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-V ' - I , 1- 1 She IteJtfnaf m fete fcf WEATHER' FORECAST: Partly Cloudy Tonight. (Full Report on Pago Two.) NUMBBB 8838. U. S. PREPARES TO FIGHT ALL MEXICO CARRANZA FORCES MASS ON BORDER FIFTY-MILE BATTLE HAVRE DISPATCHES.WORKS DECLARES FRONT NEAR VERDUNrDIFFER AS TO HOITOti HOSPITAL QUAKES UNDER RRE SILIUS WAS SUNK FACILITIES UNFIT Jerlflo Bombardment From Kaiser's Artillery Answered By French Guns. GERMANS LOSE TRENCHES Aviators in Battle During Attack on Supply Trains on Both Sides. LONDON, March 13. TJio whole reg ion northeast, east and southeast of Ver dun fortress Is shaking under tcrlflc ar tillery fire. Thi struggle Is extending alone a curving flfty-mllo front southeast of tha citadel, nccordlng to official statements from the 'Gorman and French war of flrer. this afternoon. It It. considered almost certain that this entire 'front is about to break out In heavy Infantry actions. Paris Is awaiting tho nmv thrust with confidence. An official statement from the French war offlco estimates German lctsrs In tho Verdun offenslvo thus far nt 100,000. Take German Trenches. A sharp strugglo In Lo Pictre woods. Xortr-flvo miles southeast of Verdun, Is reported In both official statements this afternoon. Paris announced the capture of more than 200 yards of German trenches In the Carnes wood. ThvJer man war office, however, claimed the rcpi.lFC of the French attaclc Aviators on both sides were busy throughout tho nlBht. A French squadron raided tho depot at Conflans through which tho crov.r. prince obtains supplies from Motx. Tho German war offlco reported air attacks cr. tho Clcrmont-Vcrdun railway depots nnd tho destruction of four French aero1 planes. ... Tho Germans searched out the French front all yesterday with n ter rific hall of steel projectiles. The French accept the cannonading- as the forerunner of renewed attempts against Fort Vaux and the positions northwest of Verdun, and mado ready to meet tho assaults. German losses In the first three weeks of tho Verdun offensive are estimated at 200.000 In an official statement Issued by the French war office. Driven From Vaux. Dispatches from Berlin contain the first admission from Gorman sources that the Germans no longer hold Vaux fort. An official statement two days nRo admitted that tho French by (Continued on Fourth Page.) Italians Active In Goritz Region Heavy Fighting on the Carsoo Plateau Several Trenches Are Captured. HOME. March 13. After a lull of gov. cml months, tho Italians have sudden ly becomo Intensely active nlong the. wholo front. Formidable artillery ac tions aio now occurring 5n the f'arso platcaii nnd tho rencwul of the Italian onslaught on Goritz Is bcllovcd Im minent. Advices from the front today report dnlly lufnntry actions around the Goritz brldgohcnd. Heavy lighting has occurred In the past right days. Tho Italians urc mak InB dally Infantry nttacks against tho entrenched camp of I'odporn, before Oorlt. Thov have captured several trenches find mo tightening the ring about tho 1 rwlRoheiut position. Tho Austtiauu aro hurrying up re enfoi cements. Russians in Persia Moving on Bagdad Occupy Knrind and Soon Will Flank the Turkish Army Op posing the British. PtiTUOUIlAU, March U-Tho Hus slnn army opemtlng In Persia has ad vanced sovouly-llvo miles west of Ker munshah to Karlnd, on tho way to Ungdad. Tho occupation of tho town Is an nounced officially tonight by the war office Karlnd. llko Kermuushah, is situated on tho HWur DlJnla, a tributary of .the Titris Ki'iim Karlnd the river runs nerlhwestrrh for fifty miles, then dips sniitowoMril) thirty miles to tho fron tlet ill' n for about seven miles, bioad cnliic no It Koi-s. It flows through .Moso. ..i a nun in join the Tigris fifteen miles lll'low HllKll I'l. " ll w II thin Ip Hoen that this advance wll veiy M1..HI Hunk the Turkish iirinj r.i.fx-n nj. the ntlrli fntccs mi the TIB, unieaa in tho nieimtluio the Turks ileal Jim occupation of Uagdaif fy uie roniuineii Aiiglo-ltusslan ari mtreiore, appears to be imminent. No Submarine Sighted and Crew Divided as to Mine or Torpedo. REGARDED AS SERIOUS HERE More Far-reaching Than Mexi co Crisis, Officials Privately Say. PARIS, March 13. Press dispatches from Havre today cast some doubt on tha first reports that the Norwegian bark BIHus, aboard which wcro soveu Americans, was torpedoed without warning. No submarine was sighted, the dis patches said, though tho majority of the crew believed a submersible at tacked (ho Stilus. Others expressed tho opinion that the Stilus struck one of tho mines tho Germans nre known to have been sow ing off the French coast. While tho Mexican developments claimed the nation's attention today, grave consldcratlon.was given here to the unwarned torrcdoelng of tho American bark Stilus, with Americans aboard. State Department officials admittedly regarded the caso as fraught with .pos sible consequences more serious and far-reaching than the .impending Mexi can Crisis. Tho department has requested the .Havre consul to furnish added facts. It desires to establish certainty that tho vessel was a submarine victim, as re ported, and was not sunk by u ih.,k Authorities regard the caso on its face as one of tho most flagrant In ternational law violations thus far re ported. They say It Involves Innocont Americans, forced by their occupations to travel tho f-is, nnd Immune under all law from an unwarned attack. Secretary Lansing declared ho had no other word from tho Havre consul nsldo from the original report saying the Tea sel had been torpedoed. ' Thirteenth Cavalry To Lead Villa Hunt Troops Arriving Hourly at Colum bus Strengthens Belief in Start There. COLUMBUS. N. M March 13. Troops arriving hourly today from El Paso strengthened tho belief tfwt onu tf tho pilnclpal columns cflcr Villa will start from here. The Thirteenth cavalry, which brave ly drovo off Villa's superior numborn In Thursday's raid, was being outfitted, apparently to lead the pursuit. Officers were under strict urdiir.i not to make any statement regarding con templated 'invcmonts. Senate to Take Up Army Bill Soon Chamberlain Hopes to Get Meas ure Up for Consideration This Week. The Senate will soon take up the now army bill and efforts will be mado to press it for passage without needless delay. This was stated in Honntn Miiun. Commltteo circles this afternoon. Sen ator Uliamborlaln hopes to get thd bill up for consideration some time this week. . W.t,,0lt rannot,u aid this Is duo to tho Mexican situation, there is no doubt a feeling in Administration cir cles as well as In Congress, omontf thogn whn nr fnr. r,rnor7i ...' iV". .1 would bo tho purt of wisdom to hasten ... ia(ui piuimroancss legislation. Hetmtnr fhnTnh.rl(i1n . u... - tho M II rv f M l,Vi' "T,,a",'"a" r certain reports from th'o War Depart- ........ , ,, Dwmio oiii. as soon as they arrive, he wantB to push It. Owen Fails to Call Up Oil-Lease Bill Senator Owen failed today to bring his O.ssgn nil-land leasing resolutions before tho Somite. Senator Goro announced he would rofiiHO his consent, necessary under tho rules, before March 21, French War Minister Gallieni Seriously 111 PARIS, March 13. General Galllei.l, French minister of war, Is III, nnd hus hern nimble to attend to matters nt his offlco for several days. UN physicians have demanded that he i enialn perfectly quiet uulll his health Is restored. WASHINGTON, Senator Calls Conditions at Washington Institution "a Disgrace to City. GLAD MATTER TAKEN UP Time Congress Gave Proper Attention to Care of Needy Sick, He Says. Senator Works of California, a lead ing member of tho Senate District Com mittee, strongly commends tho exposure of condition at tho Washington Asylum Hospital In The Sunday Times yester day. "Conditions nt the Institution arc n rflHgrace to the city," declared Senator Works. "The Times will do n great public ser vtco In arousing public sentiment and Congress to the situation. I am glad to see the m.itler taken up. "I thjnk the buildings, tho surround ings, und tho facilities absolutely Iliad cntmto und unfit. I havn not iwrsonally examined Into the treatment of patients. "Congress is spending much money for monuments and memorials to tho dead In Washington. It Is about tlmo that proper attention was paid to tliu care of the living., "My own views on this subject are well known. I expressed them at th" tlm tha renort was mado on tha fiscal relation between the t.'nlted States HfjT" the District of Columbia. "In tho additional Views which I np ponded to tho report of the Joint select i committee, I dwelt among other things on the con;' i!on of this Institution and oi tho hospitals In general. I adhen to tho position 1 took In that report. . "My statement then was that th" I District of Columbia has a comtlncU I Jail, insane hospital, and asylum hos pital lor tne acponucni peopio wno an unablo to pay for treatment at tlv pnvato hospitals. These throe are u the same, piece of ground. Disgrace to City ,and Nation. mere usou to be a uorkhouio and; poorhouso connected with thorn, Through tha most strenuous efforts of tho Commissioners, the Board of Chari ties, nnd ether charitable organizations and private citizens, other provisions have been made for a workhouse and An asylum for tho aged and Infirm, commonly called a poor farm, but the old hospital remains to disgrace the city nnd tho nation. "It Is composed of a number of cot tages, worn with age, poorly equipped and unfit for uso from age and decay. ' Senator Works declared the Washington Asylum Hospital was Juat about such a pretense of a hospital as one would ex pect to find In a. city that permitted the slum conditions to exist which he de scribed in his report. Ho added: "For fifteen years, the Government lias owned a suitablo trait of land upon which to erect a modern hospital such as a city of this size should have. "Ever slnco Congress has been up pealed to for an appropriation sufficient to erect such a building but tho land remains vacant. It was a fine real estate investment The property has n. speculative valuo of five times as much as It cost, but that does not care for the needy, sick and afflicted. Help for Private Hospitals. "While this imperative duty has been neglected by Congress from year to year It has been making appropriations of hundreds of thousands of dollars to privately owned hospitals, some of which needed no help, but wcro growing rich from their business. "For this, neither tho Government nor the class of people that It should serve have received any benefit whatever. Most of the Indigent patients they re fuse to receive at all, and if they do accept any tho Government, notwith standing Its contrlbtulon, must pay for them." Senator Works pointed out that while the people of the District have been suf fering for years for lack of a decent municipal hospital, tho Government has donated to private hospitals nearly 2,000,000. Senator Works holds that the Govern ment should have In the city of Wash ington a first class, modern hosDltal to I care for the unfortunates for which It now cares so inaiiierenuy ana inade quately, and for others needing Its neip. He would have aB a part of this, a re ceiving and emergency hospital with all modern Improvements and adequately equipped. Ho would cut off appropria tions to prlvato hospitals, At the same time, ho would make the Government hospitals free to all kinds of practition ers of all schools f medicine. Daniels Not Informed of New Code Book Theft Hrerctay of the Navy Daniels claimed today to have no confirmation of n San Francisco report that a recond navy code hook had been stolen on the Pn c'ltlc coast. Armed Ship to Sail. The Treasury Department today or- ili'cd oustonir officials of New York t.o nuow ine naiinn uner America to clear on tne repiesentation of the Hal Ian ambassador that the liner was armed "for dtXt&Uva purpose only." MONDAY EVENING, MEXICAN FIRST CHIEF AND ARMY HEAD -MmttlEmi i 111 J4-mj rial 1 . ''TjjL ijr-'mXYf ''MiHi'H It -; . &t I. ? Jm 'm sVk -TNHNPmmmUv ur y- Jfw --isisisBsLmiisisV BPPWMBJ2 MvIkBV'jJf LjsMspJWir jBJJMiMM s jppppppapppBtjpppppBpjjsv msF J i'" --' '.""'" "7'" ;'" i i , ....... J Gen. VENUSTIANA CARRANZA All Mexico Threatens To Rise Against U. S. Because of "Invasion" EL PASO, Tex., March 18. Threaten ed with resistance by an aroused Mex ico, Uncle Barn's expedition to run down Villa, and avenge the Columbus raid is halted temporarily. Coming on special trains toward the "war front" are regiments of Infantry, artillery, cavalry, engineers and forces of all branches of 'tho army, cither to take an active part In the Invasion or to replace the border troops -sent to wipe out banditry, The hour for the real advance Is now fmfptixl to arrive some time today, al though Major General Funston's policy of thorough preparedness and diplomat- ic negotiation, wunw.0 '-;' -- zistas may further delay the expedition. it a ul it.. pMn. Carranza'a threatened armed opposi tion to the entry of the Amerlcln troops, as reported to agents here and Villa's night toward the defenseless American Mormon colonists In Chihuahua has torn the border country between feelings of anger and fear. im .. Tho nrnhlflm nt aelxlns: all the north- trn Mexican railways and preparing to tight both carranzistas ana vinistaa u necessary Is now before the army heads. Carranzlsta officers are reported hav ing trouble suppressing a mutinous oplrtt among tholr soldiers. Antl-Amerl-can demonstrations are reported from several Mexican points. United States Consul Marlon Itcher. at Chihuahua City, Is arranging for the speedy transportation of the titty American families there to the border. Hl American residents at Kl Paso, arriving from Chihuahua City, statert their lives were threatened by two Car ranzlsta officers. "We're going to take all you grlngoea out and hang you," ono Carranzlsta said. Villa was last reported marching southward from Corralttos toward Han lli.enn Ventures, near tho .Mormon colonies. Hn was either determined to carrv out his threat to annihilate all tho W American men, women, and children or ho was fleeing to the mountainous Guerrero district to hldo from the Amer ican pursuit. Vllln is believed to havn divided his followers Into small guerrilla bands, Vllhstas even nre Teported In the north ern part of Durangn stato, where a band under "Genernl" Urhalejo mnilo an unsuccessful attack on a passenger train on the National Lines of Mexico, killing a number of the rrew. An armed Carranzlsta guard drove oft tho bandits after they had dynamited the station at Conejos, El Fuo had 1U first opportunity to MARCH 13, 1910. (sitting) and General OBREGON. display Its war spirit last night. Tho remainder of tho Twentieth UnltaJ States Infantry, about 700 men, passed through tho city, bound for "some where on the border." The first lnt' matlon the citizens had of their de parture were the soldiers' wild choer from tho train. They wcro happy over the prosect of some action. Thousands of men, women, and chil dren rushed toward tho long train, an swering cheer for cheer. Carried aray by tho martial spirit, scores of excited civilians shrieked to tho soldiers: "Olvo the greasers hell!" Apprehension that tho depletion of tne J'ort miss garrison may encourjuo ; tho 10,000 Mexicans In the city to attuck j Jl Pa so, hundreds of American rest- r " io hwiuH tiiititju. unif. wen. u. I J. Pershing, in command of Fort Ililss. , lia, gVen the nutnorlte8 assurances mat tne city win be protected. Deputy sheriffs with automatic rifles have been sworn in. Tho reported mutinous spirit of tho Carranza garrlfon nt Juarez also aroused app-henslon. Dry Bill Blocked For This Session Opponents of Sheppard Measure Appear to Have Impreg nable Lines. Tho Sheppard national prohibition amendment has probably been blocked for this session of Conrresi. This was tho Information disclosed to diiy, following .1 meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The commltteo rilmissed tho proposed amendment lit length, but cot inwiii re, Tho committee has hud the .matter up If previous mooting with llko result. It has becomo apparent that the op. ponriitu of tho amendment are trying to hold It In committee or to prevent It from golfing to a voir, in tho Sonato tliU session, Tho chances of succeH.i uro growing, Seymour Eaton Dead. PHILADKM'HIA. March 13.-ey. inntir Kaion, author anil Journalist, whn made millions of people laugh whi-n he ('rented the Toddy Hear toy, tiled shnrtly before noon of apoplexy at his home in linsdowno, near here. lie was nfty.ssyen ysars of act. FIRST CHIEF HELD RESPONSIBLE BY U. S. FOR 500 MORMONS Commander of Juarez Garrison Informed That Constitutionalists Will Be Forced To Protect Americans Villa Pursuit Held Up. Practical conviction on the part of army officiate-tkrt the United States will be forced to fight the whole of Mexico, has checked the advance of Funston's forces in pursuit of Villa. In an effort to avoid opposition from the Carranza government, President Wilson and Secretary Lansing are now in conference. They have before them the proposals of Carranza for a reciprocal arrangement permitting Carranza's troops to invade the United States when pursuing Villa. To enable Carranza to save his face the disposition of me Administration is to grant the request. But care will be taken to prevent the consent of this Government from being availed of. In the meantime strenuous preparations are being made with the view that, regardless of the personal atti tude of Carranza, his followers will flock to the banner of Villa to repel the American forces. General Gavira, Carranza commandan in Juarez, has been informed through State Department agents that the de facto government will be held responsible for the safety of the 500 American Mormon colonists in the Casas Grandes and Galena districts, according to press dispatches from El Paso. WILSON ASKS PROMPT ACTION. President Wilson sent to Congress today an urgent appeal for immediate action on the preparedness legisla tion. The message was conveyed by him orally to Speaker Clark and Majority Leader Kitchin of the House. He urged that no time be lost by the legislative branch of the Government in enabling the Government to prepare for any emergency. Although the War Department is maintaining a cen sorship on official dispatches that defies all efforts to learn what troop movements have been made by Funston, pri vate advices pouring into Washington in ever increasing number from the border have served to fan tension to a white heat. From San Antonio comes the report that the Carranza government, while appearing to negotiate with the United States on a basis of co-operation, is rushing 25,000 troops to border points, on the theory that they will be used against the United States. Officials at the War Department have no disposition to discount these reports. On the contrary the belief is firmly fixed in the minds of the general staff that war with Mexico is the inevitable consequence of Villa's daring raid. The army is waiting impatiently for the outcome of the negotiations with Carranza. It wants to know whether the Administration is going to permit it to use a large enough force to meet the probable treachery of Carranza's followers, or whether the United States is going to accept the promises of Carranza at their face value. Even if the expedition is to be limited to the pursuit and capture of Villa, officials at the War Department are prepared to believe that the chase will last years instead of months. Geronimo laughed for four years at the efforts of 5,ooo American troops to capture him, and only gave up when he could name his own terms. Aguinaldo taxed the Philippine troops on a tedious pursuit, and was onlv caught by a strategem. Besides these two Villa is regarde'd by army officers as a genius. They do not believe that Villa's raid on Columbus HOME EDITION PBICE ONE CENT.