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sriff77 "wrur-rt T,rw, ff r Tf1 1 7WT "5Wf7 ""T5 " T,r7 rjr"nfg V, - THE WASHINGTON TBIES.1 TUESDAY; MARCH 14; 1916, " SET OUT AND ROOT FOR TRAIL HITTERS 6 SONDAH PLEA Evangelist Preaches First of His "Keynote Sermons" in Baltimore Campaign. BALTIMORE, March 14. Billy Sunday win preach this afternoon at tho taber nacle m "Pergonal Work." This ii one of his ''keynote sermons," In which he urges ministers, church Workers, and all who are atdlne him in hit campaign to "sot out and root" for trail hitters. " Ho has not announced his night sub ject. At noon today a meeting will be held on the sixteenth floor of the Casualty building to organize the business mon's prayer meetings. Theso will be held dally In the downtown section at noon. Reports from last Sunday's collec tions show a total of $2,7S5.W for the day. The total amount raised in tho campaign so far to defray the advanco expenses of building tho tabernacle and ott)er costs. of the campaign Is 1S.M.12. Luncheon meetings for womon will bo resumed today. These aro being hrld In the downtown section dally from 11 to 2 o'clock. Yesterday was "rest day" for tho Sunday party. Mr. and Airs. Sunday toured official Baltimore In tho morn ing, were guests of Capt. and Mrs. John Rldgely at luncheon at Hampton, and In the afternoon Mrs. Sunday left for Philadelphia and Winona Lake. Sho wltl return the latter part of this week. VERMONTERS TOLD HYPHENS MUST GO Congressman Greene Makes Pica Before Society For America First. Newly mode Americans, who come to this country to find relief from undo- slrable political or economlo conditions at home, must throw their whole al legiance to the side of America, Con gressman Orccne declared in an address last night before the annual meeting of the Vermont Society. . The speaker called Up the spirit of '76 as an instanco when "America nrst" was in reality tho slogan for tho colonists. He also contrasted the hardships they endured with the pam pered life of the society man and woman of today. .... ,., . George R. Wales was elected president of the socloty. Other sttlcers chosen were Charles II. Urook. UoTge O. Knapp, and Mr. Irving Woodrmt, vice presidents; Mm. ;nco K. Ciiambcr.ln. corresponding secretary; Ernest L. Uanaalt. reordlnt; secrcta y: Hugh C. bir.lth, financial secretary, nnd :tay wond Hall, treasaror. The board of Jlraco. will consist ot Major D. 8. Fletcher, Walter W. Hus band, and Mrs. Mabel It. Pierce. Tho honorary pres'dnnla a'e ronicssmen ureene and Ualo. Justices Staffi-ril and rote, Judgo O. M ' icer. . P. rm llngham, and C. B. Hugh. Vocal selections were contributed to the program by Mrs. Francis Shore. OHIOANS CAPITULATE TO BALLET RUSSE Great Audience Greets It Enthu siastically At Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, Ohio, March H. Be fore one of the most distinguished and fashionable assemblages of tho city's social and art and musical life, tho Serge De Dtaghlleffo Ballet Busso opened a brief engagement here tonight . fh Mimtn Hall under Metropolitan The biff building was crowded to tho doors ana uu imu ..v.. ; dancers was enthusiastic and cordial. carried by the company, and conducted uy jsrnesi .luueriitci, "o "" . director, also caihA in for a great share of the applause as did Frederic Frad kln, the violin soloist. Dlaghllefte, who was standing in the back of the hall, started to the stago after tho first ballet. He was stopped by a crowd In the foyer and given a round of applause to which he re sponded In French. All of tho principals were at their best nnd the ensombles with tho Bakst costumes and backgrounds, not only were a. sensation, but they mode Cin cinnati gasp u New York did at the Century. Musicale For the Blind. A program of twenty numbers will be given at the muslcalo for the blind to night at 8:15 o'clock in the Library of Participating In tho program will bo Mfsa Frances Scherger. soprano; Mrs. Milton C. White, contralto; Paul HlncB. tenor; Milton C. White, bass; Mr i Sue Burrows Jennings, pianist, and Milium deLuca, flultlst. Anti-War Speeches. Opposition to war will bo expressed tomorrow night by Congressman War ren Worth Balloy of Pennsylvania, Congressman James H Davis of Texas, the Rev. Ii. H. Farklnnon of Chicago, and Mlra Rebecca Hhrlly of Dotrolt in speeches at the meeting of tho Anti War League in tho Public Library. 1 i Capital Man Battles For British in France Edward H. Fellows Captain of English Cavalry on Battle- front in Flanders. From a prominent figure, in Washing top society to a hard-working captain of English cavalry nt tho battle front in Flanders such is tho transition through which Edword M. Fellows, for mer master of the hounds of the Wash ington Riding and Hunt Clb, has passed stneo leaving hero In May, 1914. An nouncement of this and news that Captain Fellows Is allvo and well are oontalned In a lottor Just rccetvod here. Somewhere In tho north of Franco to-( uay is tne dtsiinguisnea looKing wasn Ingtonlan, for, dcspltn the fact that ho Is English by birth, descent, and man nerism. Fellows chose to call Waahlnsv ton his permanent abode until the war caused him to reswear nis allegiance to his natlvo land. Standing mnro than six feet, of clear complexion. Iron gray hnlr and mus tache, tho former master of the hounds attracted attention wherever ho mads his appearance at social functions, horso. shows, and hunt meets. He suc ceeded Walter Tuckorman as M. K. u. of tho Riding and Hunt Club, and be came one of tho most popular "mas ters" tho club ever had. Entertained Here. Mrs. Fellows augmented by her charm and grace the popularity won by her dashing husband, and the couple soon became a Washington Institution, being hosts at numerous delightful en tertainments at which the "horsey" contingent assembled at their apart ments in the Highlands, and guests at almost every affair of note on the city's social calendar. Mrs. Fellows was an American girl. Miss Bessie Tucker, of Raleigh. N. C. But tho carefree llfo which they had both set out to live In tho Capital was "too Ideal to Jaat long." to use the words of one of their friends. The counts was ohlleed in lav Washington to no to England to aettlo nn estate left to Mr. Fellows by the win 01 an uncie. uney were in Kngiana when the war started, and during the winter of 1914 Placed their country place, Charlton Manor, North Pewsey, Wiltshire, at tho disposal of tho Canadi an regiments. Ib Made Lieutenant. Early in the spring of 1915 Mr. Fel lows could not longer stand the sight of his fellow countrymon going to war while he remained Idle. He enlisted In the remount squadron at Ormsklrk, near Liverpool, and was commissioned a lieutenant of cavalry. In September last he was commissioned a captain and sent to tho Flanders front. Sev eral times ho has been reported killed, but fortunately has bobbed up alive after each rumor. Mrs. Fellows Is In London with rela tives and friends of her husband. She has advised her Washington friends that they may reach her husband by addressing him care of the English cavalry at Dieppe, Franco, maybe. Struck By Locomotive, Asks $25,000 Damages Suit to recover 126,000 damages from tho Washington Terminal Company was filed late yesterday in the District su premo Court by Parrls Prince, through Attorney Ucorgo S. ttulltvanr. The petitioner Informs the court that while employed as a track walker by tho defendant he was struck by an en gine near M street crossing and perma nently Injured July 8, last. The railroads running trains Into Union Station are mado co-defendants with tho terminal company. Schmidt Widow Asks Administratrix Papers Meta Schmidt has petitioned the pro bate court for letters of administration In tho estate of her husband, August scnmiat. valued at $3,C50. Personal nroncrtv. including ih. atnu in a grocery storo at 400 w stret north- wen. casn. nousenom errccts, stock -In mo neuncn urening i.ompany and a promissory, noie, is iimtd at 17,900. Real estate owned ty the deceased is value! at $15,750. Suffrage Petition. Twenty-one feet of suffrage signa tures were affixed to a petition received by Congressman Claude Kttchln, chair man of the Ways and Means Commit tee, today from women voters or Il linois, asking that Congress adopt the Susan B. Anthon suffrage amendment. The petition was prepared by the Chicago branch of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, and was mailed to Congressman Kltchin. SSMMkHB ARMY LEAGUE URGES ACTION, DN DEFENSE Passes Resolutions for Quick Consideration of Chamber lain Bill. WASHINGTON SUFFERER IS GREATLY RELIEVED William H. Lacy Says One Dose of Mayr Remedy Ended Ilia Troubles. William H. Lacy, of Washington, D. C. for throo years suffered from derange- menU of the stomach nnd digestlvo tract. He was threatened with un operation. He tried Mayr's Wondeiful Remedy. In a short time he declared he had been restored. He wrote: "I have suffered threo years every day with -a miserable feeling and was treat ed by the best doctors, whom I know made some wonderful curex, but guve me no relief. "Three weeks ago they sent for a surgeon to operate on me, I read of your treatment and I took a bottle. Whatever there wus the mutter with me lias disappeared, and I feel as well as ever. They say I am a little ascd : I am sixty-three years old. 1 feel as veil as i ever aid in my lire." Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per manent results for stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas In the stomach and around the heail. Get one bottle of your druggist row and try it en ar. absolute guarantee If not satis factory money wlH be returned. Advt EDWARD H. FELLOWS. BODY OF H. O. DAVIS TAKEN TO WEST VA. Congressional Delegation Goes To Elkins For Funeral. Tho Senato and House of Representa tives ore urged to drop consideration of all other matters and pars the Cham berlain bill for tho Increase of the reg ular army at once In a resolution adopt ed by tho oxeoutlvo council of tho Array League. The recessltlcs of the present sltua- tlon In Mexico mnkn It Imiinratlvn that wio momoers or congress should glvo Immedlato attention to tho army af fairs, the resolution states. Tho Chamborlaln bill provides for tho organisation of the regular army on a basis of 178,000 men on a peace foot ing and 248000 on a war footing. Six months will bo required for tho organization and equipment of, the ad ditional regiments authorized, tho coun cil states in its resolution. The Chamberlain bill incorporates all tho important features of tho general stall plan for the Incrcaso of tho army. The Army Leaguers stato they h llevo tho army In Its present form pron ably could handlo tho actual warfaro In Mexico, but tho situation of the country generally presents a problem that has many morn Important angles. On Flower Culture. Kenator Wesley li. Jones of Washing ton wilt lecturo on tho resources ot hU home State, with particular refer ence to the largo varieties of flowers grown thore, at tho second opon meet ing of the Brookland HrotherliooJ to night. Tho brotherhood will meet In Lord Memorial hall, Twelfth and Newton streets northeast. Following tho funeral services for for mer Senator Henry Gaasaway Davis at tho residence of his daughter. Mrs. Stephen H. Elkins. 16 K street north west yesterday afternoon, tho body, ac companied by friends and relatives, was token to West Virginia for burial. A Congressional delegation also ac companied tho body to its last resting place. Others who went Included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee und their two children, Halllo and Henry Davis, chil dren of Jthn 1'. Davis, son of Senator Davis; fcrmer Senator Davis Elkins, Richard Elkins, U. Elkins, H. M. Hen ley. J. a. Emmart, nnd C. S. lioub. John T. Davis left liabana. Cuba, Sat urday morning and is cxptcted In K1 kins In timo for tho services there. Services yesterday afternoon were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Charles Wood, pastor of tho Church of the Cov enant, and a quartet from the choir of that church song. The train carrying tho body Is due at Elkins late this afternoon nnd the body will lie In stato at the Davis home until tomorow afternoon when services will be held at the Davis Memorial Church. Interment will be at Maplewood Ceme tery. Mrs. Barrett Lectures. Mrs. Kato Waller Barrett will speak this afternoon on "The Family and the Church." at Epiphany Church as a part ot the scries of Lenten addresses to women. Mrs. Barrett talked yesterday on tho relations of the "tn-laws," who were compelled to live with a married couple. RUB RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS AND STOP PAIN Instant relief with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." Rheumatism Is "pain" only. Not ono case In fifty requires inter nal treatment. Ptop drugglnKl Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacoo's OH" right into your sore, stiff, aching Joints, and relief comes Instantly. '"St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheirmallsm llnhnrnt which never disappoints and cannot burn skin. Limber up! Quit complaining' Oct a small trial bottlo of old. Honest "St Jacobs OH" at nny drug store, and in Just a momnt you 11 be free from rheu matic pain, soreness, and ntlfTnPus. Don't suffer! Relief nwnlt you. '"St. Jacobs OH" In Just an good for sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. Advt. giiiniiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij m New Sanitary Law In Effect Now "No person shall provide or expose any cup, drink ing glass ... in any place under his control . . . unless such cup, drinking glass . . . has been thordughly cleansed and sterilized since last used" Individual Jfcg&ifiup service complies with the law and the cost is trifling. ndividval Drinking (j (mpany DUtribuUd by FEDERAL SALES & SERVICE CO., WOODWARD BUILDING Tchphon your ordm4444 Main ni-i-M-ri-ii i i ! -9-vm 9'm'''99m9J.m ? The Women's Store Cffij&KQ$4&!&& 1109 G Street Spring Fashion Exposition AH This Week Every Day Brings New Creations to Our Already Complete Stock. Suits,$29.50&$35 They are stunning, aristocratic, and individual ' embodying youth, grace, and becomingncss. In : every new laonc ana new snaaes; eacn sun is oeau- tifully finished, elegantly lined. Suits at $25.00 j No suit house south of Now York can offer such a value. Inspect these suits and you will be con vinced of tne wonaewui value. v ' Two Attractive Millinery Specials SC..., $7,501 j ana These smart hats were inspired by modistes of Paris, but made X for you by our own skillful artists, who adapt the motifs to .the Z tastes of American women. All the new shapes effectively trim med. f f iiif ifffitiitififffiiiff iiif laiTeitfiTti W, 3& 5tfco$&$ Sons, S ano llth St PROFIT SHARING SALE SLIP COVERS We jre showing the most comprehensive dis ,play of slip cover mate rials to be found in Wash ington and call your par ticular attention to our unexcelled facilities for taking care of your needs In this direction. On all orders taken dur ing March which can be made up. and delivered at once we will allow a spe cial discount of 10 from our regular estimate. ' A" postal or phone call will bring a representa tive to talk over this prop osition ' DRAPERY SECTION $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 Panel Curtains, $3.95 Hand Made Panel Curtains of which we can secure no further supply, made of Renaissance. Cluny, Heal Arabian, and Filet Laces on lm poited net. Mostly Kcru In color, and only one panel of a pattern. Can be used for odd windows or cut up for fancy work purposes. Sofa Pillows at Special Prices, made in our own shops from discontinued patterns of imponea uamasK ana urocaae. Pillow worth regularly up to $5.00, now ,..i..., Pillows worth regularly up to S7.50, now u- .$2.85 $3.85 $1.50 Leather Table Throws $1.15 Full large size skins, plain colors, tan, green, olive, and brown. i. $5.50 Matting Covered Utility Box $4.35 Covered with flno quality matting and finished with rottan edge. Shellac finish Inside. 500 squares of Tapestry, Repp, Damask, Brocade, Velour, etc., about 24x24 in., for pillow tops, or can be used to reupholster odd chairs. Specially priced at 50c, $1.00, $1.25, up to $4.00 each. Sample Lengths of Net, Voile, Madras, Marquisette, etc., mostly 3 yards in each piece, values up to 75c' per yard. lO-ir To close out, yd IA2W Upholstery Fabrics at Special Prices 1 yd. and 3 yd. lengths of Imported Damask , Tapestry, Brocade and similar fabrics. Owing to conditions abroad we can obtain no more ot thc&e and we have marked our samples at an average reduction of about 1-3 from rosular price. . French Double Faced Velour Portieres, green, tan, olive, and wine color. Regularly $20.00 and $22.00 $17.50 pair Tapestry Couch Covers, 60 in. wide and full length reversible patterns. Regularly $5.00 $3.95 each Nottingham Lace Curtains, Reg. S4.00 '..t.w..r $2.95 Pair Nottingham Lace Curtains,' - Reg. S5.00 1...... $3.85 Pah Ecru Macka Curtains . 'Reg. $, 25. ...-rtJ -.,ri,.85p Pair White and' Ecru Madras Curtains, Reg. S2.25 $1.75 Pair White Bobbinnet Curtains, with insertion of Battenberg Lace, Reg. $4.50..$3.35 Pair White Irish Point Curtains, Reg. $5.00 $3.85 Pair White Irish Point Curtains, Reg. $6.50 ..,.: $4.95 Pair Portieres Tapestry Portieres, assortment of! colors, but not many pairs of any colors. Regularly $5.00 eq QC ' and $6.00, per pair 5O.I0 Tapeatrr Portieres, mostly in brown and (JJtr rje green. Regularly up to $8.60; per pair..., D9lO Snnfaat Hep p Portlerra In practically, all colors. No more of these goods can now be had. Specially Priced at $8.50 and $10.75 Pair. Cream Scrim Curtains, plain or lace edge. (PI A A Regularly $1.50; pair D-LUU White Marquisette Curtains, lace edge. CJ1 Of" Regularly $2,001 Palr - - &XOd White and Cream Valance Curtains, lace fl1 n(r edge. Regularly $1,75; set Dl40 While Marqalsette Valance Curtain, plain double hem and Insertion of lace. Regularly $3.00; J0 nr net WUtCtO CARPET AND RUG SECTION . High Grade Wilton Rugs We are showine all the best makes, such as Bieelow Aidebil. Hartford Saxonv. French. Hardwick, Empress, etc. in plain, self toned, Persian, and Chinese effects. AH the newest' n1nfinorc V colorings. Sizes Range from 2212x36 to 12x15 ft. Prices from $4.50 to $125.00. The Nearness of Spring suggests house cleaning and the desirability of Vacuum Sweepers. We carry the Bissell and Torring ton. $7.00 and $9.00 NEW STRAW MATTINGS Fine Quality China Matting 19c per yd. Japanese Cotton Warp Matting. . .21c per yd. An attractive line of designs and colorings to choose from. Special Clearance of Fibre and Grass Rugs, consisting of designs and qualities we will cease to carry. Santex and Newtex Fibre Rugs, 4.6x7.6, $2.45 Imported Grass Rugs, 9x12 . . .$5.50 Santex and Newtex Fibre Rugs, 6x9. . .$3.75 Imported Grass Rugs, 8x10. . , $4,75 Oriental Rugs For this week we are offering our entire stock of Room Size Oriental Rugs at 2S9& from the marked prices. All the desirable makes and colorings, including the most interesting collection of Chinese Riigs ever offered in Washington. If you are not prepared to use your purchase now we will store it free until the fall season. Prices range from $75.00 up. No rugs sent on approval during the period of these extremely :low prices. The Mol Complete Office Furniture Department in Washington FirsT: Floor, Eleventh Street Building