Newspaper Page Text
r- N 16 tr ft. THE WASHINGTON TIMES. TUESDAY, MABCH 14? IfttC. " - Wttfiv . ""' THE TIMES DAILY MAGAZINE PAGE dwpwr. rf f&ii&W;wvwr -i$mi?p$ - 'This Is The .Day We Print Contributions Kii-Fact We Print Contrlbu- ! tlons Almost very Day, ,, But We Had To Say Some thing: in That "Head, So We Started With What f-4.- ... . .. You Have Read uncon scious Rhyme There We 'Assure- But Honestly 'It Comes Natural Cheer Up, You Ate Almost Up I to the Reading- Matter. I Hold Your Breath Now! TODAY, regardless of the encroach ing spring, which remlnda that the old fur coat and the wmter underpinnings are getting paat their usefulness, (wo are cheerful, and aa a (osttmontal of audi. have-weeded, waded, and several other things begin ning' with double you, throuch our cor respondence. s Today this columns to three week old, and 1 as yet unnamed. The gentleman whoso ungovernable impulse to pisy joues resuitea in ma retention of tho writer on thU paper i'mji that nono of the hundreds of Balnea twcited mn tnr nleasn him. So wo must throw everything away. ana begin ail over again. .In view of which, tho latest sugges ts seems to make as good a begin ning as anything. Criticism on names suggested is solicited. 1 There's many a person who can't think of anything original hlmrclf, but who is a perfect genius at showing why other people's suggestions are poor. Editor New Times Column: "Why don't you call It the China Shop? There vsed to be a club wo belonced to named thai. Our motto was: Tlo your bull outside. ,Or would "Tho Grindstone" be nearer to ltT The idea will kind of be to put now edge on ..old saws, won't it? l,tko: -jlf your husband was flirting on tho flre-cecapo with Mrs. Next Floor's maid, how much would tho window screen? Answer: All but four foet Well, so long. Dut If you want to know why so many of us answered your ad. for a name, you can tell 'em It was sympathy that made , t MINERVUS. M. K. D. suggests that we move out entirely, call This Hero Column the. Cheery Column and will our space to Winifred Black for all time. Bccauao "her articles havo cheered so many. ana i uum; wo an ioe nor. Anybody e'so think anything? To the Edltrlx of the Colyum: As ' a respectable middle-aged bachelor, I want to protest against your xocent remarks anent the use of powder by the male of the species. You will notlco that I addressed this to the edltrlx. I know you aren't an editor, because you don't understand the art of the male toilette. I use powder, and I'm not ashamed of It I don't use It to Imitate you, dear lady. Tou couldn't possibly use , It for tho same reason. I apply the powder after shaving. . Also, I wax my moustache To ' ascribe my reason for this I must refer you to tho first chapter in I Kipling's "Tale of the Oadsbys." After reading, try it out, and see If Kipling and me aren't right. Patiently. PAX VODIBCUM. We accept tho limitation as to powder, for shaving, but insist that all MEN wipe as much of It off as possible. Tou didn't need to tell that you waxed your moustache, Pax Vobls cum. Nor why, because we know our Kipling. What we want to know is whether you did It In hope that somebody would try, or because you had to do it to retain tho tlmourous ones who had tried? Preparedness. I bought a pair of skating boots, That reached up to my knees; I bought a leather suit to match. And waited for a frees. Tho folks all said I took their word That I looked nice; But now I'vo waited four straight months. No sign of Ice. rvo only one more hope In lire, Do you suppose That Ford will want to pacify The Esqulmoso? Seen In The Shops Bv THE SHOPPER. VIVID In their peacock colorings ara some of the new comas and Jeweled hairpins, one rather large pin priced at 60 cents was set with green .and blue , stones that sparkled alluringly. Tno pin itself could bo had In either green or amber. For 6 cents, handkerchiefs with buttonholed edges .In color and a bit of embroidery at one corner. One can really afford to "have a cold, even a "snlffly" affair. Vestees of organdy show som'o of 'the most remarkable color combina tions! Deep roso and purplo pipings, rose, and old blue pipings these aro two bits of neckwear thiit speak for. t themselves in no uncertain tones. Ightcr cplors-flesh, orchlld. palo of green and rose aro embrold ttred In whlto silk dots. Some of the collars are high and pleated at tho back, with o decided V at the front. Others have soveral layers of cane collar. (Telephone Main 5260 for Inormn tion regarding the names jt the I MtablUAmeiifs in which the r Hides Mentioned above wiai purchawl Inquirite concerning noct of fie ehop should be addrt.$ttd to The Shopper, thlt office.) IS MRS. CUPID HELPING OUT- THIS YEAR? . V r Do We Plan Too Much For Children ? Mothers Declared to Give Too Much Thought to Future of Their Offspring. I HAVE a charming friend, the mother of four children, all of whom are bright and intelligent. But I nm wntrhlna with finma misgiving one point in their upbring ing. My friend has deliberately ant? tho youngest girl is but eight-laid out the future of each child. Graham is to follow in his father's profession as a matter of course, tho second boy is to be an architect, Hilda Is to be a social service workor, and Tina the musician of tho family. To this end, their education is being bent. It may turn out all right. But suppose the perfectly normal thing that Graham finds tho law uninteresting, and forestry the most absorbing thing in the world? Ono of two things is bound to hap pen; either ho will hesitate to disap point his parents who have spent money and energy on his law educa tion and tho preparation for it, and become a second rote member of tho bar. or ho will risk the disappoint ment of those who love him best and forge for himself a career without their Interest and support, perhaps with the reproaches of his mother ringing In his ears. Tho vocational training of chll- Daily Fashion Suggestion AN old-f of. ta ruche N old-fashioned Victorian coat taffeta Is trimmed with es gathered over cable cord. The short. wl.t1 bnd. Ice lo fitted over a white cambric lining to Insure a smooth fit" Tho skirt Is very full gathered at the top and shaped about the bottom so that It hangs several Inches lower than the front. The sleeves arc short and corded at the armhole, A rounded shawl collar supplies the popular capo effect. (Copy't till, by NtwtpaMr Feature Btrvlee.) Bj WillNies 7rrafr"V -. jk . ,-fr tBurnM? . am By LAURA CLAWSON. dren Is a burning question In the world where subjocts of that nature are being discussed. Many well known authorities contend that very early in tho mental life of a child tho signs appear by which tho train ed teacher can deddo what his real work in tho world Is to be. I should be the first one to decry such a statement or belittle such oltort. There are too many round pegs in square holes already. But tho point about my friend's attitude Is that It Isn't scientific in tho leact. Her decisions aro arbi trary. There has r.lways been a law yer In her husband's family, a musician In hers; ergo, her chil dren are to contlnuo tho line, whether their talents point that way or not. I think it is perfectly possible that even aa early as seven. In a normal child, a mother can observe a de cided bent, a talent, perhaps Inherit ed, which mako her hopes and dreams for her child very sweet and beautiful things. But dreams have a most discon certing way of being dispelled as tho chlldron grow out of short frocks and knickerbockers; tho companion ship at school, the influence of an other mature mind, tho hero wor ship which Is a part of the Hfo every boy or girl In their tctns for somo one outside their lmmedlato family clrclo, all may combine to shaping their Uvea. Bo let us be patient, do our day dreaming If wo must, but bo prac tical onough to face disappointment If It comes. For this much wo oo our chil dren; the best start In life wo can give them, our ready sympathy In their own strivings to find them selves. And ono of tho saddest things which can happen to a mother Is tho realization that these shy confidences aro being given to a teacher or an older friend, because "mother doesn't understand." Let us talk frankly of the future. No matter what tho financial status or the family. I am an ardent advo cato of vocational training for every member of it. Changes in America ore so sudden, that wo owe It to tho children, girls as well as boys, that they go from their homes porfeotly equipped to earn their livelihood. Time wag when a young woman left penniless had no refuge but In tho home of the next of kin. If aho wore able she taught tho young chil dren of the particular kinsfolk who had given her food and shelter, was household drudge generally. But that doy Is post, and the professions which aro open to women today are many and Interesting. So lot us plan for our children, Cakes, pies, pastry the very names tempt the ap petite. And when they are shortened with Cot tolene the natural flavor and healthful goodness become even more tempting. Cottolene blends so perfectly with the flour and other ingredients that the results are most gratifying. Use Cottolene for all your frying shortening and cake-making. Vpur grocer will supply you regularly. It is packed in pall, of various sixes for your convenience. 2HEEK-FAI R B AN K&SESO iiiaiffiiiiMiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rather not for them with WITH them. But let us not set our hearts too firmly on one particular profession, only to be disappointed by the real ization that when tho child's Indi viduality asserts itself our labors shall havo been In vain. (Copyright. I'll, by Laura Clawson). Health Queries of Times Readers D. E. A. Does Fowler's solution af fect the heart? Will It turn the hair to a reddish shade. 2. Is there any rem edy for smalt eyes? 8. Is belladonna harmful to tho eyes7 4. What will make tho hair black and curly? Not If taken in two or three-drop doses. 2. Wear eyeglasses and batho the eyes In warm boracle acid water. S. Yes. 4. Burnt cork and vasellno some times docs. M. C. A. Will you please give me a remedy for varicose veins? The only remedy for varicose veins is to havo them stitched up by a surgeon. They may, however, be relieved by elastic bandages or a rubber stocking. You should keep off your feet as much as possible. Mrs. K. I have nervous exnaustlon or neurasthenia. I havo taken all kinds of medicines, but find no relief therein. Cannot you offer some suggestion? You should take a trip, if you can af ford It, by way of water. Take a deep interest in the wants of others; help them all you can. Toko an Interest in music, concerts, literature societies and social meetings in general. Try to for get yourself in trying to help others. A. w. P. I noticed in one of your articles where you advocated the use of Iron for gray hair. How often should this be taken? Ten drops of tincture of chloride of Iron In a wlneglassful of water should be taken through a tube after meals, three times a day. Mako a pasta of carbonate of Iron, one dram, to an ounco of whlto vaseline and Apply to thp scalp at night,' alternating with sulphur ointments. Continue until the gray hairs have disappeared. Bcckle My ears peel terribly. I wash t i i Consistency. - 7?man Place ' home," she said "This voting will not dol" And then she went abroad, wo read, And stayed a year or two. "No woman wants to vote I" she cried ; But, somewhat later on, Bho had a fit and almost died. Because the wrong man won. "My housework must come first," said she. 'Why leave it for the polls?" Then she went out and stayed to tea, And left the kids, poor souls 1 "Hub represents me with his vote," Bald she. "That would suffice." But what she said I will not quote When "hubby" voted twice. Lurana Sheldon In Judge. By DR. L. K. with soap, can you suggest any remedy? It is possible that the soap you use does this. Wash with a good span. Even inherited weakness of the akin may do so. Fish skin disease Is one suoh disorder. A grain of thy. rold gland after meals and the rub bing in of cottonseed oli and glycerine may Improve the condition. W. Q. What will you advise for dry skin? --.-.' n.,v..l(v u. UIO umilHB. Alio trouble is likely due to a defiolanev In the thyroid and other glands. A. S. What will make my eyebrows grow longer and darker? The .following massaged into them each night will Tielp; capsicum vaseline, 1 dram; white vaseline, I ounce. J'8-T? haT c.Ur.rh ' the head. What will remedy this? Is an operation called for?' A slight operation Is advisable. Havo iiio oaenoias ana tonsns removed and the turbinate bones of the nose com- Fressed so as to allow more air space, n the mean time irrigate the nose and throat three times a day with alkaline anttseptlo fluid diluted three times in water. Bleep in a well ventilated room. Mr?i M' ?' lrK.l.n.d.,'r JeM " what I '"""" u.'u',"j "mo Doy, rour years of age. who stutters terribly. (2) He Is getting very thin, and has no appotlte; also appears nervous. What do you ad vocate? Have him repeat each word of a sen tence ten times after you, then finally should be practiced dally like a' muslo lesson. "Practice makes perfect" () BE WISE 2' TDTDimi? Pronouneid TRY-PURE A 5-Ga!. Bottle 50c Telephu North 2042, Save These Numbered Slips Na "Breakfast Groucb.'v-can resist the genial Influence of piping-hot buckwheat cakes not if the cook makes them with Miller's S Buckwheat "Miller's" has the BICAT., hnnkwh... flavor that's why It's such a favorite. At Orocera' no consumers supplied. B. B. EARNSHAW & BRO. Sickness and Senility May Both Be Prevented By Proper Kind of Play By DR. LEONARD n; O profit grows where no pleas ure is laaen." True ana sweet words! To frown at play is an error. Ontv tntiAm f1 trnm pleasure. While it is ndt a rule of a well regulated life to mako recreation, diversion and play the business of the dally round, yet he who sleeps, cats, attends to his labors, and then retires again, cannot be a wholo man in any hontat senso of tho word. Better far to build tho soul a lordly pleasure house, "wherein at easo for !& ?i-W'.'. than t0 Plod nd trlnd h PJ'nt tho finger of scandal at otnerg " iinu enjoyment in play '.trenuouVmVdVmllfe"aSde?tleth S.n.V,!?-."-, Prof, a.yanley- Murh i wit,... -- . . i. eitemenL" Prof. a. Mtanley Hail Indites these sad words: "Our age, --, jw most oi an, my own coun try, suffers from ever-Increasing nerve on. bra,l, 'train and overstimulation. SHr.iMhot,boy are toM tnt they may aTres" becorao ProMent or million- iiiw. ,i,.".i "dent lamentations of Jeremlahl From the Inscriptions on re-nn.?.,-iica.Yat',. Babylonian bricks, .. i Hl .it.""0 "cnoiars. you 2k2... J? U11.1 th6 ancients thought ,UHlih' .ha!te ,f ndern life," "the enLoi?0in" tran. ot aggressive business conditions." and "speculation in corn and wheat that drove men to suicide." These quoted words are translations made from records e.000 years old, dis covered among the ruins of Nlnevah Human Nature the Same. "Qet-rich-qulck" schemes, hard work and the "pace that kills" havo been recognised since the days when the memory of man ran not to the con trary. Working men rebelled, slaves became freemen, and drones and rakes rode around in chariots, the taxlcabs of those days. Life was relatively as much of a physical, social, mental, and emotional struggle then as now. Human nature, intellect and the hu man attributes were the same 60,000 years ago or longer if Adam and Eve llVed hAfflrA fhat-aa hv a l !. -- - --- ..... HH inn, n.u ,t tUQ nays of newspapers, aerograms, auto- iiito, uruiinnta, rauroaus, ana tele phones. Men and women live as much ... -. .... w .... tuvua bmu .a .IkllO 111 logic and reason at this minute as in mo i aieozoic eras. .tT?er.? a those who wall and smash ...... .w.w .. uiei n,o ever in creasing nerve and brain strain and overstimulation." Words, words, worasi Whnt m th. tan aiMnf.. .i... nerves cannot be stralncd-nelther can mo uio.111. .lur can incy oe over stimulated," whatever that may mean. Thought does not disturb tho brain and nerves any more than it does tho muiclcn And Inn jnra T- la - ...-. the parcel of one as it is the part of tun uwici. Seriousness May Invite Disaster. Hard work, physical and mental con centration, like any excscs, may, in some Indirect foshlcn. play high Jinks with alt your physical structures. To J1?-? thlj 2n teamshlps. mall order ?. ?f?&, man,B: .,r "the afraln of modern lire is much tho wmo as cred iting Paresis. locomotor nlnrl. .n4 pneumonia to the evil eye instead of to hto specific 'genns which im tti ailments. The statement that any human roat ady with emotional complications is HIRSHBERG. 2nd. .Wt, at ,oU .of sood nourishing fl.hto,JLU.S M Putoes. spinach, fresh SSkfJ VfSfW1 fruIta- oncl d-'nk EI.e.nly ? distilled water, swoet milk. n,U.tdmlIlc and. c,?am. He should bo outdoors more in the sunlight and fresh ty"fou? P eIVe hours ln the twen- vJ3'oIJ-.'-I'ouMy. daughter Is thirteen jears of age. She Is 6 feet 4 Inches tall na weigns i pounds. Will you klndlv state the average height and weight for a child of said age? (M Will cold baths every morning hurt her? Thn vrafrA ,Att nH . ..1t .t.,i Lk-01.1 i1 .or.2 Pounds, and height Sfi?ui- ,. fet- (? . A co,d' one-minute plunge is beneficial, Mrs. E. L. It Will you kindly advise mo In the columns what to do for largo brown patches on the bacK of the hands? I havo been told these are liver marks. So-called "liver spots" are on the order of freckles, and usually have noth ing to do with tho liver, Insects, stom ach, or Intestines. They are, however, especially in tho gentler sex, traceable to Internal complaints. Try a Ilttlo of the following several times a day on them: Qlycerine, 1 ounce; violet water. Si ounces; ammonium chloride, I dram; sodium sulphate, t drams; borax 3 w jWF K sOaar. ( r.Ty-s,!! .-j. r i s rr ''"l. 10 Cents ''NiAHjailillsiSsisiSK Bf bsbsbsbsRi tra... I lis , ssBLsMBLsBiSsFyyi KEENE HIRSHBERG. reminiscent of childhood, because men- i uaoiis, wrongly called "thlnklnir," way at times be revoaled by dreams and reveries, cunnot be supported by facts. Anxieties, loss of courngo and tho emotion of pessimism and failure aio J?.0,rtn xhtilons of the glanus wnich impair tho blood currents. Thero can bo do denial that bacteria, poisons. n'S'0 1J.0n'J"Jury' i"lUUon or loss of thyroid, thymles, paruthyrold, pituitary ..., llu uwicr Eiana suuatnnm. SZ "1 i,'n, ?.?. impto'M vrhlch some ptoole falselv Piico ox modern life. ncciaim as the . -v." -v "iu minis nrovnrntiv ni une 01 tho Minn provocative of rerZ'Sr, E a .euSSr.oKhS W Sn'rii2?.l.?.,t"!.?'! .V??nw of tfumor dcllcauVtn.'cture.r" U""ler l ttw When a child breaks up its toys or digs Inquisitively Into tho 'Inwards" of i.r.S an?K,l.r anatomy an Invigorating impulse that whips up those ttssuos and makes for general health. r,.W,hen. ? "Mlarated by a game of baseball, tennis, hockey, dan- Clnff. aklttlen. rrlrt.f 1,. .!,.,. 11 '.".". or what not. his flagging, nglng glands ----.-... -. ,, cw liveliness. Jsven the spectators at an exciting, con test, such as football, prise fights or any similar scrirrtinage, yell and gyrate like Comancho Indians In a war dance. Tho indolent sport that Ixaak Walton preferred has Just such a life-prolonging power. Many an old man becomes metamorphosed, like Faust, by his love of the rod and line, hook, sinker, and balL Tho play that Is In the hearts of youths and maids, pqpularly known as "falling In love," has this self-samo Principle or elixir of life In It Love Is n. nlsv thnt In. iwrhnni tK tif nliw.l. and the finest lash of the human glands. m win in tms most pleasant game is to revivify health and spirit It is, par excellence, the Incentive to vitality, often the Fountain of Perpetual Vouth, and the supreme antidote to senility, failure and Ill-health. (Copy't, 1. Ncwppr Feature Syndicate.) Advice To Girls By ANNIE LAURIE. My Dear Annlo Laurie What is your opinion regarding two or more girls attending togother, without escorts, properly con ducted public dances? I know some very nice girls who do so. HEADER. I V this means that thn --i-u would dance with men to whom they have never been intro duced at theiA nuhlln .(T.l,-. they will bo open to criticism, no matter how carefully conducted tho dance may be. Even though thero Sli mme.n, fr!,endB present, the girls will risk adverse comment by appearing at such a public place In inc evening unescorted and un chaperoned. As a general thing, then, I would advise against it. (Copy't lMt, by Newspaper Feature Service.) Answered drams; tincture tolu, 1 dram; distilled water, enough to mako ono pint ..Vr1, h A, W,,J you P'ease suggest ?me,U5!nS 2I . pa,n ln tho region of tho gall bladder? It is advisable that you drink threo quarts of distilled water and a pure car bonate water dally, lots of olive oil. whey, buttermilk, and fluids, and cat green vegetables without much starch. rco" veuoiaoies wunout much starch, Vnscasoncd foods, greases, cereals, and fre.ih 'ruIt- Tako a Bulgaria tablet I with your meals. Avoid tea, coffee, seasonings, solid foods, constlnatlon. and inactivity. Take from flvo to ten grains of either ox-bile, ox-gall, or bile salts after meals, and several hours' exercise daily. PERSONAL ADVICE. 'Readers desiring 'advice should remember: 1. To address inquiries to Dr. L. K. Hirshberg, care of The Times. 2. To enclose a stamped and ad dressed envelope if a personal reply is desired. V 1 V illf UXTCk i lr.sMn A4' "J F -FOR The Times' Own Daily Pattern Service You Can Obtain Them At This Office Each 10 Cents (V waeiesaie urooers, lit a M Sts. B.B.