plata-l Ltneci-lQ Clubps; choice of plain or engraved rtyles. Limit, 2 to ti buyer. M.iln Floor. 69c 91.00 llond-baars Ladles' All - leather IlanllmBS, new shapes, nicely madj and flttel With puree and mirror. Limit, 1 to a buyer. Main Floor. 91.00 Shepherd r7A Cheeks I Ot Lupin's 44-Inch nil wool black and whlto Shepherd Cluck. Limit. I dus length to a buyer, ith St. Annex. 19c French 37Ho White Voile , 4u-in wniio iTcncn voyo.'fine sheer quality, waists and dresses. Limit, 10 yards to a buyer. Sth St. Annex. 93.00 English I.ons eloth, n (J1 QQ piece .' DXt0 36-inch Imperial Eng lish Longcloth, a line, soft quality that retails at 25c n yard. 12 yards to the piece, at $1.91. Limit, 1 plcco to a buyer. Sth St. Annex. 19c 33c Wr I tins Paper, n box. A box of Stationery, containing 24 Cor respondence Cards In white or tints, and 24 Envelopes; made of fine linen stock. Limit, 3 boxes to & buyer. Main Floor. 18c Re Handker chiefs, six for Ladles' Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs, with satin strlpo or colored borders. Limit, 1 dozen to a buyer, i Main Floor. TOc to 75c Bras- OCn sleres, each , . . OOC Brassieres, made of .fine quality muslin, em broidery and lace trim med, hook front and cross back models. Limit, 2 to a buyer. Third Hoor. , Women's 23c 1-7 Drawers , . X f C Women's Drawers, made of good quality muslin, finished with t u r k o d hemstitched ruffle. Limit, 2 pairs to a buyer. Third floor.