Newspaper Page Text
2 . 1--V' THE WASHINGTON TIMES. MONDAY, MARCH 13. 1916. 'V . r M V LTirice Harry Explains Nicaragua Canal Pact Right to Build New Link Between Atlantic and Paci fic May Not Be Exercised for Many Years, He Explains to His Inquisitive Nephews. "W rtlAT'B the matter with ths Panama Canal? Is tho United States going to sell itr Uncle Harry stared at Jimmy as he naked thcao questions. But after moment's pauso ho said: "Why noth ing's the matter with the Panama Canal, Jimmy. What put that notion in your head? There, has been nomo rnoro or less serious troublo caused by tho land along the sides sliding Into the canal, as I explained to you one evening somo weeks'ago, but that was expected hy General Uocthala and tho other engineers who had charge of tho work of digging tho Big Ditch. These experts say that In a short time that troublo will bo over and then the canal will bo open for ships for all time." "Then why la the United States buy ing land In Nicaragua and planning to dig another canal?' continued Jimmy. "What, a canal In Nicaragua?" said Jor. "Is that right, Uncle Harry?" "Suppose I answer you this way, said Undo Harry. 4iTho United States Is arranging to buy tho right to build a canal across Nicaragua one of the Central American Republics, but there Is not much likelihood of a second Pa cific canal being built for man, many 3PBFI If over" "Do you mean that tho United atatca Is going to spend a lot or money Duying land In Nicaragua when our Government rloea not expect to dig a canal?" asked Jimmy, "I don't wonder you are puzzled by this matter." said Undo Harry. "But 1 think I can explain It to you. This Is what has happened. President Wil son, acting through tho State Depart ment, which handles such matters, has nrranged a treaty and a treaty, you un derstand, Is Just another name for agree- ment between two nations hotwecn tho United States and Nicaragua, providing that the United States pay W.OOO.OiW to the Nicaragua government, and tn re turn the Nlcamgua government gics the United States the right to build a canal across Nicaragua nt any time In the future that the United States de cides that for any reason It needs the canal. "By tho treaty tho Nlcaraguan gov ernment also agrees to lease which Is the samo as 'rent' for nlncty-nlno years and for another nlnety-nlno years nt the etui of tho first nlncty-nlno years If the United States wants them. Great Corn Island and Llttlo Corn Island, Just THE RED Hi(ilsilBir?flSwiB By ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNB. Author of "The Fighter." "Caleb Conover," "Syria Krom the Saddle." Etc Nov ellzcd from the Pathe Photo Play of the Same Name by Will M. Rltchey. (Copjrlcht. 1915. by Albert Pon Terhunr.) (Synopsis of Preceding Chapters.) June Trav Is. member of a race of crook and cured with the heredltarj red circle birthmark. Is caught, after nianv adven tures, and charged with ntiineiuua crimes. Due to her splcinlld environment and her Juet nature, faeeo Crimea have all been committed In the Interests of oppressed people. Max Lamar, crime speclillst. In hunting her down, has fallen In love v.Itn her. Each one knnvva the lose of tho other, and MaVa whole endea.or Is noiv to save her from the law. Smiling bam 1'acan. a pal of June'a notorious father, knows her secret and eommunlcats It to the police, who surprise her at her home. Awaiting trial. June dreams tkat alio Is approached by tho spirit ot her dead father. FINAL INSTALLMENT. Judgment Day. OF co sloi F course, It was a dream a vl- lon bred of terror, of suspense, long-continued nerve strain. At least so June nlwaja tried. in later days, to mako herself believe. But she had not been nwaro of fall ing asleep. Slio wns sitting there In the squalid little living room ot the flat; brooding miserably over the fu ture; ind, seemingly, wide awake. Vet, unconsciously, as she sat there, she may havo dozed. r'or, as clearly us over In her life she had beheld anything, shu saw "Circle Jim" Borden como Into tho room. Yes, "Clrclo Jim" Borden, whose mortal body had been lying In the pot ters' Held tills many a day. Juno did not cry out She did not stir. Once she sought to speak, to ques tion the apparition. But her tongue and her llpa wero paralyzed. And now tho stern and firm-set lips r tho apparition moved. Moro with her heart than with her cars, Juno licurd tho words that tho specter-Ilpa lormcd. June," breathed tho wraith's voice, ' 1 am your father your father, who died. There Is no death, mivo to the body. And I have como back to you. 1 havo como back, because I cannot lest. You alono can glv me rest, my daughter," He paused. And still that strange paialysla held Juno spellbound. "I sought to wlpo out forever tho Tied Clrclo curse. 1 sought it by end ing tho lives of IIiomo who boro that curse. But I failed. You escaped me." There was something so sinister In tho words that Jano felt a thrill of tor ior tingle (it her lieart. Tho voice was tinged vUtli a tender longing as uguln the wraith spoke: June my llttlo girl, whom I never Knew, In life you must help me. You. and you alone, can aid mo now. i cannot rest until tho clrclo is forever gone. Whllo tho curso endures, my torture must cnduic. I long for rest for eternal sleep. But thcro can be no rest for tlfo dead while their evil deeds llo on. My sins llvo on In you, poor daughter of mine. And you alone can crush tho awful power of tho Bed circle and give mo rest. You fnto la in your own hunds. Not only your fate, but mine. You lmvo tho power, ir you will but exert It, to " ' Ho checked himself and turned his flerco guzo In angry Impatience to woid tho door. Tho door opened and Mnry looked In. llcturnlng from her purchase of sup plies, tho old ninso hud met Max La in a r, who had learned of Juno's where abouts and h:id haatcucd to her. Leav ing l.amar In the adjacent dining room. Maty had coma to tell June of his llt. ow, entering the room, she saw the off the eastern coast of Nicaragua, In the Caribbean Sea, and somo land, to be selected later, on the Qulf of Fonseca, which Is on tho Pacific side of Nicara gua." "WRy does me united states want these Islands and this land on the Pacific sldo?" asked Joe. "It Is planned to use the Islands on the Atlantic side and tho land along tho Qulf of Fonicta, on tho Pacific side, as naval stations, which; of course, mean greater nrotectlon for -the Panama canal," explained Uncle Harry. Dopant Congress havu anything to do with such matters?' asked Jimmy. i-ari oi i oiigress uues, sam uncie Hnrr'. "Under the laws of tho country, after tho President and Secretary nt State and the representatives of a for eign country nave agreed to .tlie terms of a treaty. It must he approved by the Senate of this country and tho govern ment oi me loreign country." "The Senate at Washington has al. ready approved the Nicaragua treaty, nann i it; asKea Joe. "Yes and I'm glad to see that you are keeping such a close watch on tho news," said Uncle Harry. "If the Nlc nrnguan government also approves of the treaty It will become a law between tho two countries. The Nlcaraguan representative tit Washington says he thinks his country will approve the treaty just an our Senate has ap- yruveu ii, "If a Nlcaraguan canal Is ever built It won't bo necessary to dig a big ditch all the wav across the country, will It? That big lake can be used for part of the way, can't It?" said Jimmy, who had opened his geography and was look ing nv tho map' of Central America. "That's right." added Uncle Harry. "That's Lake Nicaragua. There Is a small strip of land, about twelve miles wide, between the northwestern end of lgp?5l CAIMBOtAN mogsi .Aft v i "'"JeM s - p a c r c ggg'gg.:; O C E A M o" Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific Ocean, and this land would have to be dug out If a ranal were built. On the eastern side, tho lake Is connected with the At lantic ocean by the Sim Juan river, which is very narrow and very shallow tn places, and would also havo to be dug out and mado wider and deeper." "In there much chance of tho Nlc araguan Canal being built?" asked Joe. "Not for many, many yenrs. so far 'as any one can see today," said Undo Harry. "Tho right to build tho cnnnl Is principally a protection agalns any thing that may happen to tne Panama Canal In the years to come." (Copyright, 1916, by The M-C Syndicate.) CIRCLE girl leaning back In her chair with closed eyes. This she saw. and noth ing else.. She had no hint of the wraith's presence. Tho old -woman tiptoed back to the dining room, shutting the door softly be hind her. "Tho poor dear Is asleep," she re ported to Lamar, In a whisper; "I won't disturb her. She needs It." As soon as Mary left the room, Bor den drew closo to the moveless June on co more. v "It is In your power to save us both, daughter,'" he said, eagerly. "You can save us. You alone. You can give me the rest I crae. "I was brought up to crime to reck lessness to tho companionship of out casts," went on Borden. "There weio but two clean Influences In all my lire my mother and the wlfo I adored. Mv mother died before I could under stand how much It would have meant to her It I had learned to live the Ufa she wished me to. My wife could havo saved mo, through love. But she died. Mio died when you wero born. And after that nothing mattered to me. I went on and on. to the end." A spasm of pain marred his rugged lace. "With you It was different. From babyhood, you wore surrounded by every Influence for good. Bvery pow er of environment warred valiantly against the hereditary curse. And thut saved you from committing sordid crimes, when at last the curse over took you. You sinned. But always you sinned that others might be happy. Never once did you commit crime for your own prollt always to help oth ers. This much the good Influences accomplished for you. They could not wholly ward off tho curse, but they made your sins a blessing to many un fortunates. And those Bamo good in fluences will save you now If you will help them." "You can conquer the curse by will power." urged Borden. "You can de stroy tho evil that is in you. You can save yourself and inc. You can do this. It will bo a fearful conflict, but If you exert all your will power, you can win. Will you do thU, June? An swer me!" Juno longed to cry out 'o him that she would make the tight; th-xt she would strive with all lie- mls'it to stamp out the curse of the Bed Circle. But she could not spcuk. Tho glowing eyes, peering down at her In such frantic appoal, took on a look of baffled rage. (Continued Tomorrow.) ELEVEN ORPHANS ADOPTED BY MINER With Seven Children of His Own, Man Now Has Eighteen. WILKKS-BAnnn. ra.. March 13. John Itebow and wife, living In an ordi nary mine worker's homo nt du Pont, have opened tho doors of their dwelling for eleven llttlo orphans, and now havo a family of eighteen children, 6nly seven of which are tholr offspring. A fcv weeks aco Jtcbow and his wife decided to adopt tho four orphans of Peter Waskll after their father had been killed In tho mines, following the death of his wlfo a feu weeks heroic, Then came another tragedy In du Pont, Mrs, John Bomaslch, mother of seven living children, died from pneumonia. Orlef-Htrlckon at tho loss of his wife, Itomasich ended his life. Tho seven little children, left on the meicy of the world and wli'i no near kin, touched Itebow and his wife and they decided to adopt them alto. Lecture Wednesday Instead of Tonight Tho Washington Society of tho 1'ino Arts announces that the lecture by Thornton Oakley on "Amorlcan Illus trators" Is to be given on Wednesday evening, in tno new National Museum, anil not tonight, as previously stated. INSURANCE STATEMENTS STATEMENT OP TUB CONDITION OK THE FIRST NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY O' 'ne Dlatrlct of Columbia on jhe 31st day . jriuiuutr, !, as required under in K,"'.rit of Columbia code, amend! June 30. 1W3, and August It. Mil. wap a stock S90I.C9JO0 Capital atock paid up, In cash 801, ttJ 00 . . , ABBOTS. Su '." .mc? 'M00 Cash In bank ,.. . M.lVltl Real estate H.aa 41 neat estate mortgages (first llent.... 103.400 00 Stocks and bonda (market alue)..,. M,(WI00 Pills rei.elable ....,.t II.1SS19 Premiums uncollected and In Minds .of agents , ,,,, n:.M54 Interest due and acccrued RtUli All other assets , 15.1WM MAMUTIES, N'et unpaid claims..,. .i ITI.tUSJ rteserve as required by law i.'n.jiSM Salaries, rents, expenses, taxes, etc, 10.C.25W Capital stock HOLS'; On All other liabilities,..., ?5.7M IS Amount of risk assumed and char acter of business transacted dur ing the year 1U ?U,:OC,902 00 Losses sustained during the ear MIS U9.4M&3 Money received during the year 1515 82I.M10: Expended during Ihe year 1016 Tr).:i017 rtonwnT J. WYNNE, President. JOHN R. SMITH. Secretary. Hubscrlbed and sworn to IwfJrc me this 9th day of March. 1318. HAnnr c. itonrt. (Resl Notary Public STATEMENT OP TUB CONDITION OP TIIH AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY, Of OaUeston. Tex., on the 31st day of De i ember, I9IJ. as required under the District of Columbia .Code, amended luno 30. IXC, and August li, Mil, Capital atock $M0,tio0fl0 Capital stock paid up. In cash MW.IMOD AHHnTS. Cash In office SI.SMM Cash In bank, of which I100.&O.M Is on interest i.v.,iv.n oi Heal estate moctsasen (first llrnl... :(f.lf..1 4i Hlock and bond (market value).., 23,3M l: Hills recelable M.019 60 Premiums uncollected and In hands. of agents 'M.dUlM Interest due and accrued 13.5M M I.tAMMTIfiS. N'et unpaid claims tM.'-l 11 Ttesene aa required by law t:.M3 1 Salaries, rents, expenses, taxes, etc. .'.r.WIV Commissions, brokerace. etc 11.237 CD Capital atock Win.ClOOn lleserxe ror taxes .. .. .vra w Voluntary resene . .'.O.S1 M (.oaves sustained durlnr the year 1l." Itt.nooil Money received during th vesr IMS 47.1, 47.'. n Expended during the ymr MIS 3.V,U3t 89 SKAI.V HUTCIIINOS, rresldnt. ' OKO. FRAI.Y, Hecretary. Hubscrlbed and orn to beforn me TA day of February. MIS. (Senll NK1.1.IK II CUP.TIN, Notary Public In nnd fnr fiaheston rountv, Tex. My Commission expires June 1, 1317 GF.O. i. BETTIS. Mgr. 302 Real Estate BIdg. Phone Main 8701. EDUCATIONAL Singing, Elocution '.. ,-MIM I'UKCII HArtNKS. t4 III, ,t. N. R, Ption- Mne. 171. a jk i.f.J PrUays. rtll lltb sL V. W. .WJVINU, PACKING, STORAGE "SArETY PIIOT." ABrOI.UTT.:,!- FIHEPrtOOP STOHAaB. I'NITED HTATEO STORAGE CO. Bmh" t'OOand up. Moving, racking. 1-bnns Mala 433. 4M.430 lth st. N. W. i,itr ,t DUO Itorsge Ilooms. 1.00 per mo. up. HOV1NO, fACKING by nxperis. Low ILatea. UNION STOItAOE CO., 4141 3d at. Main 4S74. qoflHUS-; zs MDVINH I'ADDEO VANB IVIVVIINO FUIINIUHED. I'hon M. 3O10-W1U KREIG'S EXPRESS, 1131 II Straat N. W. STORAGE. PACKINO. AND BHIPPINO. Free mortar for ator Ke, N. 33413 or N. 3.044, BHITH'fl TnANSPKIl STOnAflC COm B13 5. Nluht Ph. N. MI. FIREPROOF STORAGE NO Separate Locked Itooms. ;,04 Month Tip. Merchants' Transfer and Sterage Co. Main 0900. 9J0-922 E St. N. W. CLEAN, dry storage (or turnltura and piano. Estimates rhserfuily gtvsn. WESCULEIt'll W0 Pa. Ave. K. W. 1'cans alaln 1I. LOST AND FOUND IU3WARD for Information leullnv to th r- u'"' v k"1' c,, uunn, one iuii Kron: Ilia nlhH 1A s-niinfc .l a 1 a. a 1 . . . Mi vmiit w Milium uiu, uoui oisck ana wiiiie - siuiit- ,1, twntj. I-OST OH MTHAYED-Sundiy afternoon. March 6. from 13.& Park ta tn r,H ukh. collie doi; answers to name of "Nick " Lib eral returned .to above address. i OOI.D CHAIN Heavy, with pendant and coral, around Mctnlty of Capitol. Itenard. 137 N. Carolina. i WATCH Gentleman'!, gold Elgin, H-slze. Hunting case: No. of works, 407110. Any one having this watoh please notify Tollce Headquarter! or J. CLINTON TIUBBr, at ence. 1 WANTEDAGENTS AOENLS WANTKU-Eelllnif sanitary milk bottle lor;,s; 100 . comitlaslon. tiend Wo for sample, or io atainp fer particular!. WET ZEL, HANITARY I.Oi K CO. hamokln. I'a. HELP WANTED MALE WANu:i-' arable dratlBiiian for Nw York illy of '.oi . on eJlalilUhH patent flnn, state ex.irline nnd salary oipectod. HOX 147. Tim. s otllie. BOV Extxrlenced to shop ii33 q N. W. work In blacksmith 1 ERRAND BOY WITH BICYCLE. Must be neat, quick and willing to work, pood chatcn for adanoa,uent. Apply Kt Munney Uuliaing.' MAN Colored, for delivery wanan; must know tho illy; bring references. 017 Ia. avc. N. W. NIOHT WATCIIMAN-Mlddle-aged colored rran preferred. Address, with references, age, and experience, BOX lib, Tlmea office, ! I'rtEriSElt Experienced. Apply at 311 14th at N. K WAITCflH Colored, mess hall. l.'J, 3b per mo., room and board; nlwx looks, m er ivuk win, uwaiti, niFi, I IHIKX, 9 KT la. DICIC'H 11UTEI, ACJKNl Y, lVtli I'm. ne. N, W. . mo, vol at and WAITEH llxpirleiHtil. white, refcrciuc. Al pl) yin 14lh l. N. V ICIUNO MAN to help rn men'! coats, steady nura.. tvi sia si. p. HELP WANTED-FEMALE PINlBMKIta on trousers. Klrat-cUss. Apply all week. l'AYNIi U3 V it, N. V., lop floor. QIIII Experienced In linen room. Apulv at once, tho UAI.KIUII IIOTEf,. WAlTaEBBKB-At once; only exterlenced need apply. WHITE- PALACE, 1113 Pcnn. ave. WOMAN Hetled, for-general housework. Ap . Ply lftS H at. N. E. WOMAN White, for general housetorkl Lvod . homei slay nights. 3314 13th at. N. W. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED v Ferrialc. PIANO Ptll'IlJI-Usson! given at pupll'a .,Jl?Jn?Lbt,,,nn"'" PeclaTty; reasonable. VOX, 143, Tlmea ofnee. FOR RENT ROOMS Farniihed H HT. N. W.. 434-Two large connecting rooms, with lavatory! 3d floor; I. n. k. and tr w. h, reasonable. Wh HT. N. W., 1310-Orte nicely fuTiihThed front room, well heated and lighted; conven ient to four car lines: strictly prlvato famllyi no other roomers. Apply to owner. 1310 8th it, N. W.. rent reaaonatle. ' 12lh HT. N. W.. 14-To .oinmtint;atng front rooms furnished complete. I. h.; 14 J5i other rooms, i week; transients "T "mT; ,,,h J11' N w 3414-Large. elegantly fur- nlahed room for two gentlemen: good board next doorj piano and free telephone! on mm- irom two car lines: rent reasonable. llh ST. N. - f03 Nicely furnished front rooms; corner house: clean, well ventilated; excellent downtown location; reasonable. lOtb ST. N. W.. 731-Board, 115 month, also table hoarq. 13 a week. k ST. N. W., 803 (near I.lbrary)-Lrge, uiiaiu. nint rooms, ii.fco and up. i th 8T. N W.. 410-Warm rooms. tth each floor; central location; ll.M week upwkrds. I II BT. N. XV,, 311 Second floor front loom; back room also; central: reasonable. Unfurnished. 8th tn. N. W IMO-Three roomi. gas. water In kitchen. 113.60; adults. FurnUhedor UnfurnUhed. Cth ST. 8. E 337 Two conununlcattng rooms. flrat floor: sink, hot and cold .vater In one; unfurnished, or furnished complete for bouae- --...M. niti-wKifr neai. i,. th BT. N. W.. 523-rumlshed and unfur nished. 4 rooms, first floor; single or en eulto; all conveniences: I. h. k. ! ROOMS AND BOARD lith ST. N. W.. 3C-rurnlshed roome. all front; electricity; spacious closets; French rooking; excellent service; also labia board; "i1"' '"' "w iiinMEement, I'none M, rt57. I'AHIC 1'J.ACE, Slot Front room, overlooking park; Tnodera comenlencea: good board: gentlemen pfd.: phone Col. 3311; reasonable. K BT. N. XV.. 1100- ,Room and board; gentle, men preferred; antral location; reference exchanged. TABLE BOARD THE flHKrllErtD, 10th and E STB. N W. Excelletit nieala. breakfaet. c, lunch. Xc; dinner. 35c; 13.K0 per week. uJSTl N- w" KMr rneali. t3.?0;"l meale. 13.00. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS WOrtKINOMEN-It Is not merely the cash you spend, but we expect you to send a friend, and so our baslness grows from day to day; but such value aa we gUe In new rente at 13 and 13 showa a clear saving of Mwa0"' pric'- ju8t,vb Painti. WUSTALO A. U O. PAINTS. Sold by CHAS. B. CHURCH; 111 3th St. fl. W. Phone M. JK1. Papertianglnr. WK DO PAINTINO, paperhanglng. plaattr inS, nnu aaisomining; rooms papered, 11; painted, 13.71. P. rjOLJOnLATT. 1121 Pa. ave, N. XV . rhono M. tlll.W. i Mattrcgies and Box Sptlnsa. SPECIAL-Hall1 and felt mattrMsea mad ap mnA rnniBlad alt . ... EAGLE BEDDING CO.. 1109 Tth' st. N. W.' in n ! Upholstering. $2 OO a tA.tC9 ,n Ptry. Hava your furniture reupholstered where you f.'A, t,5uA'i!i',i Job- HALTIMOIIE UP HQ13TEniNO CO.. (31 It st. N. E. Carpet Cleaning. CARPETS THOItO AND CAREFULLY cleaned: rugs woen from old carpets, mat- iJ,?.,.'.J,-n0T'l,d- Katlmatea furn. ALBERT kahij:rt & CO . UZ B 8t. 8 W. M. 3031 Masquerade Costume. Masquerade Costumers. n. q M. WURTON A BON. HI E N. W. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS C. T. HUNTER'H'aanltary dut,klllinE floor oil keeps the floors clean and bright and gtrcs them a polished finish. Good lor lour furniture. Try It. Only Wo a gallon. le llvered 113 Pa. ate. N. W. Phone 'll. C4&. FOR BALE Pool table; fine order with balls vfvuii or aiscounts ror cash. Han MnnMV 11. iv Hopwood's, 8th and K. IRON BEDS. S1.00 up. with spring and mat tress, 13; remnants oilcloth, 30o yd.; Felt oleum. 30G Vnrd! mm ranma t KA .k. bargains In all kinds furniture. 171 7th N.W. FOR HALE Furniture, new and slightly used. Easy terms If desired or Jlscounta for cash. Save Money. Buy at Hopwood's, 8th and K. TEARING DOWN COLUMBIA HOSPITAL), ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. FOR SALE. Brick, joists, sheathing, flooring, sash, mantles, doors, frames, bath tuba. Iron fence, motor, lumber, furniture and brick. SIDNEY U HECKINGER CO.. Expert Route Wreckers, lith and r. t N. V. Apply at Hosplui. Sth at. ar.J Pa. ave. N.W. FOR HALE Gaa range, side oven, Uteat model; alto very line sideboard. Easy terms If desired or discounts for rash, fill, Unnav. nnv f,, Hopwood's, 8th and K. CONTINUOUS post bed. Iron spring and maltresii, complete outfit M K. (New goods only.) JO HNSON'B. K43 H at. N. E. FOR SALE-CO stoles cheap. Easy terms It desired or discounts for cash. Save Money. Buy at Hopwood's, 8th anl K. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH price paid for worn cloth lng; either ladles' or men's: aend postal; will call. II. TARSHES, 1301 7th it. N. XV, Phone North 4V. 1 Highest Prices Paid for OLD GOLD. Artificial Teeth, Rllver. Platinum. Dla- M.SUTIN,,J:on.,lry ' M!.'" See Me First. WANTED Furnltur, ptno, rmrpU, etc "WESCHLElt'B." 130 Pa. ave. N. W. 1 WANTED Furniture for cash. Sell your goods to the man who gives the most money See HOPWOOD. 8tb and K. 1 AUTOMOBILES ' FOR BAIJS-19U Overland roadster; llrst class condition, J. II, D 131 17th it. nu. For Hire. MAIN 7151 Day or Night. One mile. ICc: each additional mile. 35e. Automobile Repairing. CENTRAL CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND AUTO WORKS a 1. LOVD. Manager. . Truck and Automobile Bodlea to Order. REAR OF 443 TO 431 EYE STREET N. Xt, MAIN 1143. Painting and l4ttrlng a Specialty. AU. WORK QUARANT1ESD. I FOR RENT-HOUSES Unfurnished. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY 815 Fifteenth Street TELEPilONE MAIN 1414. , 110 I si. nw., tr., b downtown .113.50 2037 1st St. nw 7r b 33.C0 31 I st. tie., lit., b.. furnace heat 30.83 703 gulncy St., lr b li. w. h 30.W ROJ l'a. ave., I r., b nowly decorated.. 30.W IKS 2d nw 6r b furnace, fine order,. 30.(0 703 gulncy nw., 11 r,, b., goouVdrder 37.K0 1334 lat it., Ir b furnace 27.(0 33(3 Q it. tin-,, (r b.. furnace 27.00 731 3d at, ne., 7r. and b 23.(0 ta 23d at, nw., tr b ."..00 7(5 Gresham it.. (r b furnace 21(0 212 Kentucky ave. ne r b 30.(0 Clinton it., AVoodrldge, 8r lare lot... 20.00 2112 N st. nw., tr.. water, Urge yard... !r,M (2 Orleans ne flat, 4r b 14.(0 Keys Sent on Request. Send for List of Desirable Apts. Unfurnished Houses 111 10th. W.b....t.ti0l23( Park l. nw.. 1404 Belmont, (r.b Ci.Oo 1733 N, If. nv.6r.bt5 00 2107 o nw., or.b... 40.00 1112 Soring r.I.. Ir. r. b 30.(0 'K Nowton nw (r. li 17.(0 343 14th se 4rb. 11.(0 b 30.101 Apartments Heat Furnished THE KNICKEnnOCKER, 1110 lllntwood pi. N. W. 4r. and b.. 4lh floor front llt.00 1122 KENTON ST. N. W.-4r. and bath.. .(0 For Colored Tenants 24 Patterion ne.. .1341 4th at., (r. b..t2S.R0 ir. 115.00111011th it., lir. b. 23.(0 1133 Oalet rt. ne., Cr. ....i lO.tO1 WM. H. SAUNTERS & CO., Southern Bldg., 807 15th St. N. W. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Phonea Main 1016 and 1017 RENTING A SPECIALTY Mr. Prospective Renter: Look over ny big For Rent List before you decide on vour next house. It It Is not on my list give me a de scription of the property ami what section you want It In. I will get It for you. HARRY E. GLADMAN, Line. 346. 303 Pa. Ave. S. K. toil Portlier place. I room and bath 143 U at. nw., I rooms and batn 41.11 Furnished. TO RENT, for the summer. large, comfortable, well fur nished home and garage, out 16th street. Only twenty min utes from Treasury, but line ele vation, trees and extensive lawns, cool and secluded as if miles in the country. Efficient servants, also cow and chickens, if desired. Phone Col 1733. FOR RENT FURNISHED 1725 S St. N. W. Itrand new house, containing 12 roome and 2 baths; all modern Improvements; complete ly furnished throughout; located In Vi'h Ingten'a moat aecluded neighborhoods, llent only 1160. Apply to owner. D. 71. ROLANO DRUJtT. 301 Southern bldg. Kth and II N.W. APARTMENTS TO LET Unfurnished. ONLT AJ17 t A Worth la. (30 R. I. at. eJJ L I etllf lie., ir. and. h.( a. tn. I. Ground for Veg'ble Garden Free. DANIEL-BUTT CO.. 715 14th H. U. U7I. 11th HT. N. WW 717-Vour rooms and bath or 2 rooms and bath, hot-water heat SIXTH ST. N. E.. 1040 ir you wnt the nicest, cleanest, and brightest f-rxm ami bath apt. tn the city for 115.00 per mo. get buay today. Keys at 73 (th st. N. B. Wanted. . ,- t WANTED- Y VACANT PROPERTIES AND APARTMENTS TO RENT. We cannot supply the demand for good prop erty. Iel ua list youra now. NO CHARGE. PAUL V. MITCHELL, ft COMPANY. 1113 O at. N XV. 1 FOR SALEHOUSES SEVERAL PROPERTIES FOR HALE it bar gain prices, which will net pur 'huslrs large and rafe returns nn amounts Invested THOS. E. JARRELL, Suite S33-40 Woodward llldg. Main 7. OWNER leaving city will aell 11. HO equity In brand-new l-room brick bouse built by Ken nedy Uros. ; all modern conveniences; balance due on house, 13.330. to be paid 113.03 month ly, which Includes Interest and Urge pay ment oft on principal; located at 111 Quebeo place- N. XV., one block east of Ua. ave. Can be Inspected at any time. No reasonable offer refused. Col. 4543, FOR SALE BY OWNER FIRST TIME OFFERED Six rooms, attic, and bath; hot-water heat; extra large aleeplng porch; choice location In llloomlngdale. Urlce, 14,S0. Easy terms. Address HOX 138. Tlmea ofllce. PREPAREDNESS. A man on even moderate salary can RUT A HOME with money he la now paying put InTsnt. INSURE YOURSELF AUAINST Hardship-It's simply the extrcle of good judgment and foresight. See thla beautiful six-room, colonial design. Convenient to 3 cxr lines, alt government de- panmnti, public school, ihUrcltes and stores. PRICE ONLY 13.150. Email cash payment, balance. Ilka rent. House, No. 1429 C St. N. E., Open Take 13th and D st. cars to 13th and C eta, ne. Walk 2 squares east, or E. Capitol at. cars ip inn St.. am a squares forth. LOOK THESE OVER! BEFORE BUYINO. COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL One and One-half Sqirei Front LINCOLN PARK. On ltVt at. N. K.. bet. North Carolina ave, and C at. One of the most beautiful loca tions In tne city. I rooms, tile bath. Urge lot, porch. All rtodera Improvements. Only 1100 cash and balanoe llks rant. $21.50 er coratb. Including interest and prtaoltaL PRICE, $2,250. Open dally and Sunday until Inn, Wanted. WE 1)0 NOT IHJ1LW HOUSES, but art them ui jrnur iiroprruea tor sale with us nnd wo will sell them for jou, THOS. E. JARRELL, Suite 838-40 Woodward Hldg. .Main 768. SUBURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. DESIRA11LE location for country store, con taining & acres. Fronts on Ilaltlmore and Washington boulovntd, Ihe Washington nnd Ijiurcl electric road, and the 11. .v. O. Ha. Hon la practically on tho premise. AJdteaa 1079 IMlinore el N. V. i MODERN DIINOALOWS. 5 and t rooms, tiled bath, furnace and hot water heat. ELECTRIC LIGHT. OAH. ClOOD LOTB. rnicns, i3.sso and 33,3:0. Small Cash Payment. lUlauco Conveniently. RIVERDALE PARK CO., P.1VERDALE. MD. 1 HOW TO RB YOUR OWN LANDLORD on 1100 cash and lis month, at CHEVY CHASE. For full particulars dro poatal. Wlephone. or call on WM, 1L RITCHIE. 418-418 Colo, bldg. Tel. M. 1043. For Rent. FOR RENT Two acres near cliy. 0-ioom house, water at ilnor; nil out -hull linns. In. nulre 33 Eve st. N. K Wanted. WANTED TO RENT, house Willi tno or more anrs land, near electric line U1I.E HART, a lOlu It! N. K. ! ii i nn ., i rooms ana pain. 17.11 Heat and not water Included to the above. Stare, 2103 14th at. nw.,'wlth living quar. 13.M Apply A. D. Wlllli. th Portner. lith i, U a. y-.i.i KLEIN-On Saturday, March It, ltlt. at P. tn.. MRS liAniJARA KLEIN, at the age of Mvcnlir-ona years. In her home In Uarcroft, Va. Funeral aervlcei will bo held on Tuesday, March ll. ills, at 3 p. m at her residence. Into ment at Ivy Hill. ! LEACH-SuddenJy. on Friday. March 10, lll. In New York city, PERCY FENWICK, only son of the lata Hamilton B. and Florenca II Leach. Bervlces at Ie's Chapel, J Pennsylvania avenue northwest, at 11 o'clock, Tuesday, March 14, int. ' MUHLKNIIERG-On Sunday, Mirch 13. IMt. .5,...'"i,,,'ienSli.!P Newton ktreet north ni.'i'i,0"? CAMERON MUHLENEERO. I rlgadlcr Qeneral, United States Army, re tired. Notice of funeral hereafter. ! ' IM MEM0RIAM niBON In lad but loving rememhriiica of a ?,'!,J,llu,,:!and "' 'ather. THOMAS A. RISON. who departed thle life three jears ago today. March 13. 113. Oone In the best of his days With a heart full of hope and ralth, Oone from the ones he loved To his resting place above. Hy his loving WIFE and DAUGHTER. (Notice! for this column are accepted at It tenia flat, either proee or poetry. In ease no tlcs does not exceed ten llnee. And 10 cents for each line In excess of ten.) UNDERTAKERS Embalmers. Funeral Directors. J. WILLIAM LEE, ' UNDERTAKER A LIVERY. 333 Pa Ave. N. W. Telephone M. 1338. WASHINGTON'. D. C. FLORAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS of every description-moderate prices. GUDB. 1314 F fit. N. W. VITAL RECORDS. Births. '..'m?, " n,, "orence Msreden, girl. William and Taullne loveless, boy. Owen F. and Violet Gray, girl. Charles . and Mare , ea ,r Arthur and Annie It. Cohen, girl. John I. and Stephena Cassedy. girl. James snd Daisy Tate. Iy. Georga and Mamie Thompson, boy. Herbert and llatlle Penn. girl. Oakley and Mamie Medrey, girl. Thomas and Ida Mickey, girl, William and Hattle Johnson, girl John and Elltabeth Harihaw, girl. Deaths. Annie Utile Williams. 71 yri. 1511 Ingleslda terrace nw, John Carroll, a yre. 631 C at. aw. John Cosby, 10 yre. In automobile to George town I loop. Charles D. Jones. 15 yrs. 0 Florence at. ne. Janey Soott. 4 rs, 73 V at. nw. Nathan Neuman. W rs. 1133 7th st. nw, Catherine O'Hrlen, rs yrs. 341 8th st. ne. William Diver. 3 rs. Providence Hosp. Mary E Horrlgan, M yrs. 731 Sth st. ne. Islah Morris, (0 jrs. George Washington Hosp, I'rrdrrlrk Klnckgraf. 71 jrs, V. H. Holdlers' Home Hoep. ' Marie F. Chlcchla. 3 yrs. HIS 1th at. nw. Marshall Morrla. 3 yra. 31 : nth si. nw. William T. Oullford. 17 rs, 11 10th it. se. Rlcliard II. Nixon, 74 yrs, 1331 Fairmont at. nw, John HtanBel. M rs. Tuberculosis Hosp. Thomas F. X Kelly, 3 months. 3373 Prospect ave. nw. Msry E. Wrenn, C hours. 1115 33d st. nw. Amanda Jennifer. K ra. 1313 S. C. ave. s. PERSONALS MISS WELLS Manicuring and Ecalp miOO WCbbO Treatment Hours J to 4 931 O st. N. W.. Atmrt. 3. third floor. AMY FI 7 1 MANICURING. SCALP fAlll I CLLylO TREATMENT. 711 11th st. X XV. Phone M. Till. MISS JAMERON. manicurist and chiropody; hours, 10 a. in. to p. m. till New York ave. N. W.. second floor. MICQ RARFR MANICURING. xniao DftDcn- bhampooino. scalp Treatment. 401 O at., opp. U. ti. Pension Oft. MARILDA WILLIAMS. Manicuring. Sham, poolng, scalp treatment; 10 to 7. Apart. 3L The Caroline. 704 11th st. N. XV. M. b4. MRS. ORAL. FIELD 88gt Treatment; face and scalp. Here tor a short time only. tIS II st N. W . ted floor. M A H 8 A O E Mnchano-therapy, Osteopathy. Scientific. Swedish treatments at residences by apolntment. Dally from 10 a. in, to t p. tn Sunday until 3 p. m. til Kenols bldg. MICC C AIN Manicuring and Scalp Treat- Apart. 1 Phone Main 74S. DRESSMAKING. R. U LAWSON. 1133 Columbia at. DR. REED SPECIALIST 804 Seventeenth Street Over 30 Years' successful practice in th UVCTOU icaib Cure of cbtonle Nervous and special Diseases ot Men snd Women. Means Health to You It You Suffer Irom Catarrh. Obesity. Rheumatism, Consti pation, Piles. Throat. Lungs, Drain. Heart, ltlood and Skin Diseases, Nervous Dtblllly. Kidney Diseases, madder Troubles, Specina IJlood Poisoning. Eruptions. Ulcers and All Private Diseases Cured for Ufa by Safe Methods. COt, Iiacterta vacclnea and all the new se rums and antl-toxlns administer!. Charges Low. Medicine Furnished CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Room For Ladies. Office Hours. 10 to 1. 3 to 4. Sunday, to tu 13. HORSES AND VEHICLES FINE HORSE for sale. 171. fee JAEGER. KB 13th it. N. W. MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN g.t-laT TTeTf.l Real Estate Loans No Commissions Easy Monthly Payments no unnecessary delays or extra charges on District Real Estate. Assets Over $2,600,000. Over $120,000 In profits (or past year paid In cash to members, Including; bor rowing members. Washington Six Per Cent Permanent Bldg. Assn. (no v si. x. ml 4-1-1 1 M-H-H-M"! 1 1 1 1"I-1-h4 .CAREFUL INVESTMENTS Ot money In First Deeda ot Trust (Flrat Mortgages) on Washington. D. C, Real Bs late always give the full Interest promlsea, and tbe return of all the principal when due, regardleaa of ths varying Incomea and values et other securities, and they are "Hot aub Ject to fixation. We have bean successfully engaged In making these Investments far our clients for mors than a quarter of a century. Investments. 13S0. !3W to HO.C0O at I. th. aai 1 per cent now ready for delivery. Larger investments made. Win. H. Saunders & Co., SOUTHERN aUlLDINQ. 107 11TH ST. MONEY TO LOAN on real -ststei lowest ratea; prior payment privileges; largo amounts. TYLER : RUTHERFORD. M7 ItlJi. HONEY TO LOAN-1350 to ISOO.OOO on D. C. real estate, beverat trust funds. 4li to t per cent. All transactions londucted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. II. SAUNDERS & CO., Southern Hulldlng. 107 13th st. N. W FOR RENT DESK ROOM KO-A SOUTHERN ULUa.-Oftlce ilcslc room; phone Main 4151. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A TRUE HARGAIN- l-ot 3, Mock 4310. Villa Park, for lJTi.00; must have money, worth double this amount Addrees JAS, W RI.ACK 3t Santa llarbara st tUuta Par bars, Cal. i DEATHS Special. Notices JXJN'T WORRY. Send all your Printing Troubles ta THE ANDERSON PRINTERY, 1107 NEW YORK AVE. PHONE MAIN MM. Modern Dentistry AH Branches. rainless Methods-reasonable prices.. Work guaranteed. No charro for advice. Special, lets In treatment ot itlggs Disease. Two of. flees. II. B. DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 401 Tth N. W a, c, ujsniAi ambulation, , E. comar tth AND K S. K. . PA1NLE88 EXTRACTION WATCH REPAIRING. Jtl.VRANTEEB WORK AT HEABONABLB VJUCSS. JUUUB H. WOLPB. ltth f, R 818. N. W. OFFICE OF THE COMUIBdIONERS OF .."" P"trlct of Columbia. Washington, March 4th. llltNotlcs Is hereby given that In accordance with ths provision! of an Item authorizing changes In ths permanent srg 1 of hlihwaya contained In D. C, Appro priation Act for the fiscal year ended june 1!' Vli. LPube Act No 435. approved March 4tb, 1W3.1. ths Commissioners of the District of Columbia will give1 h publlo hearing In Ins Hoard Room of said Commis sioner! Thursday, March 33rd. D14. at 10 a. n; to all partlea Interested or owning lend along the Uennlng road between Fifteenth and II streets northeast and the Anaeottla river. Plans of tho pioposed chsnges In tbs lines of Uennlng road viftbln the above llralU will bs displayed, and ths Commissioners Will consider sny suggestions or protests con cerning ths proposed changes ss shown on ths above mentioned plans. OLIVER P. NEWMAN. LOUIS HROWNLOW.. CHARLES XV. KUTZ. Commissioners. D. C. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF the District of Columbia, March , 1111. At the tax sale of March 17, 1111, property as sessed In the nsmes of Individuals which fol low, and whose addresses could not bs found,, waa sold for delinquent taxes, and If not re deemed on or befsra March 17, ltlt, when tbs redemption period expires, deeds there for will be Issued to the purchasers at ths iax aaie aforesaid. Allen, Evereat J Powell, Margarst E. Powell, Hoses P)le Company, Inr. Randolph, Cornelia P. 4k otheri Staplea. Anna Stocking. Dell W. Talbert, Ceorglanna Talbert, Miry F. Taylor. Caroline othera. Tr. nenneit. ssran lloawell. James P. Rrsdy. tsabtlK G. Coleman, John L. 1 'onion. Michael Cousins, Josrpn K. Cox, Saran C. Ootian. Edith r. Doyle. Jot-n T No. X Dunlop. J.'annU Gant, Cecelia Gehrman. Mary G. Green. Lily Griffin, Eugene Hutchinson. William McKnew, Edward S. roe. ell, Francis Valley, Realty Com- -W' warn. Robert Weat. Elisabeth. Trust Trlptett. William Washington. Catherine OLIVER T. NEWMAN. LOUIS RROWN. LOW. CHARLES W. KUTZ. Commissioners. D. C. LEGAL NOTICES Conrail II, Symr, Jitnaes Francis Smith, Attorneys. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DLS-. -! FiliS?1' OK COLUMDIA. HOLDING A D1S TRICT .COURT.-ln res Widening ot Wis cpnsln avenue, between Garfield atreet an-1 ths District of Columbia boundary line. 1 Ihe District of Columbia. District Court. No 133. Notice Is hereby given that the Com inlsslorH-rs of the District ot Columbia (pur auant to a certain provlalon of the Act of Congress, approved March 4, H1J. entitled "An Act making appropriations lor the ex penses of the government of the District ot Columbia, for ths fiscal jear ending Jim- thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, an., for other purposes." whereby tbey are uu thorlxed to open, extend or wldon any stred avenue, road or highway to conform vtlth the plan of the permanent system of high nays In that portion of the District of uu lumbla outalda ot the cities r.I Washington and Georgetown, adopted undr the Act t Congress approved March 3, 1193, as amendt'l by the Act ot Congress approved June 31. 133, by condemnation under the provisions of subchapter one ot chapter fifteen of the Code ot Law ot the District of Columbia), have filed a petition, and an amended and supplemental petition, praying the condemna tion for the widening ot Wisconsin avenue, between Garfield atreet and the District of Columbia boundary line, to a width of 134 feet. In the District of Columbia, according to the plan ot the permanent slstem of high ways outside of ths limits ot Washington and Georgetown, as shown on plats or maps filed with the said original petition and with the aald amended and supplemental petition, aa part thereof, and praying also that a jury of five judicious, experienced, disinterested men. who shall bs freeholders within ths District of Columbia, not related to any person Inter ested In thla proceeding, and not In th serv ice or emploiment of the Dlslrlst of Colum bia, or of the United Statea, ho summoned by the United States msrshal for th .District of Columbia to assess th damages each own er of land to bo taken may sustain by rea son of the said widening of Wisconsin ave nue, aa aforesaid. In tbs District ot Colom bis, snd tho condemnation or the land neces sary for the purposes thereof, and to assess as benefits resulting therefrom tbe entire amount of said damages. Including the ex penses of this proceeding, upon any lands which th jury may find will be benefited. aa provided for In and by the aforesaid Act of Congress. It Is, by the Court, this .rd dv ot March. A. D, ltlt. ORDERED. That all person! having any Interest In tills proceed ing be. snd they are hereby warned nnd com manded to appear In this Court on or before the 31st day of March. A. D. lilt, at ten o'clock a. m.. and continue In attendance un tit the Court shall have mado Ita final older ratifying and confirming the award of dam agea and the assessment of ben-flts ot the Jury to be empaneled and aworn herein: and It la further ORDERED. That a ropy of thla notloa and order be published twice a week for three successive weeks In the Washington Evening SUr. The. Washington Times, and the Washington Herald, newspapers publirh ed In the said District, commencing at least twenty days before the aald 31st ilnv n,' March. A. D. lilt. It la further ORDERED That a copy of this notice and order be nerved by the United Statea marshal, or his deputies upon each of the owners of the fee ot the land to be condemned herein, and upon ten ants and occupants of the same, as may he found by the said marshal, or his dvputles within the District of Columbia before the said lilt day of Marrh. A. D. llt. Rv Ihe Court, (8lgned) J. HARRT COVINGTON Chief Justice. (Seal.) A true ropv Test: J R. YOUNG. Clerk, TJy F E. CUNNING HAM. Assistant Clerk. RUG WEAVING OUR woven rugs are guaranteed ( years, carpets cleaned and scoured. OLD LAU REL ECLIPSE. M-311 10th St. a XV, Phone Msln 1X4-J. ! CLAIRVOYANTS IF YOU ARE IN TROUBLE LET M. SPENCER, Celebrated Palmist and Clairvoyant. Advise You How to Overcome Tlim Studio, 1318 14th St. N. W. HOURS: 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M. CONSULT ZANCIG ?&$,?? READINGS ONE DOLLARl STUDIO, 04 14th St. N. W. Phone M. 411 MADAM FIELD-wna ' nsuit hr Jimuttlll riCLU , cnauit ths best. Reunites ths separated. N. 14M-J. U3t 7th nw. MME. VERNERIrvoyaMl'n'. tal Bclentlst; can be keen at her old address, 500 H st. N. W.. 2d floor. Phone M. 8311. "'ncfillrt -Readings, 33-tOo. R (unites ths ViUblUIU separated. Causes speedy mar rlags. Removea all trouble!, tiatlifaetlon. 433 F St. N. W.. Walk In. lire.. 11 ts 0 p.m. Madame Catherine &?'"..'.? has returned from England and will be pleased to see friends and putrona at SOI Kb DELMAIN SISTERSSSSJ. ants. Card Readers; tell what you want ta know. Readlnga. HOct test, 10o 11 a. m. ts p. m. Sunday. 4 to s. 411 7th st. N. W. PALMISTRY Mice riPfirnn Aatrologlcal Talmlst, IVllSb IJCIIlUll phychologlst. n-adlsiM 11. Have what nature has written In your hand Interpreted. UU L st. N, W. M. TS'-'J SPIRITUALISM MRS. MAMIE STEVES, MpF!gAf Readings dally; aeancea Tues. A Thurs. eve's ; Frl.. 3 p.m. Ph. Line. 3013. 313 N. J. ave. S.E fvlDQ ROTH11'1'11" UM'. IVirvO. lKJ l riTues. and Thurs. t 1030 ltlt st. N. W Abovs IJbrary. Marie A. Davidson, Ph. D" SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM. Readlnga dall, leeloplng class Monday rvcnlnc, by appointment only rnone M. o;o. 1017 tth at. N. W.