Newspaper Page Text
""V -ii -, n -' ! 'fr, r- 12. THE .WASmNGTON TBJES; lODAY; SrARCH 13; 191(5. U. "Keystone" Mabel Declines To Keystone Until She's Rested HENRY 6. DAVIS TO JOpen 8:30 A. M. Close 5:30 P. M. Saturday Open Until 6:00 P. M.T iu3AMu. T BE BURIED TODAY ' Miss Normand Quits Comedy Company When Two Months Vacation Is Refused. HAD BEEN BADLY INJURED Returned to the Studio Too Soon After Eight Weeks Under 1 Hospital Treatment. TODAY'S BEST FILMS Br GARDNER MACK. Edna Mayo and Henry D. Width all In "Tho StranKO Case of Mary Page," adapted from The Times serial story by Frederick fwls, second Installment, tho Circle, 2105 Pennsylvania avenue. German War Pictures, prepared by tho Fatherland Mntcnzlne, tho Bol asco Theater, Lnfayetto Square Douglas Fairbanks In "His Plcturo In tho Papers" (Triangle), tho Strand, Ninth and D streets. Holbrook Bllnn nnd Mia May Chester In "The Unpardonnblo Sin" (World Film Corp.), Crandall's, Ninth and 3 streets. Fannie Ward In "For the Defcnso" (Lanky), I.ocw's Columbia, Twelfth and F streets. Bessie Barrlscnlo In "Honor's Altar" (Triangle), tho Gordon), 423 Ninth street. theda Bara In "Gold and tho Wom an" (Fox Film Co.). tho Empress, 416 Ninth otreet. Fannlo Ward in 'Tennessee's Paril ner" (Losky), tho Leader, Ninth, between C and F streets. Richard Buhler and Rosctta Brice In "A Man's Making" (Lubln) Cran dall's Apollo, 624 II street north east. Henry Kolker In "Tho Wnrnlng." tho Homo Theater, Twelfth and C streets northeast. Bob Leonard and Ella Hnll in "Tho Winning of Mlsi Construe" (Cold Seal), tho Illppodromo. Ninth street and .New York nvenuo. Ralph. Kellard and Lois Meredith In "Tho Precious Packet" (Patltc), tho Masonic. Auditorium, Thirteenth street and Now York avenue. Note These selections are made from programs prepared by the managers of tho theaters concerned, and no responsibility Is assumed for arbitrary chances without notice to Tho Times. Tlley nro based on tho personality of the players nnd tho producing company, and not per sonal Inspection, except in special cases. G. M. Tho far famed and oft-flung po lice forco could not creato greater consternation In film comedy circles than tho latest intelligence from tho camera line. "Keystone" Mabel Normand has declined to "keystone" to any ap preciable extent until tho powers that be grant her a two months" vacation with tho usual emolu ments. I Mabel Normand feels tho need of a rest nnd sho has tlatly refused to work any longer in tho particularly ffcttVo stylo for -which sho has be come famous unless sho gets tho vacation. Ponding negotiations sho has quit tho Keystone Company and is regarded aa opon to engagements elsewhere. Whllo this bit of Aim gossip is more or less interesting through out the United States, It is of par ticular Interest to Washington be cause It was in this city that Miss Normand is supposed to havo ac quired tho agility and ability to do tho things that havo mado her a "ft" is not generally know that Mabel Normand camo to Washing ton as a little girl and remained Tlero until she completed her educa- "The troubles between Miss Nor mand nnd the Keystono Company am to a climax lato lost ; week In New York when tho managers of tho trianglo Corporation desired to He euro Miss Normand'fl slgnaturo to a Sow contract. Her old contract with tho company had expired. It will bo remembered that Miss Norman was severely injured during the making of a picture several months ago, and her life hung by n thread for almost two weeks. I1 or eight clays sho was unconscious, and It was thought that oven If sho recovered sho would bo permanently Injured. Refused to Sign Contract. Bho did recover, however, nfter two months in tho hospital, and came East from Los Angeles to make pictures in tho .Now om Btudlos of tho. Keystono Company. Bhe went to work Immediately, and It now transpires that she re turned to work too soon. Her ill ness was so sevrro that tho results showed In her tlrst appearance on tho screen. She was so tliln ana emaciated that her friends had diflt culty in recognizing hor. When her mnnagors nsked for a new contract sho agreed on condi tion that sho bo given a two months" vacation. They declined to permit Miss Normand thereupon declined to sign tho contract, and yesterday left Now York for a quiet placo In tho country, tho oxact location of which sho declined to mention. ,110 Xorc going, howovcr. she spoko In appreciative terms of her treatment by tho Keystono Company. Sho said that shu did not Intend to do any work of nny kind for nt least two months and probably three months. At tho end of that Serlod, sho states, sho expects to tgln work again with her own com pany. Bevernl of tho big (11m producers aro anxious to secure hor services, And It is understood that alio hits Swift & Company's soles of beef In Wash., D. C, for tho wco ending Satur day, March 11, 1916. uvcrugctl'its follows: Domestic! 11.78 cents per pound. Advt. EYESIGHT troubles perma nently corrected with glasses prescribed by Dr. Baker, our ophthalmologist. Free consultation and examination. Lenses aro ground in our own es tablishment at lowest cost, which may bo paid 60 cents a week. Catelberg's,935 Pa. Ave. vij& vt ' jr9sSBBBBBBBBSBBk aBBBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBSSBBLt "" HF tjSBfv v k JssisB? y jmRv v rdLiHr Mmk ,Jff ft I I , MABEL Tho lively comedienne who has quit the Keystone Company because of been offered tho position of lending wonuii with Charllo Chaplin. In this connection it might bo noted that Miss Normnnd was tho llrst leudtng woman Chaplin had in this country. To Film Rider Haggard Novels. LorrliiUT Johnston, known to most patrons of motion pictures ns olio of tho early starn, lias becomo a director and is now In South Africa making arrangements for ho staging of a series of, photoplays based on well known novels written about that section of tho world. Tho Rider Haggard stories will be among the first to recelvo attention from Mr. Johnston and his company. Tho photoplay adaptation of "King Solomon's Mines" has been complotcd and tho Johnston scenario staff aro now working on "Allan Quarter main." Johnston states In a letter Just received from him, that It Is tho Intention to produco somo of tho scenes in tho first named story In the Cango Caves, which aro said to have been the basis of the description in tho Rider Haggard book. In addition to Rider Haggard's stories Johnston will also stage whlla In South Africa adaptations of Olive Schrclnor's "Tho Story of an Afri can Farm" and Charlotte Mans field's "Ulorla," the rights for which havo been secured. Russian Ballet in Pictures. The Russian ballet is to be put on tho screen. Despite tho fact that big film concerns havo "Idea men," not one thought of putting the ballet on tho screen until Louis H. Chnllf, the Runsinn dancer, suggested It In the oak room of tho Rltz to a big magnate. It struck him so forcibly that ho WASHINGTON LADY AT SERIOUS TIME OF LIFE, HELPED Dreco Relieves Her Nervousness and Increased Her Strength. Works in Government Printing Office. Mrs. A. Nledfeldt, of 643 Third street northeast, who is employed in tho Gov ernment Printing Ofljce, is a great booster for Dreco. In "her signed state ment handed to tho Dreco Man, among other thlngd sho says sho was Buttering from gastritis, catarrh of tho stomach, and badly constipated. Was very ner vous, breath bad, coated tongue, bad tuste in mouth all ttio time, and wan ulways Bplttlng up mucus. Everything she ato seemed to sour In her stomach ana form gas. As so many Washington pcoplo suffering Just .is sho was hud been helped bhe bought i: bottle, too, Mho Is now on her mound otto and sayu tho gas does not accumuia'a any more. her uppctlto is good, ulid eho elecpa sounu. sue is uotiteroii no longer with the mucus rising In her tin oat. and us sho adds, "At my ago in life, I am 4o, I think it short of marvelous the way Dreco lias improved me and re stored my strength." Now that Is Just another of tho manv cases, coming to our attention of the great powers of Dreco to rebuild n. run down system, help tho catnrrhal con dition, und lellovo the gastritis and got rid of tho biliousness. Dreco, tho great herbal tonic, Is on salo at all O'Donnell Druir Htnrrs. aiury's Drug Store, Anacontlu: Allen's Drug Store, Alexandria: Kord's Drug nioro, jiynusviuu, at ii.w a bottle, l'orsons not ablo to sccjuro Dreco should havo their homo druggist write D. II. iMiiion. mo ureco Man. 804 F ntrnnt northwest, Washington, for tho agency in urn luwn, Ativt, SKIM, Plua the latest equipment ex- , piaini tne euperlurlty of our i work. Eery man In cur em-, rloy haii had years of exper I lenee. Our factory la equipped , nn me very laic.n inacmncry t& Removed to 14!9 It. South, bldf. NORMAND, a disagreement regarding a vaca tion after her recent sovcro illness. quit his meal nnd took the first train to catch the ballet on tour. A con tract waa Immediately signed and upon the return to Now York tho flrn(. pictures will bo taken. Tho Equitable company announces tho completion of arrangements for tho rvoJuctlon of "Tho Passers-My" un a photoplay. This Is tho play, written by C. Haddon Chambers, which was a girat success on tho stage. It Is a psychological drama and requires a cast of tho highest order of acting ability. Charles Cherry will head tho cast. a. M. Choose C0LG6TES When you choose a dentifrice do"not be misled by absurd claims forpower ful germicidal action. Be guided rather by your own common sense. You will find it is supported by the opinion of the dental profession as quoted below giving you good reasons why You too, should use I wtJ IA Dentists' IH "l am out Jtrlltt nal I M 'fi?fi?Z?5 Your dentist realizes that rvonht. ifknrt. Ribbon Dental Cream does what I 1 a dentifrice should do, and stops II m m of no man tnere ; ii cleans tne iceiri inor- i : 23f,S oughly-it is delicious in flavor "Inmu .,.! K IB HUIC I u im hoot mci not h. I H I C' m Ing btUtr. I inioiM r1. .. .1J m,imwn1,mm I LY lOC M your Otnltl Crtam .'.'". IJJ I A t?fTa? KB uvulCocall). II VV rtflli. r$1k m "Cefcfe'iiijf.iu COLGATE & CO. I v wmjflii 1 "p"" NEW YORK I Kk WMji H Ar j .. J7J - U I! , .AXrrrJVf bh io ueniirnce can oi.5,o ni& muuui n firX. Ylllifw vot I' 1 wif ijn 10c ? J: M: GARDEN Z " 15c IS ' ' K ITtet rtm-TBC Bl Jivta Bsl I III I I 11 U A ZlZ """ 211 U'W lit A dcccic nnn . m. bf I M V Hi Yin aiilaiiwwmB.k. ,,,- m II - U HHeslBBBia t iiiiiiiwiimiMi iutd. ftm i ix ii wmm N0.2-F0RD STERLING In "HIS PRIDE AND SHAME" III J ' nn .0 a.m. cmo a mm 6 p.m. ir III ' LLl! III Neif Victor d DOUGLASS M0N. JJJ PICTURE llll Tu,s(onc Stylus Needles ' LSJ tues. IN THE PAPERS I JtSS 4 for 10c NoCHESTERCONKUJ j f flT: j Former Senator Will Be Buried At Former Home, ' Elkins, W. Va., Wednesday. Funeral services here for former Sena tor Henry Onssaway Davis, who died Saturday morning, will bo held this af ternoon at 4 o'clock at tho homo of his daurhtcr, Mrs. Btophen B. Elkins, 1613 K street Services will bo conducted by th. Hev. Dr. Cliades Wood, of tho..Church of the Covenant, and honorary pallbearers will bo Chief Justice White, Andrew Car negie. John K. Foster, Senator John Sharp Williams, Charles C Glover, Ho llcltor General Dayls, Arthur P, Gor man, and R. C, Kerns. Relatives will leave with the body loter this evening for Elkins, W. Va., tho former Senator's homo, and they will arrlvo there about 2 o'clock tomor row. Tho body will Ho in state at tho home until Wednesday afternoon. Ser vices will be held at 1 o'clock on that day nt Davis Memorial Church, which tho former Senator built In memory of his mother. Sorvlces there will be con ducted by the Rev. F. W. Barron, pas tor. Interment will be at Maniowood Cem etery, on tho outskirts of tho town. That Cemetery was laid out by the former Senator. Employes Give Token to Mrs. Catherine Loftier A silver loving cup, In token of the regard In which they hold their em ployer, was presented by employes of tho A. Ixiffler Provision Company to Mrs. Catharlna Ixifticr on Tuesday. Tho occasion wns tho fortysecond an niversary of the establishing of tho buMncss. The presentation speech was made by Miss Alary A. Prlco, on behalf of the workers. Mrs. Lofflcr responded brleny. Swedish Queen 111. BTOCKHOLM, March 11-Qucon Vic toria of Sweden is suffering from an attack of bronchitis. LOCAL MENTION. Home Laughs, of Charlie. Today, Va. Ona Thousand FTeh frult, vgcthl. t.lne. Cfe. "40 10th. Theda Ilara'a last screen appraranee In new films. "Gold and the Woman," Von., Tue., Empress Theater. The Sunday Evening limes Glvei reliable advertisers a last minuu talk witn over rorty uiouvand homes. Phone Your Want Ad to Tho Time Msln EK0. r li- I jrt-i(ii 1 1 rig .t-? ii a. ..... ....... fcu WAWbW SVtjWtMt WW l With a Stock as JBoayWonmnTAU nUen Will Find a 1 JnLlLk lYLtMJ Every Suit Is Correct AT- $14.29 We show belted and straight-line effects in Poplins, Checks, and men's wear Serges. p I j. ' a uDeCIal rinnOUnCeineni &WMM AfinBlwl i Him PHI :W m -mmST I f ' lt ! .! Ill I.l..ll,..lll I Muslin Underwear That Rejoices In Its Own Daintiness Is Specially Priced Tomorrow The assortment includes Samples, Discontinued Models, and new, fresh, just received stocks. GOWNS, in muslin, nainsook, figured and plain cotton crepes. Combinations in nainsook and muslin. Envelope chemise, of nainsook and muslin. Petticoats of cambric and pique. Also many tailor-made garments trimmed in embroidery and lace finished with ribbons. Unusually Good Qualities In the Following Lots of Muslin Underwear DHAAVRIISi five styles, embroidery trimmed; good muslin, with wldo laco ruffles; extra full cut; some QQr with cluster tucking OJ71 COUSRT COVERS) five styles; good quality nainsook; trimmed with em broidery, val lace Inserting and QQp edge OJl OOWNSi twelve styles of fine, soft finish material; high and low neck; lace and embroidery trimmed; TA. We Have Accomplished a Real Triumph. In Securing These High Quality Georgette Large and Varied as KANN'S In Style, Made By Master Tailors, Finest Materials, and Urices That Do Not Begin to Represent True Worth Kann's policy of "always the best of every thing for the least money" was never better exemplified than in our present showing of Spring Suits. Each is a marvel at the price and each depicts the last word 4n style. For ' as little as $14.29 may be had a suit that in every detail is worth nearly half again as much, or you may select at $85 a suit that many would ask a hundred dollars or more for. Only through our wonderful buying power and the immense outlet we have for quality" suits are we enabled to offer such values. A trip to the second floor will easily convince you. Rack after rack, case after case, filled with the latest productions just from the makers. , Our Special Lines at $14.29, $19.75, $25.00 and $29.15 Are Unequaled-Any where Test our statement by shopping around. Then we know you will agree by coming back for some particular suit. Test it tomorrow. AT -AT $19.75 May be seen Ripple Coats, belted and pleated models, both plain tailored and trimmed effects. $25.00 Wjll be found mos't ly copies of fine im ported models in Ve iours, Checks, Gab ardines and French Serges. Women who wear size 42 Va styles developed on lines to appeal to them and add attractive ness to their figures. Values to S1.25 CHOICE lOrtSKT COVRHSi BO styles: all new models; beautiful embroidery, val, and French lace and Insertlntrs. Choice of nainsook and wash silks In Kfin white and flesh; at OUC Dn.VVi:ns 25 styles nainsook and muslin; Including- La Urecque and Mar cella; fine embroidery laces and full ruffle- effects; all perfect fit and K(n perfect finish; at OVl Taffeta DRESSES Copy of a $25 Model TO SELL The whole dress is made of Georgette crepe; skirt trimmed with seven small corded edge taffeta folds; the waist is similarly trimmed with belt of taffeta; vestee of white crepe, finished with pearl buttons. Other styles are of taffeta, full skirts, with corded bottom, all of taffeta; other styles of taffeta with sleeves of Georgette crepe; one style is of taffeta with three folds of the same, and has deep sailor collar in the back of white crepe de chine, finished with little ball trimming. Sizes in this lot up to 46 bust. Kann's Second Floor. "THE BUSY" COHNEE" f& iCtttttt 8TH ST. AND PENNA-'AVE.! KiHTtoHer UUM 1 Liking AT $29.75 Find all the late flare models, some with vests of stripe linen. Materials include Gabardines, French Serges and Checks. to 52 Vo will find all the new Kann's Second Floor. 59c Crepe and A, TK If jLy'-v y 1 ai $16-95 j&mjg & flfei