, Probably Rain or Snow
(Puil Report on Pago Two.)
NUMBER 8839.
Author Strikes Out the Sections
Restricting Personal Use of
Would Stop Traffic Only as
Beverage and Permit Scien
tific and Medicinal Use.
President Does Not Want Ques
tion of Use Settled in the
Wrong Way.
Benator Sheppard of Texas today .In
troduced In the Senate a number of
amendments to his hill for prohibition
In the District of Columbia.
The purpose of the amendments la to
strive out of the bill those provisions
which apply to the personal uso of al
coholic beverages or tho shipment for
personal use, and also to remove any
thing In the bill which might make re
strlctlons more onerous than they now
are on alcohol for medical, mechanical.
or scientific purposes
As the bill will stand amended by tho
changes proposed by Senator Bneppard
today. It will apply to tho manufacture
and sale bf Intoxicants as beverages,
and will prohibit such manufacture and
at. ' I
Intended to Abolish Saloon. '
The modified bill Is Intended primarily
Letter to Kent Likely to Pre
vent Measure's Passage at
This Session.
Haudremont Forest Attack by
Germans by Small Force Is
President Wilson has tossed a bomb
shell Into the camp of tho water power
Interests by writing a letter In which
ho strongly Intimates that ho may find
it nccossary to veto the SHolds water
power bill.
Tho letter was written to Congress
man William Kent, who Is a closo
friend of tho President, and an un
alterable opponent of the Shields meas
ure. Tho President says ho ngrecrf with
Mr. Kent Uiat "It Is better to let tho
water power run to waste thnn to set
tle tho question of tho ure of It In the
wrong way." and concludes'
"I am watching the progress of legis
lation with a treat deal of nnxlety."
Bill Under Attack.
Tho Shields till has been under at
tack from the time It was Introduced.
Germans Fall In Attempt to
Take Trenches in Forest of
La Petre.
Crisp Gives Treasury Depart
ment and Holman Rule Ben
efit of the Doubt.
Conqueror of Moros,
Who Will Trail Villa
BERLIN. March 14, No men
tion Is made of tho Verdun flght
Jnjr In this afternoon's brief of
ficial statement from the war of
fice. The repulse of an English
attack near Wieltje, in the vicin
ity of Ypres, was announced.
i)NDON. March "U. German troops
broke "tffin long lult.'ln Infantry fighting
around Verdun by vicious attacks In the
Mnudremont forest, near Douauinont,
the French war office reports
No large force was employed and the
Uirmans were driven back, Paris rc
Tho Krench war office alio,announce
Two and a Half Hours' Discus
sion After Spirited Parlia
mentary Clashing.
The House faces a vote this afternoon
on an eight-hour day for Government
clerks and a 10 per cent rcducttori of
force In Government departments, fol
lowing a ruling rejecting the point of
order made against the Borland substi
tute. Chairman Crisp, ruling on the point of
order, said he would give the Treasury
and the Holmnn rule tho benefit of the
doubt and permit the House to vote on
the Issue affecting Government em
ployes. In unexpectedly turning down the
point of order. Chairman Crisp brought
the Government clerks' fight squarely
before the, House members.
As soon 'as the point of order was
overruled.. Congressman Dyrns, In
isllllllllHHf mt.
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmWW- M
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iallllllllllllllill'HiaHL ' - liH
islHMP'' f'M 1
BHu; ,mmmmM
V jIvKf
Slocum to Command Cavalry , Squadron.
Pershing Confers With Carranzista Chief.
Freights Unload Ammunition and Food
At Border Points Censorship Rigid.
to abolish W4ftlflon. In the original Conservation leaders have insisted ttMt
lis vuviL wuuiu uc, unurr fciiu iJruicii.'j
of safeguarding the wntsr power re
sources of the country, to present them
to powerful private Interests on such
terms as would practically maku tho
grant perpetual, and would oven deprive
the pi'lillc ot iffectual power of regula
tion of capitalization and rates.
ucaplto these protests, the Senate has
parsed tho measure, nnd it has gone to
the Houbci That body has taken a vlow
of this question much more satisfactory
to the conservationists, and nresent In
dications are that the measure will be
reorganized In tho House along lines
calculated to mako It much moro pal
ntabln to tho conservation people.
In his letter to tho President. Con
gressman Kent begged that Secretary
of War Baker Immediately inform him.
self In detail about tho whole water
bill there were provisions aimed at per
sonal use. Theso are eliminated by tho
Eenator Sheppard said this afternoon
that It was the oblect of the amend
ments he proposed to restrict tho bill
so it would not extend to personal U'o
or shipment for personal use. and that
all worthy objections to the original
till from the medical or scientific or
mechanical standpoint had been met.
As the bill will stand amended, tho
proposed prohibition will apply to llci
uoi "for bevcrago purposes or for any
other than scientific, medicinal, phar
maceutical, mechanical, sacramental,
or other non-beverage purposes."
The character of the bill. It U point
ed out. Is materially changed by the
amendments proposed today. Not only
Is the personal use of liquor not inter
fered with, but the bill is made pri
marily a mcasuro to stop traffic in Ha
uor as a beverage, and nothing more
than that
It Is the belief of the supporters of
the bill that It will gain moro votes In
Congress in the amended form than In
the original form.
Language of New rr--.;urc.
Section one of the bill amended will
read after the enacting clause:
'What on and after tho first day of
November, Anno Domini, 1916, no per
son or persons, or any house, com
pany, association, club or corporation,
his its or their agents, officers, clerks
or servants, directly or indirectly. In
the District ot Columbia shall manu
facture, sell, offer for sale, keep for
sale, traffic in, barter, or exchange
for goods or merchandise, or solicit
or receive orders for the purchaHO of
any alcoholic or other prohibited
liquors for beverage purposes or for
any other purpose than scientific, me
dicinal, pharmaceutical, mechanical,
sacramental or other non-beverage
"Wherever the term 'alcoholic liquors'
is used In this act It shall be deemed to
include whisky, brandy, rum, gin, wine,
ale. porter, beer, cordials, hard or fer
mented elder, alcoholic bitter ethyl al
cohol, all malt liquors, and all other
nlrnhnllp UaUOrS."
Then follows the penalty clause tho
flno running from WOO tc 41,000 and Jail
. sentences from thirty days to u year.
Klthor fine or imprisonment or both may
be Imposed for each offense.
It Is noticcablo that malt liquors arc
prohibited as well as others.
Various amendments wero presented
to permit manufacture. Importation or
sale of ethyl alcohol for scientific, me
dicinal, pharmaceutical or mechanical
purposes, as well as manufacture and
aale 'or sacramental purposes to
licensed manufacturers and druggists.
I'.irr-Hnmi of llnuors for medicinal pur
poses on prescriptions of physicians is
ermittca unuer rcbuiuiiuun incauiucu
section S.
You'd Better Keep
'Em on Longer
Spring Isn't Here Yet and Lower
Temperatures Are Ex
pected. Good advice Don't put 'em away
just yet.
Those who think spring has come may
be surprised tomorrow morning by find
ing tho grass In tho parks covered with
snow, and by hearing the wind whist
ling and moaning over the housetops.
It may not be this bad, but there Is a
atrnn nniilhllltv of it. acordlng to the
" v : .. .. . - ..
Weather liureau. unseuea weuinor
power issue, and that tho Administra
tion tako strong ground for tho right
kind of legislation and against the
Shields measure. Tho President's reply
(Continued on Second Page.)
Vote Next Tuesday
On Motor Car Speed
House Committee Postpones Ac
tion on Resolution of Con
gressman Miller.
At Its meeting today tho House Dis
trict Commlttco postponed until Tues
day final action on the bill of Con
gressman Sillier of Delaware providing
that tho speed of automobiles within
tho fire llmltn of tho District shall not
exceed elchtcen mils per hour.
Sentiment In tho committee. It Is un
derstood. Is in favor of a liberalization
of the automobile speed laws, and the
chances are believed to be that the
Miller bill will ho reported. Mr. MlUer
wna heard nt tho executive session of
thecommlttco today.
The House District Committee was In
pension for a comparatively brief pe
riod today, and this prevented definite
action on tho Mil'er bill. That tho mm.
niltteo Is not disposed to sidetrack tho
It was suggested that consideration to
Indefinitely postponed. This motion
was overwhelmingly votd down, and
tho committee decided to tako up the
measure again next wee1(.
Illness Confines
Premier Asquith
Prime Minister Suffering From
Bronchial Catarrh, Says Phy
sicians' Statement.
LONDON. March 14. Premier As
qulth Is 111 it was announced In a bulle
tin Issued from his offlco at 10 o'clock
this morning.
Tho nrlnw minister Is suffcrinir from
bronchial catarrh," says tho physicians
.,.... ...-,.. -------.".,- -.";-,.. , - :,,, j
tho rulse ot German attempt, tc , rt-lrttWCX
conquer trenches taken by the trench ,lmt aetc on tho Borland substitute.
Ogg,.AaByu'llKn' ll UQ l uuq 4MIV-H
forty-five miles V),f Verdun.
Tho Oermans returned to their
trenches In each instance without fol
Icwlng up the attack.
The Germans continue a heavy bom
bardment on both banksof the Meuse.
particularly around Voux village and
1'ort Vaux, and also in the Woevre
region. Paris reports, but the expected
grand assault on tho Verdun forts iiaa
not yet begun.
Tho clear weather continuing through
out yestrrday along the entire front,
brought out niers on both sides, and
air battles occurred frequently.
The German war office announced
that thrco nrltlsh aeroplanes were
h.Miihi Hnnn in the vicinity of Arraa,
r.Rpaumc, and Cambrel, and that two
Krench planes were brought down at
llarrc. near Fort Malancourt, east ot
u vri. i
with nrobshlv rain nr snow Is the Oft!
rial forecast, and temp-ratures win
Rioting in Munich
Over Verdun Losses
Central News Reports Discontent
in Bavarian Capi-
Re-enforcements Sent
To Verdun Offense
LONDON, March ll.-1.eavy German
ro-onforcemei.ta are arrlvlnc at tho Ver
dun front, while German artillery con
tinues the terrific bombardment of
French field positions.
Delayed dispatches from Swiss cities
today report the closing of tho Swiss
German frontier to Insure secrecy for
troop movements. French avlatort.,
however, took advantage of unusually
(Continued on Seventh Page.)
Resolution Aimed
At Gas Companies
Z ;nate Asks What Has Been Done
. to Make Them Comply
With Utilities Law.
Senator Jones of Washington secured
the ndoptlon of a resolution by tho Scn
oto this afternoon calling on tho Dis
trict Commissioners for Information as
to what has been done to mako tho
Washington Gas Light Company and
tho Georgetown Gas Company comply
with the public utilities law.
The resolution was adopted without
Senator Jones, In referring to his res
olution, pointed out that some time ago
the District Commissioners had indi
cated that the gas companies wero not
comnlvlnc with the nubile utilities law.
and his measure was put In today for
tho purpose of finding out what has
been done about It and exactly what
the present situation is.
Shortage of Officers At
Verdun Worries Germans
I3NDON, March 14. A shortage of
officers duo to recent hfavy losses at
Verdun, is causing tho German general
staff much worry, according to Itomo
All' acrman otflcers under the rank
of captain, now In tho Balkans, have
been ordered to return to the western
Congressman Mahn objected to a brief
debate, saying that tho subject was
worthy of full dlscusslon
Over Two Hours' Debate.
An agreement was Anally reached that
there shall be two hours and a half of
debate on the Borland substitute. This
will bring the Houio to a vote about 4
o'clock this afternoon.
Chairman Crisp's ruling came after an
exhaustive parliamentary discussion as
to tho status or the Borland substitute.
Congressman Mondell, who raised the
point of order, contended that the Bor
land substitute was divisible; that Mr.
Borland could not link to a proposition
for a 10 nor cent reduction In force.
which might be in order, the Holman
rule, a proposal for an eight-hour dKy,
which was not In order.
Chairman Crisp, concluding nis ruling
"If you reduce tho number of clerks,
It is apparent that the business will re
aulro those remaining In tho service to
work longer. Therefore, the chair
thinks that the legislative part of the
amendment .naturally follows that
which reduces the number of clerks. t
Why Point Was Overruled.
"The Chair thinks that the Holman
rule Is Intended to have beneficial ef
fect upon tho Treasury, and the Chair
thinks that If he Is in doubt about this
matter the doubt should bo resolved
asrnlnst tho nolnt of order.
"By resolving this doubt against the
point of order the Chair works no.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Ford To Fight High
Cost of Gasolene
Carranza Organs Hope For
Co-operation With Onited
States Forces.
IjONDON, March 14. Tho Amsterdam
correspondent of tho Central News to
day reports serious rioting has occurred
... ...,. "---- ... ..iw Kati.ib nr n.nvw HAV.nin .... ...i. - t...- .. i.-- ...--. .-... -
range somewhere lietell tntriy auo ..- -- ; ting .n 'itr iiie ,uu nam kuui
thirty-eight degrees. losses at veraun. ju ala the leaianaia.
Steamer Adrift With
Broken Steering Gear
NEW VOniC. March 14. The steam
ship Zealandla. laden with munitions
consigned to tho British at Malta. Is
reported In trouble in the Atlantic
with broken Meerlm; gear.
Wiinl was received from the ts.ikcr
TlMmiona. but the message did let
Motor Maker Will Help to De
velop Processes for Ch6aper
Henry Ford will get Into tho flgnt
on tho high cost of gasolene.
This announcement was made today
by Congressman C. H. Bandall of Cali
fornia, who appeealed to tho manufac
turer to aid In promulgating processes
for cheaper production of gasolene.
Mr. Ford, Congressman Randall said,
believes the Itlttman process, discovered
in the United States Bureau of Mines,
will result In greatly reduced cost to
tho consumer. Blttman Is now experi
menting with another process to pio
diice mora gasolene from geroscne,
itannau saia.
Ford, In a letter to Bandall, said:
"Tho solution of tho gasoleno problem
Is an urgent matter. If ono attempt
falls, the quickest way to get a solu
tion will be to commence with another
one. Although I may not bo ablo to
take up the Blttman process at once in
response to tho appeal of Congressman
Mondell, after the present test Is com
pleted, I may go into it thoroughly,"
Too Much Gold Is
Worrying Treasury
Official Would Store Uncoined
Bullion to Save
Stuffed with gold bullion and foreign
coin, the Treasury Department had a
request before Congress today to lessen
expense or Keeping tno goia.
At the departments request House
Democratic lender Kltchln Introduced a
bill to permit storage, uncoined, or
greater quantities ni gold heiu to re
amendment, the
deem paper rffoney.
M'llhAtit TfttMiln'n
Fearing anti-American riots in Mexico when the
armed expedition to capture Villa is launched, the
State Department is planning to renew its efforts to
induce all Americans to leave interior Mexico. Amer
ican consuls report they are doing their utmost to in
duce Americans in Mexico to heed the standing warn
ing of the State Department to leave that country.
The State Department is advised that a special
train will leave Chihuahua City today, bringing thirty
five 'Americans to the border. There are twenty
Americans remaining in that city and seventeen others
in the. immediate, vicinity. who, refuse to leave.
V, V
MEXICO 'CITY. March 14. The dan
ger of a breulc between the Unlt4
States and- tho Carrnnra government
has passed according to brief articles
in the morning newspapers, evident
ly at tho Inspiration of Carranza of
ficials. ' , . ..
itfn omrini statement has been
made, but dispatches Trom Washing
ton brought word that the United
Ftatcs had , conceded the Justlco of
General Carranr.a's demands and will
accept In a formal note.
Gen. Candldo Agutlar. newly up
pointed minister of foreign relations,
will assume office at once and handle
all further negotiations with tho
United Plates, under the guidance of
It is Generally believed he will be
come provisional President before
the elections; General uarrunia. re
signing In order that he may become
Vho" appointment of .Oen Alvaredo
Obrcgon conqueror of Villa, to lie
corno minister rf wiu. was forecast
several weeks fcgo.
Vera Cruz Governor
Promises Protection
VERA CRUZ, March 14.-Vora Crur
Is without news of tho progress of Gen.
cral Carransa's negotiations Avlth Wash
ington. but Mexldo City dlpatchcs to
day say tho newspapers thero declare
no rupturo will occur.
No great excitement prevails here.
Governor Jara having discouraged the
spreading of Jingoistic reports. At the
Hame time ho has taken precautions to
nreserve order should a break between
?he8Vwo countries occur, and has as-
SB " Ws""luHsd.ction will be
Stven amp.e ",, tension.
iVtm5ii hw for a continuation of
frlendiy relations , .
The Stato Department has been at
tempting to got In touch with Americans
in the I"""0' throUBh tno f.2,ngu ?te
here but finds tho task very difficult.
Mi!,utf nf tho Inter or Alfredo Bre-
ccda arrived today for a conference
with Governor jara. n j ""r"'
ho brought a message from General
Flying Column of
1 JOOCrosses Border
'R-port From San Antonio Thai
Clash Is Moment.
Due. '
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 14.-That
a flying column oi i,wu American iiuuf
ers under the lightest posslblo equip
ment, supplied with two weeks' rations
and plenty ot water crossed the border
early today, la pend'Umtly asserted by
men In close touch with army circles,
Reports of actual fighting between this
Government would have to spend llU.OOoladvuuce expedition and VlllliU bandits
9 Rake colas not actually neeaea. je momentarily cxpccieo.
COLUMBUS, N-. M., March' 14. Under the personal
direction of Brig. Gen. J. J. Pershing, conqueror of the
Moros in the Philippines, organization of the main Ameri
can division to invade Mexico in pursuit of Villa began
here today.
Col H. J. Slocum, who repulsed Villa in the Colum
bus raid, was appointed to command the "flying squad
ron' 'of cavalry, which is expected to comprise the larger
part of the armed forces to enter Mexico sauth of here.
To investigate reports that the Carranza mobilization
at Palomas, in the direct line of the contemplated pursuit,
may be planning opposition, General Pershing arranged a
conference with General Bertani, the Carranza command
?nt, today.
The two commanders will meet on American soil.
General Pershing is keeping in close touch with de
velopments at Palomas. Carranza re-enforcements under
General Gutierrez, reported en route overland from Guz
man to join Bertani's men, have not yet been sighted by
the border patrols.
There is a marked conviction among the rank and file
that the order to enter Mexico will come on Thursday.
Officers will not discuss it. Privates do not know. There
are enough forces and supplies here today for an earlier
dash, if ordered.
General Pershing evidently is awaiting re-enforcements.
More cavalry and signal aero corps are due today.
Troop trains carrying the engineers, aviators, and sig
nal corps from Fort Sam . Houston, Tex., have passed
through El Paso and are believed to be headed for Co
lumbus. The train is reported to have carried six aeroplanes,
which are io be used for scouting. They are to be set up
immediately on their arrival.
What looked suspiciously like an attempt at a real cen
sorship was the close scrutiny specially detailed officers
gave all messages leaving the telegraph office here. After
this was noticed the correspondents used the telephone to
El Paso.
Troop trains are noticeably scarce in arriving, al
though it is known that soldiers of all branches have left
a half dozen different interior posts on rush orders.
Freight trains are unloading tons of canned goods,
hav'for the horses, and boxes labeled "handle with care."
The'latter ire boxes of ammunition,
Columbus is a great armed camp today. Stretching
out on two sides of the town are blocks of orderly "com
pany" streets between rows of tents the color of the dust