Newspaper Page Text
-, T5 Tftl rv W It's All ' ( Arts iUwU-THe vWe- I Avote uooRLb if t X , " V ojcrxoy vrsi svskt WCVWtl nuiKHT W TIWF ' IjuiVcsKj'obOGffKTiA W I Vc- - ( omg xpofc. , ur -me LL wt A iS-Y -oil- , , I I, I , . ' , I , I I - I III! I I. .... , II PHILADELPHIA-WILL Capital Promoters Will Journey to Baltimore Wednesday to "Tear Things Up." Reports from other cities, In con nection with the big bowling classic, to be held here April 3, under the auspices of the Atlantic Coast Iowl 1ns Association, prosago a most bril liant success for the tourney. A big mass meeting will be held this even ing In Philadelphia, to discuss ways nnd means of having that city proper ly represented, when the pins begin to drop In the old Census Building, first and B streets northwest, threo weeks from today. A similar gath ering will be held In Syracuse, tonight. Assurances from Gotham point to the participation of between fifty and seventy-five teams from the metrop olis. Officials of the Baltlmoro and Ohio railroad have announced that In view of the large number of pin enthus iasts, who are understood to be com ing on from Boston, a "Bowlers' Spe cial" will leave the Hub City on April 6. The "Boosters' Committee" of the Washington Tournament Company, which is promoting the mammoth meet, journey to Baltimore Wednesday for the purpose of rounding up the pin Knlgnts or the town en masse, a com plete circuit of the Baltimore alleys will bo made by the committee, during tho afternoon and evening, nnd It Is ex pected that the entry lists for the tournp.ment will be materially swelled Haltlmore bowlers have manifested a keen Interest In the meet and are ex pected to Invade the city In groat num bers. The committee is made up as fol lows: W. F. Gude, Thomas P. Grant, Krncat Dulln. H. B. (Pop) Halley, P. B, Fletcher, H. T. Bodler, and George Ise irmmi. The tournament mannceniont has dls covered the floor of tho largo south west room of tho census bntldlng, to be in excellent condition. It Is In this room that tho dancing will be In force each evening. Concessions for this hall have been awarded, It is announced. In addition to the dancing, the hall will contain a battery of eight Skee-Ball alleys. Bowlers on entering the filed of con flict will be obliged to pass thiough a cage, where the official "welKher" will determine tho wclpht of each ball, ns well as Us clrcumferenco nnd balance, Trnpln balls must not weigh moro than sixteen pounds or measure moro than tnenty-soven Inches around, A diame ter of four and three-quarters Is tho maximum for a duckpin ball, while the candlcpln hall must not exceed four and a half Inchon through. A steel ring will be passed over each ball, to see that It comes within tho requirements. The ball will then he balanced to detect sny slugs or one-sldcdncss, A differ ence of three ounces will be passed, to nllow for Imperfections In tho ball. Having pn ssod this Inspection, tho bowlers will enter the alleys, which thoy will then not bo permitted to leavo, without the consent of tho referee. This regulation Is made with the object of preventing any posslblo substitution of balls. After each game the captain of the team signs tho score, nnd is given one copy: tho official count'being taken by the head scorer and turned over to tho A. C, B. A. secretary. It is understood that tho City Ten Pin League will enter eight teams In all classes In the coming tournament. The entries are expected Wednesday, The lAdlcj' team of tho Grand Central Palace alleys will roll a match wltlfthe quint ft om the Ingram Memorial Church tho early part of this week on the for mers' alleys. Tho two teams havo en tered the coming tourney. The big dance to bo given by the Knights of Columbus for tho purpose of raising funds to enter their bowling teams In the coming tournament will bo held on St. Patilck's night In Eagles' Hall. It will bo one of tho Emerald dances. Arrnncomonts nro In charge of Joseph B. McCann, president of the K. C. Bowling League. Tho Columbus Country Club In co-operating with the league In promoting tho affair. Would Book Games. The Palais HoyM bnebll team is after aamrs for tho approacMnr dm on, and all letters ' ahnul-l ho ad- rued to M.magtr C. B. Sohwa.l or FV!VJr mmwi M.rp..TAr BOOST PIN TOURNEY IN A MA MEETING Wrong, Your rq Bowling Tonight. Commercial Woodward & Lothrop vs. the Evening Btar. National Capital Columbians v. Palace. Departmental Duckpln-Treasury vs. War. Georgetown Commercial Bowling Cnv'gh'& Kend'k vs. Wash.-Va. B. It. Interbureau Duckpln-Plant industry vs. Forest Service. Knights of Columbus Green Box vs. McKnlghts. Murine Corps Polloo vs. Cavite. Mt. Pleasant Newtons vs. Arcade Stars. DIetrlct-Jeds vs. Resolutes. , Ilcd Men Osage vs. Osceola, at Po tomac. Northeastern Kaccar Club vs. Navy Yard. Westminster Whites vs. Greens. Navy Yard Mlsc'l. vs. B. M. , Phi Mu Sigma Alpha vs. Kappa. Capital City Bureaus vs. Norrla Peters. City Tcnpln Iloyals vs. Pioneers. Arcade Nationals vs. Arcadians. Bureau of Encravlnr and Prlntlnr C vs. 3. Masonic King David vs. St. John's. i - SCHEDULE TO OPEN By BRYAN MORSE. Ten days from today, barring rain or snow, tho first lntcrscholastlc baseball game of tho season will be staged on Sattorleo Field, when Eastern High School staoks up against St. Albans, Advance Information from the camp of the Easterners out at the Roaedale playgrounds shows Coach Kimbel well fortified with material. Lei Lanahan, captain of this year's Capitol Hill nine, is slated for short stop or second base this season. Leo Flaherty another veteran, will prob ably bo found behind the bat. Other Eastern veterans from last year are Jim Shields, who pitched the greater part of tho season: Hum Blake, an outflolder, and Harold Newman, an Inflclder. Last year seven out of the nine went down in the advlsery period in mid season. Coach Klmbcl set about recon structing his team with the result that thero a io several first rate players ready for the season's opening. Thcs Smoot, outfielder; Charles Boet ler, a first sucker; "Lefty" Litchfield, brother of tho one ana only "Lefty" Litchfield, of sandlot famo; Ray Tull, Roger Baldwin, Tony McAullffo, "Reds"' Sweeney, and Franklin Spoor aro some of the youngsters Coach Kimbel Is car rying along. Eastern is Jumping right Into the thick of the fight with a number of fairly well-seasoned playors. Coach Klm bcl Is making no rash statements, but expects to havo his nlno going along In fine style by tho tlmo the high school championship games start up. Eastern has scheduled games with St. Albans, Alexandria High School, Gon zaga, Harrisonburg, Massanutten, Charlotte Hall, A. N. Preps, and one or two others besides the regular high ucli'ool championship series, - Coach Frank Newberry, of tho Army and Navy Preps, Is looking forward to a lino season, If tho youngsters In his school aro able to devoto time from studying for examinations to como out for baseball. Wicks, Nelson and Foster aro tho catchers, with Knudsen and Oilmartln as pitchers. Phil Miller, Allison, Wat- turn, Fogettl, Sweeney, and Rohrsbach aro trying for the Infield. York, Abbott, J, Miller, Liang, and Bannister are trying for the outfield, When Urooko Browcr dcfcatoJ How ard Drew In Phllnclphla on Saturday night at the Meadowbrooko games In Convention Hall, It was tho tlrst time In two years that Drew hai been beaten in a soratch race. Drow Imme diately asked Brewer If he would be willing to coinft to New York on April IS to run In tho Brooklyn Armory In tho Smart Set A. C. games. Drew wants to take Brewer on In a ninety yard special race, with an Idea of going after tho record. St. Albans' School athletes have been unusually successful this winter, and Brewer's win over Drew was tho crown ing feature of a fine Indoor season.. Just before tho rare with Drew Wallace Prld more, Carter, nnd Maxam had taken tho mcusuru of the Mercersburg relay team, setting a new ircord for the mile. Tho St. Albans boys averaged a fraction 'in der fifty-nvo flat Coach Green expects to send the team out for the prep school championship la the Fcbb relay gamts EASTERN A A W M. .ALAN cham: In Ar In April. THE WASHINGTON Majesty, , It's All Wrong. Copyright, 1916. by R. L. Goldberg LOCAL AND NEW YORK FINANCIAL NEWS ELECT! COMPANY E Despite Granting of Demands of Carmen, Issue on Market Is 'Strong. Despite the granting of demands of the company's employes for higher wages, stocks of the Washington Rail way and Electric Company advanced appreciably at today's session of the Washington Stock Exchange? and were the strongest Issues on the local board, Capital Traotlon stock, on the other hand, was fractionally weaker. A sate of two shares of the common stock of the railway company, was re corded at K, or one point above the previous sale llgure, and the bid fur quotation lots was advanced 1U points to MU. After a total of sixty shares, of tho preferred stock had been traded in at Wi, the quotation bid was ra'sed H a point to SlVi. the name figure at which the stock was offered on Satur day. The asked prlc? today, however, wan 82. Mcrgenthaler Linotype stook. though not traded In, was In better demand than at tho close of the .week. It was bid up -ft of a point to 165H. Quotations were unchanged on Lanston Monotype, and 48 shares sold at TO, the prico that has prevailed for several days. Other sales Includod a 11,000 Washing ton Railway and Electric 4 per cent bond at 0Hi n STO0 Capital Traction 6 at 10GH; flvo shares of Washington Gas stock at "M ten shares of American Security and Trust Company stock at 160, and three shares of District National Bank at M7. Dr. H. Parker Willis, secretary of the Federal "reserve board, will address tho post-graduate class of the Washington Chapte of the American Institute of Banking at 8:15 o'clock tonight. His subject will be "Banking Problems of wie." COUNSEL SYME BACK FROM NEW YORK TRIP Attended Luncheon of National Institute of Efficiency. Conrad II. Syme, Corporation Coun rcl has returned from New York, where he attended the luncheon of tho Na tional Institute of Efficiency, of whlc.i 1 c Is a member. Other members of the board present wero Gutzon Borglum, tho sculptor; Dr. William B. Howland. editor of the In dependent; Alton B. Parker, William It. Wilcox, former chairman of tho public service commission of New lorn; uen. Leonard Wcod, Dr. Henry B. Drinker, president of Lehigh University; Rtsnard II. Watrous, Trueman II. Newberry and Henry II. Joy. The purpose of the Institute Is to develop and promote the study and practlco of efficiency In personal, Dull ness, corporate and community rela tions. Hurt in Wreck. BUFFALO, N. Y March 13. Engi neer Charles Hcffler, of Buffalo; Fire man D. L. Church, of Colltngwood, Ohio, and Fireman Vance, of Buffalo, were severely Injured today when New York Central passenger train No. IS, eastbound, ran Into a freight wreck near Farnhom. FINANCIAL N.L.Carpenler&Ce. Main Offlee. 17 WlUlnca Street, N. V. MEMBERS Kw Tork Stock N.w Tork Coftt EichRtiKf. Kxchanc. ' K.w York Cotton Chicago Hoard of Kxclmnge. Trade. New Orleatu Cotton New York Product Exchange. Kic)int. Private Wire With All Principal Cltlet! HERBERT H. BROWN, MANAOEn. Woodward Balldlaar. 184k and U Bta. N. m STOCKS D frlMESJ MONTUY: MARCH 13; ldli New York Stocks. Alt traosarttoot to ttocka r oo tb raffs f dollar n motions tbrot. Quotations furnlihtd or W II. Illbba Co.. in.mb.ri t Nw Tork Block Bxcnanf HlbU UulMlac 1:10 Sat. nish, T.ow. t m. Cl". Alaska O. M. Co M xt n 1 Aim Chal 3JV4 30H 3!lil M Am Agr Chem Co.... MW Mtt 64H I Am Bt Bug Com..... toK eon Tom S3 Am can 61 H cow etv. I eoH Am C ft r ;.. 71U eo 7s to Am Coal Frod Co... 164 I61H 104 1 181ft Am Hid & Lea 8tt 8U QUI Am Ice Security U tt WH I Am Linseed Co zlh S1H zlfc I I1H Am Locomotive TSlt 7314 76n I 73 Am Smelting 101 OTH 1V0S 1 10rH Am steel Foun 54 &3 M I 53 Am Sug tc Kef com.. tOtttt 106 1031& 1 109 Amer. Teleg. Tet..lJ0 IMS IN 1138 Amer. Woolen Co... 54 Mt4 ta!i Anaconda 8!a 89 M'tl ftflli Atchison 104 ItttH 103 V. 1 103 AUaa. Coast Line... .110 110 110 I "" Baldwin Loco. WorfcllOtt ltrtH II0V4 I I00HI BalUmor ft Ohio.... HU 87H 68H I 7H Brooklyn Rap. Tran HH H H I BS Bethlehem Steel 505 488 505 I B. F. Goodrich 73H 7z 73 I 71H a a cop. Co mh 93H ojvii m Calif. P trot 34tt 24 :! 14 Canadian Pacific 16SH t05Vt 1(5M I6IH Central Leather 54H un w. af Cheaapeaka ft Ohio.. BH fil 0IH I 01 Chloo Oon. Cop w v oo i wn C-, R. L ft P. Ry.... 17 I IT Chi. A Great West... 18 U I H CM.. MIL ft Bt P SJtt WJi B3H J fli Chicago ft N. W IMH HSW IMVil Continental Caa -'o t M 81V I 85H CoL Fuol ft Iroa.... 4li 44 4Sll 4414 Corn rroducta, 3W H WI Crucible BUel Co .... Oil. 85 91HI 84Vi Cuban-Am. Sugar Co 20' S08 S0914 1 106 Del. ft Hudson 151H UiH 151HI Distillers' Securities. 48H 47ri 48 I 47. Krl S7H SOW 7HI 30H PH. lstnfd U 51U 51 I QmtAd filwtrio .....ITM IMH W I INK Ureat Northern Ore.. 45 44 45 I 43H General Motor 484 484 484 I dreat Northern pfd..m IMH ill 1 1IH Illinois Central 101W 101 I01H 1 103 Inspiration Copper... 47 46H 47 I 48H Kan. City South MH soVM 15H Lackawanna Steal... 78H 77U 78H I 77 Vi Lehigh Valley 77 77 77 I 77H Louisville ft Naahvlll in IM',4 1 1 1S1U Maxwell Motor Co.... 63 60 M I 60 Maxwell M. Co. pid. 81 84 84 I Hex. Petrol Ni H 10114 1 103 UlamlCoDPer 38H 84 36HI J8H M.. K. ft T 5 4H 4HI Montana Power . 77 77 77 I Nat. Enamel 18H H 18HI 3H National Lead 07 67 67 I N.T. Air Brake Co.. .147 I48V4 147 I NftvadaCan. Comxr. IS 16 15 I 19 N. t. Central 109 104 105 1 104 N. T..N. H. &H 64 85 64 I 65 Norfolk Western.. .1MU U8i USUI 118 Northern Pacific 113 111 113 1113 Pittsburgh Coal Co... N 13 29 I 18 Pensylvanla R. R... 57 Prea. 8. Car. com 67 Rav Con. Copper 34 58 58 I 67 64 66 65 23 14 i 14 39 40 51 53 I 61 83 84HI 83 S7 WVil B8 11 Utti'SOtt Rail Steel Bdks. com. Iter. Iron ft Steel mi. Reading 81ft Bouthtm Paclflo MV. Southern Railway..,. 11 Studebaker Corp 1454. 130 Tennessee Copper,... 65 59 116 I l0 67 I 56 Union Pacific 133 132 131 I 131 United Clitar Stores.. o oh s U. 8. Industrial Alcol.138 133 158 1 163 U.S. Rubber, com ... 63 61 61 61 U.S. Steel 65 83 86 I 83 U. fl. Steel, pfd 116 116 U6U I 118 Utah Copper 83 83 83 83 Va-Car. Cbomlcal.... 45 45 45 I Western Maryland... 37 17 27 I 16 Western Union Teleg 80 89 89 I Westlnghouaa Klectrl 66 64 68 I Willys Overland Co.. 6 119 134 I Bonds. Anglo-Fr. Loan S's., 91 04 MU C. a ftQ. Joint 4's... 0S 93 M I South. I'ac cvt. 4'S.. 63 88 88 I South. Pac. cvt. 6's.. .105 105 105 I es FINANCIAL The Safest Investments An those that do not fluctuate during dla turned conditions of the money or stock mar ket!. Flnt deed of trust notes (rtrtt mort !), well Kecureil on real eitatn In the Dlitrlet ot Columbia, constitute "sllt-edfe" lnettmente. They i'n not depend upon the fluanclal ruponilMUIr of Individuals or cor cortlloni lor their utablllty. and are exempt wm taxation pertonal property. We caa UDDly auch inveatmenui lnc amount from UM upward. Send for booklet "Concernla )ane and Inveatmanti." SWARTZELL, RHEEM & - HENSEYCO., tn mtu tuxxx k. w. Local Bond Market. . riM. Ankrd u. a. neg. rs... 17. 8. Counon T V' H W7 u. H. J teg. s a i U. S. Coupon 3'su Wi U. 8. Reg. 4'fl U0i4 U. S. Coupon 4' "Hi D. C. 3.S'b 7. 100 OAS BONDS. Geo. Gas Cert. Ind. 6'a 10SH Georgetown Gas C'a 102 Washington Gas 6's 104 Col. Uaa ft filec. !' 78 CoL ft Klec. Deb. 6'i (0 RAILROAD BONDS. Capital Traction R. R. G's.... 107 Ana. Pot. Gtar 5'a OTU Anacostla &' Potomac S's 97 City ft Suburban 5's.w. KK! Metropolitan R. R. 5'h 104 1MU Hitt 105 107U 107 103 104 U 81 vasn. iiwy a kicc. re soh MISCELLANEOUS liONDa Potomac lilec. Cons. 5's 3i Potomac Elcu. Lt. 5's 10311 C. ft P. Telephone S's 103 Amer. Tel ft Tel en. 4s..,,... K 100 101 1UO Amer. Tel. ft Telga. 4'.:....' 103 Oranhonhone t's 't7l M Wash. Market 6s 1J37........J'.95 Wash. Market 6's .uninrjL do. ijii......uJi . iij W. M. Cold Storag 8's.;U...-M -,101 N. ft W. Steamboat 6's..: It6 Rlinra "Realty E'a (long). 102 r" lllggs itallty -5'a (shorn .'101 i PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKa Capital Traction S6 8T Wash. Ry. &. Elec. com 31U M Wash. Ry. Elec.pfd !U N. & W Steamboat ISO .. Washington Gas v 78 H Amer. Tel. & Telga 1X3 ... Til'E MACHINE STOUK8. Mergenthaler Linotype 165 lCSft Lanaton Monotype KHi 704 MINING STOCK. Greene Cananea.... 48 .. NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American Nat. Bank 151 160 Capital Nat. Bank no Columbia Nat. Bank :40 xn Commercial Nat. Bank 14 District Nat. Bank 137 149 Far. ft Mcch. Nat. Bank 240 Federal Nat. Bank 13s Lincoln Nat. Bank 16) ... Metropolitan Nat. Bank 196 1M tteconu Nat. Bank 141 Nat. Bankof Washington.... 225 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. Amer. Sec. ft Trust 259 295 National Sav.'ft Trust . 26 Union Trust 112 123 Wash. Loan ft Trust 2JTI Continental Trust 117 120 HAVINGS BANK STOCIC Home Savings 335 ... Bank of Com. ft Sav 12 East Wash. Saw Bank lttt . . Sec. Bav. ft Com. Bank lJb ... yiRE INSniAXCE STOCKa Arlington Fire Insurance 8 $U Corcoran Fire Itistiranco ... Firemen's Fire Insurauce.... HV4 ... Ger. Amer. Fire Ins & ... Nat. Union Fire Ins ( ... TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia Title Insurance 4 EM MISCELLANEOUS STOCKa Chapln Sacks itg ... D. C. Paper Mfg. Co C ... Granhone com m im Graphophono pfd 125 135 Merch. Trans, ft Storage 100 no Security Storage lge jjO Washlneton Market li ... I Wholesale Produce Prket. v EOaS-Nearby, freth. Mo per dos.i south, trn. 21c per dot. ..SK8BT'W York- ntw lta ' 1:: Hat. UpWoper lb. ' flUTTER-Klgln print. Jfcj per lb.; tub. 15o per lb.; prooeae. Kc per lb. LIVE POULTRY Heni, llo per lb.- live turkeys. 24S25c per lb.; iprlnir Oilckeni. 233 28e per lb. IJVE STOCK Veal calves. hRK lAUn per lb.: heavy, 10O10K0 per lb.; fat sheep. iettc per lb.; lambs. 9o per lb. KrtBY, pnicn & co, VEQETAnLE8 (Quotations furnlabed by Taylor Wade) Potatoea. 13 per bbl.; onlone. 11.76 per bu., 12.75 per sack: cabbage. tl.M per bbl.: turnip. 31.75 per bbl. FINANCIAL (1 CAPITAL EARNED SURPLUS .1,000,000 H.UOO.OOO lljot what you earn, but what you SAVE determines your ultimate success. Start an account NOW at this big interest-paying bank. Add to it with regularity, and soon, you'll possess a surplus .that can be put to profitable use. TISnmr Rntr of Interest Paid on both Inrge itnri ainnll ncconntx. National Sayings and Trust Company Corner 15th and N. Y. Ave. FIFTIETH TEAR. By Goldberg T ON ILL STREET Baldwin 'and Crucible Are Lead ing Munition Stocks and Industrials. NEW TORK, March U. The stock market opened Irregular. Munition stocks were strong, but Mex ican specialties showed some hesitancy. Mexican Petroleum wa oft three points at 100. American Smelting opened at 100. off 1. I .1 railing wan narrow witn American ' I Smelting nnd Refining and Mexican I'eiroicum most active of -the Mexican ! Issues and Raldwln and Crucible leading the war Industrials. American Locomotive became very v.u.o iunma uic cna 01 me nrsi nour. Midvale Company Increases Its Stock DOVER, Del., March 13. The Mid vale Steel and Ordnance) Company of New Tork today filed an amendment to Its charter Increasing lta capital stock from 1100,000,000 to $160,000,000. The company was Incorporated here on October 6, 1916. The State tax paid for amending the charter was $3,600. Comptroller Asks Banks For Condition on March 7 The Comptroller of the Currency to day Issued a call upon national banks to give statements snowing their oondl tlon at the close of business 'March 7. Dr. Elnora C. Folkmar To Deliver Two Lectures Dr. Elnora C. Folkmar has anrranged to give two lectures for women at the Rhode Island Avenue M. P. Church to night and Monday night. Tho topic of tho lecture tonight, which will be Illustrated with iw etereoptlcon views, will be "The Birth of a New Llfo." The lecture Monday night will be especially for young women, ana is canea "wean to wean Talks for Girls." Today's Sales. Capital Traction S's, i&OOglOfi!.. Washington Ballway 4's. Jl.OOOflSMi. Washington Hallway preferred, 18 Ki. 10-S6W1. 25fff0tf. Washington Gas Light, 63TOW. Lanston Monotype. 870, 10570, 2070, District National Bank, 30137. American Security and Trust, 10326O, After call Washington Railway common, 233S. AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL TOMC,IT' 8,,s' A Dream of Sweet Melody! A Lure of the WalUI ANDREAS DIPPEL Will Treeent 'PRINCESS TRA-LA-LA' The Triumphant New Vlenneae Operetta, With TPHTLLIS PARTINGTON And a Notable All-fitar Dlppel Cast. Week March , rOLLTANNA. Peats Thnre. E Lift END OR F TIIIHISIUAY AT 4 SO NORTHERN ITALY March 30. Bouthern Italy and Sicily. Prices, 60c. 75c, and II. National Theater Wed...March M. 4:30. Pricea. M.50. fl. .&. tl, 73c, tOc. On aala at Droop's, lJth and G, arB MAUD Fay Soprano from the Metropolitan Grand Opera, J.'ew York, Return ol Washlnj " tan's Favorite for Ons Perlormanci Only GRACE LARUE In Her Huccraaful ('i)N(iiinrllecltal of ttonKs In lCnallah, NATIONAL THB ATKn, IKH1DAV, MARCH IT, 4 130. Pricea I 93,, f 1, TOe, 00c, ob aala at Drawa-a, 181k Mi flk NARROW Dl M AMUSEMENTS B.F.KElTH'Sg Mat., 25c Ev.. 25o to tl. Duy Today. This Week and Next Soaaar. SAM BERNARD of "All for the Ladl.." .Etc. Mrs. TIIOS. AVHIFFEN A CO. BE88IB WTNN. WK. rnUETTE ft CO. Ilarrts A Manloa. Tiym Other lilts. NEXT WEKK NORA. BAYB9, EM. Tonlcht 1:1 MaU.De.lly Ex cept juonaart 25o The Greatest Play of the Season. "ON TRIAL" Revolving; Stage 'Same aa New York Production. with a. n. van nunBN 25 50 75 Next Week-8hephrd of the Hills. BEIiASCO TWICK PA1LY Orch., 2Sc Bal., 10c. Mezzanine, EOc. The "Fatherland Mngnslne Present the Greatest Mr Plctarea Hxtant VIGIITING 'PIIE ALLIKS. Oil "OBUHAXV AT WAR SITUPAND TAKE NOTICE Get Your Seat Now For NEXT WEEK Warmest of All. Winter Harden "Bablea," THEPASSIIVfe SHOW OF 1915 GEO. TV. MONHOE. EUGENE AND TVILLIH HOWARD . MAnll.V.VN MILLER AMD IM OF THE rnETTIEST HEAlVr. nREAKERS. Come For the Opening Nlsht Surprlro. Evea. (0c te S2.00. Bat. Mat.. S0O to tl.. TVed.. Fri.. Mats, tt.00. Cosmos Theatre u THE ZANCIGS-CRYSTAL GAZERS A TTVIrd ana Bfyatlfylar Seasce' Mattneea and BTenlng. LOEWS COLUMBIA Contlnaoan IOiSO A. M. o 11 P. M. Now riaylng FANNIE WARD IN t FOR THE DEFENSE" Morns.. Afte.. 10c. 15c. Nlghta. 10c. Ue. Ho. Thuraday. Friday. Baturflay, CONSTANCE COLLIER IN TUB CODE OF UARCIA ORET. Roller Skating &' rnna. Ave. at Ninth at. N. TV. Dally, t:M to U J0-:H to 7: to Mill. MASKED MAHVEL. RACES NIOHTLY. DANCING ASSEMBLY DANCES, NATIONAL RIFLES' ARMORT. REMAIN OPEN. AeaemMy dancea will be held Mondays. Wedneadays, Thursdays and Saturdays aa usual. The puMIc la cordially Invited to at tend and judire for themaelvea as to tte pro prlety of theaa dancea. Dill f CR'C RELASCO THEATER; Phona miLLCn O M u Up-to-the-Mlcute Dancea, MISS CHAPPELEAR, 1312 QUE ST. N. TV. PHONE NORTH 634. Qlover'a. 113 23nd Prlr. leaaooa. anr hr. (to. Claaeea Tuea., Thura.. Sat.; all dancea taught; ballroom for rent. t. Th. TV. lit. EXCURSIONS Reduced Fares "DY SKA" Baltimore to FLORIDA For aalllnaa of March 17 and 31 CI K BALTIMOIIB I1 P BOSTON AND niSTURN For All Balllnga March 17 to 81 (Jtnd for Particular! Merchants & Miners Trans. Co TV. 1. Turnert a. P. A., Baltimore, Md. BstFit?VJ OLD POINT COMFORT NORFOLK, VA. SOUTHERN WINTER TtESORTS tiperlal Tour To Famous Hotel Chimibrrlln Dally Srle Modern Hlrel Steamer City Ticket Oraee, 731 loth Ht. N. TV. (Woodward HulMtni) NORFOLK TVAHHINGTON TKAMBeAT C4,