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srfw r jfifef l. .'"V. " 8"k &Tf?W5?aiSP5' 7 n fwvt w Simple Method of Hiding a Gravy - I Y T5vv S H ff , . I 'i L, . . -,S&z2Z&r AUAOiiWl V I v v . r )rJ ... ,'- ... - rni nTUfrnPPn u ltrx l .- ! rrx. ' i . . : m a iiviyu u i i v ri roKGCK ( r-7:lSiLS f'vp , .--V J T Mil fill T VCttRjciWA V ST AdjtoSS TAis 4 irrw s .---" i i a A ' j ? t . A -aw- v-v5 iiU4i jl. 4.1 v. ... .! f fnv d ' SJr .rrz "tCM .. JKKRUff ,, (AATOfc. STfXNblUG AfcoUMb fafc SeJepL vGVC.SGfcOUlS ResrUiSs'ANft ffmSOLATfoRM (B) HJTTkj6 RKG &) AfKi OOh2kCtta3 ASAlST eLGCTRVQ fctfrToM () OoWCtt Re LG-Ses 'arrow fc.BV HetHAKilCAL' tiSHoafS AU-oMGR.-TVie ?Lfee AMb TMMfXLLvc STAKES SVto of fbOWfrM TOO Cli) Kuoc&iSs r-OLwoSl SffiS y AGfco?LAue soi C?)-,eoaer C$ hrcs oard (r) tucw. sooeezes buubj: om exib op fc&ortefcs Cs- broppgks -CDfclTiMfJ Irfc, "TVt6 SM QLoR AS -TVte 3RAVX" S?OT-Tt-te INNS fcfcbS FALL ALL OVG MST Mffc.MG T iMtoSSllie (fe-TCU- VMIGU OKie OF-tV SPOTS IS OfcfXMY- AMtvtoU'AMe ffXtOCX VJSST l -VVV5 eAfc.Gflkl PENNSYLVANIA WILL BE Philadelphia and Other Cities Promise Entries for A. C.B. A. Tourney Here. Pennsylvania bowlers are coming to the trig A. C. B. A. tournament In bunches. At leant thirteen teams from Philadelphia alone -will bo found shoot ing at the maples, while Wllkesbarre, Bcranton, and Reading will also havo representatives. a blg'boosters' meeting In tho Quaker City, served .to wake up all the enthusi asm 'of the'Penn bowlers last night and promises have been made to havo the best bowlers In that vicinity toeing tho mark when the "Philadelphia night" Is billed In the tourney opening here April 3. t Philadelphia hopes to bag many price and records with Its crack en tries, which Include the Maneto team, winners or the roll-off with tho1 Liberty Bell champions of the Philadelphia league: ine wnue uiepnanis, mo Giants, wyndham Colts. Tigers, Majes tic, Algonquin, Manufacturers' Club, two teams from the Merlon Cricket Club, one from the Overbrook Club, and flcked quintets from the Curtis League, be, Casino alleys, tho, Artisan League, the German-American League, and tho Drug League. The Elks' Club team and the Mc Closkey Allies, of Wllkesbarre, Pa., will Journey to the Capital with blood In their eyes, with the Elks' Club team and Watson's Allies, of Reading, and the K. C. team, of Bcranton. George M. Moss and Joseph Travis were appointed to confer with railroad headquarters in an effort to secure spe cial accommodations for the trip. ' . The tournament management has an nounced that prizes will be awarded on ladles' night In all classes. These prizes are offered solely for competition In the women's events. A dozen or more womerTs teams are expected to toe th'o mark on. tho special night In their Honor. The secretary has received a check. coveting entrance fees, for another can- Oie-pin team. The team is comprised oi tocai oowiers. An executive meeting of the Wash ington Tournament Company was held yesterday In tho rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, to hear commltteo re ports and discuss the question of tho 'disposition of the various concessions to be awarded. Promise of the largo crowds that will attend the tourney have caused numerous applications tor concessions to erect stands and stores In the Consus building during tho three weeks or moro that the competition will last. Applications are being considered for a lunchroom, a cigar stand, a souvonir booth, dancing, akee-boll alloys, a Bee tngAVaahlngton booth, a photographic atudto, iid four telephone booths. Tho management has announced that thoy will not consider any concessions that ould In any way be an annoyance or scomfort to the public. The final report of the stands com nlttee was approved. The report calls for the erection of a stand at the up per end of the alleys, with a seating Sftpadty of LOW- The Capitol Hill team is conducting A three-ball tournament throughout this Bowling Tonight. National Capital-Climbers vs. Roy- Arcade-W. F. Roberts Company vs. asonllt-KIng Solomon vs. pentalphaj ml pleasant vs. Lafayette. Royal Arcanum-District vs. Ouray. City Tenpin-CommlBslonera vs. Bu- "capltal city-Ivory Soaps vs. Buckey's (Specials. . . ?hl tlu Sigma Eta v. PJ; , PostoKice Department-Bankers vs. Inspectors. , . . Odd Fellows Central vs. Columbia. Northeastern-Mcllughs v. Superials. Dlatrlct-Royals vs. Homo Club. P. E. P. Co. Bookkeepers vs. Audit ing; Commercial vs. Secretaries. Mt. Pleasant Iiumanuels vs. Prlnce- n ' Knights ot Columbus Boosters vs. Tip Tops. Interbureau Accounts vs. Solicitor. Georgetown Commercial Potomao Savings Bank vs. Times Substation. Commercial Washington Gas Com Jny vs. General Banking Company. Departmental Agricultural vs. Com- KEHHIIIED HI Km lru4S&5 . v.' .-N'-V-v -STl , -'' x vktb ''vm?. v -h.nj wxxc- v js?-imimpi i ,..... . ... r H . VlkV! - i i l T in " .. P" 1 . BMAi laBCvA. .MCI I UDsZ " iiM "fc B" & L J -- K- "V - IHI h & Kww0'wiss- Kwwjjsasiai?1? ""' w - ?, mmmsti6Jmtim -s I . r m t wook, to ratoo funds to enter tho conv iiik touinanient ot tho A. C. U. A. The KAincs nro beltiK rolled oR each nlsht at. tho Capitol Hill alloys. Tho Casino team of tho National Capi tal Lcairuo is also holding a three-ball meet, beginning today and continuing through Thursday. Tho team will en ter tho tournament. Princess Tra-La-La last night enter tained twelve hundred Masons and their families at tho National Theater, where a big benefit i-erformunco was held to rolso funds to enter thn twenty Masonlo teams In tho coming A. C. B. A. tour- Mnsonlo officialdom occupied the boxes. Potentate L. Whiting Estcs en tertained in two o ftho boxes, J. II. RIchardH, Jr., was chairman of tho commltteo In charge of tho occasion, other members of which wero H. B. Hallcy, II. J. Saers. Jlrk C. Miller, J. V. McQraw, Albert Haas, Bert V. Wolvo, E. D. Blocking. II. A. Meals, George E. Rohrman, and II. B.-IIall. APITAIj CITY KEAQUE. S Norrln reters. De laVergna M tl i Itrall 77 M 8 Hallcy 103 03 SO Hall 71 ST M Williams... 105 8T SO Totals WIV4W Total! l H Ml I1BD MEN'S LEAOUE. Osceola. I Oaace. Hurdle 04 S3 M Martin 7ft S3 M Y. Quen..,91 SO OJlKIllln,.,,.... 75 75 7S MdCowry.... 7 05 tl Ftahmefct'e. M S S3 Tolnon 100 84 S7 DuYnmy 7S 75 75 Uenner SO 111 OS.Dersman 70 07 94 Totals 413 45 431 Totals SSI 1 415 CAPITAL CITY LEAGUE Tlitr.mi Vorrl. PMer.. De t Vne 81 S9 105 neall 78 M S4 Halley SI 71 S3 Hall M 115 M Williams.. .. 66 K SO Lovcdav... 101 SO l: Jones IIS 10S 105 Donohue... 105 103 101 n, 100 107 o O'Xelle 103 M 05 Totals 414 454 43V Total (27 503 12 DISTIUCT LEAGUE. Hraolutea Jel Murphy..., 100' 93 100 Wrlitht 11 107 Srtirott. 109-103 100 110 100 10A 87 0! 85 , OS 115 85 Oeher 97 M 93 nii Loveleas 93 01 M Halley 02 85 1M Williams.. Farrow.... Moore........ ra no ToUl 520 503 487 Totals 4J0 514 405 WASHINGTON TENPIN LBAOUB. tl(mra ItovalM. Elmer 11 200 158 Crultt 147 168 188 Herrtnr.... 135 147 157 .Ntedem'kl.. 188 169 145 Eaton CO 124 150 Handicap.... 70 70 70 Jacobaen... 105 107 158 Walker 163 183 170 McKnew.... 193 158 128 Oarrett.... 169 181 161 Krauaa 237 201 191 Totals 954 913 515 Totals 922 8S0 SS8 INTERSTATE LEAOUE. Claims. Commissioner. Johnson..,.. 77 S9 73 Wheatley... 94 84 74 Vent 87 85 TO Lyon 79 S3 83 Taylor 73 81 S3 Morgan 99 80 80 Onpado.... 115 95 09 McNerney.. 85 81 101 Money 71 78 75 nog-an 89 84 111 Totals 414414 SOSl Totals.. Commluiloners won roll-off. 54424 4(0 MOVIE LEAOUE Rtrn(l. pi,,. J. Hamilton 81 95 112 U Trudy.. 84, V 9ft Mill Mooro SO 84 71Mri. Moore 83 77 77 W. drupe, izs vi wiw. i-iun Total 280 278 W Totals. C. Tlunkett 97 103 99 274 257 274 ARCADE LBAOUE. Aroadlsns. Huated 100 94 91 Miirri.ll.... 107 101 98 TJntlnnAla Bom 101104 119 (JUllln 04 86 w Dummy 00 .. .. Martin 95 108 91 Oheen 05 103 87 Oroft 101 118 Totali 475E02 50O Humphrey. 103 84 00 Clark 05 80 86 OUen 114 92 95 Totals 528 455 440 OLUMOIA LEAGUE. Raftery Olive Lunch. M. Moran... 101 100 05 Rurch 93 03 03 Hurd 04 93 85 Rogers 112 84 80 Van Neas.. 05 04 88 Geblcke S3 74 85 Btaub OS 05 84 HartlE Ill S3 SO IIagan 101 115 101 Farrel 05 98 93 Totals 499 455452' Totals 485 473461 Raftery won roll-off. FOURTEENTH STREET LEAQUEL Allies, PheltM. Whitney.... M I! Crowley...,. S9 100 92 rhelps 82 (3 83 Close 81 85 84 Kemmls. ... 90 97 101 Moore SO 83 79 Durtner 101 SO 101 Watkln 07 81 03 Lombard.... 81 05 83 Calloway..., 84 54 9! Totals 4S1 455 448' Totals 434 437 450 NAVY YARD LEAGUE, Miscellaneous. Morgan 87 91 104 Miller 102 91 06 Davl 103 103 106 Rutler 101 77)13 lAlzure 03 109 90 Ureech Mechanism. Lltt 04 78 78 Gately 09 05 78 McQte SO 90 78 Hough 71 81 80 Miller Ill 110 96 Totals 191473 5071 Total 459 454 407 NAUTICAL LUAGUB Pnlnmifl Tloat Club Canltal Yar-h? f1tih Rryan 94 77 84 Wood 83 89 87 Crult OS S3 83 Rueth 65 69 83 Dummv 7K 75 S3 77 00 l. Aahfnnt. 94 S3. 81 Heinle SI 70 84 McCanibge. 05 77 01 pnepara JH 04 103 Totals 448 409 433 Totals..,.. 41S 391 424 CARROLL COUNCIL (K OF C.) LEAGUE. ' Columbia. I Ninas. Uoore 89 SI 93 Deuchert 00 54 SJ Neubeck 02 88 79 Koonts SS 91 81 rtvan to S3 100 Kennedy.... SS 73 70 McDon'irh... '4 05 68 Colbert. SS 07 123 Klley 94 40 SlCrowell 03 93 83 Totals m 410 i' Totals 4U 457 4M Ninas won rou-ocr, Plnta, Genoa Bet....,..,. Repettl MoCann Qulgley Donohoe ... rowers MoLauch'n 84 .. 77 MeCloakey... 78 81 80 Horen 83 14 107 44 SS 98 :i .. 09 Dummy (0 F0 80 Dummy . ,. M (') SS 8 80 Mullin ... 190 M 70 Totals 419 411417 .. 05 SO 15 ICO 91 TctoU,... tHMOtW Charlei lintel. Kennamer.. M 81 M Kreeman... S W S Hotlam SS 77 II tUrtinan.... 05 101 100 Harvllle 105 03 01 THE WASHINGTON -- : - 'T ... Morgan Sends Line- Up Of Players For Meet ii George McBride, Eddie. Foster, "Rippy" Williams, And Old Fox Will B e in Tourney Nick Altrock May Also Have a Team. CHARLOTTESVILLE, March 14. Cnpt Ray Morgan, of tho Washington club's bowling team, today forwarded tho official entry of h:s team to tho At lantic Coast Bowling Association In Washington. Included In tho line-up of tho ball playing bowlers Is Morgan, Gcorgo McBride, Eddie Foster. "Rlppy" Williams, and the Old Fox himself. Thcro Is much enthusiasm in camp over the approaching tournament In Washington, and. If Nick Altrock can Interest enough of the youngsters In the vcnt.hQ also will ontor a team. Nick Isn't' much of a bowler himself, neither is ho so much of a billiard player that goes for pinochle, poker, checkers, dominoes and tlddle v. Inks, but at ball playing and amusing tho populace, he setB the paco for 'cm alt. Bowling Is part of the form, of amuse ment Indulged In by tho Grlfflthlan, staff after working hours, and The Mlneral Ito, tho biggest alley In this citadel. Is often tho sceno of a friendly duckpln battle. Tho 'A. C. B. A. movement has net yet Invaded Charlottesville, and tho old-style pins and balls are prevalent here. Wednesday and Thursday nights the ball pkiyors havo engagements to play tho local All-Stars, ami these teams will roll frequently before camp Is broken lu order to afford plenty of practice for tho lads who enter tho tournament. -- In Boston last season the players wero on the verge of entering tho tournament In progress there, but some unforeseen hitch occurred that pre vented them from going through with tho plan 9 Captain Morgan has asked tho tourna ment officials for somo dato between April 3 and April 11, as the team Is to be on the road' practically all ot the remaining time, that tho tournament will continue. Griff also Insists that all bowling matches bo dono away with after the regular season starts. Ho likes bowling as a sport for tho boys in tho winter, the same as he permits them to en gage in other athlotlc exercise, but when the championship season Is act ually under way ho would rather they would confine their efforts to tho ball field. r'hnrinttpjivllln citizens have not yet mnla II n tholr Tllnf1 WtlOthOr thfiV O.TO putting tho' Washington baseball club: on tho map or vice versa tho players here, howovcr, aro quuo cerium niwui this aeiaiu i i After ourfew Is sounded over this burg at S o'clock. It Is about aa Inter esting as an almanac easily! Until curfow, though, tho chief occu- rNTERDURHAU LEAGUE. Forest Service. . Plant Industry, Helphenua'e 93 109 81 Mrrrlll .... 98 101 U Taylor 90 98 91 Stely 80 108 89 Brodl 9S 74 88 I.lpp 04 00 79 Drown S 9 121 Haiti 89 97 05 Hilton 03 04 79 Llndstrom. 102 120 93 Totals 481520 439! Totnls 455 459 470 WESTMINSTER LEAGUE. Greens. M Church.. U 81 St Whites. C. R. Cell.. 81 91 SO McKIUen... SO 78 03 W. Church. SO 70 73 Hcrklev 50 .. SJ K. Weeks... SI 09 S3 llrlrht 4 S7 17 Webster.,,, i o w 101 Downs 82 St 91 Davis 01 W 84 O. W. C'ch.. .. 70 .. Totals..;.. 410 413 421 Slues. Totals 410 433 457 Reds. P. Weeks.! 70 81 79 R. McC'ley. 71 07 00 niMir SO 4 86 Doyer 07 M 91 Forfeited. Jasper 07 iw 101 Totals 423 413 451 ' KNIGHTS OK COLUMDUB LEAQUE. Green hare MoKnlghts. qresaett..... 117 95 108 Itntes 55 109 07 Whltty 100 97 9(1 McNeil 117 101 8J MoCarthy... US 81 98 Totals 535 4SS 479 forfeited. WAR DEPARTMENT LEAGUE, Volunteers. TIm trill Ufa Rherldan.... 104 SS 79 Kerr S5 85104 Frlerson.... 91 01 SS Gordon 101 05 105 C. filocUett. Ill 01 04 O. Stockett 84 04 111 Dummy 85 15 55 Coldren W 124 75 'Husted..... 75 S3 M MurreU 85 04 74 Totals 439 472 401 Totals 477 450 499 Veterans. Weeks 19 101 9 Warriors, Jacobsen.... 57 91 84 Allmuth 109 74 00 Farley 75 SS fS Hart 73 93 79 Arata 94 115 91 I teaman 7 M V3 ."i.ll,r, VI in i Mclnnes ... KG l 01 fierce II 50 93 Totals...... uo M 441 Mtultiiit 4W W of TIMES,' TUESDAY; ' i . . sj Spot on Ytfur Vest , Copyright, 1010, by R L. GoWberc. patlon of the students is playing the mandolin to the. silvery moon and dreaming of tho beautiful princess ho will marry when ho grows up there's no doubt about It! Since Thursday lost, there has been moro cnnsccutlvo good weather than during the entire of last training sea son, but Griff knocks on tho arms or his big revolving chair when ho gloats ovor tho fact. EXPECTED IN APRIL Premium List and Entry Blanks Out For Washington Kennel Club's Exhibition. That the coming bench show of the Washington Kennel Club will be a three-point show Is confidently expect ed by the commltteo In charge. The premium list and entry blanks are out and entries will begin pouring in be fore the week is out. Entries closo March 30, the show being, staged at the Washington Riding and 'Hunt Club, Twenty-second nnd P streets north west. April 13, 14. and 15. The best Judges ever in charge of thoroughbreds In this section havo been obtained for this fifth annual ex hibition of the Washington Kennel Club. G. Muss-Arnolt. of Tuckahoo, N. Y., will judgo great dancs. greyhounds, pointers, setters, English sheepdogs, wolfhounds, mastiffs, St. Bernards, and miscellaneous classes. Charles W. Barney, of New Bedford. Mass., will judgo foxhounds, with George A. Flammor, of Newark. N. J., In charge of beagles. Dr. H. B. Kob ler, of Philadelphia, will judge sport ing spaniels. F. Louis Haiiptncr. of Philadelphia, will judge dachshunds. Mrs. Halstead Yates, of Oak ltidge, Va.. will Judgo German sheepdogs and dalmatlans. Mrs. May H. McCurdy, of New Bruns wick, N. J., will judgo collies. Charles It Wood, of Philadelphia, will make awards among bulldogs. Herman uennung, arw Lianorch, Fa., among Boston terriers; Holstcln Hwvey. of Wilmington, Del., among French bull dogs, and Miss Marian Kennedy, of Hempstead, L. I., among Pomeranians. Levi Wilcox, of Philadelphia, will Judgo small dogs, such as Pomeranians, poodles. Chihuahuas, and Maltese ter riers. Theodoro Offerman, of Brooklyn, N. Y., will Judge Airedales, bull terriers, fox terriers, Realylmn ter.-iers, Poklngere. Skyo terriers, Manchester terrlo.-a and Scottish tenters. FTMt mart a IiIim.IhaJ ftjlfnwB 1 , 90 A ha ) Ma A right In special prizes, this belnu tho largest special Ut ever made up by tho local club. uengics, Diiiinnpja, isosmn vomers anil Airedales nro expected to contest for tho honor of tho larrest cntrv for nv Mnglo treed, but thcro will also be a largo representation of srmntoH. Ger man fchcepdogs, collies, setters, Pomer aiilans, foxhounds and cockor vpanlcls, The Boothfleld Kennels, owned by R. T. Booth, provided tho excitement at the March show of the Washington Kennel Club, held at the New Ebbltt lest night before a large throng. Booth's beagles, with their get, selise d five firsts, two red ribbons, and one yellow, besides inning cups in wiree events. Dr. J. Stuart Cassafd, of Baltimore. Judged the cocker spaniel class last night, while Dr. Georgo W. Fisher, of the same rlty, awarded the prlies In the beagle clusseH. Bummarv: COCKER SPANIELS. Dogs First, Broiuo Tip Top, owned by L. H. Steel; second, Ruben, owned by Charles Fisher; third. Rowdy Phil, own ed by Mrs. W. F. Ccuncell. FCmales First, Zulelka, owned by E. M. Wilson; second, LaPetlt, owned by E. M. Wilson; third, Nevals, owned by Mrs. J. F. Blaven. BEAGLES. Puppv dogs, Mx to twelve months i irst, Draughtsman, owned by M. E I T,.-. ..,. iiV,,,..,j t..... .-.J IT ' JJ, ,1,""'""cm uunoii vnntg 10 ' " """" .... I I Puppy females, six to twelve months' First, Boothfleld Bloiuom, owned hy R, THREE-POINT SHOW MARCH 14? 1916. . -. i l . n r.ii i MINCE PIE "LITTLE OF EVERYTHING' BY "BUGS" BAER. 8MS0U "General Fun aton has gone South to train," Half-mile Champion Homer Raker has an offer to run In Europe, but Homer Is too modest to try to outrun a bullet. The Aberg-Stecrfer wrestling mutch should be popular hero as It, Is going to bo held in Omaha rr Chicago. They say that Moran has only one arm. So had Lord Nelson, JIM THORPE'S IMPROVED PLAT ING ENTITLES HIM TO AN OR CHESTRA SEAT ON THE BENCH AT LEAST. Pancho Villa Is about to he eliminated from the toumnment. Leagues Are Shallower. WHAT IF THE TEAM DOES FINISH EIGHTH? BE THANKFUL THAT TOU'VE GOT YOUR HEALTH. AND PONDER O'ER THE ANCIENT DAYS WHEN THE HOME LADS WOULD FINISH TWELl'TH. Must have been awful to have been a losing fan in the days when they Our a league twelve teams deep. Facts Not Worth Knowing? Taking the count doesn't necessarily mean getting bumped Into a ten-second hiatus. Wlllard'a manager will take the count as soon as he can sink his soup talons In the 347,500. Bonl da Oastellens was the last count they. took. That shrinking violet, Benny Kauff, complains bitterly of the pitiless white light ot publicity. He shuns It ltko a flea shuns a pup. A fighter Is In shape when ho gets a wallop in the stomach ilnd his manager doesn't feel it. England la sending oyer for American bantams. Apparently tired of the light weights In their war offlc, Villa dead or alive-. Or both. Critics seem to be right. JM sJetfeon T- Booth; second, Bpeeler, owned by George Goodacre; third, Reader, owned by Gcorgo Goodacre. Punny dogs under six months First. Boothfleld Buddy, owned by R. T. Booth; second, Boothfleld Tinker, own ed by R. T. Bpoth. Puppy fnmlles, under six months First, Boothfleld Tiny, owned by R. T. Booth, Fupny female braces First, Reader and Hncclor. owned by George Goodacre. Team kennel of four First, Boothfleld Kennels, owned toy it T. Booth. Open dogs, nine dogs entered First, Jeff, owned by George Goodacre: second. Draughtman, owned by M. E. Joyce; third, uooinneia uraiiy, ownea oy it T. Tlnnth. Onen females First. Fisher's Maud.1 owned by R. T. Booth; second. Flam- mer's courcmaia. ownea toy Louis Tur ner. , EXCURSIONS OLD POINT COMFORT NORFOLK, VA. SOUTHERN WINTER RES0RT8 special lours to iranoui note! ChuBtberlla Dally Sen Ice Modern Steel Steamers City Ticket Office, 731 loth St. ti. W. (Woodward Building) NORFOLK St WASHINGTON STBAMBOAT CO, A By Goldberg s. 1 J ' ' OlD ItMl Alf Or can't hit anything but a curve, straight ball, lnshoot, floater and drop. Learn One Thing Each Day. A DICTAPHONE IB A LUXURY IN A BOILER FAOTORT. For Sale One rubber ultimatum. Guaranteed to stietch forever. Of no i'so to present owner. Apply, White House. We suggest that Jack Dillon's next op ponent should cruise Into the ring on an unarmed liner and trust to Jack's chivalry. Olaf Henricksbn has gone South to train for his time at bat in the next world scries. Answers To Quecries. Oueery Ed How can I tea the Ma ftaMt mu ooof. Consult an oculist. If you can read the numerals on a $20 bill at fifty yards, that shows you don't care how far you get away from it. This tnialifies you to see the big fight (Copy!. 1918, the Press Publishing Company, The New Tork Evening World.) Hy Brewer Won't Buy Worcester Ball Club WORCESTER. Mass.. March H. Faul McIIale, owner of the Worcester baseball club of the Eastern Leacue. today agreed to eell the franchise to J'ntrlck H. llorsn Edward F. Smith, and John J. McMahon. all of Wor cester, and "Billy" Hamilton of Clin ton. Hamilton will bo manager of thn team. Hiram T Brewer of. New York, for merly Federal League secretary, who has had an option on the team for threo weeks, today took down his money and announced he did not caro to buy the team. . What Gibbons Wants. BT. PAUL. Minn..' March 14. Mlko aibonn, probably the world's middle weight champion, doesn't like to win fights by knockouts, although he has scored nine of them. Mlko wants to be recorded In hlstorv as the world's, greatest boxer, not fighter. Peck Breaks Tie. Peck Chapel broke the tie for second place with Epiphany by defeating tho latter In a closely contested game, 15 to 18, and Fourth Presbyterian defeat ed Keller 25 to 14. In the Sunday School Basketball League, in the gymnasium of the boys' department of the Y. M. C. A. last night. Rex A. C. OutT AH candidates for the baseball nlno of tho Rex Athletic Club are requested to report for practice at Fifth streot and Florida avenuo northeast today at i:30 s. m. Local Boys Sign. Petersburg, of the Vlrclnla State League, will get Ralph Blanton and Salvadora Glovannettl. a local amateur nailery, iiom Doys aro wpii Known here as flrst-rate amateur players. Will Mold Practice. The Brookland Athletic Club will hold baseball practice at Seventh and 'Mon roe streets. Brookland, today at 5 o'clock. A call has been sent out to all candidates to turn out. Announces Its Dates. The annual spring golf tournament of the Atlantic Cttv Country Club will be held or) May 4, S and 6. AMUSEMENTS EMMA GOLDMAN Lectures Wednesday Night. 5:00 p. m. en "The Italian and Spanish Dtnmn," Thursday Xlght, S:00 d. in., "The Intermediate Hex." ARCADE HALL. 14th and Park Road. Admission I Cents. KUQX Harry Hasting-s Ulg Bhow, With AN COLEMAN Ket Week BTAR AND GARTER SHOW. DANCING llll I PR'S BELABCO THEATER! Phone mikbCn jj-i. Up-to-Ui-Mlnut Dances. ( Glover's, 111 itni Prlv. Ussoas. any hr. tO-J, Classts Tuea., Thurs., Bat.) alt danr-is UUsfetrhaJlreeBt fer rsat. U. T. W. HM. 3H I M- VFi:a nwwFKffwm Mil W. MatH-B V 1HC AUVABET 5 1 CAM CfcTCfcV rS TfcAlfO AMh 3T AW2DSS Tli KKfc AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL TOMGUT. 8.1B. A--Pr.,am ot Swt Melody! A Lure of the Waits! ANDREAS DIPPEL Will Present 'PRINCESS -TRA-LA-LA' Tha Iri.u,meh.,Slt. Nw Viennese Operetta, With PHYLLIS PARTINGTON And a Notable All-star Dlppel Cast Week March 37, POLLYANNA. Seats Thurs. E LMENDORF TIlUnSDAY AT 4 30 NORTHERN ITALY March 40. Southern Italy and Blclly. Prlcej, 50c. 75c. and 1L National Theater Wed.. March 2. 4:30. Prices. $2.50. 12, tl.M. It 70c, 50c. On sale at Droop's, 11th and G. W- MAUD Fay Soprano from the Metropolitan Grand Opera, New York. Return ol Wishing Ion's Favorlls (or Oni Performance Only In Tier Successful Costume Ileettal ot Songs la Eagllsh. NATIONAL THE. ATER, GRACE LARUE IFIIIDAY, MAHCU 17, 4134). Prices I 83, I1.BO. 1, 75c, 50L oa sale at Droop's, 13th nnd G. SEATS NOW SELLING 'XJiSSSfH Serge De Dlaghlleff's BALLET RUSSE Prices, $0.00. $5.00, $3.00. $2X0, $1.50. Boxes, $30.00. T. ARTHUR SMITH'S, 1306 G StK.W. BEiLASCO-2:00,3:30,7:30,98f Orch.. 25c. Bal.. 15c. Mezzanlnu. 50c, MATINEE TODAY FIGHTING THE ALLIIS ou geumahy at war THItlLLIXQ BATTLE SCENES'. , "SITUPAM. TAKE NOTKE? Get Your Beats Now For NEXT WEEK Warmest of All. Winter Garden "llablea ihePASSING SHOW or wis OEO. W. MONROE. EUGENE AND WILLIS HOWARD. MARILYNN MILLER AND 1110 OP THE TRETTIEST HEAJIT- UREAICERB. Com For the Opening Night Rurprlse. Eves. Wo to 1X00. Sat. Mat.. SOa to 51.60. Wed.. Fr!.. Mats. $1.00. B.F.KEITH'S Mat., So Eve., So to tL Buy Today. This 'Week nnd Next Sunday, SAM BERNARD of "All for the Ladle." Etc Mrs. THOB. WHIFFEN & CO. BES8IB WTNN. VTU. PKUETTE & CO. Harris 4 Manlon. Five Other Hits. NEXT WKCK NORA HAYES, Etc. Tonliht 1:11 Mcts.Daliy Ex cept Mondays J5o The Greatest Flay of the eeason. "OW TRIAL" Rnvolvlnsr Stage Some as New York Production. With A. II. VAN nUl'.Etf 25 50 75 Next W-k-.8hcpherfl of the Hills Cosmos Theatre ALL WEEIC THE ZANCIGS-CRYSTAL GAZERS A Weird nnd Myatlfylnic Seauce Matinees and livening. LOEWS COLUMBIA Contliinnus 10t30 A, 31. to 11 P. M. Now Playlns FANNIE WARD "FOR THE'DEFENSE" Moms., Attn,, 10c, lCc. Nlchts. 10a. Uo. Uo. Thursday. Friday, Saturday, CONSTANCE COI.I,lEU IN THE CODE OF MAItCIA GRET. Roller Skating ggSSSa- Pemia. Ave. at Ninth at. N. W. Dally. 10. M to 11 S0-1;1I lo i-I:t ta UtM. MAJltgD UAHYUL KACSa NKWILlf. m t UVxWSsfcim.