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WPf? '" W JFi T. -?" - V I J THE WASHINGTON TBIES, TUESD4Y, MARCH 14, 191C. K'C. i - thrown up by scores of broad wieeled army wagons rumb ling unde rtheir loads of war supplies. f Nearly every other soldier seems to have, a sharp shooter's medal on his breast. , Some display several'med als. The field artillery forces are polishing up their weap onstmd overhauling their carriages. A big open blacksmith shop is shoeing horses as-fast-as the smithies can work. Each of the everal corrals for the cavalry mounts has its quota of "rail-birds" discussing the fine points of the animals. I nseparate corrals are the p4ck mules, the hide worn tough whttfe the field and machnle guns'ha've rubbed .their sides. ( . Everyone in camp, is on the watch for a glimpse of a troop of the "Fighting Thirteenth," which is momentarily expected to dash in from Marfa, Tex., to complete the Thirteenth's mobilization Planning AgaintoCall Refugees From Mexico IWATER POWER BILL JTeartny that the movement or Ameri can troops across the border In pursuit of Frandico Villa may be the signal Xor anti-American demonstrations, the State Department Is considering the ad visability of renewing its c (Torts to persuade citizens .of this countr to leave interior sections of Mexico. A special tralnload of refugees, In eluding thlrty-nve Americans, was ex pected to leave Chihuahua City this morning. , Twenty other Americans In the city and seventeen located in the vicinity of the town have rerused to come out. Kerugees arriving at El Paso-from Chihuahua City several days ago de clared that tho Carranza garrison there was manifesting hostility toward Americans. The feeling of tension regarding the probable attitude of the aCrrama au thorities towards the Funston expedi tion was iomewhat relieved today. The State Department receive re ports from border States of Mexico stating that the agreement of the Uni ted States to exend reciprocal prilllegcs to Carranza troous to cross Into Amer ican territory when pursuing bandits raiding Mexican towns from the Amer ican side had been well'recclved. No Report From Sllllman. United States Consul Sllllman, who laid tho note of the United States bo fore Carranza last night, has not yet reported. Teh advance guard of Funston's forces was expected to get under way this morning, but If the start has been made the War Department has not been advised. The reports from the border stating that Villa has abandonod his foray against the American Mormons at Casas Qrandes, and Is In the neighborhood of Qalcana, heading eastward, may cause a change in tho , plans for the troop movements. Army orncers are inclined to bellevo that Villa has changed his tactics with the deliberate purpose in view of forcing the American troops to cross through territory controlled hv the Carranzlstas, and endeavor thereby to stir up complications. The situation was discussed at length at today's meeting of the Cabinet. Sec retary uaKer is understood to have re ported that Funston Is now In readl ness to DUrsuc his camnals-n. The President confered earlier In tho day with Acting Secretary of Stato Polk, who Informed him of the favor able reception of the note to Carranza among the peoplo of northern Mexico. The President also talked with Chair man Stone of the Foreign Relations Committee concerning the outlook. He Is said to have expresed to Senator Stone a belief that there would be no trouble with Carranza. Before tho Cabinet meeting Secretary Baker conferred separately with Sen ator Chamberlain and Congressman Hay, chairman of the Senate and House Military Affairs Committee, In the course of which, It Is understood, he urged that the army preparedness bills be expedited In order that the War De partment might bo prepared for any eventualities. neports from Mexico to the effect that Carranza has selected Gen. Alvnro Obregon as minister of war in his cab inet nave caused some uneasiness In view of tho statementr In Mexican cir cles hero that Ohrecon Is decidedly antl-Amorlcan In his sentiments. Officials of the Wnr Department re fused today to comment on press dis patches from San Antcnto, Funstoi.'s headquarters, stating that tho pcneial has asked for GO.OU) troops for servlco the border during the tlmn the punitive expedition Is operating in Mexico. WAY MEET WITH VETO President Does Not, Want -Ques-'tion of -Use. Settled in the Wrong Way. , n HOPKINS IN WILL SEE GERMAN CAMPS POPE WON'T SANCTION MARRIAGE OF PRINCE Selected to Look Into Sanitary and Other Conditions Sur rounding Prisoners. NEW TORK. March H.-To make a scientific examination of conditions prevailing at the great prison camps In tJermany two surgeons of the stair of the Johns Hopkins Hospital have resigned and are now on their way to Berlin, where they will report to Ameri can Red Cross headquarters at the American embassy. For the last six months It has been rumored that two American physicians would be named to undertake this work. Johns Hopkins Hospital considers the naming or two or us stare an nonor of no little Importance. The surgeons, who were designated are: Dr. Stewart Vernon Irwin, a grad uate pf Hopkins Medical School, class or JSH. lie is a native or uaainna, Cal.. and a graduate of the University of California, class 1911. Dr. Jerome Pierce Webster, a grad uate of Hopkins Medical School, class WW. He Is a native of Plymouth. N. M., and a graduate of Trinity College, class 1910. Got Kaiser's Permission. It was necessary for tho American Red Cross to obtain permission from the German military authorities for the work to be done by Drs. Irwin and Webster. The Baltlmoro surgeons will have access to the Immenso prison camps, where hundreds of thousands of British. French and Belgian prison ers are confined. IJrs. Irwin and Web ster, It Is said, will bo attached to tho American embassy. Acordlng to ir Khoades Kaycr weather, the British government re quested tho American Department of State to name two surgeons to visit the British prison camps In Germany. Dr. Fayerweather's name waa mentioned as one of tho two to go to Germany, but ho was unable to accept the appointment.1 It Is' believed that Di-h. Irwin and Webster will be attached to a Red Cioss unit after reaching Berlin, and that they will Immediately begin their work of In spection. The Baltlmorcans will doyoto most of tlulr time to tho British camps, and their reports will be mailo to the British government, though subject to the scrutiny of tho censor. King Ferdinand's Heir Must Turn Catholic to Obtain Dispensation. ROME, March 14. Pope Benedict has refusedt the request of 'Emperor Francis Joseph' of Austria-Hungary for the necessary dispensation for the marriage of the Austrian archduchess who la to weoCrown Prince Boris of Bulgaria. Tho pontiff insists that this dispensa tion can be granted only by the Vatican the heir Co the Bulgarian throne again becomes a Catholic. i (Contfnued from First, Page.) la nnnsduranco that the Administration will at onco take a hand. Air." Kent's and the President's letters havo been mado publlowlth tho President's per mission., Kent's Letter to Wilson. Mr. Kept write In par: This water power development Is something that, undcr'ahy proposed legislation, will tun atUcast fifty .years, , and .Under, the Hhlolda bill as it Is being founght out in the Senate, will run for an lndefluito time un- .less upset. volution or the sovereign power of taxation. The bill as It Is being paused In the Senate will be extremely vicious, and what amendments we can secure by. conference with the House com mittco are unknown.. Unless. some one in the Administration takes strong ground, there is every chanco that nothing at all will bo dono, and that the waters will go to waste simply because some of us feel that a waste for a year or two Is better than to sacrifice all public rights practically in perpetuity. I know of no greater service that can be Immediately rendered by tho Secretary of War than the consider ation of the control of water power on navigable streams, which comes Immediately undor his Jurisdiction, and It will be my pleasure to put hm in touch with tho best authorities. We are making a light against people who thoroughly realize the i immense fortunes to bo made out of control of these, our common assets For Influence and lobbying work, the water power crowd are tho shrewdest and most dangerous people that we bavo to fight in the country today. It Is Inherently necessary that there should bo no doubt aboqt what will happen if a bill goes before ou inav uocs not uuiy proieci mo jjuuiiw Interest, and one In such a nature that tho Injustice may be continued thruogh an indefinite term. Indicates He Would Veto It. Thu last paragraph of Mr. Kent's let ter was an appear for the President to Indicate publicly that ho would veto such a measure as the Shlolds bill; and the President's reply Is construed an conveying about as dlrect'an Indication as could well ho expected from the White House. His letter said: Thank you for your letter of March 7. You may be sure that I will call the 'attention of the new Secretary of war to the waher power question at the earliest possible moment, for you know, I sm sure, my deep and genuine Interest In It. I agree with you that It Is better to let the water power run to wanto than to scttlo tho question of the use of It In tho wrong way. I am watching tho progress of legislation with a great deal of anxiety. In the last session of Congress thn President made n statement on thin same subject, which wan uacd, though only privately, with much effect to pre ent the passage of what was consider ed a dangerous water power bill at that time. The fact that this tlme-hc hns author ized publication of his plain warning Is aegarded as pretty nearly Insuring tnat thcro will be no legislation at all this hesslon. I'en among those who voted for tho Shields bill In the Senate thero wan widespread recognition of Its unsatis factory character ns a conservation measure. Thus Senator Walsh, on tho last day of the discussion, said the hill was imperfect, and did not nerve the fmbllc Interest; but ho relied on Its bo ng corrected In the House, and so pro posed to vote for It. Aero Fund $350,000. LONDON. March 14. The armored aeroplane fund opened In India now amounts to morn than f350,000. HOUSE VOTES-TODAY ' ON BORLAND RIDER Crisp Gives Treasury Depart ment and Holman Rule Ben efit of His Doubt. APPEAL F0R1ERC! Fl fi HUSBAND-KILLER North Carolina- Women's Clubs Petition for Clemenoy to Save Her From Chair. (Continued from First Page.) hardshly oh anyone, but 'simply sub mits this nronasltlon to the Home. If the House approves of tho proposal, it may vote It In the bill I If it disapproves,' it may voto it down. "The Chair thinks the substitute amendment comes within the Holman rule, and therefore .overrules the point of order." , Congressman Borland's substitute pro posal, as published heretofore in The Times, proposes not only an olght-hour day, but requires a reduction of 10 per cent In tho present working torce ofall the Government-departments, this reduction to bo made on or before Juno W. 117. It Is hardly believed Congressmen will vote for wholesale dismissals to offset an eight-hour day of labor on the part of itho underpaid survivors. Bill To Pass Today. The i House will pass the legislative, executive and judicial apropriatlon bill as soon as It disposes of tho Borland substitute. The eight-hour provision constituted the last paragraph In tho annual bud get, and the measure Is scheduled for final passage this afternoon. As soon as the legislative ' bill has been raased It Is the plan of Majority Leader Kltchln to call up the bill re pealing the frco sugar clause of the Underwood tariff law. 'ihls Is tho first of the revenue meas ures which Congress must consider at this session. The Democratic leaders of the House still hold to the belief that alt other revenue legislation should be Included In an omnibus bill, although the Presi dent is Inclined toward separate consid eration of tho Administration tariff commission bill. Immediately after this ruling debate was begun on the merits of the Bor land substitute. The parliamentary discussion on the substitute was participated In by Con gressmen Mondell, Stafford, and Bor land, the two former alleging that the nubstltuto awn not In order. They con tended that Mr. Borland sought to do Indirectly that which he failed to do directly on Saturday when his orlatnal eight-hour rider went out on a point of oraer. Both of these members Insisted that the Borland substitute wan a dlvtsable proposition; that two substantive pro posals wore contained In It and that they were not related one to tho other. Congressman Borland contended that the proposition! were closely related; that tho reduction In force was followed by a longer working day for the clerks remaining, and tho two proposals went hand In hand. Mr Stafford argued that the legisla tive appropriation bill did not cover all Government departments, notable excep tions being the Agricultural, interstate Commerce Commission, and the Dis trict of Columbia, whereas thn Borland substitute would rover nil departments. Therefore, Bald Stafford, the substitute was not germntne. Chairman Crisp said ho took this Into consideration, but tho pending nppio nriatlon bill covered most of the clerks. Ho sold ho belle ed It In order under tho Holman rulo for a niembor to offer an amendment reducing the number of clerks and retrenching expenditure! and that the second part of th Borland sub stitute was a natural consequenco of tho flrnt Approximately 300 members of tho House wero ryesont during tho debate. The attendance on the Republican side, where opposition to the Borland plin Is especially strong, bclns; Tore repre nitle than that on the Democratic side. Marriage Licenses. WHIUm S. Smith, Chicago and Natalie it. Cotrell. Earl T. Baser and Nellie M, Moormau, Mt. va, Jackson Edward I. Illchmdna. Va. Mueller, and Virginia T. Darts. e Htampn. Halnlo r). Palmer, Rudolph Thomas ahd-Desile Htampn, jioo.ri nunnany ans Georgian to Dine. The Drat annual banquet of the Georgia Hocloty of the District will bo held at the Raleigh, April 1. The affajr will be.informal. V. M, J lairs ton Is chairman of tho committee on arrangements. r TLhe palate IRcngal A. Littier Hours 9 to 6 G STREET WINSTON-SALEM, N. C March 14. Whether a convicted hUabund-klll-cr shall break North Carolina's long record of no capital punln)iment for women, will be decided Monday when Governor Craig will hear appeals or clemency for Mrs. Ida. Bell Warren. Unless he grants mercy, Mrs. War ren and Samuel Crlsty. with whom she once live as his wife, will die In" tho electric chair March SI for the murder of James G. Warren. Governor Craig refuses to give the slightest Intimation whether-the ap peals for mercy by women's clubs, or the State supreme court's opinion of the murder as the most brutal that ever came tq its notice, has most In fluenced him. , Mrs. Warren's own story is that aho chloroformed her husband 'While he slept, and that Crlsty 'strangled him. Then Crlsty and Mrs. Waxren'a son-ln- law, mutilated the dead man's head so it could not be recognized, and burled It In a creek where It was found. When Mrs. Warren and Crlsty saw It In a morgue, they declared they could not Identify It, but Warren's family did later, and the trial resulted. Appeals for' Mrs. Warren's life have been made by the Antl-Caplta! Punish ment League and by numerous women' orrunlsatlons, the latter basing their appeal on sex. Muncle. Ind., women wrote that they parsed their resolutions on Lincoln's birthday. $1 Lingerie iMMrrew Real Estate Transfers. 131 and 1J1S Ninth street northwest; 1MJ Fifth street northweat and UK Fifth street north et-t Id H. flalomon to Julian Salomon, ona-half Interest In part lots 7 and S, square J9J; part Iota U and 1J. square VH; lot 12, square 40. and part lot II, square 517. $10. Woodley Iark-Caleb C. Magruder. Jr.. to Arthur II. Wheeler, lot M. nquarn 2109, $10. Tennruea aenue northeaat. between 1J and ? VJr.", 9 "edges et ul.. Iiustees, to William Murphy, lot 37. aquare ltnj, lis;. W0 Seventh street norl beaut Watson F. Clark et al tru.teei to Thoman II. Hall, part lot 21, square S7. 13.210. Eighth atreet northeant, between U and M ""eet Ooorjge? K. Flemlna; t at., truatees. to William U Miller, lot :, aquare tit. S2.200. li K atreet northeast Mary C. McDonald t Mr. Thomaa A to Jamea C. Iloovur, part lot 2&0 and 2u2, and all lot 21, aquare f7S. 110 (atampa 12). Columbia ilelshta-nobert L. O'ltrlon et uz to Mary C McDonald, lot 121. block 24. 310 (tampi H) Sherwood'a Addition to Brooklsnd It. Milton Henderaon et ux. to Flora II O. Hchwlnter. lot 7, Mock I. H.J71.M, subject t trutt for tl.US.72. t W'aahlnstnn Heights Patrick O'Hnnbn et ux. to Jeremiah C. O'Connor, lota 3 to 14, block 1, 110 (Ktamps 34). Cardinal Gotti Is Near Death; Gets Last Rites ROME, March 14.-Cardlna Gottl, pre fect of the propaganda, Is gravely 111. He has been given the last rites of the church. Cardinal G(jtl. was given the red hat In JS95. His office of prefect of the propaganda Is one of the most Influen tial In tho Catholic church. All mission ary lands. Including somo parts of America and Africa, are under the juris diction of his office He was born In Genoa. March 3. 1X34. A rrri 1 A t I I 1 88c Everything Noae Reserved Regular, patrons know of the new and be witching $1 gowns, thi newly wide petticoats, the envelope chemises, and various combina tion garments. Special Notice To avoid undue crowding two locations' of distribution ' will be arranged for tomorrow on Street and Third Floors, -Wednesday only, at 88c. Jy $1.00 Girls' 88c The new and hveienic School Dresses, attractive in an- pcarance, but easily laundered. Of best Amoskeag and Ander son's Ginghams, the colors can be relied upon. Sizes 6 to 14 years, at 38c instead of gl.oo, for tomorrow only. $1 BloilSeS Tomorrow ggc New touches making these Middy Blouses different and better than any previously sold at Si. 00. With all the appear ance of man-tailored and with the bright color trimmings all white if preferred these blouses are a wonderat SI. 00. ChilrJreiVs 6 to 16 years J Q For Misses' 16 to 20 years . One Adults' 36 lo42 bust J-' Day . . Tomorrow on Third noor- Elevator. a. Lisner-Palais Royals Street THE WEATHER REPORT. The forecast for tho District of Co lumbia Unsettled tonight and Wednes day: probably rain or snow; tempera tttro tonight 34 to 36 degrees. Gentle to moderate easterly winds becoming vari able. Maryland Cloudy tonight and Wed nesday; probably rain or snow. Mod erate northeast winds. Vlrglnlu-Unsettled tonight and Wed nesday; probably rain or snow In north and rain In south port'on; colder In ex treme west portion. Moderate, easterly lnds. TEMPEnATURES. (U. S. Bureau.) 8 a. m S3 9 a. m 33 10 a. m...., U 11 n. m 43 It noon 45 1 p. m 48 TIDE -TABLE. High tide 3:6.' a. m. and 4:18 p. m. Low tide 10:33 u. m. at)d 11:10 p. m. SUN TAni.E. 1:13 I Sun set 6:07 Tho refusal of the ?ope to sanction this marrlago appears on the face of a; to put a stumbling block to the pro posed strengthening of the Austro-Hun-garlan bonds by a new marriage. When King Ferdinand, as crown prince, married Princess Marie-Louise or iJourbon-Parma. n 1833, the family of 'tho princess Insisted on the condi tion that the Issuo of the marrlnir. hn brought up in the Roman Catholic ralth. A constitutional amendment to this effect was passed by the Bulgarian Parliament. In 1836, however, the King's eldest son and heir. Prince Boris, then only two .enra old. was "converted" to the Or thodox faith, the Orthodox Gree:c Church bolug the national faith of Bul garia. This was done to effect a recon ciliation between Bulgaria and Russia. The rendition stipulated bv the family of King Ferdinand's first -wife In marry ing tho King did not apply to Prince Boris. Thoro arc no children from tho second marriage. ' Curlouslv enough, the chief object of tho vnunt; pilnso's convention, which had been a marriage between him and the Grand Duchess Olga, daughter of Cxar Nicholas, had "fallen through." The marrlago was to be announced at King Ferdinand's coronation In 191'. hut never was. Tho chief reason is be lieved to have befn the refusal of tho Czar's daughter lo marry Boris, the grnnd duchess, according to gcne)al re port, having been In love with tho Utand Dul, Dlinitrl. With tho failure of this marriage be gan tho gradual estrangement between Bulgaria and Russia. Cars Tied Up While FunstonNeedsThem NEW YORK, March 14,-Thousands of freight cars Ho deadlocked on eastern tails In the seaboard freight tlc-up while Maj. Gen. Frederick Funston is beseeching railroads In the southwest for cars to transport soldiers and sup nlles to tho border. Army men, however, pointed out that after Funston's border natrol Is r.atah. llshed and tho active expedition la under wuy there will be supplies available from the Middle West sufficient for sev eral months' campaigning during which uma ina ue-up win nave to do aiiovi ated. . Eun rose. Light automobile lamps 6:37 p. m. i Mai imniil . sw ii ' ' m ux mill 1 1 1 J 1 1 , "Largest Credit Jewelers in the World" -. What I A 0'We CJgaV L HT HIJIJ2laiaaaaaaaaW LZZ Bargain Values in Our gilBH ' tllll SaBBBBBBaW W A Ai!k,'WBaBBBBBBBH gfek First Annual Watch SaleMlliH qadc ,JF ffiffiME$ For Standard $25 and $27.50 Models i HM a Safety Coat Chain. Fob or Watch Pin A v FREE j JJ 96&W-!e'--W&il A Fine Appetizer f x a weu-maue cocKiau taicen P before meals Is a splendid ap- T pettier as well as a rejuvenat- 3 or for that tired feeling. Ours x aro mado of tho nurest and highest grade- materials. 2 Manhattan ) 5 Martini I ,1.10 Dry Martini f Ilottle. T Ilronx I $ To-kalon Co., Inc. $ $ 1405 F St. Phl-e Main 998 t j2j-tri-w;-.;i-wTmvm.9w9.:, ! To Prevent The Grip. Colds cause Grip- Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the :ause. There is only one "BROMO QUININE." G. W. Grove's signature on box. 25c. Advt. Thorough Chiropody Half L century comfortlim re frt means experlenca warranting tMcltnt and productive service. No mattrr what annoyance, will ncconuillih rreults, GEORGES & SON, Inc. CHIROPODIST!. 1214 F Street Nertkwet For ladies we offer plain models, also the popular Bracelet Watches, including the convertible styles, which may be worn with chain or pin. These have 14-kt. gold-stiffened cases, with the very best American movements. At St.50, which may be paid 50 cents weekly, we are offering you Watches that are priced at $25.00 and $27.50 all over this country and to every purchaser we will give a choice of Safety Coat Chain, Fob or Watch Pin. The many different models for men have permanently guaranteed 14-kt. gold-stiffened cases, with the famous "Rockford" 15 and 17 jewel movement. In the Middle and Far West this is the standard timepiece of the principal rail roads. No movement is finer or more thoroughly reliable. Elgin or Waltham movements will be furnished if preferred. Every watch is fully guaranteed, both by the manufacturer and by the "House of Castelberg," and we agree to keep them in perfect repair for one year free of charge. Castelberg's, 935 Pa- Ave. Profit-Sharing Coupons, Worth 5', With Every Payment r. I